Exam 26th January

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Transcript of Exam 26th January

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    4B IssuesEvaluation

    Exam 26thJanuary

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    The Exam!

    Tuesday 26th January

    1 hour 30 minutes in the morning

    You need: Unmarked pre-release materials.

    Pencil, Pen, Ruler, Calculator,Compass, Protractor, Sharpener,


  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    Preparation for the Exam Read and re-read the booklet to

    become familiar with the contentand layout know what is where.

    Look up the meanings of any

    unfamiliar terms or phrases. Use a map/atlas/google earth to get

    to know the area.


    Image Source Flickr User Dailydose of Joshy

    Ensure you understandeverythingreferred to in

    .the AIB

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    Data Manipulation

    Think of things you can do with thedata:

    Looking at proportions.

    Percentage Changes

    Use the data; dont describe massesof it.

    Look for trends and choose one ortwo pieces of data to illustrate thepoint; identify any anomalies.

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January



    You will be asked questions based on: Data Presentation e.g. The

    interpretation of a choropleth map.

    Data Description summary ofcharacteristics, differences in sets ofdata.

    Data Analysis use of statistical

    techniques. Need to understand thesignificance of the results.

    , !

    Don t worry if I want you to use a stats test I will give you the formula

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January



    A question that may arise within the IEE isone to do with fieldwork.

    You dont need to do fieldwork on the topic you do need to understand how you could

    undertake fieldwork. Stem: Your A Level group has been asked to

    do a piece of fieldwork to.....


    Methods of Presentation Data Collection


    Sampling Methods

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    OS Maps

    Ensure you canuse them. Canyou:

    Give 4 and 6figure gridreferences.



    Use direction.

    Understandcontour:Image Source Flickr User David Masters

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    Guess the Question?

    Yes In lessons we will discusspotential questions.

    No dont memorise answers topotential questions you will onlyget yourself confused when slightlydifferent questions appear in the


  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January



    Use the Internet but only use the sites onthe Advanced Information Booklet.

    Also use the Internet (e.g. Google Earth) toget a feel of the location.

    The AIB was written two years before youwill sit the exam so very up to dateresearch may not be relevant.:age Flickr User codiceinternet

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    An A Grade Student

    Shows an excellentknowledge of the AIB

    Makes reference todifferent items within

    the AIB and bringsthem together.

    S h o w a d e p th of u n d e rsta n d in g in to a n y d a ta

    .p ro v id e d a n d u se it w e ll

    D e m o n stra te kn o w le d g e a n d u n d e rsta n d in g o f

    .p re vio u s stu d y

    : /Lo o k a t issu e s in te rm s o f tim e sca le s sh o rt te rm

    .lo n g te rm

    .M a ke co n n e ctio n s w ith in a n d b e tw e e n scale s

    .B a la n ce s d iffe re n t p o in ts o f v ie w:age Source FlickrUser Sarah Sidkin

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    An U Grade Student

    Brief andunstructured.

    Contain large amountof data / text that is

    copied from the AIBor small changes tothe wording.

    D e m o n stra te little fa m ilia rity w ith th e A IB a n d

    .little e vid e n ce o f g e o g ra p h ica l th in kin g

    .M iss th e sen se o f p la ce

    :age Source FlickrUser Sarah Sidkin

    Remember I will know if you copied it from the booklet I wro

  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    Making your mind up!

    You may or may not have to make adecision. You will need to undertakesome evaluation.

    Remember that there is usually not awrite or wrong answer it is howwell you can support your

    arguments. When you make a choice say why

    you have rejected the other


  • 8/14/2019 Exam 26th January


    Final things to remember

    Answer the questions in order asquestions will often lead on fromone to another (the same person

    will mark the whole thing). Empathise with the people


    Keep an eye on the clock dont run out of time.