Explain the sorts of problems that might occur when


Transcript of Explain the sorts of problems that might occur when

Page 1: Explain the sorts of problems that might occur when
Page 2: Explain the sorts of problems that might occur when

Explain the sorts of problems that might occur when supporting learning activities and how to deal with these

There are always going to be one or two pupils who struggle to learn certain

concepts or objectives in class, but sometimes there may be a situation when the

whole class, or large groups within the class, seem to have trouble with something.

Dealing with these problems, regardless of how many children find something

difficult, is a crucial part of learning support, and having the confidence to do so is an

important part of your role.

Issues that can affect learning support.

Issues with learning resources

Ensuring that the equipment you need works the way it is supposed to is an obvious

thing to check prior to a lesson, but it is not always possible at the time. On a busy

day, one job leads to another, and sometimes essential checks do not take place.

That's when you find that the DVD player doesn't work, that the computer lead is

missing, or that all the pencils are blunt and the sharpener has vanished.

The best way to deal with these problems is to offset them before they happen, but if

you haven't time to check through the equipment beforehand, it is a good idea to

have a back-up plan for either a related but different activity, or another piece of

equipment that can be used the same way, or in a similar vein.


Page 3: Explain the sorts of problems that might occur when

Problems with learning activities

Sometimes the ability of the children involved in a lesson is not of a mature

enough standard for them to understand the task or to complete it in a meaningful

way. When this becomes clear to you, it may be a good idea to adapt the task -

perhaps simplifying it, or presenting it in a different way - to make it easier for the

pupils to figure out. It is always best to check your plans with the teacher to ensure

that any alterations you make to the task are appropriate and suitable for the age

and maturity of the children.

Unsuitable learning environment

Sometimes the classroom can become a difficult place to learn, especially on days

when it is very hot weather, or when there are a lot of distractions or noise. With

external disturbances, it may be possible to ask the source of the disturbance to

quieten down; for example, if there is a noisy group of pupils causing a ruckus, or if

the maintenance man is mowing the playing field outside the window. At other times,

it may be less disruptive to find somewhere else in the school for the class to take


Some tasks need a lot more space than others, and in situations where pupils

are vying for space to be able to complete an activity, it may be more prudent to

ask them to split into small groups that take turns using equipment.


Page 4: Explain the sorts of problems that might occur when

Did you know?Bullying is a big problem for some schools, and it can seriously affect children's

learning. They may not want to come to school at all, or there may be issues in

particular lessons, where they are more easily exposed to a child who is a bully.

Noticing bullying behaviour through the way children interact is really important,

because it gives adults a chance to intervene and deal with it before it is officially

brought to the teacher's attention.

Problems with assessments

Although most evaluations in primary schools are not done in an enclosed 'exam'

environment, assessments can be difficult to complete sometimes if there are lots of

children doing many different types of tasks. It may help to split the class into

groups or to take an evaluation group to a different classroom or learning space to

continue with the evaluation.

Other children can also sometimes disturb assessments by helping less able

children with tasks or by simply being distracted (and causing a distraction) by

the evaluation activity.

Learner difficulties

Children and their learning can be affected by many external and personal factors,

and these are covered in Unit 2. Factors that can be added to the difficulties in

supporting their learning include the ability of the children - and the breadth of

abilities within a single class; how interested they are in a subject and how long they

are able to focus on it; how they feel about themselves and how secure their home

life is; and how all these things feed into the way they act when they are in school.