Excerpt of Student Comments

Excerpt of Student’s Satisfaction Survey – Qualitative part Students’ Comments Course: Marketing Year: 2013 Sample comments: - “Super-creative. A real marketer. At the classes she organizes, we work on real-life examples of enterprises that face marketing challenges. It is very useful and important for us! ” - “Her teaching is excellent, she is very interesting and has great sense of humor. She keeps us interested for the matter and provides great examples from business practice.” - “The quality of her knowledge is phenomenal!” - “Congratulations on your teaching and knowledge!” - “She is absolutely fair and correct in her behavior towards students, her presentations are phenomenal with great examples that help us understand the subject and advance in knowledge.” - “She is very fair and polite.” - “She is the best Teaching Assistant at our Faculty. She has lots of knowledge and is professional, correct, always willing to help students…” - “She is a very correct and objective person, and her classes are very interesting. The thing I like the most is the fact that she does not stick rigidly to the textbook, but she presents interesting practical examples as addition to theory. At her Marketing classes, we, the students, have learnt a lot. I have just the best words for her work!”

Transcript of Excerpt of Student Comments

Page 1: Excerpt of Student Comments

Excerpt of Student’s Satisfaction Survey –

Qualitative part Students’ Comments

Course: Marketing

Year: 2013

Sample comments:

- “Super-creative. A real marketer. At the classes she organizes, we work on real-life examples of enterprises that face marketing challenges. It is very useful and important for us! ”

- “Her teaching is excellent, she is very interesting and has great sense of humor. She keeps us interested for the matter and provides great examples from business practice.”

- “The quality of her knowledge is phenomenal!”

- “Congratulations on your teaching and knowledge!”

- “She is absolutely fair and correct in her behavior towards students, her presentations are phenomenal with great examples that help us understand the subject and advance in knowledge.”

- “She is very fair and polite.”

- “She is the best Teaching Assistant at our Faculty. She has lots of knowledge and is professional, correct, always willing to help students…”

- “She is a very correct and objective person, and her classes are very interesting. The thing I like the most is the fact that she does not stick rigidly to the textbook, but she presents interesting practical examples as addition to theory. At her Marketing classes, we, the students, have learnt a lot. I have just the best words for her work!”

- “A great professor.”

- “Interesting presentations, fantastic relationship with students, great dedication to work.”

- “Extraordinary fair professor who really understands students completely. Her classes are never boring and one can learn a lot from her. Congratulations! She adores the subjects she teaches and is maximally dedicated. ”

Page 2: Excerpt of Student Comments

Course: Consumer Behaviour

Year: 2013

Sample comments:

- “High-quality classes. I like the fact that she uses practical examples to explain the matter and that she organizes classes as interactive as workshops, and she motivates all of us students to get involved.”

- “If there was a competition at our Faculty for the best teacher – lecturer and person who has the best relationship with students (especially when it comes to interaction on classes) – I am sure that Ana Popović would win. I am more than satisfied with her work, congratulations!”

- “The professor is dedicated, fair, her classes are interesting and informative. Her behavior towards students is outstanding.”

- “I base this comment on two-years experience of being her student: I do not have a single objection related to the quality of her teaching nor relationship to students. She understands the matter completely and helps us understand it better and prepare appropriately for the exam, by providing us with real life examples. She will become the best professor in the Faculty if she continues this way.”

- “Her classes are very informative and interesting, with very useful practical examples. She is always willing to cooperate with students; she treats us excellently and has great communication with us. ”

- “She is doing the right things right way. She should just keep on doing that.”

- “All the praises for the professor, especially for the quality of her teaching and interaction with students. I do not have a single criticism. ”

- “Ana Popović is a very fair professor, open and very cooperative, has an efficient way to help students to learn the matter and is always available and ready to answer our questions.”

Page 3: Excerpt of Student Comments

Course: Marketing

Year: 2014

Sample comments:

- “I think that she is a competent professional with a great perspective. I really like her classes very much. ”

- “She is a high quality assistant , she helps us very much in learning and understanding the matter. Her classes are always very interesting and she can animate and inspire students to get involved and be interactive, which is not easy for other professors.”

- “She is an excellent Teaching Assistant, who interprets the content of this course in very creative and efficient way.”

- “She is one true marketing expert.”

- “The classes with the best and most relaxed working atmosphere.”

- “Ana is super.”

- “She teaches in a way that we understand everything and get inspired, so the classes are interactive.”

- “She is a very interesting person, her classes are fascinating, and she should just keep on teaching like this.”

- “Ana Popović is a genius and lovely person. Because of her, I started loving marketing. I hope she will become a full professor. She is phenomenal, polite, fair, and I have just the nicest words for describing her.”

- “Ana is a very dear and positive person, always smiling, but, at the same time, very professional. I am always looking forward to classes with her.”

- “Super, all the best.”

- “The most interesting classes, the most interesting teacher.”

Page 4: Excerpt of Student Comments

Course: Consumer Behaviour

Year: 2014

Sample comments:

- “She is the person who taught us the most about marketing and the Teaching Assistant that we, the students, have the best cooperation with. Her advices and all the things she taught us at her classes, made all of us love marketing and work on our individual researches and case studies with lots of love and interest. I have only compliments for her and wish her to stay the same.”

- “She is an example of a professor that I would like all of them (in the field of Marketing, especially) to be like. She is creative in her presentations, well-informed about the latest trends in marketing and she always gives us lots of very specific and useful examples. I consider that I learnt a lot from her and that she made me think marketing-oriented. She seems to be the perfect choice for an assistant and professor in Marketing-related subjects, as her teaching-competences go very well with those interesting subjects.”

- “She is one of the best professors on this Faculty and has such a wide array of knowledge…”

- “Prof. Ana is one of the best and most correct professors on this Faculty. She should serve as an example on how professors should teach and treat students. All the compliments and keep up the good work.”

- “All the compliments for her work, patience and understanding. She is a person that one can learn a lot from, and not only about marketing. I wish there were more professors than her. On a scale 1-5 I give her 5+!”

- “I am, and we all are, I think, over-satisfied with the quality of her classes. She also made us all interact and made a real group of students who did not know each other. We learned so much from her!”

- “The most interesting classes. I learned a lot through her presentations, examples she teaches about. The working atmosphere on her classes is relaxed, inspiring. All the compliments and just keep on like this.”

- “Her classes are very interesting and interactive. She gives her best to teach us and uses a lot of practical examples and interesting facts and stories. All the compliments. She shouldn’t change anything in her approach.”

- “Prof. Ana is so dedicated to her work, that she spreads the love towards marketing and related subjects on each and every class. She is very competent, objective and capable to facilitate learning to us, students, through practical and interesting examples.”

Page 5: Excerpt of Student Comments

Course: Marketing

Year: 2015

Sample comments:

- “Prof. Ana is one of the best teachers that I had a chance to listen to! Her classes are the most interactive. I am sorry that I will not have any more courses with her, as my study programme does not include them, but I hope I will collaborate with professor on extracurricular activities she organizes”.

- “Professor is very polite and fair.”

- “She is simply the best professor.”

- “She is a great professor.”

- “Her classes are great and help us a lot to learn. She presents us great examples as illustrations to the complex matter, so we learn a lot on classes and understand the matter much easier and better.”

Course: Consumer Behaviour

Year: 2015

Sample comments:

- “She presents lots of practical, helpful examples, she cooperates with students very much and has great communication with us. I wish there are more teaching assistants and even professors like Ana.”

- “Her presentations are very interesting and I like very much to visit her classes. The examples she presents and her way of teaching are very efficient, interesting and useful.”

- “One of the best professors, very creative and inspiring.”

- “The way she teaches should be set an example for all.”

- “Her classes are always interesting.”

- “Her classes are the most interesting. I enjoy listening to her.”