Exams Firstcert Test03

Unit Test 3 1 Underline the correct words in italic. a Since join ing t he te nni s clu b, I was able to / have been able to learn some new techniques. b If I were able to / can sing better, I would perform professionally. c Alt hou gh he h ad be en un wel l, he was able to / could collect his prize last Friday. d He’ll never be able t o / can’t ski again after the accident. eI can / could play the piano much better now I am taking lessons. f My gr andfat he r could / has been able to play the guitar when he was younger. g She hasn’t been able to / couldn’t nd a job yet. h Even i f we’ d got th ere ea rlier, w e couldn’t / wouldn’t have been able to get the tickets. i If I study ha rd , I’ll be able to / can’t learn Spanish fluently. j I can’t / couldn’t afford to buy the car last year because it was too expensive. /10 marks 2 Rewrite each sentence using the word in bold, so that the second sentence has a similar meaning. a Did y ou book tickets to se e Mad onna ?  manage Did you tickets to see Madonna? b I p ass ed my exams.  succeeded I my exams. c Juventus scored two goals in the last ve minutes of th e game.  managed Juventus two goals in the last ve minutes of the game. d Scientis ts have foun d a new cure for the co mmon co ld.  in Scientists have a new cure for the common cold. e Jenn y could s wim for miles whe n she was yo unger.  able Jenny for miles when she was younger. /10 marks 3 Complete the sentences with a suitable form of raise, rise or arise. a a child can be difcult for new parents. b An oppo rtun ity has in the comp any and I want to take it. c The gove rnme nt is goin g to the price of petro l. d Prices are rap idl y. e So far , I’v e £50 0 for my tri p. /5 marks Unit Test 3 © Oxford University Press 1 First Certicate Masterclass

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