Excavation Report

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  • 8/19/2019 Excavation Report


    PROYECTO ARQUEOLÓGICO TUMBES: 2006 ANNUAL REPORT.Jerry D. Moore (C!"#or$" S%%e U$"&er'"%y Do"$)*e+ ,"!!'-

    A$$*! Reor% %o N%"o$! S/"e$/e o*$1%"o$S*3"%%e1 Mr/4 56 2007


    During the 2006 field season, the Proyecto Arqueológico Tumbes (PAT)conducted a rogram of e!ca"ation and analysis at t#o archaeological sites, $oma%aa"edra and &l Por"enir, located in the 'io arumilla drainage in the Deartment ofTumbes, Peru (igure *)+ The research #as aro"ed by the nstituto -acional de.ultura by 'esolución Directoral -acional -o+ /1-., authori3ed on 4ay 25, 2006+The research #as funded by -% A#ard 07577+

    ")*r 5. Lo/%"o$' o# Ar/4eo!o)"/! S"%e' E! Por&e$"r $1 Lo S&e1r

    9r*"!! Pro&"$/e Der%e$% o# T*3e' Per*.

    The 2006 field#or8 #as one hase of a multi9year rogram of archaeologicalin"estigations focusing on the creation of architectural sace and the de"eloment ofdifferent modes of socio9olitical o#er in the Deartment of Tumbes, one of the leaststudied regions in Andean %outh America+ :eginning #ith an archaeologicalreconnaissance in *556 (4oore et al *556, *55/), follo#ed by a modest 2001 testing


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     rogram at $oma %aa"edra (4oore and ;ilche3 200), the 2006 e!ca"ations focused on acomarati"e study of domestic architecture of t#o sites from different time eriods+ The200/ field#or8 #ill focus on e!ca"ations in ublic architecture at t#o other sites, %anta'osa and ato+ n addition to its focus on the creation of architectural saces by rehisanic societies in far northern Peru, the research #as designed to reco"er basic

    archaeological data regarding chronology, ceramic stylistic "ariation, rehistorice!loitation of faunal and floral resources, and e!change net#or8s+ As #ill be discussed belo# (see ?4a@or indings), the results of the 2006 research #ere surrising andintriguing, leading to comletely unanticiated e"idence for the antiquity and "ariabilityof the archaeological record in the Deartment of Tumbes+

    ")*re 2: Lo S&e1r Lo/%"o$ o# E/&%"o$' Oer/";$ 5.


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    The site of $oma %aa"edra ('a"ines *5/1B 4oore et al *556, 4oore, ;ilche3 andPa@uelo 2001) is located near the hamlet of the same name in the District of Aguas;erdes, arumilla Pro"ince, Deartment of Tumbes on the lo#er "alley on the#estern ban8 of the 'io arumilla (

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    area of 2 hectares (igure 2)+ The site is located on a long 8noll surrounded byseasonally inundated areasB in the *55 &l -ino%outhern Cscillation e"ent, thecommunity of $oma %aa"edra #as surrounded by flood #aters for se"eral months,

    according to local inhabitants+ The site is stretched across this higher landform andconsists of surface middens of ceramics and shell remains+The site of &l Por"enir is located in the Paayal District, arumilla Pro"ince,

    Deartment of Tumbes (

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    molds and daub fragments #ith cane imressions+ loor 2 is associated #ith >arban3alJhite on 'ed ottery (3umi and Terada *566)+ loor 2 #as encountered in

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     been ost suorts or ossibly a decorati"e detail intentionally incororated into the floor+loor 7 has >arban3al Jhite on 'ed lates associated #ith the structure+

    loor E A le"el associated #ith comact clay floor ranging in color from bro#n(*0 I' 71) and grey (*0 I' *) and associated aired ost9molds+ 4uch of loor #as destroyed during the construction and occuation of loor 7, but a sufficient ortion

    of the floor remains "isible in lan and rofile to tentati"ely reconstruct an elliticalstructure 96 meters long and 197 meters #ide+

    ")*r ?: E! Por&e$"r Mo*$1 2 S/4e%"/ P!$ o# E/&%"o$ U$"%'

    loor 6E This le"el consists of a floor consisting of comacted bro#n (*0 I' 1)midden and a cur"ing #all of aired ostmolds+ The ostmold atterns suggest a structurethat is m in diameter+ nitial e!amination of associated ceramics suggested that the le"eldated to the $ate ormati"eB subsequent radiocarbon dating indicates a $ate Archaic&arly ormati"e occuation+

    loor /E The le"el consists of a small fragment of #ell9made light bro#nish grey(*0 I' 62) floor found in the northern ortion of

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    or archaeological features #ere associated #ith this floor, and its relati"e osition to theother floors in 4ound is not established+

    EL POR8ENIR @MOUND IIThe e!ca"ations at 4ound began on 4ay 10 and continued until une 2/, 2006,

    #hen they #ere susended until uly * K 1*, 2006 #hen limited e!ca"ations resumedduring the final days of the field season+ The initial bloc8 of e!ca"ations #as a line offi"e 2 G 2 m test its (

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    ad@acent units or further e!ose in situ ceramic "essels+ Although the e!ca"ations #ererelati"ely shallo#, four distinct floors #ere e!osed in the e!ca"ations (igure , 6)+

    ")*r : Lo S&e1r Oer%"o$ 5 S/4e%"/ P!$ o# E/&%"o$ U$"%'.

    loors * and 2 e!hibit ?remodeling eisodes in #hich ne# layers of mud #ere lastered o"er earlier floors+ loor * #as actually relastered t#ice, #ith each layercaing a clean layer of sand at least * cm thic8, yet only to the e!tent of the originalfloor+ This suggests that the limits of loor * reresent the e!tent of an enclosed, robably #alled area+ loor * aears to be a rectangular structure 7+* G 1+5 m in area+%imilarly, loor 2 #as relastered at least once+ loor 2 #as incomletely e!osed, but based on its south#estern corner, seems to be a rectangular structure more than G min area+

    loor 1 #as e!tensi"ely disturbed by the roots of a nearby ceiba tree, but #as atleast 7+ G 7 m in area+

    The greatest concentration of ostmolds is associated #ith loor 7, the earliestfloor in Ceration *+ %ome of the ostmolds aear to reresent a structure although theo"erall lan of the structure could not be determined+ t is li8ely that this house #as builtusing a #attle and daub technique 8no#n as tabique, a construction method in #hich the#attle consists of stic8s @ammed bet#een hori3ontal beams attached to "ertical urights+Cther smaller ostholes robably reresent "arious non9architectural features+


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    ")*re 6: Lo S&e1r Oer%"o$ 5 E/&%e1 !oor' (P"'o'-

    2- MAJOR INDINGSThe 2006 field#or8 resulted in ma@or archaeological findings rele"ant to fourresearch domainsE *) chronology, 2) domestic architecture and the uses of social sace, 1)ceramic forms and stylistic changes, and 7) subsistence and e!change+

    C,RONOLOGYA basic hurdle in understanding the rehistory of far northern Peru is the absence

    of a refined chronology based on absolute dating+

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    frame#or8 for Tumbes #as deri"ed from the *560 e!ca"ations at Pechiche and>arban3al (3umi and Terada *566) and cross9referenced #ith #or8 in southern &cuador by &strada, 4eggers and &"ans (*567)+ n essence this #as a broad triartite scheme oformati"e (*00L K 00 :.), 'egional De"eloment (00 :. K AD 0000) andntegration (AD 009 *00) eriods+ n turn these eriods #ere associated #ith secific

    ceramic comle!es, #ith the %an uan style mar8ing the ormati"e, >arban3al ceramics Hesecially Jhite on 'ed stylesHmar8ing the 'egional De"eloment eriod, and thena suite of intrusi"e styles (addle9stabbed, ress9molded blac8 burnished #ares, and olychrome ceramics) thought to be associated #ith intrusi"e cultures from the southH $ambayeque, .himM and nca+

    A1=*'%e1 #orS!e Pro&e$"e$/e RCYBP Re'er&o"r E##e/% C!"3r%e1 A''o/"%e1 Cer"/'

      (2 sigmas)*2/0 Perf+ $argo $e"el 126cm 10N60 0N*20 AD *09*5*0*2/* C+* $e"el 7*6cm 520N60 670N*20 AD *70 K *5*0 .himM9Asa &stribo*2/2 C+ * $e"el **1cm **00N60 20N*20 AD *1* K *65 ambelO Punteado*2/1 C+ 2 $e"el /**0cm 550N60 /*0N*20 AD *7*9* iso intacto

    *2/7 C+ 1 $e"el 170cm *200N60 520N*20 AD *2609*67 >arban3al :lanco %obre'o@oB ambelO Punteado*2/ C+ 1 $e"el /0 cm+ *10N60 *0/0N*20 AD *0/09*70 >arban3al :lanco %obre

    'o@oB ambelO Punteado*2// C+ 1 $e"el /9*0cm *2/0N/0 550N*20 AD **509*1 .omotera de asta tosca*2/ C+ 1 $e"el *0/cm *10N60 *0/0N*20 AD *0/09*70 ambelO 'o@o Pulido*2/60 Perf+ &ste *70 cm+ **0N/0 500N*20 D.*2/9*660 >arban3al Tosco*2/5 Perf+ &ste 270 cm+ *10N60 **00N*20 D.*009*760 >arban3al Tosco

    2226 C+ * uffroy 2007) or in south#estern &cuador, #here the &arly ;aldi"ia isthought to begin at ca 100 :. ('aymond 2001B eidler 2001)+

    2) The Late Formative occupations for El Porvenir are cross-dated by distinctiveceramic styles found in adjacent regions of southern Ecuador + A small number ofceramics from &l Por"enir contain incised motifs identical to those discussed by>uffroy (2007) for his .atamayo . (ca+ 500 K 00 :.) and .atamayo D (00 K100 :.) for $o@a in the southern &cuadorian highlands+ nterestingly, the


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    ceramic assemblages are other#ise not identical, but these ha"e a small ercentage of stylistic motifs in common, suggesting some form of interaction ore!change rather the comlete equi"alency of $ate ormati"e ceramics in the t#oregions+

    BETA U$"% Le&e! RCYBP A=*'%e1 #or C!"3r%e1Re'er&o"r E##e/% (> '")'-

    222661 4ound 2 1 2520N/0 2670N*20 :. /0 K /0222667 4ound 2 1 26*0N0 9999 :. 10 9//022266 4ound 2 *02 cm 2/50 N 0 :. **10 9 0222666 4ound 2 / 1 2620 N60 :. 5*0 9/022266/ 4ound 2 1 cm 210 N /0 2710 N /0 :. /50 9 70022266 4ound 2 * cm 1050 N/0 2650N/0 :. *050 9 /0222665 4ound 2 6 cm 200 N 0 2700N /0 :. /50 9 1/02226/0 4ound 2 56 cm 100N/0 2/00N60 :. *0/0 9/02226/* 4ound 2 *02 cm 6*60 N 60 00N60 :. 7//0 9 77502226/2 4ound 2 6 100 N 0 :. *720 9 **502226/1 4ound 2 6 2 120N60 7560N0 :. 150 916202226/7 4ound * 1 / 260N0 :. 5209/502226/ 4ound * 6 7 260N0 :. 570900

    2226/6 4ound * 6 2660N0 :. 5209/502226// 4ound * * / 2520N0 :. *2095/02226/ 4ound * *0 1*10N/0 2/20N/0 :. **0 9 002226/5 4ound * 6 6 1/50N50 1700N/0 :. *5/0 9*022260 Pla3a 2 * 1 1560N60 160N0 :. 2*609*602226* Pla3a 2 * 7 10N0 70N0 :. 71/09722022262 4ound * 110N/0 25/0N/0 :. *770 9 ***022261 4ound * 6 6260N/0 50N60 :. 7/*09722022267 4ound 2 * 7 62/0N50 5*0N0 :. 7//097200

    T3!e 2:  5?C 1%e' #ro E! Por&e$"r. (.ollected during 2006 field season+ %hell samlesad@usted for reser"oir effect+)

    1) Garbanal !hite on "ed ceramics are not e#clusively associated $ith the "egional %evelopment Period& but also date to the Late Formative 'ca( )*** +,** ./ periods+ Jhile 3umi and Terada (*566) had defined another #hite onred style as Pechiche and associated it #ith the 4iddle ormati"e, the >arban3alceramics #ere thought to date to the later, 'egional De"eloment Period+Although >arban3al styles may ha"e been used into the 'egional De"elomentPeriod, there are clear e!amles from &l Por"enir that date to :. *200 K /00 yetare identical to >arban3al forms (see ?.eramics belo#)+

    7)  Another form of $hite painted ceramic0Late 1ambel2 !hite on ro$n0is securely dated to A% )34* + )54* based on dates obtained during 4**, and

    corroborated in 4**6 + This ceramic style is found in association #ith .himM and.himM9nca ceramics+

    DOMESTIC ARC,ITECTURE AND T,E USE O SOCIAL SPACEThe e!ca"ations at &l Por"enir and $oma %aa"edra documented diachronic shifts

    in domestic architecture and the use of sace+ Although the data from these t#o sitesaear to brac8et the chronological endoints of TumbesQ rehistory, the architectural atterns document significant transformations in the form, construction methods, and si3eof rehistoric domestic architecture+ The ma@or findings includeE


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    *)  As noted above& the earliest architectural remains from El Porvenir date to before37)* + 344* .(  This early construction is significantly more substantial than thecontemorary $as ;egas culture house discussed by %tothert (*5) or the later&arly ;aldi"ia houses described by Dam (*5)+

    2) There are important changes through time in house form& $ith Early + 8iddle

     Formative constructions being circular or elliptical in plan $ith rectangular structures developing in the Late Formative and thereafter& including at Loma

    Saavedra+ The shift from circular to rectangular d#ellings has been discussede!tensi"ely by lannery (*5/2, 2002), #ho hyothesi3es that this shiftH#hichoccurs in different regions of the #orldH#as associated #ith changes in othersocial dimensions, including the reorgani3ation of the domestic grou, the ri"ati3ation of storage, the increased imortance of agriculture, and reordering of marriage ractices+ t is note#orthy that this change in house form is also 8no#nfrom .urrieQs (*55) e!ca"ations at the site of >uarumal, Pro"ince of &l Cro,&cuador, but from later conte!tsB .urrie suggests this shift occurred at AD 0 K *00, but the &l Por"enir data oint to a much earlier date for this transformation in

    Tumbes, by circa :. 0 K/00+1) There are significant changes in building techni9ues through time& as follo#sEa) Archaic&arly ormati"eE circular ole and thatch structures #ithout

     reared floorsB b) 4iddle K $ate ormati"eE ellitical ole and thatch structures #ith thic8

    grey clay lastered floorsBc) $ate ormati"e9&arly 'egional De"eloment PeriodE rectangular, cane9

    #attle and daub houses #ith comact floorsB and,d) ntegration PeriodE rectangular structures, ossibly built using tabique

    techniques, #ith clay lastered floors that are eriodicallyremodeledrealied+

    7) !hile there $ere shifts in the form and construction methods of domesticarchitecture& there $as a stri:ing continuity in settlement plan(  A noteable featureat both &l Por"enir and $oma %aa"edra is the degree to #hich subsequentconstructions are anchored to secific building areas+ This is clearly the case at &lPor"enir #here multile constructions in 4ounds and i"ot around satial locio"er centuries+ There is no ob"ious reason #hy this should occurE alternati"e building sace #as a"ailable, there are no toograhic ad"antages (e+g+, betterdrainage) for building in one sace or another, and constructions #ere notconstrained by dense ac8ing of buildings as in densely occuied urbansettlements+ At &l Por"enir, the settlement seems to ha"e consisted of a set ofhousemounds surrounding an oen la3a from *100 K 700 :.+ This lan arallelsthe satial organi3ation of &arly and 4iddle ;aldi"ia communities (eidler *57)and "arious ethnograhic settlements 8no#n from lo#land %outh America+ At thesite of 'eal Alto, for e!amle, eidler (*57E7) has commented on the?intentional maintenance of the settlement attern, and this #as equally true at &lPor"enir+ The intensi"e use of secific nodes of social sace is indicated by the lacement of an offering of beads, a #hole %ondylus shell and a large gastroodshell in the middle of a fill deosit in 4ound ,

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    loor *+ Again, there is no ?ragmatic reason for such acti"ities, yet theyindicate the symbolic significance of this use of sace+

    ")*re 7: E! Por&e$"r Mo*$1 5 S*er"o'e1 !oor' (Pisos- $1 A''o/"%e1 5?C

    D%e' (A. R :.-

    CERAMICSThe ceramic analysis is at a "ery reliminary stage, but a fe# initial comarati"eobser"ations include+*) .eramic forms from El Porvenir include a number of plate forms identified at the

     site of Garbanal& but do not include pedestal bo$l 'compotera/ that are one of

    the :ey traits of Garbanal ceramic comple# as initially defined( The uer le"elsat &l Por"enir contain ceramics "irtually identical to that initially defined at>arban3al and Pechiche (3umi and Terada *566) including of the 2* the lateforms and identical #hite on red surface treatments+ Fo#e"er, the edestal bo#l(comotera) form #as not found at &l Por"enir+ Again, since these ceramics arederi"ed from $ate ormati"e deosits at &l Por"enir, a reassessment of theceramic chronology is clearly required+

    2)  %eep plate forms from El Porvenir appear similar to forms described for the Late Formative of southern Ecuador(  These &cuadorian forms are referred to as &arly&ngoroy by :ischof (*52) and .horrera by :ec8#ith (*556)+


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    1) .eramics from Loma Saavedra are principally coil-made vessels that appearmore similar to local assemblages rather than similar to 8ilagro-;uevedo

    ceramics of Ecuador(  The forms from $oma %aa"edra are similar to those resentin the ceramic assemblage sal"aged from the site of $a Palma, located 6 8muri"er from $oma %aa"edra (Pa@uelo 2006)+

    ")*r : E! Por&e$"r Re!%"&e Per/e$%)e o# 8e''e! or'

    7)  Although of the Loma Saavedra assemblage is coil-made pottery of local styles& a small but consistent 9uantity of press-molded blac:$are ceramics of

    either .him? or .him?-@nca manufacture are present in the assemblage+ Theseare identified by elican, mon8ey and other 3oomorhic motifs+

    ")*r : Lo S&e1r 8e''e! or'

    ) There is a difference in the relative proportion of vessel forms at El Porvenir and Loma Saavedra(  >i"en the reliminary nature of these data, it is difficult tointerret the significance of the differences in the assemblages+ The higher roortion of lates at &l Por"enir "s+ $oma %aa"edra may reflect differences in


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    feasting acti"ities, #hile the resence of tina@as at $oma %aa"edra may reflect bre#ing of mai3e chicha at that late rehisanic site+

    SUBSISTENCE AND EC,ANGEThe e!ca"ations at &l Por"enir and $oma %aa"edra reco"ered significant

    quantities of data relating to atterns of resource use and e!change+ The data onresource use related rincially to faunaHmollus8s, fish and terrestrial faunaH#hilethe data on e!change #as limited to obsidian, but #ith interesting result+ n sum thema@or findings areE*) There is a basic continuity in the habitats e#ploited for shellfish collection&

    although there $ere significant shifts in molluscan species in the assemblages+&ssentially, rehisanic collectors e!loited the mangro"es, estuaries and lagoons,and to a lesser e!tent the oen beaches of the TumbesambelO coastlines+ This istrue in the &arly K $ate ormati"e'egional De"eloment deosits at &l Por"enirand the ntegration Period deosits at $oma %aa"edra+ Iet, there #ere significantchanges in the secies e!loited that robably reflect ma@or en"ironmental

    fluctuations rather than changes in collection strategies+ This is most ob"ious inthe data from &l Por"enir, 4ound ,

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    domesticated fauna that are absent in the earlier site of &l Por"enir+ $oma%aa"edra has abundant e"idence of llama ( Lama glama), other camelids ( Llama s+) and guinea ig (.avia cf+ porcellus) that are absent in the deosits at &lPor"enir+ $arge mammals #ere more abundant at $oma %aa"edra and includednot only the Andean domesticates, but dog and #hite9tailed deer (Cdocoileuos

    "irginanus) and other artiodactyls+ ;irginia deer and artiodactyls are resent in theassemblage at &l Por"enir, although they are relati"ely minor comared to marineresources+ The difference in these faunal assemblages may reflect the role of thenca or ossibly the .himM emires in introducing e!otic fauna as art of a olitical strategy+ According to ethnohistoric sources, Tumbes #as de"eloed bythe nca into a ro"incial buffer bet#een Ta#antinsuyu and the rebellious and#ar9li8e chiefdoms of sla Pun (4urra *576E05)+ &arly %anish descritions ofTumbes comment on the numerous llamas and guinea igs in the "alley ('ui3 delArce *56 U*7VE 7*5)+ t is hyothesi3ed that the abundant resence of llamaand guinea ig in the Tumbes region #ill date to the late rehisanic eriod+

    7)  Limited but clear-cut evidence indicates the presence of obsidian e#change

    net$or:s connecting Tumbes to northern and southern Ecuador by circa . )4** + 7**+ A small number of obsidian fla8es (nR) #ere found at &l Por"enir,4ound , that ha"e been identified as from t#o &cuadorian sourcesE 4ullumica,located east of Wuito in the .ordillera 'eal of northern &cuador (:urger etal+*557) and .arboncillo, in the southern &cuadorian highland ro"ince of $o@a,recently identified by Dennis Cgburn (ersonal communication)+ 4ullumica isaro!imately 71 8m from &l Por"enir, #hile .arboncillo is ** 8m distant+Cb"iously, this is a "ery small data set, but it does suggest that some form oflong9distance e!change net#or8s e!isted by the $ate ormati"e that #eresufficiently e!tensi"e to includeHif only in a limited #ayHsmall rehisaniccommunities li8e &l Por"enir+

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    *5 $a cultural ambelO con referencia articular al conchero >uarumal+ 4emoria delPrimer %imosio &uroeo %obre AntroologOa del &cuador, edited by %egundo4oreno Iane3, + 1*976+ &diciones Abya Iala, Wuito+

    *55 .ultural 'elationshis in %outhern &cuador 100 :. K AD 100E &!ca"ations in the>uarumal and Punta :ra"a %ites, PhD dissertation, nstitute of Archaeology,

    uia AC ara la dentificacion de &secies ara los ines de la PescaE Pacifico

    .entro9Criental, ;ol+ , ;ertebrados 9 Parte + Crgani3acion de las -acionesuffroy, eanB Peter Xaulic8e y Xrys3tof 4a8o#s8i,*55 $a Prehistoria del Deartamento de PiuraE &stado de los .onocimientos y

    Problemtica+ :ulletin de $Qnstitut ranais dQ&tudes Andines+ 22 (1)E/0*9/*5+$ima+ &A+

    >uffroy, ean2007 .atamayo PrecolombinoE n"estigaciones arqueológicas en la ro"incia de $o@a,

    &cuador+ 'D &dition, Paris+Fill, :etsy D+*5/ A ne# chronology of the ;aldi"ia ceramic comle! from the coastal 3one of

    >uayas Pro"ince, &cuador+ Ya#a Pacha *09*2E*912Focquenhem, Ann 4arie,*55* rontera entre ?Areas .ulturales -or Andinas y .entroandinas en los ;alles y en

    la .osta del &!tremo -orte Peruano+ :ulletin del nstitut rancais dQ&tudesAndines, 20(2)E 105917+

    *551 'utas de ntercambio del 4ullu+ :ulletin del Znstitut rancais dQ&tudes Andines,22(1)E /0* K /*5+

    *557 ntercambios entre los Andes .entrales y -orte=os en el &!tremo -orte del PerM,enE *[ 'eunión de n"estigadores de la .osta &cuatoriana en &uroa+ 4useuetnologic+ :arcelona 5 9 ** de unio de *551+ :arcelona


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    *557+?$os &sa=oles en los .aminos del &!tremo -orte del PerM en *12+ &nE :ulletinde $Qnstitut rancais dQ&tudes Andines+ 21(*)E *96/, $ima+ &A+

    *55 Para ;encer la 4uerteE Piura y TumbesH'aices en el :osque %eco y en la %el"aAltaHFori3ontes en el PacOfico y en la Ama3onia+ Tra"au! de lQnstitut ran\aisdQ]tudes Andines, tomo *05,

    2007+?arban3al, Tumbes ;alley, PerM *560, *05

     +, To8yo+$athra, Donald, Donald .ollier y Felen .handra*5/ Ancient &cuadorE .ulture, .lay and .reati"ity, 1000 K 100 :.+ ield 4useum of

     -atural Fistory, .hicago+4arcos, orge*5/ The .eremonial Precinct at 'eal AltoE Crgani3ation of Time and %ace in ;aldi"ia

    %ociety+ Tesis de doctorado,

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    4oore, erry, :ernardino Claya Claya, and Jilson Puell 4endo3a*556 n"estigaciones del merio .himM en el "alle de Tumbes, PerM+ nforme T_cnico

    al nstituto -acional de .ultura, PerM+*55/ n"estigaciones del merio .himM en el "alle de Tumbes, PerM, 'e"ista del 4useo

    de ArqueologOa, AntroologOa e Fistoria -o / + */19*7+

    4oore, erry, .arolina 4aria ;ilche3, :ernardino Claya Claya, &"a Pa@uelo y Andre#:ryan200 nforme T_cnicoE 2001 &!ca"aciones en el sitio $oma %aa"edra+ nstituto -acional

    de .ultura, Peru+ -urnberg, Da"id, ulio &strada Ica3a y Claf Folm*52 Arquitectura ;ernacular en el $itoral+ Archi"o Fistorico del >uayas, :anco .entral

    del &cuador, >uayaquil+Claya, :ernardino,*551 Fachas 4oneda en el .aserOo de .ristales, Tumbes+ &nE 'e"ista del 4useo de

    ArqueologOa, 7E *0 9 **0+

  • 8/19/2019 Excavation Report


    2001 %ocial ormations in the Jestern $o#lands of &cuador during the &arlyormati"e+ n The Archaeology of ormati"e &cuadro, editado or + %cott'aymond y 'ichard :urger, aginas 1196/+ Dumbarton Ca8s, Jashington D+.+

    'eit3, &li3abeth + and 4aria A+ 4asucci2007 >uangala ishers and armersE A .ase %tudy of Animal uayaquil+


  • 8/19/2019 Excavation Report


    ;ilche3 .arrasco, .arolina,*556 'econocimiento Arqueológico de >uineal+ Wuebrada .usco9;alle de Tumbes+

    nforme resentado al .&PATE .entro &co Paleonto Arqueológico Tumbes+*55/ &stado Actual de los %itios Arqueológicos del Deartamento de Tumbes+

    Documento de Traba@o+ nstituto -acional de .ultura+ Tumbes+

    *55 Diagnóstico del Patrimonio Arqueológico del Parque -acional .erros de Amotae+Proyecto n"entario y 'econocimiento Arqueológico del Parque -acional .errosde Amotae+ efatura P-.A9-'&-A+ Tumbes+

    *555 Dise=o Arquitectónico y %ecuencia .onstructi"a de la Fuaca .abe3a de ;aca+ ;allede Tumbes+ Proyecto de n"estigación ara Ctar el TOtulo de $icenciado enArqueologOa+