Existence Results for a Family of Equations of Fractional Resolvent

Sains Malaysiana 44(2)(2015): 295–300 Existence Results for a Family of Equations of Fractional Resolvent (Keputusan Kewujudan bagi Keluarga Persamaan Pecahan Berperingkat) RABHA W. IBRAHIM*, SAYYEDAH A. QASEM & ZAILAN SIRI ABSTRACT This study deals with the presence and distinction of bounded m-solutions (type mild) for a family of generalized integral and differential equations of spot order with fractional resolvent and indefinite delay. Keywords: Fractional calculus; fractional differential equations; fractional differential operator ABSTRAK Kajian ini membincangkan kehadiran dan perbezaan terbatas m-penyelesaian (jenis lembut) untuk keluarga integral umum dan persamaan pembezaan titik tertib dengan pecahan berperingkat dan lengah tak tentu. Kata kunci: Kalkulus pecahan; pecahan pembezaan pengoperasi; persamaan pembezaan pecahan INTRODUCTION Araya and Lizama (2008) imposed the concept of α-resolvent families to establish the existence of m-solutions to the differential equation: in a Banach space Ξ, for automorphism functions In addition, the authors prove the presence and distinction of: as well as: Numerous researchers established the existence and uniqueness of m-solution for different types of fractional differential equations and differential-integral equations (Agarwal et al. 2012; Cuevas & Lizama 2008; Diagana 2009; Ponce 2013). Furthermore, Cuevas and Lizama (2008) elected almost mild solutions for: where Λ is a linear operator and φ(t, x) is almost automoorphic Lipschitz in x. Agarwal et al. (2012) studied analytic resolvent operator and existence results for fractional integro- differential equations of the form: Ponce (2013) considered the presence and distinction of bounded solutions for the linear fractional differential equation: where Λ is a closed linear operator defined in a Banach space Ξ, α > 0, a L 1 (R + ) is a scalar-valued kernel and f :R × Ξ → Ξ substitutes some Lipschitz type conditions. Dhanapalan et al. (2014) created the presence and distinction of m-solution of a class of nonlinear fractional integral-differential equations: in a Banach space Ξ, where 0 < α < 1. The results are obtained by fixed point theorems. The results are established by using Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem and the contraction mapping principle. All the fractional operators are defined in the sense of the Riemann-Liouville fractional calculus. In this conduct, we deal with the finding and regularity of m- solutions for a class of abstract fractional integral- differential equations of the pattern: (1) (2) where and Ξ Ξ, t 0, are closed linear operators; is a Banach space; the antiquity v * :(–, 0] Ξ, v * (θ) = (t + θ) accords in B and φ, ψ:J × B → Ξ are devoted functions. Finally, D α stands the Caputo fractional derivative (Kilbas et al. 2006; Podlubny 1999),

Transcript of Existence Results for a Family of Equations of Fractional Resolvent

Sains Malaysiana 44(2)(2015): 295–300

Existence Results for a Family of Equations of Fractional Resolvent(Keputusan Kewujudan bagi Keluarga Persamaan Pecahan Berperingkat)



This study deals with the presence and distinction of bounded m-solutions (type mild) for a family of generalized integral and differential equations of spot order with fractional resolvent and indefinite delay.

Keywords: Fractional calculus; fractional differential equations; fractional differential operator


Kajian ini membincangkan kehadiran dan perbezaan terbatas m-penyelesaian (jenis lembut) untuk keluarga integral umum dan persamaan pembezaan titik tertib dengan pecahan berperingkat dan lengah tak tentu.

Kata kunci: Kalkulus pecahan; pecahan pembezaan pengoperasi; persamaan pembezaan pecahan


Araya and Lizama (2008) imposed the concept of α-resolvent families to establish the existence of m-solutions to the differential equation:

in a Banach space Ξ, for automorphism functions In addition, the authors prove the presence and distinction of:

as well as:

Numerous researchers established the existence and uniqueness of m-solution for different types of fractional differential equations and differential-integral equations (Agarwal et al. 2012; Cuevas & Lizama 2008; Diagana 2009; Ponce 2013). Furthermore, Cuevas and Lizama (2008) elected almost mild solutions for:

where Λ is a linear operator and φ(t, x) is almost automoorphic Lipschitz in x. Agarwal et al. (2012) studied analytic resolvent operator and existence results for fractional integro- differential equations of the form:

Ponce (2013) considered the presence and distinction of bounded solutions for the linear fractional differential equation:

where Λ is a closed linear operator defined in a Banach space Ξ, α > 0, a ∈ L1(R+) is a scalar-valued kernel and f :R × Ξ → Ξ substitutes some Lipschitz type conditions. Dhanapalan et al. (2014) created the presence and distinction of m-solution of a class of nonlinear fractional integral-differential equations:

in a Banach space Ξ, where 0 < α < 1. The results are obtained by fixed point theorems. The results are established by using Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem and the contraction mapping principle. All the fractional operators are defined in the sense of the Riemann-Liouville fractional calculus. In this conduct, we deal with the finding and regularity of m- solutions for a class of abstract fractional integral-differential equations of the pattern:



where and Ξ → Ξ, t ≥ 0, are closed linear operators; is a Banach space; the antiquity v*:(–∞, 0] → Ξ, v*(θ) = (t + θ) accords in B and φ, ψ:J × B → Ξ are devoted functions. Finally, Dα stands the Caputo fractional derivative (Kilbas et al. 2006; Podlubny 1999),


where m is the closed integer greater than α. Recently, different studies concerning the fractional differential and integral equations, such as Ulam stability and equations with maxima are included in the works of Agarwal et al. (2014), Ibrahim (2014), (2013), (2012a), (2012b) and Ibrahim and Jalab (2010).


During the whole of this work, is B-space (the space of Banach) and Λ:dom(Λ) ⊂ Ξ → Ξ, V(t) ⊂ dom(V(t)) ⊂ Ξ → Ξ, t ≥ 0, are closed linear operators applied on a common domain dom(Λ) which is dense in Ξ. To get our results, we suppose that the Cauchy problem:


has an associated α-resolvent bounded operator on Ξ.

Definition 2.1 Consider the family of bounded operators (Fa(t)t ≥ 0 from Ξ into Ξ. Then it is called α-resolvent operator family for system (3) if the following assumptions are satisfied:

Fα(0) = id, (the identity function); for all v ∈ Ξ;

and Fa(.) for every v ∈ dom(Λ);

For each v ∈ dom(Λ) and t ≥ 0,



Let and assume the integral-differential Cauchy problem:


We introduce the subsidiary concepts of m-solution and c-solution (classical) for framework (6):

Definition 2.2 A function is called a m-solution of (6) on J, if v(0) = z and


Definit ion 2.3 A function is called a c-solution (classic solution) of (6) on J, if v(0) = z,

and (6) is verified.

Let B be a complete linear space of functions endowed with a semi-norm We need the following assumptions in the sequel:

(A1) If is continuous on [ζ,ζ+a] and v*:(–∞, ζ + a) → B, then for every t ∈ [ζ,ζ + a) we receive

where Hα > 0 is a positive constant depending on α; Kα, Mα:[0,8) → [1,∞), Kα is continuous, Mα is locally bounded and Hα, Kα, Mα are independent of v(.).

(A2) The continuous function v:(–∞,ζ+b] → Ξ, b < T achieves and the derivative exists. If the function w:(–∞,0] → Ξ defined by w(θ) = 0 for θ < 0 and w(0) =

v'(ζ) ∈ B, then

Assume that and are Banach spaces. Here, the representation L(U, V) attitudes for the Banach space of bounded linear operators from U into V endowed with the uniform operator topology and we abridge this symbol to L(V) when V = U. The documentation, Br(v, V) attitudes as the closed ball with center at v and radius r > 0 in V. In addition, for a bounded function γ:[0, a] → V and t ∈ [0, a], a < T, we employ the realization: (8)

and the extension of this symbol to γ*, when no turmoil regarding the space V appears.

Definition 2.4 Let Λ:Ξ → ϒ be a linear operator. The graph of Λ is given by

Gr(Λ):= {(s, Λs) ∈ Ξ × ϒ, s ∈ dom(Λ)} The graph norm is:

In the supplement, [dom(Λ)] is the domain of Λ accorded through the graph norm.


In this section, we establish the presence of m-solutions of the fractional system (1)-(2). Motivated by (7), we introduce the coming notions of m-solutions:


Definition 3.1 A function v:(–∞,b) → Ξ, 0 < b ≤ T is demanded a m-solution (mild) of (1)-(2) on J, if

the functions τ → ΛFα(t – τ)φ(τ,v*(ζ)) and are integrable on J for every t ∈ J and,

where It is well known that for all χ ∈ Ξ there exists a unique mild solution of the abstract Cauchy problem, if and only if, the resolvent set generated by Λ is nonempty and for all χ ∈ dom(Λ) there exists a unique classical solution of the Cauchy problem (Arendt et al. 2011; Theorem 3.1.12). Therefore, we utilize the resolvent family in all terms of v(t) in Definition 3.1, to establish a unique classical solution for (1)-(2).

To prove our findings, we illustrate the following hypotheses:

(C1) There exists a Banach space continuously embedded in Ξ such that,

and Vα(t) ∈ L(ϒ,Ξ). Additionally, and for every v ∈ ϒ.



(C2) Let ψ: J × B → Ξ be a function achieving the coming hypotheses:

ψ(t,.): B → Ξ is continuous ∀t ∈ J;

∀w ∈ Ξ, the function ψ(.,w):J → Ξ is strongly measurable; Let and the continuous non-decreasing function ΩΨ:[0,∞) → (0,∞) be such that

for all (t,w) ∈ J × B.

(C3) The continuous function φ: J × B → Ξ is such that φ(J × B) ⊂ ϒ and the constants κ1 > 0, κ2 > 0 accomplish

for each (t, v) ∈ J × B.

(C4) The functions φ:R × B → Ξ so that φ(J × B) ⊂ ϒ and are continuous carrying out

(C5) ψ:R × B → Ξ and are continuous executing:


ϕ) Let 0 < b ≤ T and S(b) = {v:(–∞, b] → Ξ:v0 = 0,

endowed with the uniform convergence topology on [0,b]. For each bounded set B ⊂ S(b), the set of functions is equicontinuous on [0,b].

Remark 3.1 Condition (C1) implies the estimates:

we close out that the functions τ → ΛFα(t – τ)v(τ) and

are integrable on [0,t].

Remark 3.2 In the remainder here, we let λ:(–∞, T] → Ξ be so that


Now, we may impose our first existence finding.

Theorem 3.1 Assume the hypotheses (C1) – (C3) and (Cϕ) are achieved. Suppose

with the following condition (C'): for each t ∈ (0,T] and r > 0, there exist a compact set in ϒand a compact set in Ξ such that and for every (τ, v) ∈ [0,t] × Br,a (0, B). Then there exists at least one m-solution of (1)-(2) on [0, b] for some 0 < b ≤ T.


Proof for 0 < b ≤ a, we have the inequalities:




Define a function space:

endowed with the uniform convergence topology, we characterize the operator Ψ:S(b) → S(b) by (Ψv)(0) = 0 and

In view of Remark 3.1 and condition (C3) yield ΨS(b) ⊂ S(b). We proceed to establish that Ψ satisfies the Leray-Schauder Theorem. Let (vn)n∈N be a sequence in S(b) and v ∈ S(b) with vn → v in S(b). Consequently, we retrieve

is relatively compact set in B along with uniformly for as n → ∞. Consequently, we receive that is uniformly on [0,b] when n → ∞ Hence the Lebesgue dominated convergence Theorem implies that Ψ is continuous. Next, we prove the boundedness of solutions of the integral equation z = λΨz, λ ∈ (0,1). Let vλ be a solution of z = λΨz, λ ∈ (0,1) and vλ be the function defined by:

By employing we get that,

which shows that,

Consequently, we obtain:


Indicated by:

we have


This inequality and (9) appearance that is uniformly bounded on [0, b] which implies that

is bounded in the space S(b). To establish that Ψ is completely continuous, we consider the atomization


where (Ψix)0 = 0 for i = 1, 2, 3. We shall use the notations Bρ = Bρ (0, S(b), ρ > 0 and

Step 1. Our aim was to prove (Ψ2Bρ,α)(t) = {Ψ2v(t):v∈ Bρ, ∀t ∈ [0,b]} is relatively compact in Ξ. The trivial case, when t = 0. Therefore, we put 0<ε<t<b. From the hypotheses, we may consider the inequality:

0 = t0 < t1 < … tn = t – ε

such that for every s, s'∈[ti,ti+1], i = 0, 1, 2, …, n–1. Let v ∈ Bρ. In virtue of the mean value theorem, we impose:


which shows that is relatively compact in Ξ.

Step 2. The set Ψ2Bρ = {Ψ2v:v ∈ Bρ} is equicontinuous on [0,b]. Suppose 0 < ε < t < b and 0 < δ < ε such that

for all s, s'∈[ε,b] with In view of the above assumption, for v ∈ Bρ and with implies that:

which shows that Ψ2Bρ equicontinuity at t ∈ (0, T). Hence, Ψ2 is completely continuous. By utilizing (Hernandez & McKibben 2005; Lemma 3.1], yields Ψ1 and Ψ3 are completely continuous. In view of Leray Schauder Theorem, we come to conclude that Ψ has a fixed point v ∈ S(b). Apparently, u = v + w represents as a m-solution of in the interval [0, b]. This completes the proof. By employing the records occurred in Remark 3.2, we get the following theorem:

Theorem 3.2 Let the status and (C1), (C4) and (C5) be hold. If then there exists a unique m-solution of (1) – (2) in J.

Proof: Let b1, r, Cφ, CΨ be positive constants satisfying

where (t, w) ∈ [0,b1]× Br(ϕ, B).

Now, we apply 0 < b < b1 and 0 < q < b in

Let Ψ as in the proof of Theorem 3.1. Our target is to show that Ψ is a contraction mapping from Bq(0, S(b)) into Bq(0, S(b)). For v ∈ S(b) we impose:


which admits Ψv ∈ Bq(0, S(b)). However, for υ, u ∈ S(b) and t ∈ J, we have:

this yields Ψ is a contraction on Bq(0, S(b)).

Theorem 3.3 Let suppositions (C1), (C4) and (C') be hold. Assume, Then (1)-(2) admits a unique m-solution.

Proof: Let b, r, q and Ψ as in the proof of Theorem 3.2 and let Ψ = Ψ1 = Ψ2 where (Ψiv)0 = 0 such that:

By Theorem 3.2, we receive and that Ψ1 is completely continuous on Bq(0, S(b)).Furthermore, in the same manner of Theorem 3.1, it follows that Ψ2 is completely continuous on Bq(0, S(b)), which concludes Ψ is a condensing operator (Martin 1987; Theorem 4.3.2).


Here, we introduce utilization of our abstract outcomes. We start with Ξ is finite dimensional. Consider the following neutral fractional differential equation:


Suppose that Λ is a generator of the bounded linear operators (Tα(t)t ≥ 0 on Ξ achieving Mα > 0 for every t ∈ [0,α]. We define fractional power linear operator (–Λ)α for 0 < α ≤ 1, with its domain dom(–Λ)α. In addition, dom(–Λ)α is dense in Ξ such that:

define a norm on dom(–Λ)α. If (Ξα, α ∈ (0,1) denotes the space dom(–Λ)α equipped with the norm then is a Banach space continuously embedded in Ξ and there occurs Cα > 0 satisfying for t > 0. The following outcomes are special cases of Theorems 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. We discuss the case, Fα(t) = Tα(t) for t ≥ 0.

Theorem 4.1 Suppose the facts (C2), (C3) and (Cϕ) are

fulfilled with ϒ = Ξα,α ∈ (0,1), (Tα(t)t ≥ 0 is compact and


Then there occurs a m-solution of (11) on [0,a].

Theorem 4.2 Assume that the status (C4) and (C5) are contented with ϒ = Ξα, for some α ∈ (0,1). If

then there arises a unique m-solution of (11) on [0,a].

Theorem 4.3 Consider the condition (C4) is verified with ϒ = Ξα, for some α ∈ (0,1). Assume that the semigroup (Tα(t)t ≥ 0 is compact and Then there derives a m- solution of (11) on [0,a].

Example 4.4 Consider the equation:


It is clear that φ = ψ satisfied conditions (C4) and (C5) with a constant Moreover, where B:= C[0,1]; thus K = 1 and consequently

Hence in view of Theorem 4.2, we conclude that (12) has a unique m-solution.


We have shown that there exists a unique mild solution of the abstract Cauchy problem, if and only if, there exists a unique classical solution of the Cauchy. Therefore, we have used the fractional resolvent family in all terms of (1)-(2) to establish the unique classical solution.


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Institute of Mathematical SciencesUniversity Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

*Corresponding author; email: [email protected]

Received: 4 June 2014Accepted: 25 July 2014