Exciting Technology for 2014 GED Test Prep: Transformative Typing

Exciting Technology for the 2014 GED® Test Transformative Typing October 16, 2013 Achieving Credentials for Success Conference Appleton, WI


Sample lesson and workshop for "Achieving Credentials for Success" Conference in Appleton, Wisconsin, October 16, 2013.

Transcript of Exciting Technology for 2014 GED Test Prep: Transformative Typing

Exciting Technology for the 2014 GED® Test

Transformative Typing

October 16, 2013Achieving Credentials for Success Conference

Appleton, WI

Meagen Farrell

Author, trainer, consultantGED instructor



1. Sample tech-based lesson: Test Your Typing Speed.

2. Create your own technology integration plan.

3. Questions & Answers.

Rules for the Road

• Stay with the group! Don’t get distracted by your mobile device or side conversations.

• Questions? Yes, please! Just raise your hand and tell me your name & location.

Computer-Based Test Taking SkillsIn addition to using a mouse, test-takers must:• Scroll down a page• Navigate between tabs to read pages• Select answers from drop-down menus• Drag-and-drop answers to a graph or chart• Use a virtual calculator (TI-30XS)• Type two short answers and two extended

responses (~25 WPM)• Use basic word processing tools

Integrating Technology in Teaching:Transformative Typing

Field Tested in Cleveland, Ohio

Let’s Move That Typewriter!

• One person per computer• Open your browser• Type in TypingTest.com and press Enter

Directions for Student Use


WPM: Words Per Minute

Practice Typed Response

Pros & Cons of Free Online ContentThis is the best ever!

This is the worst!

I’ll make it work.

New Feature!


How to Plan in Advance:1. Decide on your theme.2. Select your instructional standards and a

student activity to engage content.3. Evaluate available technology for student use.4. Provide specific directions for student use.5. Set up the safe for access and security.6. Consider worst case scenario: how will you

handle struggling students or tech difficulties?

Your Turn! Create Your Technology Integration Plan

• Each person should have a blank technology integration plan.

• Get in groups of four to six people.• Designate one person as the recorder to write

down the technology plan.


Take It Home

• The PowerPoint and handout is available for view or download at my website: farrellink.com

• You have permission to use these workshop materials in your program as long as you attribute Meagen Farrell and New Readers Press.

Thank You!

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