Ewi Budget Browser 2010

2010 EWI Budget Browser The Flemish government budget for Economy, Science and Innovation

Transcript of Ewi Budget Browser 2010

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2010EWI Budget BrowserThe Flemish government budget for Economy, Science and Innovation

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ForewordThe subject of the current economic crisis cannot be avoided in the introduction to this fourth edition of the

EWI Budget Browser. All aspects of the government budget have been negatively impacted by the uncertain

financial situation. Although this should not be played down, predictions of potential economic growth

should – however cautiously – be taken into account – for we must avoid becoming bogged down in the

status quo.

Despite this precarious situation, the Flemish government intends to pursue its endeavours to dedicate 1%

of GDP to government investment in research and development by 2014, as specified in Pact 2020 and con-

firmed by the coalition agreement. The EWI Budget Browser presents the road map for growth which should

be followed by the Flemish Government in order to achieve its targets.

This year, 1.066 billion EUR will be spent on research, out of an overall science and innovation budget of

around 1.711 billion EUR.

During the Belgian EU Presidency, Flanders intends to demonstrate an active presence on the European and

international stage, in which the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy will play an important part. The

EWI Budget Browser places the financial endeavours of the Flemish government in favour of research and

development in an international context.

Flanders has also opted for an innovation-driven economy, and intends to support this process by strength-

ening its innovation policy, with a special focus on eco-innovation. New environmentally friendly materials,

techniques, production processes, products, services, management and business methods will open the way

for an internationally competitive green economy. In view of the subject’s topicality, a special chapter will be

devoted to government expenditure on eco-innovation.

The purpose of the EWI Budget Browser is to be an objective and transparent guide to the complex subject

of government financing of Economy, Science and Innovation, and supply readers with figures, budgets,

information, analyses, and trends relating to the Flemish economic, scientific and innovation policy. I hope

this publication will provide you with many valuable insights.

Flemish Minister for Innovation, Public Investment, Media and Poverty Reduction

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contentsForeword 1

Contents 3

IntroduCtIon 5

Part 1 ewI: Co-oPeratIon between eConomy, sCIenCe and InnovatIon 7

Chapter 1.1 Economic Support policy 8

Chapter 1.2 Policy Support and Academic Policy 12

Chapter 1.3 Valorisation and Industrial Policy 16

Chapter 1.4 Awareness-Raising and Society 19

Chapter 1.5 General Policy 21

Chapter 1.6 The investment companies PMV, VPM and LRM 23

Chapter 1.7 Enterprise in an international context 26

Part 2 sCIenCe and InnovatIon PolICy 29

Chapter 2.1 ‘Actual science policy’ 32

2.1.1. EWI ‘actual science policy’ 32

2.1.2. ‘Actual science policy’ in the Education and Training policy area 33

2.1.3. Evolution of the ‘actual science policy’ 34

Chapter 2.2 Science policy in the other policy areas 36

Chapter 2.3 Analysis of the Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy 38

2.3.1. Period of time 38

2.3.2. According to policy area 39

2.3.3. According to the minister in charge 40

2.3.4. According to NABS classification 42

2.3.5. Oriented vs. non-oriented research 43

2.3.6. According to the six major categories 44

Chapter 2.4 Expenditure analysis of the science and innovation policy 51

Part 3 r&d government exPendIture For Flanders In the InternatIonal Context 53

Chapter 3.1 International comparison of Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for R&D


Chapter 3.2 R&D intensity in Flanders 57

3.2.1. Overall R&D intensity (3% target) 57

3.2.2. Estimate calculation method for publicly-financed R&D intensity (1% target) 57

3.2.3. Growth path to 2014 59

Chapter 3.3 In depth analysis of GBAORD 61

3.3.1. GBAORD by sector of performance 61

3.3.2. Higher education share of GBAORD by funding mode 63

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Part 4 government exPendIture For eCo-InnovatIon 65

used abbrevIatIons 70

ContrIbutors 71

ColoPhon 72

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The EWI Budget Browser is an annual publication of the department of Economy, Science and Innovation

(EWI) of the Flemish government.

Part 1 deals with the budget funds for the EWI policy area . The structure of the budget of expenses of the

Flemish government is followed for this purpose, with the following budget programmes as regards content:

the economic support policy, policy support and academic policy, valorisation and industrial policy, and

finally, general policy.

The second part gives an overview of the Flemish government’s science and innovation policy. Then the

‘actual science policy’ is discussed (from the policy areas of EWI and Education and Training – OV), followed

by the science policy in the other policy areas. Thereafter follows an analysis of the Horizontal Science Policy

Budget Programme (HBPWB). Chapter 2.4 shows the results of the expenditure analysis for science policy.

It also investigates how much of the planned science-policy budgets was actually spent, and includes a

timeline up to and including 2008.

Part 3 supplies detailed information on research and development (R&D). To emphasise the international

status of Flanders, the R&D activities of the Flemish public sector are compared with those of other countries.

Part 4 is new and discusses the public support for eco-innovation, an as yet undeveloped indicator in Pact

2020. The public budgets for 2007-2009 are presented and briefly explained.

The initial 2010 budget funds are referred to in this publication – in accordance with the decree of 18

December 2009 concerning the general budget expenditure of the Flemish Community for the 2010 budget

year. For the time periods we always used the definitive funds for the previous years (2009 and earlier) –

after the budget controls and any budget restructuring. In 2010, the budget lines were given new codes.

The basic allocation numbers were replaced with a new serial number attached to the programme code. The

structure, which is based on policy areas, budget programmes and entities, has, however, been retained. The

one-to-one relationship between the old and new codes will enable budget fluctuations to be monitored.

This publication does not include all the funds which are concerned in the economic and sci-

ence and innovation policy in 2010. The EWI Budget Browser is described in more detail on the

www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/budgetbrowser website. Amongst other things, there is an explanatory text for

every fund, and you can search specifically for a particular policy initiative; in other words it is possible to

retrieve information quickly and accurately. More detailed possibilities for analysis, time series and so on will

also be available on the website in the future.

Finally, thanks are due to everyone for his or her contribution to the 2010 EWI Budget Browser. Because of

their constructive work, we have once more succeeded in grouping together and making available all the

information relating to the economic and science and innovation policy.

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Part 1

EWI: co-operation between economy, science and innovation

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8 PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

The Economy, Science and Innovation policy area consists of the EWI

department and seven agencies for the execution of policy. These

agencies are Enterprise Flanders (Agentschap Ondernemen), the

Institute for Promoting Innovation through Science and Technology

(IWT), the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), the Hercules

Foundation and the investment companies PMV, LRM, and VPM.

The Economic Support Policy (ED), Policy Support and Academic

Policy (EE), Valorisation and Industrial Policy (EF), Awareness raising

and Society (EG), and General Policy (EC) form the content of the

EWI budget programmes. These programmes comprise both the

funds for financing the economic policy and those for the science

and innovation policy. They are concisely explained below.

The tables reveal whether these concern funds for science policy.

Parts 2 and 3 contain the analysis of the science policy.

chapter 1.1.

Economic Support policyFund for Subsidiary Policy (Hermes fund)

Policy Instruments

Enterprise Flanders (Agentschap Ondernemen), initiated on 2 January

2009 after the fusion of the Economy Agency and Flanders Enter-

prise (VLAO), manages all the resources of the Hermes Fund, and its

mission is to support, strengthen and stimulate business enterprises

in Flanders sustainably. It implements those programmes of an eco-

nomic nature which the Flemish government approves.

In 2010 there is 259.076 million EUR on the allocation authorisation

Fund for Subsidiary Policy in the budget (BA EC0 ED200 9999 –

former BA ED9911C).

Figure 1 shows the evolution of the funding volumes for the alloca-

tion authorisation of the Hermes fund for the period 2007-2010. As

in previous years, a sum of 30 million EUR will again be provided for

initiatives related to innovation in 2010. These concern investments

with an R&D nature in the context of the subsidies for ecology. In

fact, this initiative is part of the science policy – also see part 2.

Figure 1. Evolution Hermes Fund budget (allocation authorisation) - 2007-2010 (million EUR)


























2007fin 2008i 2008fin 2009i 2009fin 2010i

SP: science policy: EP: economic policy

n SP n EP n Budget restructuring

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9PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

Table 1 describes the policy instruments with the related funds for

2010, shown for every strategic aim of the programme.

Figure 2 shows the relative share of the most important instruments

in the Hermes fund. In 2010 the largest volume of funding is again

allocated to the ecology support.

Figure 2. Initiatives Fund for Subsidiary Policy (Hermes Fund), 2010





8% 2% 4%

n Ecology support

n Investment support for large companies

n SME portfolio

n Business parks and industrial sites


n Promotion of entrepreneurship

n Other


Table 1. Policy instruments and funds in the Hermes Fund for 2010 (million EUR)

Funds for 2010

upporting the competitiveness of business enterprisess 161.595

Ecology support in application of the decree concerning the economic support policy 119.000

Ecology support for particulate filters and ‘Euro V’ 1.000

Investment support for large companies in application of the decree concerning the Economic support policy


Interest supplements as a result of problems caused by public works 0.500

he promotion of entrepreneurshipt 43.391

Subsidies Design Flanders 0.141

SME portfolio 33.080

Mentoring projects 3.000

Initiatives to promote entrepreneurship 6.320

Convenant with Flanders DC 2009-2014 for the execution of activities FFI and the business plan competition


Facilitating environmental factors 32.157

Government commissions in relation to the continuation of policy-oriented research including contracts and cooperation agreements with the Provincial Autonomous Development Bodies (POMs).


Industry-Friendly Municipality project 0.800

Projects relating to locally-oriented partnerships and/or the Flemish environmental-economic policy 3.000

Expenditure for laying out business parks and for re-using industrial sites 27.857

Ferd 20.393

Income transfers, being no exploitation subsidies, to companies and financial institutes 20.285

Payment to FIT for the implementation of the ERDF project 0.108

ther expenditure relating to the social, economic and regional policy of the Flemish overnmento g 1.540

Operational expenditures 1.540

otalt 259.076

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10 PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon


supporting the competitiveness of business enterprises

Enterprise Flanders aims to develop instruments and initiatives which

will strengthen the competitive position of companies. In principle,

Enterprise Flanders focuses on all companies. With the measures the

agency wants to make a difference and the results should therefore

be clearly demonstrable. Furthermore, the aim is to above all to sup-

port those aspects which focus on the future of the company. There-

fore Enterprise Flanders wants to contribute to the innovation of the

Flemish economic fabric. 161.595 million EUR has been provided for

this purpose in 2010.

ecology support in application on the decree concerning the economic

support policy. The investment budget for 2010 is 120 million EUR as

a matter of stable policy, of which 1 million EUR to finance particulate

filters. An ecology premium is a financial contribution for companies

which will make ecological investments in the Flemish Region. Ecologi-

cal investments refer to environmental investments and investments in

the energy field. With the ecology premium the Flemish government

aims to cover the expense of part of the extra costs involved in ecology

investments which could amount to a competitive disadvantage in the

short term. Climate and environmental concerns will become increas-

ingly important and responding to these appropriately will undoubtedly

result in competitive advantages in the long term.

The ecology premium is 20% for large companies and 40% for

SMEs, and may not exceed 1.750 million EUR per application. The

amount of support is calculated on the basis of the added environ-

mental cost of the components of the investments under considera-

tion. In 2009, the planned budget was 160 million EUR, divided into

3 calls: 2 of 40 million EUR and 1 of 60 million EUR. The first call

period for 2010 was 19 January to 30 April 2010, and the budget

was 40 million EUR.

Investment support for large companies in application of the decree

concerning the economic support policy. For 2010, an amount of

41.095 million EUR will be allocated as a matter of stable policy. This

concerns both investments in tangible assets and major strategic

training and education projects.

Interest supplements as a result of problems caused by public works.

Public works often obstruct access. Fewer clients mean less income.

The longer the work takes, the larger the loss of turnover. Existing

short-term obligations can no longer be met. In order to tackle a

temporary cash flow problem, the company can conclude a credit

agreement with the bank, but bridging loans are usually expensive.

By contributing to the costs of the interest, the Flemish government

will make it significantly cheaper to take out this sort of loan. Until

the measure has been investigated in depth, the adjusted investment

budget of 0.5 million EUR for 2009 will be maintained in 2010.

the promotion of entrepreneurship

Healthy business enterprises first and foremost need strong entre-

preneurship. Enterprise Flanders aims to contribute to this end by

offering advice, training and assistance. In this regard, the following

are considered as an integral part of ‘entrepreneurship’: not only

starting up a new business, but also stimulating what we might call

‘intrapreneurship’: entrepreneurship within the business. The aim here

is also to take and manage measures that will really make a substantial

contribution – again with the focus on future-oriented activities. Thus,

the Agency aims to contribute to stimulating creativity among both

‘entrepreneurs’ and ‘intrapreneurs’. For this strategic aim, 43.391 mil-

lion EUR is foreseen in 2010.

design Flanders subsidies. The integration of VLAO into Flanders

Enterprise has led to the inclusion of the Design Flanders subsidies

in the budget under this new heading. Design Flanders promotes

high-quality, contemporary Flemish design, and has developed into an

economic success factor by encouraging quality improvement, innova-

tion and profitability. For this reason, Design Flanders wishes to support

designers and encourage companies to include design in their corporate

culture and production processes. The investment budget required is

0.141 million EUR.

sme portfolio. The SME portfolio is the successor of BEA, the Budget

for Economic Advice. With this portfolio SMEs can purchase services

which promote enterprise with the support of the Flemish govern-

ment. These include the aspect of training, advice, the exploration of

technology, and advice on international enterprise. SMEs can receive

50% subsidy for the costs which are eligible. The initial budget for 2009

(42.4 million EUR) was reduced to 33.08 million further to the third

budget inspection. The planned amount for 2010 is also 33.08 million

EUR, to match the actual expenditure in 2009.

mentoring projects. A mentoring project involves a group of companies

which meet regularly under the guidance of a “mentor” to exchange

experiences and learn from each other. The “mentors” are executives

from large corporations or experienced CEOs of small and medium-

sized enterprises. The companies form a network and take part

together in business activities. The mentoring projects are currently be-

ing evaluated. In the meantime, the budget line will be kept separate.

Should the policy remain unchanged, the 2010 budget for mentoring

projects is 3 million EUR.

Initiatives to encourage entrepreneurship. In the course of 2008 the

measures concerning bridging projects, entrepreneurship and mentor-

ing projects were integrated. In addition, ad-hoc subsidies were also

granted, such as for the Dag van de Klant (‘Customer Day’), the Open

Bedrijvendag (‘Open Business Day’) and the Vlaamse Startersdag

(‘Flemish Starters Day’). Further to cuts, the investment budget was re-

duced by 1.3 million EUR. This amount will have to be saved by allocat-

ing ad hoc subsidies more selectively and, in the case of call formulas,

targeting budgets more accurately.

agreement with Flanders dC 2009-2014 concerning the implementa-

tion of FFI activities and business plan. In 2009, the Flemish Govern-

ment decided to include the subsidy to Bizidee and the Flanders Fashion

Institute (FFI) in Flanders DC. Bizidee is a business plan competition in

which participants produce a full business plan in three stages. During

Phase 1, the competitors describe their idea for a business, in Phase 2

they perform a repeatability study, and in Phase 3 they submit a full

business plan. FFI is the fashion sector’s knowledge centre in Flanders.

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11PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

Its priority goals are to encourage hiring in the fashion industry and

promote Flemish fashion nationally and internationally. The budget

allocated to these initiatives is 0.850 million EUR and will be managed

by Flanders DC.

business angels networks (bans). BAN Flanders is a Flemish busi-

ness angel network, an added-value platform through which new or

growing companies in search of venture capital can contact informal

private investors, otherwise known as business angels. Business angels

contribute not only cash, but also their own know-how, experience and

contacts. Both the companies and business angels are supplied with

connection services. BAN Flanders is not an investment fund. It does

not buy stakes or make investment decisions, either on its own account

or on behalf of member investors. It is a marketplace designed to bring

supply and demand together. At this point, the 2010 budget does not

include any investment funds, as the financing of the non-profit as-

sociation BAN Flanders is due to end at the end of 2010.

Facilitating environmental factors

Another condition for a successful economy is providing favourable

environmental factors for businesses. The Enterprise Flanders provides

support for creating various opportunities for setting up in business

and develops instruments that contribute to the optimum factors for

doing this. This applies both to Flemish entrepreneurs themselves

and for companies from abroad that want to invest in Flanders. The

Agency will again be concentrating here on factors that are important

to the future development of the economy.

government commissions in relation to the continuation of policy-

oriented research, including contracts and cooperation agreements

with the Provincial autonomous development bodies (Poms).

The description was amended so that the contracts and cooperation

agreements could be developed, for instance on how to include

problematic, space-consuming enterprises in the guaranteed land

supply strategy, or on forms of cooperation to encourage logistics,

etc. Consequently, the budget must also cover the study require-

ments attached to these tasks. Should requirements remain constant,

the required investment budget is 0.5 million EUR.

Industry-Friendly municipality project. 0.8 million EUR has been

provided for supporting Campaigns with the aim of stimulating

enterprise-friendly local policy in 2010.

Projects relating to locally-oriented partnerships and/or the Flemish

environmental-economic policy. This project operation uses funds in

order to:

Instigate processes to re-equip outdated business/industrial parks;•

Resolve serious bottlenecks on industrial sites that are designed •

for the purpose, but have not been developed (bottleneck sites);

Support projects that stimulate the careful use of space on such •

sites; examine in detail unused industrial land, negotiating teams

for unused industrial land.

This budget has been cut by 0.3 million EUR to 3.0 million EUR, due

to the economy drive.

expenditure for laying out business parks and for re-using industrial

sites. This support is intended for all developers of industrial sites,

both public and private – and also for any form of mutual collabora-

tion. It is a question here of investments needed for making individual

plots on industrial land ready for building. Further to the third budget

inspection, the budget for 2009 was reduced to 27.857 million. This

is also the budget 2010, as a matter of stable policy.

efficient management of the european regional development Fund


The Agency is the unique place for the management of the ERDF

fund, objectives 2 and 3. Because of the efficient management of

the ERDF fund, the Enterprise Agency contributes to the structural

fund policy of the European Union. The agency is also pivotal in the

‘Enterprise Europe Network’ (formerly EIC/IRC) in Flanders. It makes

the information, advice, mediation and promotional services of this

European network available to Flemish companies (information on

European matters, support for setting up partnerships and interna-

tional relationships).

A. Objective 2 ‘Regional competitive capacity and Employment op-


Stimulating the knowledge economy and innovation;1.

Promoting entrepreneurship;2.

Improving urban planning-economic environmental factors;3.

Promoting urban development;4.

Technical support.5.

B. Objective 3 ‘Territorial cooperation’

During the 2007-2013 programme period, Flanders participates in

the following cooperation programmes:

Cross-border cooperation: border region Flanders-Netherlands, 1.

Euregion, Meuse-Rhine, France/Flanders/Wallonia, Maritime pro-

gramme United Kingdom/France/Flanders/Netherlands;

Transnational cooperation: North Sea area, North-West Europe; 2.

Interregional cooperation: the whole of the EU.3.

Payment to FIt for the implementation of the erdF project. FIT will

receive financial support for the “Internationalisering van de Vlaamse

Kenniseconomie” (“Internationalisation of the Flemish Knowledge

Economy”) project until the end of 2010. The actual project has a

fourfold goal: to generate cooperation by means of industrial clusters

in Flanders, the USA, India, China and Japan; to promote alternative

subsidies; to integrate Flemish professionals overseas and to set up a

communication platform on the operation of the project.

Out of the total budget of 0.482 million EUR, ERDF is allocated 45%.

Half of this amount is financed by the Hermes Fund. Some 0.108

million EUR has been allocated for that purpose for 2010. FIT will

take responsibility for the remaining 5% of the total project amount.

Chapter 1.7 gives a brief summary of FIT’s other activities.

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12 PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

chapter 1.2.

Policy Support and Academic PolicyThe strategic objectives of the programme are:

To strengthen general knowledge-expanding fundamental 1.


To strengthen the strategic basic research that generates knowledge 2.

useful to industry, the non-profit sector and the government.

The target groups are (the researchers at) institutes of higher educa-

tion, universities, research institutes and industry.

All resources from the Policy Support and Academic Policy pro-

gramme are intended for science policy. The initial 2010 budget for

this programme is 299.836 million EUR. In 2009, this was originally

309.517 million EUR (see EWI Budget Browser 2009). The grant to

the Flemish Council for Science Policy (VRWB) (0.843 million EUR

in 2009) is no longer listed here, but included in the device funds in

the budget. Table 2 gives an overview per budget line, together with

the difference with the 2009 budget (definitive amounts). Table 2

shows the summary per fund, together with the difference (including

indexations) in relation to the 2009 budget (final funds).

The Special Research Fund (BOF) and the Research Foundation

(FWO) are the two funding channels for the non-targeted research at

Flemish universities aimed at increasing knowledge. While the FWO

assigns the budgets on the basis of scientific interuniversity competi-

tion, for the BOF it is assigned on the basis of intrauniversity competi-

tion. The FWO is the funding channel for encouraging and sup-

porting groundbreaking and fundamental scientific research on the

initiative of the researcher (bottom up) in all the scientific fields at the

Flemish universities. The BOF funds are divided amongst the universi-

ties on the basis of a distribution key which includes performance-

oriented parameters, amongst other things: the BOF key. The FWO

and the BOF complement and strengthen each other.

The basic boF subsidy, which amounts to 104.590 million EUR in

2010, is allocated to the budget for the Education and Training policy

area (see 2.1.2). The BOF budget lines of the EWI budget are:

The • methusalem programme focuses on retaining scientific talent

by awarding long- term funding for excellent Flemish researchers.

This concerns excellence funding awarded ad personam. In 2010,

there is 20.076 million EUR.

With the introduction of the • tenure track system, a limited

number of excellent post-doctoral researchers can be offered

the opportunity to carry out independent research as a lecturer

for 5 years. Following a positive evaluation, these people can be

appointed immediately as ZAP, without a vacancy. In 2010, 5.645

million EUR is foreseen.

To • strengthen the basic boF subsidy, an amount of 2.540 million

EUR is provided.

The process to create 40 to 60 • additional ZaP mandates which

started in 2007 is being continued. A budget of 4.348 million EUR

is provided in 2010.

The basic subsidy to the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) is

the largest budget item in the programme, with 120.063 million EUR

in 2010. In addition to this basic amount, the following FWO budget

lines will also be available:

the • odysseus Programme is a “brain-gain” programme designed

to attract Flemish and other top scientists to Flanders. They

may be internationally acknowledged as leading researchers, or

postdoctoral researchers who have given evidence that they have

the potential to become leaders in their area. In 2010, 12.6 million

EUR will be available for this purpose.

The precise amount of the • national lottery allocation will not be

known before mid-2010. 80% of the estimated amount (9.37

million EUR) has already been allocated to the relevant budget


For projects involving • international research facilities, 2.201 mil-

lion EUR has been allocated. In connection with access to these

research facilities, the bodies which manage the institutions (e.g.

CERN, ESRF, EMBO, ESO, etc.) are requesting more institutional

support from members from the member states concerned, in ad-

dition to the contribution from the member states and the specific

research projects.

For • international scientific cooperation, a subsidy of 2.088 million

EUR has been allocated to FWO for 2010. This will improve the

international operation of FWO and regulate financing of interna-

tional coordination actions and bilateral collaborative research.

Funds from the EWI budget have been used since 2008 to increase

the involvement in research of academic courses at institutes of

higher education. In 2010, this amount is 7.5 million EUR. In addi-

tion, further funds are made available to institutes of higher educa-

tion in the education budget (8.229 million EUR in 2010), for the de-

velopment of academic courses. As part of the restructuring of higher

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13PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

education in Flanders, the former two-cycle courses at institutes of

higher education have been changed into full academic courses.

Project-based scientific research (PWO) is another funding channel

aimed at institutes of higher education, i.e. for professional bachelor’s

degrees. PWO enables these courses to stimulate innovation in SMEs

and non-profit institutes. This does not so much involve research as

the transfer of knowledge and solving specific problems which affect

these bodies. At the same time, this kind of cooperation has a stimu-

lating effect on the course programmes. The 2010 budget for PWO

is 9.025 million EUR.

the Industrial research Fund (lOF) has been allocated 17.022 million

EUR for 2010. This structural funding for universities was allocated to

build up a portfolio of application-oriented knowledge and to stimulate

interaction between universities and industry. The revised IOF decision

extended the area of application of IOF to applied research and inte-

grated the IOF and interface decree. A strategic plan was introduced

and the weights of the parameters which directly measure the indus-

trial valorisation efforts of the universities became more important in

the distribution key for the distribution of funds among universities.

The 2010 budget includes 2.819 million EUR to support of the

interface services. In the case of the interface services of the Flemish

universities, 2008 was the last operating year in which IWF was

responsible for monitoring. In the meantime, the 2002 Interface

Decree has been replaced with a new financing decree1. Under this

new decree, EWI has general responsibility for monitoring the IOF

and interface activities, as developed by the associations in the policy

plans for 2009-2013. IWT is specifically involved in monitoring

cooperation by the associations, both mutual and with the Flemish

innovation network, and is required to evaluate both the related

policy plans and the related reports.

The operating subsidy to the Flanders marine Institute (VLIZ) will

be 1.057 million EUR in 2010. VLIZ also has access to the following


1.1 million EUR has been allocated for • investment expenses;

0.568 million EUR is available for the support and operation of the •

Iode Project office of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceano-

graphic Commission (IOC);

0.120 million EUR has been allocated to the • marine board of the

European Science Foundation (ESF).

The Policy Support and Academic Policy budget programme includes

the following programmes, which are managed by the Agency for

Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT):

the applied biomedical research (tbm)• programme is aimed at a

specific niche within biomedical research, i.e. late-stage, application-

driven biomedical research with explicit social applicability and

limited industrial potential. The main reason for this narrow focus

was the fact that few financial resources are available for this type of

research. In 2010, the budget for this activity is 5.7 million EUR.

The • technology transfer Fund is a programme intended to sup-

port application-oriented research. The TETRA Fund is a platform

designed to encouraged interaction and knowledge dissemina-

tion between enterprises and institutes of higher education. It is

intended to increase the capacity of companies and organisations

for innovation in Flanders, as well as to improve the knowledge

base of institutes of higher education. The programme primarily

targets the requirements of Flemish companies which depend on

external research facilities for their innovation as they do not have

extensive R&D departments. Priority is given to projects which

are important to SMEs and organisations of social benefit. The

projects are submitted by Flemish institutes of higher education,

which play a prominent part in the programme. Over the years,

the TETRA Fund has increasingly become an instrument for the

improvement of institutes of higher education, as it supports their

networking with other research facilities and with companies, both

in Flanders and abroad. 8.454 million EUR has been allocated

for the encouragement of technology transfer and research by

institutes of higher education.

strategic basic research (sbo)• is long-term, high-quality research

intended to build up scientific or technical capacity as a basis

for economic and/or social applications in Flanders. Strategic

Basic Research lies somewhere between groundbreaking general

research and specifically oriented R&D projects. It has been al-

located the amount of 36.674 million EUR.

The • agricultural research programme is intended to support the

collection, classification and translation of scientific and technical

knowledge, with a view to innovative applications in Flemish ag-

riculture and horticulture. The projects are joint efforts: they must

be intended to support this sector rather than solve the problems

of individual farms. The projects are implemented by research

groups from Flemish universities and institutes of higher educa-

tion, research facilities and approved practice centres. The 2010

budget for this programme is 9.122 million EUR.

The hercules Foundation was set up by the Flemish Government as

an agency for the financing of medium-heavy (financing cost 0.15

to 1.5 million EUR) and heavy infrastructure (over 1.5 million EUR)

for fundamental and strategic basic research. All scientific disciplines

are eligible for Hercules financing, including the human and social

sciences, for instance for the financing of databases or collection.

The agency is intended to encourage cooperation by universities,

institutes of higher education, post-initial training facilities, strategic

research centres, research facilities, whether mutual or with third par-

ties, especially with companies. For this purpose, a budget of 14.250

million EUR has been allocated.

With its subsidy of 0.802 million EUR, the royal Zoological society -

antwerp (Kmda) undertakes scientific research in the areas of ethol-

ogy, functional morphology, veterinary medicine and conservation

biology. The results of this research are measured using the traditional

methods of publication in peer-reviewed journals and active participa-

tion in scientific conferences, and used to train young researchers.

Over the past years, the Institute of Plant biotechnology for devel-

oping Countries (IPbo) has been subsidised with a view to aligning

its activities more closely with the strategy of the United Nations

1 The Flemish Government Decree of 29 May 2009 on support to the Industrial Research Funds and the interface activities of the associations in the Flemish Community.

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14 PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The management

agreement covers the period from 2007 to 2011 and was signed by

the Flemish Government, Ghent University and IPBO. As the design

of a convergence trajectory and embedding of the programme in

existing university structures will be encouraged, the new manage-

ment agreement specifies that the annual financing of IPBO will be

gradually decreased. The 2010 subsidy is 0.071 million EUR.

In 2006, a subsidy was granted for the first time to Ghent University

to develop the International Centre for reproductive health (ICrh).

A management agreement for the period 2007-2011 was signed by

the Flemish Government, Ghent University and ICRH. The manage-

ment agreement also specifies that the annual subsidy will gradually

decrease. The 2010 subsidy is 0.058 million EUR.

The amount of the subsidies available for the performance of scien-

tific research by post-initial training facilities and higher institutes

of fine arts is 2.489 million EUR. A structural subsidy is required to

support and expand scientific research at ITG, the Vlerick School and

the Orpheus Institute, so that the scientific quality of the research

can be maintained, research can be performed independently and the

institutes are encouraged to strive for international excellence. Unlike

universities, ITG, the Vlerick School and the Orpheus Institute cannot

make independent use of financing sources for scientific research

such as FWO, IWT or BOF.

Since the operating year 2001, the united nations university (unu)

has been receiving a subsidy from the Flemish Community for the

implementation of the “Comparative Regional Integration Studies”

(CRIS) training and research programme. The 2010 subsidy is 0.967

million EUR.

On 6 March 1998, the Flemish Government and UNESCO signed a

cooperation agreement which forms the basis for financial support to

research projects included in UNESCO’s official research strategy and

to which Flanders can contribute its own (international) expertise. In

1999, the implementation of this agreement led to the formation of

the Flanders science trust Fund (FUST). Some 1.385 million EUR will

be available for this purpose in 2010.

The royal Flemish academy of belgium for science and the arts

is an autonomous, independent and multidisciplinary body which

assesses and encourages scientific and cultural achievements. For this

purpose, it regularly organises meetings, lectures, conventions, con-

gresses, competitions and contests, issues publications and takes all

other appropriate initiatives. The Academy issues opinions concerning

projects of social significance. It can also support or even organise

long-term and/or multidisciplinary projects which require protection

or promotion. Finally, the Academy contributes to the dissemination

of Flemish science and culture in Belgium and abroad. It may also

commission work and set up commissions, scientific committees and

centres for the purpose of, inter alia, cooperating with national and

overseas academies and international scientific and cultural organisa-

tions, and sign cooperation agreements with these bodies. The 2010

subsidy for this purpose is 1.137 million EUR.

Figure 3 compares the 2010 funds with those of the past years. Due

to the cuts, the overall budget is 3.4% smaller than in 2009, the

2009 grant to VRWB not included.

Figure 3. Policy Support and Academic Policy Programme, funds 2007-2010 (million EUR)

















2007 2008 2009 2010i





n SP n EP

SP: science policy; EP: economic policy

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Table 2. Policy Support and Academic Policy Programme – funds for 2010 (million EUR)

ent Pr esrbudget



to 2009description sP fund

EB0 EE134 4170 120.063 -2.450 Subsidy to FWO Flanders 120.063

EB0 EE121 4141 36.674 -1.930 Strategic basic research (IWT) 36.674

EB0 EE128 4150 20.076 -0.456 Subsidy to the special research funds, Methusalem programme 20.076

EB0 EE130 4150 17.022 -0.050 Grant to the Industrial Research Fund Flanders (IOF) 17.022

EB0 EE140 6142 14.250 -0.750Grant to the EVA Hercules Foundation for financing medium-heavy and heavy infrastructure


EB0 EE132 4170 12.600 0.000 Subsidy to FWO Flanders for the Odysseus programme 12.600

EB0 EE137 4170 9.370 -2.343Grant financed with the net receipts from profits in the National Lottery, for the benefit of FWO Flanders


EB0 EE123 4141 9.122 -0.480Subsidies for scientific and technical research with an agricultural objective (IWT)


EB0 EE104 3300 9.025 -0.475 Subsidies for project-based scientific research (PWO) 9.025

EB0 EE120 4141 8.454 -0.445Grant to IWT, for the promotion of technology transfer and research, by higher educational institutes


EB0 EE127 4150 7.500 0.000Strengthening of the involvement of research in academic courses at the institutes of higher education


EB0 EE118 4141 5.700 -0.300Grant to IWT, for support to applied biomedical research, with a primarily a social purpose


EB0 EE106 3300 5.645 -0.008Subsidy for the Special Research Funds for the funding of a 'tenure track' - mechanism at the universities


EB0 EE129 4150 4.348 -0.239Subsidy for the special research funds, which provide additional mandates for independent academic personnel (ZAP)


EB0 EE126 4150 2.819 -0.009 Subsidy to university interface services 2.819

EB0 EE138 4410 2.540 -0.008 Subsidy for the Special Research Funds for the universities 2.540

EB0 EE105 3300 2.489 -0.131Subsidies for carrying out scientific research, by institutes for post-initial education and by higher institutes of fine arts


EB0 EE135 4170 2.201 -0.116Subsidy to FWO Flanders, for projects within the framework of international research facilities


EB0 EE136 4170 2.088 -0.112 Subsidy to FWO Flanders for international scientific cooperation 2.088

EB0 EE112 3540 1.385 -0.096Subsidy to UNESCO, in support of the Flemish UNESCO science trust fund


EB0 EE133 4170 1.137 -0.061Subsidy to the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for the Sciences and Arts


EB0 EE139 5220 1.100 0.000 Subsidies to the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), for investments 1.100

EB0 EE108 3300 1.057 -0.056 Subsidy to the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) 1.057

EB0 EE111 3540 0.967 -0.052Subsidies to the United Nations University (UNU), within the framework of the programme for regional integration studies


EB0 EE107 3300 0.802 -0.042 Subsidy to the Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp (KMDA) 0.802

EB0 EE116 4140 0.585 -0.021 Grant to the EVA Hercules Foundation as management remuneration 0.585

EB0 EE109 3300 0.568 -0.030Subsidy to the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), for supporting the work of the IODE Project Office


EB0 EE110 3300 0.120 -0.006Subsidy to the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), for supporting the work of the ESF Marine Board


EB0 EE102 3300 0.071 -0.012Subsidy to the Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO)


EB0 EE103 3300 0.058 -0.014 Subsidy to the International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) 0.058

total 299.836 299.836

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16 PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

chapter 1.3.

Valorisation and Industrial PolicyThe global initial funds in 2010 for the EF budget programme,

Valorisation and Industrial Policy, amount to 362.842 million EUR

and just as much SP fund.

The Valorisation and industrial policy programme has the following

strategic objectives:

Strengthening the basic technological research that generates 1.

knowledge for the benefit of industry;

More technological innovation in Flemish industries.2.

Target groups are the research institutes and the Flemish companies.

nerF (Neuro-Electronic Research Flanders) is a new Flemish inter-

disciplinary research centre created at the initiative of VIB, IMEC and

K.U.Leuven, with the support of the Flemish government. Its purpose

is to understand the working of a neuronal circuit in the human brain.

Neuronal circuits are composed of various nerve cells, which receive,

transmit, store and/or process a set of signals, and finally translate

it into an effect. The NERF budget for 2010 is 2.876 million EUR, of

which 0.926 million EUR from the Flemish government (EB0 EF103

3300) and 1.950 million EUR from the 3 founding members: VIB,

IMEC and K.U.Leuven.

The Valorisation and Industrial Policy programme includes a number

of budget lines for IWT:

The • operating grant of 10.859 million EUR includes the resources

required to ensure the necessary policy continuity, on the basis of

its current work and the agency’s mission.

In 2009, a basic change was made to the system under which IWT •

grants doctoral grants. specialisation grants were renamed strategic

research grants. On the one hand, the diploma restriction was lifted,

and on the other it was decided to focus on strategic basic research.

In the context of a doctoral grant, “strategic basic research” is taken

to mean doctorate-worthy innovative research which, if successful,

may have industrial applications in the long term.

In late 2008, the opening of a new support channel under the

R&D decree was given the go-ahead: the Baekeland mandates.

The baekeland programme is intended to give researchers the

opportunity to prepare a doctorate in close cooperation with a

company or companies. Under the existing doctoral grants, young

researchers often do their research within an exclusively academic

context, and the results remain the property of the academic insti-

tute concerned. The Baekeland programme is primarily designed to

encourage researcher mobility between academia and enterprises.

Not only does it target graduates and young researchers, but also

company employees interested in preparing for a doctorate. The

budget for the specialisation grants and doctoral grants under the

Baekeland programme is 32.092 million EUR.

There are also IWT’s • four allocation authorisations (EB0 EF100,

101, 102 and 103 – previously BAs EF9911B through EF9914B).

These are budget lines intended to support technological innova-

tion actions at the initiative of the Flemish Government, projects

at the initiative of enterprises, and innovations by cooperation

bodies, e-media projects and finally study and expertise projects

for the Flemish Innovation Network (VIN). A total budget of

172.493 million EUR has been allocated to these projects for


In 2010, the Valorisation budget programme comprises a budget of

43.491 million EUR for vIto, the Flemish Institute for Technological

Research. These are grants for operation, the financing of reference

tasks and investments. Via the LC, General budget programme of

the Environment, Nature and Energy (LNE) policy area, VITO also

has access to a grant of 2.118 million EUR for the financing of refer-

ence tasks.

VITO’s purpose is to find technological solutions in an innovative and

customer-friendly manner, and to supply independent, scientifically

based opinions and advice to strengthen the economic and social

fabric of Flanders and make an essential contribution to sustain-

able development. The grant resources enable VITO to start its

own research, which is organised into approximately 8 technology


Smart Systems for Energy Networks;1.

Transition Energy and Environment;2.

Environmental Risk and Health;3.

Earth Observation;4.

Environmental Modelling;5.

Sustainable Chemistry;6.

Processing of Multifunctional Materials;7.

Development and Validation of Innovative Analysis Techniques and 8.


ImeC supplies nano-electronics research which ranks among the best

in the world. IMEC contributes its innovative strength to ICT, health-

care and energy partnerships worldwide. This enables technological

solutions to be developed which are relevant to industry. In a unique

high-tech environment, IMEC’s top international talent develops

building blocks for a better life and a sustainable society. It has five

major areas of activity:

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Scoringsdriftje nano-electronics. IMEC works on techniques to 1.

make transistors, the building blocks for chips, smaller. This makes

chips more powerful and enables them to perform more functions.

Heterogeneous integration. IMEC believes that highly integrated, 2.

ultra-small chip systems with functionalities other than calculat-

ing functionalities, have an important future. In this connection,

technologies such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and

sensors will play a major role, as well as high-capacity electronics

based on gallium nitride, photonics and advanced interconnection

and packaging technologies.

Combining biology and electronics for a better life. IMEC is devel-3.

oping technological solutions in major areas such as affordable and

reliable healthcare.

Smart systems. Chips make our current electronic appliances smart-4.

er, as they can communicate with the environment and adjust to

the user’s requirements.

Energy. The development of solar-cell technology forms a major 5.

part of this activity.

vIb, the Flanders Interuniversity Institute for biotechnology, is an

enterprising research institute, active in the most advanced areas of

biotechnology. Scientists and technicians carry out basic research on

the molecular mechanisms of the human body, plants and micro-

organisms. The scientists work in eight VIB departments closely as-

sociated with four Flemish universities: Ghent University, the Catholic

University of Leuven, Antwerp University and the Free University of

Brussels (VUB). The grouping of this research into a single institute

has an immediate advantage for the various partners as well as their

academic, industrial and social environment. In cooperation with its

academic partners, VIB proposes building a foundation for a better

quality of life. For this purpose, it engages in three core activities:

VIB’s main task is the acquisition of new knowledge by means of 1.

strategic basic research. Such knowledge gives a better insight into

the molecular mechanisms of life. Creativity, combined with state-

of-the-art technology, makes breakthroughs possible. This is what

enables us to push back the frontiers of biomolecular knowledge.

The translation of knowledge into useful applications, such as di-2.

agnosis, drugs or agricultural applications, is the Institute’s second

core activity. Technology-transfer activities must lead to products

which are of use to consumers and patients.

VIB’s third core activity is to keep the Flemish population informed 3.

of discoveries and developments in the life sciences. For this pur-

pose, a wide range of scientifically based documents and informa-

tion is made available in a database.

The Interdisciplinary Institute for broadband technology (Ibbt)

performs research on information and communication technology

(ICT) in general, and the development of broadband applications

in particular. This research is multidisciplinary and demand-driven,

and is carried out in close cooperation with both enterprises and the

authorities. Its purpose is to solve complex problems and meet the

societal challenges of tomorrow. The range of IBBT applications is

wide and includes healthcare, mobility and logistics, culture and new

media, and green ICT. IBBT’s multidisciplinary research model builds

bridges between knowledge institutes, industry and the authorities,

and ensures the development of highly skilled human capital.

Figure 4. Valorisation and Industrial Policy Programme, funds 2007-2010 (million EUR)










2007 2008 2009 2010i





SP: science policy

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Table 3. Valorisation and Industrial Policy Programme – funds for 20010 (million EUR)

ent Pr esrbudget



to 2009description sP fund

EB0 EF101 9999 126.423 -1.048Allocation authorisation for IWT, for projects proposed by companies and innovation cooperations


EB0 EF100 3300 42.616 -2.114 Subsidy to IMEC 42.616

EB0 EF101 3300 37.598 -1.858 Subsidy to the Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) 37.598

EB0 EF100 9999 35.078 -14.075Allocation authorisation for IWT, for supporting technical innovation actions that are proposed at the initiative of the Flemish government actions that are proposed at the initiative of the Flemish government


EB0 EF110 4141 33.409 3.862 Grant to the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) 33.409

EB0 EF112 4141 32.092 1.749Grant to IWT, related to awarding specialisation grants (Decree of 23 January 1991) and awarding doctorate grants in the framework of the Baekeland programme


EB0 EF102 3300 22.767 -1.124Grant to the Interdisciplinary Institute for BroadBand Technology (IBBT)


EB0 EF107 4141 10.859 -1.746 Grant for IWT 10.859

EB0 EF102 9999 10.319 -1.000Allocation authorisation for IWT, for policy area exceeding innovation projects


EB0 EF111 4141 7.968 0.000Grant to the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) for financing the reference tasks


EB0 EF113 6141 2.114 -3.000Grant for investments at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)


EB0 EF103 3300 0.926 new Subsidy to IMEC for the NERF activities 0.926

EB0 EF103 9999 0.673 -0.173Allocation authorisation for IWT, for study and expertise assignments, for the benefit of the Flemish Innovation Network (VIN)


total 62.842 62.842

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chapter 1.4.

Awareness-raising and SocietyFor the Awareness-Raising and Society Programme, there is a global

fund in the initial 2010 budget of 11.010 million EUR.

The programme has science information service as strategic objective,

namely to strengthen public support for the scientific and technological

innovation policy in Flanders.

The merging of the Economy Agency and VLAO into Enterprise

Flanders caused the grant and subsidies to organisers of local contact

points, as well as the budget for projects involving the financing and

support of flexible mechanisms, to be transferred in 2009 to Enter-

prise Flanders, as shown in Figure 5.

2.923 million EUR has been allocated to the implementation of the

annual Scientific Information and Innovation Plan for the supply of

information concerning scientific policy and research to structural

partners in 2010. Each year, the strategic and operational goals of this

action plan are translated into a number of concrete initiatives aimed

at a number of target groups, especially young people and the general

public. The plan mainly comprises two types of action: targeted ac-

tions and broad awareness-raising actions. The purpose of targeted

actions is mainly to increase the flow of young people through scien-

tific and technical facilities. Broader awareness activities mainly target

the general public and usually support general goals such as informa-

tion, awareness-raising and encouraging a sense of responsibility.

The subsidy to non-profit association Flanders Technology Interna-

tional (FTI) of 3.789 million EUR also forms a part of the Scientific

Information and Innovation Plan. Its tasks are: the operation of the

Technopolis activity centre in Mechelen, as well as related tasks such

as the implementation of various other actions in the plan.

The financing of the expertise cells for the popularisation of science,

technology and technological innovation to the universities and

institutes of higher education of the Flemish Community forms a part

of the above plan. 2 million EUR has been made available for this

purpose in 2010.

Flanders DC has the task of contributing to awareness and encour-

agement of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. This includes

attracting the general public to creativity and innovation. The subsidy

for 2010 is 2.298 million EUR.

Figure 5: Awareness-Raising and Society Programme, funds 2007-2010 (million EUR)








2007 2008 2009 2010i







SP: science policy; EP: economic policy

n SP n EP

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Table 4. Awareness-Raising and Society Programme – funds for 2010 (million EUR)

ent Pr esrbudget



to 2009description sP fund

EB0 EG102 3300 3.789 -0.204 Subsidy to Flanders Technology International (FTI) 3.789

EB0 EG101 3300 2.923 -0.155Various subsidies, with reference to publicising the Science Policy and scientific research to structural partners


EB0 EG103 3300 2.298 -0.312 Subsidy to the non-profit organisation Flanders DC 2.298

EB0 EG106 4150 2.000 -0.107Subsidies for expertise cells, with the objective of popularising science, technology and technological innovation within associations


total 11.010 11.010

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chapter 1.5.

General PolicyThe ‘General’ programme covers the resources for 2010 that give

shape to both the general economic policy and the science and inno-

vation policy. This also includes those BAs that cannot be unambigu-

ously assigned to the content of another programme (see above).

The total fund included in the 2010 budget for the EC programme,

General Policy, amounts to 25.062 million EUR. Of this, 17.383 mil-

lion EUR is science policy (SP) fund. Figure 6 compares these funds

with the past years.

The main budget item here is the subsidy to the policy research cen-

tres. In the budget for 2010, 7.857 million EUR has been allocated to

finance these centres. The relevant policy area(s) is/are in charge of

cofinancing these centres. The Enterprise and International Enterprise

Policy Centre is cofinanced from the EWI budget (EB0 EC107 3300).

Further information concerning the policy research centres is available

at www.vlaanderen.be/steunpunten.

2.931 million EUR has been allocated to promote the Flemish Infor-

mation Society in accordance with the Lisbon Strategy. Resources

have been allocated for the further development of a consistent set

of tools to maximise the use of ICT as a lever for innovation. Besides

the further development of the Flemish electronic network, as much

attention as possible is being paid to the challenges and developments

formulated in the European Commission’s i-2010 initiative. In the

2010 Action Plan Flanders i2010, approved in 2006 by the Flemish

Government and which gives a concrete expression to the develop-

ment of the Flemish information society in accordance with the Lisbon

Strategy, the Flemish government has made a resolute choice in

favour of e-research, further to which the digital infrastructure, e.g.

the electronic research network, supercomputers, software platforms,

software tools, digital aids, databases, grids, etc., will be expanded.

The Flemish Point of Contact (VCP) for the framework programme

was set up as a coordination platform in which activities relating to

EWI and IWT research and innovation programmes were coordinat-

ed. 0.392 million EUR has been allocated to this item for 2010. With-

in this structure, IWT and, as of this year, FWO take joint responsibil-

ity for the activities which support Flemish stakeholders participating

in European programmes. To further strengthen the international

function, a number of national contact points were created at FWO

for the European framework programme for research and develop-

ment, with fundamental research and the human sciences as their

areas of activity. In 2010, the emphasis will be on the setting-up of a

Flemish Europe Platform, an extension to all European programmes

relating to research and innovation, and the improvement of support

to Flemish companies participating in European projects.

Figure 6: General Policy Programme, funds 2007-2010 (million EUR)








2007 2008 2009 2010i









SP: science policy; EP: economic policy

n SP n EP

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Table 5. General Programme – funds for 2010 (million EUR)

ent Pr esrbudget



to 2009description sP fund

EB0 EC109 3300 7.857 -0.163 Subsidies to the policy research centres 7.857

EB0 EC102 1211 2.931 0.000Expenditures for promoting the Flemish Information society, within the framework of the Lisbon Strategy


EC0 EC205 1211 2.465 0.000 Specific ICT costs of Enterprise Flanders: project costs 0.000

EB0 EC111 3300 1.927 0.050Subsidies within the framework of international scientific and innovative cooperation


EB0 EC110 3300 1.864 -0.100 Subsidy for the Centre for R&D Monitoring 1.864

EC0 EC207 3132 1.470 -0.030 Subsidies for the local contact points 0.000

EC0 EC203 1211 1.128 -0.187Expenditures for communications initiatives, with regard to the economic policy


EC0 EC208 3300 1.045 -0.055Subsidy to the non-profit organisation “Vlaamse jonge ondernemingen” (Young Flemish Enterprises)


EC0 EC211 4170 0.921 -0.049 Subsidies for certified regional co-operative associations 0.000

EB0 EC100 0100 0.848 0.485Expenditures for inventory taking and valorisation of scientific and technological research


EB0 EC101 1211 0.840 -0.264Expenditures for the conception, preparation and execution of scientific actions on the initiative of the Flemish minister of Science and Innovation


EB0 EC113 4141 0.392 0.031Grant to IWT to support Flemish participation in the European programmes (Flemish point of contact – VCP)


EC0 EC210 3300 0.353 -0.019Subsidies to the non-profit organisation “Vlaams Centrum voor Kwaliteitszorg” (Flemish Centre for Quality Assurance)


EB0 EC107 3300 0.263 -0.005Subsidy for co-financing the Policy Research Centre Entrepreneurship and International Entrepreneurship


EB0 EC114 4170 0.247 -0.013Subsidy related to the inventory of scientific and technological research (IWETO)


EC0 EC200 1211 0.199 -0.051Specific operating costs with regard to the economic policy, including among other things fees, expenditures for encouraging company investments, and investments with regard to economic events


EB0 EC103 1211 0.150 -0.044Various communications initiatives, with regard to science, technology and innovation on the initiative of the Flemish minister of Science and Innovation


EC0 EC201 1211 0.098 0.000Expenditures for a variety of interregional economic co-operative associations


EB0 EC105 1211 0.064 0.000Expenditures within the framework of international scientific cooperations


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23PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

chapter 1.6.

The investment companies PMV, VPM and LrMParticipation Company Flanders (PMV), Flemish Participation

Company (VPM) and the Limburg Investment Company (LRM) are

externally independent agencies (EVAs) of the EWI policy area.

In contrast to the previous chapters, this does not concern budget

funds, but rather an overview of the activities of the aforementioned


ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen NV (PMV) (Participation Company Flanders)

PMV (ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen) is an investment

company which targets sustainable economic growth and attaches

considerable importance to the social results of its initiatives. It invests

in companies and projects which are important to our region. This

enables it to generate added value (or simply value) for the funds

Flanders invests in its future.

In recent years Participation Company Flanders (PMV) has acquired

a key position in the Flemish market for business financing. PMV

facilitates the financing cycle of companies from the very beginning

up to international growth. Furthermore, PMV has become a market

leader in seed capital, the cultural industry and the internationalisa-

tion of Flemish SMEs.

The financial crisis and its impact on the real economy are an encour-

agement to further increase PMV’s effectiveness, so that the negative

effects on Flemish industry can be neutralised together with private

financiers. PMV will do this by supplying venture capital, credit (and

credit guarantees), and mezzanine financing.

Risk capital

PMV provides risk capital with the help of four instruments. Each of

these instruments corresponds to one of the three processes on which

the Flemish economic support policy focuses: Enterprise, Innovation,


arKimedes (enterprise process)

The ARKimedes Foundation has promised 105 million EUR to 12

ARKIVs. Together with the contribution of private parties to the

ARKIVs, this means that 218 million EUR has become available to

provide the risk capital for Flemish SMEs. In view of the route which

ARKimedes has followed up to now, and the fact that the initial in-

vestment period of the ARKIVs will take place in the course of 2010,

preparations have started for launching a second ARKimedes fund.

CultuurInvest (enterprise process)

Since the end of 2006 Flanders has had an investment fund for cul-

turally related activities and businesses. CultuurInvest was established

because of the lack of private investments in the cultural industry. At

the end of 2009, the foundation has provided funding for 36 compa-

nies for a total amount of more than 5.5 million EUR.

vinnof (Innovation process)

The Flemish government has agreed with the following reforms:

In future Vinnof will be used only as the brand name for seed 1.

capital investments;

On the basis of the notification to the European Commission (which 2.

has now been approved) under the framework regulation for state

subsidy for research, development and innovation, Vinnof will in

future be able to provide seed capital for a maximum of 1.5 million

EUR. In addition, the target group of start-up companies will be

extended from companies less than three years old to companies

less than six years old;

Taking into account the limited sums available for financing and the 3.

absence of a business plan worked out by (pre) starters, the alloca-

tion of incubation financing will in the future be left to the IWT;

Project financing will disappear for Vinnof and will be accommo-4.

dated in the new PMV financing company PMV-Mezzanine (see


Flanders International Fund (Internationalisation process)

The Flanders International Fund (FVI) has promoted the international

growth of Flemish SMEs since 2007 by taking part in their investment

projects abroad.

Providing credit

At the moment, PMV is indirectly active in the field of providing

credit via the Guarantee Facility, Gigarant and the Win-Win loan.

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24 PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

Table 6. State of affairs of the PMV financing products (31 December 2009)

P productmv tart ups umber of dossiersnotal financing sum t

(million )eur

ARKimedes Spring 2006 101 98.9

CultuurInvest January 2007 36 5.5

Fonds Vlaanderen-Internationaal January 2007 8 5.3

Gigarant April 2009 2 125

Vlaams Innovatiefonds (Vinnof) Spring 2006 33 14.5

Guarantee Facility July 2005 3,908 452.3

Win-Win loan September 2006 1,127 29.4

otalt 5,215 730.9

guarantee Facility

Due to the financial crisis and the expected impact for the companies,

the Flemish government decided already in 2008 to increase the

budget of the Surety regulation and to simplify the use of the regula-

tion on several points: increase of the surety budget and amount,

there are no additional securities needed to the securities requested

by the bank and also short term credits can be guaranteed in the

future. All these above mentioned measures have taken effect in the

mean time.


Gigarant is a mechanism which enables PMV to supply crisis guar-

antees to enterprises which cannot be considered for the generic

Guarantee Regulation. These are usually large companies or SMEs

which require guarantees over 1.5 million EUR. Gigarant is a tempo-

rary measure, which will only be effective up to the end of 2010. At

the end of 2009, Gigarant had already guaranteed a total amount of

125 million EUR.

win-win loan

The Win-Win loan encourages private individuals to lend money to

enterprises at advantageous rates via a tax benefit. The Win-Win

loan is a subordinated loan of 50,000 EUR max. The loan has a

lifetime of eight years and must be repaid in a single lump sum. If the

firm is ultimately unable to repay the subordinated loan, the investor

receives 30% of the amount outstanding via a one-off tax reduction.

However, it is examining whether it would be possible to increase the

maximum sum of Winwin loans that one company can take out to a

higher amount.

PMV Mezzanine

The provision of Mezzanine financing will be the third element in the

activities of PMV in the field of business financing. PMV Mezzanine

refers to deferred loans, loans which are deferred in relation to the

existing and future debts of the company. Mezzanine funding is

viewed as own capital by banks and other providers of external capi-

tal. In this way it contributes to strengthening the financial structure

of the company and serves as a lever to attract external capital from

(private) credit providers. Deferred loans have the advantage for

entrepreneurs that they do not have to open up their share capital to

third parties.

For the providers of deferred loans, this form of funding has the ad-

vantage of returns determined in advance with a clear exit perspec-

tive. By starting this activity, the aim is to strengthen the financial

structure of companies. This has a twofold advantage:

To provide an alternative for the current Project funding of Vinnof 1.

(see above), and for the NRC Fund, which will be abolished. The

NRC Fund was established at the end of 2006 at the request of the

Flemish government in order to provide long-term funding for in-

novation projects of high-tech companies. However, the fund has

not been successful; up to now only one company has been given

funding. The most important reason for the limited interest in this

fund is the non-deferred character of the funding which is pro-

vided. This is why the funding of innovation projects is the explicit

aim of the new ‘Mezzanine’ element of PMV.

The provision of growth funding for innovative growth companies 2.

in Flanders, the so-called ‘gazelles’. Gazelles serve as a motor for

innovation in Flanders, grow faster than other companies and score

significantly better in the field of job creation. Therefore it would

seem essential to devote attention to the gazelles, in particular dur-

ing periods of crisis.

PMV’s mezzanine financing is intended for as wide a range of enter-

prises as possible. The total available budget for PMV Mezzanine will

be 92 million EUR. At the end of 2009, PMV had already supplied

mezzanine financing to four companies for a total amount of 9.2

million EUR.

Table 6 shows the number of dossiers and the financing sum per

financing product (situation end 2009).

Vlaamse Participatiemaatschappij NV (Flemish Participation Company – VPM)The Flemish Participation company (VPM) is an NV with the only

task to manage the participation of the Flemish government in GIMV.

GIMV is an independent investment company registered on the stock

exchange which has specialised in the investment in the capital of

companies not registered on the stock exchange and focusing on

growth (private equity). GIMV has a leading position in Private Equity

and Venture capital in Belgium and also operates on a European scale.

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25PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon


oxygen for growth

LRM invests in companies and projects which generate income in

Limburg, a province of Belgium. Its mission is to “supply oxygen”

to Limburg-based companies. LRM is a profit-driven investor with a

unique combined offer of financial resources, infrastructure and know-

how, and is available to all enterprises, whatever their size or area of

activity. Although a generalist, it has, over the years, built up specific

competencies in ICT, the life sciences and clean technology. With this

focus, LCT is helping Limburg make the transition from a traditional

manufacturing economy to an innovative, technological knowledge

economy. LRM invests in companies in the five following areas: ICT

& Media, Life Sciences, Clean Tech & Energy, SMEs and, finally, large

companies. In these five segments, LRM’s main activities are the supply

of venture capital, the development of company infrastructures and

the sale of real estate.

venture capital

LRM is the financial partner in start-up and expansion financing,

shareholder changes, family succession, buyout financing and project

financing. LRM enters most of its partnerships with a combination

of capital investment and a subordinated loan with warrants. Each

partnership is set up individually and takes into account the company’s

requirements and the partner’s wishes. In the case of small enterprises,

LRM uses a standard subordinated loan, the Plus Loan. In the area of

clean technology, LRM spontaneously initiates new projects or takes

part in demo projects. LRM’s current portfolio comprises over 90 com-

panies and the amount of its capital and reserves is 250 million EUR.

Company infrastructure development and real estate sale

A healthy economy needs appropriate industrial real estate. For this

reason, LRM develops SME, industrial, business and science parks

which quite literally provide room for growth. To achieve this, LRM

works in close cooperation with local and other authorities such as

the Limburg Provincial Autonomous Development Body (POM) and

waterway-management company De Scheepvaart. LRM also develops

real-estate projects which are specifically required by the market.

Often, these are projects consistent with Limburg’s high-tech activity,

such as logistics, life sciences and clean technology. One example is

life-sciences incubator building BioVille. LRM is currently involved in

developing over 500 ha of industrial real estate, including the 100 ha

of high-value real estate known as Waterschei- EnergyVille (Genk),

the 300-ha Kristalpark III in Lommel and 150 ha of the Albert Canal

Economic Network (ENA).


LRM also looks outside the province to fill available real estate.

Limburg has many assets with which to entice international investors.

LRM plays a coordinating role in the acquisition policy, in cooperation

with POM-Limburg, Enterprise Flanders and FIT (Flanders Investment

& Trade).

More info at www.lrm.be.

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26 PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

chapter 1.7.

Enterprise in an international contextThe agency Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) belongs to the Foreign

Affairs policy area (IV). FIT has important points of contact with

EWI, in particular with regard to the economic support policy. In the

context of this publication it is therefore very interesting to briefly

explain the activities of this agency and the different subsidies which

it provides.

FIT supports Flemish businesses in their international activities and

guides foreign investors towards opportunities in Flanders. Flemish

entrepreneurs can call on the agency for information about foreign

markets, advice on strategies to approach the market and the partici-

pation in seminars, business trips and trade fairs. FIT has representa-

tives in 90 offices abroad, who work for Flemish businesses.

The agency provides different forms of subsidies. Additional financial

support can, after all, make the difference for the international

ambitions of Flemish companies. At the moment FIT provides four

categories of financial support for SMEs which are hoping to become


For 8 types of projects (since 1 October 2009):

Prospection and business trips;•

Participation in trade fairs or niche events abroad;•

Setting-up of a prospection office;•

Travel to headquarters of multilateral facilities;•

Production of product documentation, commercial translations •

and publications in trade media;

Registration, approval and certification costs;•

Invitation of overseas buyers and decision-makers to Flanders;•

Admission to a FIT-approved service centre.•

Via the SME business portfolio

Since 1 January 2009, companies in the SME portfolio have also been

able to apply for subsidies for training and advice for international


For the export of equipment

The end customer in a developing country (in accordance with the

OECD consensus) receives a direct discount on the purchase of

equipment, and Flemish suppliers remain competitive.

For feasibility studies

This subsidy applies for feasibility studies by construction and envi-

ronmental projects in developing countries.

In addition, FIT supports collective projects of business groups and

combined chambers of commerce. Every year a call is launched for

projects which create as many international business opportunities as

possible for the individual companies. These must be projects which

are innovative both in terms of an approach and in terms of content,

and which encourage sustainable or ethical enterprise.

Figure 7 shows the budgets which the Flemish government is making

available for the different subsidy systems for international enterprise.

As of 2010, the service-centre budget will be added to the budget for

the encouragement of international enterprise. The budget for 2010

is the initial budget.

In 2010, FIT will also receive financial support from the Hermes

Fund (see Chapter 1.1) for the “Internationalisation of the Flemish

Knowledge Economy” project (0.108 million EUR). The purpose of

the project is to strengthen the global position of Flemish high-tech

and knowledge enterprises. Internationalisation is always an absolute

precondition for such companies to grow.

More info is available at www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.be.

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27PART 1 • EWI: co-oPErATIon BETWEEn EconoMY, ScIEncE And InnoVATIon

Figure 7. Summary of budget decisions on new dossiers in 2008 - 2010 (million EUR)









Promotion of inter-national enterprise

Export of Flemish equipment

Feasability studies by construction

and environmental projects

Support activities business groups and chambers of


Service centresSME portfolio

(from 1 Jan. 2009)

n 2008 5.033 6.045 1.400 2.250 0.400 0.000

n 20095.433 5.666 1.400 2.250 0.600 0.500

n 20105.396 5.374 1.350 2.157 0.000 0.475

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Part 2

Science and innovation policy

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30 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

This chapter gives a precise overview of what the scientific and

technological innovation policy consists of. We will use the interna-

tionally agreed definitions for this purpose. After all, to be able to

make an international comparison, one has to keep to international


International definitions

Scientific activities - R&D - STET - STSThe term “scientific activities”, as defined in the Recommendation

concerning the International Standardisation of Statistics on Science

and Technology” – UNESCO, 1978 (Canberra Manual – OECD, Paris,

1995, p. 67) comprises:

research and development (r&d): “... creative work undertaken on

a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, includ-

ing knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock

of knowledge to devise new applications” (Frascati Manual, OECD,

2002, p. 30). In other words, it includes any scientific activity which is

aimed at developing scientific knowledge (basic research), making it

applicable (applied research) and applying it (development).

education and training (stet): “...all activities comprising specialised

non-university higher education and training, higher education and

training leading to a university degree, postgraduate and further

training, and organised lifelong training for scientists and engineers”

(Canberra Manual, OECD, Paris, 1995, p. 67). Therefore it concerns

the funding of scientific education, for example, the proportion of

the operational subsidies to universities that are used for university


scientific and technological services (sts): “...activities concerned

with research and experimental development and contributing to the

generation, dissemination and application of scientific and techni-

cal knowledge” (Canberra Manual, OECD, Paris, 1995, p. 68). This

concerns any form of services, such as performing routine measure-

ments (e.g., routine medical analyses), the provision of scientifictech-

nological information (e.g., by libraries or information centres), and

the collection of data of a general interest (including the collection of

data on social-economic phenomena). Studies related to policy and

the activities of administrative units with regard to the analysis, evalu-

ation and monitoring of external phenomena are included in this.

Administrative Structures of the Flem-ish Science and Innovation Policy

Here we will provide a summary description of the administrative

structure for the management of the science policy.

EWI policy areaThe ewI department, which is responsible for preparing policy initia-

tives and policy evaluation for the entire policy area.

the agencies

IWT: carries out policy related to industry. It is an intermediary •

organ, which distributes the funds amongst businesses and re-

search institutes, in conformity with defined selection criteria, and

evaluation and decision-making procedures.

FWO: carries out policy with regard to basic research at the •

universities. It is an intermediary organ which distributes the funds

among the universities and research institutes. That happens in

conformity with defined selection criteria, and evaluation and

decision-making procedures.

Hercules foundation: finances medium-heavy and heavy in-•

frastructure for fundamental and strategic basic research in all

scientific areas.

Furthermore, the Participation Company Flanders (PMV), the

Flemish Participation Company (VPM) and the LRM as externally

autonomous agencies (EVAs) and Enterprise Flanders (Agentschap

Ondernemen) as an internally autonomous agency make part of the

EWI policy area. Although they have much ground in common with

the science and innovation policy, the execution of it isn’t included in

their key tasks. Enterprise Flanders was described in chapter 1.1; the

agencies PMV, VPM and LRM in chapter 1.6.

the advisory body

The Flemish Council for Science and Innovation (VRWI) was estab-

lished by decree on 30 April 2009 as the strategic advisory council

(SAR) for the science and innovation area. The VRWI is the successor

of the Flemish Science Policy Council (VRWB) and formulates recom-

mendations to the Flemish Government and the Flemish Parliament,

in the area of science and innovation policy. The council will provide

such recommendations on request, or at its own initiative.

The Socio-economic Council of Flanders (SERV) is the other advisory

body of the EWI policy area. SERV formulates and gives advice about

the broad economic aspects of the Flemish policy. Here too, there is

common ground with the science and innovation policy.

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31PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

Other policy areas

The science policy is situated in all thirteen policy areas. The depart-

ments are authorised to give form to science policy initiatives that

support their policy. Besides EWI, these policy areas are:

Services for the General Government Policy (DAR);•

Administrative Affairs (BZ);•

Finance and Budget (FB);•

Foreign Affairs (IV);•

Education and Training (OV);•

Welfare, Public Health and Family (WVG);•

Culture, Youth, Sport and Media (CJSM);•

Work and Social Economy (WSE);•

Agriculture and Fisheries (LV);•

Environment, Nature and Energy (LNE);•

Mobility and Public Works (MOW);•

Town and Country Planning, Housing Policy and Immovable •

Heritage (RWO).

the four Flemish scientific institutes

Research Institute for Nature and Forests (INBO – policy area LNE)•

Carries out policy-oriented scientific research with regard to the •

conservation, management and sustainable use of biodiversity

and its environment;

Provides scientific services in support of the policy and to •

defined target groups, amongst others through advising, ex-

perimental analyses, the provision of new products, techniques,

concepts and documentation;

It reports periodically on the condition of nature and the natural •

environment, and on the effects of environmental policy, in-

cluding the extent in which the assumed objectives of the envi-

ronmental policy are reached, while monitoring and evaluating

the available know-how and investigating future developments.

Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE – policy area RWO)•

Aimed at leading scientific research with regard to monuments, •

landscapes and the archaeological heritage;

Formulates scientifically supported advice which contributes to •

justified policy choices;

Develops a social perspective to approach the heritage with •

integrity by disseminating knowledge;

Assesses its research and expertise in the light of an interna-•

tional context;

Aims to make the concern for the heritage self evident on the •

basis of a sincere concern for the heritage.

Royal Museum of Fine Arts – Antwerp (KMSKA – policy area •


Acquires, conserves, restores and exhibits its own art collection;•

Carries out scientific research;•

Publishes catalogues on its collection and yearbooks;•

Organises exhibitions in the Royal Museum of Fine Art and in •

foreign countries;

Organises educational activities: training of educational as-•

sistants, training courses for adults, lessons for teachers and

schools, guided tours, lectures and youth ateliers, publications;

Organises documentary activities: technical library, archives and •

a collection register.

Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO – policy •

area LV)

Co-ordinates and carries out policy-supporting research, •

including the accompanying services, with the objective of

making the agricultural and fishing sectors sustainable from an

economic, environmental and social perspective;

Builds up the required know-how for an improvement of •

products and production methods, for monitoring the quality

and safety of end-products, and for an improvement of policy

instruments, as a basis for sector development and agrarian

rural policy;

Regularly provides information to the policymakers, the cor-•

responding sectors and society at large.

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32 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

chapter 2.1.

‘Actual Science Policy’The ‘actual science policy’ concerns the science policy of the EWI

policy area that come directly under the minister responsible for sci-

ence and innovation policy, together with the resources for financing

the science policy at the universities and institutes of higher educa-

tion under the Education and Training (OV) policy area. Previously,

these resources were ascribed to the organisation division OA 71 of

the former WIM department, together with the aforementioned sci-

ence funds from OA 33 of the former Education department.

Fundamental research at universities, which opens up new horizons,

as a necessary basis for all further socially and industrially oriented

research, just as much as research at institutes of higher education,

is after all a part of such a coherent policy. Strategic basic research

also is largely carried out at the universities and institutes of higher

education, including the strategic research centres IMEC, VITO, VIB

and IBBT. In addition, there is also the broad and varied domain of

industrial research carried out in support of Flemish industry.

2.1.1. EWI ‘Actual Science Policy’The policy funds for science and innovation that come directly under

the minister responsible for science and innovation policy amount to

722.029 million EUR in 2010, of which 692.429 million is foreseen

for R&D. A new 0.926 million EUR subsidy will be available to NERF

in 2010. NERF is the new Flemish interdisciplinary research centre set

up at the initiative of VIB, IMEC and K.U.Leuven.



The five budget programmes with a content in the EWI policy area

were discussed in chapters 1.1 to 1.5. Table 7 shows the funding

volumes for the science policy that come directly under the minister

responsible for science and innovation policy in 2010 per programme.

In 2010, the Valorisation and Industrial Policy programme accounts

for more than half of the EWI funds for science policy. Together with

the Policy Support and Academic Policy programme, this share is

even above 90% (figure 8).

Figure 8: Percentage distribution of resources for the 2010 ‘actual science policy’ in the EWI policy area




2% 2%0.2%

n EF. Valorisation and Industrial Policy

n EE. Policy Support and Academic Policy

n ED. Economic Support Policy

n EC. General

n EG. Awareness-raising and Society

n EA. Device funds

Table 7: Distribution of resources for the 2010 ‘actual science policy’ in the EWI policy area

udget Programmes Ib ew Ps &r d stet sts

EF. Valorisation and Industrial Policy 362.842 351.983 0.000 10.859

EE. Policy Support en Academic Policy 299.836 296.044 0.000 3.792

ED. Economic Support Policy 30.000 30.000 0.000 0.000

EC. General 17.120 12.104 0.000 5.016

EG. Awareness-raising and Society 11.010 2.298 0.000 8.712

EA. Device Funds 1.221 0.000 0.000 1.221

otalt 722.029 692.429 0.000 29.600

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33PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

Figure 9. Evolution of EWI (Economy Science and Innovation) ‘actual science policy’ funds, without one-off special funds (million EUR)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i


Figure 10. Evolution of EWI (Economy Science and Innovation) ‘actual science policy’ funds, including one-off special funds (million EUR)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i

n SP EWI n one-off ‘special’ funds


Figures 9 and 10 show the evolution of the financing of the science

and innovation policy of the former Organisation Division OA 71

(2000-2007) and of EWI for 2008-2010. Figure 9 shows the evolution

of the budgets for the ‘actual science policy’, not including one-time

budgets. These increased by 23.2 million EUR in 2009. However, cuts

have caused them to decrease by 30.7 million EUR in 2010.

Figure 10 shows the evolution of the overall science-policy budget,

including one-time, special budget lines and resources for the

implementation of specific policy priorities for the year. For instance,

in 2008, 30 million EUR was allocated to R&D initiatives from the

Hermes Fund, and a special grant of 45.1 million EUR was paid from

the Financing Fund for one-off Investment Expenditures (FFEU) for

the reinforcement of the Flemish knowledge infrastructure: the new

VLIZ research vessel (7 million EUR), the VITO research infrastructure

(8 million EUR), Supercomputer (7.1 million EUR), Flemish Biobank

(8 million EUR) and training infrastructure for the industrial-sciences

campus at Antwerp Institute of Higher Education (15 million EUR).

25.5 million EUR of non-recurrent resources were also released in

2008 further to the so-called “abolition of encours”: 11.1 million

EUR for IWT and 14.4 million EUR to ERDF (Hermes Fund) for the

cofinancing of two wide-ranging projects relating to renewable energy

within the scope of Interreg. In 2009, 30 million EUR was supplied

by the Hermes Fund for R&D, as well as an injection of capital into

IMEC via reinvestment of the participation in Finindus. At this point,

the non-recurrent resources or special budget lines for 2010 are: 30

million EUR for R&D from the Hermes Fund, and 2.343 million EUR

from a provisional budget which should normally be transferred to

the relevant FWO budget line during 2010, once the funds from the

National Lottery have been definitively allocated.

2.1.2. ‘Actual science policy’ in the Education and Training policy areaThe operational subsidies for higher education budget line (FD0

FG201 4000, previously FG4002D) includes the operating resources

for the universities and the funds for academic courses at institutes of

higher education (see below: table 14).

In 2010, as in 2009, the basic subsidy for the Special Research Fund

(BOF) for the universities is 104.590 million EUR.

As part of the new financing of higher education, the universities will

receive an additional payment during budget years 2008-2014 to

reinforce research in the human sciences. These include: the histori-

cal sciences, literature (including the information and documenta-

tion sciences, library science and archival science), and philosophy

(including the moral sciences). These funds are distributed among the

universities according to the number of researchers at each university

who are engaged in this type of work, and paid from sources other

than the operational subsidy, expressed in full-time equivalent. The

amount of this subsidy for 2010 is 1.039 million EUR.

The Flemish government contributes to supporting the strengthen-

ing of involvement in research in academic courses at institutes of

higher education. This includes increasing capacity for research and

innovation, enhancing the interdisciplinarity of research performed,

supporting the valorisation of research results and cooperation with

the business world. As part of the public-finance trimming campaign,

it was decided that the amount of this subsidy for the budget year

2010 would be 8.229 million EUR (Similar financing is also available

from the EWI policy area: 7.5 million EUR).

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34 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

2.1.3. Evolution of the ‘actual science policy’Table 9 shows the initial funds for the ‘actual science policy’ (EWI

policy area, the Higher Education programme for the Education and

Training policy area and some special funds) with the initial 2009

budgets (as described in the EWI Budget Browser 2009) and with

the definitive funds for that year. In 2010, a further 30 million EUR

from the Hermes Fund (EC0 ED200 9999 – previously BA ED9911B

– authorisation allocation Fund for Subsidiary Economic Policy) has

been allocated to R&D initiatives. In 2009 there was a one-off capital

injection in IMEC, via a reinvestment of the participation in Finindus

for the construction of the new clean room.

The funds for the science policy (the sum of the scientific activities in

R&D, STET and STS – for definitions see page 30) are shown in the

upper part of the table, the budgets specific to R&D in the lower half.

The 2010 budgets for the ‘actual science policy’ amount to 1.601

billion, of which 1.002 billion for R&D resources. This represents an

80 million EUR cutback compared with the initial budget for 2009

(EWI Budget Browser 2009), and is 62 million EUR less than the final

budget for 2009. The share intended for R&D has decreased by 76

million EUR compared with the initial budgets for 2009 and by 61

million EUR compared with the final budgets for 2009.

Figures 11 and 12 show the evolution of the ‘actual science policy’ in

the EWI and OV policy areas, without and with the one-off special


Table 8. Basic Allocations to ‘actual science policy’ in the Education and Training policy area (OV), 2010 (million EUR)

ent Pr esrbudget



to 2009description sP fund

FD0 FG201 4000 1,304.374 +1.840 Operational subsidies Higher Education 668.637

FD0 FG223 4430 104.590 0.000 Subsidy for the Special Research Fund for the universities 104.590

FD0 FG224 6152 26.921 0.000 Capital transfers for real estate investments for university education 26.921

FD0 FG222 4410 24.016 0.000 Legal and conventional employers' contribution for free universities 24.016

FD0 FG229 4430 10.151 0.000Subsidy granted to the "Prins Leopold" Institute for Tropical Medicine (ITG), in Antwerp


FD0 FG218 4150 8.304 0.000 Subsidies for social provisions in university education 8.304

FD0 FG215 4430 8.229 -0.025Strengthening of the research commitment in academic education at the institutes of higher education


FD0 FG245 4430 7.359 0.000 Subsidies for social provisions in university education 7.359

FD0 FG203 4430 6.213 -0.018Additional operational subsidies within the framework of an incentive fund for policy spearheads


FB0 FG003 3300 2.878 -0.035Subsidies for financing expertise networks and regional platforms in relation to the decree on teacher training in Flanders


FD0 FG205 4170 2.287 0.000 Operating payments for the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organ 2.287

FD0 FG219 4150 2.075 0.000Subsidy to the Universiteit Antwerpen for the Institute for Development Policy and Management (IOB)


FD0 FG230 4430 1.862 0.000 Subsidy for the Vlerick Leuven Ghent Management School 1.862

FD0 FG221 4430 1.859 0.000Subsidy to the Vrije Universiteit Brussel for the Institute for European Studies (IES)


FB0 FG009 4430 1.039 0.000Additional operational subsidies to strengthen the research of human sciences at the universities


FB0 FG004 3300 0.841 0.000 Subsidies for specific projects related to the teacher training 0.000

FD0 FG231 6410 0.636 0.000 Capital transfers for real estate investments ITG 0.636

FD0 FG206 4430 0.632 0.000 Subsidies for open higher education 0.632

FD0 FG217 4430 0.520 +0.005 Subsidy for associations 0.520

FD0 FG225 4430 0.510 -0.070 Subsidy to Universiteit Antwerpen Management School (UAMS) 0.510

FD0 FG227 4430 0.419 0.000 Subsidy to the Evangelical Theological Faculty Leuven 0.419

FD0 FG228 4430 0.215 +1.840 Subsidy for the Faculty of Protestant Theology in Brussels 0.215

FD0 FG220 4150 0.167 0.000Subsidy to the Universiteit Antwerpen for the Institute for Jewish Studies (IJS)


total 876.641

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Table 9. Comparison of initial funds in 2010 with initial and final funds in 2009 for the ‘actual science policy’, in particular, the SP funds in the EWI and Education and Training (OV) policy areas, supplemented with one-off special funds (million EUR)

‘actual sP’2010







2009 initial


2009 final

Policy Area EWI (SP Hermes fund included) 722.029 766.157 752.743 -44.128 -30.714

Provisional budget National Lottery 2.343 0.000 0.000 2.343 2.343

IMEC: reinvestment of the participation in Finindus 0.000 35.000 35.000 -35.000 -35.000

Policy Area OV 876.641 880.287 874.944 -3.646 1.697

total ‘aCtual sP' 1,601.013 1,681.444 1,662.687 -80.431 -61.674

‘actual r&d’2010







2009 initial


2009 final

Policy Area EWI (SP Hermes fund included) 692.429 734.961 721.198 -42.532 -28.768

Provisional budget National Lottery 2.343 0.000 0.000 2.343 2.343

IMEC: reinvestment of the participation in Finindus 0.000 35.000 35.000 -35.000 -35.000

Policy Area OV 307.259 308.180 306.842 -0.921 0.416

total ‘aCtual r&d’ 1,002.031 1,078.141 1,063.040 -76.110 -61.009

Figure 11. Evolution of the ‘actual science policy’ funds, without one-off special funds (million EUR)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i0










n R&D n STET n STS

Figure 12. Evolution of the ‘actual science policy’ funds, including one-off special funds (million EUR)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i0










n ‘actual SP’ n one-off ‘special’ funds

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36 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

chapter 2.2.

Science policy in the other policy areasThe science policy within the other policy areas comprises those

science policy initiatives that do not come under the ‘actual science

policy’ (see chapter 2.1). In other words, it is the science policy for

which the authority lies with the policy areas themselves, and that

authority is geared towards supporting and giving shape to the

‘actual science policy’.

This policy is situated within all the policy areas, which will be

discussed point by point below. It represents 109.624 million EUR:

6.4% of the total science and innovation policy. Of this, 63.897 mil-

lion EUR is R&D funding, or 6.0% of the total volume of R&D funds

from the HBPWB (Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy).

Of course, it is not the intention to explain each and every fund

from this section. For that, we would refer you to the website

www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/budgetbrowser, where you can consult all

the detailed information per fund in the form of index cards.

Services for the General Government Policy (DAR)

The DAR research budget for 2010 is 3.5 million EUR.

The resources for the Foundation Innovation & Labour are included

in the budget as a component of the grant to SERV. One recurrent

research project is the Technology-Organisation-Work (TOA) survey,

which is taken from a representative sample of enterprises and

organisations in Flanders, with a view to assessing knowledge and the

application of (new) forms of work and business organisation, new

management concepts, and specific technical innovations. There is

also the Vlaamse werkbaarheidsmonitor (Flemish Working Environ-

ment Monitor), a tool intended to measure and monitor the quality

of working conditions in Flanders. Foundation Innovation & Labour is

also implementing or preparing eight one-time projects.

In the DAR policy area, research is also financed by supporting the

Sustainable Development, Equal Opportunities and Administrative

Organisation policy research centres. Resources are also available

to the Research Centre of the Flemish government (Studiedienst

Vlaamse regering).

Administrative Affairs (BZ)

1.5 million EUR will be available for research in the Administrative Af-

fairs policy area, in the form of subsidies to the Administrative Organisa-

tion and Equal Opportunities policy research centres, as well as research

projects on town planning and public administration.

Finance and Budget (FB)

FB subsidies include the subsidies to the Taxation and Budget policy

research centre and to Universiteit Antwerpen Management School

(UAMS). Due to the current low interest rates and capital repayments,

the budget for the intervention in interest charges by the Flemish Com-

munity for loans taken out by the universities and UZ Gent to finance

real-estate investments was cut to 0.492 million EUR. The FB budget is

1.1 million EUR. The 2.343 million EUR currently entered in the provi-

sional budget for expenditure to be financed by the net income from

the National Lottery and which will normally be transferred to FWO is

considered to be allocated to ‘actual science policy’ (see chapter 2.1).

Foreign Affairs (IV)

Part of the funds for science policy are earmarked for the Tourism

programme, both from the subsidy to the Antwerp Royal Zoological

Society (KMDA) and that to Flanders Tourism. Cofinancing has also

been granted to the Foreign Policy, Tourism and Recreation policy

research centre. The total amount for 2010 is 2.2 million EUR.

Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI)

The subsidy for the cofinancing of the Entrepreneurship and Interna-

tional Entrepreneurship policy research centre – 0.263 million EUR – is

the only budget line in the EWI policy area which is not included in

the ‘actual science policy’, as the purpose of this financing of policy-

relevant research is to improve the definition of the economic policy.

Education and Training (OV)

The resources from the Higher Education programme belong to the

‘actual science policy’ (see table 8). Within the OV policy domain,

another 4.7 million EUR has been made available, among others for

policy-preparation, -support and -assessment initiatives. A subsidy has

also been granted to Education Policy and Practical Scientific Research

(OBPWO). This is distributed to university research centres and is an

essential source of funds for the development of knowledge in the

policy area and the planning, monitoring and evaluation of policy

projects. Finally, a subsidy has been allocated to the Education and

School Careers policy research centre.

Welfare, Public Health, and Family (WVG)

The Welfare, Public Health and Family and Environment and Health

policy research centres are partly financed by the WVG policy area.

This includes a grant to the Louis Pasteur Scientific Institute for Public

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Health and subsidies to the approved centres for human heredity and

the Royal Academy of Medicine (KAGB), as well as for epidemiologi-

cal research and indicator collection. Child and Family (Kind en Gezin)

and the Flemish Agency for Disabled Persons (VAPH) also provide for

a scientific research section within their own budgets. In 2010, the

overall science policy budget of the WVG policy area is 6.6 million


Culture, Youth, Sport and Media (CJSM)

A total of 12.5 million EUR will be paid from CJSM in support of sci-

ence policy. The largest budget is intended for the Antwerp Museum

of Fine Arts (KMSKA) Flemish Scientific Institute: 5.8 million EUR

(grant, wages and supplements). CJSM will also be cofinancing the

Culture, Youth and Sport policy research centre. Resources will also be

available from the Media programme, for media innovation and (in

part) the grant to VRT (Flemish Community Broadcasting Company).

Work and Social Economy (WSE)

In 2010, the WSE policy area has earmarked 0.398 million EUR for

studies and research. The Flemish Interuniversity Research Network

(VIONA) has been supporting strategic labour market research in

Flanders since 1994. This research network is an initiative by the Flem-

ish government and the Flemish social partners. VIONA focuses on

concrete issues relating to the current employment-opportunity policy.

Agriculture and Fisheries (LV)

In 2010, the LV policy area will be supplying 25 million EUR to sup-

port science policy.

The Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) has been

allocated a budget of 18.1 million EUR (grant, wages and supple-

ments). ILVO’s mission is to perform and coordinate policy-forming

scientific research and related services, with a view to achieving

agriculture and fisheries which are sustainable from the economic,

environmental, social and societal viewpoint. The research subjects

are highly diversified, increase knowledge, and inform policy. The

research is carried out on behalf of a number of stakeholders, includ-

ing public authorities, producers and the chain/sector. Its subjects

help strengthen the sector and region economically, environmentally

and socially, and are future-oriented. ILVO also supplies advice and

technological services on request.

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Countryside Policy also includes various

budget lines which finance science policy, such as subsidies to agri-

cultural and horticultural practice centres, Chambers of Agriculture,

agricultural trade fairs, horticultural associations, warning services,

and other agricultural and horticultural subsidies. LV also subsidises

VLAM, Flanders’ Agricultural Marketing Board.

Environment, Nature and Energy (LNE)

Within the LNE policy area, a total of 39.2 million EUR has been

allocated to science budgets. LNE finances research and other sci-

entific activities from the general budget (General, Nature, Forestry

and Greenery and Energy programmes), the MINA fund (Fund for

Prevention and Redevelopment concerning Environment and Nature)

and the Flemish Infrastructure Fund (VIF).

To ensure consistency between the many research projects, budgets

and project owners, the TWOL programme (Applied Environmen-

tal Scientific Research) has been set up. The purpose of TWOL is

to ensure consistency between the research projects of the various

divisions of Environment, Nature and Energy (LNE), Flemish public

institutes VLM, VMM and OVAM, and Flemish scientific institute

INBO (Research Institute for Nature and Forest). The planned budget

for INBO in 2010 is 13.8 million EUR.

Further information concerning the 2010 budget lines for INBO,

VMM, VLM, OVAM, Aquafin, the TWOL research programme and

VIF is available at www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/budgetbrowser.

Mobility and Public Works (MOW)

Mobility studies, mobility agreements, research into harbour issues

and expenditure on the Waterways Laboratory and hydrological re-

search are covered by the MOW (Mobility and Public Works) policy

area. A total of 3.8 million EUR has been earmarked for science

policy in 2010.

Town and Country Planning, Housing Policy and Immovable Herit-

age (RWO)

The total science budget in this area is 7.5 million EUR for 2010.

The grant to VIOE (Flemish Heritage Institute) is the largest scientific

budget line from the RWO policy area: 5.8 million EUR in 2010.

VIOE is the scientific institute set up by the Flemish government to

research and inventory our heritage. Its research forms the basis for

the Flemish authorities’ heritage policy. Some instances are: archaeo-

logical sites, historic buildings, landscapes on which human beings

have left their mark, shipwrecks, etc. VIOE’s scientists publish the

results of their research in scientific journals and books. The public is

informed by means of readings, brochures, exhibitions, educational

projects and other initiatives.

RWO also finances the Spatial Planning and Housing policy research


Higher Entities

This concerns the part of the grant to the Flemish Parliament for sci-

ence policy, which is managed by the Institute Society and Technology

(IST), a total of 1.118 million EUR. The Institute Society and Technol-

ogy (IST) is an independent and autonomous body with links to the

Flemish Parliament, which researches the social aspects of scientific and

technological developments. This involves study and analysis, the struc-

turing and encouraging of social debate, the observation of scientific

and technological developments at home and abroad, the performance

of prospective research concerning such developments, the supply of

information to target groups and the supply of advice to the Flemish

Parliament on the basis of these activities. The Institute’s purpose is to

help increase the quality of social debate and ensure a better-informed

decision-making process.

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38 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

chapter 2.3.

Analysis of the Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy2.3.1. Period of timeTable 10 and figure 13 illustrate the evolution of the government

funds for science and innovation policy.

Initially, in 2009, a structural increase of 29 million EUR was made to

augment the resources for the science policy in the EWI policy area

(see EWI Budget Browser 2009). A one-time capital injection was

also made in IMEC by reinvesting of the participation in Finindus (35

million EUR).

A first round of cuts was made during the third budget adjustment of

2009. During 2009, the science policy funds declined by 1.5% (down

27 million EUR). The R&D resources also decreased by 1.5% (down

17 million EUR).

Further economies were required for the 2010 budget. As a result,

compared with the final budgets for 2009, WB resources fell by 66

million EUR (3.7%), mainly due to the cutting of R&D budgets: down

64 million EUR (5.7%) compared with 2009.

Table 10. Evolution of the Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy (HBPWB) (million EUR)

1993 ... 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i

R&D 326.78 ... 625.07 711.26 770.69 820.67 898.64 967.95 952.67 1,121.43 1,130.07 1,065.93

STET 365.13 ... 463.81 482.41 497.54 504.05 517.91 532.92 531.17 580.39 566.59 567.27

STS 31.88 ... 76.79 75.13 66.97 68.16 72.28 75.10 77.52 80.17 80.26 77.44

sP 723.79 ... 1,165.67 1,268.80 1,335.20 1,392.87 1,488.83 1,575.97 1,561.36 1,781.99 1,776.92 1,710.64

Figure 13. Evolution of the Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy (HBPWB) (million EUR)

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i0











n R&D n STET n STS

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2.3.2. According to policy areaIn 2010, the global fund for the HBPWB (Horizontal Budget Pro-

gramme for Science Policy) amounts to 1.711 billion EUR, of which

1.066 billion is for research funds. Compared to the final funds for

2009, this is a decrease in the science budget of 66.3 million EUR

(-3.7%) and in the R&D budget of 64.15 million EUR (-5.7%).

These budgets are spread over all the policy areas alluded to above.

The ‘actual science policy’ (see 2.1.3) provides 93.6% of the total

HBPWB budget. The R&D share of the ‘actual science policy’ is 94.0%

of the total R&D budget.

Table 11 shows the total SP fund per policy area, split up into three

scientific activities (definitions on page 30): research and development

(R&D), education and training (STET) and scientific and technologi-

cal services (STS). The distribution from table11 follows strictly the

structure of the budget expenditure.

Figures 14a and 14b show the ratios in percentage of science policy

and of R&D funds respectively, for the various policy areas.

Figure 14a. Distribution of the science and innovation policy funds in 2010 over the policy areas of the Flemish government














Figure 14b. Distribution of the R&D funds in 2010 over the policy areas of the Flemish government















DAR Services for the General Government Policy

BZ Administrative Affairs

FB Finance and Budget

IV Foreign Affairs

EWI Economy, Science and Innovation

OV Education and Training

WVG Welfare, Public Health and Family

CJSM Culture, Youth, Sport and Media

WSE Work and Social Economy

LV Agriculture and Fisheries

LNE Environment, Nature and Energy

MOW Mobility and Public Works

RWO Town and Country Planning, Housing Policy and

Immovable Heritage

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40 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

Table 11. Distribution of the Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy (HBPWB) over the policy areas (million EUR)

sP r&d stet sts

OV 881.304 311.862 566.516 2.926

EWI 722.292 692.692 0.000 29.600

LNE 39.233 18.980 0.020 20.234

LV 25.154 15.799 0.000 9.355

CJSM 12.520 3.926 0.000 8.594

RWO 7.524 4.647 0.000 2.877

WVG 6.564 4.693 0.003 1.867

MOW 3.807 3.468 0.000 0.339

DAR 3.525 3.525 0.000 0.000

FB 3.467 2.737 0.731 0.000

IV 2.215 0.988 0.000 1.227

BZ 1.515 1.515 0.000 0.000

WSE 0.398 0.398 0.000 0.000

Higher Entities 1.118 0.698 0.000 0.420

total 1,710.637 1,065.927 567.270 77.439

2.3.3. According to the minister in chargeThe Flemish government includes nine ministers in charge of the

policy sections in the thirteen policy areas defined some years ago by

the Flemish authorities’ so-called BBB reform (Beter Bestuurlijk Beleid,

i.e. Better Administrative Policy). Only two ministers are fully respon-

sible for a single policy area: the Minister for Welfare, Public Health

and the Family (WVG policy area) and the Minister for Mobility and

Public Works (MOW policy area). All nine ministers in the Flem-

ish government contribute funds to budgets for the policy sections

for which they are responsible. The same also applies to resources

specific to R&D.

As shown in Figures 15a and 15b, the distribution is made according to

the “minister in charge” code for the related budget lines in the budget

table. In the case of three EWI budget lines, responsibility is shared

between the Minister for Innovation, Public Investment, Media and

Poverty Reduction and the Minister for the Economy, Foreign Policy,

Agriculture and Rural Policy. These budgets are shared out 50/50,

with the exception of EB0 EC101 1211 (funding relating to the design,

preparation and implementation of actions relating to the economy,

science and innovation), which is divided 75/25 prior to the splitting of

the budget in the course of the year. The BAs in the other policy areas

which are the responsibility of several ministers are not subdivided any

further (see “several ministers” in figures 15a and 15b).

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Figure 15 a. Distribution of resources for the 2010 science and innovation policy according to the minister in charge










Figure 15 b. Distribution of R&D budget for 2010 according to the minister in charge







0.3% 0.05%



As in the case of distribution by policy area, the difference between

both figures can be explained by the fact that the operational sub-

sidies to the universities are divided into 25% for R&D and 75% for

STET. The Minister for Innovation is responsible for 62% of the R&D

resources and the Minister for Education for 29.3%. The remaining

8.5% fall under the jurisdiction of the seven other ministers in the

Flemish government.

n Flemish Minister for Innovation, Public Investment, Media and

Poverty Reduction

n Flemish Minister for Education, Youth, Equal Opportunities and

Brussels Affairs

n Minister-President of the Flemish government and Flemish

Minister for Economy, Foreign Policy, Agriculture and Rural Policy

n Flemish Minister for Environment, Nature and Culture

n Flemish Minister for Administrative Affairs, Local and Provincial

Government, Civic Integration, Tourism and the Vlaamse Rand

n Flemish Minister for Welfare, Public Health and Family

n Flemish Minister for Finance, Budget, Work, Town and Country

Planning and Sport

n Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works

n Flemish Minister for Energy, Housing, Cities and Social Economy

n Several ministers

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2.3.4. According to the NABS classificationFigure 16 divides the entire budget for the 2010 science policy in

accordance with the new NABS classification. NABS stands for No-

menclature for the analysis and comparison of scientific programmes

and is an EU classification system which subdivides the government

funds for R&D in terms of socio-economic objectives. The important

advantage of this classification of the R&D funds is that it allows for

international comparisons – also see chapter 3.2. However, the NABS

classification, when applied to the Flemish government R&D funds

entails an important limitation. With the overall subsidies or grants

for the strategic research centres, scientific institutes, departmental

services and Flemish public institutions, research is carried out in

many cases which falls under several NABS fields (e.g., environment,

energy, industrial production and technology, …). As this division

cannot always be clearly established, one NABS code is assigned to

one fund. In other words, the lack of funds for research into energy

(NABS 5) certainly does not mean that the Flemish government does

into fund any research in that field. The NABS classification per basic

allocation can be found on www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/budgetbrowser.

Figure 16. Distribution of the 2010 R&D budget according to the NABS classification

0.25% 1.77%








n 1. Exploration and exploitation of the earth

n 2. Environment

n 3. Exploration and exploitation of space

n 4. Transport, telecommunication and other infrastructures

n 5. Energy

n 6. Industrial production and technology

n 7. Health

n 8. Agriculture

n 9. Education

n 10. Culture, recreation, religion and mass media

n 11. Political and social systems, structures and processes

n 12. General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from general university funds (GUF)

n 13. General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from other sources

The NABS classes can be aggregated into larger categories: economic

development, health and environment (social structures, protection

of the environment and exploitation of the terrestrial environment),

education and society, space programmes, non-oriented research and

general university funds.

Budgets for research which supports economic development are in-

creasing in proportion to the total R&D budget: whereas in 1997 this

type of research accounted for 35% of the total budget, the figure

for 2010 is 46%. The relative share of research financed by general

university funds has decreased from 28% in 1997 to 20% in 2010.

The share of R&D (25%) in the operational subsidies to universities

is included. The share of health and environmental research has also

decreased, while that of non-oriented research has remained more or

less constant over time. Figure 26 on page 56 compares Flanders with

other countries.

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Figure 17. Distribution of the 2010 R&D budget according to aggregated NABS categories





n Economic development n Health and environment n Education and society n Non-oriented research n General university funds

2.3.5. Oriented vs. non-oriented researchIn 2010, the R&D budget is 1,065.9 million EUR, of which 503.4

million EUR for non-oriented research2 and 562.5 million EUR for

oriented research. The ratio of non-oriented to oriented research is

therefore 47/53.

The 2010 budget for non-oriented research comprises the resources

for FWO (148.7 million EUR), BOF (137.2 million EUR), Hercules

(50%: 7.4 million EUR), the R&D share (25%) of the operational

subsidies to universities and institutes of higher education and of the

supplementary operational funds (189.0 million EUR), the R&D share

of the other payments to universities (16.8 million EUR), and finally

the resources for international scientific cooperation (4.3 million EUR).

Oriented research comprises the resources managed by IWT, except

the operational subsidies (264.9 million EUR), the subsidies to strategic

research centres IMEC, VITO, VIB and IBBT (149.5 million EUR incl.

NERF), Hercules resources (50%: 7.4 million EUR) and other resources

from oriented industrial research (60.8 million EUR), subsidies (for

instance) to ITG and other similar institutes (7.1 million EUR), the sub-

sidies to the scientific institutes, departmental divisions and VOIs (38.3

million EUR), the R&D share of the horizontal initiatives in the various

policy areas (23.5 million EUR), and finally miscellaneous payments in

connection with the overall science policy (11.0 million EUR).

Figure 18 shows the evolution of this ratio since 1995. In 1995, the

ratio of non-oriented to oriented research was 60/40. As of 2002,

the proportion of oriented research has slightly exceeded that of non-

oriented research. In 2009 and 2010, the difference between both

categories has decreased slightly.

Figure 18. Evolution of the ratio of non-oriented to oriented research, 1995-2010










1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i

Source: 1995-2008: VRWI with EWI input; 2009 update (final budgets) and 2010 (initial budgets): EWI

2 Compared to the NABS classification (see 2.3.4), non-oriented research considered here comprises also GUF (general university funds).

n % non-oriented research ● % oriented research

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44 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

2.3.6. According to the six major categoriesFigure 19 shows the apportionment of the whole budget for the sci-

ence policy (HBPWB) for 2010 over six major categories. The funds

for ‘operation universities and similar institutes’ account for 45.6%

of the total science budget. These six classifications are separately

discussed in detail below.

Table 12. Distribution of the total Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy (HBPWB) (million EUR)












F an

d h







on o

















t. in


























bal s






1993 70.736 486.821 127.003 15.113 18.927 6.780 725.380

1994 73.887 547.837 141.343 19.246 27.092 11.140 820.545

1995 78.551 544.767 132.552 19.217 25.419 7.350 807.855

1996 94.994 551.373 158.485 40.183 28.333 17.921 891.288

1997 112.179 547.649 191.189 39.890 29.850 22.099 942.855

1998 125.258 553.162 220.048 40.380 41.704 32.704 1,013.256

1999 139.936 584.855 235.237 45.813 39.338 61.800 1,106.979

2000 156.420 600.460 231.685 54.372 43.771 40.348 1,127.056

2001 164.279 612.778 243.410 52.917 68.867 23.417 1,165.667

2002 172.699 641.860 311.011 48.983 67.338 26.911 1,268.801

2003 177.768 664.778 347.891 71.795 50.500 22.465 1,335.196

2004 200.235 676.164 396.659 65.300 31.201 23.314 1,392.873

2005 213.090 694.729 453.760 69.029 33.857 24.365 1,488.829

2006 234.783 718.485 487.204 72.741 36.434 26.325 1,575.972

2007 253.336 716.167 450.310 74.491 37.070 29.982 1,561.357

2008 280.518 770.610 572.556 86.489 41.774 30.040 1,781.988

2009 296.844 778.974 555.443 80.175 34.212 31.276 1,776.925

2010i 293.282 780.095 496.307 77.368 32.449 31.137 1,710.637

Figure 19. Distribution of the funds for the 2010 science policy (HBPWB)





n Govt. institutes, departments, services and VOIs

n Horizontal initiatives, policy-supporting research

n Global science policy

n Non-oriented research via FWO, BOF and Hercules (50%)

n Operation of universities and similar institutes

n Industrial research

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45PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

1. Non-oriented research via FWO, BOF and Hercules (50%)

(million EUR)

Table 13 shows the resources for non-oriented, groundbreak-

ing research distributed via FWO, BOF and Hercules (50%). The

resources of the Special Research Fund (BOF) are paid directly to the

universities and apportioned by the research council according to the

university’s research policy. The budgets for FWO’s mandates and

projects are allocated indirectly by these intermediaries.

Table 13. Non-oriented research distributed via FWO, BOF and Hercules (50%) (million EUR)


Fwo 148.665

Basic subsidy 120.063

National Lottery 9.370

Provisional budget (National Lottery) 2.343

Odysseus programme 12.600

International research facilities 2.201

International scientific cooperation 2.088

boF 137.199

Basic subsidy (OV policy area) 104.590

Strengthening basic subsidy (EWI policy area) 2.540

Methusalem programme 20.076

Tenure Track System 5.645

ZAP (Independant Academic Personnel) mandates 4.348

hercules - funding of (medium-)heavy research infrastructure and management remuneration (50%) 7.4175

total 293.282

The Special Research Fund (BOF) and the Research Foundation

(FWO) are the two funding channels for the non-targeted research at

Flemish universities aimed at increasing knowledge. While the FWO

assigns the budgets on the basis of scientific interuniversity competi-

tion, for the BOF it is assigned on the basis of intrauniversity competi-

tion. The FWO is the funding channel for encouraging and sup-

porting groundbreaking and fundamental scientific research on the

initiative of the researcher (bottom up) in all the scientific fields at the

Flemish universities. The BOF funds are divided amongst the universi-

ties on the basis of a distribution key which includes performance-

oriented parameters, amongst other things: the BOF key. The FWO

and the BOF complement and strengthen each other.

Half of the grant for the 2010 Hercules Foundation for funding heavy

and medium-heavy research infrastructure, amounting to 14.250

million EUR, and the management remuneration of 0.585 million

EUR, are included in the non-oriented research, while the other half is

accommodated in the strategic basic research.

One change compared with previous years is that the IWT specialisa-

tion grants for oriented research have been classified (Table 15). This

change was applied retroactively in the time series.

Figure 20 shows the distribution of funds for non-oriented research in

2010 distributed via FWO, BOF and Hercules (50%). 50.7% goes via

the FWO, 46.8% via the BOF and 2.5% via the Hercules Foundation

(50% of the grant).

Figure 20: Distribution of the non-oriented research funds via FWO, BOF and Hercules (50%) 2010


46.8% FWO50.7%

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46 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

2. Operation of universities and equivalent institutes

Table 14. Operation of universities and equivalent institutes (million EUR)

operational subsidies to universities 2010i

Operational subsidies to universities 653.620

KUBrussel 1.449

K.U.Leuven 242.987

UHasselt 25.564

tUL 0.006

UGent 212.151

UA 89.840

VUB 81.623

Strengthening of the involvement of research in academic courses at institutes of higher education 15.729

Funds for the academic content of graduate courses + funds for library digitalisation 15.016

Additional operational subsidies within the framework of an incentive fund for policy spearheads 6.213

Additional operational subsidies to strengthen the research of human sciences at the universities 1.039

Subsidy to the associations 0.520

total 692.138

other subsidies to universities

Real estate investments of universities 26.921

Employer contributions for free universities 24.016

Subsidy for the social facilities of students 15.663

Financial burdens of universities 0.492

total 67.092

other similar institutes

Institute of Tropical Medecine “Prins Leopold” (ITG) 10.787

Post-initial education 2.489

Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB) 2.075

Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School 1.862

Institute for European Studies (IES) 1.859

University of Antwerp Management School (UAMS) 0.992

Evangelical Theological Faculty (ETF) 0.419

Faculty of the protestant Theology (Brussels) 0.215

Institute of Jewish studies (IJS) 0.167

total 20.865

grand total 780.095

Out of the total science-policy funds, the subsidies to universities

account for the lion’s share. The initial budgets for 2010 amount to

653.620 million EUR. 75% of this sum is intended for STET, and the

remaining 25% for R&D.

To strengthen the involvement of research in academic courses at

institutes of higher education, subsidies have been allocated to the

Education and Training (OV) and EWI policy areas since 2008. In

2010 these subsidies amount to 8.229 million from OV and 7.500

million EUR from EWI.

UAMS (Universiteit Antwerpen Management School) has been granted

a subsidy from the Education and Training policy area of 0.510 million

EUR, as well as a Finance and Budget subsidy of 0.482 million EUR.

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47PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

Figure 21. Distribution of the operational subsidies to the universities in 2010 (on the basis of initial budget funds)








Figure 22. Evolution of the operational subsidies to the universities and supplementary funds (million EUR)









1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i

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48 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

3. Financing of research and development of new technologies for the industry

Table 15. Funds for oriented industrial research (million EUR)


IWT 275.786

Initiative of industry and innovation cooperative ventures 126.423

Initiative of the Flemish Government 35.078

Innovative media projects 10.319

Flemish Innovation Network (VIN) 0.673

Strategic basic research (SBO) 36.674

Specialisation grants and Baekeland programme 32.092

Agricultural research 9.122

TETRA fund 8.454

Applied Biomedical research (TBO) 5.700

Flemish participation in the European programmes (Flemish point of contact – VCP) 0.392

Operation 10.859

Strategic Research Centres 149.516

IMEC (incl. NERF) 43.542

VITO 45.609

VIB 37.598

IBBT 22.767

Innovation (Hermes fund) 30.000

Industrial Research fund (IOF) 17.022

Project-based scientific research (PWO) 9.025

Funding (medium-) heavy research infrastructure (Hercules - 50%) 7.4175

Interface services 2.819

Foundation Innovation & Labour 2.423

Flanders DC 2.298

total 496.307

Table 15 gives an overview of the budgets for oriented industrial

research. In 2010, these amount to 499.307 million EUR, over half of

which is managed by IWT, the Agency for Innovation by Science and

Technology (55.6%). These resources are discussed in part 1.

Many of these resources (30%) are intended for research under-

taken by the strategic research centres (SOCs) IMEC, VITO, VIB and

IBBT, and altogether account for 149.516 million EUR. The amount

intended for the NERF activities (0.926 million EUR) is included in the

IMEC budget. NERF (Neuro-Electronic Research Flanders) is a new

Flemish interdisciplinary research centre created at the initiative of

VIB, IMEC and K.U.Leuven, with government support. Its purpose is

to understand the working of a neuronal circuit in the human brain.

Fifty percent of the 2010 grant to the Hercules Foundation for the

financing of medium-heavy and heavy infrastructure (14.250 million

EUR) and the management subsidy of 0.585 million EUR is allocated

to industrial research, and the other 50% to non-oriented research

(see table 13).

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49PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

Figure 23. Distribution of the funds for oriented industrial research in 2010


30.1% 6.0% 3.4%









n Innovation (Hermes)



n Hercules (50%)

n Interface services

n Flanders DC

n Innovation & Labour Foundation

4. Scientific institutes, departmental divisions and Flemish Public

Institutions (VOIs)

In this case, the budgets are distributed to Flemish scientific insti-

tutes, specific departmental divisions or Flemish Public Institutions

(VOIs) which are also responsible for research and the supply of

scientific services. The total budgets amount to 77.368 million EUR.

Table 16 lists these scientific institutes, departmental divisions and

VOIs, together with the corresponding budgets.

The four Flemish scientific institutes ILVO (Institute for Agricultural

and Fisheries Research), INBO (Research Institute for Nature and

Forest), VIOE (Flemish Heritage Institute) and KMSKA (Antwerp

Royal Museum of Fine Arts) have been allocated a total of 43.529

million EUR for their science policy in 2010. They will be financed

from their respective policy areas: ILVO from LV, INBO from LNE,

VIOE from RWO and KMSKA from CJSM.

In the case of VLIZ (Flanders Marine Institute), subsidies have been

granted for operation (1.057 million EUR), investment expenditure

(1.100 million EUR) and the support and operation of the IODE

Project Office (0.568 million EUR) and the ESF Marine Board (0.120

million EUR).

Other institutes such as Kind en Gezin (Child and Family), VRT, and

VAPH have been allocated only a limited share of the overall grant

for the funding of science policy.

Table 16. Scientific institutes, departmental divisions and Flemish Public Institutions (VOIs) (million EUR)


Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) 18.117

Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) 13.854

Public Environmental Agency of Flanders (VMM) 11.054

VRT 5.842

Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE) 5.782

Royal Museum for Fine Arts – Antwerp (KMSKA) 5.776

Aquafin 4.388

Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) 2.845

Hydrological Laboratory 2.700

Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp (KMDA) 2.564

Institute Society and Technology (IST) 1.118

Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM) 1.065

Scientific Institute of Public Health – Louis Pasteur 0.967

Flemish Land Agency (VLM) 0.460

Child and Family 0.378

Tourism Flanders 0.194

Flemish Agency for Disabled Persons (VAPH) 0.135

Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO) 0.071

International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) 0.058

otalt 77.368

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50 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

5. Horizontal initiatives and policy-supporting research and studies

In 2010, 32.449 million EUR has been allocated to horizontal initia-

tives and policy-supporting research. The resources for policy-relevant

research performed by institutes of any kind, such as the Flemish

scientific institutes, are not included in this table, but in table 16.

However, the cofinancing of the policy research centres from the

policy areas for policy-relevant research is included here.

These initiatives are distributed according to Flemish governmental

policy area.

6. Miscellaneous expenditure related to the general science policy

This includes initiatives which support the science policy as a whole.

The advisory bodies are included, as they support the general science

and technology policy. The largest budget line is the one which fi-

nances the subsidies to the policy research centres for policy-relevant

research: 10.271 million EUR (see table 18).

Table 17. Horizontal initiatives and policy-supporting research and studies (million EUR)


DAR 1.187

BZ 0.880

FB 0.150

IV 0.259

EWI 0.263

OV 7.582

WVG 5.111

CJSM 0.639

WSE 0.398

LV 7.037

LNE 6.094

MOW 1.107

RWO 1.742

total 32.449

Table 18. Miscellaneous expenditure related to the general science policy ( million EUR)


Policy research centres 10.271

International scientific cooperation 4.343

Flanders Technology International (FTI) Foundation 3.789

Flemish electronic network – Lisbon Strategy 2.931

Publication of the science policy 2.923

Expertise centres 2.000

Flemish Council for Science and Innovation (VRWI) 1.221

Royal Academy for Sciences, Literature and the Fine Arts 1.137

Inventory and valorisation of science and technology research (VIA) 0.848

Conception, preparation and execution of scientific actions 0.840

Royal Academy for Dutch Language and Literature – Ghent (KANTL) 0.264

Inventory of Scientific and Technological Research (IWETO) 0.247

Royal Academy for Medicine 0.173

Various communications initiatives, with regard to science, technology and innovation 0.150

total 31.137

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51PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

chapter 2.4.

Expenditure analysis of the science and innovation policyThe Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy (HBPWB)

indicates for a particular year how much money is earmarked for

science policy according to plan, and for what activities. Where the

HBPWB is looking ahead, the expenditure analysis will on the other

hand check whether the money budgeted has indeed been spent,

and on what precisely.

An accurate understanding of the expenditure is a basic parameter

for being able to meet future needs. It might appear that a project

did not get off the ground or was postponed, or cost more than

was envisaged, that certain sums of money were used for different

purposes. It should be remembered that an ad-hoc adjustment on the

grounds of a re-orientation of the policy accents during the course

of the year is part of the normal course of affairs. The interaction be-

tween the HBPWB and the expenditure analysis enables a deeper un-

derstanding and better orientation when drawing up the subsequent

budget. Thus, the information obtained via the Horizontal Budget

Programme for Science Policy can be essentially supplemented and

completed – so that the expenditure of all funds on science, technol-

ogy and innovation can be properly evaluated.

Of course, it is impossible to discuss the expenditure analyses for the

previous years in detail. For this reason, the most important global

results follow here. For certain Basic Allocations, for which global

subsidies or grants for institutes are recorded, no detailed analysis has

been made. This is the case with FWO and IWT and for the strategic

research centres and the Flemish Scientific institutes. They each have

their own account management system, which cannot supply further

details via the Financial System.

Finally, we would also mention that for IWT and the Hermes Fund,

only the allocation authorisations have been taken into account and

not the grants, because the HBPWB is always based on the descrip-

tion of the actual policy area. The complete allocation authorisations

have been included; how these funds are paid out is published in the

annual reports.

Table 19 compares the global science policy budget, whereby a distinc-

tion is made between initial and final funds, with the Science Policy

funds allocated. The last column shows the percentage that was ordi-

nanced. This is the section for which the instruction to pay was given.

Table 19. Evolution of the initial, final, allocated and ordinanced Science Policy (SP) funds for HBPWB, 1997-2008

budget yearInitial sP budget

(million eur)

Final sP budget

(million eur)

allocated sP


(million eur)

allocated sP vs.

final sP budget


% ordinanced of

the allocated sP


1997 943.23 942.86 940.45 99.7 94.0

1998 1,013.64 1,006.71 1,003.05 99.6 93.9

1999 1,107.30 1,122.06 1,099.60 99.4 91.7

2000 1,131.16 1,127.06 1,120.94 99.5 92.5

2001 1,155.549 1,165.669 1,147.899 98.5 88.7

2002 1,214.279 1,268.801 1,256.331 99.0 97.6

2003 1,321.910 1,335.197 1,326.806 99.4 95.3

2004 1,418.101 1,392.873 1,367.665 99.2 93.4

2005 1,486.495 1,488.829 1,485.631 99.8 93.4

2006 1,573.737 1,575.972 1,570.561 99.8 90.2

2007 1,555.772 1,561.357 1,552.269 99.4 93.6

2008 1,681.895 1,781.988 1,767.706 99.2 91.9

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52 PART 2 • ScIEncE And InnoVATIon PoLIcY

Figure 24. Evolution of the initial, final, allocated and ordinanced Science Policy (SP) funds for HBPWB, 1997-2008 (million EUR)












1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

n Initial SP fund n Final SP fund n Allocated SP fund n Ordinanced SP fund

There is clearly a very good correlation between the planned and

the finally allocated SP fund. With regard to the ordinanced SP fund

(ordered for payment) we would point out that the expenditure

analysis of the budget year was done during the course of the year

following. But not all payments of allocations made had already been

carried out then: the actual amount is therefore higher and closer to

the allocated fund.

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Part 3

r&d government expenditure for Flanders in the international context

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54 PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

At the European Top in Barcelona (March 2002) it was decided that

the objective for 2010 is to increase R&D expenditures (GERD) by

3% of the GDP (gross domestic product) in the EU. As an additional

objective, it was decided that one third of the R&D expenditures

must be financed by government and the other two thirds by

industry. Flanders translated this objective within a Flemish con-

text through the so-called Innovation Pact. This pact was signed in

March 2003, and it contains a formal engagement by all involved

actors in the Flemish innovation landscape to jointly realise this 3%

objective by means of complementary efforts.

In 2009 the Flemish government and the Flemish social partners

took the initiative to conclude a new future pact for Flanders in ad-

dition to Flanders in Action (VIA), with aims and actions for 2020:

the Pact 2020. This pact reflects the joint long-term vision, strategy

and actions of the Flemish Government and the social partners. The

above-mentioned 3% objective is contained in this, but the deadline

has been put forward to 2014.

The EU 2020 Strategy, the European Union’s new long-term strategy

and the successor to the Lisbon Strategy, has reaffirmed the 3%

objective and has set the European deadline for 2020.

This section examines in detail the expenditure on R&D by Flanders, in

particular that of the Flemish government, and compares it with that of

other countries. Also a cautious prognosis is made of the growth path to

realise the 1% objective (the public financed share of the above men-

tioned 3% objective) by 2014, one of the objectives of the Pact 2020.

chapter 3.1.

International comparison of Gov-ernment Budget Appropriations or outlays for r&d (GBAord)GBAORD (Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for R&D) is

an indicator used by the OECD and EUROSTAT. Table 20 shows an in-

ternational comparison of the GBAORD as a percentage of GDP. The

calculation method of the Flemish figure is explained in Chapter 3.2.

It is clear that the figures for GBAORD, expressed as % GDP, do not

rise everywhere year after year. In some countries it stagnates, in

others there is even a drop over several years. Figure 25 compares

Flanders with the selected countries. Because of the worldwide crisis

followed by economy measures taken, one must proceed with cau-

tion when comparing budgets. Comparison is therefore made for the

year 2008, the most recent year with figure for all countries.

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55PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

Table 20. International comparison of Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for R&D (GBAORD), expressed as a percentage of GD(R)P

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i

Flanders* 0.62% 0.65% 0.64% 0.65% 0.67% 0.63% 0.70% 0.69% 0.65%

Belgium 0.60% 0.61% 0.59% 0.59% 0.61% 0.60% 0.69% no data

Germany 0.78% 0.79% 0.77% 0.77% 0.76% 0.77% 0.79% 0.86%

France 1.00% 0.99% 0.96% 0.97% 0.81% 0.74% 0.75% no data

United Kingdom 0.75% 0.74% 0.69% 0.67% 0.67% 0.66% 0.64% no data

Ireland 0.33% 0.37% 0.43% 0.46% 0.45% 0.49% 0.52% 0.60%

Netherlands 0.74% 0.74% 0.73% 0.69% 0.71% 0.69% 0.70% 0.80%

Denmark 0.73% 0.73% 0.71% 0.71% 0.72% 0.79% 0.85% no data

Finland 0.97% 1.00% 1.01% 1.03% 1.01% 0.97% 0.98% 1.08%

Sweden 0.88% 0.92% 0.88% 0.87% 0.85% 0.81% 0.81% 0.90%

Italy no data no data no data 0.67% 0.61% 0.64% 0.63% 0.62%

Portugal 0.67% 0.61% 0.64% 0.73% 0.72% 0.78% 1.02% 1.13%

Spain 0.74% 0.73% 0.80% 0.84% 1.00% 1.08% 1.00% no data

United States 0.97% 1.04% 1.07% 1.04% 1.02% 1.01% 0.99% no data

Japan 0.72% 0.73% 0.72% 0.71% 0.70% 0.68% 0.70% 0.74%

EU-25 0.75% 0.74% 0.74% 0.72% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% no data

EU-27 0.74% 0.73% 0.73% 0.71% 0.69% 0.70% 0.69% no data

Source: Main Science and Technology Indicators, OESO, Volume 2009/2* Flemish government R&D funds + Flemish share of the federal funds (35.5% ESA 56% for the rest) - variant 2 – see chapter 3.2)

International comparison shows that the 2008 figure of Flanders

(0.70%) is close to EU-27 level (0.69%). The GBAORD figure of

Portugal increased in 2008 with 33% and reaches the first position in

this comparison. It should also be pointed out that certain countries

provide a substantial proportion of their R&D expenditure for defence

(see also the explanation of the NABS analysis in chapter 2.3). The

USA is the leader in this regard with 57% of their R&D budget for

defence, France 28%, the UK 22%, Spain 15% and Sweden 12%.

The Flemish government does not finance any research whatsoever

in the area of defence. This does not alter the fact that Flanders is still

not a leader, even when comparing solely the portion of GBAORD

allocated to civilian research.

Figure 25. International comparison of Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for R&D (GBAORD) 2008, expressed as a percentage of GD(R)P




































gdom Ital















1.101.02 1.00 0.99 0.98

0.850.81 0.79

0.75 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.690.64 0.63


Source: Main Science and Technology Indicators, OESO, Volume 2009/2* Flemish government R&D funds + Flemish share of the federal funds (35.5% ESA 56% for the rest) - variant 2 – see chapter 3.2)

n civil GBAORD n defence GBAORD

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56 PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

According to the socio-economic objectives, we can categorise the

civil R&D funds (this is the GBAORD without defence R&D) as fol-


Economic development;•

Health and Environment (This should be interpreted broadly: •

control and care of the environment, exploration and exploitation

of earth, as well as social structures and relationships);

Education and Society;•


Non-oriented research;•

General university funds (GUF).•

Figure 26 shows the ratios of the aforementioned categories com-

pared with some other countries. The countries are arranged in order

of decreasing share of economic development. It is striking that the

Flemish government, compared with the other countries listed, directs

relatively the largest portion of research funding towards economic

development – more than 46%. On the other hand, the Flemish

government does not finance any research that is directly related to

space programmes. Helped by funds from the federal science policy

budget, Belgium does score highly here: 12%.

Figure 26. International comparison of the civil GBAORD (exc. defence research): ratios of economic development, health and environment, education and society, space, non-oriented research and general university funds




















































n Economic development n Health and Environment n Education and Society n Space n Non-oriented Research n General University Funds

Source: OECD – MSTI 2009/2 Year: Flanders: 2010; Finland, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, Italy and Ireland: 2009; other countries and EU-27: 2008 Flanders*: Flemish government funds in the strict sense (variant 1 – see chapter 3.2)

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57PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

chapter 3.2.

r&d intensity in Flanders3.2.1. Overall R&D intensity (3% objective)R&D intensity – i.e. the percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)

spent on R&D by all research actors, and better known as the 3%

objective - is calculated on the basis of the results of the two-yearly

OECD R&D surveys. The results of the 2008 survey (covering 2006-

2007) are published in the 2009 Vlaams Indicatorenboek by the

Expertise Centre R&D Monitoring (ECOOM)3. Table 21 shows the

evolution of:

The overall R&D intensity in Flanders (GERD);•

The division of GERD into public and private funding (2% and 1% •


The division of GERD into BERD (R&D funding by the private sec-•

tor) and non-BERD (R&D funding by the public sector).

The division of R&D intensity according to funding sector (public vs.

private) should not be confused with the division according to the

sector in which the research is carried out (private or public). The first

refers to the source of the funding (private or public), irrespective of

the sector in which the research is carried out. In this case, the 2%

and 1% objective apply respectively. The latter is applicable to the

sector in which the research is performed, whatever the origin of

the funding, whether companies R&D (BERD), R&D in the higher-

education sector (HERD), the public research centres (GOVERD) or

private non-profit sector (PNP). The latter three are also known as

the non-BERD or R&D in the public sector.

Table 21 shows that after the drop in R&D intensity (GERD/GDRP)

during 2001-2004 the total R&D expenditure rose slightly in 2005,

but fell once more in 2006 to the lowest level in 9 years. Although it

increased again slightly in 2007, the 3% objective was still far from

having been achieved.

Table 21. Evolution of R&D intensity in Flanders

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

GERDregion4/GDRP 2.38 2.17 2.08 2.01 2.06 1.97 2.03

GERDcommunity5/GDRP 2.42 2.21 2.12 2.05 2.10 1.99 2.06

Private funding/GDRP (2% objective)

1.56 1.51 1.50

Public funding/GDRP (1% objective)

0.52 0.56 0.53

BERD/GDRP 1.83 1.61 1.51 1.41 1.44 1.36 1.40

non-BERD/GDRP 0.54 0.56 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.61 0.63

Source: Vlaams Indicatorenboek 2009, Expertise Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM)

3.2.2. Estimate calculation method for publicly-financed R&D intensity (1% objective)For the period 2008-2010, however, there are no survey data avail-

able yet, nor any alternative sources of information. Consequently,

for the present purpose, as in the previous EWI Budget Browsers, a

calculation is included to approximate the results for the most recent

years. Of course, certain circumspection is justifiable for this approx-

imative method, based on a number of assumptions.

3 The Vlaams Indicatorenboek is an ECOOM publication.4 GERDregion: estimate by region for the calculation of the GERD. R&D expenditure at Flemish institutes of higher education in the Brussels-Capital Region is not taken into account.5 GERDcommunity: estimate by community for the calculation of the GERD. R&D expenditure at Flemish institutes of higher education in the Brussels-Capital Region is taken into account, leading to a higher R&D intensity figure.

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58 PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

The combined efforts of the government are calculated here by

working out different variants.

the efforts of the Flemish government by itself.1.

This is the Flemish GBAORD in the strict sense, financed by the

Flemish government alone.

the efforts of the Flemish government + the Flemish share in the 2.

federal government funds.

In Flanders, R&D activities are also financed with federal govern-

ment R&D funds. When this share of the federal government

is counted into the Flemish GBAORD in the strict sense (1), a

GBAORD is obtained for Flanders that is possibly closer to reality.

This variant is consequently the most suitable for an international

comparison of the GBAORD. When calculating Flanders’ share in

the federal government funds, following formula is used:

35.5% European Space Agency (source: Flemish Council for Sci-

ence and Innovation – VRWI) and 56% for the rest of the federal

R&D funds.

the efforts of the Flemish government + the Flemish share in the 3.

federal government funds + the Flemish return from the funds of

the eu Framework programmes for research and technological


With variant 2, the Flemish return from the EU Framework pro-

grammes for Research and Technological Development can also be

counted, since here too it is a question of R&D activities financed

with public funds. However, the result can no longer be considered

as GBAORD, but is actually a third variant that can be used for

calculating the publicly financed portion of the R&D intensity.

The results of this calculation are given in table 22. If we look at the

R&D funds of the Flemish government, then – after the regression in

2007 – we see a sharp rise in the absolute figures in 2008, due mainly

to the extra 75 million EUR in new structural policy funds and accents

in 2008 (see EWI Budget Browser 2008), but also to some one-

time injections of funds into the science policy during the course of

2008. In 2009, the budget continued to increase (+ 8.6 million EUR),

although less than expected: 25.5 million (see EWI Budget Browser

2009), due to economy measures taken during the third budget in-

spection. The 2010 budget has been provisionally cut by 64.1 million

EUR due to further economy measures. The figure achieved for 2010

is therefore presumed to be 0.72%.

Table 22. Evolution of R&D efforts and R&D efforts as a percentage of GDRP by the Flemish government

r&d budget (million

eur)2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i

Flemish government (1) 770.687 820.666 898.638 967.954 952.670 1,121.429 1,130.072 1,065.927

Flemish share of federal government (2)

252.584 248.861 233.582 251.996 262.972 281.852 238.255 238.255

Flemish government + Flemish share of federal government

1,023.271 1,069.527 1,132.220 1,219.950 1,215.642 1,403.281 1,368.327 1,304.182

Flemish share EU FP (3) 88.073 88.073 88.073 88.073 88.073 146.000 146.000 146.000

Flemish government+ federal + EU FP

1,111.343 1,157.600 1,220.293 1,308.023 1,303.714 1,549.281 1,514.327 1,450.182

Public r&d intensity as %

of gdrP (1% objective)2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i

Flemish government 0.49 0.49 0.52 0.53 0.49 0.56 0.57 0.53

Flemish government + Flemish share of federal government

0.65 0.64 0.65 0.67 0.63 0.70 0.69 0.65

Flemish government + federal + EU FP

0.71 0.70 0.70 0.71 0.67 0.77 0.76 0.72

GDRP (million EUR) (4) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i

157,411.7 166,387.4 173,222.2 183,210.7 194,173.4 200,640.9 198,443.4 201,969.1

(1) Flemish government, as defined in the HBPWB - final budgets 2003-2009; initial budget 2010.



(3) Estimated according to the calculated Flemish return for the 6th Framework Programme for 2003-2007. For 2008-2010i: estimated return based on preliminary results of the

Flemish return for the 7th Framework Programme. Sources: Flanders in the European 5th Framework Programme for research, Flanders in the European 6th Framework Programme for Research, EWI.

(4) GDRP: Gross Domestic Regional Product – source: Hermreg – Research Centre of the Flemish Government (Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering) – June 2009.

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59PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

Figure 27 shows the evolution of the results of the calculation

method described above in the case of publicly financed R&D inten-

sity. The red line at the bottom shows the evolution of the figures

from the R&D survey. The results for 2003, 2005 and 2007 can be

compared with the results achieved using the estimate calculation

method. This method overestimated publically financed R&D inten-

sity by around 25%, both for 2005 (0.70% against 0.56%) and 2007

(0.67% against 0.53%). Assuming that this is also the case for more

recent years, the 0.72% for 2010 should be “corrected” to 0.57%.

Of course, this is a purely indicative figure. However, what cannot be

disputed is that the 1% objective for Flanders is still far from having

been achieved in 2010.

Figure 27. Evolution of the R&D/GDPR for Flanders (Flemish government funds + Flemish share in the federal R&D funds + Flemish share of EU research programmes - variant 3), comparing publicly-financed R&D intensity calculated using the estimate calculation method with the actual figures

20022001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i0.00











n Flanders + Federal (ESA 35.5% + rest 56%) + EU FP (variant 3) ● Publicly financed R&D intensity▲ Using estimate calculation method (corrected)

3.2.3. Growth path to 2014In the Pact 2020, which reflects the long-term vision, strategy and

actions of the Flemish Government and the social partners, Flanders

has set itself the goal of investing 3% of its GDP in R&D by 2014.

If, by analogy with the Innovation Pact, one-third of this is to come

from public funds and two-third from private funds, a growth path

can be traced to the achievement of the 1% figure in 2014.

Here is an estimate of the budgetary measures required to achieve

the 1% objective by 2014. The following assumptions have been


A saving of 2% on the overall R&D funds from the Flemish gov-•

ernment in 2011;

A linear growth rate compared with the GDRP for 2012-2014;•

A GDRP as estimated by the Research Centre of the Flemish Gov-•

ernment (Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering);

Calculation of public R&D intensity as per variant 3 (Flemish gov-•

ernment + Flemish share of federal funds + EU FP), in which the

share of the federal R&D government funds for Flanders remains

constant in absolute figures, as well as Flanders’ share of the EU

Framework Programme (FP) for Research;

No correction to the over-large estimate achieved with this calcu-•

lation method (see figure 27).

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60 PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

Figure 28 shows the evolution of public R&D intensity (1% objective) in known values up to 2010, and with the prognosis up to 2014.

Figure 28. Evolution of the public R&D intensity* 1995-2010 and of the growth path 2011-2014 to achieve the 1% objective by 2014

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010i 2011 2012 2013 20140.0











n Flemish government + Flemish share federal government + EU FP (variant 3) ▲ Growth path 2011-2014

2010i: initial budget 2010* Flemish government R&D funds + Flemish share of the federal R&D funds (35.5% ESA 56% for the rest) + Flemish return on EU FP- variant 3

Table 23 shows the results of this calculation. Provided growth

remains linear in 2012-2014, annual budget increases of over 300

million EUR will be required if the figure of 1% is to be achieved.

This prognosis has been calculated on the basis of the initial budget

for 2010. In view of the changes usually made to budgets during the

year, the reader is advised to consult the most recent prognosis at


Table 23. 1% objective by 2014: annual increase in government R&D funding required (million EUR)

2010i 2011 2012 2013 2014

Prognosis GDRP - current prices 201,969.1 210,622.7 219,470.2 228,290.9 237,576.2

GDRP growth in % - current prices 4.3% 4.2% 4.0% 4.1%

R&D as % of GDRP 0.72 0.68 0.79 0.89 1.00

2010i 2011 2012 2013 2014

Flemish share federal funds 238 238 238 238 238

Flemish share EU FP 146 146 146 146 146

Flemish government 1,066 1,045 1,340 1,654 1,992

Annual increase 295 314 338


1,450 1,429 1,724 2,038 2,376

Source for GDRP: estimate by Research Centre of the Flemish Government (Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering) - June 2009

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61PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

chapter 3.3.

In depth analysis of GBAordIn 2009, Belgium took part in an exploratory project to develop new

internationally comparable indicators on public funding modes, based

on GBAORD data (Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays

on R&D), organised by an OECD body, NESTI (National Experts on

Science and Technology Indicators). The department of Economy,

Science and Innovation (EWI) was the Flemish participant. Four new

indicators based on GBAORD data were developed as a result:

GBAORD by sector of performance1.

Data are classified by destination of funds: sector of performance,

according to the Frascati Manual definitions: business enterprise

sector, higher education sector, government sector and private non

profit sector.

GBAORD by funding mode2.

This indicator shows distinction between institutional and project


Public R&D funding by funding agency3.

The funding agencies are divided into four categories: national

public funding agencies, independent agencies, regional authorities

and European and international agencies.

GBAORD by type of instrument4.

The three types of instrument taken into account are: academic

instruments, policy or thematic instruments, and innovative instru-


The first two indicators (GBAORD by sector of performance and by

funding mode) are included in OECD document “Measuring Innova-

tion: A New Perspective”, under the OECD Innovation Strategy and

will be described briefly in this document. These are experimental

indicators. International comparability is currently limited.

The 2008 budgets were used for this project. In the case of Flanders,

the figures are also an accurate indicator for other years. In order

to view the results in an accurate context, it should be remembered

that the figures only refer to R&D budgets. This means that the other

scientific activities STET (education and training) and STS (scientific

and technological services) are not taken into consideration. As far as

operational subsidies to universities are concerned, this means that

the 25% allocated to R&D have been taken into account, but not the

75% for STET.

3.3.1. GBAORD by sector of performanceData are classified by funding mode and by destination of funds: sec-

tor of performance, according to the Frascati Manual definitions6:

Business enterprise sector: firms and joint research centres;•

Government sector: authorities, including strategic research centres •


Higher education sector: universities, research facilities attached to •

universities, and institutes of higher education;

Private non profit sector: both semi-public and private organisations, •

and international organisations.

At first sight, it is not easy to divide research budgets according to

organisation type, as the organisations which ultimately receive the

resources in the budget to perform the planned research are not

always known in advance. In the case of many budget lines such as

operational subsidies and other payments to universities, subsidies

and grants to research institutes, and R&D subsidies to enterprises,

this does not pose a problem. However, in the case of other studies

and research projects, the name of the institute or enterprise which

will be carrying out the research is not known in advance. For this

reason, the information from the analysis of science-policy allocations

(see chapter 2.5) or the activity reports of the funding institutes has

been used.

6 Frascati Manual, Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experimental Development, OECD, 2002, Paris.

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62 PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

Figure 29 shows that over half the government funds available

for scientific research in 2008 went to higher education. The total

amount was 619 million EUR, financed via FWO, BOF, the opera-

tional subsidies to universities (25%), PWO, the IWT specialisation

grants, Hercules funds for the funding of (medium-)heavy research

equipment, subsidies to policy research centres, and others. Most of

the budget for policy-supporting scientific research from the thirteen

policy areas was also allocated to the higher-education sector.

Around one-quarter of the government’s total R&D budget (264

million EUR) was paid to enterprises in 2008, mainly to enterprises

under the management of IWT (R&D support to enterprises and SME

programme). The Hermes Fund also contributed innovation funding,

and budgets were also allocated to policy-supporting research com-

missioned by the various policy areas.

The government sector also carried out research in 2008, to the

amount of 218 million EUR, one-fifth of the total budget. Using

the same method as the OECD R&D survey for Flanders, this figure

includes the subsidies to the strategic research centres VITO, IMEC,

VIB and IBBT, as well as government funding of Flemish scientific

institutes ILVO, INBO, VIOE and KMSKA. The share of R&D in the

total funds allocated to the government is 55%.

Finally, 1% (12 million EUR) of the government’s R&D budget for

2008 was allocated to the private non profit sector.

Figure 30 compared the figures for Flanders with those for Belgium,

the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland. These are the participating

countries for which comparison with Flanders is usually made.

In all five cases, higher education received the lion’s share. In Flan-

ders, the amount was slightly more than half the total GBAORD

(55%). The percentage was even higher in Ireland (about 70%) and

the Netherlands (above 60%). Although in Germany the proportion

was somewhat lower, the higher-education sector was still the main

beneficiary of GBAORD.

In 2008, Belgium’s and Flanders’ contribution to government research

(GOV) was considerable. Flanders allocated about 20% of its own

budget for this purpose, Germany and Ireland allocated less and the

Netherlands only about 4%.

It can also be noted that the Dutch, Irish and German authorities’

budgets for private non profit organisations (PNP) were tiny to non-

existent and very small in Belgium and Flanders.

Figure 29. Distribution of the Flemish 2008 GBAORD by sector of performance: higher education (HES), enterprises (BES), public research centres (GOV) and private non profit sector (PNP)





Figure 30. International comparison of GBAORD by sector of per-formance, 2008

























Source: OECD, 2010, Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective, Paris.Note: This is an experimental indicator. International comparability is currently limited.

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63PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

3.3.2. Higher education share of GBAORD by funding modeThis analysis of the higher education sector share of GBAORD shows

the proportion of institutional to project funding. Project funding is

defined as money attributed to a group or an individual to perform

a R&D activity limited in scope, budget and time, normally on the

basis of the submission of a project proposal describing the research

activities to be done. The public institutional funding is defined as

the total of national budgets in a given country, attributed to an in-

stitution, for which money the organisation has more or less freedom

to define the research activities to be performed (also called block

funding). A distinction is made between general university funds

(GUF) and other institutional funds.

The general university funds (GUF), for Flanders an amount of 209 mil-

lion EUR in 2008 (see also the GBAORD analysis by NABS classification

in part 2 – 2.3.4), are included in institutional funding. The resources

allocated by the government to FWO, IWT and Hercules and the

funding instruments BOF, IOF and PWO were considered to be project

funding, as these funds were mainly allocated under this form.

Figure 31. Ratio of institutional to project funding of the Flemish GBAORD 2008 for the higher-education sector (HES)










n Institutional funding n Project funding

Figure 31 shows that in Flanders project funding has the edge. The ratio

of project funding to institutional funding is 63/37 (389 million/230


Figure 32 shows that, for research in the higher-education sector, the

ratio of project funding to institutional funding in Flanders is quite high.

In the case of Ireland, the ratio is 50/50, while the Dutch and German

governments have opted for a higher ratio of institutional funding to

project funding. However, it should be noted that the various countries

may not interpret the definitions of funding mode in the same manner,

so that some caution should be exercised when interpreting these

preliminary results.

Figure 32. International comparison of GBAORD for higher educa-tion according to funding type, 2008
























Source: OECD, 2010, Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective, Paris.Note: This is an experimental indicator. International comparability is currently limited.

n Institutional funding n Project funding

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64 PART 3 • r&d GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For FLAndErS In THE InTErnATIonAL conTExT

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Part 4

Government expenditure for eco-innovation

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66 PART 4 • GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For Eco-InnoVATIon

In order to ensure that the provisions of the Flanders in Action (VIA)

project were implemented, over 80 organisations and associations

signed the Pact 2020 in Brussels on 17 April 2009, in which they

undertook to achieve twenty objectives expressed in actual figures

in five principal domains. Further information and the results of the

benchmark are available at www.flandersinaction.be.

There are 121 core indicators, and another 60 remain to be devel-

oped. One of these is “government expenditure for eco-innovation

(including research)”. This type of support should enable Flanders

to become one of Europe’s top 5 regions by 2020. As well as the

overall government budget for science and innovation policy, this

publication supplies the first figures on government expenditure for


Definition and area of application

The European Commission’s definition reads as follows:

“Eco-innovation: all innovation which can benefit the environment.

Eco-innovation includes new production processes, new products or

services, and new management and business methods. Eco-innova-

tion means all forms of innovation reducing environmental impacts

and/or optimising the use of resources throughout the lifecycle of

related activities.” (European Commission webpage on eco-innovation)

The time frame 2007-2009 was selected as the benchmark. Its pur-

pose is to estimate government expenditure for eco-innovation and

related research. A horizontal cross-section was made of all science-

and innovation policy budgets included in the 2007-2009 Flemish

Budget for science policy (HBPWB).

Major sources of funding included:

Financing institutes IWT, Enterprise Flanders, FWO, BOF;•

Innovation and research financed via the budget lines for the •

policy areas;

Environment, Nature and Energy: TWOL programme (Applied •

Scientific Research into the Environment) (LNE department,


Agriculture and Fisheries (LV department and scientific institute •


Strategic research centres VITO and IMEC;•

The Environment and Energy Technology Platform (MIP) compe-•

tency pool.

The strictest possible definition of the above definition was used to

screen the projects. For instance, research which measures risks, analy-

ses or inventories situations, etc. is not considered despite the fact that

it is both useful and necessary to the implementation of innovation ac-

tivities. In other words, the project must involve innovation or research

which clearly benefits the environment or aims to do so, or prevents

or substantially reduces negative impact on the environment.


IWT (Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology): DTO support

The Flemish government’s DTO (sustainable technological devel-

opment) support is intended to create stimulating conditions for

research and development projects, the purpose of which is sustain-

able technological development. This measure has seven goals: to

save raw materials, save energy, reduce emissions, reduce waste or

other environmental pollutants, develop renewable raw materials

and energy sources, increase the recyclability of raw materials and

increase the life of products. The environmental qualities of a project

are measured using an eco-points system. DTO support is awarded

in addition to other IWT subsidies. It has been integrated into IWT

support for industrial R&D projects, SME innovation projects and

feasability studies, and in the calls by SBO, TETRA, VIS and Agricul-

tural Research (LO). Further information is available at www.iwt.be/

subsidies/extrasteun/dto (in Dutch).

All IWT DTO subsidies were taken into account for projects active

in 2007, 2008 and 2009. To calculate the amount of the subsidy

for each year, the length of the project was taken into account. 265

projects were under way in 2007, 240 in 2008 and 148 in 2009. In

terms of subsidy amounts, the result is:

IWT DTO support (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Amount 14.242 15.070 13.641

Enterprise Flanders: Ecology support and clean tech projects (jointly

financed by ERDF)

Enterprise Flanders (Agentschap Ondernemen) implements the eco-

nomic programmes approved by the Flemish Government by means

of certification, subsidies, funding and other measures (see part 1).

Each year, 120 million EUR from the Hermes Fund (see part 1) are

earmarked for ecology support. An ecology premium is a payment

made to companies which make environmental and energy-related

investments. Since this can only be paid if existing standards – which

are already very strict – are exceeded, the support makes a significant

contribution to improving environmental protection, energy savings

and energy efficiency.

The Hermes Fund also jointly finances projects in association with

the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Hermes

funding for clean tech projects was classified under Objectives 2 and

3 of ERDF (see page 11). “Clean tech”, an abbreviation of “clean

technology”, is the name of a category of products which optimise

the consumption of our natural resources and minimise environmental

impact. Both environmental added value and environmental gain play

an important part in this connection.

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67PART 4 • GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For Eco-InnoVATIon

Flanders Enterprise: Ecology support and ERDF clean tech projects (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Ecology support 120.000 120.000 120.000

Clean tech projects 1.928 8.786

FWO (Research Foundation - Flanders) and BOF (Special Research


To screen research projects financed by the FWO and BOF (see part

2), university data from the FRIS database (Flanders Research Infor-

mation Space) were used. The necessary information can be found

on the FRIS research portal (www.researchportal.be) of the EWI

department using various search options such as research projects,

organisations and researchers. Research projects are classified by

subject, according to the scientific discipline to which they relate.

First, as wide a selection as possible was made of discipline codes.

The projects were then screened manually on the basis of their title

and abstract, using a strict interpretation of the above definition of

eco-innovation research. 50 projects were selected for 2007-2009.

FWO and BOF projects (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Amount 1.025 1.406 1.791


The goal of VITO is the performance of research with a view to

encouraging sustainable development and strengthening the eco-

nomic and social fabric of Flanders. Besides contracting work and

performing reference tasks, it performs its own research, known as

Organised Scientific Research (GWO). VITO cooperates closely with

universities and other research facilities, both national and interna-

tional. VITO’s own research is performed in the areas of industrial

innovation, energy, and the quality of the living environment. Since

2008, the management contract with the Flemish Government has

not permitted the use of government funding to finance contract re-

search, so that government support for eco-innovation is given only

for GWO. In the same way, only the strategic-research component

was taken into consideration for 2007.

VITO (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Amount 8.49 8.45 12.32


IMEC has a worldwide reputation in the area of photovoltaic (PV)

research and covers a wide range of technologies: the development

of solar cells on increasingly thin silicon wafers, an organic approach

based on the potential of very low cost applications in combina-

tion with flexible and large substrates, the combination of extensive

semiconductor expertise with specific organic electronics expertise.

IMEC is also studying the potential use of III-V semiconductors (GaAs

and InGaP) in multilayer structures for solar-concentration applica-

tions, as well as Ge-based cells for thermophotovoltaic applications.

Besides PV power generation, IMEC is also participating in the de-

velopment of high-capacity electronics for power switching based on

GaN technology. This technology may be very useful for integrating

solar panels into smart-grid systems. The following table shows the

amounts of government funding for PV research.

IMEC (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Amount 3.002 3.475 2.861

Agriculture and Fisheries (LV)

The Agriculture and Fisheries department finances eco-innovation in

various forms: organic farming, investments in agricultural companies

with a view to significantly improving environmental protection (via

the Flemish Agricultural Investment Fund - VLIF), introduction of

techniques which reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides, reduc-

tion of pesticide, herbicide and fertiliser use in horticulture, mechani-

cal weeding combined with strip spraying, and finally integrated

production methods for stone fruit.

LV department (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Amount 36.984 29.010 30.155

Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO)

ILVO (the Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research) is a Flem-

ish scientific institute (see also Part 2), the main task of which is the

performance of scientific research in the areas of agriculture and

fisheries. The research is shared between the Animal Sciences, Plant

Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology & Food Units. The ‘eco-

innovation’ indicator applies to a wide range of projects: technical

(e.g. cowshed equipment, fertiliser spreading, emission reduction,

sustainable fisheries techniques, crop protection), animal well-being,

the development of sustainability indicators and marine planning.

The budgets include funds for operation, investments and staff. 18

projects were started in 2008 and 24 in 2009.

ILVO (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Amount 1.00 1.03 1.95

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68 PART 4 • GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For Eco-InnoVATIon

Environment, Nature and Energy (LNE): TWOL programme (Applied

Scientific Research into the Environment)

Each year, the LNE department, in cooperation with VLM, OVAM,

the Nature and Forest Agency (ANB) and INBO, draws up the TWOL

programme. This is a research programme which supports the Flemish

environmental policy. The indicative programme for 2009 comprised a

total of 96 projects under 19 themes, both specifically environmental

(acidification, pollution, soil deterioration, noise and odour pollution,

integral water policy, etc.) and more general (policy preparation and

planning, target groups, etc.). 5 projects were selected in strict accord-

ance with the definition: 3 in 2007, 1 in 2008 and 1 in 2009.

TWOL projects (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Amount 0.214 0.091 0.071

Environment and Energy Technology Platform (MIP)

The Environment and Energy Technology Platform (MIP) was

launched in 2005 as a centre of excellence further to a decision by

the Flemish Government. Seven research projects have been ap-

proved. The emphasis was on the development of new energy and

environmental technologies. The following table shows the distribu-

tion of the project budgets by year for 2007-2009, not including the

contribution by VITO (see above).

MIP (million EUR)

year 2007 2008 2009

Amount of subsidy

0.275 1.149 0.970

General summary

Table 24 shows that the Flemish government allocates approxi-

mately 180-190 million EUR each year to eco-innovation and related

research. This support is paid from the policy areas Economy, Science

and Innovation (EWI), Agriculture and Fisheries (LV). Environment,

Nature and Energy (LNE) and Education and Training (OV - BOF

projects). It amounts to 17-19% of the GBAORD and 0.09-0.10%

of GDRP (Gross Domestic Regional Product), a denominater often

used for international comparison of indicators. At this point in time,

no figures are available concerning government expenditure for eco-

innovation in other regions or countries.

Figure 33. Overview of the Flemish government expenditure for eco-innovation 2007-2009 (million EUR)






2007 2008 2009

n Enterprise Flanders (Ecology support and ERDF clean tech projects)

n Agriculture and Fisheries Department

n Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT - DTO)



n Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) and Special Research Fund



n Environment and Energy Technology Platform (MIP)

n Environment, Nature and Energy Department (TWOL)

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69PART 4 • GoVErnMEnT ExPEndITurE For Eco-InnoVATIon

Table 24. Overview of the Flemish government expenditure for eco-innovation 2007-2009 (million EUR)

2007 2008 2009

Enterprise Flanders (Ecology support and ERDF clean tech projects) 120.000 121.928 128.786

Agriculture and Fisheries Departement 36.984 29.010 30.155

Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT - DTO) 14.242 15.070 13.641

VITO 8.49 8.45 12.32

IMEC 3.002 3.475 2.861

Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) and Special Research Fund (BOF) 1.025 1.406 1.791

Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) 1.00 1.03 1.95

Environment and Energy Technology Platform (MIP) 0.275 1.149 0.970

Environment, Nature and Energy Department (TWOL) 0.214 0.091 0.071

total 185.23 181.61 192.55

GBAORD 952.67 1,121.43 1,130.07

government expenditure for eco-innovation expressed as % of gbaord 19.44% 16.19% 17.04%

GDRP (1) 194,173.4 200,640.9 198,443.4

government expenditure for eco-innovation expressed as % of gdrP 0.10% 0.09% 0.10%

(1) GDRP: Gross Domestic Regional Product – source: Hermreg – Research Centre of the Flemish Government (Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering) – June 2009

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Used abbreviations

BA Basic allocation

BAMA Bachelor-Masters structure

BBB Beter Bestuurlijk Beleid (Better Administrative Policy)

BEA Budget for Economic Advice

BERD Expenditure on R&D in the Business Enterprise Sector

BOF Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds (Special Research Fund)

BP Budget programme

BZ Bestuurszaken (Administrative Affairs)

CJSM Cultuur, Jeugd, Sport en Media (Culture, Youth, Sport

and Media)

DAR Diensten voor het Algemeen Regeringsbeleid

(Services for the General Government Policy)

DTO Duurzame Technologische Ontwikkeling

(Sustainable Technological Development)

ECOOM Expertise Centrum O&O Monitoring

(Centre for R&D Monitoring)

ERDF European Regional Development Fund

ESA European Space Agency

ESF European Social Fund

EU European Union

EVA Extern Verzelfstandigd Agentschap (Externally Autono-

mous Agency)

EWI Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie

(Economy, Science and Innovation)

FB Finance and Budget

FFEU Financieringsfonds voor Schuldafbouw en Eenmalige

Investeringsuitgaven (Financing Fund for Debt Reduc-

tion and One-off Investment Expenditures)

FIT Flanders Investment & Trade

FP Framework Programme

FTI Flanders Technology International

FWO Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

(Research Foundation - Flanders)

GBAORD Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for

Research and Development

GBOU Generisch Basisonderzoek aan de Universiteiten

(Generic Basic Research at Universities)

GDRP Gross Domestic Regional Product

GERD Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D

GIMV Gewestelijke Investeringsmaatschappij Vlaanderen

(Regional Investment Company - Flanders)

GUF General University Funds

HBPWB Horizontaal Begrotingsprogramma Wetenschapsbeleid

(Horizontal Budget Programme for Science Policy)

HUB Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel

IBBT Interdisciplinary Institute for BroadBand Technology

ICT Information and Communications Technology

ICRH International Centre for Reproductive Health

IJS Institute of Jewish Studies

ILVO Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek

(Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research)

IMEC Interuniversity Micro-Electronic Centre

INBO Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek

(Research Institute for Nature and Forest)

IPBO Instituut voor Plantenbiotechnologie voor


(Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing


IST Instituut Samenleving en Technologie

(Institute Society and Technology)

ITG Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde

(Institute for Tropical Medicine)

IV Internationaal Vlaanderen (Foreign Affairs)

IVA Intern Verzelfstandigd Agentschap

(Internally Autonomous Agency)

IWETO Inventaris van het Wetenschappelijk en Technologisch

Onderzoek (Inventory of Scientific and Technological


IWT Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en

Technologie (Agency for Innovation by Science and


KMDA Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde te Antwerpen

(Royal Zoological Society - Antwerp)

KMSKA Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen

(Museum for Fine Arts Antwerp)

KUBrussel Katholieke Universiteit Brussel

K.U.Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

LNE Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie

(Environment, Nature and Energy)


LV Landbouw en Visserij (Agriculture and Fisheries)

MER Milieueffectenrapport (Environmental Effects Report)

MINA Fund Environment and Nature Fund

MIP Milieu- en energietechnologie Innovatieplatform

(Environment and Energy Technology Platform)

MIRA Milieu- en Natuurrapport Vlaanderen

(Environment and Nature Report Flanders)

MOD Managementondersteunende Diensten

(Management Support Services)

MOW Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken

(Mobility and Public Works)

NABS Nomenclature for the analysis and comparison of

scientific programmes and budgets

NACE General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities

within the European Communities

NERF Neuro-Electronic Research Flanders

NESTI National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators

OBPWO Onderwijskundig Beleids- en Praktijkgericht Weten-

schappelijk Onderzoek

(Education Policy and Practical Scientific Research)

OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Develop-


OV Onderwijs en Vorming (Education and Training)

OVAM Openbare Vlaamse Afvalstoffenmaatschappij

(Public Waste Agency of Flanders)

PMV ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen

POM Provinciale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij

(Provincial Development Agency)

(Flanders Participation Company)

PROG. Begrotingsprogramma (Budget programme)

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PWO Projectmatig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

(Project-based Scientific Research)

R&D Research and development

RO Ruimtelijke ordening (Urban Planning)

ROW Ruimtelijke Ordening, Woonbeleid en Onroerend Erfgoed

(Town and Country Planning, Housing Policy and Im-

movable Heritage)

SAR Strategische adviesraad

(Strategic advisory body)

SBO Strategisch Basisonderzoek (Strategic basic research)

SERV Sociaal-Economische Raad van Vlaanderen

(Socio-economic Council of Flanders)

SME Small or Medium-sized Enterprise

SP Science policy

STET Scientific and technological education and training

STS Scientific and technological services

TETRA Fund TEchnology TRAnsfer Fund

TPP Technological Product and Process

tUL Transnationale Universiteit Limburg

(transnational University of Limburg)

TWOL Toegepast Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Leefmilieu

(Applied Scientific Research into the Environment)

UA Universiteit Antwerpen (Antwerp University)

UGent Universiteit Gent (Ghent University)

UHasselt Universiteit Hasselt (Hasselt University)

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural


UNU United Nations University

VAPH Vlaams Agentschap voor Personen met een Handicap

(Flemish Agency for Disabled Persons)

VESOC Vlaams Economisch Sociaal Overlegcomité

(Economic and Social Consultation Committee of


VIB Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut voor Biotechnologie

(Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology)

VIN Vlaams Innovatie Netwerk

(Flemish Innovation Network)

VINNOF Vlaams Innovatiefonds (Flemish Innovation Fund)

VIOE Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed

(Flemish Heritage Institute)

VITO Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek

(Flemish Institute for Technological Research)

(Flemish Institute for Scientific and Technological As-


VIZO Vlaams Instituut voor het Zelfstandig Ondernemen

(Flemish Institute for Independent Entrepreneurs)

VLAM Vlaams Centrum voor Agro- en Visserijmarketing vzw

(Flanders Agricultural Marketing Board)

VLAO Vlaams Agentschap Ondernemen (Flanders Enterprise)

VLAREM Vlaams reglement betreffende de milieuvergunning

(Flemish Regulations related to Environmental Licensing)

VLIZ Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee

(Flanders Marine Institute)

VLM Vlaamse Landmaatschappij

(Flemish Land Agency)

VMM Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij

(Public Environmental Agency of Flanders)

VOI Vlaamse Openbare Instelling

(Flemish Public Institution)

VPM Vlaamse Participatiemaatschappij

(Flemish Participation Company)

VRT Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroep

(Flemish Community Broadcasting Company)

VRWB Vlaamse Raad voor Wetenschapsbeleid

(Flemish Science Policy Council)

VRWI Vlaamse Raad voor Wetenschap en Innovatie

(Flemish Council for Science and Innovation)

VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels)

VZW Vereniging zonder winstoogmerk (not-for-profit or-


WSE Werk en Sociale Economie (Work and Social Economy)

WVG Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin

(Welfare, Public Health and Family)

ZAP Zelfstandig Academisch Personeel

(Independent Academic Personnel)


dar: An Van Acker, Frank Steenput, Oda Walpot; Research Centre

of the Flemish Government: Josée Lemaître, Thierry Vergeynst;

bZ: Annemie Degroote; Ilse Snelders; Fb: Tom Van Laere, Jean

Dekempeneer, Guy Muylaert; Iv: Jan Carmans, FIT: Caroline Ampe;

Toerisme Vlaanderen: Jan Van Praet; ewI: all EWI department

contributors; IWT: Veerle Lories, Leo Van de Loock, Eric Sleeckx; FWO:

Benno Hinnekint; Foundation Innovation & Labour: Paul Berckmans,

Anne Reyniers; Enterprise Flanders (Agentschap Ondernemen):

Bernard De Potter, Tim Ampe, André Van Haver, Erik De Gendt;

PMV: Bart De Smet; Ben Jehaes; LRM: Jeffrey Alenus; ov: Noël

Vercruysse, Lieven Blomme, Evy Vogeleer, Nina Mares; Agentschap

voor Hoger Onderwijs, Volwassenenonderwijs en Studietoelagen:

Karel De Temmerman, Myriam De Thaye; wvg: Kathleen Verreth,

Nathalie Stallaert, Jos Versaen, Herwin De Kind, Herwig Deumens;

VAPH: Catherine Molleman, Marc Cloet; Kind & Gezin (Child &

Family): Bea Buysse, Tina Capiau; CJsm: Bart Van der Herten, Hilde

Cuyt, Patrick Ghelen, Caroline De Pauw; KMSKA: Marjolijn Barbier;

wse: Johan Troch; lv: Dirk Van Gijseghem, Anne Vuylsteke, ILVO:

Karin Van Peteghem, Maurice Moens, Sandra De Schepper; VLAM:

Luc Van Bellegem; Jean De Lescluze; lne: Philippe Van Haver, Katrien

Oorts; Vlaams Energieagentschap: Jan Vereecke; INBO: Dominique

Aerts; OVAM: Luc Vanacker; VLM: Sofie Ducheyne; VMM: Line

Vancraeynest; mow: Wilfried Goossens, Frank Mostaert, Lieve Van

de Water, Karl Vermaercke; rwo: Sofie Houvenaghel; Luc Goedertier,

Ronald van Paassen; VIOE: Dirk Callebaut, Marnix Pieters; Ist: Robby

Berloznik, Lieve Vandamme; ImeC: Els Parton, Katrien Marent, Ingrid

Reynaert; vIb: Jo Bury, Lieve Ongena; vIto: Dirk Fransaer; Ibbt:

Karen Boers; mIP: Geert De Meyer; Kmda: Zjef Pereboom; Kantl:

Marijke De Wit; aQuaFIn: Chris Thoeye.

Page 74: Ewi Budget Browser 2010


we hope that you have read this ewI budget browser with

interest and, above all, that you have found the answers to your

questions here.

Do you have any comments or suggestions? If you do still have a

question about the economy, science and innovation policy of the

Flemish government, do contact us via [email protected].

And if you require a more detailed explanation with regard to a

certain budget, programme, policy aspect, institution etc., go to

www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/budgetbrowser. There you can browse

to find the information you need and download other EWI


In the course of the year, you will also be able to consult the

adapted funds for 2010 (after budget adjustment), and you can

consult the archive of the science policy funds for the years 1993

to 2010.

To remain fully up-to-date, do visit www.ewi-vlaanderen.be


Furthermore, we would like to refer you to the EWI Reviews

which highlight several policy area-related topics.


The EWI Budget Browser is a publication of the department of

Economy, Science and Innovation of the Flemish government.

Knowledge Management Division

Pascale Dengis, Head of Division

Koning Albert II-laan 35, box 10

1030 Brussels

T +32 (0)2 553 57 40

[email protected]


Compilation and editing:

Koen Waeyaert en Pascale Dengis

Responsible publisher:

Dirk Van Melkebeke, Secretary General

Deze publicatie is eveneens in het Nederlands beschikbaar.


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Flemish governmentDepartment of Economy, Science and InnovationKoning Albert II-laan 35 box 101030 [email protected]

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