EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946...

EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar Treaty No. Subject .Action or com report No. --- Apr. 19 8 Ex. C (78th Cong., 2d sess.) ____ .A conventwn on the regulatwn or inter-Amerrcan automo- Reported ravorably with a tive traffic, m the Spanish, English, Portuguese, and prmted report (Ex. Rept French which was opened for Signature at the No.3, 79th Cong., 2d se;s.). Pan American Umon rn on Dec. 15, 1943. June 19 12 Ex. D (79th Cong., 2d sess.) ____ on behalf of the Umted Ststes on Dec. 31, 1943. A protocol to prolong the Internatwnal Sanitary Conven- Reported favorably With a twn, 1944, modifying the Inte1 natwnal Samtary Conven· prmted report Rept twn of June 21, 1926, whrch was Signed m Washmgton on No 6, 79th Cong ,2dscss.). behalf of the Umted States or Amenca on Apr. 30, 1946, w1th the "sUbJeCt to rat1hcatwn." 19 13 Ex. E (79th Cong, 2d sess ) ____ A protocol to prolong the Internatwnal Sanitary ConventiOn Reported fa\ orably with a for Aerral Navigation, 1944, modifymg the International prmted report (Ex. Rept Samtary Comentron for of Apr 12, 1933. No 7, 79th Cong, 2d scss.) whrch was stgned on behalf oft be Untted States of AmeriCa on Apr. 30, 1946, With the reservation, "subJect to ratifiea· twn" 19 14 Ex. A (79th Cong., 1st sess.) ... A conventron on internatronal civtl aviation, concluded at Reported ravorah1; with a the Internatwnal Crvil Avratwn Conference at Chrcago prmted report (E<. on Dec. 7, 1944 No.8, 79th Cong , 2d sass.). NOMINATIONS Date of Calendar Message Name of nommee Office Predercssor report No. No. ----- SUPREME COURT TERRITORY OF HAWAII 1946 June 28 1099 283 Louis LeBaron, of Hawa1L_ Associate justice ________ Now serving under an ap- pointment which ex pired Mar. 24, 1946. UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGES 28 1100 282 Hon. Bunk Gardner, of Canal Zone ____________ Now serving under an Kentucky. appointment whic h expired Mar. 26, 1946 28 1101 295 Hon. George B. Harris, of Northern district of Cal- New position. Califorma. ifornia. 81222-46-No. 104--1

Transcript of EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946...

Page 1: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.

EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946


Date of Calendar Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ report No.


Apr. 19 8 Ex. C (78th Cong., 2d sess.) ____ .A conventwn on the regulatwn or inter-Amerrcan automo- Reported ravorably with a tive traffic, m the Spanish, English, Portuguese, and prmted report (Ex. Rept French langua~es, which was opened for Signature at the No.3, 79th Cong., 2d se;s.). Pan American Umon rn Washm~ton on Dec. 15, 1943.

June 19 12 Ex. D (79th Cong., 2d sess.) ____ Sr~ned on behalf of the Umted Ststes on Dec. 31, 1943.

A protocol to prolong the Internatwnal Sanitary Conven- Reported favorably With a twn, 1944, modifying the Inte1 natwnal Samtary Conven· prmted report (E~. Rept twn of June 21, 1926, whrch was Signed m Washmgton on No 6, 79th Cong ,2dscss.). behalf of the Umted States or Amenca on Apr. 30, 1946, w1th the re~ervatlOn, "sUbJeCt to rat1hcatwn."

19 13 Ex. E (79th Cong, 2d sess ) ____ A protocol to prolong the Internatwnal Sanitary ConventiOn Reported fa\ orably with a for Aerral Navigation, 1944, modifymg the International prmted report (Ex. Rept Samtary Comentron for Aeri~ll\avigation of Apr 12, 1933. No 7, 79th Cong, 2d scss.) whrch was stgned on behalf oft be Untted States of AmeriCa on Apr. 30, 1946, With the reservation, "subJect to ratifiea· twn"

19 14 Ex. A (79th Cong., 1st sess.) ... A conventron on internatronal civtl aviation, concluded at Reported ravorah1; with a the Internatwnal Crvil Avratwn Conference at Chrcago prmted report (E<. R~pt on Dec. 7, 1944 No.8, 79th Cong , 2d sass.).


Date of Calendar Message Name of nommee Office Predercssor report No. No. -----


1946 June 28 1099 283 Louis LeBaron, of Hawa1L_ Associate justice ________ Now serving under an ap-

pointment which ex pired Mar. 24, 1946.


28 1100 282 Hon. Bunk Gardner, of Canal Zone ____________ Now serving under an Kentucky. appointment whic h

expired Mar. 26, 1946

28 1101 295 Hon. George B. Harris, of Northern district of Cal- New position. Califorma. ifornia.

81222-46-No. 104--1

Page 2: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message Name of nominee Office report No. No.


1946 June 28

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102





(*lndwates officers who will be des1gnated as EDO officers upon rece1pt of the1r acceptance )

Y *Charles E. Briner_ _______ Lieutenant commander __ Y Dale E. Collins ________________ do _______________ _ Y *Harold W. Keopka ____________ do _______________ _ Y Harrison G. White _____________ do _______________ _ Y Harry A. Adams, Jr_ ______ Lieutenant ___________ _ Y *Ralph V. Anderson ____________ do __ ------ ------y *Paul J. Burr __________________ do _______________ _ Y Wesley W. Carlson _____________ do _______________ _ Y Frank A. Dingfelder ____________ do _______________ _ Y Henry W. Dusinberre ___________ do _______ ---------Y George 0. Gjoerloff _____________ do--------··-------y *James D. Hardy ______________ do _______________ _ Y Charles B. Henriques ___________ do _______________ _ Y Elgin B. Hurlbert ______________ do _______________ _ Y Keith M. Krieger_ _____________ do _______________ _ Y Eric C. Lambert _______________ do _______________ _ Y *John W. Malley _____________ do •. --------------y *Martin W. Mason _____________ do ________ -------y Freeman D. Miller ____________ do _______________ _ Y George L. Phillips ______________ do ______________ _ Y Frank R. Putnam ______________ do _______________ _ Y *James C. Radford _____________ do _______________ _ Y *George B. Raser 3d ___________ do _______________ _ Y *JackS. Stewart ______________ do ____ ------------y Peter K. Wells ________________ do __ -------------y Robert P. WinkeL _____________ do __________ ·- ___ . Y George W. Albin, Jr _______ Lieutenant (junior grade)_ Y Richard A. Beveridge ___________ do _______________ _ Y Frank A. Bewley _______________ do _______________ _ Y Daniel Bontecou _______________ do _______________ _ Y Carroll W. Brigham ____________ do _______________ _ Y *Parker E. Cherry _____________ do _______________ _ Y *Paul T. CoiL ________________ do _______________ _ Y *Robert I. Cozzens _____________ do _______________ _ Y Carl R. Cunninghan, Jr _________ do _______________ _ Y James W. Daniel, Jr. ___________ do ______ ---------y George E. Dawson. __________ .. do _______________ _ Y Robert G. Dose ___________ -----do _______________ _ Y Oscar W. Goepner -------------do _______________ _ Y Donald M. Granstrom _________ .do _______________ _ Y Orville E. Hardcastle ___________ do _______________ _ Y James E. Hartung ______________ do _______________ _ Y Reed K. Henderson ____________ do _______________ _ Y Joseph M. Hermanson _____ -----do _____ ----------y *Edward W. Hribar ____________ do _______________ _ Y *William D. Hudgins ___________ do ______________ _ Y William A. Keefe ______________ do _______________ _ Y Charles A. Lamborn ____________ do ________ --------y Richard J. Lavery ______________ do _______________ _ Y Joseph T. Lawler ______________ do _______________ _


Page 3: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message Name of nommee report No. No. Office P redccessor

IN THE NAVY-Con. 1946

June 28 1102 y Charles L. Lipham ________ Lieutenant (junior gr~de) 28 1102 y William M. Lowry ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Perry R. Mansfield ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles H. Mead __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Thomas 0. Murray ________ _____ do ________________ 28 1102 y Clarence W. Petrie ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Harry D. Pickett_ _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Herbert F. Rommel, Jr. ___ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Arthur M. Savage __________ ___ do ________________

28 1102 y Albert P. Scott ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Edwin A. Shuman, Jr. _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Adolf L. Siegner. _________ - ___ .do _______________ .. 28 1102 y Franklin C. Snow ______ _______ do ________________

28 1102 y *Geoffrey Thompson .. _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Wilha'l1 J. Van Meter, Jr. _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Byron D. V oegelin ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William E. Wallace ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y James W. Abbott, Jr ______ Ensign ________________

28 1102 y Lawrence W. Abbott, Jr. __ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Stanley F. Abele __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Charles T. R. Adams _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y David L. Adrian __________ _____ dQ ________________

28 1102 y John F. Ahearn, Jr. _______ _____ d~----------------28 1102 y Robert J. Ahern. _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y James H. Airheart ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Edgar L. Allen ____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Thomas E. Altgilbers ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Joseph B. Ambler _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John B. Amos ____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Harvey M. Andersen ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Anthony L. Anderson ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y David G. Anderson ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Frederic W. Anderson ____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y George H. Anderson _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Scott K. Anderson. _______ _____ do ________________

28 110.2 y Bernard A. Andrade _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y "-Richard Andrews ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert T. Andrews ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Theodore L. Appelquist ___ - _____ do ________________

28 1102 y George A. Arbogust. ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert G. Armstrong ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Joseph F. Arrigoni. _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles V. August _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Joseph J. August __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Julian Aulich _____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Harvey H. Avants ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Edwin R. Ayres ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John C. Azab _____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Philip B. R. Baas, Jr _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Joseph J. Bacak __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Julius J. T. Bachman ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Orner R. Badger __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Herbert E. Bailey _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y CarlS. Baker _____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William B. Baker _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Merritt W. W. Baldwin, Jr_ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert N. Bale ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y George A. Bane ______ ----- ----.do .. --------------

Page 4: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Mes~age Name of nominee Office Predecessor report No. No. -1-----l-------------l------------j-------------

194-6 June 28

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102


Y Fred "G" Barham ________ Ensign _______________ _ Y Paul R. Barker ________________ do _______________ _ Y Marion F. Barnett _____________ do _______________ _ Y James B. Barnette _____________ do _______________ _ Y Harry R. Barnhorst ____________ do _______________ _ Y Ralph L. Barnum ______________ do _______________ _ Y Edmond A. Basquin ____________ do _______________ _ Y Henry H. Bate, Jr _____________ do _______________ _ Y John F. Bauman _____ --- ____ do _______________ _ Y Wayne A. Baumgartner ___ - ____ .do ____ -----_------Y Troy C. Beavers ____ ----- _____ do ______________ _ Y >~-John C. Beckett ... ----- .•..• do _______________ _ Y Albert J. Beede. __ -_ ----- ----.do.----- ------- -Y Herman C. Behnke __________ .• do ____________ ---y John R. Behr _____________ ..••• do ________ .. -----y Leo H. Benker ________ --- ..• do _____ -Y Ezra R. Bennett__ _ _ . _do ____ . - _ .. Y LeRoy E. Bennett_ _______ -- .do _____ . Y David W. Benson _________ - .• do ___ _ Y Herbert V. W. Bergamini. _____ .do _______________ _ Y Robert B. Bergner _________ --_.do .• ___ -- ________ _ Y Samuel B. Berrey ______________ do ___ ------- --y William K. Bickenbach _________ do _______________ _ Y John R. BicknelL _____________ do_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Y George W. Bird ________________ do _______________ _ Y Ralph F. Bi<shop .. ___________ •. do _______________ _ Y John A. Black ___________ • __ .•• do ______________ _ Y Donald M. Blake ______________ do _________ ·------y Gordon Blake. ________________ do _______________ _ Y Norman Blam _________________ do ______________ _ Y James L. Bloom_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ do__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y Paul J. Bloom ____ .. __________ .do _____________ _ Y Francis W. Bloomer. __________ .do____________ • _ Y ""Roger E. Boak ________ . ______ .do ______________ _ Y Charle'S H. Boldt, Jr____ _ _ _ ____ do _____ . ___ . ____ _ Y David L. Bond, Jr ________ ..••• do _____________ _ Y Arden P. Bonner, Jr .•..... ___ .do ______________ _ Y Robert F. Boord _______________ do _____ ------ __ _ Y Cecil W. BoswelL ______________ do _______________ _ Y Jack F. Bouldin ________________ do ______________ _ Y David A. Bowdoin _____________ do ____ -----------y Charles H. BowE.>n, Jr ___________ do ______________ _ Y William D. Bowen _____________ do __________ -----y Fred Y. Boyer _________________ do _______________ _ Y William G. Boyer. _____________ do ____ ------- __ _ Y Wilfred K. Bradbury ___________ do _______________ _ Y Oscar S. Braddock, Jr_; ________ do .. __________ _ Y WilliamS. Bradway, Jr •..• _____ do _______________ _ Y Thomas J. Brady ___ . ________ .. do ________ ------ __ Y Titus BranchL ________________ do _______________ _ Y Ferdinand L. B:tand ____________ do _______________ _ Y Walter J. Brauer _______________ do _______________ _ Y Leo A. Braun __________________ do _________ _ Y Charles E. Breen, Jr ____________ do ______________ _ Y Cleon A. Brewer _______________ do ______________ _ Y Clarence P. Broadfoot, Jr _______ do _______________ _ Y James K. Brock ________________ do _______________ _ Y Cl1arles P .. Brooks ______________ do ______________ _

Page 5: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.

Date of Calendar Mes~age report No. No.

1946 June 28

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y


Name of nommee O!Uce


Clarence l\L Brooks_______ Ensio-n Charles A. Brown, Jr ___________ do~~~~~~~~::~~:~~~ Harry J. Brown, Jr _____________ do __________ _ Russell E. Bro>l'n ______________ do_·-----------~~~ Robert E. Brownlee, Jr _________ do _______________ _ Joseph IV. Brumbach ___________ do _______________ I George D Brundige ____________ do ______________ _ David Bryan, Jr _______________ do ________________ ' George Buben ________________ .do .. _____________ _ Clyde E. Buchanan, Jr _________ do _______________ _ Lawrence E. Budnick ___________ do _______________ _ Robert L. BuelL _______________ do _______________ _ Lemuel P. Bumpers. __________ .do _______________ _ John F. Burdoin ______________ .do ______________ _ Emery L. Burgess _____________ .do _______________ _ Wilbur J. Burgin _______________ do _______________ _ Noel A. Burkey, Jr _____________ do ______________ __ Roberb W. Burkhart ____________ do _______________ _ Robert M. Bumell ____________ .do ______________ __ Harry A. Burns, Jr. .. _________ .do. ______________ _ Robert E. Burrell. ____________ .do ______________ __ Lindsay L BuswelL .•. ________ .do _______________ _ John L. Butler, Jr. _____________ do _______________ _ George J. Buyse _______________ do __ -------------Ambros W. Byrd _______________ do _______________ _ Robert F. Byrnes ______________ do _______________ _ Jesse F. Cable _________________ do _______________ _ Ernest M. Cadenas _____________ do____________ __ Adrian G. Cairns, Jr ____________ do _______________ _ Roberc J. Callahan ____________ .do ____ -------- ___ _ Richard J. Camp _______________ do _______________ _ William H. Camp ______________ do _______________ _ William A. Campbell, Jr ________ do _______________ _ Donald J. Canna __ ------- _____ do _______________ _ *Clifton E. Cantlon ____________ do _______________ _ Robert D. Carleton ____________ do _______________ _ George G. Carr_ _______________ do _______________ _ Winthrop W. Carr_ ____________ do _______________ _ Robert M. CarrolL _____________ do _______________ _ Harry E. Carter _____________ .. do ______ --- __ -----Gerald F. Case ________________ do __ -------------Columbus F. Cauthen, Jr _______ do _______________ _ Luman M. Cayce ______________ do ___ ------------Charles H. Chamberlain ________ do ___________ ----Lewis C. Chamberlin ___________ do _______________ _ Terry !\f. Chambers __________ -_do __ --------------Laurin C. Champion ___________ do _______________ _

Rav E. Chance. _______________ do __ --------------Ke;neth J. Chapman ___________ do _______________ _ Oscar I. Chenoweth, Jj _________ do _______ ------- __ Harry P. Chess. __________ ----_do __ --------------WesleyE. Chessman _______ --- _do _______________ _ William H. Christensen _________ rlo _______________ _ Robert L. Clarke _______________ do _______________ _ Lane E. Clendenin _____________ do _______________ _ Duane M. Clough ______________ do ______________ -Harry H. Cloutier. _____________ do _______________ _ Paul A. Coari__ ________________ do ______ ----·-----

Page 6: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message Name of nommee Office report No. No.


1946 June 28

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

J28 28 28 28 28 -28 28 28 28 28 28 28

1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 ll02 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 110.2 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 110,2 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 l102 1102 i


Y Edward L. Colley _________ Ensign _______________ _ Y Henry D. M. Collins ___________ do __ ----·--------y Wilbur P. Collins ______________ do ____ ------- ·---y *W11lard C. Collins _____________ do _______________ _ Y Paul C. Combs ________________ do _______________ _ Y Edwin S. Conant _______________ do ____ -----------y Elton V. Conger.--------- _____ do _____ -----------y Seward B. Coningham __________ do _______________ _ Y John M. Connolly, Jr __________ do _______________ _ Y Walter E. Constance ___________ do _______________ _ Y Elmer A. Conzett_ _____________ do _______________ _ Y George C. Cook ________________ do ________________ _ Y Emmett M. Cooke, Jr __________ do _______________ _

Y Walter Cooper ______ ------ - ____ do ___ -------------y Steven T. Corneliussen _________ do _______________ _ Y Leland B. CornelL _____________ do ____ -----------y John E. Coste.----------- _____ do _______________ _ Y John C. Costello, Jr. ___________ do _______________ _ Y JohnS. Cowart_ _______________ do _______________ _ Y *Harry C. Cmc_ ________________ do _______________ _ Y *John H. Craft, Jr _____________ do _______________ _ Y William D. Craig ______________ do _______________ _ Y *Kenneth W. Cramp ___________ do _______________ _ Y Grover W. Crawford ___________ do _______________ _ Y ""William R. Crawford __________ do _______________ _ Y Victor E. Crews.~--------- _____ do _______________ _ Y Eugene F. Criner ______________ do _______________ _ Y Gordon E. Crosby, Jr __________ do _______________ _ Y Armand C. Crossen ____________ do _______________ _ Y Carl 1\1. Cruse. ________________ do _______________ _ Y Herschel M. Cummings, Jr ______ do _______________ _ Y William E. Cummins ___________ do _______________ _ Y William D. Curry ______________ do _______________ _ Y Clifford B. Curtis, Jr ____________ do _______________ _ Y Robert L. Cusirk _______________ do _______________ _ Y Franklin J. Dailey ______________ do _______________ _ Y *Lowell P. Daniels _____________ do _______________ _ Y Marion Dargan, Jr. ____________ do _______________ _ Y Paul D. Davidson ______________ do _______________ _ Y William A. Davidson ___________ do _______________ _ Y Calvin R. Davis ________________ do _______________ _ Y John F. Davis _________________ do _______________ _ Y L~on F. Davis _________________ do _______________ _ Y Lewis E. Davis, Jr _____________ do _______________ _ Y Maxey B. Davis ________________ do_r--------------y Robert J. Davis, Jr _____________ do _______________ _ Y WilHam D. Davis, Jr _________ .. do ______________ _ Y Richard R. Davison ____________ do _______________ _ Y Wiliiam Deacon 3d _____________ do _______________ _ Y James S. Dearth _______________ do _______________ _ Y Harold J. DeBray ______________ do _______________ _ Y Paul J. Dee __________________ .do _______________ _ Y HMold L. Defenbaugh __________ do _______________ _ Y Philip L. Defliese. ___________ .• do _______________ _

Y Kenneth A. De Ghetto ____ -----do ______ ·---------y Ra-ymond L. Dehler ____________ do _______________ _ Y Gregory L. Deliyanne ________ .do _______________ _ Y Walter J. Dempsey ____________ _do _______________ _


Page 7: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of I Calendar Mes~age report No. No. Name of nommee Otltee Prrdecessor

IN THE NAVY-Con. 1946

June 28 1102 Y Lewis E. Derry ___________ :E':nsign ________ ------- _ 28 1102 Y Ralph "E" DeVore, Jr _________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Lawrence A. Dewing ___________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Melvin J. Dlllon ______________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Samuel H. Dinsmore ___________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Harry C. Dittler _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Eugene D. Dodson _____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Joseph F. Darrington __________ .do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Alan DougalL _________________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Kenneth G. Dougherty _________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Daniel E. Douglas _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Anderson M. Dowling __________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Robert C. Downing ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y James P. Doyle _______________ .do _______________ _

28 1102 Y PhilipP. Doyle ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y W1lliam J. Doyle _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y *Francis X. DriscolL ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y *Lowell F. W. Duell ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y James H. Duncan ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Donald L. Dunklee _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y James W. Durborow ----- _______ do ___________ -----28 1102 y Harold S. Durfee _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Gordon A. Durna ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Robert C. Dykins__ _ __ __ _ _ ___ .do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Stuart T. Edgerton, Jr __________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Francis E. Edmunds ____________ do ______________ _

28 1102 Y Eldon L. Edwards ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y John Q. Edwards 3d ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Roberts W. Edwards ______ --- __ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Donald D. Egly ________________ do ____ - __________ _

28 1102 Y David L. Ellis _________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Robert M. Ellis ____________ ---.do __ --------------28 1102 Y Harry 0. Enderson ____ - _____ --.do __ - ____________ _

28 1102 Y Douglas K. Enghsh ___________ .do _______________ _

28 1102 Y *George S. Essenwine __________ .do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George G. Estes, Jr ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y *Willard A. Ethridge ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Harry W. Evans _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Martin L. Everhart, Jr. ________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Adelbert R. Evers ______ - __ -_-_.do __ --------------28 1102 Y *Douglas G. Ewen _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y John W. Fair_ _________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George W. Fairbanks ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Edward Falkowski_ ____________ do __ --------------

28 1102 y John E. FarrelL _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y RichardS. Farrington __________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Thomas J. Fatkin ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Richard E. Favreau ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Joseph E. Feaster ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Alfred J. Fecke ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Clyde H. Fellows, Jr ______ ----do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Jack Felsman __________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Benjamin Fern. ________ -- _- ___ do __ --------------

28 1102 y *Edwin D. FerrettL ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y H-erman C. Finkel, Jr ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Joseph C. Finnigan _____ -_- --_-.do __ -_------------

28 1102 Y Robert L. Finucane __ ----- _____ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Lowell E. F1sher _____ - _--- _----do_---------------

Page 8: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message Name of nommee Office report No. No.

1946 June 28

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 11()2 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102


Y Mark E. Fitzgerald ............ Ensign _______________ _ Y Mayo .M. Fitzhugh ________ ....... do _______________ _ Y *John P. FitzpatncL ........ _____ do _______________ _ Y Max Flack ____ .... __ .... ___ ........... do __ ......................... .. Y Bernard A. Fleck ............. _ .... _ .... do_ .... _ .......... _ .. -- .. _ .. Y John H. Flook ............... _____ do ...................... .. Y Joe H. Floyd ................. _____ do _______________ _ Y Albert H. Folensbee ...... __ ... ___ .do .. _ .................... __ Y John A. Foley ........................... do .. __ .. ___ .. -- ___ .. .. Y Thomas W. Foley ______________ do _______________ _ Y Walter A. Foley •.............. do _______________ _ Y Arlo Ford. _______________ ..... do .................... .. Y William R. Ford .. ____ ................. do ....................... .. Y Harold M. Forrest _____________ do .......... -------y Edward D. Faye, Jr ____________ do _______________ _ Y *Ralph E. Frank _______________ do ...................... .. Y Richard B. Franklin _______ ...... do ......................... .. Y Edward D. Franz ______________ do ......................... .. Y Dean M. French .... ------- ........ do ........................ . Y Ferris L. French, Jr_ ______ ........ do ................ _____ _ Y Paul V. French ___________ ...... do ........................ .. Y Whitman H. Frick_ __ .............. _.do ... _______ .. __ ...... .. Y Jack L. Fruin _____________ ...... do .......................... .. Y William H. Funston ........ _ ........ _ .. do .... _ .... ____ .. __ ... _. Y Joseph G. Galligan, Jr ...... _____ do ................... __ _ Y Bernard L. Gar bow .... _______ .. _ .. do ....... __ .. _____ .... .. Y John T. Garrow ___________ ......... do ............................ . Y Hugh M. Garvey ...... ----- ........... do ..... __ .. __ .. __ .. __ _ Y RichardS. Garvey ________ ....... do ....................... .. Y Donald E. Gately ____ . _____ ........ do .... _ .. ___________ . Y James L. Gates ___________ ...... do ................... . Y Leon W. Geer. ...................... do ................... . Y Jerome D. Geisler _________ ...... do .................... . Y *Duane J. Gerry __________ ..... do ................ . Y PaulL. B. Gesner _________ .... .do .................. . Y James T. Gheen ... ____ ...... ___ ... do ........... _______ _ Y Thomas E. Gibbs. ________ ..... do ................ .. Y Frank A. Gibe, Jr ............... do _______________ _ Y Ronald P. Gift ____________ ..... do _______________ _ Y Rohert C. Gilchriest ____________ do ....................... . Y \Yi!liam L. GilL_ .. ____________ .do _____ .. ________ _ Y Paul R. Goddard_________ .. _ ... do .... _____________ _ Y Francis G. Gooding, Jr ....... _____ do ______________ __ Y Harold J. Goodnow.------ ......... do ______________ __ Y Joseph H. Goodpasture. ____ ._ .... do .... ____ . ______ ..... Y WinE<low W. Goodwin ___________ do _______________ _ Y Donald W. Gordon ...................... do _______________ _ Y Erving L. Gordon _________ .......... do _______________ _ Y Robert G. Gorman _____________ do _______________ _ Y George A. Gowen .. _ .............. ___ .. _do .. ___ .. ____ .. _____ _ Y Homer C. Grasberger ___________ do _______________ _ Y Gerald C. Gravius _________ .......... do _______________ _ Y Robert J. Gray ________________ do _______________ _ Y Floyd J. Greene __________ .......... do _______________ _ Y *Carl F. Greer.. ___________ ........ do. ______________ _ Y Donald D. Griffey _________ ........ do _______________ _ Y Mitchell C. Griffin _____________ do _______________ _ Y Ralph I. Grigsby __________ .......... do _______________ _


Page 9: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Me.<.sRge report No. No. Name of nominee OffiCI!

1948 June 28

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 ll02 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102


Y John W. Gross ____________ Ensign _______________ _ Y Robert H. Gulmon. ___________ .do •. ________ -----_ Y Leonard A. Gundert __________ •. do •. _____________ _ Y Joe :VI. Gunn __________________ do _______________ _ Y Donald J\I. L. Hager ___________ do. ______________ _ Y Paul A. Haider ________________ do _______________ _ Y George D. Haines ______________ do _______________ _ Y Alfred J. Hall, Jr _______________ do _______________ _ Y Stephen P. Hall ________________ do _______________ _ Y James E. Hammerstone _____ .... do _______________ _ Y *Benjamin J. Haney, Jr _________ do _______________ _ Y Daniel H. Hanscom ____________ do _______________ _ Y Robert F. Harbison ____________ do _______________ _ Y Clarence C. Harbour __________ .do _______________ _ Y Terry Hardenberg ______________ do _______________ _ Y James H. Hardy _______________ do _______________ _ Y William W. Hargrave ___________ do _______________ _ Y James H. Harms _______________ do _______________ _ Y Charles B. Harrington _______ ._.do .. _____________ _ Y Raymond l\L Harris ____________ do _______________ _ Y Thomas S. Harris.________ __ .. do .• _____________ _ Y John R. Hart __________________ do _______________ _ Y *Frank R. Hartin ______________ do _______________ _ Y Gordon E. Hartley ____________ .do .. _____________ • Y Richard R. HartwelL _____ ..... do _______________ _ Y Edward 8. Haugen _____________ do _______________ _ Y WilliamS. Hawkes _____________ do _______________ _ Y Rupert D. Hawley _____________ do _______________ _ Y George A. Hayes _______________ do _______________ _ Y Eugene J. Healey, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Y Robert J. Healy _______________ do _______________ _ Y William J. J. Heffernan _________ do _______________ _ Y Edward A. Heflin _________ ..•.. do _______________ _ Y Frederick J. Heiler _____________ do _______________ _ Y William A. Helsel!__ ____________ do _______________ _ Y Bert L. Hendrickson ____________ do _______________ _ Y *Richard H. Henry _____________ do _______________ _ Y John R. Herb __________________ do _______________ _ Y Stanley E. Herbst ______________ do _______________ _ Y George L. Herider _____________ do _______________ _ Y Auburn W. Herron. _____ .. _____ do _______________ _ Y John B. Herweg _______________ do _______________ _ Y Paul J. Ridding ________________ do _______________ _ Y Douglas HilL ________________ do ________ -- ---y Hollis H. Hills _________________ do ________ ·-------y Harlow Hines _____________ -· ___ do _______________ _ Y Wilbur F. Hiser ________________ dO----------------y Harold E. Hobson ______________ do ______ ·-----·---y Ronald W. HoeL ______________ do .••. ·-----------y Paul J. Hoffman _______________ do _______________ _ Y Charles H. Hoke _______________ do _______________ _ Y David B. Holland ______________ do _______________ _ Y George E. Hollingsworth ________ do _______________ _ Y John C. Holloway, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Y David C. Holly ________________ do _______________ _ Y Richard A. Holmes _____________ do _______________ _ Y Albert T. Holt _________________ do _______________ _ Y Leahman J. Holt ______________ do _______________ _



Page 10: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Oalendar I Message report No. No.

1946 I ----1----------[--------------------------


Otlice Predecessor N amc of nommec

June 28 1102 y Hermann K. Hopper_ _____ Ensign _______________ _

28 1102 y Joseph W. Hopson _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 y Thomas L. Horner..------- .......... do ___ - __ .. ---------28 1102 y William R. Horton, Jr __________ do _______________ _

28 1102 y Alexander J. Houghton .. --- --- .... do ___ -- .......... ----- .. 28 1102 y Carl L. Howard _______ ---- --- .... do .... --_- ...... -------28 1102 y Macauley Howard .. _- .. ---- --- .... do .... __ .. ___ .... - .. -- __ 28 1102 y Robert S. Hoyle .. -- .. ------ --- __ do ___ .... ____ ----- .. _ 28 1102 y Johan D. W. Hubbeling, Jr.. _____ do _______________ _

28 1102 y Woodrow Huddleston ______ .. ____ do ___ .. _____ .... __ .... _

28 1102 y Miller N. Hudson ______________ do ___ ------------28 1102 y Walter F. Huff ________________ do ____________ ----

28 1102 y Albero "G" Hughes ____________ do ___ , ___________ _

28 1102 y Victor F. Hulstrand ____________ do ___ ------------· 28 1102 y John C. Humphreys _____________ do __________ _

28 1102 y RobertS. Huston _____________ .. do ____ .. ________ _

28 1102 y Donald E. Ideker.. _____________ do _________ . _____ _ 28 1102 y Meryl A. Ii9,ms _____ ----- .. _ .. do ________ ......... 28 1102 y John W. Ingham .......... ---- ____ do ...... __ _ 28 1102 y Charles W. Ireland ____________ do ____________ _ 28 1102 y LeRoy E. Irvin ____ ----- .. ____ do _________ _

-28 1102 y Charle~ W. Iverson _____________ do ___________ _ 28 1102 y Sterlmg R. Ivison, Jr.. _________ do ______ _ 28 1102 y *Harry A . .Jackson _________ ..... do ________ _ 28 1102 y Henry T. JacobReiL ___________ do ______________ _ 28 1102 y Richard C. James ____________ do .... ___________ . 28 1102 y Ralph C. Janes .. _ .... _ ............ __ .... _do __ .... _ 28 ll02 y Michael Jarina __________ - _____ do _____ ........ ___ _ 28 1102 y James D. Jenkins .. ________ ...... do _____________ _ 28 1102 y RobertS. Jensen ___ ------ ....... do_____ _ ______ _ 28 1102 y David M. Jeter ...... _______ .. ___ do _____ ..... ______ _ 28 1102 y Delmar K. Johannsen _____ .......... do ________________ _ 28 1102 y Charles W. Johnson ..... ___ . ____ do ......... __________ _ 28 1102 y Elmer 0. Johnson____ ____ ...... do _________ _ 28 1102 y Harold J. Johnson _________ ......... do _______ .. 28 1102 y Henry J. Johnson ............. _____ do _________ ....... _ 28 1102 y Keith V. Johnson ______________ do ____________ _ 28 1102 y Jesse B. Jolly ___ --------- _____ do _______________ _ 28 1102

I y

28 1102 y 28 1102 y

Paul M. Jones _________________ do _______________ _ Thomas C. Jones, Jr. ___________ do _______________ _ John T. Jordan ________________ do ______________ _

28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y 28 1102 y

"C" "Y" Justiss _______________ do _______________ _ Peter Karonis _________________ do ______________ _ Melvin C. Keebaugh __________ .. do ... _____________ _ Arthur P. Keegan, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Frank M. Keele _______________ .. do _______________ _ Warren E. Keene ______________ do ______________ _ Richard E. Keister.. _______ .. ____ do .. ______________ _ LeRoy W. J. Keith _____________ do _____________ _ Harry M. Keller_ ______________ do ______________ _ Paul W. Kelley _______________ .. do _____ .. _ .. _______ _ Thomas .r. Kelley _______ .. _____ do _______________ _ Stephen F. Kelley ______________ do _______________ _ Michael D. Kelly ______________ do____ _ _ _____ __ Thoma~ D. Keller_ _____________ do _______________ _ Jefferson Kennedy, Jr __________ do _______________ _ *Raymond E. Kerr, .fr __________ do _______________ _ Charles J. Kesner_ _____________ do _______ ,.. ______ _

Page 11: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message report No. No. Name of nommee Office I --,-----.Pr.cdec•e-.sor


1946 June 28 1102

28 1102 Y Rufus B. Keys, Jr_ ________ Ensign _________ _ Y W1lliam N. Kidwell, Jr_ ________ do ________________ _

28 1102 Y Robert \Y. Kieffer ______________ do ______________ _ 28 1102 Y Samuel B. Killingbworth ________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y David A. Kmg, Jr ______________ do ________________ f 28 1102 Y James P. King _________________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Robert E. King, Jr ____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Robert J. King ________________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y William D. King ______________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y James J. Kinsella ______________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y William A. Kistler_ ____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y James R. E:ittrelL _____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Willard Kitts __________________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y William W. Kitts _____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Orville 0. Klibbe _______________ do ______________ _ 28 1102 Y *Elwyn R. KnickeL ___________ do _____________ _ 28 1102 Y Harry Knickelbine ____________ .do______ _. _____ . 28 1102 Y James H. Knight ______________ do ______________ _ 28 1102 Y Robert J. Knoernschild _________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Eugene D. Knowles_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y George J. Koehler ______________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Ernest J. Korte ________________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Peter Kooyenga ______________ do __ ---· ---------28 1102 y Wendell S. Koozer _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Clarence E. Kuldell ____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Kay L. Kyle __________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y *Richard H. Lachman __________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Raymond W. Lamka ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Jame~ S. Lampe _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Ariel L. Lane __________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Richard H. Langdon ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y James R. Langford _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y William J. Langner _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y William J. La Plante ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Gene R. LaRocque _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Clyde LasswelL ________________ do ______________ _

28 1102 Y Melvin W. Lee ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Preston P. Lee _________________ do _____________ --

28 1102 y William L. LeForge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ do _____________ ---

28 1102 Y Russell C. Lemert_ _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Robert "H" Lemmon ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y David D. Lewis ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Harold S. Lewis ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Elvin L. Lindsay _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George A. I.mv11le, Jr ___________ do _______________ _

2B 1102 Y Robert L. Livingston ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Richard M. Lockhart ___________ do ___________ ----

28 1102 y David F. Loomis _______________ do ______________ __

28 1102 Y Frank B. Lopez ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Jacque W. Lorch _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George W. Loveridge, Jr. _______ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Philip H. Lowry __________ ----.do ___ -------------

28 1102 Y *Philip E. Lucas _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y William T. Luce _______________ do ___ .------------

28 1102 y Kenneth J. Ludwig _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Michael T. Lulu _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Owen Lyens _______ -- _- __ - ----_do __ --------------

28 1102 Y Delbert W. MacFaden ______ ---_do ____ ------------

Page 12: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date or Calendar Mes~age Name of nominee Office Predecessor report No. No.

IN THE NAVY-Con. 1948

June 28 1102 y Laurence E. MacFawn _____ Ensign __ -------- __ ----28 1102 y John R. Mackie ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Donald W. Mackiernan ___ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Bobby S. Macklin _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John A. Malcomson _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Bruce T. Mallory _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert E. Malmfeldt ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Victor E. Marriott ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Jack 3. Morrow ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Bela J. Martin ____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles F. Martin _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert B. Martin, Jr ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Leonard P. Mathias _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Gerard M. Mauer, Jr ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Elwin C. Maupin _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert C. May ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John R. Mayher. _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Raymond A. MazalewskL _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Paul H. McAfee, Jr _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William E. McBride _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Bernard E. McCabe _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles McCandliss, Jr _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Arthur J. F. McCarthy ____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Elwood C. McCoy _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Homer A. McCrerey _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Paul W. McEntire _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y George E. McGovern, Jr ___ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Clair A. McGuire _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Richard P. McHugh _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert W. McKee ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles N. McKenna ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *-Milton L. McKenna ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John B. McKinny _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William E. McLaughlin ____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Hugh F. McLinden, Jr _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John J. McMonigle ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Edwin F. McNeiL ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Joseph B. McNeiL _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Edgar L. MeN ett_ ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Willard J. McNulty _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John H. McSparren _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Thomas S. S. Medford _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Rusdell C. Medley _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Orville M. Meek __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert B. Meilhaus _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles M. Melhorn _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y James W. Mercer _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Donald Michie ____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Emil Mikich ______________ _____ do _______________

28 1102 y George V. Miller __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John A. Miller ____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Myrl R. Miller ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Raymond A. Miller _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Jack 0. Mills _____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert K. Minard, J r _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Ray P. Minniear __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y George G. Moffatt ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Gerald M. Monroe _____________ do ________________

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---~--~--~----------r---------~---------Date of Calendar Message I report No. No. Nameofnomme0 OJhce Predecessor ---1---~---~--------1------.-------

1946 June 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102


Y Harold A. Moody, .Tr_ _____ Ensign _______________ _ Y Loren D. Moody _______________ do _______________ _ Y Horace B. Moranville ___________ do ____ -----------y Harold J. Morehouse ___________ do ---------------y Allen C. Morgan _______________ do _______________ _ Y Rutherford B. Morgan __________ do _______________ _ Y Theodore P. Morgan ___________ do _______________ _ Y John N. 0. Mork ______________ do. ____________ _ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

George i\il, Morlier_ ____________ do ______ ---------Lloyd C. Morris _______ . _____ do ______________ _ William J. Murray ___________ .. do. ______________ _ Leonard N. Nearman __________ _do ______________ _ RobertS. Neasham ____________ do _______________ _ *William G. Neese _____________ do ____________ _ John D. Nevins ... ________ _ __ .do. ______________ _ *Arthur F. Newell, Jr _________ do._ -------------William E. NICholson, Jr ________ do ______________ _ Walter F. NickeL. ____________ do ... ____________ _ Arthur G. N oehren, Jr. ________ .do _______________ _ James H. Norman ______________ do .. _____________ _ Hugh G. Nott_ ________________ do _______________ _ Edward D. Nunnery ___________ do _______________ _ Clifford J. Oas .. ______________ .do _______________ _ William B. O'Brien _____________ do _______________ _ John C. O'Connor ______________ do _______________ _ Allen D. Oder. _______________ .do _______________ _ Roderick I. O'Flaherty _______ .. do ___ -------- ____ _ *Elliott E. Okins ______________ do _______________ _ *Harry J. Older ________________ do _______________ _ Dorman S. O'Leary ____________ do _______________ _ Donald K. Olson _______________ do _______________ _ W1llard W. Olson ______________ do _______________ _ Henry J. O'Meara, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Earl A. Orr ____________________ do _______________ _ Edward F. Osborn _____________ do _______________ _ John G. Osborn ________________ do _______________ _ *Herbert E. Ost _____ -- ________ do •. _____________ _ Richard C. Pan talL ___ -- _____ .do _____ --- ______ ._

Y Lawrence E. Parsneau. ________ .do _______________ _ Y Joseph Pasterchik _____________ .do _____ -- -- _____ _ Y Daniel R. PauL _______________ do _______________ _ Y Alvin E. Pawelczyk ____________ do _____ ----·------y Douglas C. Pearson ____________ do ___________ ----y Forrest A. Pease. ___ ._---- -_- .. do __ -.------------y Everett H. Pelley _____________ do _______________ _ Y Tom A. Perkins ________________ do _______________ _ Y Herrick R. Peterson ____________ do _______________ _

Y Christopher C. Petroff.--.- . ---.do __ .-------------Y Harley J. Pierce. ___ ----.- _--_.do ____ ------------Y Alden M. Pierpoint ____________ do _______________ _ Y Wayne"J. Pike _________________ do _______________ _ Y Robert E. Pine ________________ do _______________ _

Y William Pinkey- __ .------- ----.do .. --------------Y Paul PodbielskL .. -------- ----.do ___ -------------Y Roby E. Poffenberger ___________ do _______________ _ Y James W. Porter _______________ do _______________ _ Y Philip W. Porter, Jr ____________ do _______________ _ Y Richard M. Price ______________ do _______________ _


Page 14: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message Name of nommee report No. _.::_N_.:_o·:__)_ __________ l----------1-----------

Office Predecessor

IN THE NAVY-Con. 1946

June 28 1102 Y Francis H. Pritchard, Jr ___ Ensign _______________ _

28 1102 Y Erman 0. Proctor ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Charles S. Quinn, Jr ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Harry T. Quinn ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Irving Radtke _________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Encil E. Rains _________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Jerome A. Rapp, Jr ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George S. Rawson _______ -- - __ -.do ____ ------------28 1102 Y Richard G. Redmond ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Charles W. Reed _____ ----- ----.do __ --------------28 1102 Y Marvin Reed. __________ -- -_-_-do_---------------28 1102 Y Stephen H. Reed _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y John S. ReeL ____ - _- --- - - --- - -do--- - - - - - - -- - - - - -28 1102 Y *Ira F. Reese __________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Robert W. Reese _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Edwm H. Reeves ______________ do ____________ ---

28 1102 y Donald A. Regan ______________ do ____________ ---

28 1102 y John D. ReicheL ___ ------ _ _ __ do ____ - __ --------28 1102 Y Andrew H Reid _______________ do _________ - ----28 1102 y Joseph 1. Reilly, Jr ____________ do ________________ _

28 1102 Y Robert C. Rice ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y GeraldS. Richey _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y *Spencer Reitz _____ ----- _______ do _______ -- __ - ___ _ 28 1102 Y Richard R. Renaldi_ ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Robert Ricks.------------ -- __ .do _________ --- ___ _ 28 1102 Y Robert D. Rinesmith ___________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Erhard V. Rinner_ _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Roy Riser _____________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y James R. Risley _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Floyd M, Ritchie _____________ .do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y John W. Roberts _______________ do ______________ _ 28 1102 Y Marlin D. Roberts ____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Evans J. Robinson _____________ do _______ ----- ___ _ 28 1102 Y *Russell I. Robin son_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ do ______________ _ 28 1102 Y W1lham H. Robison. __________ .do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y James C. Rock ________________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Charles E. Rodgers _____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y "Harrv C. Rodin _______________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y George F Roe _________________ do ______________ _ 28 1102 Y Bernard 1. Rogers _____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y William E. Rohde, Jr. __________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y George H. Rood ______________ do ___ ------------28 1102 y Jerome J. Rossillon ____________ .do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Leonard P. Ruch _______________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y William C. Ruddick ____________ do ______________ _ 28 1102 Y Guiseppe A. Rullo_______ _ ____ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y John W. Ryan, Jr _____________ do _____ ----------28 1102 y William J. Ryan 3d ____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Rowan H. Salyer ____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Francis R. Sanborn ____________ do _______________ _ 28 1102 Y Howard E Randers ____________ do ________________ _ 28 1102 28 1102 ?8 1102 28 l102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

Y Rodney D. Sanders ____________ do ______________ _ Y Edward A. Sandor _____________ do _______________ _ Y "Keith N Sargent_ ___________ .do _______________ _ Y John E. Schaefer, Jr ____________ do ________________ _ Y Delmer A. Schatz ______________ do _______________ _ Y *Philip A Scheuble, Jr. ________ do _______________ _ Y Paul W. SchlegeL ____________ do _______________ _

Page 15: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


-Date of Calendar Message

Name of nominee Office report No. No. Predecessor -IN THE NAVY-Con.

1946 June 28 1102 y Stanley C. Schold. _____ . __ Ensign __________ ------

28 1102 y Russell C. Schubert_ ______ _____ do ________________ 28 1102 y *Leo L. Schweers _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Ralph J. Schweinefuss _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Merlin J. Schwitters _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert A. Scurlock ________ _____ do _______________

28 1102 y Henry V. Sebach __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Gorden N. Selby ____ . _____ __ . _.do _____ .. __________ 28 1102 y Clifford H. Selden, Jr ______ _____ do ____ ------------~ 28 1102 y Jimmie J. Sellars __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Richard L. Shafer _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Elbert B. Shane ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y George H. Sharp __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William H. Shaw __________ -----do ________________ 28 1102 y George F. SilvanL ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Royce A. Singleton ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John J. SkahilL __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Stanley E. Sloan __________ -----do ________________ 28 1102 y Alan C. Smith ____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Austin B. Smith __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Benedict J. Smith _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Eugene C. Smith __________ -----do ________________ 28 1102 y Gerald W. Smith __________ ....• do ________________ 28 1102 y Harold T. Smith, Jr _______ _____ do ________________ 28 1102 y John W. Smith ___________ ..... do ________________ 28 1102 y Judson L. Smith __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Michel F. Smith __________ ...•. do ________________ 28 1102 y Nicholas J. Smith 3d ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert J. 0. Smith ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Virgil A. Smith, Jr ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles A. Soderlund ______ -----do ________________ 28 1102 y Arthur L. Soholt __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Robert L. Sollenberger_ ___ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William H. SourR _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y James H. Spalding ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Ralph C. Spears. ___ . ____ . _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Curtiss Sprague. ________ ______ do ________________

28 1102 y George W. Staeheli__ __ . ___ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Howard L. Stalnaker ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Harry C. Stanley _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Raymond R. Steltzner, Jr. _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Walter B. Stephens _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *R6bert S. StockwelL _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Renold W. Stoppelmann ___ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Stanford E. Storey __ - __ - __ -----dO----------------28 1102 y John R. Strane ___________ ____ .do ________________

28 1102 y Edmund J. Stronski_ ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Allan H. Stubbs __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John M. Suddreth ______ -- _____ do ________________

28 1102 y John P. Sullivan __________ -----dO----------------28 1102 y *Philip H. Sullivan ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William A. Sutherland_---. _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Thomas L. Sutton _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y *Dean H. Swain. __ .-----. _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Bradford G. Swonetz. _. _. _ ..... do ________________

28 1102 y Elza F. Tate, Jr __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Lamar S. Taylor---_------ ____ .do _______ .-- __ .. --28 1102 y William D. Taylor ______ "_ ..... do ________________

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Date of Calendar Mes<age report No. No. Office Name of nominee Predecessot


1946 June 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102


Y "-Frederick W. Teepe ______ Ensign _______________ _ Y "-WilliamS. Tenhagen __________ do _______________ _ Y Raymond J. Tennant ___________ do _______________ _ Y Samuel M. Tharp, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Y Ted R. Tharp _________________ do _______________ _ Y George E. Thelen ______________ do _______________ _ Y John L. Thoro ________ ---- ____ .do ___ - ___ -- ______ _ Y Charles F. Thomas ____ --- ______ do _______________ _ Y Richard E. Thomas ____________ do _______________ _ Y Allen "B" Thompson ___________ do _______________ _

Y David H. Thompson.----- --- __ do __ ------- ______ _ Y George E. Thompson ___________ do _______________ _ Y Herbert S. Thompson ___________ do _______________ _ Y Boyd Thomson _________________ do _______________ _

Y Richard H. Tibbets _____ -- _____ do __ --------------y Charles E. Tilden ______________ do _______________ _ Y Warwick M. Tinsley, Jr_ ________ do _______________ _ Y William J. Tipler_ ______________ do _______________ _ Y Buster E. Toon ________________ do _______________ _ Y Harris 0. Torgerson __ --- _______ do _______ -- ______ _ Y Albert R. Totino _______________ do ____ -----------y Ygnacio T. Toulon 3d ___________ do ______________ _ Y Stanley B. Tracy, Jr ____________ do _______________ _ Y Richard C. Tnpp __ ------- _____ do _______________ _ Y W1lliam W. Tucker _____________ do _____ ------·----y Charles W. Turner, 3d __________ do _______________ _ Y Don B. Turner _______________ do _______________ _ Y Jack D. Turner_ ______________ .do _______________ _ Y Freeman N. T\tttle ____________ do _______________ _ Y Theodore K. Ulrich _______ . ____ do _______________ _ Y Donald E. Dmphfres ____________ do _______________ _ Y Robert D. Unruh _____________ do _______________ _ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

James C. Ussery ______________ .do _______________ _ Robert W. VaJL ______________ do ______________ _ Lowell W. Van TasseL _________ do _______________ _ John C. Vasse _________________ do ______________ _ James B. Vaughn _______ , _______ do _______________ _ Wintford E. Verkin ___________ .do _______________ _ Hubert L. Via _________________ do ______________ _ Alfred C. Viebranz _____________ do _______________ _ Francis E. Vincent _____________ do ______________ _ Harold E. Vtta ______________ do ______________ _ John "P" Vivian, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Stanton W. WaddelL __________ do ______ -------- __ Robert J. Waddick _____________ do _______________ _ Arthur R. Waggener ___________ .do _______________ _ Douglas J. Wagner _____________ do _______________ _ Donald E. Walker ______________ do--------~-------Charles U. Walkley _____________ do--------~-------Charles B. Wall, Jr ____________ .do _______________ _ *David M. Walley _____________ do _______________ _ Fred M. Walters ______________ .do _______________ _ Harold W. Walters ____________ .do _______________ _ *Donald F. Walton ____________ do _______________ _ Frank K. Warnock _____________ do _______________ _

Page 17: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message report No. No. Name of nominee

1948 June 28

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102



Y George R. Warren, Jr ______ Ensign _______________ _ Y Doyle D. Watkins ______________ do _______________ _ Y Wayne W. Watkins ____________ do _______________ _ Y Orner L. Watson _______________ do .• _______ • _____ • Y Joe "W" Watts ________________ do _______________ _ Y Darrell E. Way----- ___________ do _______________ _ Y Curtis A. Weaver ______________ do _________ . ____ ._ Y Sydney R. Weed _______________ do _______________ _ Y Donald H. Weidig ____________ .. do _____________ ... Y Eugene P. Weinert._ .... ___ ._ .. do _____________ . __ Y David F. Welch ________________ do _______________ _ Y Richard H. Weller _____________ do _______________ _ Y Thomas R. Weschler ___________ do _______________ _ Y William D. Wessinger _____ ....• do _______________ _ Y Jack West ________________ ....• do _______________ _ Y James C. West ____________ •.... do _______________ _ Y French R. White, Jr ____________ do _______________ _ Y William B. Whitehurst __________ do _______________ _ Y Richard W. Widdicombe ________ do _______________ _ Y John A. Wiegard _______________ do _______________ _ Y Frederick C. Wienholz __________ do _______________ _ Y Harmon F. Wietz _________ ..•.. do _______________ _ Y Charles L. Wilcox ______________ do _______________ _ Y William H. Wild _______________ do _______________ _ Y Malcolm A. Wilkinson __________ do _______________ _ Y Martin T. Williams, Jr _________ do _______________ _ Y Thad "R" Williams ____________ do _______________ _ Y *WilliamS. Willis ______________ do _______________ _ Y Lawrence E. Willson ___________ do _______________ _ Y Archer W. Wilson ______________ do _______________ _ Y Frederick C. Wilson, Jr _________ do _______________ _ Y James C. Wilson _______________ do _______________ _ Y James R. Wilson _______________ do _______________ _ Y *William Ralph Wilson .... _____ do _______________ _ Y William Ross Wilson ___________ do _______________ _ Y Edward E. Wood ______________ do _______________ _ Y Thomas K. Wood ______________ do _______________ _ Y Robert F. Woody ______________ do _______________ _ Y David D. Work ________________ do _______________ _ Y Alton H. Worrall, Jr _______ ..... do _______________ _ Y George L. Wrenn _________ -----do _______________ _ Y John R. Wright ___________ .•... do _______________ _ Y William W. Writt ______________ do _______________ _ Y *Frederick L. Yeo _________ ..... do _______________ _ Y Herbert M! Young _____________ do _______________ _ Y Neil W. Young ________________ do _______________ _ Y William H. Youngblood _________ do _______________ _ Y James R. ZeitvogeL------- _____ do _______________ _ Y RichardT. ZetteL _____________ do _______________ _ Y *Stanley Ziemba _______________ do _______________ _ Y David W. Zimmer ______________ do _______________ _ Y Donald Zimmerman, Jr _________ do _______________ _ Y Milton A. Zimmerman .••.•....• do _______________ _ Y Orville A. D. Zylstra ___________ do _______________ _


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Date of Calendar Message N arne of nommoe Office report No. No.

1946 June 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102





Y George G. Burkley________ Surgeon with the rank of lieutenant com­mander.

Y Harry H. Haight_ _____________ do _______________ _ Y Clinton K. Higgins _____________ do _______________ _ Y Gerald A. Hopkins _____________ do _______________ _ Y Herman P. McCrimmon. _____ .. do __ - ______ -------Y John R. Phillips_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ do_- - -- _ - _ - -- _ -- - -Y Charles W. Reeder _____________ do _______________ _ Y William M. RusselL ___________ do _______________ _ Y Christopher 0. Shaw ___________ do _______________ _ Y Herbert P. Beun___ ______ _ Passed assistant surgeon

with the rank of lieu­tenart.

Y Thomas W. Bennett ____________ do ____ - - - - - -- -- - - -Y Alexander S. Dowling __________ do _______________ _ Y W1lliam F. Lyons ______________ do _______________ _ Y Thomas M. Manley ____________ do _______________ _ Y William 0. Martin_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ do ______________ - _ Y Jacob L. Rudd _________________ do _______________ _ Y William J. Sheehan _____________ do _______________ _ Y Robert T. Spicer _______________ do _______________ _ Y Charles V. E. Waggoner_ _______ do _______________ _ Y Maxwell F. Wbite ______________ do _______________ _ Y Gale G. Clark.___________ ARsistant surgeon with

the rank of lieutenant (junior grade).

Y Thomas C. Deas _______________ do _______________ _ Y Richard F. Dobbins ____________ do _______________ _ Y Edwin W. Edwards ____________ do _______________ _ Y Willard M. Fitch _______________ do _______________ _ Y Farrell F. Golden ______________ do __ ------------y James W. Gustin _______________ do _______________ _ Y Joseph H. Harris _______________ do _______________ _ Y Oliver S. Hayward _____________ do _______________ _ Y Judson H. Jenkins _____________ do _______________ _ Y James A. Kane _______________ .do .. _____________ _ Y James R. Kingston__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ do _______________ _ Y Harold H. Macumber_ __________ do _______________ _ Y John P. Martin ________________ do _______________ _ Y William J. McKeever ___________ do _______________ _ Y Karl F. Menk _________________ do _______________ . Y Frank J. Miselis _______________ do ___ -------------y James A. Murphy ______________ do _______________ _ Y Edward G. Nedwicki. __________ do _______________ _ Y Vorris M. Reist ________________ do _______________ _ Y William R. Simonds ____________ do _______________ _ Y Harvey J. Thompson, Jr. _______ do ______________ _ Y Paul V. W. Waldo _____________ do _______________ _ Y William E. Walsh ______________ do _______________ _ Y George R. Wiseman, Jr _________ do _______________ _


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Date of Calendar Message report No. No. Name ofnommrr

1946 June 28 1102

28 1102

28 1102 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 ll02 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102






Y Wilham M. Landau ________ Paymaster With the rank of lieu tenant commander.

Y Harry C. Graves __________ Passed assi~tant pay-master with the rank of lieutenant.

Y Harry Thorn ton _______________ do__ _ _ _ _ ________ _ Y William E. Byrne _________ Assistant paymaster

with the rank of lieu­tenant (junior grade).

Y Joseph J. Dantone _____________ do _______________ _ Y George M. DnseolL ___________ .do _______________ _ Y Frederick F. Fallis _____________ do ________________ _ Y Eldon H. Gleaves _____________ do _____________ _ Y William H. Haeuser, Jr_ ________ do _______________ _ Y Dudley J. Kierulff ______________ do _______________ _ Y John V. Koch _________________ do _______________ _ Y John E. Madden _______________ do _______________ _ Y Gerald l\f. Malcolm ____________ do _______________ _ Y Stanley A. Mann _______________ do ______________ _ Y Louis Rudkin __________________ do _______________ _ Y William H. Shannon ____________ do _______________ _ Y John H. B. Smith ______________ do _______________ _ Y Earle K. Smder ________________ do _______________ _ Y Otis W. Stafford _______________ do ______________ _ Y Harold A. Stockenberg __________ do _______________ _ Y Herman Strock_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ do ____________ .. __ Y Herbert R. Thielmeyer_ ________ do _______________ _ Y Charles J. Van Donge __________ do __ -------------y Clarence J. Walters ____________ do ______________ _ Y James K. Webster. _____________ do __ ._---_---- ___ _ Y Earl W. Wood ________________ do _______________ _ Y Henry T. Adams, Jr _______ Assistant paymaster

with the rank of en­sign.

Y William M. Adamson ___________ do _______________ _ Y Elmer H. Anderson _____________ do _______________ _ Y Gerald C. Anderson ____________ do _________ ------_ Y Robert R. Anderson ____________ do ______________ -Y Norton J. Arst _________________ do _______________ _ Y George Arthur_ ______________ .. do ____ ------------y Jm;j'lph H. Baker_ ______________ do _______________ _ Y James C. Bartlett ______________ do _______________ _ Y Joseph H. Batchelder_ __________ do _______________ _ Y William C. Bauknight, Jr_ ______ do _______________ _ Y Paul N. Bentley _______________ do _______________ _ Y Edward R. Bower ______________ do _______________ _ Y William L. Brown, _____________ do _______________ _

Y Ramsay Browne._-------_ --- __ do ___ -------------y Louis F. Brozo, Jr ______________ do _______________ _ Y Paul B. Burdick.--------- _____ do _______________ _

Page 20: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Mes~age Name of nominee Office report No. No.

1948 June 28

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28



1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 110.2 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 l 102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102


Y Grinnell Burt, Jr __________ Assistant paymaster with the rank of en­sign.

Y Harry Cagle ___________________ do _______________ _ Y Thomas R. CampbelL __________ do _______________ _ Y Thomas A. Cassin ______________ do _______________ _ Y Andre L. Causse 3d ____________ do _______________ _ Y Robert B. Charles ______________ do _______________ _ Y Reginald B. Comeau ___________ do _______________ _ Y George A. Cookinham. ____ ----.do ______________ --y Foster F. Comstock ____________ do _______________ _ Y Alexander H. C.JrnelL __________ do _______________ _ Y Joseph 0. Cosgrove. ______ ---_.do .. ____ ----.--_._ Y Arthur B. Crooks _________ -----dO----------------y Norman M. Crowder ___________ do _______________ _ Y John M. Dester ________________ do _______________ _ Y C!ark Dunn ___________________ do _______________ _ Y Ronald Eicher ___ . ______ ._ . __ .. do .. __ ._.----- ___ _ Y DWight H. Elhs, Jr _____________ do ________ ·-------y Thomas C. FarrelL ____________ do _______________ _ Y Donald J. Fisher ____ --- __ - -- .•. do .. _____ -- __ -- __ _ Y Paul B. Fitch __________________ do _______________ _ Y Earl T. Fortenberry ____________ do __________ ------y Paul J. Fritch. _______ ._._ -- ___ do ________ -- _____ _ Y Albert C. Garbak ______________ do _______________ _ Y Walter J. Gardner ______________ do _______________ _ Y Mallard J. Gibson ____________ .. do .. _____________ _ Y John B. Gilbert_ ____ -----_ ---_.do ____ . ___ - ______ _ Y Jame':l E. Grisham ______________ do _______________ _ Y Robert W. Hale ________________ dO----------------y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Ever L. Hanson ________________ do _______________ _

George 0. Hays, Jr _______ ·----dO----------------Robert A. Hendry ______________ do _______________ _ Mark R. Hickey __ .. ·----- _____ do _______________ _ John W. Holmes _______________ do ______________ _ Jesse E. HowelL _______________ do _______________ _ John W. HulL ________________ do _______________ _ John C. Jaxtheimer ____________ do _______________ _ Harold B. Jensen ______________ do _______________ _ Joseph B. Jones ________________ do _______________ _ WilliamS. Jones _______________ do _______________ _ John C. Kamps ___________ -----do _______________ _ Jackson K. Kern ______________ do _______________ _ Andrew E. King _____________ .. do _______________ _ Joseph A. Kooker ______________ do _______________ _ Leo L. Kornfeld __________ -----do _______________ _ Alfred G. Lachmann _______ -----do _______________ _ WilliamS. Langley _____________ do _______________ _ Kenneth M. Larsen ____________ do _______________ _ Ernst Lemei_ ______________ .... do _______________ _ William H. Link _______________ do _______________ _ Leslie E. Lobaugh ______________ do _______________ _ Carl E. Lucas _________________ do _______________ _ Robert C. Lyons _______________ do _______________ _ William C. Maas _______________ do _______________ _ Matthew Mackey,Jr ______ -----do _______________ _ Prescott L. Marsh _________ -----do _______________ _ William M. Martin, Jr _____ -----do _______________ _


Page 21: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Messa~e report No. No. Name of nommee omce


1946 June 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 llOZ 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102


Y John H. l\Iay, Jr_ __ -- _ _ _ _ _ Assistant paymaster with the rank of en­sign.

Y William P. McElligott, Jr .. -----do _______________ _ Y Thomas J. McLernon ___________ do _______________ _ Y Glenn F. Meader_ ______________ do _______________ _ Y Hugh R. Mellon _______________ do _______________ _ Y Dewayne C. Miller ____________ .do _______________ _ Y MichaellVIittrick _______________ do _______________ _ Y Kenneth S. Moore ____________ .do _______________ _ Y Alfred B. Mueller ______________ do _______________ _ Y DouglasS. Murray _____________ do _______________ _ Y Samuel Mushnick ______________ do _______________ _ Y lVlerlyn A. Nelson ______________ do _______________ _ Y Robert F. Newsome, Jr. ________ do _______________ _ Y James F. l'\ichols _______________ do ________________ _ Y Merrill H. N1chols _____ ·-- _____ do _______________ _ Y Robert A. Nix ___ ·-------- _____ do _______________ . Y Everett L. Noble ______________ do _______________ _ Y Charles L. Nott, Jr _____________ do _______________ _ Y Edmund G. Oelkers ___________ .do _______________ _ Y Richard C. O'Loughlin __________ do _______________ _ Y Devere E. Olson _______________ do ____ -----------y John J. O'Malley ______________ do _______________ _ Y William R. Ormsbee ____________ do _______________ _ Y Richard M. Oster _____ ·--- _____ do ______ ·---------y Marvin Ostrowsky _____________ do ____________ ·---y Donald E. Parrish ______________ do _______________ _ Y George W. Pennebaker_ ________ do _______________ _ Y Joseph Z. Powell, Jr. ___________ do ___________ ·---y Carl A. Prince _________________ do _______________ _ Y Raymond E. Purviance _________ do _______________ _ Y Guy H. Putman, Jr_ ___________ do _______________ _ Y Charles P. Ramsey__ _ ________ .do _______________ _ Y Edward J. Rinetti__ ____________ do _______________ _ Y John J. Risser_ ________________ do _______________ _ Y Otto C. Rothlaender ____________ do _______________ _ Y Kenneth A. Schar_ _____________ do _______________ _ Y Alfred R. Sch1lling __ - __________ do _______________ _ Y Thoma~ H. Seaver_ ____________ do _______________ _ Y Joseph !VI. Shea ________________ do _______________ _ Y Ramon A. Sherer __ -- _________ _do _______ ,.- ____ -_ Y Peter V. Sira __________________ do ______________ _ Y Henry J. Skipper _______________ do _______________ _ Y George C. Smith __ ------- _____ do _______________ _ Y Joe G. Smith, Jr. _____________ do ______________ _ Y Robert J. Stampfl ____________ do _______ ------ __ Y Robert A. Stevenson ___________ do _______________ _ Y Robert I. Stev:art _______ -- _ _ __ do __ ----------- __ _ Y William L. Strong ______________ do _______________ _ Y John J. Sullivan, Jr. ___________ do _______________ _ Y Vernon E. Sutton ______________ do _______________ _ Y Thomas Svob __________________ do _______________ _ Y Elwin 0. Swint_ _______________ do _______________ _ Y Paul Tasker ___________________ do _______________ _ Y George "S" Thoroughman _______ do _______________ _ Y CharltJs J. Toma. ________ - ____ .do ____ ------------Y John G. Travis ________________ do _______________ _


Page 22: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Me,sage Name of nommee Office report No. No.

1946 June 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102

28 1102


Y Philip Troth-------------- Assistant paymaster with the rank of en­sign.

Y Eugene L. Tucker ______________ do _______________ _ Y Ray M. Turner ________________ do _______________ _ Y William J. Vance _______________ do _______________ _

Y Robert R. Van Der ..... dO----------------Maaten.

Y Samuel Y. Walker ______________ do _______________ _ Y Louis F. Washburne, Jr_ ________ do ____________ - _ Y Thomas C. Watts ______________ do _______________ _ Y Leo Webb---------------- _____ do _______________ _ Y John W. Weigand .. ---- ___ . _--~do .. ---. ______ ._ .. Y John H. Whitener .. ____________ do _______________ _ Y John R. Wible .. ·--------- _____ do _______________ _ Y Stuart S. Wilmarth ________ . ____ do .. ---. __ .-- ... __ Y Bentley L. Wilson _____ ---- ..••• dO----------------y Clark F. Woodard ______________ do _______________ _ Y George H. Wood _______________ do _______________ _ Y Paul W. Woodhead ________ ..... do _______________ _




Y Roland D. DriscolL _______ Chaplain with the rank of lieutenant.

Y Chester L. Hults ___________ . __ .do _______________ _ Y Alvo 0. Martin _______________ .do _______________ _

Y Florian W. Cassady _______ Acting chaplain with the rank of lieutenant (junior grade).

Y Donald R. Caughey ____________ do _______________ _ Y Edgar A. Day ________________ .do .. _____________ _ Y Francis G. Doerschug ___________ do _______________ _ Y Milton P. Gans ________________ do _______________ _ Y Jack C. Greenawalt ____________ do _______________ _ Y Edward J. Hemphill, Jr _________ do _______________ _ Y Earle V. Lyons, Jr _____________ do _______________ _ Y Kermit I. Meier __________ ..... do _______________ _ Y Walter R. Morten, Jr ______ ..... do _______________ _ Y James W. PauL __________ ..... do _______________ _ Y Albert D. Prickett ________ ..•.. do _______________ _ Y William A. Rennie .•.......••.• do _______________ _ Y Thomas J. Richter ••........... do _______________ _ Y Roderic L. Smith _________ ..•.. do _______________ _ Y Eugene S. Bwanson ________ ..... do _______________ _ Y Joseph J. Tubbs __________ ....• do _______________ _ Y RobertS. Waldrop ____________ _do _______________ _




Y Harry W. Baumer _________ Assistant civil engineer with the rank of lieu­tenant commander.

Y Dole F. Thomson _________ ....• do. ______________ _


Page 23: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message report No. No. Name of nominee Office

1946 June 28 1102

28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102


Y .James C. Tily ____________ Assistant civil engineer with the rank of lieu­tenant.

Y Albert H. Boggs_--_______ Assistant civil engineer with the rank of lieu­tenant (junior grade).

Y James R. Bollinger ___________ .• do _______________ _ Y William R. Boyer ______________ do _______________ _ Y William J. Byrnes ______________ do _______________ _ Y Robert E. Daggett _____________ do •• _____________ _ Y Roscoe A. Davidson ____________ do _______________ _ Y Adrian E. Eckberg _____________ do _______________ _ Y John F. Elliott _________________ do _______________ _ Y Edward H. Feldmann __________ do _______________ _ Y Melvin G. Franklin ____________ do _______________ _ Y William H. Griffiths ____________ do _______________ _ Y \Varren R. Grove, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Y Arthur H. Hanson _____________ do _______________ _ Y Chester A. Lewis ______________ .do _______________ _ Y George Ohl, Jr _________________ do _______________ _ Y Jack P. Pollock ________________ do _______________ _ Y Charles 0. Reinhardt ___________ do _______________ _ Y Jerome W. Roloff_-------- _____ do _______________ _ Y Herbert E. Smith ______________ do _______________ _ Y Richard H. Stowe ______________ do _______________ _ Y Edward L. Waldin _____________ do _______________ _


y y y y


y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y




Donald M. Coughlin ______

Thaddeus V. Joseph _______ Arthur M. Swanson _______ SamuelS. Wald ___________ William P. McGuire _______

Lloyd F. AbeL-----------

Adolph "A" Anfinson ______ Vincent H. Arhart ________ Richard L. Bardsley _______ George L. Cermak ________ Joseph C. ChudzinakL ____ Robert F. Deetz __________ Joseph E. Faltermayer _____ Edmund H. FrizzelL------Claud E. Galloway ________ Samuel Goldhaber _________ William H. Hartnett. __ ---Edward J. Jerden _________ Nolan L. Johnson _________ Eugene L. Kerewich _______

Dental surgeon with the rank of lieutenant commander. _____ do ________________

_____ do ________________ _____ do ________________

Passed assistant dental surgeon with the rank of 1ieutenant.

Assistant dental surgeon with the rank of lieu-tenant (junior grade). _____ do ________________

_____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________ _____ do ________________

Charles E. Loveman _____ -- ----.do ___ .---- .. ------


Page 24: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


I report No. No. N arne of nommee Office Predece~sor Date of ,. Calendar Message

---------- -------------1-------·---1----------·-I

1946 1

June 281

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

281 28 28 .

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28


1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102

1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102


Y Harvey D. Lyon _________ Assistantdentalsurgeon with the rank of lieu­tenant (junior grade).

Y Glen H. McGee ________________ do _______________ _ Y Robert A. Middleton .. ___ - _____ .. do _____ .. _________ _ Y Tl yrne~ E. Missman __ .. -- -______ do __ .. _ .. - _ .. _______ _ Y Roe C. P0rcy ______ ------- .. ___ .. do ___ --- __ .. ______ .. Y Thomas W. Pope, J r _ --- ______ .. do ___ .... - _________ _ Y Harry E. Pump ________________ do _______________ _ Y Harry C. Pund, Jr_ ___________ _do _______________ _ Y Alfred L. HaphaeL ___ .... _ .. ____ .do ... ____________ .. _ Y George M. Smith ______________ do _______________ _ Y Ren S. Steinert .. ________ - .. ____ .do .... ________ .. ___ _ Y Harold R. Superko _____ -- _____ do ______________ _ Y Wilbur A. Trick __ -------- _____ do _______________ _ Y Clar ~n ce G. V eno ____________ .. _do ______ .. ________ _






Y William F. Adams _________ Chief boatswain _______ _ Y Robert C. Allen ___________ .......... do _______________ _ Y Thurman J. AustilL ... ________ do _______________ _ Y Francis T. Bean _______________ do ______________ _ Y Wladyslaw S. Biernat ___________ do _______________ _ Y Arford C. BoyetL ______________ do _______________ ,. Y Cecil E. Bradford .. ____ ...... ______ do .... _____________ _ Y Raymond E. Calhoun ___ ........ ___ do_ .. _ .. _ .. __ .. ______ _ Y Evan l\'L Chanik _______________ do _______________ _ Y William H. Chapman ___________ do _______________ _ Y Raymond G. Cook_ ___________ .do _______________ _ Y James H. Danenhower ________ .. do _______________ _ Y Clarence L. Davis, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Y Harvard F. Deen ______________ do _______________ _ Y Paul W. Dodson _______________ do _______________ _ Y Eugene L. Edgerton ____________ do _______________ _ Y Oscar L. English _______________ do _______________ _ Y Lamar W. Foley------- ________ do _______________ _ Y Joe W. Grant __________________ do _______________ _ Y Arthur F. Hamby ______________ do _______________ _ Y Rex Harbert _____ ...... _ .. _______ .... do ...... _ .... _ .. ___ .... __ _ Y Paul E. Henderson _____________ do _______________ _ Y Robert G. Hoffman ____________ do _______________ _ Y Rhodell L. Holderby ...... _ .. __ .. ___ do .. ____ .. _________ .. Y Trumond E. Houston ___________ do _______________ _ Y Raymond 0. Hyland ___________ do _______________ _ Y "C" "B" KosRert ______________ do _______________ _ Y Peter Kowalchyk ______________ do ______________ __ Y John P. KreckeL ______________ do _______________ _ Y Leamond F. Lacy .. _____________ do _______________ _ Y George "W" Lewis _____________ do _______________ _ Y Charles H. Little _______________ do _______________ _ Y William C. Logan, Jr ___________ do _______________ _ Y Henry H. Malan _______________ do _______________ _ Y James E. Manson _______________ do _______________ _

Page 25: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message report No. No. Name of nominee Office

____ , ----1----1----·------------------·- ----·-----. - .

1946 June 28 1102

28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 110:;> 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102 28 1102

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y


Chester A. Martm_ _ _ _ _ __ Chief boatswain _____ .. __ Sidney J. Martin _____________ ... do _______________ _ Anthony A. Mazur __________ -· .. do _______________ _ Albert P. McCloskey ___________ do _______________ _ Marvin P. McCormick _________ .do _______________ _ Malcolm W. MLGaughey ________ do _______________ _ Richard "K" Meyer ____________ do _______________ _ Thomas A. IvliechurskL ________ do _______________ _ Hugh M. Miller ________________ do _______________ _ Charles E. Napier ______________ do _______________ _ Arthur W. Nordquist. __________ do ________________

1 Raymond Oddone ______________ do _______________ _ George E. Paris ________________ do _______________ _ Luther C. Parrott ______________ do _______________ _ Richard M. Peacock ____________ do _______________ _ John J. Pratt __________________ do ________________ , Robert F. Reed ________________ do _______________ _ Lester L. Reynolds _____________ do _____________ -·_ Paul R. Rogers _______________ .do _______________ _ Robert J. Siegelman _______


_____ do _______________ _ Leighton Spadone ______________ do _______________ j Clyde H. Steele ________________ do _______________ _ Thomas M. Stell, Jr.------1-----do _______________ _ Milford W. Thomas ___________ .do _______________ _ Roswell Van Over _________ -- __ .do _______________ _ Elwood Vaughan _______________ do _______________ _ Dick Weidemeyer_ _____________ do _______________ _ Raymond l\1. Weimer __________ do _______________ _ Clarence W. Westergaard _______ do _______________ _ William F. We~tfall ____________ do _______________ _ Thomas S. Williamson, Jr _______ do _______________ _ John L. Wimberly ______________ do _______________ _ Roy A. Woodliff _______________ do _______________ _ James R. Woolyhand ___________ do _______________ _ John A. Zehner. _______________ do _____ ---- ______ _ Terry B. Barr _____________ Chief gunner ___________ \ Charles R. Brown, Jr __________ .do ______ - ________ _ Leonard A. Caslow _____________ do _______________ _ Joseph Catanzarite .. __________ .do ____ -------_----Haskell Clark _________________ .do ____ -_----- __ ---Warren "L" Clary ______________ do _______________ _

Leonard H. Crain _____ ---- ---_.do __ --------------Jo3eph H. Cupp ________________ do _______________ _ Ei'as W. DeLoach, Jr __________ .do ___ -_-----------Cia ..tde L. Dickerson ___________ .do ____ -_----------Jack E. Dickson ___________ ---.do ___ -------------Charles H. Eaton ______________ do _______________ _ Edwm H. Edgerton ________ ---.do __ --------------Robert W. Eigell _______________ do ___ - -----------Anthony GannarellL __________ .do ____ ------------John J. Garrity ___ --- __ --- ----.do __ --------------Charles W. Gibbo _______ -- ----.do __ --------------James R. GugliettL ____________ do _______ ---------Harold L. Harriman _______ -- __ .do __ --------------Staley P. Hawthorne __ ._-_ --- __ do __ ------.-------Henri L. Hayes ________________ do _______________ _ Carl Holmes ___________________ do _______ ---------William G. Holmes ____________ do _______________ _

81222--46--No. 104----4

Page 26: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message Name of nominee Office Predecessor report No. No.


1946 Chief gunner. __________ June 28 1102 y Forest M. Jones __________

28 1102 y Robert F. Jones ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Howard W. Mabus ______ -- _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Berley L. Maddox _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y James D. March __________ _____ do _________ --- ---28 1102 y Robert P. Mudd __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Ernest J. Ogilvie ___ --- ___ -_____ do _________

------28 1102 y Edmond H. Oliver ____ - __ - _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles F. Pape __________ ..... do ____________ ---28 1102 y Orville W. RockwelL ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Walter A. Sheltren ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Kenneth L. Shurtleff ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Norman L. Sorenson __ . ___ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert B. Stickles ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Frank Sulewski_ __________ ----~dO----------------28 1102 y Kermit A. Thompson._ . ___ _____ do ______


28 1102 y John E. Tracy ____________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Francis J. Tuggle _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Edwin W. Williams _______ ____ .do ________________

28 1102 y Lowell B. Archer_ _________ Chief ship's clerk._. ____ 28 1102 y Willis J. Boo._-----------

_____ do ________________

28 1102 y IraN. Bowman ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Wallace G. BrownelL _____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Raymond S. Broyles _______ _____ do _________ ------

28 1102 y James E. Callan __________ ___ .. do ________________

28 1102 y Lyle E. Carter_ ___ . __ . __ ._ ..... do ________________

28 1102 y Wilbur W. Carter _________ _____ do __________ -----

28 1102 y Thomas A. Conant ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Thomas E. Craig ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William M. Crowe ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Pierre H. Dalton __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William Q. Damon.·------_____ do ________________

28 1102 y Thomas H. DebrL ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Charles M. Dorris _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y William T. Duke, Jr _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Oliver E. Emmons ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Loren P, Fitzgerald. ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Elton D. Flowers _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Harold M. Frediani_ ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Clayton P. HalL _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Jack C. Hamilton _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Harry R. Hathaway _______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Max W. Henry ___________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Harold C. HilL .......... ..... do ________________

28 1102 y Dale C. Hillman __________ •...• do ________________

28 1102 y Joe W Holland ___ . __ • ____ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Paul W. Hopkins _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Metro Horoschak. ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Metro Horoschak ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Augustus C. lies __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Harry L. Jackson _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Robert G. Jacobson _______ _____ do ________________

~ 1102 y Philip W. F. Jones ________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y George D. Kaley __________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Wayne W. Litchfield ______ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Howard E. Mann _________ _____ do ________________

28 1102 y Kenneth L. Mell. _________ -----do ________________ 28 ll02 y James E. Morgan _________ -----do ________________

Page 27: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR - Senate · 2016. 10. 31. · EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Saturday, June 29, 1946 TREATIES Date of Calendar report No. Treaty No. Subject .Action or com mitt~ 19~6 Apr.


Date of Calendar Message report No. No. Name of nommee Offieo Predecessor

IN THE NAVY-Con. 1946

June 28 1102 Y Murrill C. Morris _________ Chief ship's clerk _______ _

28 1102 Y Basil T. Morrison ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Thomas D. Murdock_ __________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Gerald W. Murphy _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Clifford R. Nevins _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y William C. Norcott _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Edward D. Platz _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Stuart G. Poole ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Charles A. Potts _______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Gilbert W. Rappelt_ ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Joseph C. Rhodes ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Jack Rountree _________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y John R. Shannon ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George G. Sherry ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George 0 Sims ________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Horace W. Specht ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Henry J. Statchen ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y John T. Sullivan, Jr ____________ do _____________ --

28 1102 y Carl 0. F. Swanstrom __________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George L. Tait _________________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Robert C. Turner_ _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Robert F. Turney ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Anthony L. Vincelette __________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Joseph W. Wallace, Jr __________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Edmund L. Wells _____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y George D. WendelL ____________ do _____________ ---

28 1102 Y Gordon C White ______________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Wilmot L. Wtlliams ____________ do _______________ _

28 1102 Y Morris W. Woods ______________ do _______________ _