Exec Talent EPG- Final_0

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  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    SHRM Foundations Effective

    Practice Guidelines Series





    !" Ste#$en %& 'accaro

    Edited (" S$elle" S#err"

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0







    Ste#$en %& 'accaro

    Edited by

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    S$elle" S#err"

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0




    T$is #u(lication is desi)ned to #rovide accurate and aut$oritative infor*ation re)ardin) t$e su(+ect *atter covered& Neit$er t$e

    #u(lis$er nor t$e aut$or is en)a)ed in renderin) le)al or ot$er #rofessional service& If le)al advice or ot$er e,#ert assistance is

    re-uired. t$e services of a co*#etent. licensed #rofessional s$ould (e sou)$t& An" federal and state la/s discussed in t$is (oo0 are

    su(+ect to fre-uent revision and inter1#retation (" a*end*ents or +udicial revisions t$at *a" si)nificantl" affect e*#lo"er or e*#lo"ee

    ri)$ts and o(li)ations& Readers are encour1a)ed to see0 le)al counsel re)ardin) s#ecific #olicies and #ractices in t$eir or)ani2ations&

    T$is (oo0 is #u(lis$ed (" t$e SHRM Foundation. an affiliate of t$e Societ" for Hu*an Resource Mana)e*ent 3SHRM4& T$e inter#retations.

    conclusions and reco**endations in t$is (oo0 are t$ose of t$e aut$or and do not necessaril" re#resent t$ose of t$e SHRM Foundation&

    56787 SHRM Foundation& All ri)$ts reserved& Printed in t$e United States of A*erica&

    T$is #u(lication *a" not (e re#roduced. stored in a retrieval s"ste* or trans*itted in /$ole or in #art. in an" for* or (" an" *eans.

    electronic. *ec$anical. #$otoco#"in). recordin) or ot$er/ise. /it$out t$e #rior /ritten #er*ission of t$e SHRM Foundation. 8977 Du0e

    Street. Ale,andria. :A 66;8

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0



    CONTENTSv Foreword

    vii Acknowledgments

    ix About the Author

    1 The Search for Executive Talent: Understandi

    the Process and Setting t in !otion

    " #efining Executive Position $e%uire

    & #efining Executive Attributes

    ' $ecruiting (andidates

    ) Assessing and Evaluating (andidate

    1* !aking the Final #ecision

    1& Post+Selection (hallenges: ,egotiat

    Entr. and Sociali/ation

    1' (onclusion

    1) $eferences

    ") Sources and Suggested $eadings

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0



    Dear Colleague:

    De!"#e #$e %o&"'era(le #")e a&' )o&e* !e o& e+e%u#",e ear%$e-

    .a"lure ra#e .or e&"or e+e%u#",e %o"&ue #o r"e/ S"&%e a %o)!a&*

    u%%e " o.#e& '"re%#l* #"e' #o #$e 0ual"#* o. "# lea'er$"!- "&%rea"&g #$e

    e..e%#",e&e o. #o! e+e%u#",e " a $"g$ !r"or"#* .or e,er* orga&"1a#"o&/

    T$" &e2 E..e%#",e Pra%#"%e Gu"'el"&e re!or#- The Search for Executive

    Talent: Understanding the Process and Setting It in Motion 2"ll $el!

    (u"&e lea'er a''re #$" %r"#"%al "ue/

    I& 3445- #$e SHRM Fou&'a#"o& 'e,elo!e' #$e E..e%#",e Pra%#"%e

    Gu"'el"&e er"e .or (u* HR !ro.e"o&al l"6e *ou/ I# a %$alle&ge .or!ra%#"#"o&er 2"#$ l")"#e' #")e #o 6ee! u! 2"#$ #$e la#e# reear%$ reul#/

    B* "egra#"&g reear%$ ."&'"&g o& 2$a# 2or6 a&' e+!er# o!"&"o& o&

    $o2 #o %o&'u%# e..e%#",e HR !ra%#"%e "o a "&gle !u(l"%a#"o&- 2e )a6e

    #$eor* a&' !ra%#"%e a%%e"(le #o *ou/

    Re%e re!or# "& #$" er"e- all a,a"la(le o&l"&e- "&%lu'eEmployment

    Downsiing and Its !lternatives" #ecruiting and !ttracting Talent"

    Developing $eadership Talent a&'%uman #esource Strategy/ T$" re!or#"

    #$e 77#$ "& #$e er"e/ Su(8e%# )a##er e+!er# 2r"#e #$e re!or#- 2$"%$ are #$e&

    re,"e2e' (* (o#$ a%a'e)"% a&' !ra%#"#"o&er #o e&ure #$a# #$e )a#er"al "

    reear%$9(ae'- %o)!re$e&",e a&' !reee' "& a& ea*9#o9ue .or)a#/ e

    alo "&%lu'e a ;Sour%e a&' Sugge#e' Rea'"&g< e%#"o& a a %o&,e&"e

    re.ere&%e #ool/

    T$" er"e u!!or# our ,""o& .or #$e SHRM Fou&'a#"o& #o ;)a+")"1e #$e

    ")!a%# o. #$e HR !ro.e"o& o& orga&"1a#"o&al 'e%""o&9)a6"&g a&'

    !er.or)a&%e (* !ro)o#"&g "&&o,a#"o&- e'u%a#"o&- reear%$ a&' #$e ue o.

    reear%$9(ae' 6&o2le'ge/< O,erall- #$e Fou&'a#"o& $a a #ra#eg"% .o%u o&

    "&"#"a#",e 'e"g&e' #o $el! orga&"1a#"o& )a+")"1e lea'er$"! #ale/ e are

    %o&."'e #$a# #$e E..e%#",e Pra%#"%e Gu"'el"&e er"e #a6e u o&e #e!

    %loer #o )a6"&g our ,""o& a real"#*/ Pleae le# u 6&o2 $o2 2e are 'o"&g=

    Mar* A/ Go2a&- P$/D/

    C$a"r- SHRM Fou&'a#"o& Reear%$ A!!l"%a#"o& Co))"##ee

    Dea& a&' Pro.eor o. Ma&age)e

    Elo& U&",er"#*

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    ACKNOWLEDGMENTST$e SHRM Fou&'a#"o& " gra#e.ul .or #$e a"#a&%e o. #$e .ollo2"&g "&'","'ual "&

    !ro'u%"&g #$" re!or#:

    content Editor

    Larry Fogli, Ph.D.

    Pre"'e a&' CEO

    Peo!le Fo%u


    Lisa Bener, Ph.D.

    V"%e Pre"'e > C$"e. O.."%er- Hu)a& Reour%e

    MITRE Cor!ora#"o&

    !ea"her Page, MS, P!R

    Pro8e%# Ma&ager MSP


    Pro+ect Mana)er

    Be"h M. M#Farlan, CAE

    Ma&ager- S!e%"al Pro8e%#

    SHRM Fou&'a#"o&

    Ma+or fundin) for t$e Effective Practice Guidelines series

    is #rovided (" t$e HR ertification Institute and t$e

    Societ" for Hu*an Resource Mana)e*ent&

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    ABO$T T!E A$T!OR%


    S#e!$e& ?/ @a%%aro " a !ro.eor o. !*%$olog* a# George Mao&

    U&",er"#* "& Fa"r.a+- V"rg"&"a/ He $a 2r"##e& )ore #$a& 744 ar#"%le-

    (oo6 %$a!#er a&' #e%$&"%al re!or# o& lea'er$"!- grou! '*&a)"%- #ea)

    !er.or)a&%e a&' 2or6 a##"#u'e/ Dr/ @a%%aro " #$e au#$or o. The &ature

    of Executive $eadership: ! 'onceptualand Empirical !nalysis of

    Success 3447/ "#$ )ore #$a& 34 *earo. e+!er"e&%e "& #ea%$"&g a&'

    %o&ul#"&g- $e $a %o9e'"#e' #$ree o#$er (oo6-$eader Development for

    Transforming (rganiations3445- The &ature of (rganiational

    $eadership: Understandingthe Performance Imperatives 'onfronting

    Today)s $eaders 3447a&' (ccupational Stress and (rganiational

    Effectiveness7/ Dr/ @a%%aro $a alo %o9e'"#e' !e%"al "ue o.

    $eadership *uarterly77973 o& "&'","'ual '"..ere&%e a&'

    lea'er$"! a&' a !e%"al "ue .or +roup and (rganiation Management

    o& #$e "er.a%e (e#2ee& lea'er$"! a&' #ea) '*&a)"%/ He $a '"re%#e'

    .u&'e' reear%$ !ro8e%# "& #$e area o. #ea) !er.or)a&%e- $are'

    )eal )o'el- lea'er9#ea) "er.a%e- lea'er$"! #ra"&"&g a&'

    'e,elo!)e- lea'er a'a!#a("l"#*- a&' e+e%u#",e lea'er$"!/

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    Toda". a d"na*ic. fast1#aced environ*ent t$at e,tends

    across national (oundaries de*ands a ne/ 0ind of e,ecutive&

    Hu*an connections are (eco*in) crucial for (uildin)

    effective tea*s and *ulti1level colla(orative relations$i#s&

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Tale





    O.#e&- #$e '"..ere&%e (e#2ee& a goo' %o)!a&* a&' a grea# o&e " 'e#er)"&e' (*

    2$o "# "& #$e e+e%u#",e o.."%e/ H"g$9!er.or)"&g e+e%u#",e %a& a'' )"ll"o& o.

    'ollar #o #$e"r ."r) (o##o) l"&e/7e#- .a"lure ra#e .or e&"or e+e%u#",e are

    $"g$a&' ge##"&g $"g$er/ T$e ra#e o. CEO #ur&o,er .or a ,ar"e#* o. %aue $a

    (ee& "&%rea"&g la#el*- a&' reear%$ $o2 #$a# CEO a!!o"e' "& #$e !a# 3

    *ear are #$ree #")e )ore l"6el* #o (e ."re' #$a& CEO a!!o"e' earl"er/3

    G",e& #$e ")!or#a&%e o. e+e%u#",e !o"#"o&- 2$* are .a"lure ra#e o $"g$a&'

    2$a# %a& (e 'o&e #o e&ure #$a# )ore e+e%u#",e $"re u%%ee' T$e a&2er "

    .a"rl* #ra"g$#.or2ar': Mo# %o)!a&"e 'o &o# .ollo2 !ro,e& (e# !ra%#"%e a#

    ea%$ #e! o. #$e !ro%e/ I. #$e* '"'- %o#l* #ur&o,er 2oul' (e )u%$ le l"6el*/

    T$e )o# "g&"."%a reao& .or a la%6 o. u%%e "& #$e #ale ear%$ " #$a# #$e

    e+e%u#",e "& %$arge o. ear%$e #e&' #o .ollo2 a'9$o% !ro%e'ureo.#e&

    rel*"&g o& ""&%# ra#$er #$a& #a6"&g a',aage o. a 2eal#$ o. "&.or)a#"o&

    a,a"la(le #o &a,"ga#e #$e !ro%e/J

    A&' *e#- (* a&' large- e+e%u#",e )a6e !oor !ro)o#"o& a&' #a.."&g

    'e%""o&/ B* all a%%ou- #$e"r (a##"&g a,erage " &o (e##er #$a& 4/JJJ: a#

    )o# o&e9#$"r' o. u%$ 'e%""o& #ur& ou# r"g$#K o&e9#$"r' are )"&")all*

    e..e%#",eK a&' o&e9#$"r' are ou#r"g$# .a"lure/ I& &o o#$er area o.

    )a&age)e 2oul' 2e !u# u! 2"#$ u%$ )"era(le !er.or)a&%e/

    .ro) Pe#er Dru%6er ;Ge##"&g T$"&g Do&e: Ho2 #o Ma6e

    Peo!le De%""o&

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    Fi)ure 8 o*#onents of E,ecutive

    Talent Assess*ent and Ac-uisition

    #efinition of

    Position $e%uirementsS#ecif"in) /$at #otential

    e,ecutives /ill li0el" need to

    acco*#lis$ in t$e s$ort and lon)

    ter* in t$e tar)eted #ositions

    #elineation of #esired

    (andidate AttributesS#ecif"in) /$at /ould (e t$e

    attri(utes and -ualifications of

    t$e ideal candidate

    $ecruitment of

    Potential A00licants!uildin) a #ool of a##licants

    fro* /it$in and@or outside of

    t$e or)ani2ation

    Assessment and

    within a& orga&"1a#"o& " uuall* a (e##er

    o!#"o& #$a& go"&g ou#"'e- #$" re!or# alo

    "&%lu'e o)esuccession planningtips

    rele,a #o e+e%u#",e !o"#"o&/

    T$e .ollo2"&g !age !ro,"'e %lear

    #ra#eg"e .or ea%$ o. #$e .",e #e! o. a&*

    e+e%u#",e ear%$ a&' $"r"&g !ro%e:

    defining executive position re-uirements"

    delineating executive attri.utes"

    recruiting candidates" assessing and

    evaluating candidates" a&'ma/ing the

    final selection/ T$e re!or# %o&%lu'e2"#$

    a .e2 ugge#"o& .or )a6"&g #$e !o#9

    ele%#"o& #a6 o. &ego#"a#"o&- er* a&'o%"al"1a#"o& go .or2ar' )ore )oo#$l*/


    E(EC$T)*E POS)T)ON


    $a# 'oe *our ."r) 2a a &e2 e+e%u#",e

    #o a%%o)!l"$ T$e ee"al ."r# #e! "&

    $"r"&g #$e r"g$# !ero& " #o 'e."&e #$e

    re0u"re)e .or #$e !o"#"o&/S#a6e$ol'er"&%lu'"&g %urre #o!

    e+e%u#",e- #$e ele%#"o& %o))"##ee a&'

    (oar' o. '"re%#or$oul' 'e,elo! a

    $are' u&'er#a&'"&g o. e+!e%#a#"o&

    (e.ore e)(ar6"&g o& #$e ear%$/

    So)e .a%#or #$a# 2"ll $a,e a& ")!a%# o&

    #$" '"%u"o& a)o&g #a6e$ol'er are:

    T$e nature of e,ecutive /or0&

    T$e #articular #$ase o

    develo#*ent o. #$e ."r)/

    urrent c$allen)es facin)

    t$e orga&"1a#"o&/

    T$e strate)ic direction to/ard/$ic$ e+e%u#",e a&' #$e (oar' 2a

    #o )o,e/

    I# )a* (e ue.ul #o #$"&6 "& #er) o.

    e,e& (a"% !er.or)a&%e ")!era#",e

    #$a# reear%$er %"#e .or orga&"1a#"o&al

    e+e%u#",e: %og&"#",e- o%"al- !ero&al-

    !ol"#"%al- ."&a&%"al- #e%$&olog"%al

    a&' #a.."&g/All e+e%u#",e ele%#"o&

    !ro%e'ure $oul' #ar# 2"#$ a %are.ul

    re,"e2 o. #$ee %a#egor"e #o 'e#er)"&e

    $o2 )u%$ ea%$ $oul' (e 2e"g$#e' .or#$e !o"#"o& "& 0ue#"o&/

    Evaluation of (andidatesDeter*inin) t$e candidates

    standin) on t$e tar)eted

    attri(utes defined in ste# 6

    Selection of

    #esired (andidate

    Usin) decision #rocessesand *etrics to deter*ine

    t$e (est candidate for t$e

    tar)eted #osition

    (ase Stud.: #efine the Position to !ake the $ight ire

    T2o *ear ago- a reg"o&al (a&6 2a loo6"&g .or a &e2 CEO 2$o 2oul' $a,e #o

    o,eree #$e .or%e' )erger o. 77 )aller %oo!era#",e/ T$e ear%$ #ea)

    "))e'"a#el* real"1e' #$a# #$e &e2 CEO 2oul' &ee' #$e %o)!e#e&%* o. ;%o&.l"%#

    )a&age)e/< T$e 8o( 'e%r"!#"o& 2"el* #ra&la#e' #$e #er) "o (e$a,"or

    a .ollo2: ;T$e a("l"#* #o $a&'le '".."%ul# !eo!le a&' #e&e "#ua#"o& 2"#$

    '"!lo)a%* a&' #a%#K !o# !o#e"al %o&.l"%#- (r"&g '"agree)e "o #$e

    o!e& a&' $el! 'ee%ala#e #$e)K e&%ourage 'e(a#e a&' o!e& '"%u"o&Kor%$e#ra#e 2"&92"& olu#"o&/;7 a&*&. /$en s$e /as )iven an office. a co*#uter and a

    tele#$one& For t$e ne,t 87 $ours. s$e /as (o*(arded /it$ #$one calls and delu)ed /it$ e1*ails fro* a))rieved custo*ers.

    collea)ues see0in) advice and t$e li0e& A stead" strea* of #eo#le #oured t$rou)$ $er office doorfro* feudin) e*#lo"ees to

    collea)ues co*in) in to consult on a strate)ic #lan& T$ere /as an anal"sis to (e done on /$et$er a *er)er #ro#osal *ade sense

    and a #resentation to #re#are&

    All t$e /$ile. Ms& Dur/ards ever" *ove /as anal"2ed Ho/ sound /ere $er (usiness decisions. /as s$e a(le to satisf" t$at

    custo*er. coac$ t$ose e*#lo"ees. *a0e a co*#ellin) #resentationJ And $o/ did s$e (e$ave under #ressureJ KL

    At t$e end of t$is da"1in1t$e1life si*ulation. Ms& Dur/ard and 87 ot$er *iddle *ana)ers in Nissan anada Inc&s acceleration

    #ool /ere assessed on t$eir #erfor*ance and advised of t$e #ersonalit" attri(utes t$at could $el#or $indert$e* as t$e

    co*#an" #re#ares t$e* for e,ecutive roles&

    Nerve1/rac0in)J ou (et. Ms& Dur/ard said of t$e assess*ent #rocess& It /as e,$austin) and e,$ilaratin). a (it of (ot$. Ms&

    Dur/ard said of t$e #rocess. /$ic$ led to individual develo#*ent #ro)ra*s for eac$ *e*(er of t$e #ool& KL

    T$e idea of t$e da"1in1t$e1life si*ulation. said Penn" avana)$. Nissan anadas $u*an resources e,ecutive. is to develo# a #ool of

    *ana)ers /$o can ste# into al*ost an" e,ecutive role as t$e Mississau)a1(ased co*#an" (rin)s u# its ne,t )eneration of leaders&

    E+%er!#e' .ro) V"rg"&"a Gal#

    ;Ma&ager o& .a# #ra%6 #r* ou# #$e $o# ea#-T- %ore .ro)

    ae)e %eer !re'"%#e'

    )a&ager"al a',a&%e)e 34 *ear "&

    #$e .u#ure/

    U&.or#u&a#el*- 2or6 a)!le a&'

    ae)e %eer (o#$ %arr* $"g$

    'e,elo!)e a&' a')"&"#ra#"o& %o#-

    %o)!ara(le o&l* #o "er,"e2 a)o&g

    ele%#"o& #ool/ T$" )a* (e 2$* a

    rela#",el* )all !er%eage o. ."r) ue

    ae)e %eer a #ool "& #$e"r

    e+e%u#",e ele%#"o&/


    T$e )o#l* 2"'el* ue' e+e%u#",e

    ele%#"o& #ool $a (ee&- a&' %o"&ue #o

    (e- #$e %a&'"'a#e "er,"e2/77

    T$ere are

    #2o )a"& #*!e o. "er,"e2:

    uru%#ure' a&' #ru%#ure'/734


    unstructured interviews- #$e .or)a#a&'

    #*!e o. 0ue#"o& are le.# o!e&

    #o #$e "er,"e2er a&' %a& ,ar* .ro)

    %a&'"'a#e #o %a&'"'a#e/ I&structured

    interviews- "er,"e2er a6 %a&'"'a#e

    r"goroul* %oru%#e' e# o. 0ue#"o&

    #$a# .o%u o& !ar#"%ular "#ua#"o&-

    (e$a,"or- %r"#"%al "&%"'e or #*!e

    o. !ro(le)/ O&e #*!e o. #ru%#ure'

    "er,"e2#$e "#ua#"o&al "er,"e2

    e+a)"&e $o2 re!o&'e 2oul'(e$a,e "& !ar#"%ular $*!o#$e#"%al


    T$ejob-related interview,

    o& #$e o#$er $a&'- a6 a(ou# 8o(9rela#e'

    (e$a,"or %a&'"'a#e $a,e '"!la*e' "&

    #$e !a#- 2"#$ou# #*"&g #$e) #o !ar#"%ular


    T$e (e$a,"oral "er,"e2 %o)("&e

    a!!roa%$e a&' a6 "er,"e2ee $o2

    #$e* (e$a,e' "& #$e !a# "& !ar#"%ular


    S#ru%#ure' "er,"e2 ae %a&'"'a#e8o( 6&o2le'ge (e# a&' %a& ae 8o(

    e+!er"e&%e a&' o%"al 6"ll a 2ell 2$"le

    %arr*"&g le r"6 .or legal %$alle&ge/735

    S#ru%#ure' "er,"e2 alo are (e##er

    a# !re'"%#"&g .u#ure !er.or)a&%e #$a&

    are uru%#ure' "er,"e2/73

    A o&e

    e+!er# o(er,e':


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    Assessment Tools for Executive Searches

    )o&e* #$a& uru%#ure' "er,"e2/73

    MAK)NG T!E 6ork sam0le tests

    Situation 7udgment tests

    (ognitive abilit. tests

    $esumes and references

    Unstructured interviews

    Structured interviews

    Hi)$ validit"@$i)$ cost

    Hi)$ validit"@*oderate cost

    :alid in )eneral. (ut less so for

    e,ecutive #ositions

    Tend to (e unrelia(le

    Often of *i,ed validit"

    Often $i)$l" valid


    Co)!are' 2"#$ o#$er #o!"% %o,ere' "&

    #$" re!or#- le reear%$ $a (ee& 'e,o#e'

    #o #$e a%#ual 'e%""o& !ro%ee (oar' o.

    '"re%#or a&' o#$er #o! e+e%u#",e ue

    2$e& %$oo"&g 2$o a)o&g #$e ."&al

    %a&'"'a#e $oul' (e o..ere' a !o"#"o&/

    So)e #$e)e %a& (e '"%er&e'- $o2e,er-

    .ro) a .e2 #u'"e/

    Effective Practices for

    Evaluation of (andidates

    onsider *ulti#le o#tions for

    evaluatin) candidates. includin)

    intervie/s. tests. /or0 $istor" and

    acco*#lis$*ents. si*ulations. and

    *ulti1rater feed(ac0&

    Use tec$ni-ues t$at #rovide

    relia(le and valid infor*ation

    a(out t$e candidates #otential to

    *eet t$e #ositions re-uire*ents&

    E*#$asi2e stron). #roven

    tec$ni-ues. includin)

    Bor0 sa*#les&

    Situational +ud)*ent tests&

    eaders$i# st"les and

    #otential tests&

    Structured intervie/s&

    o)nitive a(ilit" tests&

    !io)ra#$ical data&

    Multi1rater feed(ac0&

    As *uc$ as #ossi(le. avoid

    unrelia(le tec$ni-ues. includin)

    unstructured intervie/s.

    resu*es and references&

    ;A #*!"%al "er,"e2

    uru%#ure'- ra)(l"&g- u&.o%ue'

    #ell #$e "er,"e2er al)o#

    &o#$"&g a(ou# 8o( %a&'"'a#e- o#$er

    #$a& $o2 #$e* ee) 'ur"&g a

    %ou!le o. )ee#"&g "& a %o&.ere&%e

    roo)/ Bu# 2$a# are #$ee !eo!le

    l"6e la#e a#

    &"g$# a&' u&'er !reure $a#

    )o#",a#e #$e) Ho2 )ar# are

    #$e* Ha,e #$e* $a&'le' #oug$!ro8e%# Do #$e* !re.er 2or6"&g

    alo&e or are #$e* (e##er 2"#$ a #ea)

    Regular "er,"e2 ae (arel*

    a&* o. #$" a&' are- "& .a%#-

    )"era(le !re'"%#or o. u%%e/ a"er- R/ B/ 344/ Lear&"&g a leo& "& e+e%u#",e ele%#"o&/$eadershipin !ction" 79- 33935/ La2ler- E/ E/ III/- > F"&egol'-

    D/ 7- No,e)(er 7- 7/ CEO ele%#"o&: $* (oar' ge# "# 2ro&g/

    Industry ee/" 7; Ta*lor- ?/ ?/ 3444a/Executive

    selection: Strategies for success0 Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e


    5Lo&'o&- M/ > Sea- V/ I/ 7/ Selecting international executives: !

    suggested framewor/ and annotated .i.liography0 Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer

    .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/ Ho..)a&- ?/ ?/- S%$&"e'er8a&- > Se(ora- T/

    C/ 3443/ A )ul#"9o(8e%#",e a!!roa%$ #o CEO ele%#"o&/I&2(#" ;7"3J9

    3/ Sea- V/ I/- a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /- > Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/ 7/

    Executive selection: ! research report on what wor/s and what doesn)t0

    Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/ Sea- V/ I/- > Ta*lor-

    ?/ ?/ 3444a/Executive selection: Strategies for success0Gree&(oro- NC:

    Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/ Sea- V/ I/- > Ta*lor- ?/ ?/ 3444(/ C$oo"&g

    lea'er: More %oo6 )a6e a (e##er (ro#$/ 'onsulting Psychology=ournal" >7-


    Se(ora- T/C/- > e&er- I/ F/ 7/ T$e CEO ele%#"o& 'e%""o& !ro%e:

    Bou&'e' ra#"o&al"#* a&' 'e%""o& %o)!o&e or'er"&g/=ournal of Multi?

    'riteria Decision !nalysis" >- 7J975/

    Sea- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    @a%%aro- S/ ?/- > l")o6"- R/ 3447/ T$e &a#ure o. orga&"1a#"o&al

    lea'er$"!/ I& S/ ?/ @a%%aro > R/ l")o6" E'/- The nature of

    organiational leadership: Understanding the performance imperatives

    confronting today)s leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/ Lo&'o& > Sea-

    7/ Ho..)a&- e#/ al/ 3443- o!/ %"#/ Sea- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/ Sea-

    V/ I/- > Ta*lor- ?/ ?/ 3444a/Executive selection: Strategies for success0

    Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/ Sea- V/ I/- > Ta*lor- ?/

    J. 3444(/ C$oo"&g lea'er: More %oo6 )a6e a (e##er (ro#$/ 'onsulting

    Psychology =ournal" >7- 37933/


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    RHR Ier&a#"o&al/ 3443a/

    U&'er#a&'"&g a&' )"&")"1"&g CEO

    .a"lure/Executive Insights" @A222/r$r"er&a#"o&al/%o)/

    $ura&a- R/ 3447/ F"&'"&g #$e

    r"g$# CEO: $* (oar' o.#e&

    )a6e !oor %$o"%e/MIT Sloan

    Management #eview" ;B- 79/

    74a#1- D/- > a$&- R/ L/ 7/

    The social psychology of organiations

    3&' e'// Ne2 or6: "le*/ @a%%aro-

    S/ ?/ 3447/ The natureof executive

    leadership: ! conceptual and

    empirical analysis of success0a$"&g#o&- D/C/: A)er"%a&

    P*%$olog"%al Ao%"a#"o&/ ?a%o(-

    T/ O/- > ?a0ue- E/ 7/ Lea'er$"!

    "& %o)!le+ *#e)/ I& ?/ @e"'&er

    E'/-%uman productivity

    enhancement0Ne2 or6: Praeger/

    77a#1 > a$&- 7- o!/ %"#/ ?a%o(- >

    ?a0ue- 7- o! %"#/ Be- V/

    ?/ 7/Explorations of scope and

    scale: The critical determinant of

    high?level effectiveness Te%$/ Re!/No/ J7/ Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or

    Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/ Mu).or'-

    M/ D/- @a%%aro- S/ ?/- Har'"&g-

    F/ D/- Fle"$)a&- E/ A/- > Re"#er9

    Pal)o&- R/ 7J/ 'ognitive and

    temperament predictors of executive

    a.ility: Principles for developing

    leadership capacity0 Ale+a&'r"a- VA:

    U/S/ Ar)* Reear%$ I"#u#e .or #$e

    Be$a,"oral a&' So%"al S%"e&%e/

    73?a%o( > ?a0ue- 7- o!/ %"#/ a#1- >

    a$&- 7- o!/ %"#/ @a%%aro-

    S/ ?/- 3447- o!/ %"#/ Hoo"8(erg- R/

    7/ A )ul#"'"re%#"o&al a!!roa%$

    #o2ar' lea'er$"!: A& e+#e&"o& o. #$e

    %o&%e!# o. (e$a,"oral %o)!le+"#*/

    %uman #elations" ;A- 795/

    Hoo"8(erg > u"&&- 73- o!/ %"#/

    u"&&- R/ E/ 75/ A!!l*"&g #$e

    %o)!e#"&g ,alue a!!roa%$ #o

    lea'er$"!: To2ar' a& "egra#",e

    .ra)e2or6/ I& ?/ G/ Hu- D/

    Ho6"&g- C/ A/ S%$r"e$e")- > R/S#e2ar# E'/-$eaders and

    managers: International perspectives

    on managerial .ehavior and

    leadership0Ne2 or6: Perga)o&/

    7J?or'a&- M/ H/- > S%$rae'er- M/

    344J/ E+e%u#",e ele%#"o& "& a

    go,er&)e age&%*: A& a&al*" o. #$e

    De!ar#)e o. #$e Na,* Se&"or

    E+e%u#",e Ser,"%e ele%#"o& !ro%e/

    Pu.lic Personnel Management"

    B7- J9J/ O.."%e o. Pero&&el

    Ma&age)e/ 7/ +uide to

    senior executive service -ualifications0

    U/S/ OPM Pu(l"%a#"o& SES99

    4/ a$"&g#o&- D/C/: U/S/

    Go,er&)e Pr""&g O.."%e/

    75A!!el(au)- L/- > Paee- M/ 344J/

    hat senior leaders do: The nine roles

    of strategic leadership/ Br"'ge,"lle-PA:

    De,elo!)e D")e&"o& Ier&a#"o&al



    Bar6er- V/ L/ III- Pa##ero&- P/ /?r/- > Mueller- G/ C/ 3447/

    Orga&"1a#"o&al %aue a&' #ra#eg"%

    %o&e0ue&%e o. #$e e+#e o. #o!

    )a&age)e #ea) re!la%e)e

    a# ."r) a##e)!#"&g #ur&arou&'/

    =ournal of Management Studies- J-

    37J935/ Da##a- D/ /- > Gu#$r"e- ?/

    75/ E+e%u#",e u%%e"o&:

    Orga&"1a#"o&al ae%e'e o. CEO

    %$ara%#er"#"%/ Strategic Management

    =ournal" @>- 9/ Gu#$r"e- ?/ P/->

    Da##a- D/ / 7/ Coe+#ual"&.lue&%e o& e+e%u#",e ele%#"o&: F"r)

    %$ara%#er"#"% a&' CEO e+!er"e&%e/

    =ournal of ManagementStudies" B;-


    7@$a&g- /- > Ra8ago!ala&- N/

    3445/ $e& #$e 6&o2& 'e,"l "

    (e##er #$a& a& u&6&o2& go': A&

    e)!"r"%al #u'* o. #$e ae%e'e

    a&' %o&e0ue&%e o. rela* CEO

    u%%e"o&/!cademy of Management

    =ournal" ;9- 5J944/7

    O%a"o- / > ")- H/ 7/ T$e

    %"r%ula#"o& o. %or!ora#e %orol:

    Sele%#"o& o. .u&%#"o&al (a%6grou&'

    o. &e2 CEO "& large U/S/

    )a&u.a%#ur"&g ."r)- 77973/

    !dministrative Science *uarterly" ;;"


    7Lau#er(a%$- B/- Vu- ?/- > e"(erg- ?/

    7/ Ier&al ,/ e+#er&al

    u%%e"o& a&' #$e"r e..e%# o& ."r)

    !er.or)a&%e/%uman #elations" >7-759745/ Gu#$r"e > Da##a- 7- o!/

    %"#/ G"a)(a#"#a- R/ C/- Ro2e- / G/-

    > R"a1- S/ 344/ No#$"&g u%%ee'

    l"6e u%%e"o&: A %r"#"%al re,"e2 o.

    lea'er u%%e"o& l"#era#ure "&%e 75/

    $eadership *uarterly" @ H"##- M/ A/ 7/

    A%$"e,"&g a&' )a"a"&"&g #ra#eg"%

    %o)!e#"#",e&e "& #$e 37# Ceur*:

    T$e role o. #ra#eg"% lea'er$"!/

    !cademy of ManagementExecutive"

    @B- 5J9/ Lo&'o& >Sea- 7- o!/

    %"#/ Suu#ar"- V/


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    3443/ Glo(al lea'er 'e,elo!)e:

    A& e)erg"&g reear%$ age&'a/

    'areer Development International" 9-

    3793JJ/ Bar#le##- C/- > G$o$al-S/

    7/Managing across .orders:The

    transnational solution0 Bo#o&:

    Har,ar' Bu"&e S%$ool Pre/

    Lo&'o& > Sea- 7- o!/ %"#/

    35Earle*- P/ C/- > A&g- S/ 344J/

    'ultural intelligence: Individual

    interactions across cultures0 S#a&.or'-

    CA: S#a&.or' U&",er"#* Pre/


    Gu!#a- A/ / 75/ Co"&ge&%*l"&6age (e#2ee& #ra#eg* a&' ge&eral

    )a&ager %$ara%#er"#"%: A %o&%e!#ual


    Management #eview" A- J9573/

    Gu!#a- A/ / 7/ Ma#%$"&g

    )a&ager #o #ra#eg"e: Po" a&'

    %ouer!o"/%uman #esource

    Management" 7>- 3793J5/ Gu!#a-A/

    / 73/ E+e%u#",e ele%#"o&: A

    #ra#eg"% !er!e%#",e/%uman

    #esource Planning" @>- 597/

    Gu#$r"e- ?/ P/- > Da##a- D/ / 7/Coe+#ual "&.lue&%e

    o& e+e%u#",e ele%#"o&: F"r)

    %$ara%#er"#"% a&' CEO e+!er"e&%e/

    =ournal of Management Studies" B;-


    3RHR Ier&a#"o&al/ 7/ 'E(

    Succession0 222/r$r"er&a#"o&al/


    u%%e"o&/a!+K reg"#ra#"o& )a* (e


    3 Sea- V/ I/- a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /-> Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/ 7/Executive

    selection: ! research report on what

    wor/s and what doesn)t0 Gree&(oro-

    NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    3S&o2- C/ C/- > S&ell- S/ A/ 73/

    S#a.."&g a #ra#eg*/ I& N/ S%$)"## >

    / C/ Bo)r&a E'/-Personnel

    selection in organiations0 Sa&

    Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    3Su))er- T/ P/ 7/ S#ra#eg"%

    6"ll a&al*" .or ele%#"o& a&'

    'e,elo!)e/%uman #esource

    Planning" 7" 7597/

    J4@a8a%- E/ ?/- > e#!$al- ?/ D/ 7/

    $o $all u%%ee' Ho2 CEOBoar'

    !re.ere&%e a&' !o2er a..e%# #$e

    %$o"%e o. &e2 CEO/

    !cademy of Management =ournal" BA-

    594/ Ho2ar'- A/- Er6er- S/- >

    Bru%e- N/ 344/ Slugging through

    the war for talent0 Br"'ge,"lle-

    PA: De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    J7a#1- R/ L/ 7- ?a&uar*9

    Fe(ruar*/ S6"ll o. a& e..e%#",e

    a')"&"#ra#or/%arvard ,usiness

    #eview" JJ953/

    J3a#1- 7- o!/ %"#/

    JJBe&&" > OToole- 3444- o!/ %"#/

    Hoo"8(erg- R/- Hu- ?/ G/- > Do'ge-

    G/ E/ 7/ Be$a,"oral %o)!le+"#*

    a&' #$e 'e,elo!)e o. #$e

    lea'er!le+ )o'el/=ournal of

    Management" 7B- J954/ a#1-

    7- o!/ %"#/ Sea- V/ I/- > Ta*lor-

    ?/ ?/ 3444a/Executive selection:

    Strategies for success0 Gree&(oro-

    NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    @a%%aro- 3447- o!/ %"#/

    J5Ca#egor* la(el 2ere a'a!#e'

    .ro) Mu).or'- T/ V/- Ca)!"o&-

    M/ A/- > Morgeo&- F/ P/ 344/ T$elea'er$"! 6"ll #ra#a!le+:

    Lea'er$"! 6"ll re0u"re)e a%ro

    orga&"1a#"o&al le,el/$eadership

    *uarterly" @C- 7597/

    JMu).or'- T/ V/- Ca)!"o&- M/

    A/- > Morgeo&- F/ P/ 344/

    T$e lea'er$"! 6"ll #ra#a!le+:

    Lea'er$"! 6"ll re0u"re)e a%ro

    orga&"1a#"o&al le,el/$eadership

    *uarterly" @C- 7597/

    JSea- V/ I/ > Ta*lor- ?/ ?/ 3444a/

    Executive selection: Strategies for

    success0 Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or

    Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    JSea > Ta*lor- 3444a- o!/ %"#/ Sea-

    V/ I/- > Ta*lor- ?/ ?/ 3444(/

    C$oo"&g lea'er: More %oo6 )a6e a

    (e##er (ro#$/ 'onsulting Psychology

    =ournal" >7- 37933/

    J Be&&" > OToole- 3444- o!/ %"#/-!age 73/

    JHoo"8(erg > u"&&- 73- o!/ %"#/

    Boal- / B/- > Hoo"8(erg- R/

    3447/ S#ra#eg"% lea'er$"!

    reear%$: Mo,"&g o&/$eadership

    *uarterly @@" 795/ De&"o&- D/

    R/- Hoo"8(erg- R/- > u"&&- R/ E/

    7/ Para'o+ a&' !er.or)a&%e:

    To2ar' a #$eor* o. (e$a,"oral

    %o)!le+"#* "& )a&ager"al lea'er$"!/

    (rganiation Science"

    Har#- S/ 77/ C$alle&g"&g #$e

    au)!#"o& o. ("!olar"#*:

    Ier!e&e#ra#"o& a&' )a&ager"al

    e..e%#",e&e/ I& S/ Sr",a#,a > R/

    Fr* E'/-Executive continuity0Sa&

    Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    54a!la&- R/ E/- > a"er- R/ B/ 344J/

    De,elo!"&g ,era#"le lea'er$"!/MIT

    Sloan Management#eview" 555- 79

    3/ a!la&- R/ E/-> a"er- R/ B/

    344J/ Re#$"&6"&g a %la"%

    '"#"&%#"o& "& lea'er$"!: I)!l"%a#"o&

    .or #$e ae)e

    a&' 'e,elo!)e o. e+e%u#",e/

    'onsulting Psychology =ournal:

    #esearch and Practice->>- 793/


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    57Boal a&' Hoo"8(erg- 3444- o!/ %"#/-

    !age 7- 7/

    53S!re"#1er- G/ M/- M%Call- M/ /-

    & Ma$o&e*- ?/ D/ 7/ Earl*

    "'e"."%a#"o& o. "er&a#"o&al

    e+e%u#",e !o#e"al/=ournal of

    !pplied Psychology" C77- 93/

    5JDe,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 344/ +rowingglo.al

    executive talent: %igh priority"

    limited progress0 Br"'ge,"lle-PA:

    De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    55Lo&'o&- M/- > Sea- V/ I/ 7/

    Selecting international executives: !

    suggested framewor/ and annotated

    .i.liography0 Gree&(oro- NC:

    Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    5Bla%6- ?/ S/- Gregero&- H/ B/-

    Me&'e&$all- M/ E/- > S#ro$- L/ /

    7/ +lo.aliing people through

    international assignments0 Rea'"&g-

    MA: A''"o&9ele*/

    5a&ou- ?/ P/ 73/ (rganiational

    entry0 Rea'"&g- MA: A''""o&9ele*/

    5Sea- V/ I/- a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /-

    & Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/ 7/Executive

    selection: ! research report on what

    wor/s and what doesn)t0 Gree&(oro-

    NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    5B*$a)- / C/ 344J/ Ta/ingyour

    succession management plan into the

    7@st century0 Br"'ge,"lle- PA:

    De,elo!)e D")e&"o&Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    RHR Ier&a#"o&al/ 344/2illing

    the executive .ench: %ow companies

    are growing future leaders0 oo'

    Dale- IL: Au#$or/

    5Sea- V/ I/- a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /-

    & Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/ 7/Executive

    selection: ! research report on what

    wor/s and what doesn)t0 Gree&(oro-

    NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    4G"a)(a#"#a- Ro2e- > R"a1- 344-

    o!/ %"#/

    7Da##a a&' Gu#$r"e- 75- o!/ %"#/

    Lau#er(a%$- B/- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    @$a&g > Ra8ago!ala&- 3445- o!/ %"#/

    3Sea- V/ I/- a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /-

    & Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/ 7/Executive

    selection: ! research report on whatwor/s and what doesn)t0 Gree&(oro-

    NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    Lau#er(a%$- B/- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    Bar6er- e#/ al/- 3447- o!/ %"#/

    J@$a&g- /- > Ra8ago!ala&- N/ 344J/

    E+!la"&"&g &e2 CEO or"g"&: F"r)

    ,eru "&'u#r* ae%e'e/

    !cademy of Management =ournal"

    ; Ca&&ella- A/ A/ 3443a/

    Po2er '*&a)"% 2"#$"& #$e #o!

    )a&age)e #ea) a&' #$e"r ")!a%#

    o& CEO '")"al .ollo2e' (* "&"'e

    u%%e"o&/!cademy ofManagement

    =ournal" ;>- 779734/

    Sea- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    Sea- V/ I/- e# al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    Ho2ar'- A/ 3447/ I'e".*"&g-

    ae"&g- a&' ele%#"&g e&"or

    lea'er/ I& S/ ?/ @a%%aro > R/?/ l")o6" E'/- The natureof

    organiational leadership:

    Understanding the performance

    imperatives confronting today)s

    leaders/ Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    S$e&- /- > Ca&&ella- A/ A/ 3443(/

    Re,""#"&g #$e !er.or)a&%e

    %o&e0ue&%e o. CEO u%%e"o&: T$e

    ")!a%# o. u%%eor #*!e-

    !o#u%e"o& e&"or e+e%u#",e

    #ur&o,er- a&' 'e!ar#"&g CEO #e&ure/

    !cademy of Management=ournal" ;>-

    79JJ/ @$a&g >Ra8ago!ala&- 3445-

    o!/ %"#/

    arae,l"- A/ 344/ Per.or)a&%e

    %o&e0ue&%e o. &e2 CEO

    ;ou#"'er&e Ha&'a- 344J/

    Coll"&- ?/ 3447/ +ood to great0

    Ne2 or6: Har!erColl"&/

    4@$a&g- / 344/ I&.or)a#"o&

    a*))e#r* a&' #$e '")"al o. &e2l*

    a!!o"e' CEO: A& e)!"r"%al

    "&,e#"ga#"o&/ Strategic Management

    =ournal" 7A- 93/


    arae,l"- 344- o!/ %"#/3

    B*$a)- / C/- > Ber$al- P/

    R/ 3444/ The case for internal

    promotions0 Br"'ge,"lle- PA:

    De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    JB*$a) > Be$al- 3444- o!/ %"#/

    5Ho2ar'- A/ 3447/ I'e".*"&g-

    ae"&g- a&' ele%#"&g e&"or

    lea'er/ I& S/ ?/ @a%%aro > R/

    ?/ l")o6" E'/- The natureof organiational leadership:

    Understanding the performance

    imperatives confronting today)s

    leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    Bar&er- R/ 3444- Ma*9?u&e/ Tale

    2ar "& #$e e+e%u#",e u"#e: S"+ #re&'

    $a!"&g re%ru"#)e/ The 2uturist"J9



  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    @o##ol"- M/ A/ > a&ou- ?/ P/ 3444/

    #ecruitment source research:'urrent

    status and future directions0 %uman

    #esource Management #eview" @5-


    uo#e' "& ;D"%o,er #$e DNA o.

    Fu#ure CEO-< 344/ or&Ferr*

    $"#e$ea' Ma&&- !//

    Ho2ar'- A/ 344/ Be# !ra%#"%e "&

    lea'er ele%#"o&/ I& ?/ A/ Co&ger > R/

    E/ R"gg"o- E'/- The practiceof

    leadership: Developing the next

    generation of leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o:?oe*9Ba/

    Ho2ar'- 344- o!/ %"#/

    Fer&&'e19Aro1- C/ 7- ?ul*9

    Augu#/ H"r"&g 2"#$ou# ."r"&g/

    %arvard ,usiness #eview0 Sea-V/ I/-

    a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /- > Ca)!(ell-

    R/ ?/ 7/Executiveselection: !

    research report on what wor/s and

    what doesn)t0 Gree&(oro-NC: Ceer

    .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    4M%Da&"el- M/ A/- $e#1el- D/ L/-

    S%$)"'#- F/ L/- > Maurer- S/ D/

    75/ T$e ,al"'"#* o. e)!lo*)e

    "er,"e2: A %o)!re$e&",e re,"e2

    a&' )e#a9a&al*"/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology-9A- 97/

    7Ho2ar'- 3447- o!/ %"#/

    3M%Da&"el- e#/ al/- 75- o!/ %"#/

    JCa%"o- / F/ 75/ E+e%u#",e a&'

    )a&ager"al ae)e: Ae)e

    ,alue .or #$e )o&e*/ 'onsulting

    Psychology =ournal" ; Mar%$"oro- C/ A/

    7/ A )e#a9a&al*#"% re,"e2 o. #$e

    #ra"# ao%"a#e' 2"#$ lea'er$"!

    e)erge&%e: A& e+#e&"o& o. Lor'- De

    Va'er- a&' All"ger 7/ Pa!er

    !reee' a# #$e 7J#$ a&&ual )ee#"&g

    o. #$e So%"e#* .or I&'u#r"al a&'

    Orga&"1a#"o&al P*%$olog*- Dalla-

    Te+a- A!r"l 3- 7/ Lor'- R/ G/- De

    Va'er- C/ L/- > All"ger- G/ M/ 7/

    A )e#a9a&al*" o. #$e rela#"o&

    (e#2ee& !ero&al"#* #ra"# a&'lea'er$"! !er%e!#"o&: A& a!!l"%a#"o&

    o. ,al"'"#* ge&eral"1a#"o& !ro%e'ure/

    =ournal of !pplied Psychology-9@J-

    5439574/ ?a%o( > ?a0ue- 7- o!/

    %"#/ @a%%aro- S/ ?/ 3447/ Thenature

    of executive leadership: ! conceptual

    and empirical analysis of success0

    a$"&g#o&- D/C/: A)er"%a&

    P*%$olog"%al Ao%"a#"o&/

    o&'erl"%- E/ F/ 75/

    onderlic Personnel Test manual0

    Nor#$."el'- IL: o&'erl"% a&'

    Ao%"a#e/ e%$ler- D/ 7/

    Theechsler !dult Intelligence Scale"

    ThirdEdition AISIII

    administration and scoring manual0

    Sa& Ao&"o- TX: T$e P*%$olog"%al

    Cor!ora#"o&/ a#o&- G/ B/- >

    Glaer- E/ M/ 75/ atson?

    +laser critical thin/ing appraisal

    2orm S manual0 Sa& Ao&"o-

    TX: Har%our# Bra%e/ Ber#ua- C/-

    A&'ero&- N/- > Salga'o- ?/ 344/

    T$e !re'"%#",e ,al"'"#* o. %og&"#",e

    a("l"#* #e#/=ournal of (ccupational

    and (rganisational Psychology0

    R*a&- A/ M/- > T"!!"&- N/ T/ 3445/

    A##ra%#"&g a&' ele%#"&g: $a#

    !*%$olog"%al reear%$ #ell u/

    %uman #esource Management" ;B-

    J49J7/ S%$)"'#- F/L/ 3443/ T$e

    role o. ge&eral %og&"#",e a("l"#* a&'

    8o( !er.or)a&%e: $* #$ere %a&&o# (e

    a 'e(a#e/%uman Performance"@>"

    79374/ S%$)"'#- F/ L/- >Huer- ?/

    E/ 7/ T$e ,al"'"#* a&' u#"l"#* o.

    ele%#"o& )e#$o' "& !ero&&el

    !*%$olog*: Pra%#"%al a&' #$eore#"%al

    ")!l"%a#"o& o. *ear o. reear%$

    ."&'"&g/Psychological,ulletin" @7;-

    3335/ Salga'o-

    ?/ F/- A&'ero&- N/- Mo%oo- S/-

    Ber#ua- C/- > 'e Fru*#- F/ 344J/

    Ier&a#"o&al ,al"'"#* ge&eral"1a#"o&

    o. GMA a&' %og&"#",e a("l"#"e

    a !re'"%#or o. 2or6 (e$a,"or/

    Personnel Psychology" >

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    7Ho2ar'- 344- o!/ %"#/ Sa%6e##- P/ R/-

    > Ell"&go&- ?/ E/ 7/ T$e e..e%#

    o. .or)"&g )ul#"9!re'"%#or %o)!o"#e

    o& grou! '"..ere&%e a&' a',ere

    ")!a%#/Personnel Psychology">-


    3Ho2ar'- 344- o!/ %"#/

    J?a%o( > ?a0ue- 7- o!/ %"#/

    ?a%o(- T/ O/- > M%Gee- M/ L/

    3447/ Co)!e#"#",e a',aage:

    Co&%e!#ual ")!era#",e .or

    e+e%u#",e/ I& S/ ?/ @a%%aro >

    R/ l")o6" E'/- The nature

    of organiational leadership:

    Understanding the performance

    imperatives confronting today)s

    leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    5S#a)!- G/ 7/$ongitudinal

    research into methods of assessing

    managerial potential Te%$&"%al

    Re!or# 7/ Ale+a&'r"a- VA: U/S/

    Ar)* Reear%$ I"#u#e .or #$e

    Be$a,"oral a&' So%"al S%"e&%e/

    Caruo- D/ R/- > Salo,e*- P/ 3445/The emotionally intelligent manager:

    %ow to develop and use the four /ey

    emotional s/ills of leadership0 Sa&

    Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/ Gole)a&- D/

    P/ 7/Emotional intelligence:

    hy it can matter more than I*

    for character" health and lifelong

    achievement0 Ne2 or6: Baa)


    Caruo- D/ R/- Ma*er- ?/ D/- >

    Salo,e*- P/ 3443/ E)o#"o&al

    "ell"ge&%e a&' e)o#"o&al lea'er$"!/

    I& R/ R"gg"o- S/ Mur!$*- > F/ ?/

    P"ro11olo E'/-Multipleintelligences

    and leadership0 Ma$2a$-N/?/:

    La2re&%e Erl(au)/ Caruo > Salo,e*-

    3445- o!/ %"#/

    M%Call- M/ / ?r/- > Lo)(ar'o-

    M/ M/ 7J/ (ff the trac/: hy

    and how successful executives get

    derailed0 Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer

    .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    M%E&rue- M/ P/- > Gro,e- /

    344/ C$oo"&g a)o&g #e# o.

    e)o#"o&al "ell"ge&%e: $a# " #$e

    e,"'e&%e/%uman #esource

    Development *uarterly" @9"

    953/ Sala- F/ 3443/Emotional

    'ompetence Inventory technical

    manual0 P$"la'el!$"a: Ha*Grou!/Bar9

    O&- R/ 7/,ar?(nEmotional*uotient Inventory: Technical manual0

    Toroo: Mul#"9Heal#$ S*#e)/

    Dule2"%1- V/- > H"gg- M/ 7(/

    Emotionalintelligence -uestionnaire

    and users) guide0 Lo&'o&: ASENFER

    Nelo&/Ma*er- ?/- Salo,e*- P/- >


    D/ 3443/MS'EIT user)s manual0

    Toroo: Mul#"9Heal#$ S*#e)/

    Ma*er- ?/- Salo,e*- P/- > Caruo-

    D/ 344J/ Meaur"&g e)o#"o&al

    "ell"ge&%e 2"#$ #$e MSCEIT V3/4/Emotion" B- 74/

    M%E&rue a&' Gro,e- 3443- o!/ %"#/

    4Sa%6e##- P/R/- > L"e,e&- F/ 344/

    Pero&&el ele%#"o&/ !nnual #eview

    of Psychology" >A- 5795- !/ 53/

    7Hoga&- R/- > a"er- R/ B/ 344/

    Lear&"&g a leo& "& e+e%u#",e

    ele%#"o&/$eadership in !ction" 79-

    33935- !/ 35/

    3M%Crae- R/ R/- > Co#a- P/ T/

    7/ Val"'a#"o& o. #$e .",e9.a%#or

    )o'el o. !ero&al"#* a%ro

    "ru)e a&' o(er,er/=ournal

    of Personality and Social

    Psychology" >7- 794/

    J?u'ge- T/ A/- Bo&o- ?/ E/- Il"e- R/- >

    Ger$ar'#- M/ / 3443/ Pero&al"#*

    a&' lea'er$"!: A 0ual"#a#",e a&'

    0ua"#a#",e re,"e2/=ournal of!pplied

    Psychology" C95- 94/

    5Hoga&- R/- > Hoga&- ?/ 7/

    %ogan personality inventory manual

    47nd edition5/ Tula- O: Hoga&

    Ae)e S*#e)/ Hoga&- R/- >

    Hoga&- ?/ 344/%ogan personality

    inventory manual 4Brd edition5/Tula-

    O: Hoga& Ae)e S*#e)/

    Goug$- H/ G/ 7/ A lea'er$"!

    "&'e+ o& #$e Cal".or&"a P*%$olog"%alI&,eor*/=ournal of'ounseling

    Psychology" @- J93/

    Hoga&- R/- > Hoga&- ?/ 344/

    %ogan personality inventory manual

    4Brd edition5/ Tula- O: Hoga&

    Ae)e S*#e)/ Goug$- 75-

    o!/ %"#/

    Hoga&- R/- > Hoga&- ?/ 7/

    %ogan personality inventory manual

    47nd edition5/ Tula- O: Hoga&

    Ae)e S*#e)/

    Hoga&- R/- > a"er- R/ B/ 344/Lear&"&g a leo& "& e+e%u#",e

    ele%#"o&/$eadership in !ction" 79"


    Ber$al- P/- > Er6er- S/ 344/

    Selection forecast 7;/ Br"'ge,"lle-

    PA: De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    Ho2ar'- 344- o!/ %"#/


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    744O&e- D/ S/- > V"2e,ara&- C/

    3447/ Iegr"#* #e# a&' o#$er

    %r"#er"o&9.o%ue' o%%u!a#"o&al

    !ero&al"#* %ale COPS ue' "&

    !ero&&el ele%#"o&/International

    =ournal of Selection and

    !ssessment" A" J79J/ See alo O&e-

    D/ S/-V"2e,ara&- C/- > S%$)"'#-


    L/ 7J/ Co)!re$e&",e )e#a9

    a&al*" o. "egr"#* #e# ,al"'a#"o&:

    F"&'"&g a&' ")!l"%a#"o& .or

    !ero&&el ele%#"o& a&' #$eor"e o.

    8o( !er.or)a&%e/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology" 9C- 94J/

    747Heller- M/ 344/ Cour# rul"&g #$a#

    e)!lo*er "egr"#* #e# ,"ola#e'

    ADA %oul' o!e& 'oor #o l"#"ga#"o&/

    or/force Management"C;- 59/

    743S!re"#1er- G/ M/- M%Call- M/ /- >

    Ma$o&e*- ?/ D/ 7/ Earl*

    "'e"."%a#"o& o. "er&a#"o&al

    e+e%u#",e !o#e"al/=ournal of

    !pplied Psychology" C7- 93/ou1e- ?/ M/- > Po&er- B/ @/

    7/ The leadership challenge:

    %ow to /eep getting extraordinary

    things done in your organiation0

    Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/ a"er-

    R/ B/- > a!la&- B/ 344/

    $eadership" development" and

    the $eadership ersatility Index


    R/ E/ R"gg"o E'/- Thepractice of

    leadership: Developing the next

    generation of leaders0 Sa&Fra&%"%o:

    ?oe*9Ba/ ou1e-

    ?/ M/- > Po&er- B/ @/ 7/

    The leadership challenge: %ow to

    /eep getting extraordinary things

    done in your organiation0 Sa&

    Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/ @agore6-

    H/- S#oug$- S/ ?/- > ?a%6l"%- M/

    344/ A&al*" o. #$e rel"a("l"#* o.

    #$e lea'er$"! !ra%#"%e "&,eor* "&

    #$e "#e) re!o&e #$eor* .ra)e2or6/

    International =ournalof Selection

    and !ssessment" @;"

    74977/ S!re"#1er- G/ M/- M%Call- M/

    /- > Ma$o&e*- ?/ D/ 7/ Earl*

    "'e"."%a#"o& o. "er&a#"o&al e+e%u#",e

    !o#e"al/=ournal of!pplied

    Psychology" C7- 93/ a"er-R/ B/-

    L"&'(erg- ?/ T/- > Cra"g- S/ B/ 344/

    Ae"&g #$e .le+"("l"#* o. )a&ager:

    A %o)!ar"o& o. )e#$o'/

    International =ournal ofSelection and

    !ssessment" @>- 549/

    74Ber$al- P/- > Er6er- S/ 344/

    Selection forecast 7;/ Br"'ge,"lle-

    PA: De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    Sea- V/ I/- a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /-

    > Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/ 7/Executive selection: ! research report

    on what wor/s and what doesn)t0

    Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or

    Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    74Fer&&'e19Aro1- 3447- o!/ %"#/

    Ho2ar'- 3447- o!/ %"#/

    74S#o6e- G/ S/- > Coo!er- L/ A/

    3447/ Coe%oru%#

    a!!roa%$e "& l".e $"#or* .or)

    'e,elo!)e .or ele%#"o&/

    International =ournal of Selection

    and !ssessment" A- 7J977/

    74Mael- F/ A/ 77/ A %o&%e!#ual

    ra#"o&ale .or #$e 'o)a"& a&'

    a##r"(u#e o. ("o'a#a "#e)/

    Personnel Psychology" ;;- J93/

    74S%$)"'#- F/ L/- > Huer- ?/ E/

    7/ T$e ,al"'"#* a&' u#"l"#* o.

    ele%#"o& )e#$o' "& !ero&&el

    !*%$olog*: Pra%#"%al a&' #$eore#"%al

    ")!l"%a#"o& o. *ear o. reear%$

    ."&'"&g/Psychological ,ulletin" @7;-

    33933/ Dale"o- A$o&* T/- >

    S"l,er$ar#- T/ A/ 75/ Co)("&"&g

    ("o'a#a #e# a&' "er,"e2

    "&.or)a#"o&: Pre'"%#"&g 'e%""o& a&'

    !er.or)a&%e %r"#er"a/Personnel

    Psychology" ;9- 797/ Mou- M/

    /- "##- L/ A/- > Barr"%6- M/ R/

    3444/ I&%re)eal ,al"'"#* o.

    e)!"r"%all* 6e*e' ("o'a#a %ale o,er

    GMA a&' #$e .",e9.a%#or !ero&al"#*

    %oru%#/Personnel Psychology- >B-


    774ee6le*- ?/ A/- > Plo*$ar#- R/

    E/ 344/ A& "ro'u%#"o& #o

    "#ua#"o&al 8u'g)e #e#"&g/ I& ?/

    A/ ee6le* > R/ E/ Plo*$ar# E'/-

    Situational 6udgment tests: Theory"

    measurement" and applications

    7974/ Ma$2a$- N/?/: La2re&%e

    Erl(au) Ao%"a#e/

    777M%Da&"el- M/ A/- Morgeo&- F/ P/-

    F"&&ega&- E/ B/- Ca)!"o&- M/ A/- >

    Bra,er)a&- E/ P/ 3447/ Ue o.

    "#ua#"o&al 8u'g)e #e# #o !re'"%#

    8o( !er.or)a&%e: A %lar"."%a#"o& o.

    #$e l"#era#ure/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology" C- J4954/ M%Da&"el-

    M/ A/- Har#)a&- N/ S/- $e#1el-

    D/ L/- > Gru((- / L/ III/ 344/

    S"#ua#"o&al 8u'g)e #e#- re!o&e

    "ru%#"o&- a&' ,al"'"#*: A )e#a9a&al*"/Personnel Psychology" Plo*$ar#-

    R/ E/ 344/ A& "ro'u%#"o& #o

    "#ua#"o&al 8u'g)e #e#"&g/ I& ?/

    A/ ee6le* > R/ E/ Plo*$ar# E'/-

    Situational 6udgment tests: Theory"

    measurement" and applications

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0



  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    7974/ Ma$2a$- N/?/: La2re&%e


    773Houg$- L/ M/- O2al'- F/ L/-

    > Plo*$ar#- R/ E/ 3447/

    De#er)"&a- 'e#e%#"o&- a&'

    a)el"ora#"o& o. a',ere ")!a%# "&

    !ero&&el ele%#"o& !ro%e'ure:

    Iue- e,"'e&%e- a&' leo&

    lear&e'/International =ournal of

    Selection and !ssessment" A- 739

    75/ ee6le* > Plo*$ar#- 344- o!/



    R*a&- A/ M/- > T"!!"&- N/ T/ 3445/A##ra%#"&g a&' ele%#"&g: $a#

    !*%$olog"%al reear%$ #ell u/

    %uman #esource Management" ;B-


    775Bra*- D/ / 73/ T$e ae)e

    %eer a&' #$e #u'* o. l",e/

    !merican Psychologist" B9- 749

    7/ Bra*- D/ /- Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/- >

    Gra- D/ L/ 75/2ormativeyears

    in .usiness: ! long term !TFT study

    of managerial lives0Ne2 or6:?o$&

    "le*/ Ho2ar'- A/- > Bra*- D/ /

    7/Managerial lives

    in transition: !dvancing age and

    changing times0Ne2 or6: Gu"l.or'

    Pre/ La&%e- C/ E/ 344/ $*

    ae)e %eer 'o &o# 2or6 #$e

    2a* #$e* are u!!oe' #o/Industrial

    and (rganiational Psychology" @-59

    / T$oro&- G/ C/- > B*$a)- / C/

    73/!ssessment centersand

    managerial performance0Ne2or6:

    A%a'e)"% Pre/

    77Ar#$ur- /- ?r/- Da*- E/ A/- M%Nell*- T/

    L/- > E'e&- P/ S/ 344J/ A )e#a9

    a&al*" o. #$e %r"#er"o&9rela#e' ,al"'"#*

    o. ae)e %eer '")e&"o&/

    Personnel Psychology" > Beo&-

    C/ 7/ Me#a9a&al*" o.

    ae)e %eer ,al"'"#*/=ournal of

    !pplied Psychology" 97J- 5J977/

    77Bra*- D/ / 73/ T$e ae)e

    %eer a&' #$e #u'* o. l",e/

    !merican Psychologist" B9- 7497/

    Bra*- D/ /- Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/- >

    Gra- D/ L/ 75/2ormativeyears

    in .usiness: ! long term !TFT study

    of managerial lives0Ne2 or6:?o$&

    "le*/ Ho2ar'- A/- > Bra*- D/ /

    7/Managerial lives

    in transition: !dvancing age and

    changing times0Ne2 or6: Gu"l.or'Pre/

    77R*a&- A/ M/- > T"!!"&- N/ T/ 3445/

    A##ra%#"&g a&' ele%#"&g: $a#

    !*%$olog"%al reear%$ #ell u/

    %uman #esource Management" ;B-


    77Sea- V/ I/- a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /- >

    Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/ 7/Executive

    selection: ! research report on what

    wor/s and what doesn)t0 Gree&(oro-

    NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    77Sea- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    734M%Da&"el- e#/ al/- 75- o!/ %"#/

    737La#$a)- G/ P/- Saar"- L/ M/- Purell-

    E/ D/- > Ca)!"o&- M/ A/ 74/ T$e

    "#ua#"o&al "er,"e2/=ournal of

    !pplied Psychology" - 533953/

    733M%Da&"el- e#/ al/-75- o!/ %"#/

    73JCro2le*- E/ 3445- Fe(ruar*/

    Ma6"&g CEO ele%#"o& 2or6/

    Directorship" 7J97/ M%Da&"el- e#/

    al/- 75- o!/ %"#/

    735Salga'o- ?/ F/- > Mo%oo- S/

    3443/ Co)!re$e&",e )e#a9

    a&al*" o. #$e %oru%# ,al"'"#*

    o. #$e e)!lo*)e "er,"e2/

    European =ournal of or/ and

    (rganiational Psychology @@- 39

    J35/ Ho2ar'- 344- o!/ %"#/

    73M%Da&"el e# al/- 75- o!/ %"#/ R*a&

    > T"!!"&- 3445- o!/ %"#/ S%$)"'#-

    F/ L/- > Huer- ?/ E/ 7/ T$e

    ,al"'"#* a&' u#"l"#* o. ele%#"o&

    )e#$o' "& !ero&&el

    !*%$olog*: Pra%#"%al a&' #$eore#"%al

    ")!l"%a#"o& o. *ear o. reear%$

    ."&'"&g/Psychological ,ulletin" @7;"


    73Cl"..or'- S/ 344- Augu# 7/ T$e &e2

    %"e&%e o. $"r"&g/Inc0Re#r"e,e' .ro)222/"&%/%o)


    73Va& 'er @ee- / I/- Ba66er- A/ B/-

    & Ba66er- P/ 3443/ $* are

    #ru%#ure' "er,"e2 o rarel* ue'

    "& !ero&&el ele%#"o&=ournal of

    !pplied Psychology" C9- 7975/

    73Va& 'er @ee- e#/ al/- 3443- o!/ %"#/

    73$ura&a- 3447- o!/ %"#/


    Fer&&'e19Aro1- 7- o!/ %"#/

    7J7Fer&&'e19Aro1- 7- o!/ %"#/

    $ura&a- 3447- o!/ %"#/

    7J3Deal- ?/ ?/- Sea- V/ I/- > Ta*lor- ?/

    ?/ 7/ 'hoosing executives: !

    research report on the Pea/

    Selection simulation0 Gree&(oro-

    NC:Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    7JJDeal- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    7J5Deal- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    7JDeal- e#/ al/- 7- o!/ %"#/

    7JHo2ar'- A/ 344/ Be# !ra%#"%e "&

    lea'er ele%#"o&/ I& ?/ A/ Co&ger

    & R/ E/ R"gg"o E'/- The practice

    of leadership: Developing the next

    generation of leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o:



  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Tale

    7JHo2ar'- 344- o!/ %"#/


    Fer&&'e19Aro1- 7- o!/ %"#/Se(ora a&' e&er- 7- o!/ %"#/

    7Ja&ou- 73- o!/ %"#/

    754Ha)(r"%6- D/ C/- > Fu6u#o)"- G/ D/

    77/ T$e eao& o. a CEO

    #e&ure/!cademy of Management

    #eview" @

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    Accordin) to t/o leadin) e,#erts in t$e field. i)norin)

    #ersonalit" in t$e selection of senior e,ecutives is

    si*#l" foolis$. (ecause #ersonalit" drives leaders$i#

    st"le KL /$o "ou are deter*ines $o/ "ou lead&

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Tale


    A!!el(au)- L/- > Paee- M/ 344J/ hat senior leaders do: The nine roles of

    strategic leadership0 Br"'ge,"lle- PA: De,elo!)e D")e&"o& Ier&a#"o&al


    Ale+a&'er- L/ D/ 7/ The effect level in the hierarchy and functional areahave

    on the extent Mint.erg)s roles are re-uired .y managerial 6o.s0 Pro%ee'"&g-

    A%a'e)* o. Ma&age)e- A#laa- GA- 797/

    A&'ero&- N/ 3447/ To2ar' a #$eor* o. o%"al"1a#"o& ")!a%#: Sele%#"o& a !re9

    er* o%"al"1a#"o&/International =ournal of Selection and !ssessment" A- 597/

    Ar)#ro&g- M/ 3444/%and.oo/ of %# management practice0Lo&'o&:

    oga& Page/

    Ar#$ur- / ?r/- Da*- E/ A/- M%Nell*- T/ L/- > E'e&- P/ S/ 344J/ A )e#a9

    a&al*" o. #$e %r"#er"o&9rela#e' ,al"'"#* o. ae)e %eer '")e&"o&/

    Personnel Psychology" > OToole- ?/ 3444- Ma*9?u&e/ Do $"re #$e 2ro&g CEO/

    %arvard ,usiness #eview" 7797/

    Be- V/ ?/ 7/Explorations of scope and scale: The critical determinant

    of high?level effectiveness Te%$/ Re!/ No/ J7/ Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or

    Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    Ber$al- P/- > Er6er- S/ 344/ Selection forecast 7;/ Br"'ge,"lle-


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    PA: De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    Ber#ua- C/- A&'ero&- N/- > Salga'o- ?/

    F/ 344/ T$e !re'"%#",e ,al"'"#* o.

    %og&"#",e a("l"#* #e#: A U )e#a9

    a&al*"/=ournal of (ccupational and

    (rganiational Psychology" 9C- J9


    B"gg- E/ L/ 3445/ CEO u%%e"o&

    !la&&"&g: A& e)erg"&g %$alle&ge .or

    (oar' o. '"re%#or/!cademy of

    Management Executive" @C- 74974/

    Bla%6- ?/ S/- Gregere&- H/ B/-Me&'e&$all- M/ E/- > S#ro$- L/ /

    7/ +lo.aliing people through

    international assignments0 Rea'"&g-

    MA: A''"o&9ele*/

    Boal- / B/- > Hoo"8(erg- R/ 3444/

    S#ra#eg"% lea'er$"! reear%$: Mo,"&g

    o&/$eadership *uarterly" @@- 795/

    Bra- D/ ?/ 3447/ So%"al %a!"#al a&'

    orga&"1a#"o&al lea'er$"!/ I& S/ ?/ @a%%aro

    > R/ l")o6" E'/- Thenature of

    organiational leadership: Understanding

    the performance imperatives confronting

    today)s leaders0

    Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    Bra*- D/ / 73/ T$e ae)e

    %eer a&' #$e #u'* o. l",e/!merican

    Psychologist" B9- 7497/

    Bra*- D/ /- Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/- > Gra-

    D/ L/ 75/2ormative yearsin

    .usiness: ! long term !TFT study of

    managerial lives0Ne2 or6: ?o$&"le*/

    B*$a)- / C/ 344J/ Ta/ingyour

    succession management plan into the

    7@st century0 Br"'ge,"lle- PA:

    De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    B*$a)- / C/- > Ber$al- P/ R/

    3444/ The case for internal

    promotions0 Br"'ge,"lle- PA:

    De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    B*$a)- T/ M/- Co&%el)a&- ?/-

    Coe"&o- C/- > ell"&- R/ 344/

    (ptimiing your leadership pipeline0

    Br"'ge,"lle- PA: De,elo!)e

    D")e&"o& Ier&a#"o&al 222/


    Caruo- D/ R/- > Salo,e*- P/ 3445/

    The emotionally intelligent manager0

    Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    Caruo- D/ R/- Ma*er- ?/ D/- > Salo,e*-

    P/ 3443/ E)o#"o&al "ell"ge&%e a&'

    e)o#"o&al lea'er$"!/ I& R/ R"gg"o- S/

    Mur!$* > F/ ?/ P"ro11olo E'/-

    Multiple intelligencesand leadership0

    Ma$2a$- N/?/:La2re&%e Erl(au)/

    Ca%"o- / F/ 75/ E+e%u#",e a&'

    )a&ager"al ae)e: Ae)e

    ,alue .or #$e )o&e*/ 'onsultingPsychology =ournal" ; S"l,er$ar#- T/ A/

    75/ Co)("&"&g ("o'a#a #e# a&'

    "er,"e2 "&.or)a#"o&: Pre'"%#"&g

    'e%""o& a&' !er.or)a&%e %r"#er"a/

    Personnel Psychology" ;9- J4J9J7/

    Da##a- D/ /- > Gu#$r"e- ?/ 75/

    E+e%u#",e u%%e"o&: Orga&"1a#"o&al

    ae%e'e o. CEO %$ara%#er"#"%/Strategic Management =ournal" @>-


    Deal- ?/ ?/- Sea- V/ I/- > Ta*lor- ?/ ?/

    7/ 'hoosing executives: ! research

    report on the Pea/ Selection simulation0

    Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e


    De&"o&- D/ R/- Hoo"8(erg- R/- >

    u"&&- R/ E/ 7/ Para'o+ a&'

    !er.or)a&%e: To2ar' a #$eor* o.

    (e$a,"oral %o)!le+"#* "& )a&ager"al

    lea'er$"!/ (rganiation Science"

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    DeVr"e- D/ L/ 7J/Executive

    selection: ! loo/ at what we /now and

    what we need to /now0 Gree&(oro-

    NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e lea'er$"!/

    Dru%6er- P/ E/ 7- ?ul*9Augu#/

    Ge##"&g #$"&g 'o&e: Ho2 #o )a6e

    !eo!le 'e%""o&/ %arvard ,usiness

    #eview- 3393/

    Dule2"%1- V/- > H"gg- M/ 7(/

    Emotional intelligence -uestionnaire

    and users) guide0 Lo&'o&: ASENFER


    Du&&e##e- M/ D/ 7/Personnelselection and placement0 Bel)o- CA:


    Earle*- P/ C/- > A&g- S/ 344J/

    'ultural intelligence: Individual

    interactions across cultures0 S#a&.or'-

    CA: S#a&.or' U&",er"#* Pre/

    Fer&a&'e19Arao1- C/ 7- ?ul*9

    Augu#/ H"r"&g 2"#$ou# ."r"&g/

    %arvard ,usiness #eview" 749734/

    F"&6le- R/ B/ 7/ Ma&ager"alae)e %eer/ I& M/ D/ Du&&e##e

    E'/-%and.oo/ of industrial and

    organiational psychology0 C$"%ago:


    Fle)"&g- / D/ 3445/Predicting

    leadership effectiveness: 'ontri.utions

    of critical thin/ing" personality" and

    derailers0 Pa!er !reee' a# #$e7#$

    a&&ual )ee#"&g o. #$e So%"e#* .or

    I&'u#r"al a&' Orga&"1a#"o&al

    P*%$olog*- C$"%ago- Ill"&o"- A!r"l 3-3445/

    Gaugler- B/ B/- Roe$al- D/ B/-

    T$oro&- C/ C/ III- > Beo&- C/

    7/ Me#a9a&al*" o. ae)e

    %eer ,al"'"#*/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology" 97- 5J977/

    G"a)(a#"#a- R/ C/- Ro2e- / G/- >

    R"a1- S/ 344/ No#$"&g u%%ee' l"6e

    u%%e"o&: A %r"#"%al re,"e2 o. lea'er

    u%%e"o& l"#era#ure "&%e 75/

    $eadership *uarterly" @ Fu6u#o)"- G/ D/ S/77/ T$e eao& o. a CEO #e&ure/

    !cademy of Management#eview" @

  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    Hoga&- R/- > Hoga&- ?/ 7/

    %ogan personality inventory manual

    47nd edition50 Tula- O: Hoga&

    Ae)e S*#e)/

    Hoga&- R/- > Hoga&- ?/ 3447/

    Ae"&g lea'er$"!: A ,"e2 .ro) #$e

    'ar6 "'e/International =ournal of

    Selection and !ssessment" A- 5497/

    Hoga&- R/- > Hoga&- ?/ 344/

    %ogan personality inventory manual

    4Brd edition50 Tula- O: Hoga&

    Ae)e S*#e)/

    Hoga&- R/- > a"er- R/ B/ 344/$a# 2e 6&o2 a(ou# lea'er$"!/

    #eview of +eneral Psychology" A- 79


    Hoga&- R/- > a"er- R/ B/ 344/

    Lear&"&g a leo& "& e+e%u#",e

    ele%#"o&/$eadership in !ction" 79-


    Holle&(e%6- G/ P/ 75/ 'E(

    selection: ! street?smart review0

    Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e


    Hoo"8(erg- R/ 7/ A )ul#"'"re%#"o&al

    a!!roa%$ #o2ar' lea'er$"!: A&

    e+#e&"o& o. #$e %o&%e!# o. (e$a,"oral

    %o)!le+"#*/%uman#elations" ;A- 79


    Hoo"8(erg- R/- Hu- ?/ G/- > Do'ge- G/

    E/ 7/ Be$a,"oral %o)!le+"#* a&'

    #$e 'e,elo!)e o. #$e lea'er!le+

    )o'el/=ournal of Management" 7B-


    Hoo"8(erg- R/- > u"&&- R/ E/

    73/ Be$a,"oral %o)!le+"#* a&'

    #$e 'e,elo!)e o. e..e%#",e

    )a&ager/ I& R/ L/ P$"ll"! > ?/ G/

    Hu E'/- Strategic leadership:!

    multiorganiational perspective0

    e#!or#- CT: uoru) Boo6/

    Hoo8"(erg- R/- > S%$&e"'er- M/

    3447/ Be$a,"oral %o)!le+"#* a&'

    o%"al "ell"ge&%e: Ho2 e+e%u#",e

    lea'er ue #a6e$ol'er #o .or)

    a *#e) !er!e%#",e/ I& S/ ?/ @a%%aro >

    R/ l")o6" E'/- Thenature of

    organiational leadership: Understanding

    the performance imperatives confronting

    today)s leaders0

    Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    Houg$- L/ M/- O2al'- F/ L/- > Plo*$ar#-

    R/ E/ 3447/ De#er)"&a- 'e#e%#"o&-

    a&' a)el"ora#"o& o. a',ere ")!a%# "&

    !ero&&el ele%#"o& !ro%e'ure: Iue-e,"'e&%e- a&' leo& lear&e'/

    International =ournalof Selection and

    !ssessment" A- 73975/

    Ho2ar'- A/ 3447/ I'e".*"&g-

    ae"&g- a&' ele%#"&g e&"or lea'er/

    I& S/ ?/ @a%%aro > R/ ?/ l")o6"

    E'/- The nature of organiational

    leadership: Understanding the

    performance imperatives confronting

    today)s leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9


    Ho2ar'- A/ 344/ Be# !ra%#"%e "&

    lea'er ele%#"o&/ I& ?/ A/ Co&ger > R/

    E/ R"gg"o E'/- The practiceof

    leadership: Developing the next

    generation of leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o:


    Ho2ar'- A/- > Bra*- D/ / 7/

    Managerial lives in transition:

    !dvancing age and changing times0

    Ne2 or6: Gu"l.or' Pre/

    Ho2ar'- A/- Er6er- S/- > Bru%e- N/

    344/ Slugging through the war for

    talent0 Br"'ge,"lle- PA: De,elo!)e

    D")e&"o& Ier&a#"o&al 222/


    Hur&- B/ ?/ 344/ T$e ele%#"o& o.

    "er&a#"o&al (u"&e )a&ager:

    Par# 7/ Industrial and 'ommercial

    Training" BC- 393/

    Irela&'- R/ D/- > H"##- M/ A/ 7/

    A%$"e,"&g a&' )a"a"&"&g #ra#eg"%

    %o)!e#"#",e&e "& #$e 37# Ceur*:

    T$e role o. #ra#eg"% lea'er$"!/

    !cademy of Management Executive" @B-


    ?a%o(- T/ O/- > ?a0ue- E/ 7/

    Lea'er$"! "& %o)!le+ *#e)/ I& ?/

    @e"'&er E'/- %uman productivity

    enhancement0Ne2 or6: Praeger/

    ?a%o(- T/ O/- > M%Gee- M/ L/ 3447/

    Co)!e#"#",e a',aage: Co&%e!#ual

    ")!era#",e .or e+e%u#",e/ I& S/ ?/

    @a%%aro > R/ l")o6" E'/-

    The nature of organiational leadership:

    Understanding the performance

    imperatives confronting today)s leaders0

    Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    ?or'a&- M/ H/- > S%$rae'er- M 344J/

    E+e%u#",e ele%#"o& "& a go,er&)eage&%*: A& a&al*" o. #$e De!ar#)e

    o. #$e Na,* Se&"or E+e%u#",e

    Ser,"%e ele%#"o& !ro%e/

    Pu.lic Personnel Management" B7- J9


    ?o*%e- / F/- No$"a- N/- > Ro(ero&- B/

    344J/ hat really wor/s: The ; 8 7

    formula for sustained .usiness success0

    Ne2 or6: Har!er Bu"&e/

    ?u'ge- T/ A/- Bo&o- ?/ E/- Il"e- R/- >

    Ger$ar'#- M/ / 3443/ Pero&al"#* a&'lea'er$"!: A 0ual"#a#",e a&'

    0ua"#a#",e re,"e2/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology" C95- 94/

    a"er- R/ B/- > a!la&- B/- 344/

    $eadership" development" and

    the $eadership ersatility Index


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    a"er- R/ B/- L"&'(erg- ?/ T/- > Cra"g- S/

    B/ 344/ Ae"&g #$e .le+"("l"#* o.

    )a&ager: A %o)!ar"o& o. )e#$o'/

    International =ournal of Selection and

    !ssessment" @>- 549/

    a!la&- R/ E/- > a"er- R/ B/ 344J/

    De,elo!"&g ,era#"le lea'er$"!/ Sloan

    Management #eview" ;;- 793/

    arlo&- P- Ne"lo&- G/ L/- > e(#er- ?/

    C/ 344/ CEO u%%e"o& 344: T$e

    !er.or)a&%e !ara'o+/

    strategy8.usiness" >@- 7973/ Re#r"e,e'

    .ro) 222/#ra#eg*9(u"&e/%o)!rear#"%le/

    arae,l"- A/ 344/ Per.or)a&%e

    %o&e0ue&%e o. &e2 CEO

    ;ou#"'er&e Br"%6&er- M/ 7/

    $* 'o ae)e %eer 2or6: T$e

    !u11le o. ae)e %eer ,al"'"#*/

    Personnel Psychology" ;- 35J934/

    ou1e- ?/ M/- > Po&er- B/ @/ 7/

    The leadership challenge: %owto /eep

    getting extraordinary things done in

    your organiation" 7nd ed0 Sa&

    Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    raue- D/ E/- er#"&g- M/

    Hegge#a'- E/ D/- > T$oro&- G/ C/

    III/ 344/ I&%re)eal ,al"'"#* o.

    ae)e %eer ra#"&g o,er

    %og&"#",e a("l"#* #e#: A #u'* a# #$e

    e+e%u#",e )a&age)e le,el/

    International =ournal of Selection and

    !ssessment" @;" J49J7/

    2"a#6o26"- R/ 344J/ Tre&' "&

    orga&"1a#"o& a&' ele%#"o&: A&

    "ro'u%#"o&/=ournal of Managerial

    Psychology" @C- J39J5/

    La&%e- C/ E/ 344/ $* ae)e

    %eer 'o &o# 2or6 #$e 2a* #$e* areu!!oe' #o/Industrial and

    (rganiational Psychology" @- 59/

    La&'*- F/ ?/- S$a&6#er- L/ ?/- >

    o$ler- S/ S/ 75/ Pero&&el

    ele%#"o& a&' !la%e)e/!nnual

    #eview of Psychology" ;>" 3793/

    Lau#er(a%$- B- Vu- ?/- > e"(erg- ?/

    7/ Ier&al ,/ e+#er&al

    u%%e"o& a&' #$e"r e..e%# o& ."r)

    !er.or)a&%e/%uman #elations" >7-


    La#$a)- G/ P/- > Saar"- L/ M/ 75/

    Do !eo!le 'o 2$a# #$e* a* Fur#$er

    #u'"e o& #$e "#ua#"o&al "er,"e2/

    =ournal of !pplied Psychology" F"&egol'- D/ 7-

    No,e)(er 7/ CEO ele%#"o&: $*

    (oar' ge# "# 2ro&g/Industryee/" 7;

    D"a)ae- T/ 344/ Be# !ra%#"%e "&

    lea'er ae)e/ I& ?/ A/ Co&ger >

    R/ E/ R"gg"o E'/- The practiceof

    leadership: Developing the next

    generation of leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o:


    Lor'- R/ G/- De Va'er- C/ L/- > All"ger-

    G/ M/ 7/ A )e#a9a&al*" o. #$e

    rela#"o& (e#2ee& !ero&al"#* #ra"# a&'

    lea'er$"! !er%e!#"o&: A& a!!l"%a#"o&

    o. ,al"'"#* ge&eral"1a#"o& !ro%e'ure/

    =ournal of !ppliedPsychology" 9@J-


    Lor%$- ?/ /- > $ura&a- R/ 7-

    Ma*9?u&e/ C$a&g"&g lea'er: T$e

    (oar' role "& CEO u%%e"o&/

    %arvard ,usiness #eview" 99" 974/

    Lu%"er- C/- S%$u*l- R/- > Ha&'a- ?/344J/ 'E( succession 7B: The

    perilsof good governance0 M%lea&- VA:

    Boo1Alle& Ha)"l#o&/

    Lu%"er- C/- S%$u*l- R/- > S!"egel-

    E/ 344J/ CEO u%%e"o& 3443:

    Del",er or 'e!ar#/strategy8.usiness"J7

    Re#r"e,e' .ro) 222/#ra#eg*9(u"&e



  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    Mael- F/ A/ 77/ A %o&%e!#ual

    ra#"o&ale .or #$e 'o)a"& a&' a##r"(u#e o.

    ("o'a#a "#e)/Personnel Psychology"

    ;;" J93/

    Ma$o&e*- T/ A/- ?er'ee- T/ H/- >

    Carroll- S/ I/ 7/ T$e 8o( o.

    )a&age)e/Industrial #elations" ;-


    Mar#"&- A/ 344/ hat)s next: The

    79 changing nature of leadership

    survey0 Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or

    Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    Ma*er- ?/- Salo,e*- P/- > Caruo- D/3443/MS'EIT user)s manual0

    Toroo: Mul#"9Heal#$ S*#e)/

    Ma*er- ?/- Salo,e*- P/- > Caruo- D/

    344J/ Meaur"&g e)o#"o&al

    "ell"ge&%e 2"#$ #$e MSCEIT V3/4/

    Emotion" B- 74/

    Me"%6- S/ 7/ Val"'"#* o.

    !*%$olog"%al ae)e: Val"'a#"o&

    o. "&.ere&%e .ro) !ero& re!o&e

    a&' !er.or)a&%e a %"e"."% "&0u"r*

    "o %ore )ea&"&g/!merican

    Psychologist" >- 5795/

    M%Call- M/ / 7/%igh flyers:

    Developing the next generation of

    leaders0 Bo#o&: Har,ar' Bu"&e

    S%$ool Pre/

    M%Call- M/ /- ?r/- > Lo)(ar'o- M/ M

    7J/ (ff the trac/: hy andhow

    successful executives get derailed0

    Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e


    M%Caule*- C/ D/- > Va& Velor- E/

    E'/ 3445/%and.oo/ of leadership

    development0 Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9


    M%Crae- R/ R/- > Co#a- P/ T/ 7/

    Val"'a#"o& o. #$e .",e9.a%#or )o'el

    o. !ero&al"#* a%ro "ru)e a&'

    o(er,er/=ournal of Personality and

    Social Psychology" >7" 794/

    M%Da&"el- M/ A/- Har#)a&- N/ S/-

    $e#1el- D/ L/- > Gru((- / L/ III/

    344/ S"#ua#"o&al 8u'g)e #e#-

    re!o&e "ru%#"o&- a&' ,al"'"#*: A

    )e#a9a&al*"/Personnel Psychology"

    Bra,er)a&- E/ P/ 3447/ Ue o.

    "#ua#"o&al 8u'g)e #e# #o !re'"%# 8o(

    !er.or)a&%e: A %lar"."%a#"o& o. #$e

    l"#era#ure/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology"C- J4954/

    M%Da&"el- M/ A/- $e#1el- D/ L/-

    S%$)"'#- F/ L/- > Mauer- S/ D/ 75/

    T$e ,al"'"#* o. e)!lo*)e

    "er,"e2: A %o)!re$e&",e re,"e2

    a&' )e#a9a&al*"/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology" 9A" 97/

    M%E&rue- M/ P/- > Gro,e- / 344/

    C$oo"&g a)o&g #e# o. e)o#"o&al

    "ell"ge&%e: $a# " #$e e,"'e&%e/%uman #esource Development

    *uarterly" @9- 953/

    Mou- M/ /- "##- L/ A/- > Barr"%6-

    M/ R/ 3444/ I&%re)eal ,al"'"#* o.

    e)!"r"%all* 6e*e' ("o'a#a %ale o,er

    GMA a&' #$e .",e .a%#or !ero&al"#*

    %oru%#/Personnel Psychology" >B"


    Muller- R/ 3445/ T")e- &arra#",e- a&'

    orga&"1a#"o&al %ul#ure: A %or!ora#e

    !er!e%#",e/=ournal of 'riticalPostmodern (rganiation Science" B-79


    Mu).or'- M/ D/- @a%%aro- S/ ?/-

    Har'"&g- F/ D/- Fle"$)a&- E/ A/- >

    Re"#er9Pal)o&- R/ 7J/ 'ognitiveand

    temperament predictors of executive

    a.ility: Principles for developing

    leadership capacity0 Ale+a&'r"a- VA:

    U/S/ Ar)* Reear%$ I"#u#e .or #$e

    Be$a,"oral a&' So%"al S%"e&%e/

    Mu).or'- T/ V/- Ca)!"o&- M/ A/- >

    Morgeo&- F/ P/ 344/ T$e lea'er$"!

    6"ll #ra#a!le+: Lea'er$"!

    6"ll re0u"re)e a%ro orga&"1a#"o&al

    le,el/$eadership *uarterly" @C- 759


    Na8ar- M/ ?/- Holla&'- B/ D/- > Va&

    La&'u*#- C/ R/ 3445/ Individual

    differences in leadership derailment0

    Pa!er !reee' a# #$e 7#$ a&&ual

    )ee#"&g o. #$e So%"e#* .or I&'u#r"al

    a&' Orga&"1a#"o&al P*%$olog*-

    C$"%ago- Ill"&o"- A!r"l 3- 3445/

    O%a"o- /- > ")- H/ 7/ T$e

    %"r%ula#"o& o. %or!ora#e %orol:

    Sele%#"o& o. .u&%#"o&al (a%6grou&' o.

    &e2 CEO "& large )a&u.a%#ur"&g

    ."r): 77973/!dministrative

    Science *uarterly" ;;- J393/

    O.."%e o. Pero&&el Ma&age)e/

    7/ +uide to senior executive service-ualifications0 U/S/ OPM Pu(l"%a#"o&

    SES994/ a$"&g#o&- D/C/: U/S/

    Go,er&)e Pr""&g O.."%e/

    O&e- D/ S/- > V"2e,ara&- C/ 3447/

    Iegr"#* #e# a&' o#$er %r"#er"o&9

    .o%ue' o%%u!a#"o&al !ero&al"#* %ale

    COPS ue' "& !ero&&el ele%#"o&/

    International=ournal of Selection and

    !ssessment" A-J79J/

    O&e- D/ S/- V"2e,ara&- C/- >S%$)"'#- F/ L/ 7J/ Co)!re$e&",e

    )e#a9a&al*" o. "egr"#* #e# ,al"'a#"o&:

    F"&'"&g a&' ")!l"%a#"o& .or !ero&&el

    ele%#"o& a&' #$eor"e o. 8o(

    !er.or)a&%e/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology" 9C- 94J/


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    Page- R/ C/- > Tor&o2- / / 7/

    Managerial 6o. analysis: !re we further

    alongG Preee' a# #$e a&&ual )ee#"&g

    o. #$e So%"e#* .or I&'u#r"al a&'

    Orga&"1a#"o&al P*%$olog*- A#laa- GA/

    Paol"llo- ?/ G/ 77/ Ma&ager el.9

    ae)e o. )a&ager"al role: T$e

    "&.lue&%e o. $"erar%$"%al le,el/=ournal

    of Management" 9- 5J93/

    Pa,e##- C/ M/- > Lau- A/ / 73/

    Ma&ager"al 2or6: T$e "&.lue&%e

    o. $"erar%$"%al le,el a&' .u&%#"o&al

    !e%"al#*/ !cademy of Management

    =ournal" 7 Ro("&o&- R/ B/

    7/ Strategic management:

    2ormulation" implementation" and

    control0 C$"%ago: Ir2"&/

    Pe#ero&- R/ S- S)"#$- D/ B/- Mar#ora&a-

    P/ V/- > O2e&- P/ D/ 344J/ T$e

    ")!a%# o. %$"e. e+e%u#",e o.."%er

    !ero&al"#* o& #o! )a&age)e #ea)

    '*&a)"%: O&e )e%$a&") (* 2$"%$lea'er$"! a..e%# orga&"1a#"o&al

    !er.or)a&%e/=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology" CC- 94/

    P$"ll"!- ?/ M/ 7/ E..e%# o.

    real"#"% 8o( !re,"e2 o& )ul#"!le

    orga&"1a#"o&al ou#%o)e: A )e#a9

    a&al*"/ !cademy of Management

    =ournal" ;@- J94/

    u"&&- R/ E/ 75/ A!!l*"&g #$e

    %o)!e#"&g ,alue a!!roa%$ #o

    lea'er$"!: To2ar' a& "egra#",e.ra)e2or6/ I& ?/ G/ Hu- D/

    Ho6"&g- C/ A/ S%$r"e$e") > R/

    S#e2ar# E'/-$eaders and

    managers: International perspectives on

    managerial .ehavior and leadership0

    Ne2 or6: Perga)o&/

    u"&&- R/ E/- S!re"#1er- G/ M/- >

    Har#- S/ 77/ C$alle&g"&g #$e

    au)!#"o& o. ("!olar"#*:

    Ier!e&e#ra#"o& a&' )a&ager"al

    e..e%#",e&e/ I& S/ Sr",a#,a > R/ Fr*

    E'/-Executive continuity0Sa&

    Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    RHR Ier&a#"o&al/ 7/ CEO

    u%%e"o&/Executive Insights!e%"al

    "ue/ Re#r"e,e' .ro) 222/



    RHR Ier&a#"o&al/ 3443a/

    U&'er#a&'"&g a&' )"&")"1"&g CEO

    .a"lure/Executive Insights"7/

    Re#r"e,e' .ro) 222/r$r"er&a#"o&al/


    RHR Ier&a#"o&al/ 3443(/%ittingthe

    ground running: !ccelerating

    executive integration0 oo' Dale- IL:


    RHR Ier&a#"o&al 344/2illingthe

    executive .ench: %ow companies aregrowing future leaders0 oo' Dale- IL:


    R"#%$"e- R/ ?/ 75/ U"&g #$e

    ae)e %eer )e#$o' #o !re'"%#

    e&"or )a&age)e !o#e"al/

    'onsulting Psychology =ournal" ; T"!!"&- N/ T/ 3445/

    A##ra%#"&g a&' ele%#"&g: $a#

    !*%$olog"%al reear%$ #ell u/%uman

    #esource Management" ;B" J49J7/

    Sa%6e##- P/ R/- > Ell"&go&- ?/ E/

    7/ T$e e..e%# o. .or)"&g )ul#"9

    !re'"%#or %o)!o"#e o& grou!

    '"..ere&%e a&' a',ere ")!a%#/

    Personnel Psychology" >- 4937/

    Sa%6e##- P/ R/- > L"e,e&- F/ 344/

    Pero&&el ele%#"o&/!nnual #eview of

    Psychology" >A" 57954/

    Sala- F/ 3443/Emotional 'ompetence

    Inventory technical manual0

    P$"la'el!$"a: Ha*Grou!/

    Sala- E/- DeRou"&- R/ E/- > Ga'e- P/ A/

    344/ T$e )"l"#ar* %or"(u#"o& #o

    our %"e&%e a&' !ra%#"%e: Peo!le- !la%e-

    a&' ."&'"&g/ I& L/ L/

    o!!e E'/-%istorical perspectives

    in industrial and organiational

    psychology0 Ma$2a$- N/?/: La2re&%e

    Erl(au) Ao%"a#e/

    Salga'o- ?/ F/- A&'ero&- N/- Mo%oo-

    S/- Ber#ua- C/- > 'e Fru*#- F/ 344J/

    Ier&a#"o&al ,al"'"#* ge&eral"1a#"o&

    o. GMA a&' %og&"#",e a("l"#"e: A

    Euro!ea& %o))u&"#* )e#a9a&al*"/

    Personnel Psychology" >"79


    S%$)"'#- F/ L/- > Huer- ?/ E/

    7/ T$e ,al"'"#* a&' u#"l"#* o.

    ele%#"o& )e#$o' "& !ero&&el

    !*%$olog*: Pra%#"%al a&' #$eore#"%al

    ")!l"%a#"o& o. *ear o. reear%$

    ."&'"&g/Psychological ,ulletin" @7;"


    Se(ora- T/ C/- > e&er- I/ F/ 7/ T$e

    CEO ele%#"o& 'e%""o& !ro%e:

    Bou&'e' ra#"o&al"#* a&' 'e%""o&

    %o)!o&e or'er"&g/=ournal of Multi?

    'riteria Decision !nalysis" >- 7J975/


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    Sea- V/ I/- a"er- R/- Ta*lor- ?/ /- >

    Ca)!(ell- R/ ?/ 7/Executive

    selection: ! research report on what

    wor/s and what doesn)t0 Gree&(oro-

    NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    Sea- V/ I/- > Ta*lor- ?/ ? 3444a/

    Executive selection: Strategies for success0

    Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or Crea#",e


    Sea- V/ I/- > Ta*lor- ?/ ? 3444(/

    C$oo"&g lea'er: More %oo6 )a6e a

    (e##er (ro#$/ 'onsulting Psychology

    =ournal" >7- 37933/S$e&- /- > Ca&&ella- A/ A/ 3443a/

    Po2er '*&a)"% 2"#$"& #$e #o!

    )a&age)e #ea) a&' #$e"r ")!a%# o&

    CEO '")"al .ollo2e' (* "&"'e

    u%%e"o&/!cademy of Management

    =ournal" ;>" 779734/

    S$e&- /- > Ca&&ella- A/ A/ 3443(/

    Re,""#"&g #$e !er.or)a&%e

    %o&e0ue&%e o. CEO u%%e"o&: T$e

    ")!a%# o. u%%eor #*!e-

    !o#u%e"o& e&"or e+e%u#",e#ur&o,er- a&' 'e!ar#"&g CEO #e&ure/

    !cademy of Management =ournal" ;>-


    S)"la&6*- ?/ 344/Developing

    executive talent: ,est practices from

    glo.al leaders0 Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9


    S&o2- C/ C/- > S&ell- S/ A/ 73/

    S#a.."&g a #ra#eg*/ I& N/ S%$)"## >

    / C/ Bo)r&a E'/-Personnel

    selection in organiations0 Sa&

    Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    So%"e#* .or Hu)a& Reour%e

    Ma&age)e/ 344/ Strategicresearch

    on human capital challenges0

    Ale+a&'r"a- VA: So%"e#* .or Hu)a&

    Reour%e Ma&age)e/

    S!re"#1er- M%Call- M/ /- > Ma$o&e*- ?/

    D/ 7/ Earl* "'e"."%a#"o&

    o. "er&a#"o&al e+e%u#",e !o#e"al/

    =ournal of !pplied Psychology" C7- 93/

    S#a)!- G/ P/ 7/$ongitudinal

    research into methods of assessing

    managerial potential ARI Te%$/ Re!/

    DA?A599%9444/ Ale+a&'r"a- VA:

    U/S/ Ar)* Reear%$ I"#u#e .or #$e

    Be$a,"oral a&' So%"al S%"e&%e/

    S#o6e- G/ S/- > Coo!er- L/ A/ 3447/

    Coe%oru%# a!!roa%$e "&

    l".e $"#or* .or) 'e,elo!)e .or

    ele%#"o&/International =ournal of

    Selection and !ssessment" A- 7J977/

    Su))er- T/ P/ 7/ S#ra#eg"% 6"ll

    a&al*" .or ele%#"o& a&' 'e,elo!)e/

    %uman #esource Planning" 7- 7597/

    Suu#ar"- V/ 3443/ Glo(al lea'er

    'e,elo!)e: A& e)erg"&g reear%$

    age&'a/ 'areer Development

    International" 9- 3793JJ/

    S2a"&- ?/- > Tur!"&- / 344-

    Se!#e)(erO%#o(er/ T$e &e2 2orl' o.

    CEO u%%e"o&/Ivey ,usiness=ournal-


    Ta*lor- S/- > Berg)a&- T/ ?/ 7/

    Orga&"1a#"o&al re%ru"#)e a%#","#"e

    a&' a!!l"%a rea%#"o& a# '"..ere

    #age o. #$e re%ru"#)e !ro%e/

    Personnel Psychology" ;- 3793/

    T$oro&- G/ C/- > B*$a)- / C/

    73/!ssessment centers and

    managerial performance0Ne2 or6:A%a'e)"% Pre/

    U&".or) Gu"'el"&e o& E)!lo*ee

    Sele%#"o& Pro%e'ure/ 7/2ederal

    #egister" ;B- J349JJ7/

    Va& 'er @ee- / L/- Ba66er- A/ B/- >

    Ba66er- P/ 3443/ $* are #ru%#ure'

    "er,"e2 o rarel* ue' "& !ero&&el

    ele%#"o&=ournal of !pplied

    Psychology"C9- 7975/

    Va& Roo*- D/ L/- > V"2e,ara&- C/

    3445/ E)o#"o&al "ell"ge&%e: A

    !re'"%#",e ,al"'"#* a&' &o)olog"%al &e#/

    =ournal of ocational ,ehavior" - 79


    Va&%"l- R/ 7/Passing the .aton0

    Bo#o&: Har,ar' U&",er"#* Pre/

    V"&%$ur- A/ 344/ A $"#or* o.!*%$olog* a!!l"e' #o e)!lo*ee

    ele%#"o&/ I& L/ L/ o!!e E'/-

    %istorical perspectives in industrial and

    organiational psychology0 Ma$2a$- N/

    ?/: La2re&%e Erl(au) Ao%"a#e/

    a&ou- ?/ P/ 73/ (rganiational

    entry: #ecruitment" selection"

    orientation" and socialiation of

    newcomers0 Rea'"&g- MA: A''"o&9


    a#o&- G/- > Galer- E/ M/ 75/

    atson?+laser 'ritical Thin/ing

    !ppraisal" 2orm S manual0 Sa&

    Ao&"o- TX: T$e P*%$olog"%al


    e"6- P/ M/ 344/ Bu"l'"&g #$e

    e+e%u#",e ra&6: Curre !ra%#"%e "&

    'e,elo!"&g .u#ure (u"&e lea'er/ I& R/

    B/ a"er E'/-2illing the leadership

    pipeline0 Gree&(oro- NC: Ceer .or

    Crea#",e Lea'er$"!/

    e"&er- N/- > Ma$o&e*- T/ A/ 77/ A

    )o'el o. %or!ora#e !er.or)a&%e

    a a .u&%#"o& o. e&,"ro&)eal-

    orga&"1a#"o&al- a&' lea'er$"!

    "&.lue&%e/!cademy of Management

    =ournal" 7;- 5J954/


  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    T$e Searc$ for E,ecutive Talent

    e%$ler- D/ 7/ Theechsler!dult

    Intelligence Scale" ThirdEdition 4!ISH

    III5 administration and scoring manual0

    Sa& Ao&"o- TX: T$eP*%$olog"%al


    ee6le*- ?/ A/- > Plo*$ar#- R/ E/ 344/

    S"#ua#"o&al 8u'g)e: Ae%e'e a&'

    rela#"o&$"! 2"#$ !er.or)a&%e/%uman

    Performance" @C"


    ee6le*- ?/ A/- > Plo*$ar#- R/ E/

    344/ A& "ro'u%#"o& #o "#ua#"o&al

    8u'g)e #e#"&g/ I& ?/ A/ ee6le*

    > R/ E/ Plo*$ar# E'/- Situational

    6udgment tests: Theory" measurement"

    and applications 7974/ Ma$2a$-

    N/?/: La2re&%e Erl(au) Ao%"a#e/

    ell"&- R/ S/- S)"#$- A/ S/- Paee-

    M/ ?/- > Er6er- S/ 344/

    &ine .est practices for effective

    talent management0 Br"'ge,"lle- PA:

    De,elo!)e D")e&"o&

    Ier&a#"o&al 222/''"2orl'/%o)/

    o&'erl"%- E/ F/ 75/ onderlicPersonnel Test manual0Nor#$."el'- IL:

    o&'erl"% a&' Ao%"a#e/

    or#)a&- M/ S/ 73/ S#ra#eg"%

    )a&age)e a&' %$a&g"&g lea'er9

    .ollo2er role/=ournal of !pplied

    ,ehavioral Science" @C- J79JJ/

    ou&g- B/ S/- Ar#$ur- / ?r/- > F"&%$- ?/

    3444/ Pre'"%#or o. )a&ager"al

    !er.or)a&%e: More #$a& %og&"#",e

    a("l"#*/=ournal of ,usiness and

    Psychology" @>- J93/

    @a%%aro- S/ ?/ 3447/ The natureof

    executive leadership: ! conceptual

    and empirical analysis of success0

    a$"&g#o& D/C/: A)er"%a&

    P*%$olog"%al Ao%"a#"o&/

    @a%%aro- S/ ?/- G"l(er#- ?/- T$or- /- >

    Mu).or'- M/ 77/ Lea'er$"! a&'

    o%"al "ell"ge&%e: L"&6"&g o%"al

    !er%e!#",e&e a&' (e$a,"oral .le+"("l"#*

    #o lea'er e..e%#",e&e/$eadership

    *uarterly" 75- J79J53/

    @a%%aro- S/ ?/- > Hor&- @/ N/ ?/

    344J/ Lea'er$"! #$eor* a&'

    !ra%#"%e: Fo#er"&g a& e..e%#",e

    *)("o"/ The $eadership *uarterly"

    @;" 94/

    @a%%aro- S/ ?/- > l")o6"- R/ 3447/

    T$e &a#ure o. orga&"1a#"o&allea'er$"!/ I& S/ ?/ @a%%aro >

    R/ l")o6" E'/- The nature

    of organiational leadership:

    Understanding the performance

    imperatives confronting today)s leaders0

    Sa& Fra&%"%o: ?oe*9Ba/

    @agore6- H/- S#oug$- S/ ?/- > ?a6l"%- M/

    344/ A&al*" o. #$e rel"a("l"#* o. #$e

    lea'er$"! !ra%#"%e "&,eor* "& #$e

    "#e) re!o&e #$eor* .ra)e2or6/

    International =ournal of Selection and

    !ssessment" @;" 74977/

    @a8a%- E/ ?/- > e#!$al- ?/ D/ 7/

    $o $all u%%ee' Ho2 CEO Boar'

    !re.ere&%e a&' !o2er a..e%# #$e %$o"%e

    o. &e2 CEO/!cademy ofManagement

    =ournal" BA- 594/

    @$a&g- / 344/ I&.or)a#"o&

    a*))e#r* a&' #$e '")"al o. &e2l*

    a!!o"e' CEO: A& e)!"r"%al

    "&,e#"ga#"o&/ Strategic Management

    =ournal" 7A" 93/

    @$a&g- /- > Ra8ago!ala&- N/ 344J/

    E+!la"&"&g &e2 CEO or"g"&: F"r)

    ,eru "&'u#r* ae%e'e/!cademyof

    Management =ournal" ; Ra8ago!ala&- N/ 3445/

    $e& #$e 6&o2& 'e,"l " (e##er #$a& a&

    u&6&o2& go': A& e)!"r"%al #u'* o. #$e

    ae%e'e a&' %o&e0ue&%e o. rela*

    CEO u%%e"o&/!cademy of

    Management =ournal" ;9- 5J944/

    @o##"l"- M/ A/- > a&ou- ?/ P 3444/

    Re%ru"#)e our%e reour%e: Curre

    #a#u a&' .u#ure '"re%#"o&/%uman

    #esource Management #eview" @- JJ9



  • 7/25/2019 Exec Talent EPG- Final_0


    Do )" #$ee o#$er

    E..e%#",e Pra%#"%e

    Gu"'el"&e re!or#.ro) #$e SHRM Fou&'a#"o&

    ,ew8 Employment Downsizing and Its Alternatives: Strategies for

    long-term success

    T$ou)$ do/nsi2in) $as (eco*e a fact of /or0in) life. (usiness leaders *ust al/a"s

    (e *indful of t$e s$ort1 and lon)1ter* costs of la"offs& !efore *a0in) a decision to

    do/nsi2e. *ana)ers s$ould consider t$e variet" of effective alternatives availa(le&T$is ne/ re#ort $el#s (usiness leaders evaluate alternatives and treat e*#lo"ees

    $u*anel" and /it$ di)nit" /$en do/nsi2in) is necessar"&

    Recruiting and Attracting Talent: A guide to understanding and

    managing te recruitment process

    Hirin) talented individuals is critical to an or)ani2ations success& !ut in order to $ire t$e

    *ost talented. "ou *ust first recruit t$e*& Even in a recession. it can (e difficult to fill

    certain t"#es of +o(s. so recruiters /or0in) /it$ li*ited resources *ust decide /$o* to

    tar)et. /$at *essa)e to conve" and $o/ to staff t$e recruit*ent efforts& T$is re#ort offers

    s#ecific reco**endations on develo#in) an effective e,ternal rec