Exhibit OK1 OK1 ~ SOLID Financial Services 12th December 201} Messrs. MF Global MF Global Claims 5...


Transcript of Exhibit OK1 OK1 ~ SOLID Financial Services 12th December 201} Messrs. MF Global MF Global Claims 5...

Second Respondent Oleg Konshin

CM Shortfall Application







(the joint special administrators of MF Global UK Limited)

Applicants -and

(1) ATTESTOR VALUE MASTER FUND LP (Representative Party A)





SOLID Financial Services

12th December 201}

Messrs. MF Global MF Global Claims 5 Churchill Place Canary Wharf London

Dear Sirs,

Enclosed please find a hard copy of our Claim Form which was sent to you electronically.

We would like to draw your attention that due to a big number of accounts opened with MF Global we were not able to include all our accounts into PDF file provided with the guidance how to fill the claim (C'I'(!1, so we (',reated ",nother excel fiJe whkh jncludes aU our accounts with IvlF Gleed lS at 31 51 October 2011 and also enclose jt in our letter.

The balances of accounts without ope!'lcd podticr.: !l:; at 31 51 October 2011 :

ZM5960, ZM609D, ZM657D, ZM719. ZM735, Z~\19] 6. !-il925D, ZM95] D, ZMAOOD, ZM02D, ZMA toO, ZMA 16, ZMA21. ZMA23., ZMA250, ZMA29, ZMA30

could be confirmed by tht! st~1t"mt:.nts ofMF Glol',"".!:PK d$ 2i 31 SI October 2011 enclosed hereto; The total amount ofclaim. for acc~,!..~ts without, opened positions is GSP 2 334 ~~86.54

The balances of accounts with opened 'pnsitions eft Fit 3Jst Octoher: .

ZM202D, ZMA07, ZMA26, ZMA27. ZMA:!8

15 K. Paparegopoulos st. Charalambldes Chambers 3106 Limassol Cyprus Tel +- 357 25 363680 Tel ~357 25 363681 Fax +:i57 25 363690 e-mail: [email protected] .cy website: www.sofld-t;nancial~services . com

... ' . _ "


http:www.sofld-t;nancial~services.commailto:[email protected]

could be confirmed by the statements ofMF Global UK with the exception of USD aCcoWlt ZMA07 and USD account ZMA27, where the amounts ofclaim were received on, a basis of information and relevant calculations reflected in the enclosed excei file (mentioned above). The total amount of our claim for accounts with opened positions is GBP 2 735 687.0]

Taking into consideration all the above the total amoWlt of our claim is GBP 5 070 673, 55

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you need any more clarifications or assistance.

.~. "



OIMt 4IMaJ1I: Hem.' SOLID flNAHal CUNoncy of th. a.....



Gt19 lMAZ6 USD


'llL1O.2lllt: _.of cia....:

(a) In 111 .."..,..1 curr.......

1.77818 3.~3.12


3.17A 126.21 13463 -15.00

327.2D5.11f .1338.00

133.63Uill 1~8011390

D/in .tJttInI .1778.,8

'.885.~ -22.147.6D

[email protected] 118.28 -15.00

202716.71 1 157.20

112.T.IU4 73.157.73





FUlURS ruruwES

TOTAl a.1U."7~ GIIAND TOTAl U,01I1,'7).1I

n.. ..1AoI.11on Df I......,*_Df -...""" %MAD7, ZMA27 .onoIderi,.. the ..riallon ......... on ~Io... thot_.. tta",r.rnd 10 FCStoN

Tocol 10....1> (CRl and Fill.,..) U porSIa_ '" MF G_' UK dAted 31/10/l0l1 _ In III. SIa_1 of Mf GIcRI UI< til.,. k _-' of SDDooo USO, but,...,.., ...... not .....n __ %MACJ7 lIw,.I. a Il00_ Vllillion ",.,.in from 1M I",....., of .--rsIInr 1.0 1166 "'1.25 USD

1407 U..". 1CI0000. 1166801.25 $J,,74,1X.l1 ZMA27 lIwrolS ""lltiw Vlriolion

Client Account Number Original CurrencY of t~ Value of claim : (alln the original currencY (b) in sterling Comment

Solid 36-BR ZMS96D GBP -'8.47 -18.



MF Global UK Limited (in special administration) (the "Company")


Thefle instruction!! aDd tbe att"bed claim fOrm are only relevapt if your claim iJ in respect ofa CLIENT ASSET CLAIM or in respect of CLIENT MONEY

Prelimina uestiODS Am I a client ofme Company? You are a client ofthe Company ONLY IF you are a person for "whom the Company has undertaken to receive or hold client assets, including client money, whether or not on tlUSt and whether or not that undertaking has been complied v.ith pursuant to the

definition of "client" set out in Regulation 2 (Interprefation) of the RegulBlions.

Do 1 have a claim for client money?

You may be a potential client money claimant ONLY IF the Company holds, or

(possibly) should hold, client money on your behalf in accordance with the rules made by

virtue of sections 138 and 139 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (clients'


Do I have a claim for client assets? You may be a potential client asset claimant ONLY IF the Company holds, oc (possibly)

Ishould hold, client assets on your behalf in accordance with the rules made by virtue of section 138 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

Important lnfonnation Ifyou believe you are alW!! of the Company and that the Company holds or (possibly) should have held client assets andlor client money for you and you wish to claim such assets and money, the claim fonn in respect of client assets (including client money) (the "Claim Form") enclosed as Annex A, must be returned to Richard Fleming, Richard Heis and Michael Pink ofK.PMG LLP who are the special administrators of the Company (the ''Special Administraton") at the address specified beJow and on or before the date specified below in the "Deadlines" box.

Note that you may also be 8 creditor of the Company ifyou believe"you are owed a debt by the Company in respect of a whoHy or partially unsecured debt. If you believe that you may also be a creditor ofthe Company, please refer to the guidance note entitled "How 10 submit your claim form (Credilor Claim)" on how to submit your claim.

Note that in the event that there is a shortfall in the amount ofclient money available for distribution as defined in the glossary to the FSA's Handbook, each client is, on the occurrence of certain events, only ~n!!tled to a sum which is rateable to "the client money entitlement" within the meariing oflhe client money rules and the client money



distribution rules. A client may be able to claim against the Company for any such shortfall and for that claim. the client shaU rank as an unsecured creditor ofthe Company.

Further. note that in the event that there is a shortfall in the amount available for distribution ofsecurities held by the Company as client assets in a client omnibus account pursuant to Regulation } 2(1). any shortfal1 borne by a client in that respect will become a client's shortfall claim against the Company and shall rank as an unsecured claim.

Therefore, please note that if you are a client ofthe Company, you may, under certain

circumstances also become a creditor ofthe Company in respect of the same claim.

These instructions are to help you complete the Claim Form enclosed. The guidllllce provided below is/or information purposes only. You should consull your own Il?gal and olher professiona/advisors for advice in rellllion 10 your claim.

Any reftrence to a 'Rule' in this guidance nole Dr In the Claim Form reftrs TO the special administration rules as set out in The Investmen{ Bank Special Administration (England and Wales) Rules 201 J(the "Rules"). The.filllteXl ofthe Rules can be found at www.JI1gj./qljon.gOl'.uk/u/qjI2Q} J/1301.

Any reference to a 'Regulation ' in this guidance note refers 10 the special administralion regulations for investment banks as set out in The Im'estment Bank Special Administration Regulations 2011 (the "Regulations "). The foll text of(he Regulations can be found at lVww.legi.)"/ation.go\.'. u/c/ukrillOJ //2.J5.

Any reference to the .. Website" in this guidance nore reftTs to wU'W. kpmg. co. uklmfglobaluk


C1iegt Details:

Fill in the name of the person, company or other body who claims to be a client of the

Company and the client's full address (including any relevant contact person, a telephone

number of that contact person (including any reJevant international dial ~e if that

contact person is outside the UK) and their email address). If the client is a company,

please include the company registration number.

Please also include any relevant customer number(s) provided to you by the Company.

Prelimin,p: questiops in relation to your claim:

This part of the C)aim Fonn requests that you answer certain preliminary questions in

relation to yOW' claim and requests that you tick the appropri~t'! boxes where relevant to

you claim.





Please indicate by ticking the appropriate box whether you are claiming in relation to any of the below: (8) client money (b) client assets (but not client money), or (c) 8 security interest.

Please tick the appropriate boxes to indicate if your claim relates to any ofthe activities ofthe Company below: (a) futures and options (b) securities (~) contracts for differences (d) foreign exchange (e) spread betting, or (f) custody.

Please tick the appropriate box to indicate whether or not you have assigned (or intend to a.


The Special Administrators have invited all clients to submit claims in respect of CLIENT MONEY before 30 March 2012. If you dQ not elect to tick this box in respect ofclient money claims, please note that you will be required to submit an additional Claim Form as your fonnal submission of your client money claim before the 30 March 2012 deadline. tfyou do not do so, you may nOI be able to participate in the Interim Distribution.

The Special Admiruslrators have also invited clients to submit claims for the return of client assets. livou do not elect to tick tbe box in respect or cHen! asset claims, please note that you will be required to submit an additional Claim Form as your fonna! submission of your claim.

Note: Ifyou elect to use this Claim Form as your formalsubmissioD of claim in respect of client money and/or as a formal submission of claim in respect of client assets aod/or security interests in accordance witb Rules 139 and 140, e\'en if the chairman of the Initial Meeth,g accepts the value of your claim for votiDg purposes, this does not mean tbat the Special Administrators have agreed or accept the validity or value of your claim for dividend or diltribution purpo.ell iD whole or in part.

If this claim fonn amends a previously tiled claim fonn in respect ofclient assets (including client money), please lick the relevant box and provide further infonnation in relation to your claim.

Part A: Quantificatipn of your claim Part A seeks a statement of your client claim. Part A is broken down into a statement of (;) your client money claim and (ii) your client asset claim.

Client money (a) Item (A) (client money) is to be completed ifyou believe that the Company

holds, or should have held, client money for you. Please indicate the total gross amount held. or which should have been held, in the space provided, broken down into Pre-Administration Client Money and Post-Administration Client Money, less any receipts or other deductions properly made in respect of the claim. Where the client money is being claimed in a currency other than sterJing, please convert it into sterling at the rates set out in Annex E being the exchange rates prevailing on 31 October 20 II for voting pUlpOses.

Pre-Administration Client Money refers to Wly client money held by the Company prior to 5:00 pm (UK lime) on 31 October 20] l. Post-Administratjon Client Money refers to client money received at or after 5:00 pm (UK time) on 31 October 20J 1.




Further, please provide a breakdown of your claim by account. If you hold more than one account with the Company. pJease note the lead account number (if applicable) and split out the value of your claim on an account by account basis (ifpossible). If you require additional space, please attach a separate continuation sheet or alternatively, provide the infonnation electronically.

Please supply both the value ofyour claim its original currency (in column (a)) and its sterling equivalent (in colwnn (b).

CiienJ assets (b) Item (B) (client assets (not including dient money is to be completed if you

believe that the Company holds client assets for you. Please indicate the gross amoWlt in the space provided as at 3J October 2011 less any receipts received after that date and any adjustment by way of set-off.

Where the client assets are being claimed in a currency other than sterling. in accordance with Rule 91(5) please convert into sterling at the rates set out in Annex F being the exchange rates prevailing on 28 October lOll for voting purposes.

Please note that if you elect to submit your Claim Form for voting purposes, the value of your vote will be calculated in accordance with Rule 91.

Further, please provide II breakdown of your claim by account. If you hold more than one account with the Company, please note the lead account number (if applicable) and split out the vaJue of your claim on an account by account basis (ifpossible). Jf you require additional space, please attach a separate continuation sheet or altemativc)y, provide the information eJectronical1y.

Please supply both the value of your claim its original currency (in column (a and its sterling equivalent (in column (b).

Part B; Further information Part B seeks additional infonnation about your claim. The information specified below MUST be provided in order to substantiate your claim.

Client money lfyou believe that you have a claim for client money. please provide any relevant account number(s) to which your claim may relate and ),ou MUST supply details ofany documents which substantiate the claim. Please note that, although it is not essential unless specifically requested by the Special Administrators, it is recommended that such documents are submitted with the Claim Form.




Client assets not including client money CUenl assets claim If you believe that you have a claim for client assets (as described in Regulation 11(1)(a), )'ou MUST supply the following supporting infonnation in relation to any client assets beld or believed to be held by the C~mpany on 31 October 2011 in order to substantiate your claim:

(a) details of the total amount of your client asset claim, split into type and securities of a particular description, including, if you bave elected that this Claim Foun be used for voting PUlJ)Oses. the closing or settlement price of such securities of a particular description as set out in Rule 91.

(b) details of the ownership you assert over those assets (e.g. claims to the beneficial ownership or other form ofownership of the client assets);

(c, details ofall tinancial contracts entered into with the Company under which, al the time the claim is submitted, liabilities are stiH owed from the Company to you or vice versa.

(d) details oeany security you have granted to the Company in respect ofthe client assets held by the Company. Please see below in respect to claims in respect of security interests.

(e) details of any documents which substantiate the claim. Please note that, although it is not essential unless specifically requested by the Special Administrators, it is recommended that such docwnents are submitted with the Claim Fonn.

(I) details ofany of the debt assigned to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Security interest claims If you believe that you have a claim in relation to a security interest asserted over, or other right to, client assets (as described in Regulation 1 1 (1)(b), you MUST supply the following supporting information in relation to any client assets held or believed to be held by the Company on 31 October 20 II in order to substantiate your claim.

(a) details ofany security interest you assert over any client assets held by the Company, including:

(i) detaiJs of the client assets to which the security interest relates;

(ii) the date on which the security interest was granted;

(iii) conditions for the release ofthe security; and




(iv) the value which you put on the security interest.

(b) details a f any other parties' interest in the security interest that are known to you.

(c) details ofany documents which substantiate tbe claim. Though it is not essential unless requested by the Administrators. it is recommended that such docwnents are submitted with the Claim.

Part B: Further information (generally) Annex B sets out SOme guidance in respect of the infonnation that the Special Administrators will be looking for in order to evaluate and process your claim. Some of the detail requested in Annex B may not necessarily be relevant to your claim. but the Special Administrators recommend that you provide as much detail as possible.

Please answer all questions as fully as possible. Ifyou do not provide sufficient details, the Special Administrators may call for any document or other evidence to be produced, where necessary for the purpose ofsubstantiating the whole or any part ofthe claim made in your Claim Fonn.

Proper documentation can speed up the review and evaluation of your claim. Please enclose copies (not originals) ofany documentation or correspondence you believe may substantiate the claim and/or be ofassistance in processing your claim, including, but not limited to, customer confirmations and account statements (in particular, your last account statement). We appreciate that many clients may not know their final position as it depends on entries which have not yet been made on the Company system, for example arising from defaults. Further, many close out prices have not been confinned by the relevant exchanges. For voting purposes the Special Administrators are prepared to accept estimates so long as such estimates are reasonable. In many cases the 31 October 2011 statement value will be a reasonable basis, although the Special Administrators reserve the right to adjudicate votes as they see fit. If you do not have a statement at 3] . October 2011 please email: mfglobalclaims(ci>,kpmg.co.uk.

Ifyou require additional space to answer any of the questions, please attach separate pages and label the answers to the corresponding questions for this Claim Form.

Signature Ifsomeone else is signing the Claim Fonn on your behalf, they MUST provide their name, address and authority.






Re lIested Client Monev Indemni The Special Administrators are actively working to reconcile holdings and accounts in order to enable client money to be released as soon as practicable (which is one of the Special Administrators' formal objectives in the special administration process). However, the ultimate return ofclient money to clients will be dependent on the special administrators establishing the quantum ofthe claims against funds held in "client money accounts". Under the FSA's "client money" and "client money distribution rules" as defined by Chapter 7 ofthe FSA's Handbook, as the law is currently understood, upon the failure of a regulated fum. all client money must be pooled and distnbuted to clients in accordance with those rules.

Clients are requested to note that at the current time it is unclear whether or not, and if so to what extent. there will be a "shortfalr' in the amount of client money available for distnbution as dermed in the Glossary to the FSA's Handbook. Each client is, on the occurrence of certain events. only entitled to a sum which is rateable to "the client money entitlement" within the meaning ofthe client money rules and the client money distribution rules.

In the event that the Special Administrators make an interim distribution in respect of client money and if, after making that interim distnbution, it becomes apparent that the clients have received more than their rateable entitlements under the FSA's Client Money Distnbution Rules, the Special Administrators will require that clients repay the amount ofthat oVeJ]>ayment to the Company as trustee under tbe client money rules and client money distribution rules. The Special Administrators wiII also be requesting an indemnity from the client for the costs associated witb recovering those funds limited in amount to the level of interim distnbution or distnbutions received by the client. Please note that this does not prevent you from submitting your claim for client money or from voting at the Initial Meeting.

A standard form indemnity is attached as Annex C. You do not need to sign this fonn in order to submit your claim, however before any interim distribution in respect ofclient money is ultimately made, the Special Administrators will request that you agree to an indemnity (whether in the foml attached or in some other fonn as may be appropriate to the circumstances ofyour case) before making any interim distnbution to you. Further, the Special Administrators reserve tbe right to require additional indemnities (for example if a further interim distribution should be made or contemplated) or to require further assurances, including security, whether in relation to assets or ill the fonn ofa guarantee, from you or another ill respect ofany distnbution ofclient money whether interim or final. If you agree to execute this indenmity now, this should speed up the processing ofany distribution made to you as a client money claimant. You should however consult your own legal and other professional advisors for advice in relation to our claim and the indemnit re uested.




Re uesfed Client Asset lndemni The Special Administrators are actively working to reconcile holdings and accounts in order to enable segregated client 1ets to be retumc:J as soon as practicable, which, again, is one ofthe Special Admin trators' fonnal ~jectiyes in the special administration process. However, e return ofa client's assets will not be finalised until the associated client risk positions have been liquida~ed or transferred and claims have been validated. Nevertheless, the Special Administrators would like to return to clients their client assets as soon as possible and have therefore invited clients to submit claims for the return of their client assets. Please note however that nO statutory bar date (as provided for in the special administration regime) has been set at this stage for the return of claims in relation to client assets. Such bar date wiIl be subjttt to separate, specific

Inotification. !As and when the Special Administrators are in a position to start returning client assets

they will do so. However, in the event that after any return of those assets it becomes apparent that, tor whatever reason. the client received a distribution to which he was not entitled to receive (whether by receipt ofassets to which he was not entitled, or in amount or value greater than his entitlement, or in an amount or vaJue in excess of the deduction to be made on aCCowlt of the costs of distribution) , the Special Administrators wiIJ require the client to repay a sum (where positive) equal to (x) the value of that distribution assessed as at the date ofpayment of the final distribution less (y) the value of his true entitlement. The Special Administrators will also be requesting an indemnity from the client for the costs associated with recovering those funds, limited to the level of interim distribution received by the client. Please Dote that tbis does not prevent you (rom submitting your claim for client assets or from voting at the Initial Meeting.

IA standard fonn indemnity is attached as Annex D. You do not need to sign this fonn in order to submit your claim, however before any distribution of client assets is ultimately made, the Special Administrators will request that you agree to an indemnity (whether in the form attached or in some other fonn as may be appropriate to the circumstances of your case) before making any distribution or return to you. Further, the Special Administrators reserve their rights to require additional indemnities (for example, if a further interim distribution should be made or contemplated) or to require further assurances, including security, whether in relation to assets or in the fonn of a guarantee, from you or another in respect ofany return or distribution of client assets whether interim or final. If you agree to execute this indemnity now, this should speed up the processing of any distribution or return made to you as a client asset claimant. You should however consult your own legal and other professional advisors for advice in

i relation to your claim and the indemnit re uested.




Deadlines IfyC)U would like 10 vote aI the Initial Meering The Special Administrators intend to hold the Initial,Meeting on 9 January 2012. If you think you may be entitled to vote in accordance with Rule 90 at the Initial Meeting as a client of the Company, and you wish to vote at the luitial Meeting in person, or by proxy, or in some other way, you must provide details ofyour claim against the Company to the Special Administrators at the address below by 12 noon OD 6 JuuaTV 2012 being the last business day before the Initial Meeting.

Deadlines in respect o/CLlENT MONEY only If you do not wish to vote at the Initial Meeting, you are invited to submit claims in

respect of CLIENT MONEY by S.OOpm (UK time) on 30 March 2012.


i Deadlines in respect a/CLIENT ASSETS only If you do not wish to vote alihe Initial Meeting, note that you are invited to submit claims for the return of client assets (other than client money). However at this stage, no bar date is being set for the return ofclaims in relation to client assets. The Special Administrators will notify all clients separately if and when this bar date has been set There is no provision for a bar date in respect ofclient money, but it is in all clients' interest for a distribution to be made as quickly as possible.

Wbere to file The completed and si&ned Claim Form, together with the supporting documentation must

, be filed with the Special Administrators by the deadlines set out above. You can either submit your form by posting it to the address below or follow the directions below for electronic submission. Note that electronic submission will speed up the review and evaluation of your claim.

J f you have any queries in relation to the submission of the Claim Form, please email: m([email protected]

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: Note that electronic submission will speed up the review and evaluation of your claim as it will assist us in capturing some ofthe data you enter into your Claim Form. You are therefore being asked to download the claim form and submit two versions of the completed claim forms by email; (i) the first is an unsigned version of the claim form which you completed on your computer (the PDF has editable fields) and (ii) the second is 8 copy of that same completed claim fonn which you printed out, signed and scanned to email back to us. By sending fonn (i) we will be able to automatically upload your infonnation into our claims database. However, you will sti11 need to send us a signed copy of the fonn (ii).




mailto:m([email protected]


1. Download the Claim Fonn from the Website. The Claim Form will be in PDF format. Please note that you may require adobe reader software in order to download the fonn. Ifyou need adobe reader, please go to: http://gel.adobe.coIDlukireaDerl

2. Save a copy of the Claim Fonn to yOW' computer. 3. Complete your Claim Form on your computer. 4. Once completed, save the Claim Form to your hard drive, print out a copy and

either sign the claim form yourself ifyou are an individual or have it executed by an authorised signatory.

5. Once signed, upload a scanned copy of the executed Claim Form to your

computer and save it to your hard drive.

6. In order to submit your Claim Form, attach the following to an email: a. the scanned copy ofthe executed signed Claim Fonn; AlSIL b. the unsigned PDF version ofthe Claim Form that you saved to your hard

drive. 7. Please email those two docunlents, together v.ith any supporting documentation to

[email protected]:o.uk.

Alternatively, you can print off the claims form and email a scanned copy of the

completed fonn to us. However, this will need to be manually logged onto our claims



If you would prefer to submit your executed Claim Fonn by post, please mail it, aJong

with all supporting docwnentation to the fol1o\\-ing address:

MF Global UK Limited (in speciaJ administration)

Attention: MF Global Claims

5 Churchill Place

Canary Wharf








mailto:[email protected]:o.ukhttp://gel.adobe.coIDlukireaDerl







Claim Form (Client Money and Client Assets)

MF GJoba! UK Limited (in special administration) (the "Company")


Tbis claim (orm is ONLY [elmpt Kyour claim Is ip re8D!Ct of CLIENT ASSETS or in

rAped ofCLIENT MONEY. Please reCer to the attacbed guidance note entitled "HeH' (e

submit vour prpo(o(aaim Form (Client Assets qndClkm Honed" for further ipformation

OD how to 011 out this fonp.


Name: li~l:!!) FINANCIAL Sl:ItVlCF-S LIMnT:D Addre.s~

Nwnber/House nllmt: Street City: CountylState: Country: PostCOdclZip code:


I~ ;; fAt.."OOOPClUUl$ sra " .~



Company registered number (if applicable): IIIEl28405

Con/oct detDils @LEG KONSIIINContact's name:

Telephone number:

Email address: [email protected]"lCY

ICustomer Reference Number. [ ) I

PLEASE TICK THE BOXES THAT APPLY TO YOUR CLAIM EJ Do you bave a claim for client moneY? 8 Do }~U have a eJaim for client wets (but not client money)? 0 Do you have a chum in respect of a s~utitv interest? 8 Does your claim relale to futures and OPtions? 0 Does~our claim relate 10 securities? El Does your claim relate to conlJ"acts for difference') [J Does your claim relate to foreign cxchanae? [J Doeuour daim relate to spreud betting?

Does your cJaim relate to custody assets?

Tick this box to indicate ifyou have assigned (or will be assigning) vour claim to the FSCS?

Would you like to use this claim fonn for \loting purposes ut the lnitial Meeting?'" Would you like to use this claim fonn as your fonnal client money c:Iaim?'" , Would you like to use this claim fonn as your formal client asset claim?

[] Tick this box to indicate if this claim amends a previously flied claim.



mailto:[email protected]"lCY


Claim Form (Client Money and Client Assets)


(A) Client money




Claim Form (Client Money and Client Assets)


CID Client a.sset claim Gross amount of client assets heJd at 31 October 2011: Deduct

( )any subseguent receipts since 31 October201 I : (8) ( )value ofany amounts set off;(b~ ( )(c) the estimated value ofan} security held:

Total amount ofclient asset claim (in sterlin~): I

Orjginal Curre~)' of the'Acc:ount Number Value ofcl.lm: Claim

(a) in the original (b) In surJlng ClltTCDty

._0 -

Tota I (slcrlins!.):




Claim Form (Client Money and Client Assets)

PART B: FURTHER INFORMATION Please refer to the guidance note entitled "How 10 submit your Claim Form (Cliem Assets and Client Money)" for further information on SUpportillg information which Mll.! be submitted in order to substantiate your claim.



Address ofSignator\

Authority of Sianatol)'











Please provide details below in respect of the client assets asserted to be held by the

Company on 31 October 2011. Please note that for vote valuation purposes, where you

are claiming in respect of client assets (not client money) and the client assets are being

claimed in a currency other than sterling, in accordanc~ with Rule 91 (5) please convert

into sterling at the rates set out in Annex F being the exchange rates prevailing on aI

October 2011.

Futures. QptjQns qnd Forward Contrqcls If your claim relates to futures, options or forward contracts, please provide the following infonnation in respect of the position on 31 October 2011 :

Acc.ount number Contract reference number

Description ofcontract

Trade date of contract (if relevant) Maturity date ofc.ontract ExchlUlge traded on Cun-ency ofcontract Net number of open contractsllotsinominal Whether the net open position is long or short? (or buy/sell?) Other key economic features of the contract (if relevant) Closing price for the contract per unit Pricing source Net open position value in original currency Net open position value in sterling and in US dollar

COl1lrqc(.~ for diflCrences and spread berrjng If your claim relates to contracts for differences or spreads, please provide the following infonnation in respect oftbe position on 31 October 201):

Account number Contract reference number Description of contract Currency of contract Trade date Maturity dale Nominal amount Reference details Other key economic features oftbe contract Closing price for the contract per unit Pricing source Value in original cun-ency




Value in sterling and in US dollar

Foreign exchange If YOUT claim relates to foreign exchange contracts, please provide the following infonnation in respect of the position on 31 October 2011:

Account number Contract reference number Description ofcontract Trade date of contract (if relevant) Maturity date of contract Exchange traded on Currency of contract Net nwnber ofopen contractsllotslnominal Whether the net open position is long or short? (or buy/sc])?) Other key economic features of the contract (ifrelevant) Closing price for the contract per unit Pricing source Net open position value in original currency Net open position value in sterling and in US dollar

Custody IfyoUT claim relates to custody assets, please provide the following details:

AccoWlt number Type/description ofassets Date of custody relationship Value ofasset Any agreement

Securjtie.f oia particular descrjption If your claim relates to securities of a particular description (as defined in Regulation ]2(9, pJease provide the following information in respect of the position on 31 October 2011. If you have elected to use tbe Claim Form for voting purposes, please refer to Rule 91 for bow to ulc:ulate your claim for voting purposes.

Account number Security ID number (e.g. ISIN, CUSIP) Description ofsecurity Ownership right Currency of security Nominal holding ofsecurity Unit price ofsecurity Pricing source Value ofholding ill original CU:Tency Value ofholding in sterling




SCcuritl' [merest Claim If you believe that you .have a claim in relation to a security interest asserted over, or other right to, client assets (as described in Regulation ll(b)), please provide the following details:

Type of client assets to which security interest relates Security lD number Description of security Date the security interest was granted Conditions for the release of the security Value ofsecwity interest Any other parties' interest in the security interest









MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

In signing this fonn of indemnity. the client acknowledges and agrees with Richard Fleming. Richard Heis and Michael Pink of KPMG LLP, the special administrators of the Company {the "Special Administrators") and or any successors in office in respect of its client money claim that:

(8) in exchange for the payment and receipt ofan interim distribution in relation to client money (the "Client Money Interim Distribution"), in the event that after the payment of the Client Money Interim Distribution it becomes apparent that, for whatever reason, the client has received more than the sum which is rateable to its "client mone), entitlement" within the meaning of "the cHent money rules" and "the client money distribution rules" as defined by Chapter 7 of the FSA's Handbook (the "Client Money Entitlement Amount"), as detennined by the Special Administrators at their sole discretion, the client will repay immediately on demand to the CompanyI as trustee under the client money rules, a sum (where positive) equal to the Client Money Interim Distribution less the Client Money Entitlement Amount, without any set off. deduction or withholding whatsoever; and

(b) the client shall indemnify the Special Administrators from and against all actions, proceedings, claims and demands which may be brought or made against the Special Administrators and aU losses, costs (including, by not limited to, fees Bnd expenses of the Special Administrators), charges, damages or expenses which the Special Administrators may incur or sustain in respect of any act, omission, neglect or default by the client to pay the Client Money Entitlement Amount to the Special Administrators or incur or sustain indirectly in connection with or arising oul of the making ofany interim distribution in respect of client money but the liability of the client under this jndemnitY~ha limited to the level of the Client Money Interim Distribution received b dient.:". ~'- "" 1/

EJ:~uted by: , i .~/ .,' Signature Ji _ :_~__.___,..__ '_._.__. ' _ _H . . .. ._

.Name in CAPITAL LEITERS _._.--. ,.- --'--.-.'--~ ~-----.


Authority of Signatory . .__...!!!l_ __

'. /~ .,:, ---:-:'''';;'' -










MY Global UK Limited (iD special administration)

In signing this fonn of indemnity, the client acknowledges and agrees with Richard Fleming, Richard Heis and Michael Pink of KPMG LLP, the special administrators of the Company (the "Special Administrators") and any successors office in respect of its client asset claim that:


/~/ =


09Dec-4.1 -' I :'1 i .... I, '











Claims should be submiued in their original currency and converted into sterling. Where you are claimingjor client money in currencies other than sterling, please convert (hat amount inlo sterling using the rates set Oul below for 31 October 2011, being the middle market (mean ofspot buying and selling) roles as observed by the Bank ofEng/and's Foreign Exchange Desk in/he London interbank market around 4pm on 31 October 201 I. Jfyour client money claim is in a currency no/ Usled below, please convert into sterling at the relevant rate on 31 October 2011 and give evidence for lhe rate u.'ied.

Currene)' Foreign Exchange Currency rate at 31 October Code 2011

Australian Dollar 1.5213 AUD Cyprus Pound 0.6773 CYP Czech K.oruna 28.7388 CZK Hungarian Forint 352.1536 HUF Lithuanian Litas 3.9954 LTL Latvian Lats 0.8142 LVL Maltese Lira 0.4976 MTL Polish Zloty 5.0411 PLN Israeli Shekel 5.8301 lLS Malaysian ringgit 4.9521 MYR Russian Ruble 48.8435 RUB Thai Baht 49.5932 11IB Chinese Yuan 10.2571 CNY

KRWSouth Korean Won 1795.3634 TRY2.8457Turkish Lira

78.7358 INRIndian Rupee Canadian Dollar 1.6033 CAD

DKKDanish Krone 8.61 1.157)Euro EUR

Hong Kong DoJlar 12.533 HKD 125.8514 JPY! Japanese Yen

New Zealand Dollar 1.9878 NZD ! Norwegian Krone NOK8.8999 Swiss Franc 1.4054 CHF

SGOSingapore Dollar 2.0202 10.4357Swedish Krona SEK

Saudi Riyal 6.0535 SAR 48.2906 TWOTaiwan Dollar 1.6]41 USDUS Dollars 12.7419 ZARSouth African Rand












Claims should be submitted in their original currency and converted into ,Jterling. Where client assets (not including client money) are quoted in cu"encies other than sterling. please convert the market price ojthose assets on 28 October 201 J into STerling using the rates set out below for 28 October 201], being the middle market (mean ofspot buying and selling) rates as observed by the Bank ofEngland's Foreign Exchange Desk in the London interbank market around 4pm on 28 October 2011. Ifyour client asset claim is;n a cu"ency 110t listed below, please convert ;nlO sterling at (he relevant rale on 28 October 2011 and give eVidencefor the rale used

Currency Foreign Exchange rate Currency at 28 October 2011 Code

Australian Dollar 1.5061 AUD Cyj)rus Pound 0.6666 CYP i Czech Koruna 28.1163 CZK Hungarian Forint 345.4686 HUF Lithuanian Litas 3.9326 LTL Latvian Lats 0.8021 LVL Maltese Lira. 0.4898 MTL Polish Zloty 4.9297 PLN Israeli Shekel 5.7921 U.S Malaysian ringgit 4.9466 MYR

47.9356 RUBRussillll Ruble Thai Baht 49.2241 THB

10.2646 CNYChinese Yuan South Korean Won 1784.3242 KRW

TRY2.8175Turkish Lira Indian Rupee 78.652 JNR

CADCanadian Dollar 1.6029 8.4766 DKKDanish Krone 1.139Euro EUR

Hong Kong DollaT 12.5362 HKD Japanese Yen 122.3458 JPY

1.9639 NZDNew Zealand Dollar 8.7464Norwegian Krone NOK ] .3925 CHFSwiss Franc

SGDSin&apore DoUar 2.0031 10.2604 SEKSwedish Krona

SARSaudi Riyal 6.0558 TWD48.2117Taiwan Dollar

1.6147 usnUS Dollars ZAR12.4526South African Rand



Accounts with no open positions at the PPE

Accounts ZM596D, ZM609D, ZM657D, ZM719, ZM735, ZM916, ZM925D, ZM951D, ZMAOOD, ZMA02D, ZMA10D, ZMA16, ZMA21 , ZMA23, ZMA25D, ZMA29 and ZMA30 did not contain any open positions at the PPE. All positive and negative balances on these accounts at the PPE were cash balances only. Various products were traded across these accounts:



Exchange Product Description

CME Mini S&P 500 Futures

Mini S&P 500 Futures are exchange traded equity index futures positions on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). The CME is a US-based designated contract markets operated by CME Group Inc. The underlying equity index is the Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P 500) index consisting of 500 leading companies in leading industries of the US economy. Contracts are cash settled.


DAX Futures are exchange traded equity index futures positions on the European Exchange (EUREX). Eurex is operated by the Deutsche Borse Group. The underlying equity index is the Deutscher Aktien Index (DAX) consisting of 30 major German companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Contracts are cash settled.

ICE Futures Europe Brent Crude Futures

Brent Crude Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the London-based Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Futures Europe exchange. ICE Clear Europe acts as the central counterparty for trades conducted on the ICE Futures Europe exchange. The Brent Crude Futures contract is a deliverable contract based on exchange for physical delivery with an option to cash settle.

ICE Futures Europe Gasoil Futures

Gasoil Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the ICE Futures Europe exchange. The underlying physical market is heating oil barges delivered in the Antwerp - Rotterdam - Amsterdam (ARA) area and the contract prices the physical delivery of gasoil in the ARA area.

ICE Futures US Sugar No. 11 Futures

Sugar No. 11 Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the ICE Futures US exchange. Sugar No. 11 Futures may be cleared through ICE Clear US. The Sugar No. 11 Futures contract prices the physical delivery of raw cane sugar, free-on-board the receiver's vessel to a port within the country of origin of the sugar.

~-- - - - --~

Contracts for differences

Contracts for differences derived from various underlying products were traded across some of these accounts.

w w


Accounts with open positions at the PPE where all positions were subsequently liquidated or closed out by the Administrators after the PPE

Accounts ZM202D, ZMA26 and ZMA28 contained open positions at the PPE which were all closed out or liquidated by the Administrators after the PPE. These accounts were for trading on behalf of Solid's customers and were not used for proprietary trading (i.e. own account trading for Solid or its affiliates).

Open futures positions liquidated or closed out by the Administrators after the PPE

Exchange Product Description Account

CE Futures Europe

Brent Crude Futures

Brent Crude Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. ICE Clear Europe acts as the central counterparty for trades conducted on the ICE Futures Europe exchange. The Brent Crude Futures contract is a deliverable contract based on exchange for physical delivery with an option to cash settle. Brent Crude Futures positions on accounts ZMA26 and ZMA28 which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011.



ICE Futures Europe

WTI Crude Futures

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the ICE Futures Europe exchange. The contract is cash settled against the prevailing market price for US light sweet crude oil. WTI Crude Futures positions on accounts ZMA26 and ZMA28 which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011 .



ICE Futures US

Sugar No. 11 Futures

Sugar No. 11 Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the ICE Futures US exchange. Sugar No. 11 Futures may be cleared through ICE Clear US. The Sugar No. 11 Futures contract prices the physical delivery of raw cane sugar, free-on-board the receiver's vessel to a port within the country of origin of the sugar. Sugar No. 11 Futures positions on account ZMA26 which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in March 2012.


ICE Futures US

'------ -

Cotton No.2 Futures

_L - -

Cotton No.2 Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the ICE Futures US exchange. Cotton No. 2 Futures may be cleared through ICE Clear US. A Cotton No.2 Futures contract calls for physical delivery of cotton of certain minimum standards. Cotton No. ~ Futures positions on account ZMA26 which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011.

- -


Contracts for difference liquidated or closed out by the Administrators after the PPE

Open positions at the PPE on account ZM202D were contracts for differences. The product underlying these contracts for differences was London Stock Exchange International Order Book securities (depositary receipts) in OAO Tatneft, a Russian oil company.

W .J:>.


Accounts with open positions at the PPE where some positions were subsequently transferred to FC Stone and other positions were subsequently liquidated or closed out by the Administrators

Accounts ZMA07 and ?-MA27 were used for proprietary trading by Solid and contained open positions at the PPE.

Open futures positions transferred to FC Stone after the PPE

All open positions which were transferred to FC Stone related to contracts traded on US-based designated contract markets operated by CME Group Inc. The four designated contract markets are the CME, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and COMEX (formerly operated by Commodity Exchange, Inc.). The relevant contracts are identified below:

Market Product Description Account


Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) Futures are exchange traded foreign exchange futures positions on the CME. EURIUSD Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011.



Australian Dollar/US Dollar (AUD/USD) Futures are exchange traded foreign exchange futures positions on the CME. AUD/GBP Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011.

ZMA07 ,


British Pound/US Dollar (GBP/USD) Futures are exchange traded foreign exchange futures positions on the CME. GBP/USD Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011.


COMEX Gold Futures Gold Futures are exchange traded precious metal futures positions on COMEX. Gold Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011 .


COMEX Silver Futures

Silver Futures are exchange traded precious metal futures positions on COM EX. Silver Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011 .


NYMEX Platinum Futures

Platinum Futures are exchange traded precious metal futures positions on NYMEX. Platinum Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in January 2012.


NYMEX Palladium Futures

Palladium Futures are exchange traded precious metal futures positions on NYMEX. Palladium Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011


- - - - - - - - - - ---

J MXB/NRG/98548.00002/30636647 .02 W 01


Market Product Description Account

COMEX Copper Futures

Copper Futures are exchange traded base metal futures positions on COMEX. Copper Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011.



L -

Wheat Futures

Wheat Futures are exchange traded agricultural futures positions on CBOT. Wheat Futures positions which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011 .


Open futures positions liquidated or closed out by the Administrators after the PPE

Other positions on accounts ZMA07 and ZMA27 were closed out or liquidated by the Administrators. These were not transferred to FC Stone. The relevant contracts are identified below:

Exchange Product Description Account I

ICE Futures Europe

Brent Crude Futures

Brent Crude Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. ICE Clear Europe acts as the central counterparty for trades conducted on the ICE Futures Europe exchange. The Brent Crude Futures contract is a deliverable contract based on exchange for physical delivery with an option to cash settle. Brent Crude Futures positions on account ZMA07 which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011 or January 2012.



ICE Futures US

Sugar No. 11 Futures

Sugar No. 11 Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the ICE Futures US exchange. Sugar No. 11 Futures may be cleared through ICE Clear US. The Sugar No. 11 Futures contract prices the physical delivery of raw cane sugar, free-on-board the receiver's vessel to a port within the country of origin of the sugar. Sugar No. 11 Futures positions on account ZMA27 which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in March 2012.


ICE Futures US

Cotton No. 2 Futures

Cotton No.2 Futures are exchange traded futures positions on the ICE Futures US exchange. Cotton No.2 Futures may be cleared through ICE Clear US. A Cotton No.2 Futures contract calls for physical delivery of cotton of certain minimum standards. Cotton No.2 Futures positions on account ZMA27 which were open at the PPE were due for settlement in December 2011.


~ -

J MXB/NRG/98548.00002/30636647 .02w 0)

KPMG llP Tel +44 (0) 2073111000

Restructuring Fax +44 (0) 207 311 3311

8 Salisbury Square



United Kingdom

Solid Financial Services Limited 151 Floor, Charalambides Chambers 15 K Paparegopoulos Str Limassol, 3106 Cyprus Via email: [email protected];[email protected]

1 May 2013 Our Solid Financial Services ref Limited


Dear SirlMadam,

Customer Reference Number: 6033062-97870 Customer Name: Solid Financial Services Limited

MF Global UK Limited in Special Administration ("the Company") Administrators' Assessment of your Client Money Claim

Further to the appointment of Richard Heis, Michael Robert Pink and Richard Dixon Fleming as administrators of the Company (the "Administrators") on 31 October 2011, we write to you in order to commence the process of agreeing the value of your client money claim.

This letter and its annexes set out certain key information regarding your client money claim. How client money is to be returned to you by the Company is governed by the Financial Services Authority's (the "FSA") Client Assets sourcebook (commonly referred to as the CASS Rules) which can be found in the FSA's Handbook, a copy of which is available

online at www.fsa.gov.uk. Accordingly, some of the terms used in this letter have special meanings. If you do not understand any aspect of this letter or if you have any questions, you should contact the Administrators by emailing [email protected] or consult your own legal and other professional advisors for advice in relation to your client money claim.

The Administrators have started to make an interim distribution of client money to clients with agreed client money claims. The level of the interim distribution is 26 cents in the dollar. This interim distribution will allow the Administrators to return a proportion of the client money held by the Company. Note however, that not all monies which make up the client money pool will be distributed at this stage because there are still a number of uncertainties which may have an impact on the client money pool and the level of distributions that the Administrators are ultimately able to make. Subsequent distributions of client money will be

made in due course.

KPMG LlP. s UK limited habillty Plnoerahlp. IS a substdiary of KPMG Europe LlP lind iI member firm 01 the KPMG nehNOrk of Independent member flfms affiliated With KPMG International Coop8r.!t iWl. S SWISS Registered 10 England No 0001540 entlty RegisUlred offICe" 15 Canada SqUlrl!, London E14 5Gl 37

mailto:[email protected]:[email protected];[email protected]


MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref' 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Sen'ices Limited

Please note that the proposed interim distribution process applies only to client money and

NOT to the return of client assets or claims against the Company's unsecured estate. Please

see the Administrators' website at www.kpmg.co.uklmfglobaluk for further details in respect

of the separate ongoing claims processes relevant to those claims.


As part of the claims agreement process, you are being provided with updated statements

showing your balance as at 31 October 2011, being the date the Company went into special

administration. Accordingly, please find enclosed the statements relevant to your account(s)

and accompanying notes in respect of these statements.

For each account where you held open positions as at 31 October 2011, you have been

provided with two statements: (i) one which provides the balance of your accounts which

reflect the value of your open positions at their respective marked to market values on 31

October 2011, being the date the Company went into special administration and (ii) one

which provides the balance of your accounts which reflects the value of the positions once

lclosed out .

The reason why you have been provided with these alternative values is because there are

currently legal uncertainties surrounding the appropriate valuation method in respect of your

claim. The question is, whether your claim should be valued by reference:

to the value of open positions as at the date on which the Company entered special

administration, being 31 October 2011, including by reference to any marked to

market value; or

to the value of such positions once closed out either in accordance with their terms or

under any applicable default rules.

The application of hindsight to the valuation of clients' client money entitlements is one

wpjch the Administrators have invited the Court to determine. Resolution of this question

may take some time, but until the Court has determined that question it will not be clear what

the correct value of your claim is. If hindsight should apply, it will at least be clear that the

Administrators are not to value claims in respect of open positions only by reference to the

I If you held open positions on the London Metal Exchange ("LME") as at 31 October 2011. for each relevant account, the close out value shall be the marked to market value ofyouT open positions as at 1 November 2011, being the value and date chosen by the LME for

provision of net sums to customers who traded positions on the LME pursuant to the LME's Default Regulations as set out in Part 9 of the LME's Rulebook. For all other open positions, the Administrators have valued claims in respect of those positions with reference to the

value of the positions as at the date those positions were closed out.

2 38



MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref' 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Services Limited

apparent value of such positions (including by reference to any marked to market value) as at

31 October 2010.

Nevertheless, the Administrators would like to take steps to agree your claim as quickly as

possible. Accordingly, we will seek to agree the value of your claim with reference to these

possible valuation methods until such time as the appropriate valuation method has been

detennined by the Court. In the interim period, we will make interim distribution payments

based on the lowest of the two values.

Summary of Your Client Money Claim

The Administrators believe the statements enclosed represent all of your accounts with the

Company which contain client money and, following a review of those accounts, are of the

opinion that the total value of the client money claim you have in the special administration

of the Company is as set out in Annex A.

Points to note in respect of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (the "FSCS")

As you may be aware, the FSCS is the compensation fund of last resort for customers of

authorised financial services finns. It protects private individuals and small businesses if an

authorised firm, like the Company, becomes insolvent and cannot return money or

investments to its customers. It describes this as being in default. For eligible claims the

FSCS can pay up to 50,000 in compensation per person. Applying to the FSCS for

compensation is a separate and parallel process to claiming against the Company in the

special administration.

You may have received an application form from the FSCS inviting you to make a claim. If you believe you may be entitled to the benefit of protection which the FSCS provides and have submitted (or intend to submit) an application fonn to make a claim for compensation to the FSCS, you should note that the FSCS will only make payments to you in accordance with its rules and if the value of your claim has first been agreed in full by the Administrators. This means that if you h!!ve submitted your application to the FSCS (or intend to do so), you still must agree your claim with the Administrators.

You should note that until such time as we have agreed your claim and the FSCS has informed the Administrators that your claim has been assessed as an eligible claim by the FSCS and that compensation has been sent to you, the Administrators will continue to make payment to you directly.

3 39


MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Services Limited

This letter, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject

matter (including non-contractual disputes or claims in relation thereto), shall be governed by

and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

Yours faithfully

~.~~ Richard Heis

Joint Administrator ofMF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Richard Heis. Michael Robert Pink and Richard Dixon Fleming were appointed as administrators ofMF Global UK Limited.

The affairs. business and property ofMF Global UK Limited are being managed by the administrators who contract as agents ofMF

Global UK Limited without personalliabilitJ'.

Richard Heis and Michael Robert Pink are authorised to act as insolvency practitioners by the Institute ofChartered Accountants in

England and Wales. Richard Dixoll Fleming is authorised to act as an insolvency practitioner by the Insolvency Practitioners Associatioll.

4 40


MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Services Limited



The table entitled "Client Money Claim Summary" sets out the value of your client money entitlement as assessed by the Administrators within the meaning of "the client money rules"

and "the client money distribution rules" as defined by Chapter 7 of the Financial Service Authority's Handbook, a copy of which can be found at www.fsa.gov.uk.

In the table entitled "Client Money Claim Summary", the row entitled "Total Claims" sets out two possible values of your claim as assessed by the Administrators. As described in the Administrators' letter, your actual client money entitlement will only be determined once the Court has detennined which is the appropriate valuation methodology in respect of your client money claim. However, in an effort to agree your client money claim as quickly as

possible and the Administrators seek to agree with you the value of your client money claim based on the two possible alternative values as set out below.

Any interim distribution made by the Administrators will be based upon the lower of the two values of your claim as assessed by the Administrators and as set out below.

Client Money Claim Summary

Marked to market value as at 31 October 2011 *

Close Out Value**

Value (Converted to USD)*** Value (Converted to USD)***

Futures & Options 7,073,202.31 8,084,333.27

CFDs (9,853.33) (9,848.21)

FX - -

Spread Betting - -


7,063,348.97 8,074,485.06

* This figure takes into consideration the marked to market value ofany open positions as at 31 October 2011, being the date the Company went into special administration.

**This figure takes illto consideration the close out value ofany opim positions. Ifyou held open positions on the London Metal ychange ("LME "J. as at 31 October 2011, the Administrators have valued claims in respect ofthose positions as at 1 November 201 I, which is the vall/ation date chosen by the LME pl/rsuant to the LME's

5 41



MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Services Limited

Default Regulations as set Ollt in Part 9 ofthe LME's Rlilebook (the "LME Default Settlement Amount'). For all other open positions, the Administrators have valued claims in respect ofthose positions with reference to the value ofthe positions as at the date those positions were closed out .

UAmounts converted using the middle market (mean ofspot buying and selling) rates as observed by the Bank ofEngland's Foreign Exchange Desk in the London interbank market arol/nd 4 pm 011 31 October 2011 in accordance with Rule 166 ofRules.

NOTES: Please note that your client money claim will be paid in USD (unless you elect for payment to be made to a GBP account, in which case your payment will be converted by the Administrators from USD to GBP at the applicable rate available on the date, or the date prior to which, payment is made, and paid to you in GBP). If you would like payment to be made to a different account to that or one of those set out in the enclosed Bank Account Confirmation Form, please provide details of this account via the New Bank Details Forn) enclosed. Please note that if this account is in a currency other than usn or GBP for client money claims or GBP for creditor claims then you will be responsible for any currency conversion costs levied by your bank. Also note that if you provide details of an account which is not an agreed account as per the Company's records then Know Your Customer (KYC) checks will need to be carried out before any payments are made, which may cause a delay to the payment of any distributions.

Further, please note that the Administrators will not be making payments of less than GBP 100 or USD 160 as part of this interim distribution of client money as the cost of making such payment may exceed the distribution in such circumstances.

6 42


MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Services Limited



(the "Company")



On 31 October 2011, Richard Fleming, Richard Heis and Michael Pink of KPMG LLP were . appointed as Administrators of the Company (the "Administrators") by order of the High

Court in accordance with The Investment Bank Special Administration Regulations 201 1.

The following relates to a letter dated 1 May 2013 to Solid Financial Services Limited (the "Client") from the Administrators setting out their assessment of the level of the Client's client money claim against the Company (the "Letter"). In the Letter, at Annex A, the Administrators set out the possible values which the Administrators believe represent the

Client's total client money claim and which they are prepared to agree as the Client's 'client

money entitlement' within the meaning of "the client money rules" and "the client money

distribution rules" as defined by Chapter 7 of the Financial Service Authority'S Handbook

(the '"FSA's Handbook") (the "Client Money Claim"). Note that Annex A sets out two

figures which the Administrators believe represent the Client's total Client Money Claim

against the Company, valued in accordance with the two possible approaches to valuation, and which they are prepared to agree as the Client's Client Money Claim subject to the

determination of which of the approaches to valuation is correct. The determination of that

issue by the Courts will dictate which one of the figures is the actual value of the Client's

Client Money Claim.

In signing this agreement, the Client acknowledges and agrees with the Administrators and

any successors in office:

a) to the Administrators' assessment of the Client's Client Money Claim as set out in the

Letter. For the avoidance of doubt, the agreement is as to the assessment of the

Client's Client Money Claim as assessed on each of the alternative bases for valuing

that claim referred to in the Letter;

b) that, subject always to paragraphs (c) and (e) below, pursuant to the terms of the

FSA's Handbook, the Client is entitled to receive a sum which is rateable to the

Client's "client money entitlement" within the meaning of "the client money rules"

and "the client money distribution rules" as defined by Chapter 7 of the FSA's

Handbook (the "Client Money Entitlement Amount");

7 43


MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Services Limited


.. . - . . ' ., . . . . ; 'I , .! ANNEXC



Customer Reference: 6033062-97870

Customer Name: Solid Financial Services Limited

Following agreement of your claim in the special administration, you will be entitled to

receive distributions which are to be announced by the Administrators from time to time. It

is the Administrators' intention to pay all client money claims in USD (unless you elect for

payment to be made to a GBP account, in which case your payment will be converted by the

Administrators from USD to GBP on the date, or the date prior to which, payment is made,

and paid to you in GBP) and all creditor claims in GBP. To ensure payment is made to the

correct account, please sign and return this Bank Account Confirmation Form to the


You will note that we are requesting confirmation of your banking details in respect of both client money claims and creditor claims. This is because, in the event that there is a shortfall in the amount of client money available for distribution as defined in the glossary to the FSA's Handbook, each client may have a claim against the Company in respect of that shortfall as an unsecured creditor of the Company. Whilst at the date of this letter, it is unclear whether or not there will be such a shortfall, should the Administrators be requ'ired to make any payment to you in respect of that shortfall as a creditor (rather than as a client), the Administrators intend to make any distribution payment(s) to the account you select below.

If you would like payment to be made to a different account to the option, or one of the

options indicated below, please provide details via the New Bank Details form (Annex D) enclosed. Please note that if this account is in a currency other than USD or GBP for client money claims and GBP for creditor claims then you will be liable for any currency

conversion costs levied by your bank. Also note that if you provide details of an account which is not an agreed account per the Company's records then Know Your Customer (KYC)

checks will need to be carried out which may cause a delay to the payment of any


10 46


MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Services Limited

DISTRIBUTIONS I1We agree that payment of all distributions in respect of:

i) Client Money Claims, to be paid in usn (unless I elect for payment to be made to a GBP account by ticking the box relevant to my GBP account below, in which case my

payment will be converted by the Administrators from usn to GBP on the date, or the date prior to which, payment is made, and paid to me in GBP); and

ii) Creditor Claims, to be paid in GBP,

will be made to the following elected bank account(s):

Beneficiary Bank Bank Bank Company Client Money

Name Account Account Reference Claims

Currency Number (for internal

(last four use)


Solid Bank USD 9412 33195 lil Solid Bank USD 9412 35864 0 ZAG Solid Bank Moscow Branch

USD 9412 25675 0

Solid Bank USD 9412 43364 0

If you would like your distributions to be paid to an account other than

selected above please indicate this by selecting a different account or

completing the new bank confirmation form at Annex D.

Full Name (CAPITALS)

of authorised sign~t()ry*


Authority of signatory**


11 47


MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Our Ref 6033062-97870 - Solid Fillancial Services Limited

... Please note that this must either be signed by the customer directly if you are an individual or, ifyou are a

corporate, it must be signed by an appropriately authorised person from within your organisation, which the Administrators will recognise as an authorised signatory for your accounts on the Company's records .

...... This is only applicable if you are signing on behalf of a corporate entity.

Please email a signed copy to [email protected]

12 48

mailto:[email protected]


MF Global UK Limited (in special administration)

Dllr Ref 6033062-97870 - Solid Financial Services Limited




Beneficiary Account Name:

Beneficiary Account Denomination: (i.e. what currency is the account? E.g GBPIUSDIEUR)

IBAN or Beneficiary Account Number: (IBAN is mandatory for payments to Europe)

Beneficiary bank name:

Beneficiary bank address:

Beneficiary bank SWIFTBIC: (mandatory for international payments)

Beneficiary Bank Sort Code: (mandatory for payments to a sterling bank account held in the UK)

Full Name (CAPITALS) of authorised signatory*


Authority of signatory **

Date * Please note that this must either be signed by the customer directly if you are an individual or, if you are a corporate, it must be signed by an appropriately authorised person from within your organisation, which the Administrators will recognise as an authorised signatory for your accounts on the Company's records.

** This is only applicable if you are signing on behalf of a corporate entity.

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