EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · 2019-08-16 · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The content created by the Wealth Enhancers...


Transcript of EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · 2019-08-16 · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The content created by the Wealth Enhancers...

Page 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · 2019-08-16 · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The content created by the Wealth Enhancers team is good content and is the shining light in a business which has it’s digital
Page 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · 2019-08-16 · EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The content created by the Wealth Enhancers team is good content and is the shining light in a business which has it’s digital


The content created by the Wealth Enhancers team is good content and is the shining light in a business which has it’s digital marketing really in the dark. I can see how much effort has been put into the content and the way the email sequences are written, I like them and believe these have been produced by someone who is knowledgeable in this area and cares about the service they provide.

The product and offers also show promise, despite the holes in the majority of marketing activities we still see numbers that could provide profitably after time (which if your average lifetime value is correct will prove profitable) and numbers that are better than expected for what is in place which means there is demand there.

The problem however with this business’s digital marketing comes in pretty much every aspect outside of that.There are severe holes in the tracking meaning the company is essentially flying blind when operating the majority of their marketing activities and that use of retargeting options has seriously been hampered. I would recommend a tracking audit is undertaken and implemented as soon as possible if running any form of digital marketing.

There are dead ends in the website which will lead to confusion, the funnel pages that have been set up are not adequate to fill the role of enhancing the brand and generating profitable numbers and in my opinion need completing overhauling and rebuilding on every funnel that is currently active.

There is very little testing being done in the advertising campaigns of either Facebook and Google and very little optimisation being performed once a campaign is actually live and there are technical errors throughout which will be harming the performance of the campaigns.

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There seems to also be very little overarching strategy in place for the campaigns, everything looks to be set up with one goal in mind which is separate for each campaign. Nothing seems to be working synergistically, there is very little retargeting in place and what is in place is rudimental and not developed to move a user into a sale. It comes across very much like an approach of putting together a lead gen piece and an autoresponder (with good content which you have clearly spent a lot of time on) and set up a couple of ads, got a working page together and set it live with your fingers crossed. Which is fine to get you to a certain level, but to really grow past that level you need to put more in place and I hope this audit goes quite a way into giving you what you need to be able to do that.

The main problem I see when undertaking this audit is that nothing has been proven to convert with immediate profitability. Based on the numbers you have given me in the onboarding call, which are 1 out of 8 people signing up from a consultation and a 25% gross margin on the $550 product, means you need to be acquiring a consultation call for $17 to break even in the first month. None of your recent campaigns have come close to that number. Obviously the aim of hiring an expert in advertising is to better what you have been previously doing but so far the concept of achieving an immediately profitable sale has not been proven. This means one of 2 things moving forward, you are aware you are losing money on the front end knowing you are making it up in the previous months and are aiming to scale slowly to limit loss in the first few months knowing it will accumulate in the following months with the aim of getting the cost per acquisition as low as possible.Or that the aim is to actually try and prove that your product, offer and business model can be made immediately profitable and that is the goal.Both of those mindsets require very different strategies, thought processes, mindset and reporting and is something we will discuss more in depth when going through this audit together but it is important you are clear in your own mind what your goal is.

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My initial thoughts on whether or not the business can reach immediate profitability utilising its current business models (achieving a cost per conversion of $17 whilst hitting a 12.5% sale conversion rate from call booked resulting in a cost per purchase of $136)

Is this being achieved now - Not close Is this achievable through a solely direct to call approach - PossiblyIs this achievable through an opt in / upsell approach - Unlikely Is this achievable with multi-stage retargeting ecosystem - Likely but unproven and will take time to build out audiences and awareness

Ultimately it will require a lot of work on both the front-end and the back-end from both the Wealth Enhancers team and a digital marketing team, but with the level of content Wealth Enhancers produces and by pushing all systems go on improving the sales cycle, and a level of marketing expertise provided by an agency such as SV Marketing... I believe we can prove front end profitability.

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Demographic Research………………………………………………Pages 1 - 6

Female Avatar…………………………………………………..…… Pages 7 - 11

Male Avatar………………………………………………………… Pages 12 - 16

Social Media Content Marketing Analysis……………………. Pages 17 - 27

Wealthfront Competitor Content Analysis…………………….. Page 28 - 37

Wealthfront Competitor Google Analysis…………………….. Pages 37 - 39

Ellevest Competitor Content Analysis………………………… Pages 40 - 48

Ellevest Competitor Google Analysis……………………….… Pages 49 - 51

Website Analysis …..…………………………………………………..… Page 52

Facebook Tracking Analysis…………………………………….. Pages 53 - 59

Facebook Funnel Analysis…………………………………….… Pages 60 - 65

Facebook Advert Analysis…………………………………….… Pages 66 - 72

Google Adwords Analysis…………………………………….…. Pages 73 - 76

Asset Audit…………………………………….…………………… Pages 77 - 80

Proposed Digital Marketing Strategy………………………………… Page 81

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DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH In order to understand the different demographics we should focus our marketing efforts on and in order to identify ideal customer profiles, we have conducted research into Millennials and their finances. The purpose of this is to create profiles of potential prospects that we want to be appealing to, delving deep into the benefits they are looking for, how they respond to different marketing efforts, the best way to reach them and ultimately how we gain a purchase or enquiry from them.

Despite how they have been portrayed in the media Millennials are not as careless with money as we are led to believe. In fact compared to Boomers they face increased pressure on their spending due to student loans and the negative influence of social media. And when asked how Millennials feel about having debt on average 47% feel anxious with 30% feeling embarrassed, frustrated or regretful. We do however see 18-34 year olds often being late with mortgage payments and overdrawing checking accounts.

Around 62% of Millennials see themselves as savers with 3 in 5 believing that they need to start saving at a young age, this is great for us. We also note that 25% of Millennials feel that spending money plays a vital part in helping them to enjoy life and 14% saying they are spenders because they have so much debt they don’t care anymore.

Our research has found that 40% of Millennials feel that they have the support of family in case of a financial emergency rather than saving needing to be an essential.

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FIG 1:Reasons Collected As To Why Millennial Spenders Choose Not To Save.

Overall however there is happiness in saving and financial security, though it’s thought that it may be harder for Millennials who are paying off debts such as student loans. However despite that financial security is very important to the happiness of 68% Millennials and a high proportion (72%) are already saving for retirement. Conventional wisdom often portrays millennial financial goals in terms of the “FIRE” type but contrary to this generalisation, we see that among those that expect to retire at all, millennial investors and non investors expect to retire at age 65. Just 3% of millennials with taxable accounts plan to retire before age 50.

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Notable, millennial non- investors are more likely than investors to say they will never retire because they cannot afford to.

In addition with Millennials there is also a much wider ranger of items/ occasions in which they typically save for which can be seen in the chart below.

FIG 2: Aspects Millennials Save For Excluding Retirement

Non investing millennials have very modest financial goals and are focussed on surviving month-to-month (for example 40% list a top goal as not living paycheck to paycheck. In contrast the top financial goals of millennials with taxable accounts are saving enough to retire when they want and to live comfortably (46%).

Access to an employer- sponsored retirement plan however is a key stepping stone to investing and an employer is seen to be one of the top influences on

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making the decision to start investing among millennials who do invest, particularly for those with retirement accounts only (37% of people).

Of those who believe themselves to be a saver, 60% say they are so because they want to meet their goals faster. Other reasons as shown below include influence from parents/ guardians and thoughts towards years later in life.

FIG 3: Reasons Why Millennials Choose To Save Money

Millennials are also seen to budget ( around 8 in 10) and when faced with tough spending choices, many choose saving over spending.However despite this they are less likely than Boomers to accept that they cannot afford a desirable item with 39% choosing to set savings targets and buy the item when the target is achieved.

For Millennials, keeping their spending in check can be a challenge alone with 34% feeling some pressure to keep up with their friends’ spending

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habits. Social media has a definite hand in this with 64% saying that they compare their situation to others on different platforms.

Despite this only around 1 in 5 Millennials have a written- down financial plan with an advisor. Whilst you may be initially inclined to believe this is due to lack of trust, in recent studies only 15% of Millennials stated this as their reason. Instead the most popular reason stated was that they felt it was too expensive (42%) alongside other opinions that they felt they didn’t have enough money (39%) or that they did not know how to find an advisor (13%).

However there are multiple situations in which Millennials would look at seeking professional advice and these are situations of which can be used in targeting new prospects. These include planning their estate/ what inheritance they will leave behind, buying a new home, starting a new job or starting a family. However they typically want a financial professional who is more of a teacher than a friend. To build trust, millennials say they want a financial professional who will educate them, customise their approach to their needs and who can demonstrate that they place their client’s interests above their own.

When it comes to investing 78% not only want to build their savings but also develop relationships with brands - just as they have done on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter.Typically millennials are also seen to be more likely to buy a few shares of dozens of different stocks to give them a more diversified portfolio. In addition it has been noted that money, rather than being diverted, as we may have initially though, through checking and savings, is in fact coming out of spending money, money that would have been used for online spending, coffees/ meals out and socialising.

Millennials are also more inclined to use social media to obtain information with 59% of those doing so in comparison to 29% of those aged 35 and over. Plus with a vast selection of different platforms it is vital for advisors to be engaging with them on a mixture of the platforms which helps grow awareness, trust and authority.

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FIG 4: Percentage Of Audience That Will Have Profiles On Different Platforms

When it comes to social media platforms and websites millennials are also clear in what drives them to certain companies and products with good eye catching photos, concise copy and engaged communities being what they primarily seek.

57% of millennials have said that there favourite sites have brief, well written content with 76% saying the content is also easy to understand. In addition to this millennials also considered as main focus points that the content was reliable, straight-forward, unbiased and had multiple viewpoints because as we know two people are never the same, or have the same opinion.

We will look into each demographic in more detail over the next coming pages.

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FEMALE AVATAR In this case we have determined that the most likely female avatar is a woman aged 32 years old. She is heavily invested in herself taking a great deal of care in her appearance and achieving aspects in life such as her career to the best she can possibly be.

After completing college/ Uni she has worked hard to build her career as the manager of a local Information technology company. In this role of which she has worked hard to climb the career ladder she is a leader, an employee responsible for organisation-wide systems, overseeing and determining work and providing direction and assistance for all members of staff. She also has a keen eye for detail which was early picked up by her employer and is something she tries to pass on to the team in which she manages, ensuring that everything is done to a high standard.

Whilst she is a career driven woman, she also prioritises a large percentage of her time when not at work on her family and friends. Having a close relationship with her sister means they are more than often together either alone or with her young nephew. She also looks towards her family for inspiration and hopes like her sister to grow a family of her own in the future.

When she is not with family, she likes to socialise with her close friends and with a passion for foods of all cultures she enjoys entertaining by hosting dinner parties or trying out new restaurants and cuisines of which she has come across on social media.

She lives with her fiance in Melbourne in a property worth approximately $380,000 of which she is incredibly house proud. She likes to ensure that at all times the property is clean and tidy and decorated with the latest decorations and furnishings. However she does this in a way that coincides with taking care in the world around her, having researched into natural products especially in terms of cleaning products using those that are eco friendly rather than heavily chemical based products.

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With her disposable income she uses a mixture of cash and debit/ credit cards to make payments, living paycheck to paycheck, especially as she tries to save money for her wedding. In particular she spends a larger percentage of her disposable income on clothing and accessories in addition to the home decor to ensure she always looks her best, especially in her career where she has reached a higher level and has a high level of respect. She also alongside this purchases multiple beauty products focussing on those of which are natural rather than the cost of the products.

Having recently become engaged however and as she starts to think about her future ahead she has become concerned as to how her financial status will be affected. Having worked extremely hard she wants to be able to enjoy the money in which she does earn, however is unsure as to how to balance this with saving for both the near future (creating a family of which can live comfortably) and later in the future when she wishes to retire without any financial stress.

She is highly active on Facebook, predominantly on her mobile device (iPhone), which is where we will most likely reach her with our targeting, but also on desktop devices meaning she likely uses the internet whilst at work. She is inclined to click on posts as well and comment and like them. This makes the internet a great place to build trust and a relationship with her.


- She wants to be able to financially plan for her wedding, making the occasion a happy one without financial worry.

- As she builds her career she wants to ensure she reaps the rewards and enjoys life now but also has financial security later in her life.

- She wants to lead a life of happiness, continuing to achieve dreams and aspirations despite having other financial responsibilities now such as a mortgage.

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- She wants to have a better relationship with money and know what is best to do with it.

- She wants the guidance of someone who will understand her goals and beliefs and not push her to something to which they like.

- She wants guidance, to not just be told what to do, but to be taught the reasons why and how to gain a better understanding.

COMPANIES TRYING TO/ HAVE ALREADY SOLD TO HER - Curious Grace - IKEA - Business Chicks - Vinomofo - Max Sparrow - Coco Republic - Matt Black furniture - The Home - HelloFresh - Youfoodz - Uber - Clinique - Temple & Webster - Jean Jail - STA Travel - Lululemon - Camilla - Petal & Pup - Nourished Life - SEPHORA

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WHERE THEY OBTAIN INFORMATION FROM - Female health motivation - Broadsheet Melbourne - Daily life - Urban List Melbourne - Traveller - Good Food - Women’s health Australia - Furthermore - Frankie Magazine

ROLE MODELS/ INFLUENCERS - Grace Lever - Cherie Barber - Sarah Wilson

FIG 5: Age Range Of Female Avatar

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FIG 6: Relationship Status and Education Level Of Female Avatar

FIG 7: Primary Devices Used By Female Avatar

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In this case we have determined the most likely male avatar to be a man aged 31 years old. He is heavily invested in his career and has spent many years progressing to the role of which he aspires. He also has a great deal of pride in himself and the items of which he owns, making purchases of high valued products.

Having completed college/ University he has worked hard to build his knowledge, experience and understanding the industry of Graphic Design. However he has a dream, an ambition to stop working for an employer and to create his own company, unique to his beliefs and wants in the industry.

Outside of work he spends a large percentage of his time focused on his health and fitness which also allows him to briefly escape from reality and the stresses of day to day life. He is a regular member at the local gym and uses social media and magazines to follow fitness influencers and gain information on both new and existing health and fitness products. In addition to these he also uses his evenings and weekends to gain more information and understanding to further better himself and reach the goals and aspects/things in life he desires.

With the focus until now having been on building his career, he is now, later than some looking towards his future in regards to personal matters. He currently rents a property in Melbourne with his girlfriend however as they proceed in their future together they have started to look at another goal of his that being investing in a family home of their own.

With his disposable income he uses a mixture of cash and credit/debit cards to make purchases, however he favours the latter. In particular as he cares a great deal about his health and fitness, he spends a large percentage of his

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disposable income to ensure he looks the best he can at all times and has a high level of pride in his appearance.

However these products are often of high value which can often can lead to overspending especially when using card payments, meaning household bills can often be paid a few days late or paid right at the last moment of a due date.

He is highly active on Facebook, predominantly on his mobile device (iPhone), which is where we will most likely reach him with our targeting, but also on desktop devices meaning he likely uses the internet whilst at work. He is inclined to click on posts as well and comment and like them. This makes the internet a great place to build trust and a relationship with him.


- He doesn’t want to put his dreams on hold but instead achieve the aspects in which he desires.

- He wants to learn how to balance the desires he has in the present whilst also being able to secure a financially stable future.

- He is overwhelmed by the contradicting information that he has researched and wants clear, unbiased guidance.

- He wants to understand money better, not only for his personal life but in preparation for setting up and growing his own business.

- He wants guidance and to learn more so he can make decisions independently rather than continuing to rely on what he is always told he must do.

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- The Property Mentors - The A Team Property Group - FPA- Financial Planning Association of Australia - Rethink Investing - Knowledge Source - OpenCorp - InReach Investments - Oscar Hunt - George & King - Institchu - Investor Property - Spaceship - Macquarie Bank - George & King - DDP Property- Dream Design Property - The High Life - McGrath Estate Agents - Netgear - Sol Beer - My Muscle Chef - Jaguar - Dollar Shave Club - Land Rover - Audi Australia - Supps R Us - Ralph Lauren

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- ExecutiveStyle - Furthermore - Men’s Health Australia - Leadership with the financial review - ProductReview.com.au - Investopedia - The Betoota Advocate - Financial Review - The Australian


- Jack Delosa - Jordan Belfort - Russell Brunson - Kerwin Rae - Neil Patel

FIG 8: Age Range Of Male Audience

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FIG 9: Relationship Status & Education Level Of Male Audience


FIG 10: Primary Devices Used By Male Audience

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In order to differentiate yourselves from your competitors and position yourselves as an authority, content will play an important part to gauge interest with your target demographic. By looking at your current content marketing strategy, we are able to identify what is currently being done well and any areas with holes in which can be improved. By identifying any holes and putting steps into action to improve these you can ensure you are building a high quality, engaged audience. In this section we will delve into the different aspects of your content marketing strategy in further detail.

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Looking back at your posting history over a period of time enables you to see the types of content being used frequently. On the graph above, each colour dot symbolises a different type of post and the higher the dot, the more post engagement that particular post received. In this case we can determine that

you have been publishing content consistently in the last six months with pictures, links and video posts. Near the latter part of this period whilst the quantity of posts may have seen a slight decline, we can see that you have started to include status posts, this is a good addition as it is important to provide your audience with a variety of all content formats and appealing to everyone as we know different people will engage and interact differently with each of the formats.

Looking at the engagement received from the published posts, we can see a variety of levels, however typically videos have generated those with the highest levels. Whilst links may not always create such high levels of engagement, they are a great way to build a better, more quality audience of which you are able to provide them with more value and content moving them to your website or blog post.


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As previously mentioned it is important to use a variety of content formats in order to attract prospects that engage with all the different mediums. In this chart you can easily identify the split between the different formats and identify those used heavily or less frequent.

From this chart we can identify the favoured use of links over other formats of content being responsible for 40.8% of the content posted. In addition whilst status posts have been introduced recently, they still only account for 3% and would therefore be the first area of which to increase quantity first in order to better evaluate the performance of that type of content.

Status updates are a great way to engage your audience with questions or polls enabling you to find out more about your audience which will in turn help you create compelling content.


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In order to keep your audience engaged and interested you need to provide them with content that is of greater value which will keep you front of mind. In this case we see the content created is typically of shorter length and has received mixed levels of engagement. However with the limited quantity of longer posts created we are unable to fully analyse the post length and engagement relationship. It is therefore most likely that post length is irrelevant to your audience and it is best to focus on the quality of posts.


From your facebook page, we are able to determine the words that are used frequently in your posts and how much engagement those words have received. In the image above the size of the font determines how frequent the word is used in the posts you publish and the colour of the font determines the levels of engagement, withe green symbolising those with a higher level.

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In this case we can determine the vocabulary used by yourself in general creates a mixed level of engagement. Of those words we can see that ‘Finn’ and ‘Kelly’ obviously your own name has created some of the highest levels of engagement. As a founder of the company this is great, it symbolises that people have built up a perceived relationship with you and are interested in your thoughts and opinions. By having also built this perceived relationship with your audience it also helps create trust and authority.


By looking closer at the days in which content is posted we can determine the days of the week in which activity is at its lowest and highest and aim to increase posting activity on the days with the lowest activity to be more consistent.

In this case we can determine that your posting activity is much higher during the week, however declines from Thursday onwards. I suspect that the high levels of activity on Thursday may be linked in that it is done in order to compensate the low levels over the weekend when you may be out of the

office. However this can be overcome by having posts scheduled for times to be posted throughout the weekend.

Posting consistently is important as it can also lead to an increase in brand awareness especially by using posts that can be shared where they can

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reach new people of which you can then provide further information and value to leading towards an enquiry. I would therefore in this case aim to increase the levels on posting at weekends to bring it closer to the average level.


The engagement matrix has four areas of which the aim is to get the dots in the upper right area where engagement is high and the format is used often. Format types in the upper left could be used more often as they typically provide a high level of engagement however are used less often.

In this chart we can see that on average videos are used frequently and provide the highest levels of engagement with links and images providing just a slightly lower level of engagement on average. I would encourage you to try posting more status posts and utilise this format further. This will enable you to gain a better insight into they engagement they generate in comparison to

the other formats and mean a more balanced approach to your content marketing strategy as you will be appealing to the whole of your audience.


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It is important to know which time slots work best for posts which is why we look at the times in which content is posted and the times in which engagement levels are at the highest level. Looking at the chart firstly the times in which the bubbles are largest are where we see on average the highest posting activity on average, secondly the greener the bubble the higher amount of engagement the content has received at this time.

In this case we can identify that whilst there is content posted at all times throughout the day, with exception to weekend mornings. On average we can see you favour posting between 4pm and 8pm of which mid week during these times is where we see higher levels of engagement. In addition you typically receive high levels of engagement during the morning period between 8am and 12pm however this is where we see the lowest levels of posting activity from you. This time frame would therefore be a good point to start in increasing your posting activity in order to increase overall engagement levels and brand awareness.


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In this chart we can determine there has been consistent engagement on your Facebook page throughout the last six months. During May however we see levels almost double which is also where we see dated your top performing post of the last six months of which we will discuss further on in the content audit. Following this we do see a slight decline over the last month which is most likely due to the slight drop in content being posted.


The chart below shows the overall interactions on average for each format type and breakdown showing the average amount of likes, comments and shares each format will typically receive. This highlights that currently overall vides are the most successful obtaining more likes, comments and shares. Looking closer at the videos that performed well during the last six months we can see they fall into the format of informative videos presented by members of the team. Having researched into the habits and understandings of your audience I feel that these videos are most likely performing so well as you are using them to overcome some of the objections Millennials may have.

By this I mean that you are helping them to understand the language and the certain aspects which in many cases they are unsure of and do not

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understand. It also helps the audience build a better perceived relationship with the team members, therefore generating more trust, especially on live videos in which they can interact with each other. This is also something you should be doing more off based on this information combined with that of the information shown in the engagement matrix.


Looking at your top performing posts enables you to identify any trends in what attracts your audience to react and engage with a piece of content. Your top three performing posts over the last six months have been listed below.


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Your top performing post over the last six months is the building a dream team live video with yourself and Rebecca. This video is great because it contains multiple aspects which will appeal to your audience. Firstly the video is informative and helps your audience understand better about the people they should have in their life. In addition to this however it is also presented in a way in which helps them understand with references to everyday scenarios of which they can relate to. The personality of everyone is also something in which I guarantee has also drawn people to engage with the video. Both yourself and Rebecca are happy, bubbly and smiling and people will immediately be drawn to this over a video in which a person is expressionless and talks in monotone throughout.


Your second top performing post is a good example of how to link occasions and world matters into your content, in this case using valentines day to discuss looking after both your relationship and you finances. Again not only do we see Rebecca’s personality show through the video, she also makes it relatable. Having been in the same situation herself, as a WE client before and moving her own relationship from boyfriend/girlfriend to a married couple can see their desired outcome can be achieved and not only can she give them the help and support they need, but she also has an understanding of how they feel or any objections they may have.

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This top performing post comes in the different format of a blog link which is a great way to move people towards your site where you can give them more value and content. As we already know posts in which contain your name (Finn Kelly) receive a high level of engagement, most likely because they clearly associate you with the brand and having built a perceived relationship with yourself are interested and respect your opinions and own experiences.The image itself in the post is also most likely stopping your audience scroll through Facebook as it shows yourself in a natural happy environment and not of that being sat at a desk in an office.


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Looking overall at your content marketing strategy we can see you have a good basic structure in place. However there are a few aspects in which we feel if implemented would help increase the performance further.

During the last six months you have created and been posting a high quantity of content which is great, however it is just as important to remain consistent with the quantity to ensure you continue to provide your audience with value and content. The main reason behind this is if you do start to decrease you will no longer continue to be front of mind with your audience. This therefore gives your competitors the opportunity to become front of mind with their value and content meaning it would be that companies name of which the viewer would think of first when seeking assistance. It also works on the opposite basis however by of which if you are providing a high level of content at all times and your competitors are not, you will most likely attract the attention of their audience helping to increase your brand awareness and audience size.

In addition to this I would also recommend that posting activity is increased at the end of the week and also during the morning time period. Again posting consistently can also lead to an increase in brand awareness especially by using posts that can be shared where they can reach new people of which you can then provide further information and value to leading towards a sale.

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We have selected three competitor's to your business that offer a varied range of offerings, from your notes and our market research to undertake a basic analysis of their current marketing methods, offerings and strategies in order to provide a better foundation for you to understand what is working well for your competitors and for us to develop a marketing strategy that will have maximum effect.

In this case we have chosen to analyse Wealthfront and Ellevest.


Posting History


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Looking back at posting history over a period of time enables you to see the type of content being used frequently. On the graph above, the higher the dot, the greater the value of the content piece. In this case looking over the last six months we can see that Wealthfront have posted lower levels of content than yourself. We can also determine that like yourself they favour the use of links moving people to other sites for more information, however typically at a lower level of engagement than your link posts.

Whilst Wealthfront have become more active on social media in recent months, the data shows that they are most likely simply posting when they find or have content to post rather than planning ahead, looking for trends in the market or thinking about how to engage their audience. They may believe that posting on social media is not an important marketing strategy at certain times but constantly posting engaging content allows your business to stay front of mind when the target audience thinks about your product or service meaning you will be the first point of call when they decide to take action.

Content Formats

! The chart above displays the variety of content formats used in order to attract prospects. It’s vital to implement as many content formats into your strategy as people digest information and interact with content differently. Some prospects are very visual and prefer to watch videos on social media whilst others may be more attracted to links going to online articles. In this chart you can easily identify the split between the different formats used by Wealthfront and identify those used heavily or less frequent.

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As you can see from the data 63.9% of content posted is in the format of links (the same format in which was favoured by yourself) with only 31.1% as pictures and 3.3% as status updates. This is a clear case where a business needs to test different content formats to determine how they can engage with their target audience efficiently. It would be advised for them to create some video content and upload more image based posts as constantly posting links can cause your audience to become desensitised to your content. Using creatives as such would definitely increase the amount of engagement this page currently receives as they are currently not appealing to the whole of their audience.

Post Length


In order to keep your audience engaged and interested you need to provide them with content that is of greater value which will keep you front of mind. The length of posts can affect whether an audience decides to engage with a post or not. Some audiences prefer short and straight to the point posts with links whilst others prefer long, informative status updates. The dots on this graph represent the correlation between levels of engagement and the length of posts. The further to the right the dot is, the longer the post and the higher the dot, the more engaging that post was. In this instance, the most engaging posts are image based posts with long informative copy.

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With Wealthfront we can see that like yourself they utilise shorter posts in general, however it is those of a more medium length which have generated the higher levels of engagement. As in general you have utilised short posts, this would be a good example of an aspect to test in your own content marketing strategy to see how your audience reacts to mid length posts.

Most Frequently used words


Whilst looking at the most frequently used words does not tell us much it may symbolise words in which the audience are attracted to and which detail products and services related to the business.

In this case we can determine the vocabulary used by Wealthfront in general creates a high level of engagement. Words that are used most frequently are also the words with the highest engagement such as ‘Account’ and ‘Cash’ of which are words you can test in your own content.

Posts Per Day


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By looking closer at the days in which content is posted we can determine the days of the week in which activity is at its lowest and highest and aim to increase posting activity on the days with the lowest activity to be more consistent.

Looking at Wealthfronts posting activity we can determine that posting activity is much higher during the week, however declines dramatically over the weekend.This being a similar occurrence to your own posting activity. I suspect the lowest levels of posting activity on a weekend are due to a lack of content schedules and therefore fewer posts being uploaded due to staff being out of office.

By therefore increasing your own posting activity during this time it will therefore mean your company will be front of mind with the demographic audience which can therefore also increase your audience size, brand awareness and may in addition see people switch over from your competitors to yourself.

Engagement Matrix


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The engagement matrix has four areas of which the aim is to get the dots in the upper right area where engagement is high and the format is used often. Format types in the upper left could be used more often as they typically provide a high level of engagement however are used less often.

In this chart we can see that Wealthfront favour the use of links like yourself however they create a much lower level of engagement. Similar to your own page, videos provide a high level of engagement however in this case they are used infrequently. As data suggests this is a format which is highly popular and engaging with your demographic, it would therefore be an idea for you to utilise this format more gaining both the interest of your own audience and your competitors.

Daily Posting Activity And Engagement

! The graph above tells the times in which content is being posted by Wealthfront and the times in which engagement is at its highest. We can immediately identify that you have a much more balanced approach to your posting activity as whilst you post content at all times throughout the day, Wealthfront favour posting between 8am and12pm. This time period is however the area in which we see the lowest levels of posting activity for yourself and reinforces my suggestion in that your activity should be increased here as not only was it an area in which your audience are highly engaged on average but also where your competitor can become front of mind over yourself.

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Engagement History

! In this chart we can identify the levels of engagement throughout the six month period analysed on Wealthfront’s page. In the latter part of this period we can see a surge of engagement which coincides with the date of their top performing posts. These posts of which you can view later in this section are both in the format of shared images and are all relevant to them announcing that they were raising their interest rate to 2.57% APY.

Success Rate By Post


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The chart above shows the overall interactions on average for each format type used by Wealthfront and breakdown showing the average amount of likes, comments and shares each format will typically receive. This highlights that currently overall videos are the most successful obtaining more likes, comments and shares, however it is links that are used more frequently something of which is similar in comparison to your own page and post performance. Despite this looking at the individual pieces of content it is those of other formats and of recent dates which have performed better meaning the change in the style of content posted has been a move in the right direction in terms of performance.

Top Performing Posts

Looking at your top performing posts of competitors enables you to identify any trends in what attracts their audience to react and engage with a piece of content. It may also give you some ideas of themes and news in which may create a high engagement level from your own audience. The top performing posts from Wealthfront in the last six months are shown below:



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! 3.


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The best performing posts for Wealthfront are all in relation to when they announced that they were raising their interest rate to 2.57% APY. The top performing was a lengthy post reinforcing the fact that they believe your money should make money for you, not your bank. This is highlighted therefore as a main area of interest/ desire of your demographic and therefore an area to develop further in your own content.

Wealthfront Google Audit

Wealthfront.com receives approximately 91,000 organic visits per month proving that SEO is a major aspect of their marketing strategy. Of this organic traffic we see the majority (96.76%) of traffic coming from the United States and Canada generating 0.45% of all traffic whilst Australia, Germany and India make up the rest of the percentage.

On average a person views 6.44 pages spending a total on average of 08:01 minutes on the site showing how easy and quickly someone can move through the pages on the site. This also tells us that the content on the site is compelling and users are interested enough to search through the site for more information. The site also has a bounce rate of 39.81% meaning 39.81% of those who have visited the site have left straight away rather than viewing other pages which may seem relatively high but for the high amount of traffic being driven to this page it is not uncommon to see.


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Looking further at the organic traffic we can see the highest organic keyword generating traffic is that of a brand keyword “wealthfront” which is generating 53.19% of the organic traffic telling us they have worked on increasing brand awareness and receive plenty of traffic directly searching for their site. We also see product keywords such as “cash” and “wealthfront fees” collectively generating 4.38% of organic traffic.

It’s clear to see that Wealthfront have put thought into their online marketing strategy as they have covered various different traffic sources including direct, referral, search, social and paid traffic. It’s important not to rely on just one or two traffic sources because it’s likely you will reach the same people as your competitors. Whilst this is sometimes a good thing as you’ll be able to steal business, you also want to find prospects via methods that competitors aren’t using such as paid google ads and referral links. Here you can see the percentage of traffic for Wealthfront via each source in June 2019.


As previously mentioned Wealthfront have deployed a Google Adwords strategy and have been paying for clicks on this platform for the past 6 years. Google Adwords is a great way of reaching a relevant audience who is actively searching for your related product or service in real time.

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It enables businesses to reach a target audience that most will be able to reach organically. It’s also useful for stealing clicks from searches related to your competitors which could increase your market share. Looking at their account data they are currently bidding on 142 keywords, generating 3,700 visits costing a total of $23,100 per month. The main reason this strategy is costing so much is due to the average cost per click of the keywords they are bidding on. In some most cases clicks are costing between $15-$30 for keywords such as “betterment vs wealthfront” and “wealthfront review” which is very expensive.

With such a large budget for paid media Wealthfront are also using Display Advertisement which is a visual representation of google ads. These are typically 300 x 250 images which you can place on websites with chosen interests in an attempt to reach an audience who are browsing through related content of which an example is shown below. Wealthfront have a total of 54 ads running that have been seen on 401 publishers/websites. The top audience interests they are targeting are banking and finance (62%), media and entertainment (56%), news and politics (44%) and Technology (30%).


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Ellevest are another one of your key competitors so we will be analysing their social metrics to understand what works well for them as well as pointing out areas where they could improve which could also be areas you can capitalise on. Our aim with these content audits is to gain as many insights as possible so we can help you create high quality engaging content that is valuable to your target audience which will result in improved customer retention and more brand awareness.

Posting History


Looking at the same period of time over the last six months we can see that Ellevest take their social media strategy seriously posting consistently at least two times a day varying between pictures, videos and link posts. We suspect due to the amount of content that they are likely using a social media scheduling tool in order to keep up with consistent posting which is an efficient way to ensure you are engaging your target audience at different times of the day.

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Whilst this is the case, it’s also important to pay attention to the periods of time when an audience is most engaged as well as not posting too frequently as followers/people who have liked the page can become annoyed or find themselves no longer receiving any value from it.

It is also important to approach a balanced approach to your content marketing strategy as we know different people react and engage differently to the different mediums and you want to ensure you are appealing to the whole of your audience and not just a select few.

In this case over the last six months we can see Ellevest heavily favour the use of links, similar to yourself and Wealthfront, which have seen to receive a mixed level of engagement as they are responsible for both the most engaged and least engaged posts their page has seen. Again another similarity is the infrequent/ non existent use of status posts. Whilst they may not generate a high level of engagement, status updates are a great way to engage your audience with questions or polls enabling you to find out more about your audience which will in turn help you create compelling content. By utilising these more you will therefore be approaching a more balanced approach than your competitors with your content marketing strategy.

Content Formats


Here you can see the mixture of content formats posted by Ellevest over the last six months. We can see that Ellevest have been posting a lot more videos than Wealthfront but links still dominate their strategy with 60.8% of all posts.

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Whilst link clicks work great for providing value to your target audience and pictures/videos are an alternate way of engaging your audience, varying your content with status updates will also be beneficial to your brand. These don’t have to be majorly informative posts but in fact milestones of the company or updates/changes in the business that the target audience may take interest in. The most engaging posts for Ellevest (whilst they are shared links) are related to world affairs and topics unrelated to banking/financial advisory so some status updates can be used to voice an opinion on other topics which could help cause traction for your business.

Post Length

! In order to keep an audience engaged and interested they need to be provided with content that is of greater value which will keep you front of mind. In this case we see the content created by Ellevest is of smaller length on average however there are also those of longer length which have been tested. These posts of all lengths have however all generated low levels of engagement. It is therefore most likely that post length is irrelevant to your audience and it is best to focus on the quality of posts.

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Most Frequently Used Words


Whilst looking at the most frequently used words does not tell us much it may symbolise words in which the audience are attracted to and which detail products and services related to the business. In this case we can determine the vocabulary used by Ellevest in general creates a mixed level of engagement.

Of the words used we can see words such as ‘women’ and ‘financial feminist friday’ receive high levels of engagement and are used relatively often. This makes sense considering their brand is revolved around speaking to women so they are certainly capitalising on that. Words such as “money” and “investment” are also used frequently but receive much lower levels of engagement in comparison.

Posts Per Day


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Looking at Ellevest’s posting activity we can see whilst they have high levels of activity during the week, they also have a higher level of activity at the weekend in comparison to yourself and Wealthfront. This therefore gives them the advantage to become front of mind at the weekend, most likely when more people will be off work, scrolling through social media, however the content they provide would need to be of a high value. Whilst you favour posting on a Thursday, this is in fact when we see the lowest activity from Ellevest.

Engagement Matrix


The engagement matrix has four areas of which the aim is to get the dots in the upper right area where engagement is high and the format is used often. Format types in the upper left could be used more often as they typically provide a high level of engagement however are used less often.

In this chart we can see that on average links are used more frequently than pictures and videos but also receive higher levels of engagement. This is something which has been typical among both yourself and your competitors

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which leads me to believe that your demographic prefer the more informative content of which is overcome by attracting their attention via a short link post, gaining the interest and then moving them towards more information and value hosted on the website. Again we see this with your informative videos also being those of your top performing.

With Ellevest it’s surprising we see videos being the least engaging format of content, however it becomes apparent on viewing a selection of their videos as to why. The first three seconds of a video are the most important to be able to stop a person scrolling through their newsfeed. In this case however the majority of videos during the period in which we analysed have started either with a question or a member of staff with very little expression and a plain white background behind them. And whilst this means there is consistency in the image/ branding of their videos there is little attraction to view the videos in comparison to your own where yourself and your team members immediately show personality and approachability.

Daily Posting Activity And Engagement


The graph above tells the times in which content is being posted by Ellevest and the times in which engagement is at its highest. Whilst Ellevest like yourself post at multiple times throughout the day, one thing that does strike

me is how each of your competitors and yourself all favour posting at different time periods. We see Wealthfront favouring 8am - 12pm, Ellevest favouring

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12pm - 4pm and yourself favouring 4pm - 8pm. Again with your competitors we see high levels of engagement during the weekend which reinforces my suggestion to increase your weekend posting activity in order to improve the overall performance of your page.

Engagement History

! Looking at the engagement in which Ellevest’s page has generated we typically see lower levels with the exception of three surges which are positioned at the time of posting the top 3 performing content pieces and most likely content of which is more relevant and appealing to their audience. We will look at the top performing posts further in this audit however as an overall we can determine that those of which have created the engagement to spike are posts in the format of shared links, therefore not moving the audience to the Ellevest website but to others instead.

Success Rate By Post


The chart above shows the overall interactions on average for each format type used by Ellevest and breakdown showing the average amount of likes,

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comments and shares each format will typically receive. This highlights that currently unlike yourself and Wealthfront overall links are the most successful obtaining more likes, comments and shares, however we need to take into consideration they are used much more frequently.

Top Performing Posts

Looking at your top performing posts of competitors enables you to identify any trends in what attracts their audience to react and engage with a piece of content. It may also give you some ideas of themes and news in which may create a high engagement level from your own audience. The top performing posts from Ellevest in the last six months are shown below:




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! 3.


Overall as previously mentioned the top performing posts for Ellevest are that of shared links which proceed to different websites rather than their own. And whilst they provide news on world aspects which may be relevant to the financials of women they are missing out on moving people to their own site where they can provide more information on value on their service and push any one sitting on the fence into making an enquiry. This can also be done after the visit to the page by retargeting those who have viewed the site of specific blogs/ content pieces with relevant ads.

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Ellevest Google Audit

Ellevest.com receives approximately 208,700 organic visits per month proving that SEO is a major aspect of their marketing strategy. Of this organic traffic we see the majority (95.58%) of traffic coming from the United States and India generating 0.74% of all traffic whilst the United Kingdom, Canada and Switzerland make up the rest of the percentage.

On average a person views 4.17 pages spending a total on average of 07:09 minutes on the site showing how easy and quickly someone can move through the pages on the site. This also tells us that the content on the site is compelling and users are interested enough to search through the site for more information. The site also has a bounce rate of 52.65% meaning 52.65% of those who have visited the site have left straight away rather than viewing other pages which is higher than the industry average so they should focus on improving the relevance of traffic being directed to the site rather than the mass.

Looking further at the organic traffic we can see the highest organic keyword generating traffic is also the brand keyword “ellevest” which is generating 70.35% of the organic traffic telling us that much like Wealthfront they focus a lot on brand awareness campaigns and are well known in the industry. “Ellevest careers” and “Ellevest jobs” are product keywords that make up 4.03% of organic traffic proving that are a reputable company which people are desiring to work for.


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Looking at traffic source data Ellevest are more reliant on organic traffic than they are paid traffic. A low 2.77% of all traffic comes from social channels whilst just 0.61% of all traffic is generated from google ads meaning the remainder of traffic and the majority of traffic is generated from search, direct and referral traffic.

! Ellevest are bidding on 619 keywords, a lot of which contain the word “female”. They are generating 3,000 paid visits per month costing $36,200. The top paid searches bringing in traffic however are “financial advisor”, “investment management” and “ellevest” which collectively sends 1550 people to the site/landing page each month. They have also deployed a display advertisement strategy which is a common theme amongst your competitors. Ellevest have 1,548 display ads on 2,689 publishers/websites such as forbes.com, chessdom.com and nasdaq.com. The top audience interests they are targeting are news and politics (50%) media and entertainment (48%), Technology (35%) and banking and finance (33%). You can see examples of their “invest like a woman, invest in women” display ads below.

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The main aim of a website audit is to identify the various features on the site which will be increasing conversions, affecting conversions and impacting the users overall onsite experience. The purpose ultimately of a website is to act like a shop front window and advertise all the assets of your company to entice people to engage and eventually convert into paying customers.

We have recorded a video which walks through your website talking about everything to do with your site. You can view the video by clicking the link below;


In addition we have also recorded a short video analysing your competitors websites. This video will cover any similarities, where their websites may currently capitalise on yours, and ares of your website you can optimise to capitalise on them.

This video can be viewed by clicking the link below;


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In this section we look at how tracking is set up for your primary campaigns and business in general. Tracking is one of the most important parts of a business, if you don’t know what is going on with your campaigns, your leads, your website and your strategy then you are essentially flying blind. We looked at your 2 main tracking softwares that you use for your business, Google Analytics and Facebook tracking.

Wealth Manifesto Campaign

Main lead gen link: https://wealthenhancers.com/wealthmanifesto/

• 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • Analytics pixel

Thank You page: https://wealthenhancers.com/wealth-manifesto-success/

• 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • No lead pixel or custom conversion in place • Analytics pixel, conversion set up

Book Consultation Page: https://wealthenhancers.com/book-a-consultation/

• 3 Facebook pixels • Initiate checkout on the main pixel. pixel iD: 477878705670295 • Analytics pixel

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Booked consultation: Same page

• 3 facebook pixels • Purchase pixel, category appointment • Custom conversion to track in ads. • Analytics event - appointment completed

The first thing to note here is that whilst the manifesto opt in page and thank you page have Facebook pixels attached, they are not the pixels that you are using with your ad account. I am not sure where these pixels are from or whose ad account they belong to but the fact you do not have your primary pixel on these pages means you are getting no data from the thank you page in regards to which ads performed the best at generating downloads, you can only see the overall campaign downloads in analytics as a goal has been set up there.You are also utilising initiate checkout and purchase events for when someone starts a consult booking and completes it. Whilst this is not necessarily wrong, it is against best practice to utilise purchase and checkout events for non purchase events as it could become confusing if you are utilising direct purchase products in the future.


Main Page:

• 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • Analytics pixel

Book Consultation Page: https://wealthenhancers.com/book-a-consultation/

• 3 Facebook pixels • Initiate checkout on the main pixel. pixel iD: 477878705670295 • Analytics pixel

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Wealth Manifesto Page: https://wealthenhancers.com/wealth-manifesto/

• 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • Analytics pixel

Thank you Page: https://wealthenhancers.com/wealth-manifesto-success/

• 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • Analytics pixel, conversion set up

Again the main thing to note here is you do not have the correct Facebook pixels on your main website, this means you won’t be able to retarget anyone who has visited your website using your main ad account.

Online Course

• Correct Facebook pixel in place • I cannot enrol from this page • Analytics pixel, separate tracking ID - UA-30557184-1

This entire course has a completely separate Google Analytics account tracking users, this will not allow you to see the movement from the website to enrolling in the course or any movement through your course. It would be much more efficient to track them on the same analytics property and implementing cross domain tracking to get a much more accurate view of how people are maneuvering between your site and the online course.Also note that I can not actually enrol in the course currently which not only looks unprofessional but will be confusing people and could be costing you valuable leads and sales.

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Newsletter: https://wealthenhancers.com/the-we-newsletter/

• 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • No pixel and auto downloads a budget planner, nothing about a

newsletter subscription • Analytics pixel

The newsletter subscription is confusing, firstly there is no confirmation that I have signed up to the newsletter, all I receive is an automatic download of the budget planner which is not what I entered my email for. There is no tracking for once someone has submitted and the 2 incorrect facebook pixels are on the page.

Content • 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • Analytics pixel

Again in the content section there seems to be no segmented audiences being built out in analytics and there cannot be in Facebook as it has the wrong pixels on the page. This means you cannot retarget anyone who has viewed any of your content.

Budget Planner: https://wealthenhancers.com/budget-planner/

• 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • No tracking in place • Analytics pixel, no conversions set up

There is no facebook tracking on this page, the only pixels are again the 2 incorrect ones. The analytics pixel is not set up to track conversions from this page as it does not redirect to the thank you page in which the budget planner goals are set up. That means essentially you are not tracking any of

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the sign ups that come from this page and you cannot retarget any of the visitors that make it to this page.

Contact • 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • No tracking in place • Analytics pixel, no conversions set up

It is the same story with the contact page, there is no conversion tracking set up in either facebook or google analytics and you have the 2 incorrect Facebook pixels on the page instead of the correct ones.

Strategy Session: https://wealthenhancers.com/landing-page-put-your-money-to-work/

• 2 facebook pixels, not the correct ones • Analytics pixel

Strategy Session Thank you Page: https://wealthenhancers.as.me/schedule.php • Correct Facebook Pixel • Initiate checkout pixel • Purchase pixel when call booked • Events are loaded automatically into google analytics from Acuity

The tracking is better here, although as you are using the acuity page which is on a separate domain and do not have cross domain tracking set up or the acuity domain set as a referral exclusion, your tracking is going to be faulty, registering a much higher number of referrals than us actually being recorded.

We see the initiate checkout pixel being used here as with the other route to booking a call.

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Major Issues:

Issue 1:No lead tracking in place at all on Facebook for anything except calls. This means you can not track which ads are resulting in any leads generated from opt ins or contacts and you cannot send your leads that you generate through a retargeting sequence. Solution 1: Implement a tracking audit and establish separate lead tracking in Facebook for every time a user makes an opt in or contact/

Issue 2: Using initiate checkout and purchase pixels for non purchase based events Solution 2: Restructure your tracking to use custom event tracking in place of initiate checkout

Issue 3: No correct facebook pixel on the main lead gen pages or the website page Solution 3: Identify exactly who owns the pixels on your page and replace them with the correct Facebook pixel connected to your ad account

Issue 4: Different analytics code in place on the free course than everything else Solution 4: Implement the main analytics code on the online course and set up cross domain tracking to allow you to see the user movement into the online course as one journey.

Issue 5: No basic event tracking in Analytics for anything other than appointment completion Solution 5: Implement a tracking audit and set up events for all major actions taken by the user

Issue 6: Analytics conversions are only set up properly for appointments and budget planner, there are alot of major actions being missed Solution 6: Implement a tracking audit and set up conversions for all major actions taken by a user

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Issue 7: There is no referral exclusion in place for acuity or for the online course Solution 7: Implement a tracking audit and add all outside domains to the referral exclusion list and set up cross domain tracking.

Issue 8: There is no cross domain tracking in place Solution 8: Set up cross domain tracking to allow you to see the user movement into the online course as one journey.

SummaryAs a summary, the tracking is not set up adequately at all. You are missing out on a huge amount of data and have also missed out on audiences you could have retargeted with future campaigns. There are a lot of basic issues which any agency should have immediately implemented. In your current state you are by all means operating with only a fraction of the big picture and undertaking a full tracking audit should be a top priority if you wish to spend any amount of money in digital marketing.

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In this section we looked at the current funnels you have in place, their performance and undertook a brief analysis of the major holes in each funnel. The current funnels were what we assessed in this section

• Wealth Manifesto • Online Course • Free Strategy Session

Wealth ManifestoIn this analysis of the Wealth Manifesto funnel we looked at the performance during the date Range: Jan 1st - Jul 21st

Landing Pages:https://wealthenhancers.com/wealthmanifesto/ https://wealthenhancers.com/wealth-manifesto/

Success Page:https://wealthenhancers.com/wealth-manifesto-success/

Book Consultation Page: https://wealthenhancers.com/book-a-consultation/

Booked Consultation:https://wealthenhancers.com/book-a-consultation/

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Analytics Data

From the google analytics data we have been able to identify you have achieved an overall 39% opt in rate from the landing page to success page. This is not bad considering the amount of changes I believe need making to the initial opt in page.

From there, only 4.22% move to book a consultation, this is unsurprising since there is no direction to the user to immediately book a consultation, so much more could be done on this thank you page to entice a user to book a free call that is being missed out on.

Of those, we see 0% move to completing an appointment in the same session. This does not mean they have not booked a session after downloading the wealth manifesto but that no-one has in the same session.

As there is no tracking set up to track leads generated by the Facebook campaigns in Facebook Ads Manager, we turned to the analytics data to understand how much you are paying per lead from your Wealth Manifesto campaigns. Google Analytics registered 55 people hitting the success page from 133 people that hit the primary /wealthmanifesto/ FB ad landing page. The total spend in the campaign is $325 meaning the average success page cost is $5.91 from Facebook ads with only 1 person moving to book a consultation within the same session from the facebook ad landing page. This is a high cost per lead, especially for a lead where the aim is to generate a call after the initial action. Progress needs to be made on each section of the funnel, the 2 most important areas you need to work on here are the initial opt in rate and the amount of people that move from the success page into the book consultation page.

Landing Page Success Page Book Consultation

Appointment Complete

182 71 3 0

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Facebook Data (28d Click/1d view attribution window)Facebook ads data registers 6 calls booked over the 28d click/1d view attribution window from the wealth manifesto campaigns showing us that people are moving from the wealth manifesto download into a consultation after the initial session which is promising especially considering little is being done to actually move them there. There is only an email sequence in place currently, no other method of trying to get as many consultations booked out of a download.

Email Sequence:The email sequence is delivered through active campaign although no goals set up in activecampaign for this autoresponder to identify the overall performance of this email sequence. I would highly recommend setting goals for this autoresponder to fully understand the effect that it is having on the download to consultation conversion rate.

In the below diagram we can see the open rates of each email in the first row, the click through rate on the second row and the call to actions in each email on the third row.

Email 1

Email 2

Email 3

Email 4

Email 5

Email 6

Email 7

Email 8

Email 9

61.06% 45.08% 50% 24.49% 35% 28.57% 37.5% 62.5% 22.22%

26.44% 2.07% 2.13% 4.08% 0% 0% 8.3% 6.25% 0%

Wealth Manifesto PDF and book a call slot

Wealth Manifesto PDF and book a call slot

Strategy Call

Strategy Call

Strategy Call

Audio download and strategy call

Strategy Call

Strategy Call

Strategy Call

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9 People overall have both the strategy session tag and the wealth manifesto tag. Although very few of these look to have received the strategy session tag AFTER the wealth manifesto tag meaning there is a really small % of movement through from wealth manifesto download into the strategy call. Whilst the emails themselves are written and structured pretty well this indicates more needs to be done in the area of converting wealth manifesto downloads into appointments booked rather than just relying on email. Summary: This campaign is not performing well in my opinion, I would say the landing page and thank you page need completely redesigning and restructuring to improve the opt in rate and the amount of calls booked after the download. The tracking and retargeting audiences also need to be properly implemented properly.

Calls booked post 1 day or post immediate session have saved the campaign from achieving dreadful results but a lot more work needs to be done after the actual download to improve the download to appointment conversion rates.

Online Course We can’t enrol in this course even though there are currently live ads directing traffic there and you are directing people there from the website. Therefore we cannot undertake an analysis of this funnel.

Free Strategy Session In this analysis of the Free Strategy Session funnel we looked at the performance during the date Range: Jan 1st - Jul 21st

Landing Page: https://wealthenhancers.com/landing-page-put-your-money-to-work/ Book call page: https://wealthenhancers.as.me/schedule.php

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Facebook Ads Data

From the data in Facebook Ads Manager and the traffic directed to the page we see an overall 10.8% opt in rate.

This is broken down into the following stages: 37.9% from landing page to schedule page 28.4% from schedule page to appointment

This leaves us with an overall cost per appointment - $36.14

The overall conversion rate is actually not bad considering the amount of changes I believe need making to the landing page and does show that people want to take the session but at a cost of $36.14 from Facebook ads some work needs to be done to make that profitable

Email: It looks like there’s only one email in place after someone books from Activecampaign, no retargeting and no nurturing up to the time of the call that I can see.

There needs to be an improved sequence of nurture here to increase the amount of people who start booking a call to finally complete booking the call and to help improve the show up and sale rate for people who do book those calls. The most successful call campaigns always have a multi platform, multi medium approach to warming prospects up before the actual call. Based on numbers we received from you in the onboarding call, 1 out of 8 of calls booked will result in a sale meaning you are looking at a cost per sale of $289.14 from these campaigns...

Landing Page Schedule Page Appointment

1231 467 133

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If your gross profit margins you gave us in your onboarding call are correct, that 25% from your $550 a month product ($137.50) is gross profit, you are actually not making a profit on any of your front end marketing here until month 3. Even longer on your lower priced product.

Whilst these numbers are profitable in the long term, and very workable with your projected lifetime customer value it is extremely important to understand you are not profitable here until month 3 or 4 (depending on the product bought) and scaling ad spend will likely result in an initial loss of cash flow which you don’t see regenerated until the following quarter. That is of course, unless you can get the current numbers down to a cost per sale that is immediately profitable which will require a lot more work in both the front end acquisition of a call appointment and also improved nurturing and sales processes on the back end.

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FACEBOOK ADS ANALAYSIS In this section we will be looking in more depth at 2 campaigns, we have chosen a lead gen campaign and a direct to call campaign that are both actively running in order to give you feedback on 2 relevant and differing campaign types. We have selected the following campaigns:Campaign one: NEW ADS 2019 Campaign two: Wealth Manifesto

NEW ADS 2019

Primary Campaign Aim: Calls booked Cost Per Primary Aim: $36.14 Is this profitable: Not immediately Is this retargeting or cold: Mixture

Targeting First we will look in more depth at the targeting in this campaign.

Ad Set 1: MAY 2019 - LAA only (database deleted 21.07.)

• Lookalike Australia 1% - Initiate Checkout • Lookalike Australia 1% - WE members • Lookalike Australia 2% - LP FPC

Cost Unique CTR CPC CPM CV%

$4,806 1.45% $3.61 $19.66 10.8%

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Ad Set 2: FEB 2019

• WE Email Database • Lookalike Australia 1% - Initiate Checkout • Lookalike Australia 1% - WE members • Lookalike Australia 2% - LP FPC • Lookalike Australia 5% - WE Leads from eric campaign

Results:We see a unique CTR in the MAY ad set which is significantly under the FEB ad set, this is natural due to the use of retargeting in the FEB ad set. This has resulted in a CPC of $3.85 in the FEB ad set compared to $3.46 in the MAY ad set despite the CPM being $5 cheaper. We would like to see the CTR improved in this ad set and believe this can be accomplished with better creative testing and improved audience testing.The conversion rate from unique link click of the FEB ad set actually pales in comparison to the MAY ad set. This may be due to the fact you are not excluding people who have previously had a strategy call or the ad set has fatigued but either way it is not a good sign that the audience you have your retargeting in has a lower conversion rate than your purely cold audience.

There is no interest targeting going on in this ad set, in our extensive testing throughout multiple industries we actually see that a well developed interest testing structure performs better than lookalike audiences 95% of the time. I would definitely recommend introducing interest based audience tests into the targeting of this campaign.

All placements were used in the Feb ad set, generally we see all placements performing worse than creating specific creatives for the major placements. We can see most of the budget in this ad set was actually spent on instagram which is fine but the campaign would have likely performed better with

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instagram specific imagery and copy and you would have had better control of the budget being spent on each platform.

The May ad set used custom placements and saw better results however was still linking FB and Instagram within the same creatives, we pretty much always see better results when creating separate creatives.

Creatives: The same creatives have been used throughout both ad sets and have been tested in the ad section. We usually see testing in the ad set level perform better as it gives us more control of the individual budgets and with careful optimisation provides us better results. The reason for this being that the creative Facebook prefer to spend on in your ad set isn’t always the one that provides the best results on your primary aim.The frequency for this campaign is at 2.8, which is surprising considering how much has been spent and the audience size but still nowhere near enough work has been done to test creatives on such a small audience.

The creatives use exactly the same style image, which whilst isn’t bad will seem like it’s appearing over and over again causing people to get sick of the image. The image has used social proof well but is a stock image which we generally don’t see perform as well as natural images. People are on facebook to be nosy, not to see an ad. It speaks out to the demographic well and has the perfect age blend that can appeal to the younger and older millennial group. It incorporates the logo which is good in the respect that it builds brand awareness but also makes it look like an ad which is generally harmful to the conversions, it would be wise to test incorporating the use of your logo and social proof icons versus an image without them to understand the impact it has on your audience.

The only copy that really calls out any form of pain in the audience is the ‘Put Your Money To Work’ copy and it is my favourite variant. It immediately calls out an audience (moderate - high earners) and makes them confront a big pain point (having nothing to show for it) and gives

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them a solution (strategy session) and also overcomes an objection (that they will have to sacrifice some enjoyment in their life).

It is no surprise to me that this is the best performing copy variant with the highest unique CTR and the highest conversion rate. It shows that the audience responds to this pain point and can be triggered into action from this style.

The other copy variants fall a bit flat compared to that one. There is no longer copy being tested which we usually see generates a higher conversion rate, there also seems to be no testing strategy in place. All the copy variants are very ad based and do not really elicit any feeling from me leaving the opt in page to do the job of selling.We often see story based copy work really well which could be really nicely intertwined with your offer.

Wealth Manifesto

Primary Campaign Aim: Calls booked and wealth manifesto downloads Cost Per Primary Aim: $49.06 Is this profitable: No Is this retargeting or cold: Cold


First we will look in more depth at the targeting in this campaign.

Cost Unique CTR CPC CPM CV%

$294.34 2.12% $2.04 $25.70 4.16%

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Ad Set 1: Wealth Manifesto

• Lookalike Australia 1% - Initiate Checkout • Lookalike Australia 1% - WE members • Lookalike Australia 2% - LP FPC


The first thing to mention is that this is targeting the exact same audience as the previous campaign we analysed, these will be competing against one another with different offers, whilst this may work from a branding and customer choice perspective we would like to see new audience tests occurring in this campaign.

The unique CTR on these campaigns isn’t bad although could be higher considering it is an opt in campaign. The CPM is reasonably high resulting in an average CPC which I believe could be lowered by implementing better audience testing. It is optimised for the very end result (strategy session) which isn't a bad thing however there is absolutely no tracking that I can see for the actual download, it would be good to split test the 2 different optimisations here and putting tracking in place to see which ads perform better in terms of downloads is essential, that way you can see the prospect movement through each step of the funnel.

Automatic placements are again used here but they do not seem to be affecting results too badly in these initial stages.

The overall movement to conversion is not horrendous considering how much resistance there is in the landing page (covered in the funnel section of this audit) but give signals as to how much it could be improved by reducing the resistance all the way through the funnel.

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Creatives: Again the ads are being tested on an ad level rather than an ad set level which we do not find optimal.There is only one main image being tested in this funnel which isn’t a bad image, it stands out from the news feed and contains a compelling message, you need to be testing more variants here in order to understand what works and what doesn’t. It is a stock image again which we have generally found is not as good as a well crafted natural image.

The copy variants are ok, they have done well at getting into the mind of the audience but in my opinion don’t generate enough appeal or curiosity in the offer to generate a click, we see this reflected in an average unique CTR. There have not been enough results top adequately assess the performance of each copy variant.

Summary:Based on the figures provided by you on your onboarding call we can understand that an Immediately profitable strategy call lead should cost you $17. This is based on a 1 in 8 conversion rate from a call appointment sold into a $550 sale and 25% profit margin on the $550 sale.

Is this being achieved now - Not close Is this achievable through direct to call - PossiblyIs this achievable through opt in - Unlikely Is this achievable with multi-stage retargeting - Likely but unproven

There are a lot of holes in this campaigns and that is resulting in a cost per action that is higher than it should be and not immediately profitable. There are holes in the tracking, in the testing, in the creatives, in the funnel, in the technical set up and in the strategy.

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There is no major evergreen retargeting sequences set up and there is very little work that is being done to build brand awareness or nurture your audience.

This is both a good and bad thing, good because it shows how much room for improvement there is and bad because the existing offerings are unproven to convert from cold traffic profitably. This makes it harder to say for sure whether or not a campaign that is profitable on the front end can be achieved.

I am confident a multi-stage ecosystem could generate a profitable figure over the course of 3 months but it can take time to build the audience and grow the awareness that will pay off in the longer term.

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Conversion Tracking Firstly we looked at the conversions being tracked in your Google Adwords account, there is only one conversion being tracked - Strategy Calls imported from Analytics This tracking is inactive and hasn’t been utilised since last year, the current ads you are running are not being tracked through adwords which would give you a larger amount of data rather than viewing through analytics alone. I would recommend undertaking a full tracking audit and importing your goals from Analytics into adwords.You are not tracking online courses even though you are running traffic here and you are unable to enrol. This shows that adwords has not been paid attention to and the campaigns have not been optimised.

The campaigns are however being tracked in Google analytics which allows us to see the performance. I do not quite understand why the goals haven’t been imported into adwords.

Campaigns There are 2 live campaigns currently. (excluding the online course campaign which is running but cannot enrol anyone)

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There are 6 campaigns which have run in total through the year to date


The figures on analytics above differ to the figures in adwords, I will be taking all figures from adwords for this report except conversions (which aren't being tracked in adwords) for enhanced accuracy.

The campaigns aimed at a strategy call have spent 1,550 and generated 8 booked calls. Thats a cost per conversion of $193.75. This is significantly higher than the Facebook campaigns and unless the conversion rate is much much higher on Google leads than the Facebook leads, you are likely not profitable here for the first 5 months or more of a customers lifecycle.

Campaign Layout: We looked at the main campaigns you have run this year, the main keyword types they were targeting (product, brand or competitor) and the keyword match options they using (modified broad, phrase, exact) to give us an overview of what had been occurring recently in the account.

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Overall Results

The main hole we see here is the conversion rate at 1.3%. The CPC is pretty good at $2.55 even though the CTR could use some improvement at 2.84%. This is even more worrying when a large part of your spend and impressions have been from brand based keywords.

The landing page the campaigns go to are straight to the book a consultation page. This makes no sense to me as they are asked to book immediately upon hitting the page. I would either recommend putting the booking section lower or front-ending it with more information about what they will actually get from the call and how it will benefit them. They don’t see any of that at the moment which could turn a lot of prospects off.

There are only about 20 main keyword variations being tested throughout the campaigns. I would recommend testing more if you are going to be looking at spending more on google ads.

CK - Brand Search - AU Brand Keyword Search. M broad, phrase and exact

CK - Mail Search Terms - AU 3 financial product keywordsM broad, phrase and exact

CK - Search - AU 12 financial product keywordsM broad, phrase and exact

ELT Top Performers 7 financial product keywordsExact

Financial Advisor - Gen Y - BMM 3 financial product keywordsM broad

Spend Clicks CPC Conversions


$1,550 $611 $2.55 8 1.3% $193.75

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When we build google campaigns we aim to start with approx. 30 SKAGs (Single Keyword Ad groups) and add 3 more in every single week based upon the data. There simply isn’t enough keyword testing going on here.

It is good to see a usage of the different types of keywords and pretty much a solid single keyword ad group structure, which is the way we recommend setting up campaigns.

I like the ad copy involved in the majority of these campaigns, it’s not boring and corporate, it strings together a story and is relatable to the audience and generally relatable to the keyword.

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Main Assets:We undertook an asset audit to understand what content assets you have currently, what phase they might fit into the marketing ecosystem and understand what work needed to be done in order to design an initial ecosystem.

Webinar: In this section we looked at the webinar, it’s previous performance and it’s current funnel. Landing Page: https://wealthenhancers.jetwebinar.com/becomethemasterofyourmoney

Thank you Page: https://wealthenhancers.jetwebinar.com/thankyou/5d3e9afd6a65e

Call To Action: Free Financial Possibilities Call

Asset Customer Phase

Wealth Manifesto 3


Webinar 4

Intentionally Rich Ebook 2

Social Content 1

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In regard to the tracking in this webinar, there is no analytics tracking in place on this webinar, Facebook is tracking via the pixel and a custom conversion for ads. I would recommend implementing Google Analytics tracking in this webinar and setting up cross domain tracking and events to be able to fully understand how the webinar fits in with your prospects overall movement.

The content in the webinar overall is good but there is so much wrong with the way the funnel is laid out, how the content is actually delivered and the way that the funnel structured. Selling a financial possibilities call on the end will likely make the cost per lead way too high to be profitable when you consider the front end cost and conversion rate into a sale. I cannot see in JetWebinar any tracking set up to purely track leads of people who take a call directly from the webinar, this is essential to set up as understanding the number of people who convert directly from a call booked after the webinar will be the primary way to understand if the webinar funnel is profitable or not.

From the Facebook ad campaign that was driving traffic here we can see a cost per webinar registration of 118 at $17.41, this is way too high, and a movement to booking a call being at 10.1% meaning a direct cost per call cost you approx $174. This could have drastically been brought down by controlling the major leverage points.

Leverage point 1. Better ad testing and improved creatives and targeting in the campaign.Leverage point 2. Conversion rate of webinar. The ads generated a conversion rate of 9.09% Leverage point 3. Better stage 3 retargeting into a call, there was none set up here, and more nurturing after someone joined the webinar.

Webinar Visitors Attendees Conversion Rate

2697 155 6%

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The leads may have been better quality coming directly from the webinar, but unless you sold 50% of them you are losing money on front end sales more than you are running directly to a call.

If running this campaign again I would recommend that the entire process (except the content) be rebuilt. That includes landing pages, thank you pages, ad campaigns and retargeting.

No optimisation has occured on the ad campaigns.

Wealth Manifesto The wealth manifesto holes have been covered in the above section of the audit

WETV WE TV contains good content, this would be great content to retarget from and that would be the primary way to implement this asset into an ecosystem strategy. Although you will struggle to get enough individual views on this content to make up its own retargeting strategy on youtube, it could be incorporated as a mixture of other videos or an all episode retargeting audience. I would be more inclined to use it on Facebook more, retargeting people who have watched a certain percentage directly into a call and some follow up retargeting sequences if they do not opt in for the call.

Intentionally Rich Ebook The content in this ebook is good, it is very long which may be off putting for some but demonstrates a lot of value. There is nothing built around it at the moment so it will need a complete funnel setting up.

Social Content We have covered social content in more detail in the content section of the audit

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Direct To Call We have covered in more detail around the funnel section of the audit

Blog Blog and video content is plentiful around the site but lack adequate conversion opportunities throughout the content to make it a profitable way of running content. I would recommend setting up a blog style that is completely optimised for conversions at multiple resistance phases before driving traffic here in the hope of making successful conversions.

Summary: Whilst the general content is good, there is so much that needs to change throughout it all in order to improve conversion rates and overall health of the business. The whole business needs a complete overhaul on the tracking, the webinar needs a new funnel created around it designed for conversion and multi stage retargeting implemented, the wealth manifesto needs the same and the intentionally rich ebook has nothing set up around it yet so will need a complete funnel build out. Social content needs to be more frequent and WE TV needs a retargeting funnel built around it and the blog content will need a complete re-skin that is designed to convert.It is a shame because the content itself is not bad, it just needs someone with proper marketing knowledge to package it all correctly into a marketing ecosystem. The problem I face when pulling together all the information contained in this audit is that there is no content funnel here that is proven to get a profitable cost per acquisition and the aim really needs to be on finding out whether or not a profitable cost per acquisition can be achieved through this content.

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In the below flowchart we have developed an proposed ecosystem marketing strategy with content throughout the multiple purchase intent phases incorporating some assets you have at the moment and some assets we believe would be extremely beneficial to put into place.

We will primarily discuss the strategy when we present this audit however as reference there are 2 different strategy views included. The first being a more detailed view of the multi phase retargeting and platforms being used which does not include content segmentation and the second view incorporating the segmentation of audiences/topics and a more detailed view of the action retargeting sequences (green arrowa) and non action retargeting sequences (red arrows) that make up the individual user journeys.

Ecosystem Strategy Linkhttps://app.funnelflows.com/projects/public/086457760b1f427bd0935817e3b4aa82#R086457760b1f427bd0935817e3b4aa82