Exercises from this lesson - Teal Swan


Transcript of Exercises from this lesson - Teal Swan

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Exercises from this lesson:

Conduct a session where you get to meet and understand the part of you that is most self-hating rightnow, and it's opposite. Simply place your hands together and repeat out-loud or mentally: “I choosewith my free will to become the part of me that is most self-hating right now.” Letting it take over, feelthe subtle or not so subtle changes in how you think and feel. Have a pen or pencil ready (there is

note-taking space below) and we invite you to use the opposite hand you normally write with for thisexercise. This can be done on your own as demonstrated in the video, or with someone that can help

ask you questions, such as those suggested here below. You may also organically come up withquestions that feel right for you.

Self-Hating Aspect Sample Questions:

→ What is your Age? Appearance? Gender?

→ Do you know who <insert your name> is? Do you know that you're trying to love them?

→ Would you like <name> to know about all of the things you've been doing?

→ <name> feels hurt by something you're doing, do you realize that?

→ Are you aware of the part that is opposite to you?

→ Anything else you would like us to know?

→ Are you okay if we talk to the opposite aspect; would you listen to what we have to say?

Opposite Aspect Sample Questions:

→ Were you present for the conversation we just had with your opposite part?

→ How do you feel about this? Why do you feel this way?

→ Are you living the life you really want?

→ If things could change, would you want it?

→ What's it like to be seen right now?


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To release yourself from any parts, place your hands together and say out-loud or mentally: “I nowrelease myself from the consciousness of __________.” Whenever you release yourself from a part

and “come back”, you are entering the central perspective.




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Exercises from this lesson:

→ Place your hands around a glass of water and focus loving energy (this can come through thevenue of anything else you love or can focus positively on, like your dog, child, eating your

favorite food) and hold this focus for a minimum of two minutes, up to five minutes.

→ Push the energy of this focus straight into the water. You can also use sound to assist you byplaying music you love.

→ Drink the water! Lower frequencies (ie. Self-Hate) must rise up to match higher frequencies (ie.Love)

→ Practice once a day!



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Exercises from this lesson:

→ Ask yourself the Question: What kinds of shifts have I been noticing within my being so far sincebeginning the course?

Write your reflections below:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Follow the steps listed to begin to Retune back into your Emotions:

Step one: set a timer to go off throughout the day at different intervals, for example every 10 minutesor perhaps every hour.

Step two: when the timer goes off, use this opportunity to close your eyes, turn your attention inside,paying close attention to the physical sensations you're experiencing.

Step three: see if you can label them. Can you decipher which emotion(s) correspond to thesensations?

Step four: what is this sensation or emotion trying to communicate to me?


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It's suggested that every time you do this exercise when the timer goes off, to write down yourobservations and reflections. We will provide some space here as you begin to try this exercise:

Write your reflections below:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Exercises from this lesson:

→ Anything you decide from this point on, will be decided by asking yourself the Question: “Whatwould someone who loved themselves do?”

→ The answer you receive is a flash of intuition, and this is what you will follow during these 365 daysof Self-Love. You will always get the right answer for you! Is there anything you are deciding between

right now?

Write it below:


Then apply: What would someone who loved themselves do?

Follow the answer you receive, not just sometimes, but all the time. It can come in the form of athought, feeling, sensation, image; however it is that you uniquely perceive the answer.

If you're driving and you're unsure whether to turn left or right: “what would someone who lovedthemselves do?” If you're at the grocery store and you don't know if you should buy donuts: “what

would someone who loved themselves do?”

It can be used on any and every decision we need to make, big, small, and everything in-between.

Ponder what other decisions this can be applied to in your life right away, and be sure to use it movingforward during this one-year journey.




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Exercises from this lesson:

→ For the following questions, fill out as many examples for you personally as you possibly can!

“I tell myself ____________, but the truth is ____________.”



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“I tell other people that ____________, but the truth is ____________.”



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“I pretend that ____________, but the truth is ____________.”



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Remember: your being wants healing.

Once you start these, your body will work with you to bring up the answersto the surface.

Nothing is wrong or bad about you holding these incongruences; they weresimply a reaction to the socialization you went through.

Now is the time to mend them.

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Exercises from this lesson:

Ask yourself the Question: “What ways do I do things or say things so that I get the reaction thatI want from other people?”

Write your reflections below:


Ask yourself the Question: “What ways do I meet other people's needs so that they will meet myneeds?”

Write your reflections below:



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Look up a list of mental, emotional, and physical needs on the internet. Get familiarwith what they can look like. Then, write a list of your own needs in as much detail

as possible:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Now that you've become aware of what these needs are, when you identify them as you need them,your job is to now meet them!

When it becomes appropriate, and you've identified people in your life that can help you meet needsthat you have, your challenge is to bring your list to them in the moment you need something. Then,let them have a chance to consider their own needs, and if/when it feels right for them to help you

meet yours.

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Exercises from this lesson:

It's time to describe yourself. What issues are you facing right now? What do you feel are the negativeaspects of your personality?

Write your reflections below:


Think about what the highest and best use of those traits could be, thus exalting them. (You caninvolve other people in this process)

Write your reflections below:


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Whenever you get into a conflict with someone, observe what it is you feel ashamed of. When we feelshame, it's an aspect of self that we've pushed away for some reason. Find this aspect when you feel

shame; how we can bring it closer rather than push it away?

Exercise to re-own your Shame:

Step one: picture yourself in your mind's eye.

Step two: identify the parts of you that you feel are not lovable

Step three: pick one of these parts to focus on. What is the truth of this aspect that it would like toshare with you? How can you practice improving the relationship with this part of you?

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Exercises from this lesson:

→ When you do the connection exercise that was demonstrated in the video, address the reflection inthe mirror as another person that you're journeying into.

Step one: sit in front of a mirror.

Step two: close your eyes and begin to imagine that your reflection in the mirror is a separate being.Feel yourself opening up to this other person.

Step three: look at the person in the mirror directly in the eyes. Focus deep into one or both pupils ofthe eye, and begin the journey when you're ready. Below are some tips.

If you feel resistance, as if something is preventing you from even going inside of yourself on thisexplorative journey, that's the first wall to do this with. What are its needs? Meet them and navigate

even deeper within yourself.

Follow your intuition with what you perceive throughout the experience and the walls that youencounter.

Attune to the frequency of whatever landscape you are in. For example, if you're sinking in quicksand,you can project unconditional love towards it, or attune yourself to the frequency of the quicksand.

Maybe it's vibrating at the frequency of depression, and I can then choose to feel this depression andnot be resistant to it, so as to better understand it. You even become aware of needs you weren't

aware of before from doing this.

Use your intuition as a guide to help you understand the next step and path as you go on thisjourney. There's not a time limit to place upon this process; wait until you feel a sense of

completion. Do not end the session because you're trying to get away from something; that'sregistered in your own being as a self-abandonment. Pull out of the experience from a good


Summarize your experience here:



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Exercises from this lesson:

→ Affirmations are declarations of truth that you choose for your life.

→ What is something you want to be true for you?

Write it below:


How does it feel where you are right now relative to this affirmation you want to be the truth in yourreality? Especially sense for how it feels in your physical body.

Write it below:



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What positive proof do you have right now that is aligned with loving yourself? Come with up things forat least 20 minutes. You can also ask others for what they like about you to help you form this list. Totake this to the next level, record your voice reading this list aloud, and play it while you're going to

sleep to embed it into your consciousness.

Write your list below:



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For each item on your list. spend two minutes per item and really take it in. Let yourself fully feel whatit feels like as the truth of it settles into your body.

When you find statements that are really true for you, you'll feel an opening and a relief pattern. This isyou bridging your way to your destination of what's wanted.

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Exercises from this lesson:

→ Express your appreciation for yourself!

Grab a pen or pencil, and in the space provided below or in your own journal, begin your love letter toyourself. If desired, begin it with Dearest (insert name) along with today's date. Then, let the rest of

this letter flow through your heart through your fingertips.

Date: _________________

Dearest __________________,



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When you're finished, you can sign it and put it into a sealed envelope and "send" it to yourself. Youcan choose to drop it off later that same day, or perhaps give it to someone you trust who can mail it to

you in one year. Whenever you do open this letter, read it slowly. Focus on opening up to receiveevery word you read, into your being.

See every moment as an opportunity to love yourself. You can choose to pull yourself closer, or pushyourself farther away. Treat every moment as a chance to bring yourself closer, and watch how this

changes in your reality where the very people who can do the same for you must show up.

Thanks for being brave to embark upon the journey to Self Love!

Lesson Index :

→ Lesson One..…........................................................begins on page 2

→ Lesson Two..…........................................................begins on page 4

→ Lesson Three..…........................................................begins on page 5

→ Lesson Four..…........................................................begins on page 7

→ Lesson Five..…........................................................begins on page 9

→ Lesson Six..…........................................................begins on page 13

→ Lesson Seven..…........................................................begins on page 16

→ Lesson Eight..…........................................................begins on page 18

→ Lesson Nine..…........................................................begins on page 20

→ Lesson Ten..…........................................................begins on page 23
