Explorations in Design Anthropology

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  • 7/27/2019 Explorations in Design Anthropology








  • 7/27/2019 Explorations in Design Anthropology



    Man has always looked to nature and derived ideas from the workings of nature, but in

    the past this has been achieved on a very simple level. Technological design problems

    have, however, become increasingly complex during the last 100 years, and, with the

    proliferation of technology in our society, mankind has become more and more

    alienated from direct contacts with his biological surroundings. Victor Papanek,

    Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change

    Bionics (also known as biomimicry, biomimetics, bio-inspiration or biognosis) is

    concerned with studying and imitating natures best designs and processes to solve

    human problems, taking nature to be the model, measure, and mentor. This relatively

    new design discipline is an important development in the times we live in, where

    sustainable development and go green are the buzzwords on everyones lips.

    Of course, through history there have been the exceptional designers. A bird is an

    instrument working according to mathematical law, which instrument it is within the

    capacity of man to reproduce with all its movements?, said Leonardo da Vinci in 1511.

    Fire, the lever and fulcrum, early tools and weapons - all these were invented by man

    observing natural processes, with the wheel possibly the only exception to this rule.

    (Papanek, 1971)

    But one must realize that humans have come to a point in evolution wherein the

    increasing imbalances in nature such as global warming, threatens our very own

    existence. It is high time we adopt practices that are harmonious with nature and bionics

    can be the torchbearer of the movement.

    Lavasa City, touted as Free Indias first Hill City, located near Pune, will be adopting

    biomimicry as they construct their second town - Mugaon. Mugaon will be the worlds

    first region to channelize the concepts of biomimicry in design and architecture. One

    should think of how with each acre developed, almost an acres worth of ecosystem

    services is lost. Roofs reflect sunlight, ather than capturing it for energy. Carbon is

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    released into the atmosphere rather than sequestered in vegetation or soils. Buildings

    and streets shed rainwater into storm sewers that rush it away, rather than filtering it

    through wetlands or seeping through soils into ground water. The solution could be a

    city transformed so that it provides the same ecosystem services as the wild areas

    surrounding it a city which fits into the ecosystem. (http://hopebuilding.pbworks.com)

    But what can be done about the vast number of Indian towns and cities which have

    already aided in disrupting natures balance through exploitation, pollution, and over

    population and continue to do so? What kind of bionic solution can one incorporate in a

    system so that the ill effects on environment can be reversed or at least slowed down

    marginally to let nature begin to heal itself?

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    Pollution levels across India are some of the highest anywhere in the world. And on top

    of this pile of polluted places is Kolkata. Once the old beautiful, capital of colonial India,

    the city has been reduced to a huge garbage yard with tons of plastic waste strewn onevery square inch of the city. Along with the number of aging buses and trucks spewing

    smoke - the various coal fires and dusty construction sites, have made the landscape a

    wasteland. There is a disturbing lack of lack of proper sanitation and a vast section of its

    population doesn't bat an eyelid before urinating or defecating in public.

    In an online poll conducted which had its last update in November 2011, the following

    stats were seen:



    Air Pollution 95.00%

    Drinking Water Pollution and Unaccessibility 95.00%

    Unsatisfaction with Garbage Disposal 90.00%

    Dirty and Untidy 90.00%

    Noise and Light Pollution 35.00%

    Water Pollution 75.00%

    Unsatisfaction to Spend Time in the City 85.00%

    Unsatisfaction with Green and Parks in the City 65.00%


    Air quality 5.00%

    Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility 5.00%

    Garbage Disposal Satisfaction 10.00%

    Clean and Tidy 10.00%

    Quiet and No Problem with Night Lights 65.00%

    Water Quality 25.00%

    Comfortable to Spend Time in the City 15.00%

    Quality of Green and Parks 35.00%

    Politics has always been a prominent part of the Kolkata culture. However the excessive

    politicizing of every issue has made it extremely difficult for legislation to be formed. The

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    government in its quandary chooses to sleep over the various bills (which would protect

    the environment), rather than irk the contractors who pay for the party funds. This has

    led to an unhealthy environment of government apathy and general callousness,

    especially in taking care of the living conditions. In its mandate to "provide rights to the

    poor" they have totally neglected the harm being caused to the environment by the

    millions of poor in the city and ultimately, to themselves.

    Even when a number of NGOs had petitioned that the pollution norms be strictly applied

    to the errant bus contractors, the ministry decided to make the announcement with a

    condition that "people with genuine reasons can get a reprieve from the pollution control

    measures". This kind of obvious molly coddling of the transport contractors have further

    emboldened them, making it impossible for the police on the ground to fine the law



    Plastic bags is another area where the West Bengal government has failed to check

    pollution. Elsewhere in all other major cities of India, plastic bags are banned as they

    cause widespread pollution which is difficult to remove. But not in Kolkata. The result is

    that the drainage system is choked in the city and the roads look like an unending

    garbage yard. Filth and disease accumulate in this waste causing diseases and

    generally making the whole city an unhealthy place to live in.


    Sanitation, too, remains one of the major issues that need to be tackled. Long stretches

    in the city are without public toilets and wherever vacant ground is found, it is put to

    good use. On some roads, the ill-maintained public toilets are a pain for hawkers as well

    as passersby. The very few public toilet and a public bath witness jostle for space.

    Environmentalists blame the repeated outbreak of diarrhoea and cholera on this

    practice. Despite numerous campaigns, nothing has changed. The practice of urinating

    and defecating has grown with the rise of pavement dwellers in the city.


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    Gross irregularities have also been found in the waste management system of the

    Calcutta Municipal Corporation (CMC) in terms of both efficiency and monetary affairs.

    Collection of waste from houses was not regular and satisfactory. Reducing, recycling

    and reusing of waste was made impossible by non-segregation at source.


    Granted, a city needs to be kept clean by the Government authorities, but one cannot

    completely put the burden on them. Cleanliness should start at the community or locality


    There have been efforts but as one will come to know from the following example,

    habits die hard:

    About 250 trash bins had been installed by the CMC conservancy department at various

    places and some other areas in the central business district three months ago. The

    fibre-made bins had been placed in front of government offices, hospitals, hotels and

    other commercial establishments. The exercise was aimed at enforcing cleanliness

    norms. Offenders who would not use the bins were meant to be fined.

    The civic authorities had conducted several raids after installation of the bins and found

    out that old habits had not changed, even after installation of trash bins. Conservancy

    officials had even imposed token fines for littering streets. As a desperate measure, the

    CMC turned towards students to teach adults the need to keep their city clean.

    The city authorities contemplated on starting mobile toilets with three to nine seats that

    can wait around the busy junctions. They were also planning on creating indicators

    pointing to the nearest toilet. People who live in slums or the pavement dwellers need a

    place to wash their clothes and visit the toilets. There are construction site laborers,

    courier-service men, door-to-door sales persons, taxi drivers, and the entire transport

    sector a whole lot of people whose work takes them all around the city, hence a need

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    for toilets in every corner of the city. But how much of it has been implemented is yet to

    be seen. (www.youthkiawaaz.com)


    One could consider that keeping a city clean is not only the responsibility of a certain

    body of people but it is also subject to individual sense of duty. Thus, a step towards

    solving the waste management and pollution problem in Kolkata could be that the

    people themselves, take the initiative at the root level of disposal of trash.

    For this, different communities or localities could function like micro ecosystems in order

    to bring about a change in the bigger picture.

    What is a micro ecosystem:

    Eco refers to an environment and system refers to a complex coordinated unit.

    Ecosystem is a basic ecological functional unit which consists of abiotic (light,

    chemicals, ph balance and so on) and biotic factors (living organisms) which are

    interdependent. It speaks of a large functional area of the biosphere of the earth.

    A micro ecosystem, is a sub ecosystem, which can exist in locations which are precisely

    defined by critical environmental factors within small or tiny spaces. Micro ecosystems

    can vary within very short distances. For example, the ecosystem conditions applying at

    a typical pond edge can be quite different from those further from shore. Thus, the two

    areas will have different micro ecosystems.

    They are self contained systems in which several species of organisms are living. Most

    often these systems have their own nutrient cycling patterns. A common scheme for

    cycling organic compounds found in most ecosystems involves primary production,

    consumption and decomposition.

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    How it applies to the context:

    Thus one can think of designing a community function which involves the responsible

    use of resources and recycling as much as is possible. Say, for example, one can start

    at the level of residential complexes.

    Just like a micro ecosystem functions on its own, residential complexes in Kolkata, too

    can take up the initiative and stress on sustainable lifestyles, reusing and recycling of

    produced trash so that the final output of garbage that goes out is sorted and much less.

    However this will require much awareness on the part of the residents themselves.


    (n.d.). Retrieved May 3, 2012, from http://hopebuilding.pbworks.com:




    (n.d.). Retrieved May 3, 2012, from www.numbeo.com:


    (n.d.). Retrieved May 1, 2012, from http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/:



    (n.d.). Retrieved May 1, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com:



    (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2012, from www.youthkiawaaz.com:


    Papanek, V. (1971). Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change.

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