Exam questions for lesson 5


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EXAM QUESTIONS (to learn better) for Lesson 5 The gaseous part of the Earth.1. What is the atmosphere?.2. How was the atmosphere formed?.3. What differences are there between the original composition of the atmosphere and its composition today?.4. What is the air?. Which gases are in air?.5. Explain the main characteristics for nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour, ozone.6. What is the air we breathe composed of?.7. Where does atmospheric oxygen come from?8. Explain photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, condensation, combustion and evaporation.9. Explain the difference between evaporation and boiling.10. Explain the structure of the atmosphere.11. Explain the Troposphere, the Stratosphere and the Ionosphere.12. In which layer of the atmosphere do meteorological phenomena take place?.13. Where is the ozone layer?. Why do we say that this layer protects living things?.14. Where are radio waves reflected back to Earth?.15. Which layer of the atmosphere contains horizontal layers of gas?16. Which layer of the atmosphere protects us from harmful solar radiation?.17. Which layer of the atmosphere is the nearest to the Earth? And which the furthest?.18. What is atmospheric pressure?.19. Why does atmospheric pressure decrease with height?.20. How does the temperature affect atmospheric pressure?.21. What is the international unit for pressure.22. Explain the different units for pressure.23. What are normal, high and low pressures?.24. Where do we find normal pressure?. What is its value?25. How does the atmosphere regulate the temperatures during the day?.26. How does the atmosphere regulate the temperatures during the night?.27. What is the average temperature of the Earth?. What would be the average temperature of the Earth if there were no atmosphere?.28. Explain the greenhouse effect.29. Which gases produce the greenhouse effect?. Why?.30. Explain the unequal warming of the Earth.31. Where do the atmospheric phenomena occur?. What are atmospheric phenomena responsible for?. What does these phenomena cause?.32. What is wind?. How is it formed?.33. Which atmospheric phenomena are caused by the wind?.34. Explain hurricanes, whirlwinds or dust storms and tornadoes.35. Which atmospheric phenomena are caused by water vapour?.36. Which atmospheric phenomena are caused by condensation?.37. Explain clouds, fog , frost and dew.38. Which atmospheric phenomena are caused by precipitation?.39. Explain rain, snow and hail.40. What is climate?. What does the climate of a region depend on?. How is the climate of a region expressed?.41. What is a front? When does a warm front occur?. When does a cold front occur?.42. Explain the difference between climate and atmospheric weather.43. What is atmospheric weather?. How is the atmospheric weather expressed?.44. Explain thermometer, barometer, rain gauge, hygrometer, weather vane and wind gauge.45. Explain the destruction of the ozone layer.46. Explain the causes of the increase in the greenhouse effect.47. Explain the consequences of an increase of greenhouse gases.