Executive I Broadway,€¦ · built at the rate Of 274.2 fe'et Per (Jay, couint- ing evcerdy(ly...

SCIENCE. [VOL. XIV. DAFT ELECTRIC LIGHT COMVPANY. Power Stations. Stationary Motors 12to i100 H. P. Executive Office, I .- Electric Railways. Car Motors I5 to 250 H.P. 1 5 Broadway, N.Y. F ACTIORY, JIERSEY CITY', N. J. Please Mention "Science." (CALENDAR OF SOCIET[IES. Anthropological Society, Washinlgton Nov. 5. -Romy n Hitchcock, The Shinto F'aith; 0. T. Mlasoni, Antttropologv at the Paris Ex.positi on. Philosophical Society, Washington. Nov. 9. saphi lIiall, S iiUrt at(I Its Ring, C. E. Duntton, Remnarks on Irrigationi in the ArtdI Reg,iotn. Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston. Nov. t i. --C. WN. Ml. Black. Stony Man Mouontattt, the Pride of Bloc Ridige; Fra'nk 0. Cat 'peniter, The Great Smioky MoLuntainS and( T1hurnderhead Ileak. Engineers' Club, St. Louis. Nov. 6. -Mr. Wintnhro)p Barttlett presented an informali paper 0111 tre Oliv e Street Cablc Rnoaid. 1r he total It-rigt It is 9 6 ii tIcs, Thcli cOnl(luit is 39 inches dleep. T le jol nsott rail, we ighiing 6; piountds to tilte Yatt, iS Used. The speaket- gav e the pairticular s of itumeret o00s tletails of construction., TIle I-oatl wvas built at the rate Of 274.2 fe'et Per (Jay, couint- ing evcerdy (ly etvxetn the tiune o)f staittinig attdI finislting. I nteresting4 informnationt oni the sutbjetct of the~ hut sc p wer tr1quijredl uts- deri varyitog cottdlitionis of service wxas gixvett. The enorrnoiiLS fluctuticitns of p)owxer wei-e showxi by ani inidicator card, in whiichi the power- vattietl fromn 136 horse-powerto1 609 htorse-power wxithini one. ntinute. The per- centage of poxxrriequiredl to dlrive thie cahle only, aIs comparedl witlt tIle total power used, wvas -bout 50 per ceoit tiuch loxwer than) nit otlter tr.oads. A number of pr'actical poinits of exper Iience were 'xplatinedl, with dletails of imptroxements thai hiad been madle. Mcssrs. Russell, Johnsont, Seddon, atid Htubbard took paort in tite idiscussion of this paiper. TIhle liotor being late, it xwas ordleredt that Ilrofessor P'ottecr's piaper ott ' Foci Gas '' he ittade the special oi der of tite next it cetiitg, Nov. 20, Exchanges 1'Friecofcharge to all, if of satisfactory character. Ai ro ', N. it. C( Ii itto 47 p Ulftti't PI,, N- Egs oflit iti, tli ii out Bids A V p `("It Blactj.t I cii itt "Ititos Cii - d.i I im .ii Ia o -' ,t frontheV0 i Mac lui haI No i \e,1 c It itul bt glad o t -c it, f~, [,inw- 4 to,ilfi vauit f estd 11" itl"t it! sali ci it ft t'ir 'li I). Wtillard , A t ot- Acadetty, Alb m Wis.. 'iiiI i' i g i a -i.-~ tCi,tifit Workt -s, o 1iii nitt1 'ift lTh Aik.'' ' Aitow,it Nait-trt,"t ii the sc,tifcO petoict'.t ort I writ-e. l. 'I. '.tI ishti ecir ito lire nutV,,a l ptit, to til lelii it ti. Ii iuth n at Iwil e" -se pe fo iii,, ftun in iihe Iiclii,, 1, tCt~t.i totinI I it ii, t~n i ,i -itiiii,tfor . i.i iar ic oit i ts lni-ik ad,I'. W. L' iLerh N,e )ltIl.t Ai i Vif fi-int tnsiti-o 1-ilt fi itbt- ii- .in bird to lit ic of Califria i'd tilt tof bi,k o i-thi 'oalit.es .. idte ch, E. Sccii, 24.t Ictlsiti-t"'ithfir itn ttiitti Itt-i oxhrgit for L t iiig Iht t.iti.t5Ive ot.4!i, i, Drctl. S.SIt r-itf I~. wnot .'tIh tut,u t~- (iFhn_, I0 Si r oti of puro a imc Chi PROD01 litte lat Coaslli C,1Ig tl~ itS k0in Illealii Children Enjoy It. l ICOTTIS s1 Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- Oites of Lime and Snda Is 'S as palatable as mnilk. I cidre,n enjioy It rathler thian ise. A MAR VELLOUS FLESH JICER it is indeeri, anu thle O(s aind ilassieS whio 'ake cold Mal he fortifuedi againest aI tht,ialit prove set'na hitu by Scontt'sa EtIln Shn utier thleir dluring tile winter season. INOM/ IN PIII>,S. "FORT ANCIENT." A litrgo work of 2f00 p p. with 315 full-page ihis'trpa- tloent orn tho greatest of alt Ohito Valley Narthtworks, and( situ liar en closures. iCY WNarreni K. Miooreheadl, assistedI by scientists frnt'I Washinigtoni. It ta comnpiled tromi a cat eful survey and( is correct in all details. The enitire sutnater was speno In surveying, exca- vatinAg, photographinig anid prep~~irig this wo-rk. Fort Aniieneit consists of 15,71'.2. feet of e,nbank- tuent, and itt size, state of preserveatiot and itn por- ataice as ani aboriginal forttfication is unequalled In this country. Price of book, $2 00. It will 1)0 readly for sale Dtec. Ist. Illusttrated prospectus nmailedI free to any adolrei,3. Send for 0o 0. WiARRiEN' . 'IilOi{EEilAD), Siliths,onian Inostit ution, Washingtoti, I) I. Il'ublic.hcd by Riobt. Clarke & Co ,Chiclnriati, 0/d and Parc Books. lloiNo, 20) nieaily tr 01dy. Wtill conitain manyS .(cir00 work-. petatining to Natu'ial iii tWill A\iorctata outit of p0tit bio6kti'a a whole imert,ti0g. A. S. CLARK, 34 Park Row, New York City. ACB UMES 0n coulpettc't, of eain Mag1' Shools. M R S. C AdI D'I7, -iCfliOli FORtI VOUI.NG ILADlES. Vas,albV Ccrifict-i Cicl - Rarl arlii,.on MICilt L'sA\ MIINING, S-CHOOL 1- Fr CctatogueI, CANC FOR ALL *. ,To Enjoy a Cup of Perfect Tea. A TRIAL ORDER iii . priiidti it Fitue 'rea,c eittl -o' ioilg. J.- .... AixiedtEirvi. I,tt ve't1i iS fatui ii)s i-ti Clt tuti ii I-itby Si,t i.k.ct ti X h-i Sl0It, THI'GR(ESTS AMERICAN~ TPA en. Ill"ti. ii2~ 3I andti Ji. N k c St., Nt,it Yeil. P A TEN 1 VIIiI 1 AND SCREW DRIV-xt ..C.MaINc-D_ Ga 'c 0-. StmiT-F or lip ii c'i hl tlt al otintnt. tL eCIiP.i.shSolt.i,uSa. ,Nt hN _ii !.,ttt V 342 NO. 354

Transcript of Executive I Broadway,€¦ · built at the rate Of 274.2 fe'et Per (Jay, couint- ing evcerdy(ly...

Page 1: Executive I Broadway,€¦ · built at the rate Of 274.2 fe'et Per (Jay, couint- ing evcerdy(ly etvxetn the tiune o)f staittinig attdI finislting. I nteresting4 informnationt oni



Stationary Motors12to i100 H.P.

Executive Office, I

.- Electric Railways.

Car Motors I5 to

250 H.P.

1 5 Broadway, N.Y.FACTIORY, JIERSEY CITY', N. J. Please Mention "Science."

(CALENDAR OF SOCIET[IES.Anthropological Society, WashinlgtonNov. 5. -Romy n Hitchcock, The Shinto

F'aith; 0. T. Mlasoni, Antttropologv at theParis Ex.positi on.

Philosophical Society, Washington.Nov. 9. saphi lIiall, S iiUrt at(I Its

Ring, C. E. Duntton, Remnarks on Irrigationiin the ArtdI Reg,iotn.

Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston.Nov. t i. --C. WN. Ml. Black. Stony Man

Mouontattt, the Pride of Bloc Ridige; Fra'nk0. Cat'peniter, The Great Smioky MoLuntainSand( T1hurnderhead Ileak.

Engineers' Club, St. Louis.Nov. 6. -Mr. Wintnhro)p Barttlett presented

an informali paper 0111tre Olive Street CablcRnoaid. 1rhe total It-rigt It is 9 6 ii tIcs, ThclicOnl(luit is 39 inches dleep. T le jol nsottrail, weighiing 6; piountds to tilte Yatt, iS Used.The speaket- gav e the pairticular s of itumereto00s tletails of construction., TIle I-oatl wvasbuilt at the rate Of 274.2 fe'et Per (Jay, couint-ing evcerdy(ly etvxetn the tiune o)f staittinigattdI finislting. I nteresting4 informnationt onithe sutbjetct of the~ hut sc p wertr1quijredl uts-deri varyitog cottdlitionis of service wxas gixvett.The enorrnoiiLS fluctuticitns of p)owxer wei-eshowxi by ani inidicator card, in whiichi thepower- vattietl fromn 136 horse-powerto1 609htorse-power wxithini one. ntinute. The per-centage of poxxrriequiredl to dlrive thie cahleonly, aIs comparedl witlt tIle total power used,wvas -bout 50 per ceoit tiuch loxwer than) nitotlter tr.oads. A number of pr'actical poinitsof experIience were 'xplatinedl, with dletails ofimptroxements thai hiad been madle. Mcssrs.Russell, Johnsont, Seddon, atid Htubbard tookpaort in tite idiscussion of this paiper. TIhleliotor being late, it xwas ordleredt that IlrofessorP'ottecr's piaper ott ' Foci Gas '' he ittade thespecial oi der of tite next it cetiitg, Nov. 20,

Exchanges1'Friecofcharge to all, if of satisfactory character.

Ai ro ', N. it. C( Ii itto 47p Ulftti't PI,, N-

Egs oflit iti, tli ii out Bids A V p `("ItBlactj.t I cii itt "ItitosCii-d.i

I im.ii Ia o -' ,t

frontheV0 iMac lui haI No i\e,1 c It itul bt

glad o t-c it,f~, [,inw- 4 to,ilfi vauit f

estd 11" itl"t it! sali ci it ft t'ir 'li

I). Wtillard , A t ot- Acadetty, Alb m Wis..

'iiiIi' i g ia -i.-~ tCi,tifit Workt-s, o1iii nitt1 'ift lTh Aik.'' ' Aitow,it Nait-trt,"t

iithe sc,tifcO petoict'.t ortI writ-e. l. 'I.

'.tI ishti ecir ito lire nutV,,a l ptit, to tillelii it ti. Ii iuth n at Iwil e" -se pefo iii,,ftun in iihe Iiclii,,1,tCt~t.i totinI

I it ii, t~n i ,i -itiiii,tfor . i.i iar ic oit itslni-ik ad,I'. W. L' iLerh N,e )ltIl.t

Ai i Vif fi-int tnsiti-o1-iltfi itbt- ii-

.in bird to lit ic of Califria i'd tilt tofbi,ko i-thi'oalit.es .. idte ch, E. Sccii, 24.t

Ictlsiti-t"'ithfir itn ttiitti Itt-i oxhrgit for

L t iiig Iht t.iti.t5Ive ot.4!i, i, Drctl. S.SIt r-itf

I~. wnot .'tIhtut,ut~- (iFhn_, I0 Si r oti

of puro

a imcChi

PROD01litte lat

CoaslliC,1Igtl~itS k0inIllealii


Enjoy It. l

ICOTTISs1 Cod Liver Oil with Hypo-Oites of Lime and Snda Is'S as palatable as mnilk. Icidre,n enjioy It rathler thianise. A MARVELLOUS FLESHJICER it is indeeri, anu thleO(s aind ilassieS whio 'ake coldMal he fortifuedi againest aItht,ialit prove set'nahituby

Scontt'sa EtIln Shn utier thleirdluring tile winter season.


"FORT ANCIENT."A litrgo work of 2f00 p p. with 315 full-page ihis'trpa-

tloent orn tho greatest of alt Ohito Valley Narthtworks,and( situ liar enclosures.

iCY WNarreni K. Miooreheadl, assistedI by scientistsfrnt'I Washinigtoni.

It ta comnpiled tromi a cat eful survey and( is correctin all details.The enitire sutnater was speno In surveying, exca-

vatinAg, photographinig anid prep~~irig this wo-rk.Fort Aniieneit consists of 15,71'.2. feet of e,nbank-

tuent, and itt size, state of preserveatiot and itn por-ataice as ani aboriginal forttfication is unequalled Inthis country.Price of book, $2 00.It will 1)0 readly for sale Dtec. Ist.Illusttrated prospectus nmailedI free to any adolrei,3.

Send for 0o 0.WiARRiEN' . 'IilOi{EEilAD),

Siliths,onian Inostit ution, Washingtoti, I) I.Il'ublic.hcd by Riobt. Clarke & Co ,Chiclnriati,

0/d and Parc Books.lloiNo, 20) nieaily tr 01dy. Wtill conitain

manyS .(cir00 work-. petatining to Natu'ial iii

tWill A\iorctata outit of p0tit bio6kti'a a wholeimert,ti0g.

A. S. CLARK,34 Park Row, New York City.

ACB UMES 0n coulpettc't, of eain Mag1'


M RS. C AdID'I7, -iCfliOli FORtI VOUI.NG ILADlES.Vas,albV Ccrifict-i Cicl - Rarl arlii,.on

MICilt L'sA\ MIINING, S-CHOOL 1-Fr CctatogueI,

CANC FOR ALL*. ,To Enjoy a Cup of Perfect

Tea. A TRIAL ORDER iii .priiidti it Fitue 'rea,c eittl -o' ioilg. J.-

.... AixiedtEirvi.I,tt ve't1i iSfatui ii)si-ti Clttuti ii I-itby Si,ti.k.ct tiX

h-i Sl0It, THI'GR(ESTS AMERICAN~TPA en.Ill"ti. ii2~ 3I andti Ji. N kc St., Nt,it Yeil.


Ga'c 0-. StmiT-F or lipii c'i hl tltal otintnt.

tL eCIiP.i.shSolt.i,uSa. ,Nt hN _ii !.,ttt V

342 NO. 354