Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil &...

Experiment-Based Deployment With Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Los Angeles June 8, 2004 June 8, 2004 UCLA UCLA

Transcript of Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil &...

Page 1: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.

Experiment-Based Deployment With Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Buildingthe Four Seasons Building

Steve KangSteve Kang

Department of Civil & Environmental EngineeringDepartment of Civil & Environmental Engineering

University of California, Los AngelesUniversity of California, Los Angeles

June 8, 2004June 8, 2004


Page 2: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Four Seasons Building

• “Yellow-tagged” following 1994 EQ

• Abandoned for 10 yrs.

• Scheduled for demolition

Page 3: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


A closer look….

Page 4: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Project Schedule

• Project start date – May 2003• Pre-testing analyses – April 2004 • Building access granted – mid-April 2004• Mount shakers – May 2004• Install instrumentation – May 2004• Perform testing – June/July 2004

Page 5: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Pre-Testing Analyses

• Pre-testing numerical Modeling of existing building– Review original drawings of the building– 3-D finite element modeling of existing building– Determine optimal locations for vibration shakers/sensors– System identification (mode shapes, periods, damping)

• Site characterization and Preliminary field investigation.– Detailed field investigations of structural damage– SEAOSC manometer survey

Page 6: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Summary of expected work

• Field testing with Eccentric mass shaker– Forced vibration tests in N-S, E-W translational vibrations and

torsional vibration– Vibration tests before and after the removal of partitions to evaluate

the effects of nonstructural elements

• Field testing with Linear inertial shaker – Simulations of building response using the LSSS test method

• Post-testing Numerical modeling and System identification studies– Evaluate modal properties of building; stiffness, damping– Numerical simulation of the building’s earthquake responses

Page 7: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Instrumentation Plan

• Floor accelerations– 30 accelerometers

• Rocking motion– 6 vertical accelerometer – 24 Strain Gauges = 6

columns*4 faces• For interstory drift

– 12 DCDT's = 3 bays*4stories

• Curvature measurement– 8 DCDTs– 70 strain gauges

36 Accelerometer channels 20 DCDT channels 94 Strain Gauge channels

Page 8: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Field Testing

Page 9: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Project Challenges

• Security/theft• Transients • No electricity• Broken glass/loose wires• Environmental concerns

– Mold– Asbestos

• Seismic Safety Standard

Page 10: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Shaker Transportation

Page 11: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Shaker locations







MK-15 eccentric shaker

Linear inertial shaker

Eccentric mass shaker

Page 12: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Shaker Installation

Page 13: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Page 14: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Strain Gauge Installation

Page 15: Experiment-Based Deployment With the Four Seasons Building Steve Kang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Los Angeles.


Secure Rooms