Exam 6 Study Guide

Exam 6 Study guide From the article, “International Raids Target Sites Selling Contraband…” law enforcement agencies orchestrated actions against the illegal sale of drugs, stolen credit cards, weapons, hit men which were being sold via websites which exist on an internet platform known as what? Tor - TheOnionRouter. Specific sites include the silk road, executive outcomes... From the article, “International Raids Target Sites Selling Contraband…” it is said that the illegal websites could not be reached via google but rather are accessed via what network? Tor From the article, “International Raids Target Sites Selling Contraband…” who originally developed the Tor Network? The United States Navy From the article regarding “Alex from Target,” which of the following companies was targeted in the same way using an employee as an internet “meme”? Stupid Question but: Starbucks, T-Mobile, Good Burger “Dark Web” websites operate on the Tor Network, which is advantageous to users because it works to: hide identity. Tor operates under anonymity Who originally developed the Tor Browser? The United States Navy Which company has taken credit for the rise of Alex from Target? Marketing company named Breakr What organization was Operation Onymous led by? FBI and homeland security “Dark Web” websites operate on the Tor Network, which



Transcript of Exam 6 Study Guide

Exam 6 Study guideFrom the article, “International Raids Target Sites Selling Contraband…” law enforcement agencies orchestrated actions against the illegal sale of drugs, stolen credit cards, weapons, hit men which were being sold via websites which exist on an internet platform known as what?Tor - TheOnionRouter. Specific sites include the silk road, executive outcomes...

From the article, “International Raids Target Sites Selling Contraband…” it is said that the illegal websites could not be reached via google but rather are accessed via what network?Tor

From the article, “International Raids Target Sites Selling Contraband…” who originally developed the Tor Network?The United States Navy

From the article regarding “Alex from Target,” which of the following companies was targeted in the same way using an employee as an internet “meme”?Stupid Question but: Starbucks, T-Mobile, Good Burger

“Dark Web” websites operate on the Tor Network, which is advantageous to users because it works to:hide identity.  Tor operates under anonymity

Who originally developed the Tor Browser?The United States Navy

Which company has taken credit for the rise of Alex from Target?Marketing company named Breakr

What organization was Operation Onymous led by?FBI and homeland security

“Dark Web” websites operate on the Tor Network, which is advantageous to users because it works to:hide identity.  Tor operates under anonymity

Who originally developed the Tor Browser?The United States Navy

Which company has taken credit for the rise of Alex from Target?Breakr

How did journalist Andrew Lih relate the internet to high school?where inexplicably the crowd picks something that is not that interesting and elevates it to popularity status

Alex from Target had a picture of him posted on social media that went

viral because of his Justin Bieberish looks. Which social media network was the picture posted on?Tweety Bird (twitter)

The dark web gives buyers the ability to anonymously purchase:Nice question fuckhead….. pretty much anything: stolen credit cards, hitman, drugs, guns.

The Tor browser is used by:Criminals? Navy? People who just wanna be anonymous? whistle-blowers and activists

What answer best describes where the dark web is used?• I think they’re getting at criminal activity here. Raids took place

across Europe, including France, Germany, Spain, Britain and Ireland, as well as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland.

What does the “Dark Web” refer to?Portion of the web that cannot be accessed by Google or any regular browser.

what show did Alex from Target appear on after he rocketed into stardom?Ellen

What is the significance of a Tor Browser?Provides user with anonymity

Which of the following were recently seized during homeland securities crackdown of the dark marketSilk Road, Executive outcomes, fake Real Plastic

The Tor browser is used for all of the following actions except…Not not staying anonymous?

Alex from Target became famous after what?Some girl posted a picture of him on twitter with hashtag “Alexfromtarget”

A series of raids and arrests by American and International authorities that targeted "Dark Web" websites, resulting in 50 deactivated websites and 17 arrests, was referred to as…Operation Onymous

Which website was seized off the dark market place?Silk Road, Executive outcomes, fake Real Plastic

How do sites operate on the Tor network, also known as the “dark web?”They operate with .onion links that can only be opened with the Tor


The investigation that worked to deactivate many of the “dark web” black market websites was named _____.Operation Onymous

The significance of “Alex from Target” was:The absurdity of the internet. He became famous for no reason at all.

Who was the Tor browser originally developed by?The United States Navy

What payment method does Silk Road utilize?Bitcoins bitch

In the powerpoint slide “Everything is for Sale”, how did the Homeland Security agent gain access into Silk Road 2.0?MOLE! undercover operation, he even became a paid staff member making $32,000 in bitcoins

In the article “Data Mining: What is Data Mining?”, data mining is described as service used primarily by:Company’s with a consumer focus

In the article about the “Dark Web,” Operation Onymous references:The name of the operation that arrested 17 sellers and shut down a handful of illegal e-commerce sites operating on TOR

From the PowerPoint Slide “Alex From Target”, Andrew Lih discusses the random burst of internet popularity received by Alex with regards to which of the following?Compares it to the behavior of high schoolers

According to IT news 11, the Tor browser, an open source project that permits people to use the internet without revealing their location, was originally developed by:United States navy

According to IT news 11, Which start-up marketing firm is taking credit for the “Alex from Target” breakout social media trend?Breakr

According to the article “International Raids Target Sites Selling Contraband on the ‘Dark Web’”, which of the following is the name of the network that “dark market” sites operate on?Tor

According to IT News 11, which of the following can be purchased in the “dark market”?Anything… firearms, drugs, currency, credit cards, fake ids, so many


According to the article entitled “Known as ‘Alex From Target,’ Teenage Clerk Rises to Star on Twitter and Talk Shows,” which television show did Alex appear on as a result of this internet phenomenon?Ellen

According to IT News 11, what is an example of “Another Tuesday on the Internet?”The popularity of Alex from Target

Operation Onymous was targeted at people taking part in the fraudulent “dark web.” Who were the people that this operation specifically targeted?It was targeted chiefly towards the sellers

How is marketing firm Breakr related to Alex from Target?They are taking the credit for Alex from Target’s rise, even though they were not responsible for it

Why is the Tor network compelling to criminals?They are completely anonymous if properly used

Which of the following are examples of sites on the "dark web"?Silk Road 2.0 Executive Outcomes,” “Fake Real Plastic

Websites known as the “dark web” can typically only be found where?On the Tor network

What is the name of the investigation that shut down upward of 50 secret underground websites selling drugs, stolen credit cards, etc.?Operation Onymous

What is the popular hashtag that went viral?#alexfromtarget

Who featured Alex from Target on their talk show?Ellen

The “dark market” is known for buyers buying what?Illegal items: firearms, hitmen, organs, drugs, currencies,

What is the name of the network that the "dark web" typically operates on?Tor

What is the name of the browser required to access the dark web?The Tor Browser

The Alex from Target phenomena has created several copycat attempts around the country. Which of the following isn't one of the copycat responses?Not: Kieran from T-Mobile, Steve from Starbucks, Kel from Good Burger

From the article, “Everything is for sale” what was the name of the website that offered counterfeit credit cards printed to look just like Visa and Mastercard credit cards?“Fake Real Plastic”

Websites, known as the “dark web,” typically operate on the ________ network, what is the network called?Tor

Which of the following is true about Targets involvement in Alex from Target’s popularity?Target was not involved with the tweet nor the company claiming to be responsible, Breakr

What is the Dark Web?A collection of sites on the Tor Network that can only be accessed using the Tor Browser. It is commonly used for criminal to provide illegal goods and services.

What was Operation Onymous?An investigation targeted at sellers which brought down over 50 websites, including Silk Road 2.0 and Blue Sky

Why did the picture and Alex from Target become so popular and explode over social media?Andrew Lih says that is is inexplicably and the internet picks something that is not interesting and elevates its popularity.

Websites, known as the “dark web,” typically operate on the ________ network, what is the network called?Tor Network

The dark web’s e-commerce site “The Silk Road 2.0” allowed the buying and selling of what?Drugs, stolen credit cards, weapons, or even a hitman

Which of the following can be purchased on the dark web?Pretty much anything: look at the other 10 questions like this one

The Tor browser:Amazing question: is used to access the tor network? , originally developed by the United States Naval Research Laboratory, is an open source project that permits people to use the Internet without revealing their location. It is used not only for criminal activities but by whistle-blowers and activists seeking to avoid detection.

Which marketing start-up falsely took credit for Alex from Target's rise?Breakr

Which of the following is an example of a "dark web" site that cannot be found by Google or typing in a web address?Either Silk Road 2.0 or Blue Sky will be the answer

The secret underground e-Commerce website Silk Road 2.0 specialised in the sale of:Drugs, stolen credit cards, weapons, or even a hitman

The Tor browser was originally developed by ___________ ?The United States Navy

How does the most common dark net browser (Tor) keep the users identity anonymous?Not explained in any articles, but it does not accept cookies and it disables javascript and flash and other languages from executing

What is the top selling Alibaba brand by merchandise value?Xiaomi: The chinese smartphone maker

What messaging and social media services have become the command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists.Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp

What shopping blitz day where Alibaba offers deep discounts on everything from cars to clothes for the holiday does Alibaba hope to expand globally by 2019?Singles’ Day

Who is a provider of cloud-based software that helps firms coordinate and manage mobile employees as discussed in IT news 12?TOA Technologies

What is the name of China's largest e-commerce company?Alibaba

The great geopolitical struggle in today's society is between ________ and _______ on the internet.Makers and Breakers

On what day did Alibaba pull in a record-breaking $9.3 billion in sales?Singles’ Day

Why is it easier to be a breaker today than ever before?You can recruit and operate today with less money, greater ease and greater reach than ever before

From the slide titled “A New World of ‘Connected’ Gadgets, what was the top tech trend driving The Internet of Everything?

1. New types of Connectivity of devices 2) increasing volumes of data big data 3) cloud computing

From the article “Manager and Machine,” I.T. is replacing skilled practitioners in fields such as:Architecture, aviation, the law, medicine, and petroleum geology

Which company had a record-breaking $9.3 billion in sales on Singles’ Day?Alibaba

By 2019, Alibaba hopes to expand Singles’ Day to…A world-wide shopping day

According to the NY Times article by T. Friedman, what is the “other” great geopolitical struggle in the world today?Nurturing people to produce more makers than breakers

What has(have) become the command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists?Messaging and Social Media Services such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp

What sales event occurred on 11/11 on the website Alibaba?Singles Day

What has become one of the command and control networks of choice for terrorists?Messaging and Social Media Services such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp

From the article "2014 in review: Tech turkeys of the year", which of the following is having difficulties keeping up in the PC market?Google (Chromebook)

According to the Maker and Breakers, which group has benefited from the trend to encrypted mobile devices?ISIS

According to Alibaba, China's largest e-commerce company, what is the biggest online shopping day in the world?11/11 Singles Day

According to the article "Makers and Breakers," which of the following about "breaking things" using the internet is NOT true:Is true about breaking things on the internet:  Can break things with Less money, Greater Ease, and Greater Reach

What has ISIS used to recruit, coordinate and inspire thousands from around the world to join in its fight to break Iraq and Syria?Messaging and social media services such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp

Which of these companies/organizations was not (knowingly) hacked in 2014?Were Hacked: JP Morgan, Home Depot, Target, US Postal Service

What bug that attacks OpenSQL servers wrecked havoc on many popular websites?HeartBleed

Who is a provider of cloud-based software that helps firms coordinate and manage mobile employees?TOA Technologies

According to IT News 12, what group did Robert Hannigan credit as being the "first terrorist group whose members have grown up on the Internet"?ISIS

Alibaba pulled in a record breaking $9.3 billion in sales on what day this year?Singles’ Day - 11/11

What are the two categories of people who are currently dominating the web?Makers and Breakers

Which facets of technology have become the command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists?Messaging and Social Media - Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp

In the slides referenced with Business Insider, what is the biggest online shopping day?Singles’ Day

According to the New York Times Article Makers and Breaker, what has become the command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists?Messaging and social networks

According to the article from IT New 12 from the source Business Week, what is Alibaba?China’s Largest e commerce company

In the "2014 in review: Tech Turkey", what is Amazon's Failure?The Fire Phone

What company was cited as China's largest e-commerce company?

What is the "struggle" between on the internet today?The struggle between makers and breakers

Robert Hannigan said the first terrorist group ISIS members grew up where?The internet

What is a cloud-based software that helps firms coordinate and manage mobile employees?The company TOA Technologies

On November 11th every year a shopping blitz is held in China to celebrate what?Singles’ Day

The Islamic State, or ISIS, is the first terrorist group to have members that ____?Have grown up on the internet

TOA Technologies is a provider of cloud-based software that helps firms do what?Coordinate and manage mobile employees

Which company recently produced a new phone that failed because the pricing was way off?Amazon

What company pulled in record breaking sales of 9.3 billion dollars in sales on a single day?Alibaba

What are the top 3 online sales days in the US?Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday

What technology is the terrorist group ISIS capitalizing on in order to organize their activities worldwide?Social media services and messaging

What provider of cloud-based software helps firms to coordinate and manage mobile employees?TOA Technologies

From the article “Makers and Breakers” in IT News 12, who was the first terrorist group(s) whose members have grown up on the internet?ISIS

According to New York Times article “Makers and Breakers” what is the internet doing to make this a good time to be a “maker”?you can raise capital, sell goods or services and discover collaborators and customers globally more easily than ever

What holiday created the biggest online shopping day in the world for Alibaba?Singles day

"Turkey" is a product that:FLOPS

From the article “Makers and Breakers” in IT News 12, who was the first terrorist group whose members have grown up on the internet?ISIS

According to New York Times article “Makers and Breakers” what is the internet doing to make this a good time to be a “maker”?Raise capital, Sell goods or services and collaborate easier than ever

Alibaba achieved a record for sales in one day on Singles Day in 2014. How much did they sell in US dollars?9.3 BIL

“Turkey” is a product thatWas a flop

From the article "Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015," one of the top strategic technologies trends that deals with the combination of data streams and services created by digitizing everything is:The Internet of Things

From the article "Manager and machine: The new leadership equation," the author identifies ____ as aspects that top management can still do:Focusing on the “softer” side of managementasking the right questionsaddressing ambiguities

From the article "Forrester's top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020," what is included in emerging business solutions that enable new ways of doing business?Customer analytics, digital experience, customer-driven design, Internet of Things

On Singles' Day, an anti-Valentine's Day holiday, which of the following occurred?Alibaba sold 9.3 billion in one day, broke old sales record, made more than cyber monday.

What did Robert Hannigan, the director of GCHQ, say was particularly different about ISIS?The group has grown up on the internet

In the Technology Flops article, what are the worst technology screw-ups in the past year referred to as?Turkeys

According to the NY Times article, Yuval Brisker and Irad Carmi created a business to solve what problem?Money wasted in waiting times - for the cable guy and the doctors

From the IT News 12 slides, executive chairman Jack Ma of Alibaba said that the company hopes to do what?Put it on a global scale (singles day)

From the IT News 12 slides, what is one of the great political challenges of this era?How to produce makers than breakers

From the IT News 12 slide “2014 Technology Flops,” which of the following is one of the three flavors that Tech Turkeys come in this year?Those that truly displayed their gobble-gobble from a purely technical perspective; those that failed to realize revenue or garner significant industry adoption; and, those that failed via administrative incompetence or lack of security oversight.

What did Robert Hannigan (the director of GCHQ) call for?For a “new deal” between intelligence agencies and social networks to not encrypt

What is the biggest online shopping day in the world?Singles’ Day

fdfdafFuck you.

Who is China's largest e-commerce company?Alibaba

Which cloud based software company that helps firms coordinate and manage mobile employees did we talk about in IT NEWS 12?TOA Technologies

In IT News 12, Hannigan called for a “new deal” between intelligence agencies andSocial Networks

Which holiday caused the biggest day in sales in online shopping history for Alibaba?Singles’ Day

What does Alibaba sell?Honestly? Sell anything that is not illegal.

Which one is NOT a 2014 technology flop included in IT News 12?Great question here, bud.

The most influential variables in data mining are typically:Behavior-based

By using data mining and analytics, a midwestern grocery chain discovered when men bought diapers on a thursday or a saturday they tended to buy this as well:Beer.

According to the article “Digging into Data Mining”, what was the first name for data mining, beginning in the 1960’s?Statistical Analysis

According to the article “Data Mining: What is Data Mining?”, which relationship can be best described as data items are grouped according to logical relationships or consumer preferences?Clustering

____ is the process of finding correlations or patterns among, hundreds, thousands, or millions of rows from databases.Data Mining

What is Data Warehousing?Process of centralized data management and retrieval

What is business intelligence? is an umbrella term that refers to a variety of software applications used to analyze an

organization’s raw data. BI is the processes, methods, measurements and systems businesses use to more easily view,

analyze and understand information relevant to the history, current performance or future projections for a business.

Which of these is not an element of data mining and BI?Elements:Extract, Store, Provide, Analyze, Present

The dark web gives buyers the ability to anonymously purchase:drugs, guns, slaves, prostitutes, hitman, fake credit cards

What is the most influential variable in the data mining model?behavior-based models

What’s the most important step in successful Business Intelligence for any company?It is understanding the business

How is Climate Corp. using data to help rural farmers all over the United States?Using data to establish customized insurance rates

What is one Midwest grocery chain doing to analyze local buying patterns?Using Data mining to find correlations among consumer purchase habits. Exp: dads buying beer along with diapers on thursdays and sundays

This _____________of information access helps users back up—with hard numbers—business decisions that would otherwise be based only on gut feelings and anecdotes.Democratization

What are the most influential variables in a data mining model?behavior-based.

What are the major elements of data mining and BI?Elements:Extract, Store, Provide, Analyze, Present

According to the article Digging Into Data Mining, what are the categories of data mining?clustering, classifying, estimating and predicting, and affinity grouping

Which of the following is not a level of analysis with regards to business intelligence and data mining?The five are



3.Estimating & Predicting

4.Affinity / Associating Grouping

5.Visualization: Use of graphical tools to illustrate data relationships.

The most influential variables in a data mining model are typically ________.Behavior based

In the classic data mining example using a grocery store which two items were correlated:Beer and diapers

What is an example of an internal data source?Scanning a product at the register when it is being sold

In the article, "An Introduction to Data Mining", how does the author describe the growth of commercial databases?They are growing at unprecedented rates

What are the most influential variables when data mining?Behavioral Variables

The best definition of the "dark web" is:?A place where illegal e commerce is the main function while users stay anonymous?

Which one of the activities of data mining?

A++++++++++ Question

What is the goal of BI?Make better, faster, more preventative decisions

In the article "Data Mining: What is Data Mining?" What type of data is sales, cost, inventory, payroll, and accounting?Operational or transactional data

Which of the following are different levels of analysis?The five are



3.Estimating & Predicting

4.Affinity / Associating Grouping

5.Visualization: Use of graphical tools to illustrate data relationships.

In the article “Digging into Data Mining”, the first name used for data mining was what?Statistical Analysis

What is data mining?The process of finding correlations or patterns among, hundreds, thousands, of millions of rows from databases.

What are the major elements of Data mining and Business Intelligence?Extract Store, Provide, Analyze, Present

What is Affinity Grouping?Attempts to understand what products are being sold together

What is the most important step of business intelligence?Understanding the business

What is the most influential variable in data mining models?Behavioral data

In the article "Business Intelligence in the Fields" what is the name of the man who overseas 5300 acres of farmland to try and find the perfect "prescription" for his fields?Louis Wischmeier

In the article "Digging into Data Mining," looking through a large number of initially undifferentiated customers and trying to see if they fall into natural groupings is an example of what?Clustering

In the article "What is Data Mining," what software did a Midwest grocery chain use to analyze local buying patterns?Data mining software

Before being analyzed, data typically has to be organized into history repositories. These repositories are called:Data Warehouses

Which one below is NOT one of the main reasons why companies do data mining?Not sure how to prepare for this.. To not take advantage of correlations?lots of data goes unanalyzedimportant correlations can be found.takes humans too long

According to the article "An Introduction to Data Mining", data mining is ready for application in the business community because it is supported by which mature technology?

Massive data collection Powerful multiprocessor computers Data mining algorithms

In the article, “Climate Corp. Updates Crop Insurance via High Tech”, what type of new technology does Climate Corp. provide its customers?Big data analytics

From the article “What is Data Mining” which type of companies primarily use data mining techniques?Consumer based

What are the 5 major elements of data mining and business intelligence, in order?Extract, Store, Provide, Analyze, Present

From the “Climate Corp” article, what business advantage did data analytics provide the company over its other (primarily federal) competitors?

What is the most important step in successful BI?Understanding the business

What is included in internal data sources from components of a data warehouse?Operational data, Historical data

Determining whether a customer is credit-worthy or credit unworthy is an example of what level of processing?Classifying

According to the article "Data Mining: What is Data Mining?" what is the correct order of the five major elements of data mining?Extract, Store, Provide, Analyze, Present

According to the article "Business Intelligence in the Fields" published by Bloomberg, what silicon valley start-up provides customized insurance plans for farmers through big data analytics?Climate Corp

Extract, store, provide, analyze and present are 5 major elements of what?Data mining and BI

While descriptive data is important, the most influential variables in a data mining model are typically: behavior-based

What applications can be data mining be used for?Model underlying business processes and to minimize or prevent loses, theft and criminal activity

This company works with law enforcement agencies around the U.S. to not only keep track of around 15,000 ex-cons; but to also analyze the data and predict when a crime is about to happen (known as pre-crime detection).Secure Alert

An example of affinity grouping would include:Men buying diapers and beer together

According to the Climate Corp. Updates Crop Insurance via High Tech article, former executives of what major company founded Climate Corp?Google

The goal of business intelligence is to help managers ______?make more informed and better decisions to guide the business

From the article Data Mining: What is Data Mining?, which of the following is a type/format of data that organizations are accumulating vast and growing amounts of?Commercialization

Which of the following is not a level of analysis?



3.Estimating & Predicting

4.Affinity / Associating Grouping

5.Visualization: Use of graphical tools to illustrate data relationships.

Which of the following is a drawback of using data warehouses to store data?This can be expensive and time consuming

In order to deduce certain characteristics – creditworthiness, level of indebtedness of a potential customer, we may analyze existing customers whose profiles closely resemble that of the potential customer. In which level of analysis would this inference be conducted?Clustering

From the "Climate Corp. Updates Crop Insurance via High Tech" article, former executives of what major company founded Climate Corp?Google

What are the 5 major elements of Data Mining and BI?1. Extract, transform, and load transaction data onto the data

warehouse system2. Store and manage the data in a data warehouse3. Provide data access to business analysts and information

technology professionals4. Analyze the data by application software5. Present the data in a useful format, such as a graph or table

The “Alex from Target” phenomenon is an example that shows:The internet is like a high school

Blue Sky and Silk Road 2.0 are sites thatThat can only be accessed on the Tor network

What was called “the largest law enforcement action to date against criminal websites operating on the Tor network?”Operation Onymous

The “Alex from Target” phenomenon began when:Allie tweeted out a funny tweet

According to the article, which one of these is NOT a major element of data mining?They are: Extract, Store, Provide, Analyze, Present

What was the original name for data mining?Statistical Analysis

Which one of the following is not part of the major elements of data mining and BI?They are: Extract, Store, Provide, Analyze, Present

In Data Mining, which of the following would be considered infinity grouping?

Groups together events or transactions that occur together

What is a data warehouse?A data warehouse is a collection of data, extracted from databases, structured and designed for further querying, decision making, data mining and knowledge discovery

What are the five major elements of Data Mining and BI?1. Extract, transform, and load transaction data onto the data

warehouse system2. Store and manage the data in a data warehouse3. Provide data access to business analysts and information

technology professionals4. Analyze the data by application software5. Present the data in a useful format, such as a graph or table

Business Intelligence implementation can be dogged by what challenges?Technical and cultural challenges

From the article “Data Mining: What is Data Mining?”What?

Using sophisticated data mining software and hardware, the Richmond, Virginia police department overlaid crime reports to analyze crime, and found that _____ had a high impact on robberies.During paydays

According to the article “Data Mining: What is Data Mining”, what professional sports league is exploring the application of data mining being used alongside image recordings of the games?NBA

Which of the following statements is correct about the 5 major elements of Data Mining and BI?

What does the article “Business Intelligence in the Fields” state that Climate Corp. emphasizes in their approach to crop insurance?Big Data Analytics

The goal of BI (business intelligence) is to improve….Decision to guide the business

From the article, Gartner Identifies the Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends, what is/are the trend(s) that are covered by all ten trends?The merging of the real and virtual worlds, the advent of intelligence everywhere, and the technology impact of digital business

From the article, Manager and machine: The new leadership equation, what “human-edge” task(s) is (are) listed that is (are) left for top

management to do?The soft management

Which of the following are emerging technologies to watch through 2020 according to Forrester?wearable devices, 3d printing

What are the basic usage models of the Internet of Things?Manage, Monetize, Operate and Extend

As algorithms play a larger role in making management decisions, senior executives must:Ask the right questions, executives must find and set the software parameters needed to determine which data gets prioritized

Which of the following was one of Gartner’s Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends for 2015?Compute everywhere, internet of things, 3d printing, advanced pervasive and invisible analytics, context rich systems, smart machines, cloud computing, software defined applications and infrastructure, web scale IT, risk based security and self-protection

From the article, "Forrester's top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020," what helps firms deeply understand what their customers need and when they need it?Customer analytics solutions

In the article, "Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015," the top trends cover which of the following themes?

In the article, "Forrester's top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020," which of the following is included in the emerging technologies list?

What is a broad, integrative trend that reflects not only the growing importance of consumer IT purchases, but also the effect of consumer-grade technology and its use on how IT products and services are acquired, used and managed in the enterprise?

From the article "11/11 Single's Day", what does Alibaba try to achieve by 2019?Expand single’s day globally

From the article, “Manager and machine: The new leadership equation”, through what means will executives be able to make the biggest difference in the era of machines?Asking good questions and soft management

From the article “Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2014,” the combination of data streams and services created by

digitizing everything creates what four basic usage models?Manage, Monetize, Operate and Extend

Fill in the blank: According to Forrester’s Top Emerging Technologies to Watch, emerging interaction technologies ______. create news ways to engage customers

Which is an enterprise collaboration tool?

What is a technology theme for 2015?

• the merging of the real and virtual worlds, the advent of intelligence everywhere, and the technology impact of the digital business shift.

What is the most important technology driver of the internet of things?

From the article “Forrester's top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020,” which of the following fall is an emerging business solution that enables new ways of doing business:

From the McKinsey article “Forrester’s top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020,” which of the following emerging aggregation and delivery technology brings insight to the point of decision, so marketing and operations will have deeper contextual insight from fresh data for engagement?

1. The convergence of ______ will continue to promote the growth of centrally coordinated applications that can be delivered to any device.

a. Cloud and mobile computing

2. According to Gartner, which of the following is a theme of strategic technology trends in 2015?

D. All of the above

Which of the following is true regarding Alibabas 11/11 Singles Day this year?

b. The shopping blitz is a celebration of “Singles Day”, an anti-valentines day holiday in China

Which one is not true about Cloud/Client Computing?

c. Ubiquitous embedded intelligence combined with pervasive analytics will

drive the development of systems that are alert to their surroundings and able to respond appropriately.

The convergence of ______ will continue to promote the growth of centrally coordinated applications that can be delivered to any device.Cloud and mobile computing

2. According to Gartner, which of the following is a theme of strategic technology trends in 2015?A. The merging of the real and virtual worldsB. The advent of intelligence everywhereC. The technology impact of the digital business shiftD. All of the above

Which of the following is true regarding Alibabas 11/11 Singles Day this year?Broke records, 9.3B in sales, anti-valentine holiday

Which one is not true about Cloud/Client Computing?Ubiquitous embedded intelligence combined with pervasive analytics will drive the development of systems that are alert to their surroundings and able to respond appropriately.

What service does TOA technologies provide?Provider of cloud-based software that helps firms coordinate and manage mobile employees.

According to “Forrester's top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020”,what new technology helps firms deeply understand what their customers need and when they need it?Customer Analytical solutions

Mr. Cearly said that the top trends for 2015 will cover what theme or themes?

The merging of the real and virtual worlds, the advent of intelligence everywhere, and the technology impact of the digital business shift.

From the article “Gartner's Emerging Tech. for 2015”, among the ten trends, which one will be the most disruptive in the history of IT?Smart Machines

In order to address the challenges that the new technologies will bring, policy makers can do what?Use advance technology to address their own operation challenges

According to the article, “Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015”, worldwide shipments of which device is expected to increase by 98% in 2015?

3d Printing

Which of the following is a category of consumerization of IT?Cloud based, Web based, consumer software

Which of the following brings insight to the point of decision and allows marketing and operations to have deeper contextual insight from fresh data for engagement?Advanced analytics technologyReal-time sourcing and delivery technologyDigital identity management technologySoftware acceleration platforms and tools

According to the article, “Manager and Machine”, which type of experiment shows managers what does and does not appeal to customers online that will always hold sway as computers gain power?A/B TestingSurveyC/D TestingRandom Sampling

Which of the following is one of the themes of top technology trends for 2015?

What are the Top 2 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015?

From the article “Manager and machine: The new leadership equation” what was the era called in which information was hold close and only moved in one direction?Command and Control Era

In the article “Manager and machine: the new leadership equation”, what does the author mean by a manager employing ‘soft’ skills?Human Resource skills

Which of the following are Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015?

In the article for Forrester Research, which of the following is one of the emerging business solutions that enable new ways of doing business?

What technology helps firms and individuals control access across channels?Digital Identity Management

Which Tech Trend holds the highest percentage among all Tech Trends driving the Internet of Everything?

From the article, “Forrester’s top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020,” what is an example of business solution innovations?

In the graph given in class representing the “Internet of Everything”, which of the following devices/categories is projected to contain the largest share of connected devices in the near future?INCREASED CONNECTIVITY OF DEVICES

According to the article, “The New Leadership Equation,” senior executives must find and set the software parameters needed to determine:

What is the center of the Consumerization diagram show in class?Enterprise Collabrative Tools

In the article “Forrester’s Top Emerging Technologies to watch, now through 2020”, it talks about top 15 emerging technologies this year with 4 innovation groups, which one of the following is one of 15 which Forrester mentions in the article?

Advanced robots and virtual personal assistants will engage customers.

Which of the following is one of the Gartner - Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015?

1. Computing Everywhere  2. The Internet of Things 3. 3D Printing 4. Advanced, Pervasive, and Invisible Analytics  5. Context-Rich Systems  6. Smart Machines  7. Cloud/Client Computing 8. Software-Defined Applications and Infrastructure 9. Web-Scale IT 10. Risk-Based Security and Self-Protection

Which of the following is true about disruptive technologies?

According to the article "Manager and Machine: The new leadership equation", how will senior leadership have to evolve in the era of decision-making machines?

According to the article "Gartner's Emerging Tech. for 2015," what are the four basic models that can be applied to any of the four "Internets?"Manage, Monetize, Operate and Extend

According to the article "Gartner's Emerging Tech. for 2015," what are the four basic models that can be applied to any of the four "Internets?"Manage, Monetize, Operate and Extend

What was one of the categories of innovations which was described in the article "Forrester's Top Emerging Technologies to Watch, now through 2020"?

According to the article "Forrester 2015," which of the following is not a technology found in the "Emerging business solutions enable new ways of doing business" group?

According to the article "Forrester 2015," which of the following is not a technology found in the "Emerging business solutions enable new ways of

doing business" group?

Advanced analytics technologies will allow companies to

According to Gartner article, David Cearley, vice president & Gartner Fellow, said the top trends for 2015 cover three themes. what are the themes?

According to Mr. Cearley, which one of these is a theme covered by the top trends of 2015?

Which of the following describes big data management technology?

There are four categories that encompass the top emerging technologies to watch through 2020. Which of the follow is included as one of these categories?

From the article "Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015," one of the top strategic technologies trends that deals with the combination of data streams and services created by digitizing everything is:

From the article "Manager and machine: The new leadership equation," the author identifies what as aspects that top management can still do?

From the article, "Forrester's top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020," what is included in the emerging business solutions that enable new ways of doing business?

1. According to the article, "Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015", what is the first step toward the Web-scale IT future for many organization?

2. What are some of the top emerging technologies in Forrester through 2020?

According to the article, “Forrester’s top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020”, what are the emerging business solutions that offer a cockpit for managing customer life cycle?

Emerging aggregation and delivery technologies help:

According to the Gartner article, applications will continue to demonstrate that 3D printing is a real, viable and cost effective means to reduce costs through which of the following?

What are the four basic usage models in the Internet of Things?

From the article, “Forrestor’s top emerging technologies to watch, now through 2020,” what emerging business solutions should companies be looking to utilizing?

The article “Manager and machine: The new leadership equation,”


The consumerization of IT includes...

According to Forrester's Top Emerging Technologies to Watch article, what emerging business solution helps firms deeply understand what their customers need and when they need it?

According to the Manager and Machine article, the most impressive examples of machine learning substituting for human pattern recognition results in inputs that are which of the following?

According to Forrester's article, which of the following is an emerging aggregation and delivery technology that helps firms and individuals control access across channels?

According to the article “Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015,” which of the following is a trend for 2015?

In the article “Forrester’s top emerging technologies to watch now through 2020,” emerging infrastructure technology creates what?

Of the biggest technology flops in 2014, which company failed in the launch of a new laptop?Google Chromebook

From the article “Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015,” The combination of data streams and services that are created by digitizing everything produce what basic usage models:

What new trend is expected to grow 98 percent in 2015, followed by a doubling of unit shipments in 2016?

3D printing

In the article, “Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2014,” which of the following trends is included in its list?

Computing everywhereInternet of everything3d PrintingAdvanced, Pervasive, and Invisible analyticsContext rich systemsSmart MachinesCloud ComputingWeb Scale ITRisk-based security and self protection

David Clearley, vice president & Gartner Fellow, said the top trends for

2015 cover three main themes. What were these themes?

the merging of the real and virtual worlds, the advent of intelligence everywhere, and the technology impact of the digital business shift.

From Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends For 2015, What can be described as "The combination of data streams and services created by digitizing everything creates four basic usage models"?

The internet of things

According to the "Emerging Aggregation and Delivery technologies Drive Contextual Engagement" slide from Topic 12, what does advanced analytics technology specifically allow firms to do?Deeper insight into more data

What program did UnitedHealth Group implement to encourage innovation across the company?

Steve Hemsley Challenge

What web tool will UnitedHealth Group be implementing that will allow customers to shop and compare services for medical needs and book medical appointments?My Easy BOOK

What was the nick-name of the operation that deactivated 50+ dark net sites?Operation Onymous

Which one of these is a real name of another photo shared like Alex from Target?Kieran from T-Mobile, Steve from Starbucks, Kel from Good Burger

What Social Media site did Alex From Target start on?Twitter