Exam Photos - Initial Set

Exam Photos Initial Set inside, Outside and In between Stephen Akinyemi


exam, coursework, inside, journal,

Transcript of Exam Photos - Initial Set

Exam Photos – Initial Set inside, Outside and In between

Stephen Akinyemi


The composition within shot by cosmin Bumbut is an perfect example of the types of themes I would like to portray within my final outcomes for this project. A combination of different scenarios all combining to implicate a path or some kind of connection between both scenarios. The overriding theme within this particular piece is quite dream like and imaginative hence the slight translucency of the train track shot over the child sleeping.

The composition within shot by cosmin Bumbut is an perfect example of the types of themes I would like to portray within my final outcomes for this project. A combination of different scenarios all combining to implicate a path or some kind of connection between both scenarios. The overriding theme within this particular piece is quite dream like and imaginative hence the slight translucency of the train track shot over the child sleeping. There's a good strong readable connection between both shot the child being asleep automatically implicates dreaming complemented the gentleness of the overlaid dram like shot.


Straight away the biggest attraction within this shot is the chicken which clearly isn’t real, presumably wooden and due to the distinction of the edges I would say its inside. There’s a lot of tones within this composition, particularly outside the window the variety of greys between the skyscrapers are very complementing and enhance the appearance if the chicken. Because the structures are quite some distance away their structure isn't as harsh or impacting as the chicken right in front of us. The rain enhances this separation the glass in between separating inside from outside and also further diminishing the distinction of the outside structures. The closer to the photographer these components are the darker they are as the church right outside the window appears a lot darker than the sky scrappers in the far distance.

Exam Photos – 2nd Set Initial inside, Outside and In between


This shot from Spero’s church collection I chose specifically because it best demonstrated a path way, A deeper meaning I liked to bring out of within this shot is the fact that the church is painted white signify purity - as you walk closer becoming cleansed and another ideology is the narrow path way to this fairly small building. Inside, outside and in between reminded when I first heard it did conjure the idea of spirituality and religion as inside can relate to soul, spirit and body. David may of not at all had this idea in mind but I think that it is a strong shot to incorporate into my

project, viewing the theme from a religious context. The skies are very much pale white which therefore provides even light to must areas of the building there’s no shadows or overlooking areas. The size of the building one could say is rather small considering its a church but that may have something to do with the amount of Christians in the location off the church.

Initial Set Evaluation

My initial take to this set was either religion and spirituality or focusing on landscapes (interior and exterior) components which successfully portray fully the reason which makes it different from the other for example you wouldn't have grass growing on you home floor - I felt that it may be a pretty vague topic to cover. Separations and meeting point likewise is a rather broad take but I really appreciated bum buts idea of the relationships between to different sceneries blending into one composition however still producing a realistic storyline. My first set, I would like to focus on the opening of a gap some how, leading into a bigger space or a smaller component introducing or inviting an audience into a bigger picture. My forth shot for example portrays this very successfully the entrance to the train platform; the travelling of the light alone illustrates the introduction to a new scene. I find the idea of it becoming narrower towards the end very interesting as obviously you would expect a simple straight continuous line or even broadening but there’s a contrast you pass through the smallest section before entering the bigger picture. Within my second set I focus more on perspectives of an singular location altered or combined to create an odd reality, unlike my first set I don’t focus to much of the altering of the location but to the perspective of it from different angles then brought together. This topic is quite a fascinating one to explore as it can almost relate to anything if it has a volume; everything in away has a centre point or it doesn't exist, because the heart physically control of the soul.