Exam 3 review

Exam 3 Review



Transcript of Exam 3 review

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Exam 3 Review

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Race & EthnicityO Racial groupO One drop ruleO EthnicityO Minority groupsO Prejudice vs discriminationO Psychological theories of prejudice

O ProjectingO Frustration-aggression theory

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Race & EthnicityO Institutional racismO Dealing with race relations

O AssimilationO Melting potO Anglo conformity

O Cultural pluralismO Segregation (de jure and defacto)

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Gender & SexualityO Connection of gender and raceO Sex vs. gender

O Ascribed vs. achievedO Gender rolesO “Doing” gender (performativity)

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Gender & SexualityO Economics and gender

O “Motherhood wage penalty”O Comparable worth

O Gender identityO CisgenderO Third genders

O Gender discordance

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ReligionO Durkheim – The Elementary Forms of

Religious LifeO Why primitive religionO Definition of religion

O Three componentsO CulturalO Social organizationalO Sacred things

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ReligionO Sacred & profaneO TotemismO Polytheism and monotheismO Troeltsch

O Three types of religionO Mysticism, Church (ecclesia,

dominations, sects), CultO Fundamentalism

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ReligionO Conflict theory of religionO Functionalist theory of religion

O DurkheimO Manifest & latent functions

O Robert Bellah’s civil religionO Secularization

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PowerO Definition, politicsO Weber

O LegitimacyO Rational groundsO Traditional groundsO Charismatic grounds

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PowerO Galbraith

O Three types of powerO CondignO CompensatoryO Conditioned

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PowerO Gramsci

O Cultural hegemonyO Feminism – unmarked categoriesO Mills – Power Elite

O Decision makingO Institutions (economic, political,
