Expanding Learning through STEM and Making a Difference for Children and Youth

Expanding Learning through STEM and Making a Difference for Children and Youth Joe Davis Florida Afterschool Network www.myfan.org [email protected] @JoeDavisFAN (on twitter)


Expanding Learning through STEM and Making a Difference for Children and Youth. Joe Davis Florida Afterschool Network www.myfan.org [email protected] @JoeDavisFAN (on twitter). ExpandingLearning.org // @LearnAndExpand. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Expanding Learning through STEM and Making a Difference for Children and Youth

Expanding Learning through STEMand Making a Difference for Children and Youth

Joe DavisFlorida Afterschool Network

[email protected]

@JoeDavisFAN (on twitter)

ExpandingLearning.org // @LearnAndExpand

High quality afterschool programs are proven to accelerate student achievement

ExpandingLearning.org // @LearnAndExpand

A meta-analysis of afterschool programs that seek to promote personal and social skills in children and adolescents. American Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 294-309.

ExpandingLearning.org // @LearnAndExpand

The 21st Century Community Learning Center Program

ExpandingLearning.org // @LearnAndExpand

Florida’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers

2010-2011: Enrollment and Funding

Funding: $54,684,057

Number of Students Proposed (RFAs/RFPs):


($994.26 / proposed student)

Number of Students Reported (PPICS): 65,346*

($836.84 / enrolled student)

Number of Students >30 Days Attendance (PPICS):


Student Hours 18.4 Million Hours**

     * PPICS attendance data are incomplete for some programs, so reported numbers are underestimates.

     ** See detailed note below about the “student hours” statistic

ExpandingLearning.org // @LearnAndExpand

Student Demographics (PPICS)

Student Ethnicity: 48.1% Black/African American26.4% Hispanic/Latina(o)24.3% White/Caucasian American

Student Grade Levels: 51.4% Elementary (PK-5)32.0% Middle (6-8)16.6% High (9-12)

Percent Limited English Proficient: 13.2%

Percent Free/Reduced Price Lunch: 72.6%

Percent Special Need / Disability: 14.0%

Florida’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers

ExpandingLearning.org // @LearnAndExpand

Florida’s Afterschool STEM Collaborative:

Phase I:

•FAN awarded a STEM planning grant from the Noyce Foundation

•Partnership STEM Survey available online at http://casperfl.com/stem.html

• Regional STEM Roundtable discussions

•Development of Partnership Materials

•Florida STEM Needs Assessment Report

Increasing STEM in Afterschool


•Core Afterschool STEM Competencies

•Standards for Quality Afterschool STEM Programs

•Quality STEM Self-Assessment and Improvement Guide

•Establishment of Florida’s Afterschool STEM Collaborative

Joe Davis, COOFlorida Afterschool Network

[email protected](850) 222-4025@JoeDavisFAN

Expanding Learning Through STEM and Making a Difference for Children and Youth