Experimental Design & the Scientific Method

Experimental Design & the Scientific Method Physical Science 8 2013-2014


Experimental Design & the Scientific Method. Physical Science 8 2013-2014. Variable. The condition or factor that CHANGES in an experiment so the effects can be observed. Dependent Variable (DV). A variable whose value DEPENDS on the value of another variable. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Experimental Design & the Scientific Method

Page 1: Experimental Design & the Scientific Method

Experimental Design &the Scientific Method

Physical Science 82013-2014

Page 2: Experimental Design & the Scientific Method


The condition or factor that CHANGES in an experiment so the effects can be observed.

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Dependent Variable (DV)A variable whose value DEPENDS on

the value of another variable.

To identify, ask: What is actually being measured in the experiment?

When graphing, usually goes on Y axis.

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Independent Variable (IV)A variable whose value does not depend

on the value of another variable.

To identify, ask: What is being changed to see an outcome in the experiment?

When graphing, usually goes on X axis.

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Control Group/ConstantsA condition or factor that is kept the

same throughout an experiment.

To identify, ask: Which group is receiving no “treatment”?

A proper experiment must have a control.

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Experimental GroupA condition or factor that is changed

or tested in an experiment.

To identify, ask: What is being changed to see an outcome in the experiment?

A proper experiment will only change ONE thing at a time!

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Qualitative Data

• Deals with descriptions.• Data can be observed but not measured.• Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance,

beauty, etc.• Qualitative → Quality

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Quantitative Data

• Deals with numbers.• Data which can be measured.• Length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time,

temperature, humidity, sound levels, cost, members, ages, etc.

• Quantitative → Quantity

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The Scientific Method

Definition: An organized way to solve a problem.

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Step #1

State the Problem

Which means: What is the effect of _________ on _________?

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Step #2

Gather information

Which means: research (books, on the internet, journals, etc)

observations (using your 5 senses!)

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Step #3

Form a Hypothesis

Which means: Make an educated guess based on your research!

must be written in “If this…. then that” format

must be measurable

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Step #4

Perform Experiment

Which means: step by step procedure identify control and experimental group list materials needed

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Step #5

Record and Analyze Data

Which means: use data table, graphs and charts to organize

does the data make sense?

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Step #6

Reach a Conclusion

Which means: Always state whether your hypothesis was

correct. Explain why or why not, sources of error, and

what happened.

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An exampleA student wonders if it possible to float a cork in the middle of a glass of

water without touching it. He looks up the density of a cork and of water on the internet. He finds out that water has a higher density than the cork. He also looks in his science book to see if the experiment has been done before, but it hasn’t. From the information he gathers, he does think that a cork will float in the center of a glass of water. He puts the materials for his experiment (a plastic cup, a cork, a spoon, and water) together. He finds a flat surface and fills the cup with water and drops the cork in. He writes down on a sheet of paper his results. The cork does float in the water, but it goes to the side of the cup. He then blows on the cork and again, it goes only temporarily to the middle of the cup, but then goes back to the side. He writes that down. Finally, he adds one spoonful of water at a time until the water is almost coming over the top, but not spilling over. The cork floats in the middle and stays there! The student felt excited by his results.

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1. What is the problem?2. What information did the student gather

and where did he gather it from?3. What was his hypothesis? 4. What did the student do in his experiment?

(list the steps)5. What would his data table look like?6. What was his conclusion?

Cork Example