Expected Questions - PM's Visit to France-Germany-Canada _ Exam Pundit - Achieve

Expected Questions - PM's Visit to France-Germany-Canada | Exam Pundit - Achieve. Inspire. Repeat http://www.exampundit.in/2015/04/expected-questions-pms-visit-to-france.html[4/23/2015 6:38:46 PM] 5.896 ExamPundit.In ExamPundit.In IBPS SBI Insurance RBI SSC Current Affairs Freezone Quiz Contact Expected Questions - PM's Visit to France-Germany-Canada Posted by Exam Pundit | 9 comments Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here are the expected questions on PM's Visit to the 3 nations, France, Germany and Canada. 1. With which country did India recently signed 20 MoUs on different fields? - France 2. Which UN Agency was addressed by PM Narendra Modi on the occasion of its 70th anniversary? - UNESCO 3. Who is the president of France? - François Hollande 4. Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and French firm Areva signed a MoU for cooperation to maximise which Nuclear Plant? - Jaitapur Nuclear Plant 5. L&T, Areva inked pact for cooperation on Jaitapur nuclear plant. Jaitapur Nuclear Plant is located in which state? - Maharashtra 6. Megha Tropiques, is a satellite programme between ISRO and We are on Facebook



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    IBPS SBI Insurance RBI SSC Current Affairs Freezone Quiz Contact

    Expected Questions - PM's Visit to France-Germany-Canada

    Posted by Exam Pundit | 9 comments

    Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here are the expected questions onPM's Visit to the 3 nations, France, Germany and Canada.

    1. With which country did India recently signed 20 MoUs on differentfields?- France

    2. Which UN Agency was addressed by PM Narendra Modi on theoccasion of its 70th anniversary?- UNESCO

    3. Who is the president of France?- Franois Hollande

    4. Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and French firm Areva signed a MoU forcooperation to maximise which Nuclear Plant?- Jaitapur Nuclear Plant

    5. L&T, Areva inked pact for cooperation on Jaitapur nuclear plant.Jaitapur Nuclear Plant is located in which state?- Maharashtra

    6. Megha Tropiques, is a satellite programme between ISRO and

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    ___________.- French CNES

    7. ISRO and CNES signed a MoU to expand which satelite project by 2years?- Megha Tropiques

    8. ISRO signed a MoU with CNES and ______ for implementation Ka-band propagation experiment over Indian tropical region.- ONERA

    9. India and French Railways signed a MoU on __________________.- Delhi-Chandigarh semi-high speed rail

    10. Volontariat International en Entreprise (VIE) scheme was recentlysigned between India and ______.

    - France

    11. India recently agreed to buy Combat Aircraft Rafale fighter jetsfrom which country?- France

    12. How many Combat Aircraft Rafale fighter jets were agreed to buyfrom France during PM Narendra Modi's visit?- 36

    13. India recently partnered The Hannover Messe 2015 Fair, it wasorganised by which country?- Germany

    14. Angela Merkel is the _________ of Germany.- Chancellor

    15. The painting named Tree of Life was gifted by PM Narendra Modito _______.- French President Franois Hollande

    16. Canada signed an agreement with India to provide _______ tonnesUranium over the next ____ years.- 3000, Five

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    17. India with which country recently signed an agreement on CyberSecurity?- Canada

    18. Year of Canada in India will be held in _______.- 2017


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