
ZOOLOGY EXOCOETUS (Flying fish) Diksha Sharma Roll no.- 620 Sec.- B Batch- 4

Transcript of Exocoetus


EXOCOETUS(Flying fish)

Diksha Sharma Roll no.- 620

Sec.- B Batch- 4

Scientfic Classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Superclass: Gnathostomata

Class: Osteichthyes

Subclass: Actinopterygii

Order: Teleostei

Suborder: Acanthopterygii

Identifying Features

Unusually large pectoral fins

One pair of fins

Streamlined boby


Live in all oceans particularly

tropical and warm subtropical waters


Flights are typically around 50meters

Flying fish moves its tail upto 70 times/s and then spreads its pectoral fins and tilts them slightly upward to provide lift.

At the end of a glide, it folds its pectoral fins to re-enter the sea.

They can travel at speeds of more than 70km/h.

This enable the fish to hide and escape from predators.

Digestive system complete but intestine without scroll valve.

Gills are 4 paired and covered with opercuum.

Air bladder is present for swimming.

Heart is 2 chambered and RBC's are nucleated.

While still in the early stages of development, the flying fish uses camouflage to disguise itself as Baringtonia blossoms until they mature and are able to jump of "fly."

Fertilization is external.


Flying fish spawn in the open ocean, usually among seaweed and other aquatic plants.

Their eggs are generally large and have a long filament which anchors it to surrounding plants, debris, etc

Flying fish have been known to mate in large groups, sometimes over a million at a time.

They usually begin the mating season around December, reaching it's peak at around June.

Sexual dimorphism is absent.

Flying fish is important both as food and as bait for other important large pelagic fishes.

Preyed upon by swordfish, tunas and many other larger pelagic fishes