1.Organizatia internationala interguvernamentala cu competente în domeniul securitatii maritime este … 2.Controlul statului pavilionului (FSC) se efectueaza la … 3.Controlul statului portului (PSC) se efectueaza la … 4.Obligatiile care revin statului roman prin conventiile si acordurile internationale la care acesta este parte, referitoare la activitatea de cautare si salvare a vietti omenesti pe mare sunt indeplinite de ... 5.Coordonarea activitatii de asistenta si salvare se realizeaza de … 6.Autoritatea de stat in domeniul transportului naval este … 1. Organizatia Internationala Maritima n m l k j 2. Organizatia Internationala Green Peace n m l k j 3. Asociatia Internationala a Porturilor si Capitaniilor n m l k j 1. Toate navele dintr-un port indiferent de pavilion n m l k j 2. Navele care au pavilionul acordat de autoritatea care le controleaza indifernt unde se afla, mare libera ori incinta unui port. n m l k j 3. Navele aflate sub pavilion strain. n m l k j 1. Navele aflate în marea libera indiferent de ce pavilion ar arbora. n m l k j 2. Navele care arboreaza numai pavilionul national al autoritatii ce controleaza. n m l k j 3. Nave ce se afla in incinta unui port indiferent de ce pavilion pe care il arboreaza. n m l k j 1. Agentiei Romane de Salvare a Vietii Omenesti pe Mare - ARSVOM n m l k j 2. Autoritatea Navala Romana n m l k j 3. Politia de Frontiera n m l k j 1. Garda de coasta n m l k j 2. Autoritatea Navala Romana n m l k j 3. Administratiile portuare n m l k j Page 1 of 186 5/23/2011 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\cba4_6.html



1.Organizatia internationala interguvernamentala cu competente în domeniul securitatii maritime este …

2.Controlul statului pavilionului (FSC) se efectueaza la …

3.Controlul statului portului (PSC) se efectueaza la …

4.Obligatiile care revin statului roman prin conventiile si acordurile internationale la care acesta este parte, referitoare la activitatea de cautare si salvare a vietti omenesti pe mare sunt indeplinite de ...

5.Coordonarea activitatii de asistenta si salvare se realizeaza de …

6.Autoritatea de stat in domeniul transportului naval este …

1. Organizatia Internationala Maritima nmlkj2. Organizatia Internationala Green Peace nmlkj3. Asociatia Internationala a Porturilor si Capitaniilor nmlkj

1. Toate navele dintr-un port indiferent de pavilion nmlkj2. Navele care au pavilionul acordat de autoritatea care le controleaza indifernt unde se afla, mare

libera ori incinta unui port. nmlkj

3. Navele aflate sub pavilion strain. nmlkj

1. Navele aflate în marea libera indiferent de ce pavilion ar arbora. nmlkj2. Navele care arboreaza numai pavilionul national al autoritatii ce controleaza. nmlkj3. Nave ce se afla in incinta unui port indiferent de ce pavilion pe care il arboreaza. nmlkj

1. Agentiei Romane de Salvare a Vietii Omenesti pe Mare - ARSVOM nmlkj2. Autoritatea Navala Romana nmlkj3. Politia de Frontiera nmlkj

1. Garda de coasta nmlkj2. Autoritatea Navala Romana nmlkj3. Administratiile portuare nmlkj

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7.Autoritatea de stat in domeniul sigurantei navigatiei este reprezentata de …

8.Autoritatea Navala Romana apartine...

9.Scopul Codului international de management al sigurantei - Codul I.S.M. - reglementeaza…

10.Garantarea sigurantei pe mare, prevenirea vatamarilor corporale sau pierderea de vieti omenesti si evitarea deteriorarii mediului, in mod deosebit a mediului marin si a proprietatii constituie…

11.Asigurarea unor practici sigure in exploatarea navei si a unei ambiante de lucru fara pericole, constituie…

1. Ministerul Transporturilor si Infrastructurii nmlkj2. Compania Nationala Administratia Porturilor Maritime Constanta nmlkj3. Autoritatea Navala Romana nmlkj

1. Autoritatea Navala Romana nmlkj2. Administratiile portuare nmlkj3. Societatile de clasificare internationale nmlkj

1. Administratiei publice centrale. nmlkj2. Administratiei publice locale. nmlkj3. Administratiei private. nmlkj

1. Ocrotirea vietii pe mare. nmlkj2. Stabilirea bordului liber. nmlkj3. Exploatarea in siguranta a navelor si prevenirea poluarii. nmlkj

1. Un obiectiv al codului ISM. nmlkj2. Un drept al companiei. nmlkj3. O obigatie a autoritatii maritime. nmlkj

1. O obligatie a sindicatului companiei. nmlkj2. Obiectiv al companiei prevazut de Codul ISM. nmlkj

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12.Stabilirea de masuri de siguranta impotriva tuturor riscurilor identificate constituie…

13.Imbunatatirea continua a competentei personalului de la tarm si de la bordul navelor in ceea ce priveste managementul sigurantei, inclusiv pregatirea acestui personal pentru situatii de urgenta, cu referire atat la siguranta, cat si la protectia mediului marin, constituie:

14.Conform Codului ISM sistemul de management al unei companii trebuie sa asigure:

15.In Codul ISM sistemul de management trebuie sa asigure luarea in considerare a…

16.Prevederile codului I.S.M. pot fi aplicate…

17.La elaborarea sistemul de management al sigurantei compania trebuie sa includa...

3. Un drept al companiei in domeniul managementului sigurantei. nmlkj

1. O obligatie prevazuta in contractul de ambarcare. nmlkj2. Un obiectiv al autoritatilor maritime. nmlkj3. Un obiectiv al companiei in domeniul managementului sigurantei. nmlkj

1. Un obiectiv al companiei in domeniul managementului sigurantei. nmlkj2. Un obiectiv al centrelor de perfectionare. nmlkj3. Un obiectiv al institutiilor de invatamant. nmlkj

1. Asigurarea unei activitati care sa aducatoare de profit. nmlkj2. Respectarea regulilor si reglementarilor obligatorii. nmlkj3. Dezvoltarea relatiilor comerciale. nmlkj

1. Relatiilor comerciale eficiente. nmlkj2. Mijloacele banesti necesare pentru repatrierea tuturor membrilor de echipaj. nmlkj3. Codurilor aplicabile, a liniilor directoare si a standardelor recomandate de Organizatie, administratii,

societati de clasificare si de organizatii din sectorul maritim. nmlkj

1. Tuturor navelor maritime. nmlkj2. Tuturor navelor maritime si fluviale. nmlkj3. Tuturor navelor fluviale. nmlkj

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18.Politica în domeniul sigurantei si protectiei mediului trebuie asigurata...

19.In cazul in care armatorul cedeaza exploatarea navei acesta are obligatia...

20.Responsabilitatile trasate trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii...

21.Responsabilitatile comandantului la bordul navei sunt stabilite de...

22.Pentru aplicarea politici de siguranta si protectie a mediului echipajul trebuie…

1. Cerintele functionale minimale si obligatorii. nmlkj2. Lista clientilor comerciali ce prezinta bonitate. nmlkj3. Codul de conduita al afacerilor. nmlkj

1. La bordul navelor. nmlkj2. Atat la bordul navelor cat si la tarm. nmlkj3. La tarmul ce cuprinde zone turistice sau rezervatii naturale protejate. nmlkj

1. Sa anunte toti clientii de noua relatie nmlkj2. Sa transmita autoritatii competete elementele de identificare ale celui ce exploateazas nava. nmlkj3. Sa se asigure ca nava va functiona in siguranta... nmlkj

1. Sa fie clare si in scris. nmlkj2. Sa fie cat mai permisive pentru a lasa o libertate de decizie. nmlkj3. Sa fie transmise de companie in functie de situatiile prezentate de comandant. nmlkj

1. Autoritatea maritima a statului de pavilion. nmlkj2. Companie. nmlkj3. Organizatia Internationala Maritima. nmlkj

1. Mutat pe navele unde sunt deficitare in aplicarea politicii de siguranta. nmlkj2. Trimis la perfectionare. nmlkj3. Motivat de comandant, ce are acesta responsabilitate trasata de companie. nmlkj

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23.Intocmirea ordinelor si instructiunilor corespunzatoare in mod clar si simplu la bordul navelor reprezinta…

24.Verificarea respectarii cerintelor specifice sistemului de management al sigurantei constituie…

25.Analizarea sistemului de management al sigurantei si raportarea deficientelor acestuia directiunii de la tarm constituie…

26.Conform codului ISM compania trebuie sa se asigure in privinta comandantului ca acesta …

27.Compania trebuie sa precizeze in sistemul de management, in privinta comandantului, ca acesta…

28.Pentru exploatarea in siguranta a navei compania trebuie sa asigure…

1. O responsabilitate a comandantului. nmlkj2. O responsabilitate a companiei. nmlkj3. O responsabilitate a autoritatii maritime nmlkj

1. O responsabilitate a echipajului conform codului I.S.M. nmlkj2. O responsabilitate a comandantului conform codului I.S.M. nmlkj3. O responsabilitate a autoritatii portuare. nmlkj

1. O responsabilitate Organizatiei Internationale Maritime. nmlkj2. O responsabilitate a echipajului conform codului I.S.M. nmlkj3. O responsabilitate a comandantului conform codului I.S.M. nmlkj

1. Detine calificarea necesara pentru comanda navei, cunoaste sistemul de management al sigurantei companiei si beneficiaza de sprijin in executarea sarcinilor.


2. Este cunoscut si de alti armatori. nmlkj3. Este in bune relati cu autoritatile portuare internationale. nmlkj

1. Sa nu savarseasca o infractiune in legatura cu siguranta navigatiei. nmlkj2. Detine la bordul navei autoritatea suprema. nmlkj3. Sa nu permita personalului navigant de la bord sa emigreze. nmlkj

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29.Asigurarera navei cu personal calificat si brevetat precum si apt medical reprezinta o obligatie a...

30.Compania trebuie sa stabileasca pentru personalul nou de la bordul unei nave ori pentru cel transferat pe o functie noua...

31.Procedurile de instruire trebuie sa fie efectuate cu...

32.Compania trebuie sa se asigure ca personalul din cadrul sistemului de management al sigurantei companiei a...

33.Personalul navei,pentru a intelege, trebuie sa primeasca informatii relevante ...

1. Prezenta la bordul navei a unui angajat al autoritati navale. nmlkj2. O responsabilitate uniforma la bordul navei. nmlkj3. O persoana sau mai multe care sa asigure legatura dintre tarm si nava si cu acces direct la cel mai

inalt nivel conducerii. nmlkj

1. Companiei care opereaza nava. nmlkj2. Centrelor de pregatire si perfectionare a personalului navigant. nmlkj3. Agentiilor de plasare a fortei de munca - crewing. nmlkj

1. O perioada de acomodare la bordul navei. nmlkj2. Proceduri legate de siguranta navei si protectia mediului si instructajul pentru noile sarcinile. nmlkj3. Traseul pe care nava va efectua noile voiaje. nmlkj

1. Cel putin 1/2 din cei implicati in mod direct. nmlkj2. Cu tot echipajul navei indiferent de instructaj. nmlkj3. Intreg personalul implicat. nmlkj

1. Luat legatura cu partenerii de afaceri pentru a se face cunoscuti. nmlkj2. Cunoscut toate echipajele din dotarea companiei. nmlkj3. Inteles regulile, reglementarile, codurile si liniile directoare. nmlkj

1. In limba de lucru ori in limbile intelese de acesta. nmlkj

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34.Compania trebuie sa se asigure ca membrii echipajului in executarea sarcinilor...

35.Pentru intretinerea navei compania trebuie sa se asigure ca…

36.Pentru intretinerea navei compania trebuie sa se asigure ca…

37.Stabilirea si sanctionarea contraventiilor la normele privind transporturile pe apele nationale navigabile si in porturi se reglementeaza prin…

38.Contraventiile la normele privind transporturile pe apele nationale se sanctioneaza cu…

2. Numai in limba matera. nmlkj3. Prin traducator autorizat. nmlkj

1. Comunica eficient intre ei in realizarera sarcinilor. nmlkj2. Au inregistrat numai neconformitati minore. nmlkj3. Efectueaza in mod constant ore suplimentare de munca. nmlkj

1. Inspectiile sunt efectuate la intervale corespunzatoare. nmlkj2. Inspectiile sunt efectuate doar la intalnirea unor situatii dificile. nmlkj3. Inspectiile sunt efectuate la cererea autoritatilor. nmlkj

1. Orice nonconformitate, daca este remediata, nu se raporteza decat daca se considera ca a produs un prejudiciu companiei.


2. Orice nonconformitate este raportata impreuna cu indicarea cauzei posibile, daca aceasta este cunoscuta.


3. Orice nonconformitate se raporteaza daca este majora. nmlkj

1. Legea data de Parlamentul Romaniei. nmlkj2. Hotarare de Guvern. nmlkj3. Ordin al Ministerului Transporturilor, Constructiilor si Locuintei. nmlkj

1. Amenda penala. nmlkj2. Inchisoare. nmlkj3. Amenda contraventionala. nmlkj

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39.Sanctiunile contraventionale se clasifica in…

40.In cadrul sanctiunilor contraventionale principale intra…

41.Sanctiuni contraventionale complementare sunt…

42.Sanctiune complementara pentru personalul navigant, ce a încalcat normele privind transporturile pe apa, poate consta in...

43.Avertismentul consta in …

44.Avertismentul se aplica pentru…

1. Principale si complementare. nmlkj2. Principale si secundare. nmlkj3. Avertismentul si amenda. nmlkj

1. Avertismentul, confiscarea bunurilor, suspendarea autorizatiei de functionare, inchisoare contraventionala.


2. Avertismentul, amenda contraventionala, prestarea de servicii in folosul comunitatii nmlkj3. Avertismentul, blocarea contului bancar, amenda. nmlkj

1. Majorarea amenzii contraventionale cu 50%. nmlkj2. Perceperea de penalitati daca nu sa achitat in termen de 30 de zile. nmlkj3. Confiscare bunurilor destinate, folosite sau rezultate din contraventii, suspendarea sau anularea

autorizatiei de functionare, inchiderea unitatii, blocarea contului bancar, suspendarea activitatii agentului economic, retragerea licentei pentru activitati de comert exterior, desfintarea unor lucrari.


1. Suspendarea brevetului sau certificatului de capacitate. nmlkj2. Blocarea contului bancar. nmlkj3. Majorarea amenzii contraventionale cu 50%. nmlkj

1. O amenda pecuniara mai mica. nmlkj2. Atentionare verbala sau scrisa. nmlkj3. Expunerea la Aviz catre navigatori. nmlkj

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45.Aplicarea sanctiunilor contraventionale se face prin intocmirea …

46.Procesul verbal se semneaza de agentul constatator si de contravenient …

47.Aplicarea sanctiunii contraventionale se prescrie in termen de…

48.Executarea sanctiunii amenzii se prescrie daca procesul verbal de contraventie nu este comunicat in termen de...

49.Constatarea si sanctionarea contraventiilor la normele privind transporturile pe apele nationale, sunt de competenta...

1. O fapta savarsita cu intentie. nmlkj2. O fapta care nu are consecinte materiale. nmlkj3. O fapta de gravitate redusa. nmlkj

1. Procesului verbal de contraventie. nmlkj2. Protestului de mare. nmlkj3. Raport de teren. nmlkj

1. Pe fiecare fila. nmlkj2. Pe fiecare pagina. nmlkj3. Doar la sfarsitul procesului verbal. nmlkj

1. 1 an de zile de la data constatarii faptei. nmlkj2. Niciodata. nmlkj3. 6 luni de la data savarsirii faptei. nmlkj

1. O luna de la data aplicarii sanctiunii. nmlkj2. Doua luni de la data constatarii contraventiei. nmlkj3. Trei luni de la data ramanerii prescrise a contraventiei. nmlkj

1. Ofiterilor de politiei in calitate de organ constatator. nmlkj2. Ofiterilor politiei de frontiera. nmlkj3. Ofiterilor capitaniei de port si inspectorilor Autoritatii Navale Romane. nmlkj

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50.Lipsa mentiunilor privind numele, prenumele si calitatea agentului constatator si a contravenientului precum si a descrierii faptei savarsite, a datei acesteia sau a semnaturii agentului constatator atrage…

51.In cazul in care personalul navigant refuza sa se identifice in fata ofiterilor de capitanie acestia pot apela la …

52.In cazul in care contravenientul refuza semnarea procesului verbal acesta trebuie confirmat de cel putin…

53.In lipsa unui martor la semnarea procesului verbal de contraventie agentul constatator are obligatia sa…

54.Pentru savarsirea mai multor contraventii in acelasi timp se incheie…

55.Contravenientului i se comunica procesul verbal…

1. Nulitatea procesului verbal. nmlkj2. Refacerea procesului verbal. nmlkj3. prescrierea aplicarii procesului verbal. nmlkj

1. Armamentul din dotare. nmlkj2. Organele de politie, jandarmerie sau gardienii publici. nmlkj3. Masuri in forta. nmlkj

1. Doi martori. nmlkj2. Nici un martor. nmlkj3. Cel putin un martor. nmlkj

1. Precizeze motivele care au condus la incheierea lui in acest mod. nmlkj2. Sa-l anuleze. nmlkj3. Sa nu il mai intocmeasca. nmlkj

1. Pentru fiecare contraventie un proces verbal. nmlkj2. Un singur proces verbal de contraventie. nmlkj3. Cate intra pe procesul verbal iar la nevoie se suplimenteaza. nmlkj

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56.Contravenientul poate achita pe loc sau in termen de 48 de ore de la data incheierii procesului verbal de contraventie…

57.In ce interval de timp contravenientul poate achita jumatate din minimul amenzii…

58.Procesului verbal de contraventie se poate ataca cu…

59.Plangerea contravenientului conduce la…

60.Hotararea judecatoreasca ce solutioneaza plangerea poate fi atacata cu…

1. In original. nmlkj2. Si originalul si o copie. nmlkj3. O copie. nmlkj

1. Jumatate din minimul amenzii prevazute in actul normativ. nmlkj2. Un sfert din minimul amenzii aplicate. nmlkj3. Un sfert din minimul amenzii prevazute in actul normativ. nmlkj

1. 24 de ore. nmlkj2. 48 de ore. nmlkj3. 12 ore. nmlkj

1. Plangere in termen de30 de zile. nmlkj2. Reclamatie la organul ierarhic superior. nmlkj3. Plangere in termen de 15 zile. nmlkj

1. Anularea precesului verbal de contraventie. nmlkj2. Suspendarea executarii contraventiei. nmlkj3. Prelungirea celor 48 de ore in care sa se achite jumatate din minim. nmlkj

1. Apel. nmlkj2. Reclamatie . nmlkj3. Recurs. nmlkj

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61.Contraventiile la normele privind transporturile pe apele nationale navigabile si in porturi se aplica…

62.Nearborarea de catre nave a pavilionului lor national in apele nationale romane, la sosirea in port, in stationare si la plecare; nearborarea pavilionului roman sau arborarea in stare necorespunzatoare, precum si refuzul de ridicare a pavoazului la dispozitia data de capitania portului constituie...

63.Refuzul prezentarii carnetului de marinar la cererea organelor Autoritatii Navale Romane si a capitaniilor de port pentru dovedirea identitatii personalului navigant, precum si a actelor de identitate ale persoanelor gasite la bordul navelor constituie....

64.Ancorarea sau acostarea unei nave în alte locuri decât cele stabilite ori semnalizate în acest sens, fara permisiunea prealabila a ANR este

65.Operarea unei nave în afara zonelor de navigatie stabilite prin documentele navei si/sau actele de stare tehnica este

1. Numai persoanelor fizice. nmlkj2. Peroanelor fizice sau juridice. nmlkj3. Numai persoanelor juridice. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj

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66.Legarea unei nave de liniile ferate, de liniile cailor de rulaj ale macaralelor sau de alte instalatii portuare care nu sunt destinate acestui scop este

67.Poluarea apelor nationale navigabile cu hidrocarburi sau alte substante nocive de catre nave este

68.Neînscrierea pe corpul unei nave a scarilor de pescaj, a marcilor de bord liber sau înscrierea acestora în alte locuri decât cele stabilite, precum si întretinerea lor necorespunzatoare este

69.Exploatarea în scopuri comerciale a unei nave care detine permis provizoriu de navigatie pentru probe, este

70.Lipsa de la bordul navei a materialelor si instalatiilor corespunzatoare mentinerii vitalitatii navei, este

3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

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71.Parasirea portului, a radei si/sau a locului de acostare de catre comandantul ori de catre conducatorul navei fara permisiune de plecare constituie

72.Constructia, reconstructia, modificarea, transformarea, reparatia sau dezmembrarea, totala sau partiala a navelor, precum si efectuarea lucrarilor de reparatii supuse autorizarii fara a detine autorizatia necesara constituie

73.Pierderea, distrugerea sau deteriorarea carnetului de marinar ori de serviciu, a documentului de atestare sau a certificatului de competenta, brevet ori certificat de capacitate constituie

74.Neasigurarea cu echipaj pentru serviciul de siguranta si supraveghere a navei aflate în stationare, în iernatic sau scoase din exploatare de catre proprietar ori operator este

75.Manipularea, stivuirea, depozitarea sau separarea necorespunzatoare a marfurilor periculoase ori toxice la bordul navei este

3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara.

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76.Refuzul prezentarii carnetului de marinar sau de serviciu ori a documentului de atestare de catre personalul navigant reprezentantilor ANR

77.Neînscrierea în locurile indicate pe corpul navei de navigatie interioara a numarului maxim de pasageri permis, a tonajului maxim admis, precum si a numarului de autovehicule pe care le poate transporta, este

78.Efectuarea de probe sau manevre prin punerea în miscare a elicei sau a zbaturilor de catre navele aflate în port, legate la chei sau la ancora, fara aprobarea ANR, constituie

79.Ancorarea sau acostarea unei nave în alte locuri decât cele stabilite ori semnalizate în acest sens, fara permisiunea prealabila a ANR, cu exceptia cazurilor de forta majora, constituie

80.Nerespectarea de catre proprietarii, operatorii sau comandantii/conducatorii de nave a dispozitiilor date de ANR cu privire la organizarea parcurilor reci si a iernaticelor constituie

nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Infractiune.

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81.Executarea de catre un santier naval, atelier sau echipaj a lucrarilor cu foc deschis la navele petroliere si la alte tipuri de nave în zone adiacente tancurilor de combustibil si lubrifianti si în compartimentul masini, pentru care nu exista Certificat de Gas Free eliberat de ANR sau de experti autorizati de aceasta constituie

82.Refuzul de a se supune cercetarilor întreprinse de catre ANR sau de a pune la dispozitia ANR documentele si datele necesare investigarii constituie

83.Blocarea iesirilor de urgenta sau a sondelor tancurilor de balast si santina ale navei constituie

84.Folosirea scarilor si a schelelor necorespunzatoare pentru accesul la bordul navei constituie

85.Manipularea, stivuirea, depozitarea sau separarea necorespunzatoare a marfurilor periculoase ori toxice la bordul navei este

nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

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86.Lipsa de la bordul navei a mijloacelor de stins incendiul corespunzatoare este

87.Poluarea apelor nationale navigabile cu hidrocarburi sau alte substante nocive de catre nave este

88.Nerespectarea prevederilor privind timpul de lucru si de odihna a navigatorilor la bordul navei maritime este

89.Lipsa rolurilor de incendiu, abandon si a celui pentru gaura de apa constituie…

90.Exploatarea unei nave care nu este dotata cu mijloace de semnalizare fonica si optica regulamentare sau defectuoase constituie…

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj

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91.Transmiterea de alerte false de pericol este

92.Parasirea serviciului de garda (paza) si siguranta la bordul navelor si al instalatiilor plutitoare constituie…

93.Lipsa sitelor de la cosurile navelor aflate in zona petroliera constituie…

94.Manipularea necorespunzatoare a tuburilor flexibile, de pe urma careia ar rezulta scurgeri de produse petroliere pe sol sau in apa constituie…

95.Incarcarea navelor la un pescaj mai mare decat cel permis de adancimile de langa dane sau in punctele unde se efectueaza aceste operatiuni constituie…

3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

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96.Incarcarea navelor peste limitele stabilite in actele de bord constituie:

97.Intrarea, iesirea sau trecerea navelor in/si prin fata portului sau trecerea pe langa nave care efectueaza diferite lucrari de salvare, hidrotehnice etc. sau operatiuni de incarcare/descarcare, alimentare combustibil etc., fara a micsora din timp viteza constituie...

98.Folosirea mijloacelor improvizate de incalzit si iluminat la bordul navelor constituie…

99.Nerespectarea dispozitiilor regulamentului portuar este

100.Legarea navelor de liniile ferate sau de liniile cailor de rulaj ale macaralelor sau de alte instalatii portuare care nu sunt destinate acestui scop constituie…

101.Construirea de garduri sau asezarea de plase ori de unelte fixe de pescuit in rade, porturi, canale, senale navigabile si in alte locuri unde acestea impiedica navigatia constituie…

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

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102.Neinscrierea scarilor de pescaj, a marcilor de franc-bord sau inscrierea acestora in alte locuri decat cele stabilite, precum si neintretinerea lor in buna stare constituie….

103.Dezlegarea navelor remorcate, impinse sau care au fost cuplate inainte de a fi puse in siguranta, sau ancorarea in conditii nesigure constituie….

104.Inceperea lucrarilor de constructii, reconstructii, transformari de nave si instalatii plutitoare, de scoatere si inlocuire a masinilor, cladirilor si motoarelor de la nave, de ridicare pe cala, lansare la apa si dezmembrare a navelor fara autorizarea scrisa, prealabila, a ANR, sau efectuarea acestor lucrari in alte locuri decat cele indicate constituie....

105.Neprezentarea la nava, intarzierea sau parasirea acesteia de catre pilot, daca prin aceasta este afectata siguranta navei si a navigatiei constituie…

106.Refuzul de a se permite organelor abilitate ANR vizitarea navelor, instalatiilor, magaziilor, hambarelor si a altora asemenea, aflate in zona de jurisdictie pentru control si cercetari constituie…

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

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107.Exploatarea unei nave cu un echipaj mai mic decat cel stabilit pentru siguranta navigatiei, precum si lipsa de la bordul navelor a echipajului minim necesar pentru efectuarea manevrelor stabilite constituie…

108.Blocarea drumurilor de acces si de circulatie pe dane, prin depozitarea marfurilor sau parcarea autovehiculelor, daca prin aceasta se pericliteaza siguranta navei sau a navigatiei constituie…

109.Neorganizarea serviciului de garda si siguranta de catre comandanti la bordul navelor si al instalatiilor plutitoare constituie…

110.Permisiunea comandantului/conducatorului acordata unei persoane de a efectua o atributie sau un serviciu la bordul navei, fara a detine certificatul corespunzator functiei pe care o îndeplineste sau tipului de nava constituie

111.Exploatarea unei nave cu mijloace de salvare care nu are înscris numele sau numarul de

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

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identificare al acesteia constituie

112.Utilizarea documentelor privind evidenta activitatilor ce se desfasoara la bordul navei fara a fi numerotate, sigilate si parafate, dupa caz, ori pastrarea lor în conditii necorespunzatoare si în termenul prevazut de lege, precum si necompletarea lor la zi constituie

113.Nerespectarea regulilor de navigatie la trecerea prin ecluze si stavilare constituie…

114.Ancorarea sau graparea ancorei sau a lanturilor in locurile unde sunt instalate semnalele de interzicere a ancorarii, cu exceptia cazurilor de forta majora constituie…

115.Exploatarea navelor cu instalatii si mijloace de stins incendiu necorespunzatoare si nerespectarea normelor de prevenire si stingere a incendiilor constituie…

116.Exploatarea navelor fara mijloace de salvare conform normelor in vigoare constituie…

1. Infrac?iune nmlkj2. Contraven?ie nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Infrac?iune nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj3. Contraven?ie nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

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117.Nerespectarea "Avizelor catre navigatori" este

118.Punerea in imposibilitate de manevra a navelor aflate in exploatare prin scoatere din functiune a aparatului motor, fara autorizarea prealabila a ANR constituie…

119.Navigatia prin zone nepermise a unei nave este

120.Lipsa de la bordul navei a registrelor si a înscrisurilor care evidentiaza activitatile desfasurate la bordul navei privind protectia împotriva poluarii apelor navigabile constituie

121.Asigurarea necorespunzatoare a unei nave, a unui grup de nave sau convoi, acostate ori la ancora constituie

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj2. Contraven?ie nmlkj3. Infrac?iune nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraven?ie nmlkj2. Infrac?iune nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Infrac?iune nmlkj2. Contraven?ie nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Infrac?iune nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

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122.Neintretinerea in stare corespunzatoare a mijloacelor de legare la mal a navelor constituie…

123.Aprinderea de materiale inflamabile sau fumigene, tragerea de focuri de arma ori emiterea de semnale fonice sau luminoase de la bordul navei, in afara celor admise de regulamentele de navigatie constituie…

124.Operarea navelor în afara limitelor portului fara autorizatie în conformitate cu legislatia în vigoare este

125.Transportul de marfuri periculoase fara respectarea conditiilor stabilite prin actele normative interne si prin conventii internationale la care Romania este parte constituie…

126.Stationarea, acostarea sau ancorarea navelor incarcate cu marfuri periculoase in alte locuri decat cele stabilite pentru aceste nave constituie…

3. Contraven?ie nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Infrac?iune nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj3. Contraven?ie nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj

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127.Nerespectarea de catre comandantii de nave a prevederilor din actele de bord cu privire la numarul maxim de persoane admise a se transporta de catre nave constituie…

128.Lucrarile efectuate în albia cailor navigabile, în acvatoriile porturilor si radelor, extractia de produse de balastiera, inclusiv prin dragaj si altele asemenea, executate fara avizul ANR ori fara marcajele sau semnalizarea corespunzatoare a zonei de lucru constituie

129.Descarcarea apelor uzate sau aruncarea gunoiului generat la bordul navei în apele nationale navigabile si/sau depozitarea acestora în afara locurilor amenajate si destinate acestui scop este

130.Neanuntarea compartimentului "Port control" al capitaniei portului la intrarea in rada, port si la plecarea din port sau rada, precum si nerespectarea dispozitiilor date de serviciul "Port control" al capitaniei portului constituie…

131.Poluarea de catre nave a atmosferei de deasupra apelor nationale navigabile ale României este

3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraven?ie nmlkj2. Infrac?iune nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj2. Contraven?ie nmlkj3. Infrac?iune nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraven?ie nmlkj

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132.Nerespectarea regulilor speciale privind incarcarea de marfuri pe punte constituie…

133.Pierderea, din neglijenta, a actului de nationalitate a navelor constituie…

134.Neexecutarea de catre comandantii de nave a dispozitiilor capitaniei portului cu privire la schimbarea locului de acostare sau de ancorare a navei sau la efectuarea altei manevre necesare constituie…

135.Lipsa de la bordul navei dotate cu tahograf a foilor de înregistrare a tahografului este

136.Scoaterea din functiune la bordul navei a sistemului automat de identificare al navei (AIS), acolo unde acesta este obligatoriu este

2. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj3. Infrac?iune nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infrac?iune nmlkj2. Contraven?ie nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Infrac?iune nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj3. Contraven?ie nmlkj

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137.Încalcarea standardelor internationale pentru siguranta si securitatea navelor, prevenirea poluarii si asigurarea conditiilor de munca si viata la bordul navelor maritime care arboreaza pavilion strain, stabilite prin controlul statului portului (PSC), constituie

138.Scoaterea din functiune la bordul navei a sistemului de înregistrare a datelor privind voiajul navei (VDR), la navele la care utilizarea este obligatorie este

139.Nerespectarea dispozitiilor capitaniei portului, sub aspectul ordinii si sigurantei navigatiei, de catre persoanele fizice si juridice care folosesc porturile si apele nationale navigabile constituie…

140.Nerespectarea locurilor stabilite de ANR pentru îmbarcarea/debarcarea pilotului la/de la nava constituie

141.Executarea de lucrari cu foc deschis la bordul navei fara permis de lucru cu foc este

142.Refuzul de a se supune controlului ANR este

1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Infrac?iune nmlkj2. Contraven?ie nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraven?ie nmlkj2. Infrac?iune nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj2. Contraven?ie nmlkj3. Infrac?iune nmlkj

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143.Nerespectarea dispozitiilor date de catre ANR în situatii de urgenta constituie

144.Executarea de manevre fara pilot la bord, precum si navigarea fara pilot si refuzul de a lua pilot acolo unde pilotajul este obligatoriu constituie…

145.Neanuntarea capitaniei portului, de catre comandantii de nave sau de catre administratia portului si societatile care exploateaza zonele portuare respective, asupra scurgerilor din nave sau din conductele terestre de produse poluante constituie…

146.Neimplementarea la bordul navei a unei masuri de securitate în legatura cu care a fost avertizata atunci când nava opereaza în marea teritoriala sau si-a comunicat intentia de a intra în marea teritoriala constituie

147.Dezvaluirea sau accesul neautorizat la materialele referitoare la securitatea navelor constituie

1. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj2. Infrac?iune nmlkj3. Contraven?ie nmlkj

1. Contraven?ie nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj3. Infrac?iune nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj2. Infractiune. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Contraven?ie nmlkj2. Infrac?iune nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj

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148.In cercetarea faptelor care constituie infractiuni din domeniul navigatiei civile Capitania de port are calitatea de…

149.Cercetarea la fata locului si reconstituirea efectuate la bordul navei sau in incinta proturilor se pot efectua numai in prezenta…

150.Litigiile care au legatura cu transporturile navale sunt de competenta sectiilor instantelor….

151.Infractiunea se defineste ca fiind:

152.Starea de necesitate constituie…

2. Contraventie. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Organ de urmarire penala. nmlkj2. Politie portuara nmlkj3. Organ de cercetare penala. nmlkj

1. Capitaniei de port. nmlkj2. Politiei transporturilor. nmlkj3. Politiei de frontiera. nmlkj

1. De contencios administrativ. nmlkj2. De maritim si fluvial. nmlkj3. De dreptul muncii. nmlkj

1. Fapta care constituie pericol social si este savarsita cu vinovatie ce nu este prevazuta de lege. nmlkj2. Fapta care este savarsita cu vinovatie dar nu prezinta pericol social desi este prevazuta de lege. nmlkj3. Fapta ce prezinta pericol social, fiind savarsita cu vinovatie si este prevazuta de legea penala. nmlkj

1. O cauza care inlatura caracterul penal al faptei nmlkj2. O cauza care agraveaza savarsirea faptei nmlkj3. O cauza care conduce la condamnarea invinuitului. nmlkj

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153.Legitima aparare conduce la….

154.Constrangerea morala si fizica reprezinta…

155.Prin definitie infractiunea difera de contraventie prin…

156.Exercitarea atributiilor de serviciu sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice sau a altor substante interzise de autoritatea de reglementare constituie...

157.Exercitarea obligatiilor de serviciu in stare de ebrietate de catre personalul de bord care asigura direct siguranta navigatiei pe apa a navei, constituie…

158.Pentru personalul navigant care asigura siguranta navigatiei si este gasit sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice sau in stare de ebrietate pedeapsa va fi...

1. Condamnarea inculpatului. nmlkj2. Inlaturarea raspunderii penale. nmlkj3. Se considera ca persoana este vinovata dar nu se pedepseste. nmlkj

1. Cauze ce diminueaza raspunderea penala nmlkj2. Elemente care agraveaza savarsirea faptei ce poate constitui infractiune. nmlkj3. Cauze care inlatura raspunderea penala a faptei. nmlkj

1. Gradul de pericol social mai ridicat în cazul infractiunii. nmlkj2. Faptul ca in cazul contraventiei pericolul social este mai ridicat ca cel al infractiunii. nmlkj3. Gradul egal de pericol social pe care il are fapta savarsita. nmlkj

1. Contraventie la normele privind transporturile. nmlkj2. Infractiune contra sigurantei navigatiei. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Contraventie la normele privind transporturile. nmlkj2. Infractiune contra sigurantei navigatiei. nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

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159.Sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice este considerata persoana din echipaj care are...

160.Starea de ebrietate pentru a constitui infractiune contra sigurantei navigatiei consta intr-o imbibatie alcoolica in sange…

161.Starea de ebrietate pentru a constitui infractiune contra sigurantei navigatiei este îndeplinita...

162.Conducerea unei nave de o persoana care nu are brevetul/certificatul de capacitate corespunzator constituie…

163.Incredintarea de catre comandant conducerea navei unei persoane fara brevet sau certificat de capacitate corespunzator atrage…

1. Mai mare. nmlkj2. Aceasi, întrucat nu conteaza daca la bord faci sau nu parte din echipajul de siguranta ori esti sau nu

în cart/garda. nmlkj

3. Mai mica. nmlkj

1. A consumat mai mult de o sticla de bere ori un pahar de vin ori alta bautura alcoolica. nmlkj2. O imbibatie alcoolica în sange de pana la 0,80 g/l alcool pur in sange ori o concentratie de pana la

0,40 mg/l alcool pur in aerul expirat. nmlkj

3. A depasit ratia acordata de catre conducerea navei. nmlkj

1. 1 la mie nmlkj2. 0,8 la mie nmlkj3. Mai mare 0,80 g/l alcool pur in sange ori o concentratie ce depaseste 0,40 mg/l alcool pur in aerul

expirat. nmlkj

1. Si la o îmbibatie mai mica, daca aceasta are drept consecinta micsorari manifeste ale facultatilor de echilibru ori de miscare ale acelei persoane, dificultate în exprimare ori incoerenta ideatica, constatate clinic sau prin orice alte mijloace de proba.


2. A introdus la bordul navei bauturi alcoolice. nmlkj3. A permis si favorizat consumarea unor colegi de servici. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

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164.Refuzul personalului din cadrul echipajului navei de a se supune recoltarii probelor biologice in vederea stabilirii alcoolemiei se pedepseste…

165.Fapta de a parasi postul sau nava ori fapta de a dormi in timpul serviciului de cart sau garda de catre personalul navigant constituie infractiune numai daca…

166.Fapta de a dormi in timpul serviciului de cart sau garda, daca prin aceasta s-ar putea intrerupe sau stanjeni navigatia ori sa puna in pericol siguranta navei sau incarcaturii, constituie….

167.Conducerea unei nave de catre o persoana fara brevet sau certificat de capacitate corespunzator, constituie infractiune…

168.Parasire de catre comandant a navei sale care este in pericol, inainte de a-si fi exercitat pana la capat indatoririle de serviciu pentru salvarea navei constituie…

1. Raspunderea administrativa a comandantului nmlkj2. Raspunderea penala a comandantului nmlkj3. Raspunderea disciplinara a comandantului nmlkj

1. Ca infractiunea de obstructionare a justitiei. nmlkj2. Cu o pedeapsa egala cu cu cea aplicata la exercitarea atributiilor de servici sub influenta bauturilor

alcoolice. nmlkj

3. Cu o pedeapsa cu inchisoarea mai mare, ce corespunde cu efectuarea serviciului in stare de ebrietate în forma agravanta.


1. S-ar fi putut intrerupe navigatia ori pune in pericol siguranta navei, a incarcaturii sau a echipajului. nmlkj2. Nu se intampla nimic. nmlkj3. Nu se cere indeplinirea unei conditii de rezultat. nmlkj

1. Contraventie la normele privind transporturile pe apele nationale navigabile. nmlkj2. Infractiune contra sigurantei navigatiei. nmlkj3. Infractiune contra ordinei si disciplinei la bord. nmlkj

1. Contra ordinei si disciplinei la bord. nmlkj2. Contra altor infractiuni. nmlkj3. Contra sigurantei navigatiei. nmlkj

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169.Parasirea navei de catre comandant in caz de pericol inainte de a-si fi efectuat indatoririle de serviciu pentru salvarea navei, constituie….

170.Comandantul savarseste o infractiune daca…

171.In cazul infractiunilor contra sigurantei navigatiei in care se produc si consecinte deosebit de grave legea apreciaza ca …

172.Schimbarea pozitiei, scoaterea din functiune, avarierea grava sau distrugerea unui semnal de navigatie costier sau plutitor este considerata...

173.La infractiunile contra sigurantei navigatiei producerea si a unor pagube materiale importante, avarierea grava a unei nave ori distrugerea sau degradarea importanta de instalatii si bunuri de orice fel, conduce la...

1. O infractiune. nmlkj2. O contraventie. nmlkj3. O abatere. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara specifica navigatorilor. nmlkj2. Infractiune contra sigurantei navigatiei. nmlkj3. Infractiune contra ordinei si disciplinei la bord. nmlkj

1. Acorda ajtor unei nave aflate in pericol. nmlkj2. Comunica navei pe care o salveaza datele de identificare a navei proprii. nmlkj3. Nu acorda asistenta si salvare navei aflate in pericol. nmlkj

1. Fapta este mai grava si pedeapsa este marita. nmlkj2. Fapta poate fi considerata ca facuta in legitima aparare. nmlkj3. Fapta este considerata cu un grad de pericol mai redus. nmlkj

1. O infractiune destul de grava. nmlkj2. O contraventie minora. nmlkj3. Un act de sabotaj economic. nmlkj

1. Diminuarea pedepselor. nmlkj

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174.Preluarea fara drept a controlului navei, direct sau indirect, constituie….

175.Impiedicarea indeplinirii atributiilor de serviciu ale personalului navigant, falsificarea unui ordin scris sau a jurnalului de bord sau de masini, comunicarea unor informatii, cunoscand ca sunt false constituie...

176.Distrugerea ori avarierea unei nave sau a incarcaturii acesteia, a echipamentelor de navigatie sau perturbarea functionarii acestora constituie….

177.Transportul de marfuri persiculoase la bordul navelor in apele nationale navigabile fara respectarea prevederilor legale cu privire la stivuire, ambalare, etichetare constituie...

178.Refuzul de a executa un ordin cu privire la indatoririle de serviciu privind siguranta navei si a navigatiei constituie...

2. Agravarea situatiei si marirea pedepselor. nmlkj3. Eliminarea raspunderii penale daca persoana vinovata plateste prejudiciul. nmlkj

1. Contraventie la normele privind transporturile. nmlkj2. Sanctiune disciplinara specifica navigatorilor. nmlkj3. Infractiune contra sigurantei navigatiei nmlkj

1. Infractiuni. nmlkj2. Abateri disciplinare specifica navigatorilor. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara specifica navigatorilor. nmlkj3. Contraventie. nmlkj

1. Infractiune. nmlkj2. Contraventie nmlkj3. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj

1. Abatere disciplinara specifica navigatorilor. nmlkj

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179.Stabilirea personalului minim de siguranta pentru navele si instalatiile plutitoare fluviale este reglementata prin…

180.Echipajul unei nave reprezinta…

181.Personal navigant brevetat reprezinta …

182.Personalul navigant nebrevetat reprezinta …

183.Personal navigant auxiliar reprezinta …

2. Contraventie nmlkj3. Infractiune contra ordinii si disciplinei la bordul navelor nmlkj

1. Ordin al ministrului transporturilor. nmlkj2. Ordonanta a Guvernului. nmlkj3. Lege speciala nmlkj

1. Totalitatea membrilor brevetati si nebrevetati care indeplinesc o functie la bordul unei nave. nmlkj2. Totalitatea persoanelor care urca la bordul unei nave. nmlkj3. Totalitatea pasagerilor de la bordul unei nave. nmlkj

1. Navigatorii care poseda un certificat de capacitate recunoscut de autoritatea de stat in domeniu nmlkj2. Navigatorii care poseda carnet de marinar. nmlkj3. Navigatorii care poseda un brevet recunoscut de catre autoritatea de stat in domeniu. nmlkj

1. Navigatorii care poseda carnet de marinar. nmlkj2. Comandantul navei si ofiterii. nmlkj3. Navigatorii care poseda un certificat de capacitate recunoscut de autoritatea de stat in domeniu nmlkj

1. Navigatorii care indeplinesc functii de siguranta la bordul navei. nmlkj2. Membrii de echipaj care nu poseda brevet sau certificat de capacitate,dar indeplinesc functii la bord

in baza calificarii specifice. nmlkj

3. Membri de echipaj fara carnet de marinar. nmlkj

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184.Certificatul privind incadrarea navei cu personal minim de siguranta reprezinta …

185.Nava in exploatare inseamna …

186.Nava scoasa din exploatare inseamna …

187.Nava la parcul rece inseamna …

188.La bordul navei, personalul navigant se considera ambarcat în temeiul...

189.Ierarhia functiilor in cadrul echipajului navei, este:

1. Documentul emis de armator pentru fiecare nava in parte unde se inscriu numarul si functiile personalului minim de siguranta.


2. Documentul emis de Autoritatea Navala Romana pentru fiecare nava in parte, in care se inscriu numarul si functia personalului minim de siguranta.


3. Documentul emis de centrele de pregatire si perfectionare a personalului navigant. nmlkj

1. O nava al carui corp asigura flotabilitatea, are dotari si echipaj complete, este apta de a fi imediat folosita conform destinatiei, chiar daca nu e utilizata efectiv.


2. O nava ce are in reparatie motorul principal. nmlkj3. Nava este conservata pentru iernatec. nmlkj

1. O nava fara echipaj sau cu echipaj redus. nmlkj2. ca nava nu are asigurata flotabilitatea, dotarile sunt scoase partial/total din functiune, echipajul este

redus, si va fi apta de folosit numai dupa terminarea lucrarilor de reparatii si completarea echipajului.


3. O nava ce este apta si indeplineste toate conditiile de navigabilitate. nmlkj

1. O nava dezafectata, amplasata in afara senalului navigabil. nmlkj2. O nava la ancora cu personal minim de siguranta. nmlkj3. O nava cu starea corpului ce asigura flotabilitatea, cu mijloace tehnice in stare de conservare, fara

echipaj, dar cu paza asigurata de personal calificat din randul navigatorilor. nmlkj

1. Contractului Colectiv de Munca nmlkj2. Brevetului/Certificatului de competenta nmlkj3. Carnetului de marinar. nmlkj

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190.Structura echipajului navei este alcatiuta din…

191.Structura si ierarhia echipajului navei este reglementata de…

192.Se considera personal ambarcat …

193.Echipajul minim pentru siguranta navigatiei este alcatiut din…

194.Atributiile membrilor echipajului sunt prevazute in …

1. Comandantul, secundul, ofiteri de punte, seful mecanic, ofiteri mecanic, alti ofiteri, personal cu certificate de capacitate, personal auxiliar.


2. Personalul de punte, personalul de masini, personalul de radiocomunicatii, personal auxiliar. nmlkj3. Personalul de conducere, personalul de deservire. nmlkj

1. Comandant, personal brevetat, personal nebrevetat personal auxiliar. nmlkj2. Personal de punte, personal de masini, personal de radiocomunicatii, personal auxiliar. nmlkj3. Personal administrativ, personal tehnologic si medico-sanitar. nmlkj

1. COLREG nmlkj2. Regulamentele de Navigatie . nmlkj3. Legea ce reglementeaza transportul naval. nmlkj

1. Cei care au Carnet de marinar. nmlkj2. Cei care sunt angajati de un armator. nmlkj3. Cei care au ambarcarea efectuata in Carnetul de mariner. nmlkj

1. Tot personalul navigant imbarcat pe nava. nmlkj2. Personal navigant destinat sa asigure siguranta navei si navigatiei, a vitalitatii navei, a prevenirii

incendiilor si poluarii apelor. nmlkj

3. Personal navigant iclusiv pasagerii care primesc sarcini in acest sens. nmlkj

1. Regulamentele de Navigatiei. nmlkj2. Rolurile de siguranta ale navei. nmlkj3. Contractul de ambarcare.

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195.La bordul unei nave conducerea este unica si este realizata de catre …

196.Carnetul de marinar constituie …

197.Evidenta personalului navigant roman se tine in registrele de evidenta a personalului navigant de…

198.Personalul auxiliar trebuie sa posede …

199.Conform prevederilor interne si internationale o persoana pentru a deveni navigator trebuie sa aibe varsta minima necesara de …

200.Personalul de specialitate al santierelor care participa la efectuarea probelor de mars trebuie


1. Comandantul navei. nmlkj2. Proprietarul navei. nmlkj3. Consiliul de bord. nmlkj

1. Act de identitate pentru personalul navigant. nmlkj2. Act notarial nmlkj3. Act de atestare profesionala a personalului navigant. nmlkj

1. Autoritatea Navala Romana prin Capitaniile de port. nmlkj2. Directiile de munca si protectie sociala. nmlkj3. Centrelor de pregatire profesionala a personalului navigant. nmlkj

1. Certificate de capacitate nmlkj2. Brevete nmlkj3. Carnete de Marinar nmlkj

1. 21 de ani. nmlkj2. 18 ani. nmlkj3. 16 ani. nmlkj

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sa posede urmatoarele documente specifice personalului navigant …

201.Personalul minim de siguranta la navele ce efectueaza probe de mare este stabilit de…

202.La bordul navelor pot fi ambarcate persoane care nu fac parte din personalul navigant …

203.Ce obligatie are comandantul si/sau armatorul ori proprietarul navei daca sunt la bord ambarcate persoane care exced personalului minim de siguranta.

204.Brevetele si Certificatele de capacitate se obtin:

205.Brevetele si Certificatele de capacitate se elibereaza de…

1. Nici un document. nmlkj2. Carnet de marinar. nmlkj3. Brevet sau certificat de capacitate. nmlkj

1. Actul normativ cu privire la stabilirea echipajului minim de siguranta. nmlkj2. Capitania de port. nmlkj3. Santierul naval. nmlkj

1. Nu. nmlkj2. Niciodata. nmlkj3. Da. nmlkj

1. Sa imbarce un numar de persoane care sa fie in limita mijloacelor de salvare existente la bordul navei.


2. Sa nu le permita ambarcarea fara sa posede un pasaport. nmlkj3. Sa aibe Carnet de marinar. nmlkj

1. Din oficiu daca esti absolvent al unei forme de invatamant de specialitate maritima. nmlkj2. Din oficiu ori prin examen. nmlkj3. Numai prin examen. nmlkj

1. Centrele de pregatire si perfectionare a personalului navigant. nmlkj

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206.La bordul navelor sub pavilion roman echipajul navelor poate fi si de alta cetatenie decat cea romana …

207.Comandantul, secundul si seful mecanic de cetatenie romana pot fi inlocuiti la bordul unei nave sub pavilion roman de catre persoane straine ...

208.La bordul unei nave cu pavilion roman persoanele care fac parte din echipaj dar nu sunt de nationalitate romana, beneficiaza de aceleasi drepturi si obligatii ca si personalul roman la bordul navei …

209.Personalul navigant roman se poate ambarca pe nave sub pavilion strain …

210.Pentru a li se lua in calcul ambarcarea pe nave sub pavilion strain personalul navigant roman trebuie sa prezinte …

2. Institutiile de invatamant superior. nmlkj3. Autoritatea Navala Romana. nmlkj

1. Da, cu exceptia comandantului, secundului si a sefului mecanic, si pot fi inlocuiti doar cu aprobarea Autoritatii Navale Romane.


2. Nu se pot ambarca mavigatori de alta nationalitate, nmlkj3. Da, cu conditia sa aiba certificate recunoscute de IMO. nmlkj

1. Nu este admis. nmlkj2. Da, cu conditia ca brevetele acestora sa fie recunoscute de Autoritatea Navala Romana. nmlkj3. Da, daca armatorul aproba acest lucru. nmlkj

1. Nu. nmlkj2. Da, numai daca se prevede in contractul individual de ambarcare. nmlkj3. Da. nmlkj

1. Da. nmlkj2. Numai daca renunta la cetatenia romana. nmlkj3. Numai daca au aprobarea Autoritatii Navale Romane. nmlkj

1. Carnetul de marinar cu ambarcarea/debarcarea efectuata de nava. nmlkj

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211.Drepturile si obligatiile personalului navigant sunt stabilite prin…

212.Cheltuielile pentru hrana sau alocatia zilnica de hrana se asigura de …

213.Timpul de munca si de odihna se stabileste de minister conform cu …

214.Cheltuielile pentru hrana sau alocatia zilnica de hrana si cazare se includ In veniturile salariale ale personalului navigant spre impozitare….

215.Contravaloarea hranei asigurate la bord se retine din diurna In valuta pe perioada voiajului…

2. Contractul individual de ambarcare si adeverinta privind perioada de ambarcare, eliberata de la nava. nmlkj3. Adeverinta de la o firma de crewing. nmlkj

1. Jurnalului de bord. nmlkj2. Regulamentele de navigatie. nmlkj3. Contractului Colectiv de Munca al companiei si contractului individual de ambarcare. nmlkj

1. Angajator. nmlkj2. Navigator. nmlkj3. Comandant. nmlkj

1. Legislatia dreptului administrativ. nmlkj2. Legislatia muncii, acordurile si conventiile internationale. nmlkj3. Legislatia civila nmlkj

1. Da. nmlkj2. Numai cand nu se efectueaza voiaj international. nmlkj3. Nu. nmlkj

1. Da, in cazul navelor sub pavilion roman care efectueaza voiaj international. nmlkj2. Da, in cazul navelor sub pavilion strain care efectueaza voiaj in apele nationale romane. nmlkj3. Da, In cazul navelor sub pavilion roman care efectueaza voiaje In apele nationale navigabile. nmlkj

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216.Nivelul diurnei si moneda in care se plateste precum si nivelul contravalorii hranei pentru personalul navigant roman se stabileste prin…

217.Pentru pierderea sau distrugerea echipamentului propriu din cauze care nu au legatura cu serviciul sau din propria vina, personalul ambarcat poate solicita…

218.Comandantul este investit cu autoritate asupra:

219.Comanda navei poate trece de la comandant, in cazul in care acesta este in imposibilitatea de a exercita comanda asupra navei, la...

220.Preluarea comenzii comandantului poate trece asupra…

221.Preluarea comenzii navei se inscrie in…

1. Conventii incheiate cu ITF. nmlkj2. Contractul colectiv de munca si contractul individual de ambarcare. nmlkj3. statul de plata. nmlkj

1. Despagubire in limita contractului individual de ambarcare. nmlkj2. Despagubire in limita bunurilor pierdute sau distruse. nmlkj3. Nu poate solicita despagubiri in aceste conditii. nmlkj

1. Tuturor persoanelor ambarcate. nmlkj2. Ofiterilor brevetati nmlkj3. Ofiterilor brevetati de la punte. nmlkj

1. Seful mecanic nmlkj2. Ofiterul maritim punte secund. nmlkj3. Consiliul de bord. nmlkj

1. Sefului mecanic. nmlkj2. Sefului de echipaj.. nmlkj3. Numai asupra ofiterului maritim punte secund si apoi asupra ofiterilor de punte, dupa caz. nmlkj

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222.Responsabil de starea de navigabilitate a navei este …

223.Comandantul navei pentru a salva persoanele, nava si incarcatura precum si documentele navei trebuie sa...

224.Comandantul al carei nave este arestata, retinuta sau sechestrata de autoritatile altui stat trebuie sa…

225.Raportul scris (SEA PROTEST) in cazul unui eveniment la bordul navei se depune de …

226.In cazul in care un eveniment de navigatie are loc in apele nationale, raportul scris (SEA PROTEST) se depune la…

1. Jurnalul de bord al navei. nmlkj2. Jurnalul de masini al navei. nmlkj3. In registrul de scara. nmlkj

1. Secundul navei. nmlkj2. Comandantul navei. nmlkj3. Armatorul navei. nmlkj

1. O abandoneze imediat. nmlkj2. Sa se salveze singur impreuna cu documentele navei. nmlkj3. Sa nu paraseasca nava decat cu exceptia cazului cand nu mai exista sanse reale de salvare a navei. nmlkj

1. Informeze de indata Misiunea diplomatica a Romaniei si Autoritatea Navala Romana. nmlkj2. Sa incerce sa se sustraga arestarii, retinerii ori sechestrarii. nmlkj3. Sa Instraineze nava cat mai repede pentru a nu marii prejudiciile. nmlkj

1. Navigatorul care are legatura cu evenimentul ca martor direct. nmlkj2. Comandantul navei. nmlkj3. Armatorul navei. nmlkj

1. Autoritatea locala. nmlkj2. Politia de Transporturi. nmlkj

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227.In cazul in care o nava sub pavilion roman are un eveniment de navigatie in afara apelor navigabile nationale, raportul scris (SEA PROTEST) se depune la…

228.Raportul scris (SEA PROTEST) se depune in termen de…

229.Nedepunerea raportului scris (SEA PROTEST) in termenul legal conduce la:

230.Personalul navigant de la bord care pune in pericol siguranta navei, a personelor sau lucrurilor aflate pe nava poate fi…

231.Comandantul, la bordul navei aflate in mars, pentru inregistrarea unei nasteri, unei casatorii ori a unui deces precum si pentru certificarea unui testament care se incheie la bordul navei are calitatea de...

3. Capitania portului unde s-a produs evenimentul sau la prima capitanie de port romanesc pentru navele ce sosesc din voiaj.


1. La autoritatea locala competenta in domeniul navigatiei a statului unde s-a produs evenimentul sau a primului port de escala pentru evenimentele din marea libera..


2. La administratia portuara nmlkj3. la Autoritatea Navala Romana. nmlkj

1. 24 de ore de cand s-a efectuat raportul. nmlkj2. 24 de ore de la sosirea navei in port sau de la producerea evenimentului. nmlkj3. 24 de ore de cand s-a sesizat autoritatea competenta nmlkj

1. Pierderea valabilitatii raportului scris. nmlkj2. Tragerea la raspundere a armatorului pentru pierderea probelor sau a imposibilitatii conservarii lor. nmlkj3. Tragerea la raspundere a comandantului pentru pierderea probelor sau a imposibilitatii conservarii

lor. nmlkj

1. Izolat. nmlkj2. Detasat. nmlkj3. Promovat in functie. nmlkj

1. Avocat sau consilier juridic. nmlkj

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232.Valabilitatea brevetelor si certificatelor de capacitate nu pot depasi:

233.Valabilitatea cursurilor obligatorii impuse prin Conventia STCW este de…

234.In cazul pierderii unui brevet/certificat de capacitate se elibereaza unul nou dupa ce…

235.Reconfirmarea brevetelor /certificatelor de capacitate daca au efectuat un stagiu de imbarcare de cel putin 12 luni in ultimii…

236.Pentru ocuparea functiilor superioare de comandant ori sef mecanic se poate acorda dispense...

2. Notar public. nmlkj3. Judecator sau executor. nmlkj

1. 2 ani. nmlkj2. 10 ani. nmlkj3. 5 ani. nmlkj

1. 5 ani de la data absolvirii. nmlkj2. 5 ani de la efectuarea vizitei medicale. nmlkj3. 10 ani de la data absolvirii. nmlkj

1. Sa facut publica pierderea intr-un ziar local. nmlkj2. S -a facut publica pierderea la Aviz catre Navigatori. nmlkj3. S-a facut publica pierderea prin Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei. nmlkj

1. 5 ani pe oricare din functiile pe care le poate detine. nmlkj2. 5 ani pe functia inscrisa in brevet/certificat de capacitate. nmlkj3. 3 ani pe o functie superioara. nmlkj

1. Nu. nmlkj2. Da. nmlkj3. Ca regula nu, numai in caz de forta majora. nmlkj

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237.Dispensele pentru functiile superioare, cu exceptia celor de comndant si sef mecanic, se pot acorda pentru…

238.Recunoasterea brevetelor se face in concordanta cu regulile conventiei…

239.Celor care efectueaza serviciul de cart trebuie sa li se asigure minimum…

240.Perioada de odihna poate fi impartita in cel mult…

241.Perioadele de odihna nu se respecta in urmatoarele cazuri..

242.Desfacerea contractului de munca constituie…

1. Cel mult 6 luni. nmlkj2. 1 an. nmlkj3. Cel mult 3 luni. nmlkj

1. S.O.L.A.S. nmlkj2. S.T.C.W. nmlkj3. L.L.C. nmlkj

1. 6 ore de odihna intr-un interval de 24 de ore. nmlkj2. 20 de ore de repaus intr-un interval de 24 de ore. nmlkj3. 10 ore de odihna intr-un interval de 24 de ore. nmlkj

1. Doua perioade din care una trebuie sa aiba o durata de cel putin 6 ore. nmlkj2. Trei perioade din care una sa aibe cel putin 6 ore. nmlkj3. Doua perioade din care una trebuie sa aibe cel putin 8 ore. nmlkj

1. Cand nu sunt activitati la bordul navei. nmlkj2. In situatii critice, de urgenta, in timpul exercitiilor sau conditii de exceptie. nmlkj3. Cand comandantul navei doreste sa ajunga mai repede la destinatie. nmlkj

1. O sanctiune disciplinara pentru salariatul care savarseste o abatere disciplinara foarte grava, prin efectul produs.


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243.Desfacerea disciplinara a contractului de munca se aplica…

244.Reducerea salariului de baza pe o durata de 1-3 luni cu 5-10 %, constituie …

245.Debarcarea personalului navigant inainte de expirarea contractului de ambarcare de pe nava, constituie …

246.Retrogradarea din functie, cu acordarea salariului corespunzator functiei în care s-a dispus retrogradarea, pentru o durata ce nu poate depasi 60 de zile, constituie…

247.Desfacerea disciplinara a contractului de munca, reprezinta…

2. O sanctiune penala ca urmare a savarsirii unei infractiuni. nmlkj3. O sanctiune ce constituie contraventie conform legislatiei in vigoare. nmlkj

1. Tuturor tipurilor de salariati fiind o sanctiune disciplinara cu caracter general. nmlkj2. Numai membrilor echiplajului uei nave fiind o sanctiune disciplinara specifica navigatorilor. nmlkj3. Celor care au savarsit o fapta penala fiind o sanctiune aplicata ca urmare a savarsirii unei infractiuni. nmlkj

1. Sanctiune penala nmlkj2. Sanctiune disciplinara. nmlkj3. Sactiune contraventionala. nmlkj

1. Sanctiune disciplinara cu caracter general. nmlkj2. Sanctiune aplicata ca urmare a savarsirii unei contraventii. nmlkj3. Sanctiune disciplinara specifica numai navigatorilor. nmlkj

1. Sanctiune disciplinara cu caracter general. nmlkj2. Sanctiune aplicata ca urmare a savarsirii unei contraventii. nmlkj3. Sanctiune disciplinara specifica numai navigatorilor. nmlkj

1. Cea mai grava sanctiune disciplinara. nmlkj2. O sanctiune minora. nmlkj3. O sanctine contraventionala. nmlkj

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248.Suspendarea contractului individual de munca, pentru savarsirea unei abateri disciplinare, nu poate depasi...

249.Impotriva sanctiunii disciplinare, cel sanctionat poate ataca cu …

250.Contestatia impotriva desfacerii disciplinare a contractului de munca se solutioneaza de …

251.Sanctiunea disciplinara va fi stabilita si comunicata in scris persoanei incadrate in munca in termen de …

252.Reducerea salariului de baza si/sau, dupa caz, si a indemnizatiei de conducere pe o perioada de 1-3 luni cu 5-10 %, poate fi clasificata…

253.Abaterea disciplinara este definita ca o…

1. 12 luni. nmlkj2. 30 zile lucratoare. nmlkj3. 10 zile lucratoare. nmlkj

1. Contestatie in termen de 30 de zile de la comunicarea deciziei de sanctionare. nmlkj2. Contestatie in scris in termen de 30 de zile de la savarsirea abaterii disciplinare. nmlkj3. Plangere adresata sefului ierarhic superior. nmlkj

1. Persoana care ocupa functia ierarhica superioara celui care aplica sanctiunea. nmlkj2. Tribunalul muncii din raza careia isi are sediul unitatea nmlkj3. Conducere al unitatii. nmlkj

1. In cel mult 30 de zile de la data cand cel in drept a o aplica a luat cunostinta de savarsirea abaterii. nmlkj2. In 15 zile de la data cand cel in drept a o aplica a luat cunostinta de savarsirea abaterii. nmlkj3. In cel mult 30 de zile de la savarsirea faptei. nmlkj

1. Sanctiune disciplinara. nmlkj2. Sanctiune contraventionala. nmlkj3. Sanctiune penala. nmlkj

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254.Prezentarea la serviciu sau efectuarea acestuia sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice, constituie …

255.Pentru pagubele materiale produse angajatorului din vina si în legatura cu munca lor salariatul raspunde…

256.Prejudiciul cauzat de salariat angajatorului poate fi recuperat prin…

257.Raspunderea patrimoniala a salariatului se prescrie in termen de…

258.In cazul in care acoperirea prejudiciului prin retineri lunare din salariu nu se poate face intr-un termen de maximum 3 ani de la data la care s-a efectuat prima rata de retineri, angajatorul se poate adresa...

1. Fapta savarsita cu vinovatie,care prezinta pericol social si e prevazuta de legea penala. nmlkj2. Fapta în legatura cu munca si care consta într-o actiune sau inactiune savârsita cu vinovatie de catre

salariat, prin care acesta a încalcat normele legale, regulamentul intern, contractul individual de munca sau contractul colectiv de munca aplicabil, ordinele si dispozitiile legale ale conducatorilor ierarhici.


3. Fapta savarsita cu vinovatie, care prezinta pericol social mai redus decat o infractiune si e prevazuta de lege.


1. Contraventie. nmlkj2. Abatere disciplinara. nmlkj3. Infractiune. nmlkj

1. Patrimonial, în temeiul normelor si principiilor raspunderii civile contractuale. nmlkj2. Contraventional, în temeiul normelor de stabilire si sanctionare a contrave nmlkj3. Penal, în temeiul normelor Codului penal. nmlkj

1. Plata efectuata de salariat ca urmare a recunoasterii culpei ori in caz contrar prin hotarare judecatoreasca definitiva.


2. Decizie de imputare. nmlkj3. Proces verbal de constatare. nmlkj

1. 3 ani. nmlkj2. 1 an. nmlkj3. 5 ani. nmlkj

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259.Ratele prin care se recupereaza un prejudiciu nu pot fi mai mari de …

260.Hotararea judecatoreasca de la Tribunalul muncii poate fi atacata cu…

261.La bordul navelor personalul navigant are dreptul la cazare si hrana …

262.Contractul individual de ambarcare se incheie …

263.Contractul individual de munca poate inceta …

1. Executorului judecatoresc in conditiile Codului de procedura civila. nmlkj2. Organelor de politie pentru recuperarea prejudiciului. nmlkj3. Gardienilor publici care raspund de ordinea si linistea publica. nmlkj

1. !/2 din salariul tarifar net lunar. nmlkj2. 1/3 din salariul tarifar net lunar. nmlkj3. 2/3 din salariul tarifar net lunar. nmlkj

1. Apel la Curtea suprema de Justitie. nmlkj2. Cu apel la Curtea de Apel. nmlkj3. Cu recurs la Curta de Apel. nmlkj

1. Contra cost. nmlkj2. Cu titlu gratuit. nmlkj3. Se suporta jumatate de salariat jumatate de conducatorul companiei. nmlkj

1. Numai daca salariatul doreste nmlkj2. Daca doreste angajatorul. nmlkj3. Obligatoriu si in scris altfel angajatorul raspunde contraventional. nmlkj

1. La solicitarea Directiei de munca. nmlkj2. La implinirea termenului pentru care s-a incheiat. nmlkj3. La expirarea contractului colectiv de munca. nmlkj

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264.Echipamentul de protectie se ofera salariatilor...

265.Obligatia asigurarii echipamentului de protectie si de lucru revine …

266.Salariatul trebuie sa poarte echipamentul de protectie …

267.Alimentatia speciala - antidotul - face obiectul …

268.Vizita medicala pentru personalul navigant este …

269.Vatamarea corporala, intoxicatia profesionala care are loc in timpul procesului de munca si care provoaca incapacitatea temporara de munca de cel putin 3 zile, invaliditate, constituie …

1. Contra cost. nmlkj2. In mod gratiut. nmlkj3. Se suporta jumatate de salariat jumatate de conducatorul companiei. nmlkj

1. Sindicatului. nmlkj2. Angajatorului. nmlkj3. Salariatului. nmlkj

1. In mod obigatoriu in vederea prevenirii accidentelor de munca si conform normelor de protectie a muncii.


2. Numai atunci cand considera salariatul ca se poate rani. nmlkj3. Numai daca i s-a facut instructajul de protectia muncii. nmlkj

1. Posibilitatii de a renunta la ea sau de a se pretinde echivalentul acesteia nmlkj2. Cresterii rezistentei organismului pentru cei ce lucreaza in conditii vatamatoare sau periculoase. nmlkj3. Dezvoltarea salariatilor care sunt slabi din punct de vedere fizic. nmlkj

1. Necesara a fi efectuata pentru a putea promova in functie. nmlkj2. Obligatorie si periodica pentru prelungirea valabilitatii carnetului de marinar. nmlkj3. Efectuata numai in cazul in care salariatul se imbolnaveste. nmlkj

1. Suprasolicitare. nmlkj

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270.Respectarea obligatiilor de protectie a muncii constituie…

271.La aparitia unui pericol salariatul are obligatia sa …

272.Raspunderea juridica pentru incalcarea normelor de protectie a muncii poate fi …

273.In cazul in care compania nu a asigurat masurile de protectie a muncii si din culpa s-a produs un prejudiciu salariatului acesta are dreptul la …

274.Nerespectarea normelor cu privire la stingerea incendiilor se sanctioneaza …

275.Marea teritoriala este definita ca…

2. Stres. nmlkj3. Accident de munca nmlkj

1. O obligatie. nmlkj2. Un drept. nmlkj3. Un beneficiu. nmlkj

1. Continuie cu grija fara sa sufere accidente. nmlkj2. Opreasca lucrul si sa informeza de indata. nmlkj3. Indeparteze pericolul nmlkj

1. Penala, administrativa, disciplinara, civila. nmlkj2. Civila, penala, patrimoniala, contraventionala. nmlkj3. Disciplinara, materiala, contraventionala, penala. nmlkj

1. Zile suplimentare de odihna. nmlkj2. Despagubiri. nmlkj3. Conditii mai bune de munca. nmlkj

1. Cu amenda contraventionala. nmlkj2. Cu inchisoare penala. nmlkj3. Cu desfacerea contractului de munca. nmlkj

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276.Latimea marii teritoriale nu trebuie sa depaseasca…

277.Navele straine pot intra si naviga prin marea teritoriala a statului riveran cu conditia...

278.Navele de razboi sunt supuse de regula regimului…

279.Prin trecerea inofensiva se intelege….

1. Fasia de mare adiacenta tarmului, avand o latime de 24 mile marine, masurata de la liniile de baza, considerate ca fiind liniile celui mai mare reflux de-a lungul tarmului sau, dupa caz, liniile drepte care unesc punctele cele mai avansate ale tarmului.


2. Fasia de mare adiacenta tarmului, avand o latime de 12 mile marine, masurata de la liniile de baza, considerate ca fiind liniile celui mai mare reflux de-a lungul tarmului sau, dupa caz, liniile drepte care unesc punctele cele mai avansate ale tarmului.


3. Fasia de mare adiacenta tarmului, avand o latime de 12 mile marine, masurata de la celui mai mic reflux de-a lungul tarmului sau, dupa caz, liniile drepte care unesc punctele cele mai avansate ale tarmului.


1. 24 de mile marine nmlkj2. 6 mile marine nmlkj3. 12 mile marine nmlkj

1. De a trece inofensiv. nmlkj2. De a naviga ofensiv. nmlkj3. Sa efectueze acte de comert. nmlkj

1. De a trece inofensiv. nmlkj2. Autorizarii sau notificarii prealabile. nmlkj3. Pactului de neagresiune. nmlkj

1. Faptul de a survola prin marea teritoriala in scopul de a traversa fara a ancora sau a face escala, exceptand cazurile de forta majora sau nevoile impuse de navigatie, trecerea trebuie sa fie rapida si neintrerupta .


2. Faptul de a naviga prin marea teritoriala in scopul de a incarca/descarca nava in afara limitelor portului, iar operatiunea trebuie sa fie rapida si neintrerupta.


3. Faptul de a naviga prin marea teritoriala in scopul de a traversa fara a ancora sau a face escala,exceptand cazurile de forta majora sau nevoile impuse de navigatie, trecerea trebuie sa fie rapida si neintrerupta .


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280.Apele nationale navigabile sunt formate din ….

281.Apele interioare navigabile sunt constituite din….

282.Zona maritima, fluviala sau a altor cai navigabile constituie...

283.In porturi, zona maritima, fluviala sau a altor cai de navigatie constituie…

284.Trecerea inofensiva implica ca…

1. Marea teritoriala si apele interioare navigabile. nmlkj2. Ape maritime si fluviale. nmlkj3. Zone maritime si zone fluviale. nmlkj

1. Fluviile, raurile, canalele si lacurile situate in interiorul teritoriului Romaniei, pe portiunile navigabile si apele navigabile de frontiera, de la malul romanesc pana la linia de frontiera


2. Fluviile, raurile, canalele si lacurile situate in interiorul teritoriului Romaniei, pe portiunile navigabile;apele navigabile de frontiera, de la malul romanesc pana la linia de frontiera si apele maritime considerate, potrivit legii, ape interioare.


3. Apele maritime considerate, potrivit legii, ape interioare. nmlkj

1. Fasia de apa situata in spre apa marii teritoriale sau al apelor interioare navigabile, pe o latime de 20 de metri.


2. Fasia de apa situata in lungul tarmului marii teritoriale sau al apelor interioare navigabile, pe o latime de 30 de metri.


3. Fasia de teren situata in lungul tarmului marii teritoriale sau al apelor interioare navigabile, pe o latime de 30 de metri.


1. Coincide cu incinta portuara. nmlkj2. Reprezinta fasia de teren situata in lungul cheurilor pe o latime de 30 de metri. nmlkj3. Coincide cu luciul apei din interiorul portului. nmlkj

1. Navele sa urmeze orice itinerariu. nmlkj2. Navele sa urmeze drumurile maritime, senalele si pasele recomandate, specificate de hartile

maritime si in documentele de navigatie. nmlkj

3. Navele sa opreasca acolo unde considera ca nu stanjenesc navigatie. nmlkj

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285.Trecerea unei nave straine prin marea teritoriala este inofensiva atit timp cat...

286.Amenintarea cu forta sau folosirea fortei impotriva suveranitatii, integritatii teritoriale sau independentei politice a Romaniei sau in orice alt mod contrar principiilor dreptului international constituie…

287.Manevre sau exercitii cu arme de orice fel constituie….

288.Culegerea de informatii in detrimentul apararii sau securitatii nationale constituie…

289.Culegerea de informatii in detrimentul apararii sau securitatii nationale constituie…

290.Decolarea de pe nave, apuntarea sau imbarcarea pe nave a oricarui fel de aparate de zbor

1. Nu pescuiesc in apele nationale. nmlkj2. Nu se produc accidente de navigatie. nmlkj3. Nu se aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale. nmlkj

1. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare.


2. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj3. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj

1. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj2. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in

marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare. nmlkj

3. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj

1. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj2. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj3. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in

marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare. nmlkj

1. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare.


2. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj3. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj

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291.Lansarea, debarcarea sau imbarcarea de tehnica militara, scafandri, submarine, alte vehicule submersibile sau amfibii si de orice alte instalatii in masura sa execute cercetari acvatice sau subacvatice constituie...

292.Imbarcarea sau debarcarea de marfuri, stupefiante si substante psihotrope, fonduri banesti sau de persoane, contrar legilor si reglementarilor in vigoare, inclusiv vamale, fiscale, sanitare sau de imigrare constituie:

293.Poluarea deliberata si grava, de orice natura, a apei si a mediului marin, a spatiului aerian de deasupra apei sau afectarea deliberata si grava a ecosistemelor marine constituie…

294.Orice activitate de pescuit sau alta activitate de explorare ori exploatare ilegala a resurselor naturale si biologice in marea teritoriala constituie …

1. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj2. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in

marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare. nmlkj

3. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj

1. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj2. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj3. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in

marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare. nmlkj

1. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare.


2. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj3. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj

1. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj2. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in

marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare. nmlkj

3. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj

1. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj2. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj3. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in nmlkj

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295.Orice activitate de cercetari stiintifice, arheologice sau ridicari hidrografice fara aprobarea statului riveran in marea teritoriala constituie…

296.Orice activitate care se desfasoara cu incalcarea reglementarilor internationale in domeniul radiocomunicatiilor sau care poate perturba functionarea sistemelor de comunicatii sau a oricarui alt echipament sau instalatii in marea teritoriala constituie…

297.Orice alta activitate care incalca trecerea inofensiva sau care se desfasoara cu incalcarea legilor statului riveran constituie…

298.In marea teritoriala, in apele maritime interioare si in porturile Romaniei accesul oricarei nave care are la bord arme nucleare, chimice ori alte arme de distrugere in masa, sau care transporta asemenea arme sau munitie pentru acestea, este...

299.Navele straine cu propulsie nucleara sau care transpota substante radioactive pot intra in rade sau in porturi de pe teritoriul Romaniei…

1. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare.


2. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj3. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj

1. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj2. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in

marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare. nmlkj

3. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj

1. Trecere inofensiva. nmlkj2. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave numai daca nava arboreaza pavilion roman. nmlkj3. Trecere ofensiva a unei nave ce aduce atingere pacii, ordinii publice sau securitatii nationale in

marea teritoriala sau in apele maritime interioare. nmlkj

1. Interzis. nmlkj2. Permis. nmlkj3. Admis daca nu sunt utilizate. nmlkj

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300.Navele straine cu propulsie nucleara si navele care transporta substante radioactive sau alte substante periculoase sint obligate, atunci cind se afla in trecere prin marea teritoriala, sa…

301.Navele straine cu propulsie nucleara sau care transporta substante radioactive ori alte substante sau deseuri periculoase ori nocive vor utiliza...

302.Pentru navele comerciale in trecere prin marea teritoriala, jurisdictia penala a statului riveran se exercita la bordul acestora prin acte de arestare sau de instructie cu privire la infractiunile comise la bord in timpul pasajului atunci cand….

303.Pentru navele comerciale in trecere prin marea teritoriala, jurisdictia penala a statului riveran se exercita la bordul acestora prin acte de arestare sau de instructie cu privire la infractiunile comise la bord in timpul pasajului atunci cand...

1. Cu conditia sa nu aibe emisii radioactive. nmlkj2. Numai cu aprobarea prealabila a organelor romane competente, care va fi solicitata cu cel putin 30

de zile inainte de data intrarii. nmlkj

3. Numai cu aprobarea prealabila a organelor romane competente, cand solicita intrarea in port. nmlkj

1. Le arunce in apa in caz de pericol. nmlkj2. Detina substante de neutralizare a radiatiilor. nmlkj3. Aibe documentele prevazute de acordurile internationale pentru aceste nave si incarcatura pe care o

transporta si sa ia masurile speciale de precautie prevazute de aceste acorduri. nmlkj

1. Numai caile de navigatie desemnate de autoritatea romana competenta si vor respecta dispozitivele de separare a traficului prescrise.


2. Caile de navigatie desemnate pe hartile de navigatie si vor respecta dispozitivele de separare a traficului uzuale.


3. Caile de navigatie maritime si vor ocoli dispozitivele de separare a traficului prescrise. nmlkj

1. Consecintele infractiunii nu aduc atingere asupra statului riveran. nmlkj2. Consecintele infractiunii se extind asupra statului riveran. nmlkj3. Consecintele infractiunii au implicatii doar la bordul navei. nmlkj

1. A fost savarsita o abatere disciplinara in marea teritoriala. nmlkj2. A fost respectata linistea publica a tarii sau ordinea in marea teritoriala. nmlkj3. A fost incalcata linistea publica a tarii sau ordinea in marea teritoriala. nmlkj

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304.Pentru navele comerciale in trecere prin marea teritoriala, jurisdictia penala a statului riveran se exercita la bordul acestora prin acte de arestare sau de instructie cu privire la infractiunile comise la bord in timpul pasajului atunci cand

305.Pentru navele comerciale in trecere prin marea teritoriala, jurisdictia penala a statului riveran se exercita la bordul acestora prin acte de arestare sau de instructie cu privire la infractiunile comise la bord in timpul pasajului atunci cand...

306.Statul riveran poate incepe exercitarea dreptului de urmarire...

307.Dreptul de urmarire se aplica si in cazul incalcarii legislatiei referitoare la zona economica exclusiva…

308.Asupra unei persoane aflata la bordul unei nave straine in trecere prin marea sa teritoriala nu se poate exercita...

1. Exercitarea jurisdictiei este ceruta de capitanul navei (ori de un agent diplomatic sau consular al statului de pavilion.


2. Exercitarea jurisdictiei este ceruta de persoana vatamata. nmlkj3. Exercitarea jurisdictiei este ceruta de oricare membru al echipajului, nmlkj

1. Pentru reprimarea traficului de persoane. nmlkj2. Pentru reprimarea traficului ilicit de stupefiante. nmlkj3. Pentru reprimarea traficului de transport de marfa. nmlkj

1. Impotriva navelor care au incalcat legile si regulamentele, in zona economica exclusiva si continua acest drept in marea teritoriala a altui stat.


2. Impotriva navelor care au incalcat legile si regulamentele, in marea libera si continua acest drept si in marea teritoriala a altui stat.


3. Impotriva navelor care au incalcat legile si regulamentele, in marea teritoriala si continua acest drept in marea libera.


1. Da. nmlkj2. Nu. nmlkj3. Uneori. nmlkj

1. Jurisdictia penala a statului riveran nmlkj2. Jurisdictia civila a statului riveran. nmlkj3. Jurisdictia vamala a statului riveran. nmlkj

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309.Zona contigua a Romaniei este….

310.In zona sa contigua, Romania exercita controlul pentru….

311.Zona economica exclusiva a fost instituita in vederea…

312.Zona economica exclusiva se intinde….

313.Zona economica:

1. Fisia de mare adiacenta marii teritoriale care se intinde spre largul marii pina la distanta de 24 mile marine, masurata de la marea teritoriala in continuare..


2. Fisia de mare adiacenta marii teritoriale care se intinde spre largul marii pina la distanta de 12 mile marine, masurata de la liniile de baza.


3. Fisia de mare adiacenta marii teritoriale care se intinde spre largul marii pina la distanta de 24 mile marine, masurata de la liniile de baza.


1. Prevenirea si reprimarea incalcarilor, pe teritoriul sau, a legilor si reglementarilor sale din domeniul vamal, fiscal, sanitar si al trecerii frontierei de stat.


2. Prevenirea si reprimarea incalcarilor, pe teritoriul sau, a legilor si reglementarilor sale din domeniul penal, administrativ, sanitar si al trecerii frontierei de stat.


3. Prevenirea si reprimarea incalcarilor, pe teritoriul sau, a legilor si reglementarilor sale din domeniul pemel, constitutional, sanitar si al trecerii frontierei de stat.


1. Protejarii frontierei de stat. nmlkj2. Protejarii resurselor piscicole si a altor interese economice. nmlkj3. Protejarii marea teritoriala. nmlkj

1. Spre largul marii pe o distanta de 250 de mile marine de la liniile de baza de la care se masoara latimea marii teritoriale.


2. Spre largul marii pe o distanta de 200 de mile marine de la cel mai mic reflux de la care se masoara latimea marii teritoriale.


3. Spre largul marii pe o distanta de 200 de mile marine de la liniile de baza de la care se masoara latimea marii teritoriale.


1. Nu face parte din teritoriul statului riveran. nmlkj2. Face parte din zona comuna statelor riverane. nmlkj

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314.Zona economica este supusa…

315.Marea libera este definita ca…

316.Care din urmatoarele constituie libertati ale statelor riverane si cele neriverane ce se poate exercita in marea libera….

317.Care din urmatoarele constituie libertati ale statelor riverane si cele neriverane ce se poate exercita in marea libera…

318.Care din urmatoarele constituie libertati ale statelor riverane si cele neriverane ce se poate exercita in marea libera…

3. Face parte din teritoriul statului riveran. nmlkj

1. Jurisdictiei apelor nationale ale statului riveran. nmlkj2. Jurisdictiei statului riveran si drepturilor sale suverane economice, si reprezinta si aspecte de mare

libera constand in: libertatea de navigatie, de survol si de asezare a cablurilor si conductelor submarine.


3. Jurisdictiei ce reglementeaza mare libera . nmlkj

1. Acea "parte a marii" care apartine marii teritoriale sau apelor interioare ale unui stat, fiind deschisa tuturor natiunilor.


2. Acea "parte a marii" care apartine marii teritoriale sau apelor interioare ale unui stat, deci ca zona marina situata in cadrul apelor nationale nationale, fiind deschisa tuturor natiunilor.


3. Acea "parte a marii" care nu apartine marii teritoriale sau apelor interioare ale unui stat, deci ca zona marina situata in afara suveranitatii nationale, fiind deschisa tuturor natiunilor.


1. Navigatia. nmlkj2. Remorcajul. nmlkj3. Bunkerajul. nmlkj

1. Dragajul. nmlkj2. Pescuitul. nmlkj3. Depoluarea. nmlkj

1. Aprovizionare nave. nmlkj

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319.Care din urmatoarele constituie libertati ale statelor riverane si cele neriverane ce se poate exercita in marea libera…

320.Regimul de mare libera se aplica...

321.Teritoriile submarine aflate sub apele marii libere constituie...

322.Regimul juridic al marii libere este guvernat de principiul...

323.Prevenirea si pedepsirea transportului de sclavi pe navele aflate sub pavilionul lor (orice sclav refugiat pe o nava este socotit a fi liber) constituie pentru fiecare stat…

2. Pilotajul. nmlkj3. Punerea de cabluri, conducte petroliere si conducte submarine. nmlkj

1. Libertatea de survol. nmlkj2. Legarea dezlegarea de nave. nmlkj3. Agenturare nave. nmlkj

1. Apelor marilor si oceanelor situate in afara sferei zonei economice exclusive, a marii teritoriale, a apelor internationale si a apelor arhipelagice ale statelor.


2. Apelor marilor si oceanelor situate in sfera zonei economice exclusive, a marii teritoriale, a apelor internationale si a apelor arhipelagice ale statelor.


3. Numai apelor marilor si oceanelor. nmlkj

1. "Platou continental". nmlkj2. "Mare libera". nmlkj3. "Zona internationala". nmlkj

1. Libertatii marilor, potrivit caruia aceasta este deschisa tuturor statelor, si nici un stat nu poate in mod valid sa pretinda suveranitate asupra vreunei parti a marii libere.


2. Suveranitatii asupra marii libere. nmlkj3. Suveranitatii asupra platoului continental nmlkj

1. O liberalitate. nmlkj2. O obligatie. nmlkj

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324.Cooperarea pentru reprimarea pirateriei in marea libera sau in orice alt loc situat in afara jurisdictiei unui stat constituie pentru fiecare stat…

325.Cooperarea pentru reprimarea traficului ilicit de stupefiante si substante psihotrope in marea libera constituie pentru fiecare stat…

326.Cooperarea pentru reprimarea emisiunilor neautorizate de radio si televiziune difuzate de pe marea libera constituie pentru fiecare stat…

327.Fluviile,raurile, canalele si lacurile precum si apele navigabile de frontiera ori apele maritime interioare constituie…

328.Apele navigabile interioare si marea teritoriala constituie…

3. Un drept. nmlkj

1. Un drept. nmlkj2. O liberalitate. nmlkj3. O obligatie. nmlkj

1. O obligatie. nmlkj2. Un drept. nmlkj3. O liberalitate. nmlkj

1. O liberalitate. nmlkj2. O obligatie. nmlkj3. Un drept. nmlkj

1. Ape interioare navigabile. nmlkj2. Zone fluviale si maritime. nmlkj3. Cai navigabiel. nmlkj

1. Zone maritime si fluviale nmlkj2. Ape nationale navigabile. nmlkj3. Ape de frontiera. nmlkj

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329.Zona maritima, fluviala si a altor cai navigabile reprezinta….

330.Remorcajul de manevra al navelor maritime in porturi se efectueaza…

331.Remorcajul de manevra al navelor fluviale in porturi se efectueaza cu nave…

332.Transportul navelor cu remorchere/impingatoare intre porturile romanesti se efectueaza…

333.Transportul pilotilor care asigura pilotajul la intrarea si iesirea din porturi, in interiorul acestora si pe caile navigabile se efectueaza...:

334.Cabotajul, respectiv transportul de marfuri, posta si pasageri, efectuat prin imbarcarea

1. Fasia de teren in lungul tarmului marii teritoriale sau a apelor interioare navigabile pe o latime de 10 metri.


2. Fasia de apa in lungul tarmului marii teritoriale sau a apelor interioare navigabile pe o latime de 10 metri.


3. Fasia de teren, indiferent de forma de proprietate asupra terenului, situata in lungul tarmului marii sau al apelor interioare navigabile, pe o latime de 30 metri masurat de la marginea apei spre interiorul uscatului.


1. Cu nave sub pavilion roman dar si strain in anumite conditii. nmlkj2. Numai cu nave sub pavilion strain. nmlkj3. Numai cu nave sub pavilion romanesc. nmlkj

1. Numai cu nave sub pavilion strain. nmlkj2. Numai cu nave sub pavilion romanesc. nmlkj3. Cu nave sub pavilion roman dar si strain in anumite conditii. nmlkj

1. Numai cu nave sub pavilion romanesc. nmlkj2. Numai cu nave sub pavilion strain. nmlkj3. Cu nave sub pavilion roman dar si strain in anumite conditii. nmlkj

1. Cu nave sub pavilion roman dar si strain in anumite conditii. nmlkj2. Numai cu nave sub pavilion romanesc. nmlkj3. Numai cu nave sub pavilion strain. nmlkj

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dintr-un punct situat pe teritoriul Romaniei si avand ca destinatie un alt punct situat pe acelasi teritoriu se efectueaza…

335.Care din navele ce naviga in apele nationale navigabile ale Romaniei trebuie sa respecte dispozitiile legale referitoare la intrarea, stationarea si iesirea navelor din port…

336.Navele au dreptul sa acosteze sau sa ancoreze la tarm in afara limitelor portului…

337.Deplasarea unei nave, cu toata viteza, catre o nava care se afla in pericol ce transmite un mesaj de ajutor pentru ai acorda asistenta este…

338.Comandantul unei nave nu mai are obligatia de asistenta si salvare in cazul in care….

339.Asistenta si salvarea navei, a incarcaturii si/sau a bunurilor aflate pe aceasta se fac...

1. Numai cu nave sub pavilion romanesc. nmlkj2. Cu nave sub pavilion roman dar si strain in anuite conditii. nmlkj3. Numai cu nave sub pavilion strain. nmlkj

1. Numai navele sub pavilion roman. nmlkj2. Numai navele sub pavilion strain. nmlkj3. Toate navele indiferent de pavilion. nmlkj

1. Unde pot ancora sau acosta mai bine. nmlkj2. Numai in locurile fixate in acest scop si cu totul exceptional in cazuri de forta majora si in alte

locuri. nmlkj

3. Nu trebuie sa respecte nici o obligatie. nmlkj

1. Benevola. nmlkj2. La latitudinea proprietarul navei. nmlkj3. Obligatorie pentru orice comandant de nava. nmlkj

1. Nava aflata in pericol refuza expres ajutorul, precum si atunci cand s-a primit informatia ca ajutorul nu mai este necesar.


2. Comandantul navei care este in drum spre a acorda ajutor se razgandeste. nmlkj3. Comandantul navei salvatoare primeste dispozitie de la prorietarul navei sa nu se abata din drum

pentru a acorda ajutor. nmlkj

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340.In cazul in care nava in pericol se afla in apele nationale navigabile si comandantul sau proprietarul intarzie nejustificat incheierea unei intelegeri pentru asistenta sau salvare si capitania de port considera ca respectiva nava constituie un pericol real pentru siguranta navigatiei, pentru mediu sau pentru populatia din imprejurimi, capitania poate...

341.Cand capitania ordona altor nave disponibile sa intervina pentru o nava aflata în pericol cheltuielile ocazionate cu interventia de salvare vor fi suportate de…

342.Ordinele de interventie pentru salvare ale capitaniei de port, sunt obligatorii pentru…

343.Documentul unei capitanii ce confirma efectuarea unei salvari si este aprobat de Autoritatea Navala Romana constituie...

344.Activitatile de salvare si de limitare a efectelor acestora se coordoneaza de….

1. Potrivit vointei navei salvate. nmlkj2. Potrivit întelegerii cu comandantul navei ce se afla in pericol sau cu proprietarul ori cu operatorul

acesteia. nmlkj

3. Potrivit vointei unilaterale a navei salvatoare. nmlkj

1. Obliga la o intelegere cu un salvator. nmlkj2. Prelungi starea de pericol. nmlkj3. Ordona interventia pentru salvare institutiilor specializate sau altor nave disponibile. nmlkj

1. Proprietarul sau operatorul navei salvate ori, dupa caz, proprietarul marfii salvate. nmlkj2. Salvator. nmlkj3. Capitania de port care a ordonat salvare. nmlkj

1. Navele sub pavilion roman. nmlkj2. Toate navele, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza. nmlkj3. Navele sub pavilion strain. nmlkj

1. Retributia de salvare. nmlkj2. Ordin de plata pentru celtuielile efectuate cu ocazia salvarii. nmlkj3. Titlu executoriu pentru cheltuielile de salvare cuvenita fiecarui salvator. nmlkj

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345.Executarea titlului executoriu eliberat pentru salvarea unei nave, de catre unitatea creditoare, se face...

346.Asistenta si salvarea navelor remorcate sau impinse ori a incarcaturii acestora de catre nava care le remorcheaza sau le impinge dau dreptul salvatorilor la recompensa numai….

347.Comandantul navei care acorda asistenta pentru salvare unei nave aflate in pericol, este obligat imediat dupa abordaj sa...

348.Asistenta si salvarea pe mare sau in apele nationale navigabile se acorda…

349.Comandantul si ceilalti membri ai echipajelor navelor care au participat la operatiunile de asistenta si salvare in cazul in care operatiunile de asistenta si salvare a avut loc intre nave

1. Capitaniile de port. nmlkj2. Garda de coasta. nmlkj3. Operatorii portuari. nmlkj

1. Dupa achitarea tuturor creantelor maritime. nmlkj2. Cu prioritate inaintea oricarei alte creante. nmlkj3. In ordinea dispusa de instanta. nmlkj

1. In cazurile in care evenimentul s-a produs din culpa echipajului remorcherului sau al impingatorului si daca acesta a prestat servicii exceptionale ca efect in indeplinirea contractului de remorcare.


2. In cazurile in care evenimentul poate fi considerat ca efectuate in indeplinirea contractului de remorcare.


3. In cazurile in care evenimentul nu s-a produs din culpa echipajului remorcherului sau al Impingatorului, daca acesta a prestat servicii exceptionale care nu pot fi considerate ca efectuate in indeplinirea contractului de remorcare.


1. Sa se identifice indicand celeilalte nave numele propriei sale nave, portul sau de inmatriculare si portul cel mai apropiat la care va ajunge.


2. Sa salveze marfa si nava. nmlkj3. Sa constate daca pe nava sunt persoane vatamate. nmlkj

1. Numai navelor. nmlkj2. Navelor, aeronavelor ori persoanelor cazute de la bordul acestora. nmlkj3. Persoanelor si bunurilor nmlkj

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apartinand aceleiasi persoane juridice sau fizice sunt indreptatiti sa primeasca o parte din recompensa de salvare ...

350.Activitatea de cautare si salvare a vietii omenesti, pe mare si in apele nationale navigabile, se efectueaza :

351.Centrul de coordonare a activitatii de cautare si salvare a vietii omenesti pe mare se organizeaza si functioneaza in cadrul:

352.Centrul de coordonare a activitatilor de prevenire a poluarii apelor de catre navele aflate in apele nationale navigabile si de interventie pentru depoluare, functioneaza in cadrul:

353.Obligatia de a suporta cheltuielile ocazionate de interventia pentru depoluarea apelor nationale navigabile, limitarea si indepartarea consecintelor poluarii, in cazul poluarii acestora de catre nave apartine:

1. Nu nmlkj2. Nu pentru ca apartin aceluiasi proprietar.. nmlkj3. Da. nmlkj

1. In mod gratuit de statul roman, in conformitate cu prevederile acordurilor si conventiilor internationale la care Romania este parte, pentru orice persoana, indiferent de nationalitatea acesteia.


2. Contra cost, in conformitate cu prevederile acordurilor si conventiilor internationale la care Romania este parte, pentru orice persoana, indiferent de nationalitatea acesteia.


3. In mod gratuit de statul roman, in conformitate cu prevederile acordurilor si conventiilor internationale la care Romania este parte, pentru orice persoana, numai daca este de nationalitate romana.


1. Agentiei Romane de Salvare a Vietii Omenesti pe Mare. nmlkj2. Autoritatii Navale Romane. nmlkj3. Apele Romane. nmlkj

1. Apele Romane nmlkj2. Inspectoratele de protectie a mediului nmlkj3. Autoritatii Navale Romane. nmlkj

1. Poluatorului. nmlkj2. Ministerului Mediului.

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354.Din puct de vedere al capitaniilor de port navele esuate, scufundate, parasite sau abandonate in apele nationale navigabile reprezinta:

355.Dezesuarea sau ranfluarea unei nave esuate sau scufundate in apele nationale navigabile si de a curata albia, reprezinta…

356.In cazul in care proprietarul sau operatorul unei nave refuza sa efectueze salvarea si capitania de port solicita administratorului portuar sa efectueze operatiunea, cheltuielile se fac in contul si pe seama…

357.Pilotajul navelor maritime in porturile si pe cai navigabile romanesti reprezinta....


nmlkj3. Proprietarului sau administratorului zonei poluate. nmlkj

1. Ca navele nu au respectat conditiile tehnice de constructie. nmlkj2. Un pericol pentru siguranta navigatiei. nmlkj3. O eroare de pilotaj. nmlkj

1. O obligatie a statului respectiv. nmlkj2. O obligatie a firmelor de salvare. nmlkj3. O obligatie a proprietarului sau operatorului navei. nmlkj

1. Proprietarului sau operatorului navei, direct sau prin intermediul unui agent economic specializat. nmlkj2. Administratiei portuare, direct sau prin intermediul unui agent economic specializat. nmlkj3. Capitaniei de port care a dispus salvarea , direct sau prin intermediul unui agent economic

specializat. nmlkj

1. Serviciu de siguranta de interes national pentru navele sub pavilion strain, indiferent de pavilionul pe care acestea il arboreaza, in mod nediscriminatoriu privind durata, calitatea si tarifele practicate


2. Serviciu de siguranta de interes national pentru toate navele, indiferent de pavilionul pe care acestea il arboreaza, in mod nediscriminatoriu privind durata, calitatea si tarifele practicate


3. Serviciu portuar de interes local pentru toate navele, indiferent de pavilionul pe care acestea il arboreaza, in mod nediscriminatoriu privind durata, calitatea si tarifele practicate.


1. Se substituie comandantului. nmlkj

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359.Responsabilitatea, privind navigatia si manevrele efectuate in porturi de o nava cu pilot la bord ,revine…

360. Daca informatiile furnizate de pilot sunt eronate ori au fost transmise eronat cu buna stiinta, raspunderea pentru accidentul sau evenimentul produs revine...

361.Furnizarea de date corecte privind pescajul, dimensiunile, tonajul, incarcatura, caracteristicile si puterea motoarelor, a propulsoarelor, manevrabilitatea, precum si orice alte caracteristici ale navei solicitate de pilot, reprezinta…

362.Comandantul navei pilotate cu pilot la bord, dupa iesirea navei din zona sau din portul unde pilotajul este obligatoriu, are obligatia sa…

363. Pilotul pe timpul cat se afla la bordul navei are obligatia sa…

2. Face parte din echipajul navei si nu se substituie comandantului nmlkj3. Nu face parte din echipajul navei si nu se substituie comandantului. nmlkj

1. Comandantului navei pilotate. nmlkj2. Pilotului. nmlkj3. Capitaniei de port. nmlkj

1. Comandantului pentru ca a dat curs informatiilor eronate. nmlkj2. Pilotului. nmlkj3. Comandantului. nmlkj

1. O obligatie a administratiei portuare. nmlkj2. Un drept al capitaniei de port. nmlkj3. O obligatie a comandantului navei pilotate nmlkj

1. Il debarce in siguranta pe pilotina. nmlkj2. Retina pilotul la bord pana efectueaza plata. nmlkj3. Il retina la bord daca nu vine la timp pilotina iar debarcarea se va face in primul port. nmlkj

1. Furnizeze comandantului numai informatii referitoare la conditiile meteo, astfel incat nava sa navigheze si sa efectueze manevrele portuare in deplina siguranta.


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364.Pilotul poate parasi nava pilotata in situatia in care...

365.In cazul in care considera ca nava prezinta pericol pentru siguranta navigatiei sau pentru securitatea portului ori observa nereguli in desfasurarea manevrei, pilotul poate sa…

366.Pentru a fi pilot trebuie sa fie indeplinite urmatoarele conditii…

367.Remorcajul de manevra al navelor maritime in porturi, reprezinta conform legii…

368.Prin remorcaj se asigura….

2. Furnizeze comandantului toate informatiile referitoare la zona sau portul respectiv, astfel incat nava sa navigheze si sa efectueze manevrele portuare in deplina siguranta.


3. Furnizeze comandantului informatii referitoare la regulametul portuar. nmlkj

1. Comandantul nu ii ofera informatiile referitoare la caracteristicile navei.. nmlkj2. A acostat nava chiar daca este la cheu si nu are inca legaturile facute. nmlkj3. A acostat, respectiv a ancorat nava in siguranta si a primit acordul comandantului. nmlkj

1. Solicite capitaniei de port intreruperea navigatiei sau a manevrei navei pe care o piloteaza, pana la restabilirea circumstantelor care fac posibila navigatia in siguranta.


2. Continue manevra pe raspunderea comandantului. nmlkj3. Continue manevra pe raspunderea sa. nmlkj

1. Sa fie cetatean roman sau strain, si sa detina un brevet valabil pentru zona de navigatie pentru care se asigura pilotajul navei, eliberat de catre Autoritatea Navala Romana.


2. Sa detina un brevet valabil pentru zona de navigatie pentru care se asigura pilotajul navei, eliberat de catre Autoritatea Navala Romana.


3. Sa fie cetatean roman, si sa detina un brevet valabil pentru zona de navigatie pentru care se asigura pilotajul navei, eliberat de oricare autoritate inclusiv una straina.


1. Un serviciu al autoritatii locale ce se efectueaza numai pentru navele sub pavilion roman. nmlkj2. Un serviciu portuar de interes local si se efectueaza sub controlul statului pentru toate navele,

indiferent de pavilionul acestora, in mod nediscriminatoriu privind durata, calitatea si tarifele practicate.


3. Un serviciu de siguranta de interes national si se efectueaza sub controlul statului pentru toate navele, indiferent de pavilionul acestora, in mod nediscriminatoriu privind durata, calitatea si tarifele practicate.


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369.In timpul folosirii remorcherului comandantul si echipajul acestuia devin...

370.Remorcherul poate parasi nava remorcata intr-o manevra de plecare din port numai …

371.Anuntarea accidentelor sau evenimentelor petrecute cu nava remorcata, nerespectarea regulilor de navigatie, precum si orice modificari aparute in zonele prin care a trecut si care pot pune in pericol siguranta navigatiei reprezinta…

372.Navele pot acosta in afara porturilor sau la malul unei cai navigabile numai…

373.Aprobarea pentru locurile in care este permisa ancorarea sau acostarea unei nave este data de…

1. Desfasurarea in conditii de siguranta a navigatiei si a manevrelor portuare. nmlkj2. Legarea/dezlegarea navelor la cheu. nmlkj3. Conditia necesara ca navele sa isi poata opri masina dupa ce in prealabil sa legat la remorcher. nmlkj

1. Colaboratorii cu nava remorcata. nmlkj2. Subordonati comandantului navei remorcate si respecta in totalitate ordinele primite din partea

acestuia. nmlkj

3. Conducatorii navei remorcate si transmit ordine comandantului navei. nmlkj

1. Daca nava remorcata nu a iesit inca din zona sau portul unde remorcajul este obligatoriu nmlkj2. Nava remorcata a iesit in afara zonei sau a portului unde remorcajul este obligatoriu chiar daca nu a

primit acordul comandantului navei remorcate. nmlkj

3. Dupa ce a primit acordul comandantului navei remorcate si nava remorcata a iesit in afara zonei sau a portului unde remorcajul este obligatoriu.


1. O obligatie a comandantului remorcherului. nmlkj2. Un lucru benevol. nmlkj3. Un drept al personalului navigant. nmlkj

1. in locurile in care considera ca le permite pescajul. nmlkj2. in locurile stabilite in acest scop si care sunt semnalizate corespunzator. nmlkj3. Acolo unde ii dispune armatorul. nmlkj

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374.Navele pot acosta si in afara zonelor aprobate numai…

375.Cazurile de forta majora invocate de comandantul navei se verifica si se atesta de:

376.In cazuri de forta majora cand, pentru salvarea navei, a incarcaturii acesteia sau pentru evitarea degradarii mediului, incarcatura a fost descarcata, partial sau integral, pe malul caii navigabile, comandantul are obligatia sa…

377.Situatiile in care operatiunile de incarcare/descarcare de marfuri si/sau de pasageri se pot efectua in afara porturilor si conditiile in care aceste activitati se pot desfasura se stabilesc de...

1. Societatea de remorcaj in a carei zona de activitate se afla acestea. nmlkj2. Administratia de port de port in a carei zona de activitate se afla acestea. nmlkj3. Capitania de port in a carei zona de jurisdictie se afla acestea. nmlkj

1. in cazuri de forta majora, cu conditia luarii tuturor masurilor pentru a nu stanjeni navigatia in siguranta a celorlalte nave si cu informarea imediata a capitaniei de port in a carei zona de jurisdictie si, dupa caz, a politiei de frontiera in a carei zona de jurisdictie s-a produs acostarea.


2. in cazuri de stare de necesitate, cu conditia luarii tuturor masurilor pentru a nu stanjeni navigatia in siguranta a celorlalte nave si cu informarea imediata a capitaniei de port in a carei zona de activitate si, dupa caz, a politiei de frontiera in a carei zona de jurisdictie s-a produs acostarea.


3. in cazuri de constrangere, cu conditia luarii tuturor masurilor pentru a nu stanjeni navigatia in siguranta a celorlalte nave si cu informarea imediata a capitaniei de port in a carei zona de activitate si, dupa caz, a politiei de frontiera in a carei zona de jurisdictie s-a produs acostarea.


1. Administratia portului in a carei zona de activitate s-a produs evenimentul sau de catre administratia portului de destinatie.


2. Capitania de port in a carei zona de jurisdictie s-a produs evenimentul sau de catre capitania portului de destinatie.


3. Camera de Comert Industrie si Navigatie. nmlkj

1. Informeze serviciul vamal. nmlkj2. Informeze administratia de port . nmlkj3. Informeze cea mai apropiata capitanie de port si, dupa caz, politia de frontiera. nmlkj

1. Catre Autoritatea Navala Romana. nmlkj2. Administratorul zonei respective. nmlkj3. Politia de frontiera. nmlkj

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378.Activitatea de supraveghere si control a navigatiei se efectueaza de...

379.Acceptul de intrare a navelor in port si permisul de plecare a navelor din port se acorda de…

380.Permisele de acostare se acorda de…

381.In cazul navelor care vin din voiaj international acceptul de intrare in port se elibereaza numai dupa...

382.Autoritatea Navala Romana are dreptul si obligatia de a controla navele care arboreaza pavilionul altor state…

383.Autoritatea Navala Romana, prin capitaniile de port, in cazul in care constata ca navele sub pavilion strain nu respecta prevederile acordurilor si conventiilor internationale la care Romania este parte, va….

1. Ministerul Transporturilor si Infrastructurii nmlkj2. Autoritatea Navala Romana prin capitaniile de port. nmlkj3. Politia de frontiera. nmlkj

1. Politiei de frontiera. nmlkj2. Administratiile portuare. nmlkj3. Autoritatea Navala Romana, prin capitaniile de port. nmlkj

1. Administratia portului. nmlkj2. Politia de frontiera. nmlkj3. Autoritatea Navala Romana, prin capitaniile de port. nmlkj

1. Depunerea actelor navelor. nmlkj2. Obtinerea permisului de libera practica sanitara. nmlkj3. Obtinerea permisului de acostare nmlkj

1. Nu are dreptul sa controleze aceste nave. nmlkj2. Da indiferent unde s-ar afla si cu precadere in ceea ce priveste respectarea prevederilor acordurilor si

conventiilor internationale la care Romania este parte. nmlkj

3. Daca se afla in apele nationale navigabile si in porturile romanesti in ceea ce priveste respectarea prevederilor acordurilor si conventiilor internationale la care Romania este parte.


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384.In cazul in care se constata ca eliminarea deficientelor nu se poate face in portul in care nava a fost retinuta, Autoritatea Navala Romana poate...

385.Autoritatea Navala Romana poate monitoriza navele care arboreaza pavilionul roman cu privire la...

386.Controlul statului portului (PSC) reprezinta…

387.Controlul statului pavilionului (FSC) reprezinta…

1. Retine nava pana la remedierea deficientelor constatate. nmlkj2. Sechestra nava pana la remedierea deficientelor constatate. nmlkj3. Aresta navele pana la remedierea deficientelor constatate. nmlkj

1. Sa dispuna retragerea pavilionului roman. nmlkj2. Autoriza plecarea navei catre alt port, daca aceasta poate naviga in conditii minime de siguranta, iar

daca portul respectiv se afla in alt stat, va notifica in mod corespunzator autoritatii competente din acel stat.


3. Dispune intrarea intr-un Santier naval. nmlkj

1. Modul in care isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala. nmlkj2. Respectarea regimului armelor si munitiilor. nmlkj3. Respectarea conditiilor si prevederilor acordurilor si conventiilor internationale la care Romania este

parte inclusiv atunci cand aceste nave se afla in afara apelor nationale navigabile. nmlkj

1. Controlul efectuat de Autoritatea Navala Romana navelor care arboreaza pavilionul altor state, aflate in apele nationale navigabile si in porturile romanesti.


2. Controlul efectuat de Autoritatea Navala Romana navelor care arboreaza pavilionul roman, aflate in apele nationale navigabile si in porturile romanesti.


3. Controlul efectuat de Autoritatea Navala Romana navelor care arboreaza pavilionul altor state, aflate in apele internationale.


1. Controlul efectuat de Autoritatea Navala Romana navelor care arboreaza pavilionul strain, aflate in/sau afara apele nationale navigabile si in porturile romanesti.


2. Controlul efectuat de Autoritatea Navala Romana navelor care arboreaza pavilionul roman, aflate in/sau afara apele nationale navigabile si in porturile romanesti.


3. Controlul efectuat de Autoritatea Navala Romana navelor care arboreaza pavilionul straine, aflate in afara apele nationale navigabile si in porturile romanesti.


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388.Lipsa actelor de bord sau daca nu sunt valabile conduce la…

389.Navelor cu gaura de apa le sunt...

390.Functionarea defectuoasa a instalatiilor de guvernare si a celor de ancorare conduce la...

391.Nava nu este inzestrata cu suficiente mijloace de salvare, de stingere a incendiilor, de semnalizare si de ancorare conduce la…

392.Incarcatura de pe punte ce pericliteaza stabilitatea navei sau impiedica vizibilitatea in navigatie conduce la...

1. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj2. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj3. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele

nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza nmlkj

1. Interzise plecarea de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza


2. Permise a efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj3. Permise a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj

1. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj2. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele

nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza nmlkj

3. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj

1. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj2. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj3. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele

nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza nmlkj

1. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza


2. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj3. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj

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393.Stivuirea si armarea marfurilor in magazii ce sunt defectuoase, periclitand siguranta navigatiei conduce la...

394.Depasirea pescajului navei pescajul maxim prevazut in actele navei conduce la…

395.Daca pescajul navei nu permite trecerea prin zonele din apele nationale navigabile prin care aceasta urmeaza sa navigheze se ajunge la…

396.Depasirea numarului de pasageri imbarcati peste numarul prevazut in actele navei conduce la…

397.Membrii echipajului care nu poseda brevete sau certificate de capacitate corespunzatoare functiilor impune…

1. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj2. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele

nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza nmlkj

3. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj

1. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj2. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj3. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele

nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza nmlkj

1. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de a continua navigatia in apele nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza.


2. Permisiunea de a putea forta trecerea in aceste conditii. nmlkj3. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj

1. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj2. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele

nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza nmlkj

3. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj

1. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj2. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj3. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele

nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza nmlkj

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398.Lipsa echipajului minim de siguranta la bordul navei conduce la…

399.In cazurile in care siguranta navei este periclitata sau o nava ar periclita siguranta navigatiei in apele nationale navigabile ori nava constituie o sursa evidenta de poluare se poate dispune…

400.Capitaniile de port pot interzice plecarea oricarei nave dintr-un port sau dintr-un loc de stationare aflat in apele nationale navigabile pentru …

401.Solicitarea privind interzicerea plecarii navei pentru debite va fi facuta...

402.Raspunderea pentru interdictia de plecare revine...

1. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza


2. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj3. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj

1. Permisiunea de a naviga pana in primul port. nmlkj2. Interdictia data de catre capitaniile de port la iesirea din porturi si/sau continuarea navigatiei in apele

nationale navigabile a navelor, indiferent de pavilionul pe care il arboreaza nmlkj

3. Permisiunea de a mai efectua un singur voiaj in aceste conditii. nmlkj

1. Creante ale proprietarului sau operatorului navei ori ale proprietarului marfii aflate pe nava, fata de respectivele autoritati sau respectivii agenti economici.


2. Credite ale proprietarului sau operatorului navei ori ale proprietarului marfii aflate pe nava, fata de autoritati sau agenti economici.


3. Debite ale proprietarului sau operatorului navei ori ale proprietarului marfii aflate pe nava, fata de autoritati sau agenti economici.


1. in scris. nmlkj2. Prin statie. nmlkj3. Verbal. nmlkj

1. Capitaniei. nmlkj2. Solicitantului. nmlkj3. Proprietarului sau operatorului navei. nmlkj

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403.Interdictia de plecare a navei nu poate depasi...

404.Retinerea unei nave poate inceta daca…

405.Retinerea unei nave nu poate continua peste limita admisa prin lege decat daca…

406.Capitaniile de port in cazul in care primesc, in scris, sesizari sau reclamatii referitoare la infractiuni la regimul navigatiei sau pe baza rapoartelor privind sinistrele, abordajele si orice avarie au dreptul si obligatia sa...

407.Which of the following is not a "Special Area" according to MARPOL Regulation 10?

1. 12 ore. nmlkj2. Doua zile. nmlkj3. 24 de ore. nmlkj

1. Proprietarul sau, dupa caz, operatorul navei ori proprietarul marfii a facut dovada constituirii unor garantii suficiente in raport cu creanta invocata si aceasta a fost acceptata de cel care a solicitat retinerea.


2. Proprietarul sau, dupa caz, operatorul navei ori proprietarul marfii depune jumatate din creanta invocata si aceasta a fost acceptata de cel care a solicitat retinerea.


3. Proprietarul sau, dupa caz, operatorul navei ori proprietarul marfii promite ca va plati datoria. nmlkj

1. Solicitantul prezinta la capitania de port o notificare a recunoasterii datoriilor. nmlkj2. Solicitantul prezinta la capitania de port o incheiere executorie a instantelor judecatoresti. nmlkj3. Proprietarul navei prezinta la capitania de port o incheiere executorie a instantelor judecatoresti

competente de punere sub sechestru a uneia din navele sale. nmlkj

1. Efectueze cercetari, sa solicite sau sa accepte efectuarea de expertize si sa administreze probe in limitele competentelor lor.


2. Efectueze cercetari, cu depasirea limitelor competentelor lor. nmlkj3. Efectueze cercetari, sa solicite sau sa accepte efectuarea de expertize si sa administreze probe numai

dupa primirea unei aprobari din partea politiei. nmlkj

1. Mediterranean Sea area including the Black Sea nmlkj2. Baltic Sea area nmlkj3. Red Sea area nmlkj4. Caribbean Sea area

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408.Which MARPOL Annex deals with the Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk?

409.Which Marpol Annex deals with the Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil?

410.The term "segregated ballast" means.......

411.Which of the following pumps is not allowed to have a direct overboard connection to the sea?

412.The entries in the Oil Record Book must be............


1. Annex I nmlkj2. Annex II nmlkj3. Annex III nmlkj4. Annex V nmlkj

1. Annex I nmlkj2. Annex II nmlkj3. Annex IV nmlkj4. Annex V nmlkj

1. a ballast system completely separated from the fuel oil system. nmlkj2. a ballast system completely separated from the cargo oil system. nmlkj3. a ballast system completely separated from the cargo and fuel oil systems. nmlkj4. none of the other options. nmlkj

1. Ballast Water Pumps nmlkj2. Engine Room Bilge Pump nmlkj3. Cargo Hold Bilge Pump nmlkj4. Sludge Pump nmlkj

1. in the language of the Captain and in English or French. nmlkj

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413.According to the MEPC, Circular No. 235, issued by the IMO, entitled "Guidelines for systems for handling oily wastes in machinery spaces of ships", a return line to the bilge or holding tank is..............

414.Cross connections between the fuel and ballast systems are.................. .

415.Ships may only discharge processed bilge water from machinery spaces into the sea if certain very specific criteria are being met. Which of those listed below is correct?

416.MARPOL Annex V came into effect from the 1st July 1997, for new ships, and from 1st July 1998 for all other vessels. It affects ships........

417.The disposal of plastics at sea is..........

2. in the language of the crew and in English or French. nmlkj3. in the official language of the Flag State and in English or French. nmlkj4. in any language comprehensible by the Port State Control officers. nmlkj

1. strongly recommended for all ships. nmlkj2. required for all ships. nmlkj3. left to be fitted at Owner's discretion. nmlkj4. required for ships of 10,000 GRT and above. nmlkj

1. allowed at the fuel system manifold in the engine room. nmlkj2. allowed at the fuel system manifold on the main deck. nmlkj3. totally prohibited. nmlkj4. allowed at the ballast system manifold in the engine room. nmlkj

1. The ship is sailing within a special area. nmlkj2. The ship is proceeding en route. nmlkj3. The oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 100 ppm. nmlkj4. The ship has in operation equipment as required by Regulation 16(5) of Annex I to MARPOL. nmlkj

1. of 400 tonnes and above. nmlkj2. of 150 tonnes and above. nmlkj3. of 1500 tonnes and above. nmlkj4. carrying 12 or more passengers. nmlkj

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418.The Garbage Record Book must be open for inspection at all times and kept for a minimum of...........

419.In the USA any food waste being put ashore must be delivered in..........

420.Basic procedures for bunkering operations on all ships require that ............................. should personally supervise all bunkering operations.

421.Bunkering procedures for all ships require that ..................... communication should be maintained with the shore/barge staff in charge of the transfer.

1. allowed anywhere outside the designated Special Areas. nmlkj2. strictly prohibited. nmlkj3. allowed as long as the ship is no less than 12 nautical miles from the coast. nmlkj4. allowed as long as they have passed through a comminutor. nmlkj

1. six months. nmlkj2. one year. nmlkj3. two years. nmlkj4. five years. nmlkj

1. biodegradable sacks. nmlkj2. plastic bags. nmlkj3. cardboard boxes. nmlkj4. sealed metal containers. nmlkj

1. the Master nmlkj2. the Chief Engineer nmlkj3. the 2nd Engineer nmlkj4. a responsible person nmlkj

1. continuous nmlkj2. frequent nmlkj3. occasional nmlkj4. intermittent nmlkj

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422.Bunkering procedures on all ships require that the deck officer on watch is informed prior to the starting of bunkering. This is because ............. .

423.What is the meaning of the word "Convention", as used for instance in SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW "Conventions"?

424.What is the intention when adopting international maritime conventions and agreements?

425.What do the letters UNCLOS stand for?

426.The law of the sea is embodied in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the.......

1. the time needs to be recorded exactly. nmlkj2. he is responsible for all communication with the shore or barge. nmlkj3. appropriate precautions have to be taken by the deck department. nmlkj4. the bunkering flag has to be hoisted and the oil spill recovery team put on stand-by. nmlkj

1. A Convention describes a party of delegates at a meeting. nmlkj2. A Convention is a treaty between States, which have agreed to be bound by it to apply the principles

contained in the convention within their sphere. nmlkj

3. A Convention explains maritime law based partly on generally accepted customary rules. nmlkj4. A Convention explains the enactment of national legislation giving effect to and enforcing its

provisions. nmlkj

1. To specify flag State jurisdiction. nmlkj2. To empower the International Maritime Organization (IMO). nmlkj3. To provide uniform practice internationally. nmlkj4. To keep up to date with developments in shipping. nmlkj

1. United Nations Centre for Loss Prevention Studies, 1985 nmlkj2. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 nmlkj3. United Nations Certificate for Load Line Spaces nmlkj4. United Nations Classification of Ships, 1988 nmlkj

1. London Conventions of 1955. nmlkj2. STCW Convention of 1978 as amended in 1995. nmlkj

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427.The normal base line for measuring the extent of the territorial area along the coast, as marked on large scale charts officially recognised by the coastal State is..........

428.In international law the territorial sea forms part of a State's territory. At how many miles does the Law of the Sea Convention set the limit of the territorial sea?

429.Where would you find a sea area known as the "Contiguous Zone"?

430.What sea area is known as "the continental shelf"?

431.Which of the following statements is not correct?

3. United Nation Conventions of 1958. nmlkj4. Geneva Conventions of 1958. nmlkj

1. the low-water line. nmlkj2. the estuary. nmlkj3. the high-tide line. nmlkj4. the mean high water line. nmlkj

1. Three miles nmlkj2. Six miles. nmlkj3. Twelve miles nmlkj4. Two hundred miles nmlkj

1. It is an area seaward of the territorial sea within which the coastal State enjoys limited jurisdiction nmlkj2. It is a sea area surrounding an archipelago within which the coastal State enjoys limited jurisdiction nmlkj3. It is the 200 mile zone seaward of the normal coastal base line nmlkj4. It is the area landward of the territorial sea; that is the estuaries and harbours nmlkj

1. The section that slopes down gradually from the low-water mark to the depth, averaging 130 metres,at which the angle of declination increase markedly.


2. The sea area to seaward of the Exclusive Economic Zone nmlkj3. The safety zones around artificial islands nmlkj4. The waters surrounding the European continent only nmlkj

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432.What is MARPOL?

433.The MARPOL Annex I regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil apply to which ships?

434.What is the SOLAS Convention?

435.What is a passenger ship?

436.The present SOLAS regulations, unless expressly provided otherwise, applies only to..........

1. Ships must respect established sea-lanes and Traffic Separation Schemes. nmlkj2. A coastal State has jurisdiction over installations and structures within its economic zone. nmlkj3. An archipelagos State may designate sea lanes through its waters. nmlkj4. The exclusive economic zone is the sea area within the 12 mile territorial sea. nmlkj

1. The International Maritime Police Convention nmlkj2. Maritime Policies as agreed by the IMO nmlkj3. The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships nmlkj4. The Marine Environmental Protection and Liability Convention nmlkj

1. All Tankers only nmlkj2. Tankers greater than 500 gross tons nmlkj3. All vessels greater than 500 gross tons nmlkj4. All ships, unless expressly provided otherwise nmlkj

1. The "Voluntary Code for Safety Of Life At Sea." nmlkj2. The "International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea." nmlkj3. The "Convention on Life Saving Appliances." nmlkj4. The "International Life Saving Appliance Code." nmlkj

1. A ship that carries more than ten passengers nmlkj2. A ship that carries more than twelve passengers nmlkj3. A ship that carries more than six passengers nmlkj4. A ship that carries more than twenty passengers nmlkj

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437.In passenger ships, all watertight doors in main transverse bulkheads shall be operated....

438.The International Safety Management Code states that the company and the.......

439.Which of the areas listed are designated as Special Areas by Marpol Annex I ?


1. ships of war and troopships. nmlkj2. cargo ships in excess of 500 gross tonnage. nmlkj3. ships not propelled by mechanical means. nmlkj4. fishing vessels. nmlkj

1. daily. nmlkj2. weekly. nmlkj3. monthly. nmlkj4. each four-hour watch. nmlkj

1. company directors shall comply with the requirements of the ISM Code. nmlkj2. port state control officer shall be mentioned in the Safety Management System. nmlkj3. ship shall comply with the requirements of the ISM Code. nmlkj4. port State shall comply with the requirements of the ISM Code. nmlkj

1. I, II, III, VI, X, XI, XIII, XIV nmlkj2. I, III, VI, IX, X, XI, XIII, XIV nmlkj

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440.According to Regulation 13.3.b, in which of these exceptional cases can ballast water be loaded into cargo holds of tankers?


441.Existing tankers up to 40,000 dwt which are fitted with CBTand COW and designated as "Crude Oil/Product Carrier" on the IOPP certificate should operate as which of these?


3. I, II, VI, VIII, IX, XI, XIII, XIV nmlkj4. II, III, V, VI, X, XII, XIII, XIV nmlkj

1. I, III, IV nmlkj2. II, IV, VI nmlkj3. III, V, VI nmlkj4. I, III, VI nmlkj

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442.Every oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast shall be provided with an approved Dedicated Clean Ballast Operating Manual. Which of these items must be contained in the manual?


1. I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII nmlkj2. I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII nmlkj3. I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII nmlkj4. I, II, III, IV, V, VI VII nmlkj

1. I, II, III, IV nmlkj2. I, II, III, V nmlkj3. III, IV, V, VI nmlkj

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443.Requirements for Crude Oil Washing demand that a number of cargo tanks be washed prior to each ballast voyage. What number of tanks are specified?

444.Every tanker operating a Crude Oil Washing System shall be provided with an approved .....

445.Existing tankers in specific trades do not need to comply with SBT, CBT and COW requirements provided that which of these items apply?


4. I, IV, V, VI nmlkj

1. One third of the number of all tanks. nmlkj2. All tanks designated as cargo tanks. nmlkj3. Sufficient to increase the ship's draught by at least 3 metres and not exceed a 1 metre trim by the

stern. nmlkj

4. Sufficient to take account of the ship's trading pattern, so that ballast water is not put into tanks that have not been crude oil washed.


1. Tank Cleaning Manual. nmlkj2. Safety Operation Manual. nmlkj3. Cargo Loading Manual. nmlkj4. Operations and Equipment Manual. nmlkj

1. I, II, V, VI, VII, VIII nmlkj2. I, II, III, IV, VIII, IX nmlkj

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446.The term "tanks with smooth walls" is meant to include which tanks?

447.MARPOL regulations require that the slop tank capacity is 3 % of the cargo tank capacity. Under which of these conditions can the slop tank capacity be reduced to 2 or 1.5 %?


448.Under Marpol, do the requirements of Oil Retention and Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment apply to tankers carrying asphalt?

3. II, IV, V, VI, VII, IX nmlkj4. II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII nmlkj

1. Centre cargo tanks. nmlkj2. Cargo oil tanks, including the main tanks of oil bulk/ore carriers, even if they are constructed with

framing of small depth. nmlkj

3. Tanks with vertically corrugated bulkheads. nmlkj4. All of the other options. nmlkj

1. I, IV, VI nmlkj2. II, IV, V nmlkj3. I, II, VI nmlkj4. I, III, V nmlkj

1. Yes, same requirements as for other tankers nmlkj

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449.Every new oil tanker which is required to be provided with SBT or fitted with COW shall comply with which of the following items concerning pumping arrangements and piping?


450.Marpol states that a small diameter line is to be connected outboard of the manifold for the purpose of pumping pipe and cargo pumps drainage to shore receptives. What does "connected outboard of " mean?


2. Yes, but no slop tanks required nmlkj3. No, retention of residues on board is required with discharge of all contaminated washings to

reception facilities nmlkj

4. No, not a specialised trade, no such requirements apply nmlkj

1. I, II, V, VII nmlkj2. I, IV, V, VI nmlkj3. II, III, IV, VII nmlkj4. I, III, V, VII nmlkj

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451.The oil record book for cargo/ballast operations on tankers shall be completed, on a tank to tank basis, whenever which of these operations has taken place?


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1. A connection other than the cargo manifold nmlkj2. A connection fitted adjacent to the ships sides for connection to shore lines or to barges nmlkj3. A connection on the downstream side of the manifold valves on PS and SB nmlkj4. A connection separate from the cargo manifold located more outboard on PS and SB nmlkj

1. I, II, III, V, VI, VIII, X, XI, XII, XIII nmlkj2. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X nmlkj3. I, II, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII nmlkj4. I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI nmlkj

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452.Regulation 23 of Marpol Annex I is concerned with the hypothetical outflow of oil from tankers. What is understood by this?

453.For the calculation of hypothetical oil outflow, credit shall be given to double bottom tanks, full or empty, when cargo is carried in tanks above. Partial double bottoms are credited.....

454.The volume of any one centre tank on a tanker shall not exceed ....................... cubic metres?

455.Under Marpol, the IOPP certificate of any ship must be supplemented by...........

456.The IOPP certificate shows under which government authority it was issued as well as .........

1. The total accumulated amount of oil discharged into the sea by a tanker nmlkj2. The quantity of the oil spilt which may be caused due to main Cargo pipe or connecting hose rupture

during loading or discharging nmlkj

3. The oil discharged into the sea in the case of side damage or bottom damage nmlkj4. The outflow of oil via the pump room sea chests due to untight valve sets nmlkj

1. according to the percentage of the cargo tank they cover. nmlkj2. as 0.3 times the percentage they cover. nmlkj3. as non-existent. nmlkj4. as providing sufficient protection for the tanks above. nmlkj

1. 40000 nmlkj2. 45000 nmlkj3. 50000 nmlkj4. 55000 nmlkj

1. endorsements for annual surveys. nmlkj2. endorsements for intermediate surveys. nmlkj3. a record of construction and equipment. nmlkj4. compliance certificates for the oily water separator, incinerator and sewage plant. nmlkj

1. the date of build and place. nmlkj2. the date of keel laid and place. nmlkj

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457.Which of these items are listed in the Record of Construction and Equipment for a ship other than an oil tanker?


458.Which of these items are listed in the Record of Construction and Equipment for an oil tanker?


3. the designation of organisation authorised by the government. nmlkj4. the type of intended voyages by the ship. nmlkj

1. I, III, IV, V, VII, IX nmlkj2. II, III, IV VI, VIII, IX nmlkj3. I, II, III, IV, VI, VII nmlkj4. I, II, III, VI, VII, VIII nmlkj

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459.What entries must be made in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo / ballast operations - tankers) about the loading of cargo oil?

460.What entries must be made in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operation - tankers) about the internal transfer of cargo during the voyage?

461.Which of these items about crude oil washing operations must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


1. I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII, IX, X, XII nmlkj2. I, II, III, IV, V, VIII, IX, XI, XII nmlkj3. II, III, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, XII nmlkj4. I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, X, XI nmlkj

1. Place of loading, loading on top of sludge, loading rate, total quantity nmlkj2. Time of commencement of loading and time of completion, total quantity of oil loaded nmlkj3. Place of loading, type of oil loaded and identity of tanks, total quantity of oil loaded nmlkj4. Place of loading, quantity of cargo loaded and quantity of ballast disposed off nmlkj

1. Total quantity prior to transfer and total quantity after transfer on board, quantity transferred nmlkj2. Identity of tanks involved, quantity transferred and if tanks were emptied. nmlkj3. Time, ship's position, quantity transferred nmlkj4. Time, ship's position and speed, quantity transferred, tanks involved nmlkj

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462.Which of these items about the ballasting of dedicated clean ballast tanks must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


1. I, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, X, XI nmlkj2. I, II, III, V, VII, VIII, IX, XI nmlkj3. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX nmlkj4. I, II, III IV, V, VI, VIII, X nmlkj

1. I, II, III, IV, V, IX, X nmlkj2. I, II, IV, V, VIII, IX, X nmlkj3. I, III, IV, VI, VIII, IX, X nmlkj4. I, II, III, IV, V, VII, IX nmlkj

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463.Which of these items about the cleaning of cargo tanks must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


464.Which of these items about the discharge of dirty ballast must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


1. I, II, IV, V, VIII nmlkj2. I, II, III, VI, VII nmlkj3. II, III, IV, V, VI nmlkj4. II, III, IV, VII, VIII nmlkj

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465.Which of these items about the disposal of residues and oily mixtures not otherwise dealt with must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


466.Which of these items about the discharge of ballast from dedicated clean ballast tanks must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?


1. I, II, III, V, VI, VIII, X, XI nmlkj2. I, II, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X nmlkj3. I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, XI nmlkj4. III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X nmlkj

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1. II, V, VI nmlkj2. I, III, V nmlkj3. I, IV, VI nmlkj4. I, II, V nmlkj

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467.On tankers, segregated ballast tank and clean water ballast systems have reduced the amount of ......

468.Pick 3 operations from this list which, when conducted on tankers, may lead to a pollution incident?


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1. I, III, IV, V, VIII, IX, X nmlkj2. I, II, III, VI, VII, VIII, X nmlkj3. II, III, V, VI, VIII, IX, X nmlkj4. I, II, III, IV, V, VII, X nmlkj

1. time that the ships spend in port. nmlkj2. time spent cleaning cargo tanks. nmlkj3. time spent on cargo and ballast operations at sea and in port. nmlkj4. oil getting into the sea. nmlkj

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469.When starting to ballast on non-SBT tankers there is potential for pollution, in that oil remaining in cargo piping may backflow to the sea via the sea chests. Which of these preventative measures should be taken?


1. I, V, VI nmlkj2. I, III, V nmlkj3. II, IV, V nmlkj4. II, III, VI nmlkj

1. II, IV nmlkj2. I, V nmlkj3. III, IV nmlkj

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470.Pump room sea chest valve leaks are a common cause of pollution on tankers due to leak back of oil in port. What preventive measures must be carried out to prevent any pollution from this cause?

471.During all cargo oil loading/discharging or bunkering operations as well as during oil transfers, oil spill equipment should be ........

472.For oil spill containment on tankers, spilt oil on deck must be dumped in the slop tank or other receptacle tank. Which of the following arrangements must be checked or maintained?


4. III, V nmlkj

1. Put up a static head on the sea chest valves and see if the piping drains off indicating a leak. nmlkj2. Open up the drains on the ballast pump and see that there is a leak with suction valve of ballast

pump open and sea chest valves closed. nmlkj

3. The outboard sea valve is tested by opening the drain between the outboard and inboard sea valves which are in series.


4. The suction filter drain cock or vent cock is to be opened indicating that there is pressure on the suction line with sea valves closed.


1. kept near the deck manifold and be used in accordance with the chief officer's instructions. nmlkj2. readily available in a place known to all crew members for immediate use by the assigned deck

party. nmlkj

3. kept in the emergency headquarters to be used in accordance with the instructions of the responsible person.


4. kept in the vicinity of the cargo transfer or bunker transfer hoses near the manifold connections and be used if required by the emergency party.


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473.Dump valves fitted to manifold trays on tankers should be ......

474.Manifold trays on tankers should be checked regularly to ensure that......

475.When filling the final cargo tank at the end of loading on tankers, which of these precautions should be taken in order to avoid pollution?


1. I, III, IV, VI nmlkj2. II, III, IV, V nmlkj3. I, II, III, V nmlkj4. II, III, IV, VI nmlkj

1. connected to flexible hoses fitted to receptacle drums. nmlkj2. checked regularly that they can be easily opened. nmlkj3. tested regularly for leakages. nmlkj4. fitted with caps to ensure that they are not leaking. nmlkj

1. they are clean, that the dumping drains are free and operational, that water collected is drained off. nmlkj2. they are clean , they are free of corrosion, that drain plugs are not frozen. nmlkj3. no rust has accumulated in the bottom, that the drain cocks are open. nmlkj4. the stripping suction pipe is free, the suction valve is operational, that no water has collected in it,

that the drain plugs are closed. nmlkj

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476.After oil cargo loading/discharge or bunkering, draining of shore lines, hoses and loading arms may be done under pressure provided which of these precautions are followed?


1. I, II, III, V, VII nmlkj2. I, II, IV, VI, VII nmlkj3. II, III, V, VI, VIII nmlkj4. I, II, IV, V, VIII nmlkj

1. I, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII nmlkj2. I, II, III, V, VII, IX nmlkj3. II, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX nmlkj4. II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII nmlkj

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477.Pollution incidents have been caused by leaking pipe lines (corrosion on bottom), faulty dresser couplings, valve flanges, leaking manometer connections etc. To prevent these what preventive actions should be taken?

478.Which of these items is the recommended procedure for testing cargo lines on tankers?


479.The discharge of oily mixtures is not allowed within special areas (with the exemption of processed engine room bilge water), unless certain conditions are satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied?


1. Inspect pipelines frequently. nmlkj2. Change dresser couplings and flange packings, O-rings and seal rings at regular intervals. nmlkj3. Inspect piping in particular on bottom and replace corroded sections, change dresser couplings and

flange packings, O-rings regularly. nmlkj

4. Hydrostatic pressure tests should be frequently carried out at maximum pressure, including COW lines.


1. I, II, IV, VII nmlkj2. I, II, V, VI nmlkj3. II, III, IV, VII nmlkj4. I, II, V, VII nmlkj

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480.The oil record book for machinery space operations must be completed on a tank to tank basis whenever which of these operations take place?


1. I, IV, VI, VII, IX nmlkj2. I, IV, V, VIII, IX nmlkj3. II, IV, V, VII, VIII nmlkj4. II, III, V, VIII, IX nmlkj

1. I, II, III, VII nmlkj2. I, II, IV, V nmlkj3. III, IV, VI, VII nmlkj4. III, IV, V, VI nmlkj

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481.Which of these items must be recorded in the Oil Record Book -Part I, concerning the disposal of oil residues (sludges)?


482.Which of these items concerning non-automatic discharge overboard of bilge water from machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?


1. I, III, VI nmlkj2. I, II nmlkj3. I, II, VI nmlkj4. II, III, IV nmlkj

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483.Which of these items concerning the operation of machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?


484.Which of these items concerning automatic discharge overboard of bilge water from machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?


1. I, III, VI nmlkj2. III, IV, V nmlkj3. I, II, VI nmlkj4. I, II, III nmlkj

1. II, III, V, VII nmlkj2. I, II, V, VI nmlkj3. I, III, VI, VII nmlkj4. II, IV, VI, VII nmlkj

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485.What entries must be made in the Oil Record Book - Part I (machinery space operations) about the condition of the Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control system?

486.Which of these items concerning accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?


1. I, II, V, VI nmlkj2. II, III, V, VII nmlkj3. II, IV, VI, VII nmlkj4. I, IV, V, VII nmlkj

1. The time when the system was started and the time when the system was stopped. nmlkj2. The time when the system was started, the time when it was stopped and the ppm of the effluent

discharged. nmlkj

3. The time when the system was started and stopped, the ships speed and the ppm of the affluent discharged.


4. The time of system failure, the time that it was made operational again and the reason for failure. nmlkj

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487.During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors, ships have been detained because .....

488.During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors, ships have been detained because .....

489.Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions are satisfied. One of these conditions for a tanker is that ......

1. I, II, V, VII nmlkj2. I, III, IV VI nmlkj3. I, II, III, V nmlkj4. I, II, V, VI nmlkj

1. the engine room bilges were found dirty. nmlkj2. the engine room bilge lines were found dirty. nmlkj3. the oily water separator filters were found dirty. nmlkj4. the sludge tank was found to be full. nmlkj

1. an oil film was found in the overboard discharge pipe of the oily bilge water separator. nmlkj2. an oily mixture was found in the internals of the bilge pump. nmlkj3. oil was found leaking from the main/auxiliary engines crankcase doors. nmlkj4. lubricating oil was transferred in port. nmlkj

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490.Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited, except when some conditions are satisfied. One of these conditions for an oil tanker is that ....

491.Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions are satisfied. One of these conditions for a tanker is that....

492.For existing tankers, the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea should be no more than ..................... of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed part.

493.The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content of a tanker shall not exceed.....

1. the tanker is within a Special Area. nmlkj2. the tanker is not within a Special Area nmlkj3. the tanker is within a Designated Zone nmlkj4. the tanker is not within a Designated Zone nmlkj

1. the tanker is more than 10 nautical miles from the nearest land. nmlkj2. the tanker is more than 25 nautical miles from the nearest land. nmlkj3. the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land. nmlkj4. the tanker is more than 100 nautical miles from the nearest land. nmlkj

1. the tanker is loaded. nmlkj2. the tanker is in ballast condition. nmlkj3. the tanker is tank cleaning. nmlkj4. the tanker is en route. nmlkj

1. 1/15000 nmlkj2. 1/25000 nmlkj3. 1/50000 nmlkj4. 1/100000 nmlkj

1. 30 litres per nautical mile nmlkj2. 75 litres per nautical mile nmlkj3. 100 litres per nautical mile nmlkj4. 120 litres per nautical mile nmlkj

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494.For new tankers, the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea shall not exceed ................ of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed part.

495.What is the meaning of the term " Combination Carrier "?

496.According to Marpol, what does the term "oil " mean?

497.According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oily mixture "?

498.Under Marpol, can a chemical tanker be considered an oil tanker?

1. 1/10000 nmlkj2. 1/15000 nmlkj3. 1/25000 nmlkj4. 1/30000 nmlkj

1. A general term for vessels carrying more than one kind of cargo, example reefer-container, log-bulk etc.


2. A ship designed to carry either oil products or crude oil in bulk or in parcels nmlkj3. A ship designed to carry either oil or solid cargoes in bulk nmlkj4. A cargo ship that has product oil tanks, example palm oil tanks nmlkj

1. Any grade of crude oil nmlkj2. Any grade of crude oil or fuel oil nmlkj3. Any grade of crude oil, fuel oil or refined products nmlkj4. Petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge oil, oil refuse and refined products nmlkj

1. A mixture with oil content above 15 ppm nmlkj2. A mixture with oil content above 50 ppm nmlkj3. A mixture with oil content above 100 ppm nmlkj4. A mixture with any oil content nmlkj

1. No. nmlkj2. Yes. nmlkj3. Yes, when it is carrying petrochemicals. nmlkj4. Yes, when it is carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk. nmlkj

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499.According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oil fuel"?

500.Does the definition of an "oil tanker " apply to a gas carrier?

501.According to Marpol, what does the term "new ship" mean?

502.What does the "instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content " mean, according to Marpol?

503.What is the best description of a "special area" as defined by Marpol?

1. A cargo of heavy fuel oil , intermediate fuel or diesel oil nmlkj2. A cargo of refined oil for combustible purpose in thermal machinery or boilers nmlkj3. A cargo of refined oil with flashpoint above 60 degree C nmlkj4. Any oil used on board in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary machinery. nmlkj

1. Yes, it does nmlkj2. No, it does not nmlkj3. Yes, when carrying chemicals or petrochemicals nmlkj4. Yes, when carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk nmlkj

1. A ship for which the building contract was placed after 31 December 1995 nmlkj2. A ship for which the keel was laid or was in any similar stage of construction after 30 June 1976 nmlkj3. A ship which was delivered after 31 December 1979 nmlkj4. All of the other options apply nmlkj

1. The total quantity of oil discharged at any moment nmlkj2. The total rate of oil discharged per hour divided by 3600 nmlkj3. The rate of oil discharge in litres per hour at any instant, divided by the speed of the ship in knots at

the same instant nmlkj

4. The total quantity of oil discharged, divided by the mileage covered during the time of discharge by the ship


1. An area with particular traffic characteristics where extra precautions are required nmlkj2. An ecological endangered area where no oil mixture is to be discharged at any time nmlkj3. A sea area where, for recognised oceanographical and ecological conditions, and in view of traffic, nmlkj

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504.What is the meaning of "slop tank" as defined by Marpol?

505.Which description given is nearest to the description of clean ballast as defined by Marpol?

506.Which is nearest to the Marpol description of segregated ballast?

507.In order for a tanker to be called a "new oil tanker " according to Marpol, the date on it's building contract would read....

special prevention is required 4. A sea area where, in view of its particular dense traffic, no overboard discharge of any oily mixture

is allowed nmlkj

1. A tank used for tank cleaning provided with heating coils nmlkj2. Any tank where slops or sludges are collected nmlkj3. The two most aftward fitted wing tanks or the most aftward fitted centre tank nmlkj4. A tank specifically designed for the collection of tank drainings, washings or other oily mixtures nmlkj

1. Its oil content is NIL and consequently would not leave any traces upon the surface of the water or emulsion beneath the water surface.


2. If discharged from a stationary ship in clean calm water on a clear day will not produce visible traces of oil on the water surface nor emulsion below


3. Its oil content is no more than 50 ppm and will not produce visible traces on adjoining shorelines, nor emulsion in the sea.


4. Its oil content is no more than 100 ppm and it will not produce visible traces on the shore lines. nmlkj

1. Ballast water that cannot be pumped through cargo oil piping and for which cargo pumps cannot be used


2. The ballast water introduced in a tank which is completely separated from the cargo or fuel oil system and permanently allocated to ballast


3. The clean ballast water which can only be pumped via segregated lines by the clean ballast pump nmlkj4. The ballast carried in the clean ballast tank, pumped via the segregated ballast pump nmlkj

1. after 1st June 1979. nmlkj2. after 31st of December 1980. nmlkj3. after 1st January 1981. nmlkj4. after 1st June 1982. nmlkj

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508.Marpol defines Crude Oil as....

509.Every oil tanker of ....... grt and above and every other ship of ...... grt and above shall be subject to Marpol (IOPP) surveys.

510.The initial Marpol (IOPP) survey carried out before a ship enters service, in order to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations, shall include.....

511.Periodical Marpol surveys are to be carried out at intervals as specified by the administration. These intervals are not to exceed.....

512.At least one survey must to be carried out during the validity of the IOPP certificate. This shall ensure that the equipment, pumps and piping systems including ODME are in order. What is this survey called?

1. a liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally, whether treated or not, irrespective of whether distillate fractions were removed or added.


2. a liquid hydrocarbon from which certain distillate fractions were removed. nmlkj3. a liquid hydrocarbon to which certain distillate fractions were added. nmlkj4. a non-treated liquid hydrocarbon mixture from which neither distillate fractions were removed nor

added. nmlkj

1. 500, 1000 nmlkj2. 400, 700 nmlkj3. 250, 500 nmlkj4. 150, 400 nmlkj

1. a complete survey of all piping. nmlkj2. a complete survey of all wing tanks, centre tanks and slop tanks. nmlkj3. a complete survey of its structure, equipment, fittings, systems arrangements and materials, in so far

as the ship is covered by this Annex. nmlkj

4. a complete survey of the associate pumping and piping systems, including oil-discharging monitoring system, oil filtering and separating systems.


1. two years. nmlkj2. two and a half years. nmlkj3. three years. nmlkj4. five years. nmlkj

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513.If mandatory annual surveys are established by the Administration, how will it affect unscheduled inspections carried out according to Marpol?

514.Who may carry out MARPOL Surveys?

515.Who may carry out Marpol Inspections?

516.What is the meaning of a "harmful substance" under Marpol?

517.What does "discharge" means in relation to harmful substances as defined by Marpol?

1. The Midterm survey nmlkj2. The Intermediate survey nmlkj3. The Annual survey nmlkj4. The Special survey nmlkj

1. The unscheduled inspections shall no longer be obligatory nmlkj2. Only one unscheduled inspection per year is required nmlkj3. Unscheduled inspections are required once every two years nmlkj4. Two unscheduled inspections are required during a 5-year period nmlkj

1. Port-State Control Inspectors nmlkj2. Coast Guard Inspectors nmlkj3. Surveyors nominated by Administrations or organisations recognised by Administrations nmlkj4. Approved ship's officers nmlkj

1. Officers authorised by the Government having jurisdiction over the port in which the ship is located, generally referred to as Port State Inspectors.


2. Coast Guard officers. nmlkj3. Surveyors nominated by recognised organisations. nmlkj4. All of the other options. nmlkj

1. Oils and fuels nmlkj2. Hydrocarbons in any form nmlkj3. Petroleum products and petrochemicals nmlkj4. Any substance creating harm to health and life or able to damage amenities. nmlkj

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518.What is the meaning of "an incident" according to Marpol?

519.Penalties under the law for violation of Marpol requirements shall be.....

520.A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above, which satisfies the requirements for Segregated Ballast Tanks with protective location as well as COW, may be designated as a.......

521.A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons or above, satisfying the requirements SBT and PL, but not fitted with COW, should be designated as a ................................. on the IOPP certificate.

1. Pumping, emptying or emitting from a ship. nmlkj2. Spilling, leaking or escaping from the ship. nmlkj3. Dumping or disposal from the ship. nmlkj4. Any release how ever caused. nmlkj

1. The actual or probable discharge into the sea of oil or of an oily mixture. nmlkj2. The actual or probable discharge into the sea of a harmful substance or effluents containing such

substances. nmlkj

3. The probable discharge into the sea of oil or of an oily mixture. nmlkj4. The actual discharge into the sea of a harmful substance or effluents containing such substances. nmlkj

1. imposed to warn against the global problem of pollution. nmlkj2. adequate in severity to discourage violations and shall be equally severe irrespective of where the

violation occurs. nmlkj

3. imposed by all countries, the severity depending on where the violation occurs. nmlkj4. in all cases most severe. nmlkj

1. crude oil tanker. nmlkj2. crude oil / product carrier. nmlkj3. product carrier. nmlkj4. petrochemical / product carrier. nmlkj

1. crude oil tanker nmlkj2. petrochemical tanker nmlkj3. product carrier nmlkj4. crude oil / product carrier nmlkj

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522.A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons dwt and above but less than 30,000 tons dwt, NOT fitted with SBT and PL, should be designated as a ........................... on the IOPP certificate.

523.A new oil tanker of 70,000 dwt and above, satisfying the requirements of SBT, may be designed as a .............................on the IOPP certificate.

524.How would an existing oil tanker of less than 40,000 tons dwt be designated on the IOPP certificate?

525.For an existing tanker of 40,000 tons dwt and above, satisfying the requirements of SBT, what should the designation be on the IOPP certificate?

526.Discharge of oily mixtures from machinery space bilges of tankers is prohibited except when, amongst other requirements, which of the following equipment is fitted?

1. product carrier nmlkj2. crude oil tanker nmlkj3. petrochemical tanker nmlkj4. crude oil / product carrier nmlkj

1. crude oil tanker nmlkj2. product oil carrier nmlkj3. crude oil / petrochemical tanker nmlkj4. crude oil / product carrier nmlkj

1. As a crude oil tanker nmlkj2. As a crude oil / product carrier nmlkj3. As a crude oil / petrochemical tanker nmlkj4. As a product carrier nmlkj

1. Crude oil tanker nmlkj2. Crude oil / petrochemical tanker nmlkj3. Crude oil / product carrier nmlkj4. Product carrier nmlkj

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527.When shall the IOPP Certificate cease to be valid?

528.When alterations to the ship's construction, equipment, materials , fittings or arrangements are carried out without sanction, the IOPP certificate ceases to be valid. What is the exception?

529.Amongst other requirements, what kind of arrangement is required for a tanker in order to be allowed to discharge oily mixtures into the sea?

530.An oil tanker is prohibited from discharging oily mixtures into the sea except when certain conditions are satisfied. Which of the conditions mentioned here must be satisfied?


1. Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment nmlkj2. 50 ppm Bilge Water Separator with alarm system nmlkj3. 15 ppm oily bilge water separator with alarm system nmlkj4. Interface oily water detector nmlkj

1. If significant alterations have taken place in the ship's construction without sanction. nmlkj2. If significant alterations have taken place to fittings, equipment or arrangements without sanction. nmlkj3. If significant alterations have taken place to materials without sanction. nmlkj4. Any of the other options. nmlkj

1. Improvement in ship's construction nmlkj2. The direct replacement of equipment and fittings nmlkj3. Modification of arrangements as long as purpose and lay-out does not deviate from Marpol

requirements nmlkj

4. Replacement of monitoring equipment as long as it is approved by the Administration nmlkj

1. Double hulls nmlkj2. 15 ppm oil filtering equipment nmlkj3. A slop tank arrangement nmlkj4. Segregated ballast tanks nmlkj

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531.A ship other than a tanker of 400grt and above, but less than 10,000grt, cannot discharge oily mixtures from machinery spaces, unless certain conditions are satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied?


1. II, III, V, VII, IX, X, XI nmlkj2. II, III, VIII, IX, X, XII nmlkj3. II, IV , VI, VIII, X , XII nmlkj4. I, IV, V, VII , VIII, X, XII nmlkj

1. I, IV, VI nmlkj2. II, V, VII nmlkj3. II, III, VI nmlkj

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532.What is the maximum oil content of a mixture which may be discharged into the sea when the ship is not in a special area?

533.Is it permitted to introduce dillutants or to apply other chemical treatment to oily mixtures prior to discharging these into the sea?

534.The Marpol regulations prohibit discharges of oil mixtures at sea. The regulations will not apply if the discharge is the result of damage arising from which items in this list?


4. II, IV, VIII nmlkj

1. 10ppm nmlkj2. 15 ppm nmlkj3. 50 ppm nmlkj4. 100 ppm nmlkj

1. Dillutants are allowed nmlkj2. Oil dispersants are allowed nmlkj3. Not allowed at all nmlkj4. Concentration of chemicals only 100 ppm nmlkj

1. I, IV nmlkj2. II, V nmlkj3. III, VI nmlkj

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535.Marpol regulations prohibit oily mixture discharges at sea. The regulations do not apply if the discharge is the result of damage to the ship or its equipment. What is the exception?

536.It is possible to discharge substances containing oil, approved by the Administration, (eg. oil dispersants) for the purpose of combating specific pollution incidents, into the sea. Under which of these conditions?


537.For new tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above, the capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be such that, at any part of the voyage, the ships draught and trim meet which of these requirements?


4. IV, V nmlkj

1. Collision or groundings nmlkj2. Intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that damage could probably result nmlkj3. Crew negligence nmlkj4. Damage to ship and equipment due to operational error nmlkj

1. I, II, V nmlkj2. I, III nmlkj3. II IV V nmlkj4. III , IV nmlkj

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538.New tankers of 20,000 dwt and above shall in no case carry ballast water in cargo tanks, except when which of these circumstances arise?


1. I, II, IV. VII nmlkj2. I, III, IV, VI nmlkj3. I, II, IV, V nmlkj4. I, IV, V, VII nmlkj

1. I, II nmlkj2. II, V nmlkj3. III, V nmlkj4. IV, V nmlkj

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539.For the purpose of determining the capacity of the clean ballast tanks in tankers, which tanks may be included?

540.Under which conditions are fore peak tanks, after peak tanks and cofferdams allowed to be included in the total capacity determination of CBT's for tankers?

541.If an oil tanker is used for the storage of oil and its machinery modified to immobilise the ship, what are the requirements for SBT, CBT, PL and COW?

542.If an oil tanker is used to receive dirty ballast from oil tankers, what are the requirements for SBT, CBT, PL and COW?

543.One of the requirements for an oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast shall be that it is equipped with.......

1. Segregated ballast tanks only nmlkj2. Fore and after peak tanks as well as segregated ballast tanks nmlkj3. Cofferdams as well as segregated ballast tanks nmlkj4. Segregated ballast tanks, fore and after peak tanks as well as cofferdams. nmlkj

1. Provided an oil separating system of 15 ppm is to be fitted on board nmlkj2. Provided oil discharge monitoring equipment with automatic stop when 15 ppm level is exceeded is

to be fitted nmlkj

3. Provided the protective location of the tanks is ensured nmlkj4. Provided they are to be connected with permanent piping to the ballast water system nmlkj

1. The requirements for SBT do not apply nmlkj2. The requirements for SBT and PL do not apply nmlkj3. The requirements for SBT, PL and CBT do not apply nmlkj4. The requirements for SBT, PL, CBT and COW do not apply nmlkj

1. The requirement for SBT does not apply nmlkj2. The requirements for SBT and PL do not apply nmlkj3. The requirements for SBT, Pl and CBT do not apply nmlkj4. The requirements for SBT, PL, CBT and COW do not apply nmlkj

1. an oil content meter. nmlkj

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544.The regulations for existing tankers for SBT, CBT and COW shall not apply if the tanker is engaged in specific trades, provided reception facilities are existing in ports. What document is to be endorsed?

545.Existing oil tankers which comply at all times with SBT draught and trim requirements without the use of ballast water, may be considered to comply with SBT requirements in full, provided which of these items apply?


546.What is the purpose of Regulation 13 E - Rules for Protective Location of Segregated Ballast Tanks on Oil Tankers?

2. segregated ballast tanks and PL. nmlkj3. a crude oil washing system. nmlkj4. two separate slop tanks. nmlkj

1. The bill of lading nmlkj2. The ship's IOPP certificate nmlkj3. The charter party nmlkj4. The oil record book nmlkj

1. II, V, VI nmlkj2. I, II, VI nmlkj3. II, IV, V nmlkj4. III, IV , VI nmlkj

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547.For Protective Location of Segregated ballast tanks, which of these items apply?


548.Regulation 14 of Marpol states that no ballast water shall be carried in any fuel oil tank. What is the exception?

549.Under Marpol, can a ship carry oil in the fore peak tank?

1. To reduce the bending moments on tankers. nmlkj2. To reduce the shear forces on tankers. nmlkj3. To facilitate trim and draught corrective operations on tankers. nmlkj4. To provide a measure of protection against oil outflow in the event of grounding or collision. nmlkj

1. I, II, VI, VIII nmlkj2. II, IV, VI, VII nmlkj3. III, V VI, VIII nmlkj4. I, III, VI, VII nmlkj

1. For exceptionally long voyages, when the ship's bunkers are depleted and weather conditions are deteriorating.


2. In the event of voyage repairs being carried out on board ships. nmlkj3. Ships with special nature of trade which stay for a long time at sea, for example: tugs, fishing boats. nmlkj4. If the double bottom fuel tank is ruptured, the fuel tank may be filled with ballast if stability requires

this. nmlkj

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550.Under Marpol, slop tanks shall have the capacity to retain the slop generated by tank washings, oil and dirty ballast residues. Their total capacity shall not be less than ......% of the tank capacity.

551.In an existing tanker, which tanks can be designated as slop tanks?

552.At least two slop tanks are required for....

553.Which of these are the requirements for an Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System?


1. Only tugs nmlkj2. Only fishing vessels nmlkj3. Only tugs and fishing vessels nmlkj4. No, not on any vessel nmlkj

1. 3 nmlkj2. 2.5 nmlkj3. 1 nmlkj4. 5 nmlkj

1. Any tank fitted with overboard discharge facilities. nmlkj2. Any tank closed to the atmosphere and fitted with an oily water separation filter. nmlkj3. Any tank separated from the ship's side by a distance of at least 3 metres. nmlkj4. Any tank provided with adequate means for collecting dirty ballast residue and tank washings from

the cargo tanks. nmlkj

1. new and existing oil tankers above 150,000 tons dwt. nmlkj2. new oil tankers of 70,000 tons dwt and above. nmlkj3. new oil tankers of 40,000 tons dwt and above. nmlkj4. new oil tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above. nmlkj

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554.No oil discharge monitoring equipment is to be fitted on tankers if trading in specific areas or within 50 miles from the nearest land, provided that which of these items apply?


1. II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII nmlkj2. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX nmlkj3. I, II, III, IV, VI, VII nmlkj4. I, II III, V, VI, VII, VIII nmlkj

1. I, III, IV, V, VIII nmlkj2. I, II, III, V, VII nmlkj3. I, II, III, IV, VII nmlkj4. I, II, III, IV, V nmlkj

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555.Under Marpol, any ship of 10,000 tons gross and above shall be fitted with which of these items of equipment for oily-water separation and oily mixture discharges?


556.Any ship of 400 tons gross and above but less than 10000 tons, which does not carry ballast water in fuel oil tanks shall be fitted with a ............... oil filtering equipment for engine bilge discharge.

557.Which of these design requirements must be met by oil filtering equipment fitted on ships of 10,000 grt and above?


1. I nmlkj2. II nmlkj3. III nmlkj4. IV nmlkj

1. 15 ppm nmlkj2. 30 ppm nmlkj3. 50 ppm nmlkj4. 100 ppm nmlkj

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558.In the event of accidental or exceptional discharges (for example allowed discharge in order to save life), a statement shall be made in the oil record book explaining what?

559.Each operation as specified by regulations must be noted in the oil record book without delay and.......

560.Where is the Oil Record Book to be kept on board?

1. I, III, VI, VII nmlkj2. I, II, III, IV nmlkj3. II, III, V, VII nmlkj4. I, III, V, VI nmlkj

1. The amount and the specifications of the oil discharged nmlkj2. The report of the accident indicating precautions nmlkj3. The circumstances of and the reasons for the discharge nmlkj4. The amount discharged and the reasons for it nmlkj

1. the entries match operations completed, after which it is signed by the Master. nmlkj2. when the operations are completed, will be signed by the Officer in charge during the time of the

operation. nmlkj

3. the Chief Officer is to sign when the operations are completed and be countersigned by the Master. nmlkj4. will be signed by the Officer or Officers in charge of the operation and each completed page will be

signed by the Master. nmlkj

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561.Who can certify true copies of Oil Record Books?

562.Of the four categories of discharge associated with the operation of offshore platforms, for which type or types is Marpol 73/78 applicable?


563.Which of the following oils is not an asphalt solution?

1. In the Master's cabin nmlkj2. On the bridge nmlkj3. In the ship's office nmlkj4. At a place where it is readily available nmlkj

1. Port Authorities nmlkj2. A Notary Public nmlkj3. The Officers of the Flag State nmlkj4. The Master nmlkj

1. Type I and Type IV nmlkj2. Type I only nmlkj3. Type IV only nmlkj4. Types I, III and IV nmlkj

1. Blending Stocks nmlkj2. Roofers Flux nmlkj

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564.Which of the following products is not listed under "oils" in Appendix I of Marpol Annex I?

565.Which of the following products is not listed as "gasoline blending stock" in Appendix I of Marpol Annex I?

566.Which of the following products is not listed under "gasolines" in Appendix I of Marpol Annex I?

567.The Record of Construction and Equipment has a chapter about "Tanks for Oil Residues (Sludges)". What information is recorded in this chapter?

568.The Record of Construction and Equipment for ships other than tankers contains information in Chapter II about oil discharge from the machinery space and fuel tanks. Which of

3. Solvent nmlkj4. Straight run residue nmlkj

1. Clarified nmlkj2. Road Oil nmlkj3. Automotive nmlkj4. Spindloe oil nmlkj

1. Alkylates fuel nmlkj2. Flashed feed stock nmlkj3. Reformates nmlkj4. Polymer fuel nmlkj

1. Fuel oil No 1 nmlkj2. Fuel oil No 1 D nmlkj3. Fuel oil No 2 nmlkj4. Fuel oil No 4 nmlkj

1. The location and capacity of the sludge tanks nmlkj2. The capacity of the sludge tanks and the pumping arrangements nmlkj3. The number and capacity of sludge tanks and means of connection to open deck sludge connection nmlkj4. The total tank capacity and the means for disposal of oil residue in addition to the provision of

sludge tanks nmlkj

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these items are included?


569.If ships other than tankers have spaces constructed and utilised to carry oil in bulk of a capacity of .......... or more, the regulations of Annex I for oil tankers apply.

570.There are 6 annexes to MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I to VI). They deal with pollution caused by........

1. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII nmlkj2. II, III, IV, VI, VII nmlkj3. I, II, III, IV, V, VII nmlkj4. I, II, III, IV, VI, VII nmlkj

1. 100 T nmlkj2. 200 cubic metres nmlkj3. 400 T nmlkj4. 500 cubic metres nmlkj

1. I = Oil, II = Sewage, III = Garbage, IV = Harmful packaged substances, V = Noxious liquids in bulk, VI = Air pollution.


2. I = Sewage, II = Noxious liquids in bulk, III = Oil, IV = Harmful packaged substances, V = Air pollution, VI = Garbage.


3. I = Oil, II = Noxious liquid in bulk, III = Harmful packaged substances, IV = Sewage, V = Garbage, VI = Air pollution.


4. I = Garbage, II = Air pollution, III = Sewage, IV = Harmful packaged substances, V = Noxious

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571.Annex II of Marpol 73/78 deals mainly with......

572.Annex IV of Marpol, deals with sewage. How does it affect shipboard operations concerning processing and treatment of sewage?

573.How do the requirements of Marpol stand in relation to national or port regulations?

574.Marpol Annex IV concerning sewage is not yet in force, but a number of countries (for example USA) have adapted it and have stringent regulations. The regulations concern which of these items?


liquid in bulk, VI = Oil. nmlkj

1. the construction, ballast procedures, category of ballast and the operational procedures of petroleum tankers


2. the pollution hazards from chemical tankers and their arrangements for discharge of cargo residues nmlkj3. the labeling and packaging of harmful substances carried as packages nmlkj4. the handling and discharge of garbage nmlkj

1. It is required by the United States only and an approved sewage plant must be installed on board nmlkj2. The regulations are not yet universally in force, but a number of countries have adapted them and

have stringent regulations nmlkj

3. Discharge is for the time being allowed anywhere as long a sewage plant is on board nmlkj4. Only a collecting tank is required for all countries for the time being nmlkj

1. They are the same for any country which has ratified the Marpol convention nmlkj2. National regulations in the ports visited may be more stringent and must be complied with. nmlkj3. Only Japan and the United States have additional regulations to be complied with. nmlkj4. Only Australia has additional regulations to be complied with. nmlkj

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575.Which of these waters are the Special Areas as defined by Marpol Annex V?


1. I, II, III, V, VII nmlkj2. I, II, IV, VI, VIII nmlkj3. I, III, V, VII, VIII nmlkj4. II, III, IV, V, VI nmlkj

1. I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII, X, XIII nmlkj2. I, III, IV, V, VII, IX, X, XIII nmlkj3. I, II, III, V, VII, VIII, X, XIII nmlkj4. I, II, IV, V, VIII, X, XII, XIII nmlkj

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576.According to Annex V of Marpol , no garbage can be thrown overboard inside the Special Areas. Which is the exception?

577.Marpol garbage disposal regulations outside Special Areas specify that, within 3 miles from the nearest land and in all inland waters.....

578.Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that dunnage, lining and packing materials that float......

579.Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper, crockery, rags, metal , glass and food may be thrown overboard within 3 to 12 miles offshore, provided it is ground to less than ......... in size.

580.Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that plastics......

1. Paper ground up to less than 25 mm beyond 12 miles offshore. nmlkj2. Glass ground up to less than 25 mm beyond 25 miles offshore. nmlkj3. Paper, metal and glass ground up to less than 25 mm beyond 25 miles offshore. nmlkj4. Comminuted (ground up) food waste beyond 12 miles offshore. nmlkj

1. you cannot throw paper, crockery, rags, glass metal or food overboard unless ground to less than 25 mm.


2. you cannot throw anything overboard. nmlkj3. you cannot throw plastics, dunnage, lining and packing materials that float overboard. nmlkj4. you cannot throw plastics overboard. nmlkj

1. may not be thrown overboard at any time. nmlkj2. may be thrown overboard outside 25 miles offshore. nmlkj3. may be thrown overboard outside 12 miles offshore. nmlkj4. may be thrown overboard outside 3 miles offshore. nmlkj

1. 5mm nmlkj2. 30 mm nmlkj3. 25 mm nmlkj4. 10mm nmlkj

1. cannot be thrown overboard within 25 miles offshore. nmlkj

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581.Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper, crockery, glass, metal, food and rags, bigger in size than 25 mm may only be thrown overboard outside .......... miles offshore.

582.Outside special areas there are three ways of disposing of garbage produced on board ships. From this list, choose the three ways?


583.Which of these items should be included in an on board pollution prevention training program?

2. cannot be thrown overboard within 12 miles offshore. nmlkj3. cannot be thrown overboard within 3 miles offshore. nmlkj4. cannot be thrown overboard at any time. nmlkj

1. 25 nmlkj2. 12 nmlkj3. 3 nmlkj4. 10 nmlkj

1. I, II, IV nmlkj2. II, III, V nmlkj3. I, III, VI nmlkj4. I, IV, V nmlkj

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584.To prevent pollution you should look at how the operations that may lead to pollution are conducted on board your ship and ask yourself 3 questions. What are these questions?


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1. I, II, V, VII nmlkj2. II, III, IV, VI nmlkj3. I, IV, VI, VII nmlkj4. I. III, V, VI nmlkj

1. I, III, V nmlkj2. I, II, III nmlkj3. I, II, V nmlkj

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585.There is potential for pollution when starting to take ballast on non-SBT tankers, because oil may backflow into the sea via the sea chests. In order to prevent this, which notice should be placed on the ballast pump?

586.In order to contain oil spills Gutter Bars (Fish Plates) should be regularly inspected to make sure that......

587.Tank overflows while loading oil cargo or bunkering are one of the most common causes of oil pollution. Which five of these items are the main preventive measures against tank overflow?


4. II, IV, VI nmlkj


1. they are correctly fitting. nmlkj2. the fastenings are not worn. nmlkj3. they have not developed cracks or holes. nmlkj4. the coating is intact. nmlkj

1. I, II, III, VI, VII nmlkj2. II, III, V, VI, VII nmlkj

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588.Topping off during oil cargo loading or bunkering is a most critical operation. Which five of these precautions or actions must be taken?


589.During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors, ships have been detained because.......

590.These items are standard inspection items for Marpol, as given in guidelines to inspectors and surveyors. Which item does not belong?


3. I, III, IV, V, VI nmlkj4. II, IV, V, VI, VII nmlkj

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1. I, II, III, V, VIII nmlkj2. I, III, V, VI, VII nmlkj3. II, IV, VI, VII, VIII nmlkj4. II, III, V, VI, VIII nmlkj

1. no up to date deck port log was kept. nmlkj2. no pollution placards were posted. nmlkj3. no electrical drawing of the oily bilge separator alarm was posted. nmlkj4. no instructions to operate the oily bilge water separator were posted. nmlkj

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591.Under the ISM Code, what is understood by the Shipping Company or "The Company"?

592.What is meant by a "Safety Management System"?

593.Under the ISM code, what is meant by a non-conformity?

1. Item II - does not belong nmlkj2. Item V - does not belong nmlkj3. Item VI - does not belong nmlkj4. Item VII - does not belong nmlkj

1. The Owner nmlkj2. The Manager nmlkj3. The Bareboat Charterer nmlkj4. Could be any of the other options. nmlkj

1. A system which eliminates all causes for accidents or near misses on board ship. nmlkj2. The implementation on board ship of emergency response training by documented training methods. nmlkj3. A documented shipboard system which lists each and every known shipboard hazard to safety,

health and the environment. nmlkj

4. A structured and documented system enabling personnel on board to implement the company safety and environment protection policy.


1. Lack of comfort leading to health risks. nmlkj

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594.What is meant by a major non-conformity under the ISM code?

595.The safety management objectives of the Company should, among other things, include .....

596.The safety management objectives of the Company should, among other things, provide for .....

597.Safety management objectives of the Company should, among other things, establish .....

2. Not conforming with safe working practices which may lead to accidents. nmlkj3. A situation which indicates the non-fulfillment of a specific requirement. nmlkj4. A situation where safety awareness or safety equipment is lacking. nmlkj

1. A fire or explosion hazard or any hazard which poses a threat to life. nmlkj2. A serious threat to the environment due to the discharge of oil, chemicals or toxic substances from

the ship. nmlkj

3. A total lack of discipline on board whereby the authority of the master is diminished. nmlkj4. A deviation from the ISM code which poses a serious threat to safety of the ship or personnel or to

the environment. nmlkj

1. continuous improvement of safety management skills of personnel including preparing for emergencies related to safety and environmental protection.


2. hiring of outside training companies to conduct on-board safety training of its shipboard personnel. nmlkj3. holding life boat drills on alternate lifeboats where boats are lowered into the water every week. nmlkj4. conducting a campaign on board against smoking and introduce smoke free areas on board. nmlkj

1. shipboard trainers hired from outside the Company who have the required qualifications. nmlkj2. safety working shoes, winter underwear, safety torches and parkas. nmlkj3. safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment. nmlkj4. supply of all safety equipment within one month of requisition date. nmlkj

1. a dictatorial regime on board. nmlkj2. a cooperative and informative atmosphere on board. nmlkj3. sources of information concerning operational pollution prevention for joint departmental use and

consultation in case of emergency. nmlkj

4. safeguards against all identified risks. nmlkj

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598.The SMS (Safety Management System) should ensure, among other things, that applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by ........................... are taken into account.

599.The Safety Management System should ensure in the first place....

600.The ISM code aims to ensure that safe practices are taken into account in ship operation through .....

601.The ISM code aims to ensure that safe practices are taken into account in ship operation through written procedures. These requirements include the following information:- ......

602.The functional requirement for a Safety Management System is to develop, implement and maintain a system which includes the following :- ....

1. the IMO, and Flag-State administrations nmlkj2. Classification Societies nmlkj3. maritime industry organisations nmlkj4. All of the other options. nmlkj

1. that the life saving appliances are well maintained on board. nmlkj2. compliance with mandatory Rules and Regulations. nmlkj3. that all Marpol requirements are complied with. nmlkj4. that Boat and Emergency Station Bills are posted. nmlkj

1. written procedures and work instructions. nmlkj2. training by qualified instructors. nmlkj3. videos and books. nmlkj4. regular on board inspections by the Company's shore based personnel. nmlkj

1. the defined levels of authority and lines of communication between and amongst shore and shipboard personnel.


2. the procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with the provisions of the Code. nmlkj3. the provisions to prepare for and respond to emergency situations and procedures for internal audits

and management review. nmlkj

4. All of the other options. nmlkj

1. 1) maintain a correspondence system ship/shore 2) issue the required Letters of Instruction (Fleet

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603.Under ISM, the Company should establish ...................... to describe how the objectives of the ISM code will be achieved.

604.Under the ISM code the Company must ensure that the Safety and Environmental Policy is ....

605.The safety objectives and requirements of a Company may be .......................... standards required by the ISM code.

606.A Company's safety management objectives and requirements, which are set above the standards of the ISM code, should be ....

Letters) to the ship. nmlkj2. 1) a safety and environmental protection policy 2) instructions and procedures to ensure safe

operations and protection of the environment. nmlkj

3. 1) safe navigation and Rules of the Road 2) instructions to masters and chief engineers 3) office staff home telephone numbers.


4. 1) contact addresses and telephone numbers of Port-State Control of countries visited 2) contact addresses of Flag State authorities.


1. a safety and environmental policy nmlkj2. company regulations nmlkj3. company newsletters nmlkj4. circulation of informative guidelines nmlkj

1. known and implemented by all masters and chief engineers. nmlkj2. known by all ships officers. nmlkj3. known and implemented by all Officers and members of the ships crew. nmlkj4. known and maintained at all levels of the organisation both ship based as well as shore based. nmlkj

1. set above nmlkj2. deviating from nmlkj3. a substitute for nmlkj4. set below nmlkj

1. totally disregarded since not enforceable. nmlkj2. encouraged and supported. nmlkj

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607.It is the responsibility of the Company to define and document the company's .................................., which forms an integral part of the Safety Management System.

608.Under ISM, the holder of the DOC or Document of Compliance is the company which......................... the ship.

609.Under ISM, can a company contract with third parties to manage specific ship related activities such as manning, technical support or maintenance?

610.Under ISM, if the Company has subcontracting arrangements for manning, technical support or maintenance, how many Documents of Compliance are to be issued?

611.Under ISM, any responsibility imposed on the Company by the ISM Code which is

3. erased as far as excessive standards are concerned. nmlkj4. discouraged. nmlkj

1. trading policy objectives nmlkj2. legal policy objectives nmlkj3. ethics and environment objectives nmlkj4. safety management objectives nmlkj

1. owns nmlkj2. has chartered nmlkj3. has mortgaged nmlkj4. has assumed responsibility for the operation of nmlkj

1. Yes, it is allowed. nmlkj2. No, it is not longer allowed. nmlkj3. Yes, only for manning. nmlkj4. Yes, only for technical support and manning, not for maintenance. nmlkj

1. Only one DOC can be issued to the Company. nmlkj2. One DOC is issued to the Company and one for each subcontractor. nmlkj3. One DOC is issued to the company and one DOC is issued to the manning company only. nmlkj4. One DOC is issued to the Company and one DOC is required for the maintenance as well as for the

technical support company, not for manning. nmlkj

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612.Under ISM, during assessment for issue and compliance with a DOC the auditor must be satisfied that the company is in control of.....

613.Under ISM, the company should define and document the responsibility, authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work relating to and affecting safety and pollution prevention. How?

614.Under ISM, what kind of support is to be provided to the Designated Person in order to carry out his functions?

615.Under ISM, the responsibility and authority of the Designated Person should include.....

1. becomes the responsibility of that subcontractor. nmlkj2. remains the responsibility of the Company. nmlkj3. becomes the joint responsibility of the Company and the subcontractor. nmlkj4. is to be defined contractual as to who has the responsibility beforehand. nmlkj

1. the subcontractors' insurance system. nmlkj2. all activities concerning the Safety Management System which have been subcontracted. nmlkj3. the subcontractors' personnel and resources. nmlkj4. the financial portfolio of the subcontractors. nmlkj

1. By wall posters in the accommodation of the affected ships. nmlkj2. By notice sheets to be posted on the notice boards in the Crews and Officers Messroom. nmlkj3. By legal notices in the media, defining the Company Board responsibility and command flow chart. nmlkj4. By charts and/or job descriptions to identify positions related to safety and pollution prevention

activities for each functional area. nmlkj

1. An executive salary and a company car nmlkj2. Adequate resources and shore based support nmlkj3. Freedom to travel worldwide at will nmlkj4. All of the other options. nmlkj

1. being a member of the Board of the Company. nmlkj

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616.Under ISM, what qualifications are required by the Designated Person?

617.Under ISM, is shipboard presence required by the Designated Person?

618.Under ISM, who is responsible for implementing the Company's Safety and Environmental Policy on board?

619.Under ISM, how could it be assessed whether or not the Master has effectively implemented the Safety and Environmental Protection policy as defined by the Company?

620.Under ISM, what methods should be used to motivate the crew to observe the Safety and Environmental protection policy?

2. having overall control over all company departmental heads. nmlkj3. monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of each ship. nmlkj4. final control over all shipboard operations and maintenance activities. nmlkj

1. A university degree nmlkj2. Twenty years seagoing experience nmlkj3. A master's certificate nmlkj4. Appropriate knowledge and experience associated with verification and control of safety and

pollution prevention requirements of the ISM code nmlkj

1. Frequent lengthy stays on board are required nmlkj2. Every 2 to 3 months nmlkj3. As may be necessary nmlkj4. Is not required at all nmlkj

1. The Designated Person nmlkj2. The Master nmlkj3. The senior Officers nmlkj4. The entire crew nmlkj

1. By the state of cleanliness on board nmlkj2. By judging the morale of the officers and crew on board nmlkj3. Through interviewing officers and crew nmlkj4. By looking at the lifeboats, fire fighting equipment and at the oily water separator nmlkj

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621.Under ISM, the Master must implement the Company's Safety and Environmental policy and should issue appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner. How should this to be done?

622.It is the Master's responsibility to verify that the specific requirements (procedures and instructions) regarding the Safety Management System are observed. Who should actually verify this on board?

623.What are the best means of verifying that specified requirements (procedures and instructions) regarding the Safety Management System are observed?

624.It is the Master's responsibility to review the Safety Management System and report its deficiencies to ......

1. Ensure that the crew understand how they will personally benefit from the implementation as well as encouraging perception of ownership.


2. Ensure that the crew understands the dangers present on board and the heavy fines to be paid for pollution.


3. Ensure that the crew understands that they will be dismissed and will have to pay their own air fare if they do not observe the policy.


4. Ensure that copies of the Company's policy are given to all shipboard personnel. nmlkj

1. By calling the ship's complement together and give short orders in clear English. nmlkj2. By telling each and every crew member what to do exactly in a clear voice. nmlkj3. By Standing Orders, Bridge night order book, as examples. nmlkj4. Tell what is expected in a casual and amicable way during social gatherings to officers and crew. nmlkj

1. The Master nmlkj2. The Master and Officers nmlkj3. The Designated Person. nmlkj4. The Chief Engineer nmlkj

1. By inspecting the Deck and Engine work book daily by the Master. nmlkj2. By computerising all specified requirements and have an officer assigned as input controller. nmlkj3. By use of a check list for verification of actions/activities of crew members. nmlkj4. By dividing the responsibility amongst officers who have to keep their own Safety Work Book. nmlkj

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625.The Master's review reporting on the Safety Management system should include any deficiencies and may include......

626.Whenever the Master, in his role as the responsible person for on-board safety, finds a deficiency in the Safety Management system relevant to the ships operation, he should....

627.When should the Master review the Safety Management System and report to the Company?

628.Should the Master's authority be emphasized in the Safety Management system?

629.Under ISM, the overriding authority of the Master applies....

1. the Classification Society. nmlkj2. the Port State control of the next port of call. nmlkj3. the Flag State authorities. nmlkj4. the shore based management. nmlkj

1. proposals for corrective action and recommendations for improving the SMS. nmlkj2. a list of unsatisfactory crew members who are not to be rehired by the Company. nmlkj3. a list of keen and safety and environmental aware crew members who are to be promoted. nmlkj4. the officer's and crew's appraisal reports. nmlkj

1. make note in the log book of this deficiency. nmlkj2. inform the P & I club. nmlkj3. correct the deficiency and make note of the correction applied in the official log book. nmlkj4. inform the Company. nmlkj

1. The Company should set a standard interval for such reviews nmlkj2. Prior to change of command nmlkj3. Whenever there is a deficiency noted on board nmlkj4. Prior to the arrival of the external auditor every year nmlkj

1. The overriding responsibility of the Master is self evident and need not to be repeated in the SMS. nmlkj2. The Company should ensure that the SMS operating on board the ship contains a clear statement

emphasizing the Master's authority. nmlkj

3. The Master is to be mentioned as the juridical person in command of the vessel. nmlkj4. The Master is to be mentioned as the Responsible Person in charge of implementing the SMS. nmlkj

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630.It should be checked that the Company has documented that the Master has overriding responsibility and authority as required......

631.Verification of the Master's qualifications should be done firstly by....

632.The Company should ensure that the Master is informed of all requirements relating to safety and environmental protection by......

633.The Master is to be fully conversant with the Company's SMS and should be informed of all requirements through formal meetings with the......

1. in emergency and extreme circumstances. nmlkj2. in normal circumstances. nmlkj3. in case of oil spill clean-ups. nmlkj4. in both normal and extreme circumstances. nmlkj

1. by the International Association of Classification Societies. nmlkj2. by the Company's Main Policy Objective. nmlkj3. by the SOLAS Convention. nmlkj4. by the Shipowner's Trust Fund. nmlkj

1. confirmation of the validity of his certificates in compliance with the STCW convention. nmlkj2. medical examination. nmlkj3. drug and alcohol test. nmlkj4. interview of the candidate with emphasis on safety and environmental awareness. nmlkj

1. reminding him time to time. nmlkj2. having the Designated Person sent on board at specified intervals. nmlkj3. including such requirements in operating instructions. nmlkj4. having the Superintendents prepare monthly information sheets. nmlkj

1. shore management. nmlkj2. Port state inspectors. nmlkj3. senior Classification Society surveyors. nmlkj4. P & I club representatives. nmlkj

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634.The Master must be given the necessary support so that he can perform his duties safely. If the Master reports deficiencies in the SMS, the company should......

635.Manning requirements and qualifications are part of ................. with which the Company should be familiar.

636.The Company should establish procedures to ensure that personnel transferred to new assignments related to safety and environment protection are given familiarisation training. What are defined as new assignments?

637.Instructions which are essential must be identified, documented and given to newly assigned personnel prior to sailing. What are "essential instructions"?

638.Familiarisation for personnel transferred or on new assignments could be accomplished by.......

1. make financial assistance available to the Master to correct the deficiencies. nmlkj2. call in outside contractors to look at these deficiencies and rectify/repair the same. nmlkj3. reward the Master for his diligence. nmlkj4. respond to identified deficiencies in the SMS. nmlkj

1. the shipping business nmlkj2. the manpower industry nmlkj3. National and International requirements nmlkj4. crew management responsibilities nmlkj

1. Another ship nmlkj2. Promotion nmlkj3. A different job nmlkj4. All of the other options nmlkj

1. Those that clearly define the crew members role within the SMS and insure that they are prepared prior taking up their duties on board


2. SMS manual extracts, the safety manual to be read by each incoming crewmember nmlkj3. The role in the shipboard organisation, dayworker or watchkeeper, which watch assigned to. nmlkj4. Allotting crew cabin, linen, towels, instruction as to use of messrooms and bathrooms nmlkj

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639.The choice and level of detail to assist familiarisation to new or newly assigned crewmembers will depend upon ....

640.If individuals require essential familiarisation prior to sailing....

641.The Company should ensure that all personnel involved in the SMS have an adequate understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes and guidelines. How could such information be communicated?

642.The Company should identify the individual(s) having the responsibility to define training needs appropriate to specific tasks, taking into account....

1. on board training in a supernumerary capacity. nmlkj2. observing overlap while vessel in port. nmlkj3. visual aids such as manuals, operating instructions and videos. nmlkj4. All of the other options. nmlkj

1. the rank of the newly assigned crewmember. nmlkj2. the intelligence quotient of the newly assigned crewmember. nmlkj3. the individual experience with the new assignment and the job responsibilities. nmlkj4. the age of the seaman and the number of years worked at sea. nmlkj

1. it will be the Master's duty to assess as such and initiate a training program. nmlkj2. then the company should identify such requirements and develop an appropriate plan. nmlkj3. they cannot take shipboard duty at all until they prove themselves qualified for the job. nmlkj4. they should serve a full contract of at least ten months in a lower rank prior to take up the new

position. nmlkj

1. Through written instructions. nmlkj2. Described in the job responsibilities. nmlkj3. Formal discussions with company representatives. nmlkj4. All of the other options. nmlkj

1. previous training, experience and required proficiency in operation of the ship. nmlkj2. familiarity with new equipment, familiarity with equipment when transferred to different type

vessel. nmlkj

3. drills for emergencies, results of internal auditing. nmlkj

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643.The Company should establish procedures for the ship's personnel to receive relevant information on the SMS and the amount of documentation should be determined by......

644..Under SMS, sufficient instructions in a suitable language need to be verified, as well as ensuring an understanding of them by the crew. How can this be verified?

645.Concerning the ability of the ship's personnel to communicate effectively in the execution of their duties related to the SMS, documented evidence must be available......

646.When developing plans and instructions for key shipboard operations with safety and pollution prevention as primary objectives, the focus is on......

647.Procedures for key shipboard operations should have safety and pollution prevention as

4. All of the other options. nmlkj

1. the size of the Company. nmlkj2. the requirements of the Charterers. nmlkj3. whatever is necessary to ensure that all appropriate shipboard personnel understand their respective

roles. nmlkj

4. the type of vessel and the trading pattern. nmlkj

1. The crew is to be recruited in English speaking countries or will have to pass and examination. nmlkj2. Videos on the correct pronunciation of English need to be available on board. nmlkj3. The crew must be proficient in their own national language and have basic understanding of the

language in use on board. nmlkj

4. By witnessing an exercise. nmlkj

1. on the procedures required for effective communication and what verification is carried out on board.


2. on the educational level of each crewmember. nmlkj3. on the medical examination of each crewmember. nmlkj4. on the ability of each crewmember to read and write in English. nmlkj

1. economy. nmlkj2. finance. nmlkj3. prevention. nmlkj4. response to accidents. nmlkj

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primary objectives and should include, among other things.....

648.Concerning developing plans and instructions for key shipboard operations, it is expected that the Company has identified risks associated with......

649.Which of the following tasks and occurrences can be excluded as possible risks to the safety of the ship and pollution of the environment?

650.The Company should establish procedures to identify, describe and respond to ...................emergency shipboard operations.

651.A company is expected to have documented emergency procedures applicable for use onboard the particular type ship being operated, including the duties and responsibilities of the crewmembers and......

1. methods to lower the lifeboats. nmlkj2. measures to mitigate identified risks. nmlkj3. efficiency of the propulsion machinery. nmlkj4. accuracy of the trim and stability calculations. nmlkj

1. the shipping industry's cost structure. nmlkj2. the carriage of liquid oil cargoes in bulk. nmlkj3. the particular type of vessel and it's trade. nmlkj4. drugs and alcohol misuse. nmlkj

1. Cargo shifting, collision, explosion nmlkj2. Fire, flooding, grounding nmlkj3. Inerting, tank cleaning, gas freeing nmlkj4. Heavy weather damage, loss of propulsion, loss of steering nmlkj

1. potential nmlkj2. theoretical nmlkj3. assumed nmlkj4. occuring nmlkj

1. the methods of rescue available. nmlkj

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652.In addition to routine drills prescribed in International and National regulations, drills should also include......

653.The scope of drills should exercise the company's ashore and on board personnel and develop familiarity with a particular emergency. Documented evidence of drills should exist which demonstrate.......

654.The Company should have available shoreside organisational structure, resources means and procedures for communications and equipment for responding to a shipboard emergency. This means that......

655.The SMS should include procedures ensuring that .................... are reported to the company, investigated and analysed with the objective of improving safety and pollution prevention?

2. shipboard communication methods available. nmlkj3. the methods of reporting casualties to the Authorities. nmlkj4. the ways of combating a worst case scenario. nmlkj

1. emergency situations such as identified potential emergency shipboard situations. nmlkj2. fire drills in port. nmlkj3. boat drills at sea. nmlkj4. diving exercises under the ship. nmlkj

1. that all the kinds of drills were carried out. nmlkj2. that the ships staff has followed the correct procedures in notifying the shore staff. nmlkj3. that the Company has been able to respond effectively. nmlkj4. that all shore staff, office staff and subcontractors, manning agents and repair outfits were effectively

involved . nmlkj

1. a very large communications network is required. nmlkj2. the Company needs offices spread out over the globe. nmlkj3. a 24-hour contact has to be available. nmlkj4. the office is to be staffed by Emergency Response Teams 24 hours a day. nmlkj

1. illness and injury nmlkj2. cargo operations and ballast operations nmlkj3. non-conformities, accidents and hazardous situations nmlkj

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656.The Company should have ................. for responding to non-conformities identified from internal audits and during routine operation of the ship.

657.The Company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations and with....

658.Objective evidence is required to confirm conformance with established maintenance requirements, inclusive.....

659.Under the SMS, as part of shipboard responsibilities, there should be routine inspections of.....

660.Shipboard personnel, as part of day to day operation of the ship, should be expected to correct non-conformities whenever possible. In this respect, what are "Non-Conformities"?

4. crew changes nmlkj

1. printed labels nmlkj2. inventory cards nmlkj3. a toll free telephone number nmlkj4. procedures nmlkj

1. the cooperation of the Master. nmlkj2. the approval of the London Salvage Association. nmlkj3. any additional requirements which may be established by the Company. nmlkj4. the by-laws of the relevant P & I club. nmlkj

1. of a computerised planned maintenance system. nmlkj2. of a computerised maintenance program for diesel engines. nmlkj3. of documented procedures and instructions for the onboard work routines and verification of their

implementation by the appropriate personnel. nmlkj

4. of keeping work record books and inventories of deck and engine departments up to date. nmlkj

1. all machinery and ships equipment in use. nmlkj2. the accommodation. nmlkj3. machinery, ships equipment and structural integrity of the ship. nmlkj4. all crews belongings, luggage and items stowed in crew cabins. nmlkj

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661.The Company should have procedures established for corrective action. Corrective actions involve solutions which......

662.The Company should establish procedures under SMS to identify equipment and technical systems of which the sudden failure may result in hazardous operations. Once identified......

663.The testing and maintenance of stand by equipment and inactive systems associated with alternatives should be part of the Company's maintenance plan. Example of tests are......

664.The Company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents which are relevant to the SMS. The Company should ensure that: 1) ................. 2) ................ 3) .....................

1. Damage. nmlkj2. Defects, malfunctioning. nmlkj3. Deficiencies. nmlkj4. Any one the other options. nmlkj

1. guarantyee that there is no recurrence of a non-conformity. nmlkj2. may reduce or prevent occurrence of a non-conformity. nmlkj3. investigate who was at fault and put the blame on the person(s) involved. nmlkj4. punish the persons guilty of neglect without taking any other action afterwards. nmlkj

1. a rigid maintenance program is to be established for this equipment. nmlkj2. tests and other procedures should be established to ensure reliability. nmlkj3. it must be ensured that each and every component of these systems and equipment is carried as spare

on board. nmlkj

4. these items are checked at least once a week by the Master. nmlkj

1. operation of alarms and emergency shut-downs. nmlkj2. pre-arrival and pre-departure tests. nmlkj3. emergency and safety equipments tests (eg EPIRB, VHF, CO2 detectors). nmlkj4. Any or all of the other options. nmlkj

1. 1) Valid documents are available 2) Changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorised personnel 3) Obsolete documents are removed promptly


2. 1) Documents are in the Master's safekeeping only 2) Documents are authorised by the nmlkj

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665.The documents used to describe and implement the SMS may be referred to as the......

666.The Company should carry out ................................ to verify whether safety and pollution prevention activities comply with the Shipboard Management System.

667.SMS Management reviews should be initiated at least by......

668.Personnel carrying out audits should be ...................... the areas being audited.

669.A .................................. should be issued for every Company complying with the requirements

Classification Society 3) Documents are authorised by P & I Club. 3. 1) Documents are kept confidential by the Master 2) the Master reviews the documents 3) the Master

implements the contents of documents. nmlkj

4. 1) Documents are approved by authorised personnel 2) Documents are to be reviewed by the Master 3) Documents are to be kept safe.


1. Ship Management Manual. nmlkj2. Safety Management Manual. nmlkj3. Shipboard Instruction Manual. nmlkj4. Ship Maintenance Manual. nmlkj

1. inspections by third party consultants nmlkj2. external safety audits nmlkj3. drydock Inspections nmlkj4. internal safety audits nmlkj

1. recommendations based on statutory/classification surveys and outdated SMS in the light of new rules/ regulations brought in force.


2. analysis and investigation of accidents, results obtained due implementation of SMS. nmlkj3. changes in the market strategy, social and environmental conditions. nmlkj4. Any of the other options. nmlkj

1. experts in nmlkj2. familiarised with nmlkj3. independent of nmlkj4. very conversant nmlkj

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of the ISM code by the Administration, or by the Organisation recognised by the Administration .

670.When verified that the Company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved SMS, a ................. should be issued to the ship by the Administration or organisation recognised by it.

671.The Company should ensure that each ship is manned with ........................ seafarers in accordance with national and international requirements.

672.Under ISM, what is the role of the Designated Person as defined by the ISM Code?

673.What is the ISM or International Safety Management Code?

1. Safety Management Certificate nmlkj2. Document of Compliance nmlkj3. International Shipmanagement Certificate nmlkj4. Safety and Environmental Protection Certificate nmlkj

1. Document of Compliance nmlkj2. Safety Management Certificate nmlkj3. Credibility Certificate nmlkj4. Certificate of Responsibility nmlkj

1. safety conscious and diligent nmlkj2. intelligent and healthy nmlkj3. drug and alcohol abstaining nmlkj4. qualified, certified and medically fit nmlkj

1. To inspect the ship at least once every six months and to report all matters concerning safety and environmental protection to the management.


2. To write the safety manuals and to follow up on all safety related requisitions requested by the ship. nmlkj3. To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the company and those on

board. nmlkj

4. To monitor and if necessary to build up better safety relationships between the Authorities and the ship's staff.


1. An international management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention as nmlkj

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674.Under ISM, which methods can the Master use to implement the Company's Safety and Environmental policy?

1. 1. 2. 3.

2. 1. 2. 3.

3. 1. 2. 3.

4. 1. 2. 3.

5. 1. 2. 3.

6. 1. 2. 3.

7. 1. 2. 3.

8. 1. 2. 3.

9. 1. 2. 3.

10. 1. 2. 3.

11. 1. 2. 3.

12. 1. 2. 3.

13. 1. 2. 3.

14. 1. 2. 3.

15. 1. 2. 3.

adopted by the IMO. 2. The International Ship Management Association's code for navigational safety. nmlkj3. The international code for accident prevention and safe working practices. nmlkj4. The international code for transportation of cargoes safely on board ships, as regulated by Marpol

Annex III. nmlkj

1. Implementation of all existing IMO and Marpol rules nmlkj2. At his own discretion taking into account the trading pattern and the workload on the ship, as well as

weather conditions nmlkj

3. As defined and documented by the Company nmlkj4. He should discuss the methods to be used with the senior officers and the shipboard safety

committee nmlkj

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16. 1. 2. 3.

17. 1. 2. 3.

18. 1. 2. 3.

19. 1. 2. 3.

20. 1. 2. 3.

21. 1. 2. 3.

22. 1. 2. 3.

23. 1. 2. 3.

24. 1. 2. 3.

25. 1. 2. 3.

26. 1. 2. 3.

27. 1. 2. 3.

28. 1. 2. 3.

29. 1. 2. 3.

30. 1. 2. 3.

31. 1. 2. 3.

32. 1. 2. 3.

33. 1. 2. 3.

34. 1. 2. 3.

35. 1. 2. 3.

36. 1. 2. 3.

37. 1. 2. 3.

38. 1. 2. 3.

39. 1. 2. 3.

40. 1. 2. 3.

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41. 1. 2. 3.

42. 1. 2. 3.

43. 1. 2. 3.

44. 1. 2. 3.

45. 1. 2. 3.

46. 1. 2. 3.

47. 1. 2. 3.

48. 1. 2. 3.

49. 1. 2. 3.

50. 1. 2. 3.

51. 1. 2. 3.

52. 1. 2. 3.

53. 1. 2. 3.

54. 1. 2. 3.

55. 1. 2. 3.

56. 1. 2. 3.

57. 1. 2. 3.

58. 1. 2. 3.

59. 1. 2. 3.

60. 1. 2. 3.

61. 1. 2. 3.

62. 1. 2. 3.

63. 1. 2. 3.

64. 1. 2. 3.

65. 1. 2. 3.

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66. 1. 2. 3.

67. 1. 2. 3.

68. 1. 2. 3.

69. 1. 2. 3.

70. 1. 2. 3.

71. 1. 2. 3.

72. 1. 2. 3.

73. 1. 2. 3.

74. 1. 2. 3.

75. 1. 2. 3.

76. 1. 2. 3.

77. 1. 2. 3.

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215. 1. 2. 3.

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216. 1. 2. 3.

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