EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL OF ESWATINI Junior Certificate Examination LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Paper 1 ( Closed Books) 120/01 October/November 2019 _______________________________________________________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL MARK SCHEME {120/01} MAXIMUM MARK: 60

Transcript of EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL OF ESWATINI Junior Certificate ...



Junior Certificate Examination

LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Paper 1 ( Closed Books)


October/November 2019








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All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected

approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant

knowledge and skills demonstrated.

Marking Notes

In this syllabus, we aim at encouraging candidates to make some personal response to

their reading. This means that, while we may have legitimate expectations as to the

ground most answers may occupy, we must at all times be prepared to meet the

candidates on their chosen ground. It is to be hoped that candidates will on occasion see

other possibilities. In this exam, rigid demands for what must be in a good answer must

be guarded against. The Photostat script circulated during coordination will be crucial to

maintaining the standard throughout the marking.

We must try at all times to tease out what the candidate is trying to say to us. It is possible

for a candidate whose technical command of English is limited, but whose language still

manages to communicate understanding, to receive high marks. We should not reward

fluency and display of knowledge of literary terms if we feel there is little evidence of

understanding. Remember that we are assessing literary response, not language skills.

The notes that follow on the questions are for general guidance only, and are not rigid

prescriptions of required content. They need to be used in connection with the generic

band descriptors.

General Descriptors

The general descriptors are an attempt to guide examiners to an understanding of the

qualities normally expected of, or ‘typical’ of, work in the band. They must not be

interpreted as hurdle statements, and form a means of general guidance. Photostats

taken from work produced in the examination will be the principal means by which we

shall standardise the marking.



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A. Descriptors for essay/passage-based tasks

0 – 1 The answer does not meet the criteria for a mark in the next band

2 – 3 Candidates will –

Show a little awareness of ...

Make some comment about...

4 – 5 Candidates will –

Make straightforward points about...

Show a few signs of understanding...

Make a little reference to aspects of the next...

Make a simple personal response to...

6 – 8 Candidates will –

Make some relevant comment about...

Show some understanding of...

With a little support from the text/reference to language.

9 – 11 Candidates will –

Candidates will –

Begin to develop a response...

Show understanding of ...

With some detail from the text/reference to language.

Begin to demonstrate an awareness of how the writer uses language.

12 – 14 Candidates will –

Make a reasonably sustained/extended response...

Show understanding of...

Show some thoroughness in use of text for support.

Make some response to the way language works.

15 – 17 Candidates will –

Make a convincing response...

Show clear, sustained understanding of...

Make careful and relevant reference to the text.

Respond with some thoroughness/detail to the way language works.

18 – 20 Candidates will –

Sustain a perceptive, convincing response...

Demonstrate clear critical/analytical understanding.

Show some originality of thought.

Make much well-selected reference to the text.

Respond sensitively and in detail to the way language works.

Responses will be deeply rooted in the text.

The very best will achieve all the above, with flair, imagination and

sophistication in addition.



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B Band descriptors for Empathic Questions (imaginative/creative tasks)

There are three key elements to be looked for in responses to these questions:

Sound knowledge of what happens in the text

An understanding/ interpretation of this

The use of an authentic voice or voices

It is possible that some candidates will shy away from assuming the voice and phrasing

of some tasks, particularly those referring to the character’s thoughts, may perforce

allow this. Responses of this sort can sometimes show insight despite not entering fully

into the imaginative challenge. They should be assessed on the strength of that insight

rather than the band descriptors below.

0 – 1 The answer does not meet the criteria for a mark in the next band.

2 – 3 Candidates will show a little knowledge of what the character does.

4 – 5 Candidates will show some knowledge of what the character does and

express some view about the reasons for action.

6 – 8 Candidates will show some understanding of character through aspects of

the text referred to. There will be little mentioning of feelings and idea.

9 – 11 Candidates will show a basic understanding of what the character does

and thinks. These ideas will show a little evidence of being expressed in

an appropriate way.

12 – 14 Candidates will have a sound working knowledge on which to base their

writing, which will have features of expression which are suitable and

appropriate to the character or occasion.

15 – 17 Candidates will have a good knowledge and understanding and be able to

use this to produce writing expressed in a way which is largely fitting and

authentic. The character will be clearly recognisable through the voice


18 – 20 Candidates will use a full and assured understanding of the text to write in

a manner which expresses the thoughts, feelings and attitudes of the

character with assurance and insight. The voice assumed will be entirely

appropriate for the character



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William Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice

1. (a) Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

The response should focus on the reader’s feelings as they read the passage.

Candidates are most likely to sympathise with Portia whose joy, after Bassanio

has chosen the correct casket, is now threatened by the letter he is reading.

The same sentiment candidates can express for Bassanio as well as the letter

spoils what has been a romantic occasion for both. Candidates are also likely

to admire Bassanio’s genuine concern for his friend Antonio and at the same

time feel pity for Bassanio for having to deal with such a predicament.

Candidates may feel sympathy for Antonio for the massive loss at sea.

They are also bound to be shocked by Shylock’s refusal to accept the payment

of the money owed by Antonio. Most shockingly is what Shylock’s daughter

reveals about her father’s insistence on getting Antonio’s flesh than the money

he is owed. Obviously candidates will find a lot of information that will help

them to answer this question.

(b) Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

The candidates’ response must answer both aspects of the question; character

and the relationship. Candidates should not deal with these two issues

separately. Portia reveals her considerate nature when she observes that

Bassanio is distressed by the contents of the letter he is reading. This suggests

that the two have a caring relationship.Bassanio on the other hand is an honest

person. He confesses that he was not totally honest with Portia when he

presented himself to her. This suggests that the two have an open relationship,

they do not keep secrets. Candidates are expected to also easily pick that

Portia is a loving, kind-hearted someone and that the relationship between the

two exudes warmth and mutual respect. They are also very intimate with each

other. Candidates obviously will find much more useful information from the

extract to help them answer the question.



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2. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

This question is argumentative as it requires candidates to explore the good and bad

side of Bassanio.Candidates though have to take a clear stand in their analysis. When

we first meet he appears to be prodigal with money and quite impulsive. These

qualities do not make him appear good and honourable.We discover Bassanio’s good

side when he grudgingly lets Antonio seal the bond with Shylock. Moreover when the

news of Antonio’s misfortune reach Bassanio, he is extremely concerned over the fate

of his friend Antonio. Bassanio appears as somebody who is generous and loving. He

displays his loyalty and good-heartedness by not disclosing to Portia that it was

Antonio who influenced him to give the ring away. Even during the court case, it was

Bassanio who offers to double the payment in an attempt to save his friend. Better

candidates will be the ones who will note that Bassanio does have flaws but the

goodness in him makes up for these short-comings.

3. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

This question requires candidates to capture the correct voice of Portia. Undoubtedly,

this is a moment of great relief and unbridled joy for Portia. This should be

accompanied by feelings of disbelief. Portia is likely to feel proud of Bassanio for

passing her father’s test of caskets. She is bound to marvel at Bassanio’s intellect and

courage. Portia is also likely to think about the other suitors and what could have

happened if any one of those had chosen the correct casket. This may fill her with a

great feeling of discomfort which would quickly dissipate with the knowledge that she

has finally gotten her man.She finally appreciates her father’s method as it worked to

her favor.



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Ola Rotimi: The Gods Are Not to Blame

4. (a) Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

This is a wide ranging question so candidates are to be met at their own chosen

ground as long as they are relevant to the given passage. The dominant feeling is

that of sympathy for the King and Queen for having a cursed child. He is said to

have been sent to kill his father and then marry his own mother. This curse cannot

be reversed. The only thing they can do is to kill the child to avoid it. Another

feeling would be that of sadness for the King and Queen for having to lose their

first born child in such a painful manner. To make matters worse the child is a boy.

Boys are generally treasured than girls. The child is to be taken to the evil grove

and be killed. However at the birth of Aderopo, there is a bit of hope and

consolation, so the candidates may feel happy for them.

The death of King Adetusa draws one’s pity to Queen Ojuola, who has not only

lost her child but also her husband in violent death. This results in the people of

Ikolu taking advantage of them and attacking them, killing them, taking them as

slaves and as well as their land. It is only through Odewale’s rescue that the

people of Kutuje get courage and fight back for their land. Of course candidates

will come up with other relevant ideas.

(b) Refer to the band descriptors and band Photostats in arriving at your mark.

Again, this is a wide ranging question. Candidates are to be met at their own

chosen ground. Odewale can be seen as a brave person who helps the people of

Kutuje to fight even though the Ikolu people are a big number against them. He

convinces and encourages them to give it all they have to get back their land and

their people. Odewale can also be seen as a very kind person who takes pity on

this suffering nation and decides to help them even though he is just a stranger.

His ambition is also seen as he takes on the Ikolu people even though they have

great numbers. He inspires the people of Kutuje to go to an almost impossible

mission to beat enemy and he is determined to see them win back everything they

have lost and more. Candidates will come up with other ideas, as long as they are

relevant to the passage.



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5. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

This is an argumentative question, so candidates are required to look at both sides

of the argument. On the positive, candidates may feel sympathy for the people of

Kutuje for the attack by the people of Ikolu, who, on realizing that they have no king,

they take advantage of them, killing them, taking some for slaves and taking their

land as well. One can also feel sympathy for them when they are attacked by a

strange sickness that kills them in numbers. They look everywhere for solutions but

find none. Later it is revealed that there is a curse in their midst, and unless it is

removed they will continue dying. Moreover the townspeople are subjected to

accusations from Odewale who seems to think that they will kill him just as they did

to King Adetusa. Another reason for feeling sympathy for the townspeople would be

to lose their King in the end after it has been revealed that he is the one that had

killed king Adetusa. They are left with no leader exposing them to attack from the

neighboring tribes.

On the other hand, candidates may not feel sympathy for the townspeople as they

are the ones who broke tradition and made a stranger their king, breaking their

custom. This then came with the curse of the strange sickness that killed a lot of

their people. Also for the fact that when they were struck by the sickness, they

expected Odewale to do all the work in finding the solution without doing anything

themselves. They gather at the palace to accuse Odewale of not doing anything

about it yet he himself is affected by the sickness. Of course candidates will come

up with other relevant ideas from the text.

6. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

In this question, it is very important to capture the appropriate moment and Aderopo’s

voice. He is shell-shocked at the revelation that all along they have been staying with

the murderer of his father. He would have never thought that Odewale was the one

responsible because he sees him as their hero who rescued them from the people of

Ikolu. His thoughts should also reflect her mother’s feelings when she hears the truth

about this matter. He might also contemplate on the manner in which his going to

break the news to Odewale and the chiefs. His thoughts should also go to the

reaction of the townspeople when they realize that their beloved King is a murderer

and the cause of the great suffering and death because of the curse. He may be

resolved to address the matter with Odewale first before everyone else is told to

spare him the embrassemnent and protect him from the townspeople. Candidates will

come up with other thoughts and feelings.



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John Steinbeck: The Pearl

10. (a) Refer to the band descriptors and the Photostats in arriving at your mark.

This is a wide ranging question so candidates should be met at their own chosen

ground .Candidates are expected to note the way Kino and Juana are walking,

they seem numb and oblivious of the environment around them. The jerking of

their legs is a clear sign of how lifeless they feel. The fact that the fall of their

dreams is witnessed by everybody makes the situation even sadder. For the first

time, they are walking side by side, a clear sign that Kino has been robbed of his

manhood as he normally led the way.They seem like outcasts even to their own

people, who hide their children on the approach, like they were a curse or

leprosy. They felt immune and terrible as they pass the brush square, and not

even looking at their broken canoe, signifying their broken hopes. Seeing the

pearl grey and ulcerous bring the dullness in their lives and Juana carrying the

corpse of her baby intensifies the sadness. Kino surrenders his power to his wife

in throwing the pearl, and Juana denies the position as Kino has never

acknowledged her before. Throwing the pearl back with all his might is contrary

to the way he used to value it, thus bringing so much sadness.

(b) Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

It is evident that they are brave as they have both seen fit to return to the very

same people yet others would have chosen to go somewhere else where they

are not known under the current circumstances. Kino’s bravery is admired as he

returns to a place where he has committed crimes, let alone having declared his

better future openly to his people. When Kino gives Juana the pearl to throw,

she denies it showing respect for her husband and wants him to be the one

throwing it back. It is a reflection of their wisdom to throw the pearl back in full

view of the public as this will make sure they are safe and at peace again.

11. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

In this regard, candidates are expected to show how the luck in the story eventually

brings evil instead of good. Doctor’s evil deeds (poisoning the baby) is a clear

indication of this view. The Pearl buyers expose their greed with their evil plans. The

trackers are life threatening, and these enemies influence Kino’s character as he

kills a man.Kino beating his wife for the first time disturbs their peace, their escape

from enemies results to the death of the baby and even loss of everything. A wide

range of answers are expected as more events are used in support of the view.

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12. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

Candidates are expected to capture the correct voice of Kino’s fear for their lives.

The over hearing of the neighbors thoughts and feelings bring worry, and the search

as they rake the burned house intensifies the sense of anxiety as they would not

find their bones nor even the pearl, thus will raise their suspicion about their

whereabouts, even consider the places to avoid as they walk. At this moment, Kino

will also be appreciative of Juan Tomas as he derails the thoughts and knowledge

of his whereabouts to the people.

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Kagiso Malope: The Mending Season

13. (a) Refer to band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

In this question, candidates are expected to discuss Mmamane Malesedi’s

personality as revealed by the passage. In this passage Mmamane Malesedi can be

seen as a bitter person. She is said to be “always displeased with the world”. She

seems to be an unhappy person who cannot even show proper affection to Tshidi.

Even though she adores her deeply but she is unable to show affection. Mmamane

Malesedi is also very temperamental. Her sisters and Matshidiso are now very

cautious around her. This is seen on the way Tshidi announces her presence to the

other aunts. “She’s back!” I half whispered, half yelled.” This suggests a warning

that the others must tread carefully lest they annoy her. Candidates may also see

her as very brave and assertive. She does not take kindly to being disrespected,

even if it is the one who pays her wages. Candidates will come up with other ideas,

as long as they are relevant to the passage.

b) Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

This is a wide ranging question, so candidates are to be met at their own chosen

ground. One of the feelings would be that of sympathy for Mmamane Malesedi, who

seems to be displeased with life. She definitely does not enjoy the work she does

hence she doesn’t last beyond three months in each job. It is only for survival that

she does it. She believes every black woman should have a business of their own.

One can also feel pity for her. It is said that “she dragged her body”; a sign of

fatigue from the laborious work she does as a domestic worker. However, there are

also feelings of admiration for Mmamane Malesedi for her assertiveness and

bravery. She does not like being disrespected by anyone. Candidates might also

admire the other aunts for putting up with their big sister and always looking for a

job for her despite the constant disappointments. Candidates will come up with

other feelings as revealed by the passage.

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14. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

This question is of an argumentative nature, therefore candidates are required to

look at both the positive and negative things about Mrs. Allison’s leadership in the

multi-racial school. On the positive, Mrs. Allison is a pioneer in integrating black

students into a previously whites only school .This is positive a change in the right

direction to the new South Africa. On Tshidi’s first day at this school, Mrs. Allison

encourages the girls to greet the new girls and make them feel welcome and

comfortable. She even appoints Anita, a colored girl, as the first black head girl.

However, one may argue that the way Mrs. Allison handle the netball court incident

leaves a lot to be desired. She is biased and favors Beth over Veronica because

Beth is white. She does not even want the witnesses to reveal the other side of the

story before she can make a decision to expel Veronica. She tries by all means to

protect Beth hence gives a biased story to the media as if Beth was the victim. She

also insists that Veronica’s mother should come to the school to apologize on behalf

of her child, clearly sympathizing with Beth’s parents.Canditates will come up with

other ideas, as long they are relevant to the text.

15. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark

In this question, candidates are required to capture the correct voice of Mma Motsei

at the end of the story. At this moment, she has finally warmed- up and accepted

the Masemola sisters as part of the neighborhood. She no longer holds them in

contempt for having a different lifestyle like the rest of the women in the

township.Infact, she is now showing interest in what they do: constantly asking

about Tshidi and how she is doing at the white school instead of calling their house

“Ka boloing”.

Mma Motsei may also reflect on the times where the e sisters lived a very difficult

life of being judged and condemned by the neighbors .Everyone had been scared to

go near their house for the fear that they practiced witchcraft and unlike most

women, they were not interested in marriage. She may also admire them for the

way they raised Tshidi by putting their combined efforts in sending her to a

prestigious white school in town. Candidates will come up with other feelings and


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Velaphi Mamba (Ed): Africa Kills Her Sun and Other Short Stories

16. (a) Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

No doubt candidates will have feelings of disgust to the missionary who is very rude

to the members of his church. The profane language he uses to his members i.e.

stupid, heathens, terrible beggars and nonentities.Galethebege’s determination and

dedication in worshipping God leaves one with no choice but to sympathize with her

as her devotion to the church does not reward her in any form. She is barred from

setting foot at the church and her only sin is to ask the pastor to bless her marriage

with Ralokae – a traditional believer. This of course eventually leads her to side with

the ‘ungodly’ man that her religion is much against. Again, the reader is most likely

to have feelings of exasperation towards the missionary for his arrogance for telling

people that “Heaven is closed to the unbeliever” as he acts as God, thus being a

blasphemy. Also readers may admire the congregants for siding with one of their

own as they also stay away from church after such remarks. No doubt candidates

will find other relevant ideas.

(b) Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

As this man is a pastor, he is rude considering the foul language he uses whenever

he refers to the members of his church, i.e. calling them heathens, stupid, etc.

Candidates may also note that he is a pure racist as it is reflected in the passage

that he never liked the church members. This shows a very poor relationship

between the missionary and the members of his church. He is clearly an arrogant

and judgmental pastor who acts as God himself .He tells people that ‘Heaven is

closed to the unbeliever’. No doubt candidates will find other issues of his


17. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

Happeny’s young age makes one to sympathize with him as he is admitted at the

reformatory for stealing and this is due to lack of family support thus being destitute,

yet children of his age should be innocent. His claim of having a family yet we are

aware that he hasn’t got one, makes one to have feelings of sympathy with him as

he clearly feels the need of a family and belonging. We further sympathize with him

when Mrs. Maaarman rejects him at a time when he needed a mother’s support the

most. It is even more touching when he is attacked by sickness being in an

environment such as prison, where he will not receive proper care and our

sympathy intensifies when he eventually dies. No doubt candidates will bring out

relevant events to the feelings.

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18. Refer to the band descriptors and Photostats in arriving at your mark.

At this moment Mabhekzo is at his lowest as he has been struck by lightning and he

is now ill from HIV, that he obviously regrets his promiscuous lifestyle .He will recall

how he messed up with his life, and will be guilty of torturing Hlengiwe.He will also

appreciate the help offered by the herd boys, who rescued him otherwise he would

have died. His voice will echo that he has learnt his lesson in the hardest

way.Those who will capture the correct voice will be fairly rewarded.