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Exploratory Research Design Week 02 W. Rofianto, ST, MSi

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Exploratory Research Design Week 02

W. Rofianto, ST, MSi

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Research Design: DefinitionA research design is a framework or blueprint for

conducting the marketing research project. It details the

procedures necessary for obtaining the information

needed to structure or solve marketing research


Research Design

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Define the Information Needed

Design the Exploratory, Descriptive, and/or Causal

Phases of the Research

Specify the Measurement and Scaling Procedures

Construct a Questionnaire

Specify the Sampling Process and the Sample Size

Develop a Plan of Data Analysis

Tasks Involved In a Research Design

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Unit analisis : sampel mahasiswa aktif di JABODETABEK

Tipe penelitian : descriptive research, cross-sectional

Penghimpunan data : online Survei

Teknik sampling : convenience sampling

Jumlah sampel : 210, 6 kali jumlah indikator (35 buah)

Teknik analisis data : Structural Equation Model

Example of Research Design Summary

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Operasionalisasi Variabel

Variabel Definisi Alat Ukur (Original) Alat Ukur (adaptasi)



Suatu kekuatan yang


seseorang untuk

mencapai tujuannya

(Maclnnis & Jaworski,


1. The topics of discussion in the forum

are generally relevant to me.

2. I am always interested in the issues

being discussed on the forum.

3. Being on the forum energizes me.

(Gruen et al., 2007)

MOT1. Saya merasa perlu menggali

informasi terbaru dari website kampus saya

MOT2. Saya sangat tertarik akan informasi

baru yang disajikan pada website kampus


MOT3. Saya sangat bersemangat untuk

menjelajahi website kampus saya



Gambaran seberapa

besar seorang pelaku

memiliki sumber daya

untuk merealisasikan


(Hoyer & MacInnis,


1. I generally find it easy to exchange

ideas with other Internet forum


2. I consider myself very skilled in

using the forum.

3. I am generally good at navigating

within the forum.

(Gruen et al., 2007)

ABI1. Mudah bagi saya untuk mencari

informasi yang saya butuhkan di website

kampus saya

ABI2. Saya cukup mahir untuk

menggunakan seluruh fitur yang disediakan

pada website kampus saya

ABI3. Secara umum saya mahir dalam

menjelajahi website kampus saya

Rofianto, W (2016). Rerangka Moa Dan Website Quality Sebagai Pembentuk Sikap Dan Konsekuensi Behavioral:

Suatu Unifikasi Model. Working Paper at Indonesia Banking School

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Variabel Definisi Alat UkurSkala




Suatu kekuatan yang

mendorong seseorang

untuk mencapai

tujuannya (Maclnnis &

Jaworski, 1989)

MOT1. Saya merasa perlu menggali informasi terbaru dari website

kampus saya

MOT2. Saya sangat tertarik akan informasi baru yang disajikan pada

website kampus saya

MOT3. Saya sangat bersemangat untuk menjelajahi website kampus


(Gruen et al., 2007)




Likert Scale




Gambaran seberapa

besar seorang pelaku

memiliki sumber daya

untuk merealisasikan

tujuan-tujuannya (Hoyer

& MacInnis, 2008)

ABI1. Mudah bagi saya untuk mencari informasi yang saya butuhkan

di website kampus saya

ABI2. Saya cukup mahir untuk menggunakan seluruh fitur yang

disediakan pada website kampus saya

ABI3. Secara umum saya mahir dalam menjelajahi website kampus


(Gruen et al., 2007)




Likert Scale





Karakteristik teknis

suatu website, seperti

kemudahan navigasi,

keamanan, fasilitas

pencarian, personalisasi

dan kemudahan akses

(Al-Qeisi et al., 2014)

TEC1. Website kampus saya memiliki sistem navigasi yang baik

TEC2. Website kampus saya memiliki sistem pencarian (search)

yang baik

TEC3. Website kampus saya memiliki banyak fitur interaktif (misalnya

formulir online, customer service chat)

TEC4. Website kampus saya mudah diakses

TEC5. Website kampus saya dapat dimuat (load) secara cepat

(Al-Qeisi et al., 2014)




Likert Scale


Operasionalisasi Variabel

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Single Cross-

Sectional Design

Multiple Cross-

Sectional Design

Research Design


Research DesignExploratory

Research Design



Causal Research





A Classification of Marketing Research Designs

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Exploratory Descriptive Causal

Objective Discovery of

ideas and


Describe market


or functions.


cause and effect






Often the front end

of total research


Marked by the prior

formulation of specific


Preplanned and

structured design.

Manipulation of one

or more independent


Control of other

mediating variables.

Method Expert surveys.

Pilot surveys.

Case studies.

Secondary data




Secondary data




Observational and

other data.


A Comparison of Basic Research Designs

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Exploratory Research Design

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Exploratory Research Design

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Exploratory Research Design

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Exploratory Research Design

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Exploratory Research Design

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Exploratory Research Design

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Experimental Research Design

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Experimental Research Design

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Descriptive Research Example

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Descriptive Research Example

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Descriptive Research Example

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Descriptive Research Example

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Why Use Qualitative Research?

“Most of what influences what we say and do

occurs below the level of awareness.

That’s why we need new techniques: to get at hidden knowledge –

to get at what people don’t know they know.”

Jerry Zaltman





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Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Objective To gain a qualitative

understanding of the underlying

reasons and motivations

To quantify the data and

generalize the results from the

sample to the population of


Sample Small number of non-

representative cases

Large number of representative




Unstructured Structured

Data Analysis Non-statistical Statistical

Outcome Develop an initial understanding Recommend a final course of


Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Research

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Data Sources





Events and happenings

Artifacts/ media products

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Focus Groups

Qualitative Research





Case Studies





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Focus Groups Discussion

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Action Movie

Action Scene

The Interview Question Hierarchy

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Case Studies

A case study is a "published report about a person, group, or situation that

has been studied over time.

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Grounded Theory

Sbaraini, A., Carter, S. M. Evans, R., and Blinkhorn, A. (2011). How to Do A Grounded Theory Study: A Worked Example of A

Study of Dental Practices. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11.

Grounded theory (GT) is a systematic methodology in the social sciences

involving the construction of theory through the analysis of data.

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Action Research

is a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action.

The primary reason for engaging in action research is to assist the “actor” in

improving and/or refining his or her actions.

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is the systematic study of people and


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Group Interview Modes





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NonProbability Sampling






General sampling rule:

You should keep conducting interviews until no new

insights are gained.

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Analysis of Qualitative Data

1) Data reduction – Select which aspects of the data are

to be emphasized, minimized, or set aside for the

project at hand.

2) Data display – Develop a visual interpretation of the

data with the use of such tools as a diagram, chart, or

matrix. The display helps to illuminate patterns and

interrelationships in the data.

3) Conclusion drawing and verification – Considers the

meaning of analyzed data and assess its implications

for the research question at hand.

Qualitative Analysis

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