evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduVol. VL No.8.m". THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. OPV"...

Vol. VL No.8.m". THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. OPV" litccit Street, piolto West's Carrlneo Factory. ;!cripllon, 50 conts per Month. Ml business communications to liuiul. lrp8C(l, Manager Dally Bulletin, Post 'Ace Bo No. II. Telephone 250. Dan Looan, Editor Wuay TAVi.oit Local Kcportcr J.s. O. C(.kviok, Mnnagor WHAT IS THIS DISEASE THAT IS COMINC UPON US? Like 11 thief ut night it steals In upon us unnwiircs. Many persons 1m vo pains iibnut the chest mill sides, unci sometimes in tho buck. They feel dull nnd sleepy; the mouth hns 11 bud taste, especially in in tho morning. A sort of sticky slimo collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is n feeling like 11 heavy load on tho stomach; sometimes :i fnint e sensation nt the pit of the Rtomnch which food docs not snlisfy. The eyes uro sunken, the hands nnd fc:t beconio cold mid feel chinimy. After (t while a cough sets In at llrst diy, but ufter a few months It is attended with 11 greenish coloured expectoration. The adllclcd one feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to nll'ord any rest. After a time he becomes nervous, irrita- ble, nnd gloomy, and has evil foie. bodings. There Is 11 giddiness, u soil of whirling sensation in tho head when rising up suddenly. Tho bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at limes; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; tho whites of tho eyes become tlngul with yellow, tho urine is scanty nnd high-coloure- depositing a sediment alter standing. There Is frequently a spitting up of tho food, sometimes with n sour taste, nnd sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently attended with palpitation of tho heart; the vision becomes impaired with spots before the eyc3; there is" a feeling ot great prostra- tion and weakness. All oftheso symp toms are in tuin picscnt. It is thought that nearly one-thir- d of our population has this disease in some of its varied lorms. It has been found that medical men havo mistaken the nature of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for kidney disense, etc., but none of the various kinds of treat- ment have becu attended with biicccs, because the remedy should uc suciinslo act harmoniously upon each one of theso oigans, and upon the stomach as well; for in Dyspepsia (for this is really what the disease is) all of theso organs partake of this discaso and require a remedy that will net upon nil at tho sanio time. Seigel's Curative Syrup acts like nchami in this class of complaints, giving almost iinmcdiatcd relief. Tho following letters from chemists of standing In the com. muiiity where they live show in what estimation the article is bold. John Archer, Harthlll, near Sheffield: I cau confidently recommend It to all who may be suffering from liver or stomach complaints, having tho testi- mony of mycustomcrs, who have derived great bcnetlt fiom tho Syrup and Pills. The sale is increasing wonderfully. Geo. A. Webb, 141, Yoik Street, Belfast:! havo sold a largo quantity, and tho parties hac testified to its being what you represent it. J. S. Metcalfe, 55, Highgate, Kendal: I have always gieat pleasure in rccom. mending the Curative Syrup, for I have never known a case In which it lias not relieved or cured, and I have hold many irrosses. Robt. G. Gould, 27, High Street, Andovcr: I havo always take a great inteiest in your medlcinci nnd I have recommended them, as I have found uumeious catcs of cure from their use. Thomas Chapman, Weit Auckland : J llnd that tho trade steadily increases. I sell more of your medicines tlian any other kind. N. Dm roll, Chin, Salop: All who buy it are pleased, and leoommcnd It. Jos. lUlkwill, A. P. S., Kingsbridgc: Tho public seem to appreciate their great value. A. Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-ln-Furncs- It is needless for mo to say that your valuable medicines have great halo in this disti let greater than any other I know of, giving gtcat satis faction. Robt. Lai ue, Mclksham: I can well leconiniend tho Curative Syrup from having proved its elhcacy for indigestion myself. Frlockheim, Arbroath, Foifarshire, Sept. 28, 1882. Dear Sir, Last year I .sent you a letter leeniumcndlnc; Mother Seigel's Syrup. I havo ery much pleasure in still bearing testimony to tho very satisfactory results of the famed Symp and Pills. Mostpatcnt medicines die out with me, but Motlier Scigel has had a steady sale ever binco I nnd is still in us great demnnd us when I llrst began to bell tho medi. clue. The cuius which havo como under my notleo uro chielly thoso or liver complaint and general debility. A certain minister in my neighbour, hood says It is the only thing wMch has benefited him and restored him to hla normal condition of health after being unable to preach for u considerable length of time. I could mention also n great many other cases, but bpaco would not allow. A near friend of mine, who is very much addicted to costlveness, or constipation, llnds that Mother Seigel's Pills tiro tho only pills which suit his complaint. All other pills cause a reaction which is very annoying. Motlier Seigel's Pills do not lcavo 11 bad nfter-ellec- I have much pleasure in commending again to Hiili'eriiig human, ity Mother Seigel's medicines, which uro no sham. 11 this letter is of any heivlce you can publish It. Yours very truiy. (Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist. A. J. White, Esq. 15th August, 18S3. Dear Sir, I wiile to tell you that Mr. Henry Illllier, of Yateshury, Wilts, iu. jorms 1110 that ho suffered from n sovcre-tor-ni of Indigestion for upwauls of four years, and took no end ol doctor's medi. cine without the slightest benellt, and declines Motlier Seigel's Syi up which hu got from me has baved his life. Yours truly, (Signed) N. Webb, Mr.lWhlte. Chemist, Cnlne. 705 ly 3 B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Jiecoivcd by every steamor IPOR T S TREE T New Millinery W 1 04 Fort Street, On Next, October 25th. gALL AEE ITEDfSl FEED 0 Hay, Grain and GRAND -- OK- Comer of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Telephone 1 75. iNlnnd orilei-- Hollelteil, nnd goods delivered promptly. Every Executed neatness ami AT QUEEN -- AT- BEGIX2NTJJSTG- - COMPANY. Chicken Feed. of Jl Printing STREET. dispatch, Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office, E. WISEMAN Campbcll'H Nciv Bloelc, Mcrclinnl. Sl.rocl, Telephone, 172. P. 0. 315. REAL ESTATE T, Employment Agent, Custom House Brokor, Fire Life Insurance Agent, General Business Agent The General Business Agent in tho Hawaiian Islnnds. 080 ly of Every Kind and Solicited from 'tho Various Islands. it. M. UENSON THE (1. W. SMITH, with J. Ilo.v, .A. -- E TV and and only Orders Naturo SMITH & CO.. & 113 & 116 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, Depot for Boorioko & Schreck's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, The Common Sense Nursing Dottles, And Allaire Woodward & Go's Pharmaceutical Products, Goods mm Saturday UNION OPENING Description ACH BENSON, Honolulu. WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Komi, Island of Oahu, at the olUce of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu ami street. 181) I JOHN A. HASSINQER, Ageut to take Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Olllce, Honolulu WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator nnd Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the nbovt languages made with accuracy and ills patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 H. S. TREQLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. GERTZ, fi CHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,?-Iraportc- r and Dealer m Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. FRITZ WILHELM, CARPENTER & BUILDER, Shop on King street, In rear of New Odd Fellow's Hall King street. Telephone 113. 520 (Jin I7D. O. ROWE, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTEK, Papeu Hanoi'.u, etc., No. 107 Kixa Stkf.et, Honolulu. 525 Telephone, 111. ly BROWN & PHILLIPS, Plumbum, Gat) Fitters anil Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. E37"Houna nnd Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 J.M.OATJL JU HAIIIAKI'.IIM, Loft in A. F. Cookes Now FlrcProof lluilding, foot of Nuuaiiu Street. Honolulu, 11. 1. Flagi of all descriptions made and ropaircd. ly b HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., 507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b Prff HONOLULU IRON WORKS, jfcaMlafi Steam engines, sugar mills, boil-er- coolers; iron, brasb and lend cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black miiitlung. Job work cxc. cutcd at short notice. 1 Prussian National Insurance Comp y KSTAIIMHIIKD 1815, Capital 0,000,000 Rolchsmarks. npiIE undersigned, having been ap JL pointed agent of the nbovu Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the moat Favorable Terms, Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In Honolulu. H.' RIEMENSOHNEIDEH. 070 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS nnd all whom it may concern. rTf!" Tho undersigned having ffldW?Mmado alterations, additions, OyvSfifcsjnnd Improvements in his MiM SOAP FACTORY, h now prepared to give Tho Highest Cash Vnluo for any quantity of TAXiXOW, And will furnish containers for llio same free of cost to any ono who may desire. TIION. W. KAWfilKS, Honolulu Soap Works. Office Iu Itrlck Building, King Btrcet, Lclco. 483 1) G UNGUAL JlEItCANTILU ANU Commission Aoknts. LlSTOKOFfJCIJllS: (J. .Tones, Jr.. . .President & Mnnagcr U. UAllTKIt. Ticasurer ft Secretary DiurxToiis: Hon.O.H.Btaiior. Hon. II.A.P.Cahtkk U38 ly Geo. W. Mncfarlane. II. 11. Macfarlaue. G. W. MAOFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. CHANTS and Suijav Factors, Flrcl'roof Building, 52 Queen sttcel, Honolulu. II. I. aoi:nts for The- Wulknpti Sugar Plantation, Maui, Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawuii, The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, nuuiu on gar .uui, .uaui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puiiloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hnwi ail, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- - nhlo Tramway Worki, Leeds, Mirrlees. Watson &Co'n Sugar Machiu crv. Glascow. Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets. 185 J. LYONS, L. J, LKVEV. LYONS St LEVEY, Auctioneers aud General Commission Merchants, Beaver lllock, Queen St., . . Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estatu and General Merchandise promptly at. tended to. Sole Agents for Aiuericau and Euro, peau merchandise. 1)18 M. GRINDAUM El CO., Importers of General Mer chandise mul Commission Merchants, Honolulu. i M. . GRINBAUM & Co., Commission Merchants, 121 California street, San Francisco, Cal. Clam Hi'rcckels. vm. o. Irwin. WG. IRWIN & COMPANY, Factors and Commission Ageats, Honolulu. l AS. OLEcmORN & CO. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers In General Merchan- dise, Queen and Knahumanu sts., Hono. lulu. 73 M. A. GONSALVES & CO., No. 57 Hotel Sticet. Honolulu. Importers and Dealers In Dry and Fancy vuuus, xjiium iiuiK, rmioroiuory, 281) Jcc.. &c &c. JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE, Importer aud Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 BROWN is CO., Wiiolesalo Wino and Spirit Meichants, No. 14 Merchant st Honolulu. 330 S.N.CBftic. J. D. Athcrton. CIASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commision Merchants. Importers nnd Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. i WING WO TAI & CO., and General Dealers iu English. American and Chineso Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General Supplies. Also, White i: Colored Con. tract Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 21 Nuuanu street, opposite Mr. C. Afong's. G2:i Oni Wolfe & Edwards Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fre3h Groceries nndJProvisions received by every Steamer. P.O. Box 130, Tolcphono 349. 501 0m AVM. nicOAXDfc.KJS.S, No. 0 Queen stieet. Fish Market, Dealer iu choicest Heel", V-n- Mutton, t'luh, Ac, &c. Family nnd Shipping Orders carefully attended to. LIvo block furnished to vessels nt short notice, nnd Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 310 ly PIONElilt STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. I''. HORN, Practical Confcetionoi, Pastry Cook and 13nkor. No. 71 jlotol at. Tclophonn 74. lOiiHteru IIiM5 .Siifrar KegM, Iu Shooks or Set up, nl.'o Eastern Pino Barrols for Molasses. Hoops Iron ?(, J, lin., 2 x MB, x a. 2. 3.10. For Mule by 080 3m b J. II. ItnUNS, Senior. Wutor Notice. Ofllce Sup't Water Works, Honolulu, July It, 1882. ALL persons having AVnter Privileges not i tied that lliulr Water Rates are payable semi-annuall- in advance, at the oflleo of tho Superintendent of Water Works, foot of Nuuanu street, upon the 1st day of January nnd July of each year. OH AS. H. WILSON, Sup't A ator Works S. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 201 DR. EMERSON, Resldcnco and consultation roomt at No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort. Telephone No. HO. 50 2m A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Aud Notary Public, Odlco with the Attorney General, AlIIo hint Hale, Honolulu. 312 1' JOHN RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllcc, on Merchant street, (next door to Dr. Stungcuwnld.) 405 ly RICHARD F. BICKERTON, nnd Counsellor at Lav. Money to lend on Mortgagci of Free, holds. Ofllcc, No. 41 Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, and Counvellor at Law. Notary Public, and Ageut for taking Ac knowledgtncnts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 ICnahtimauu bt Honolulu. 1 J. M. MONSARRAT, A1TORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in nny part of the Kingdom bought, told and leased, on commission. Loans negotin ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette lllock), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 1H0 C.a Beruer, In KAA1IUMANU 8TKi;KT. General Agent for Tho N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limltM Macneale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance &, Co. 238 Robert I.cworc, O. K. Cooke. T ewers a: Cooke. XJ (succcsiors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lnmbf-- r and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu i WILDER & CO., rP,ealcr8 " Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort anil Queen sU., Honolulu. J A Rare Book. r 'The Liquor Problem of all Agcf," by Dr. Dorchester, of Massachusetts. Recommend cil by the Rev. Messis. Crtuan and pggel.and ordered by of tho leading gentlemen In the coiu. inunity For sale by J. S. CUTLER, next building cast of Y. M. O. A. room. Xhc Peoiilo'M Cyclopedia. A Now Era in Cyclopedlsm. It came into existence as the result of public opinion that tho masses of the pcoplu needed a Cyclopedia better adapted to their wauls aud means. It has the cream of all tho oilier C elope-lia-s given iu a masterly, scholarly irnn. ner, not meio skeletons, but tho lleih and blood of all tho others. It Iris eighteen thousand topics more than other Cyclopedias, llvu thousand lllus. trntlons, llfty-tw- o double colored maps, one hundred nnd twcnty.flvo maps ami diagrams. Tho maps are Rail Road and County maps of the United States. 1 ho work is complete and now ready, for dcllveiy, revised and all broucht down to 1S81. Prices 17, $10, $20, $22 GO indllfer-cu- t bindings. Published by PHILLIPS it HUNT, N.. For sale by J. S. CUTLKlt, next building cast of Y.M. C."A. Rooms. JAMES JtUOILU Veterinary Surgeon, Can ho consulted dally at tho oflleo of Dr. Brodic, Fort Street, between the hours of 10 and 12 a. at. C2T All orders left there or through Telephone 231, will bo promptly attend, cd to. 813 tf a. rv. HOJtSK DOCTOR Will cure SIck or ' Lame Horses. CrScnd orders to Capt Cluney's stables Queen ft Punchbowl Us. 420 ly A Telephone No, 3fi(!. PASTUltAGE. GOOD PASTURE for Horn In Kallhl Valley HO acres In oao paddock ull lenccd, with an abundance of frrah grass, a living stream of water running through the land. Horses called for nnd delivered at CO cents per head, If so desired. ReaEonablogood caro taken of stock but no responsibility from inci- dent. Positively nono but healthy ani- mals taken. Address or enquire of ALLEN HERHERT, Olllco on Queen street, with Hamilton Johnson. 704 if A Good Pasture for Hoiws, - . - NEAR TOWN. Inrpilro to A. A. MONTANO. .177 Oni M I i 'J Ilggv.G. II. ROBERTSON,, ' .r'a.liTJL Drayman best t,,rm?AH iu town. Ofllcc, Queen st. )15MM

Transcript of evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduVol. VL No.8.m". THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. OPV"...

Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduVol. VL No.8.m". THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. OPV" litccit Street, piolto West'sCarrlneo Factory.;!cripllon, 50 conts per Month. Ml business

Vol. VL No.8.m".


OPV" litccit Street,piolto West's Carrlneo Factory.

;!cripllon, 50 conts per Month.

Ml business communications to liuiul.lrp8C(l, Manager Dally Bulletin, Post

'Ace Bo No. II. Telephone 250.

Dan Looan, EditorWuay TAVi.oit Local KcportcrJ.s. O. C(.kviok, Mnnagor


Like 11 thief ut night it steals In uponus unnwiircs. Many persons 1m vo painsiibnut the chest mill sides, unci sometimesin tho buck. They feel dull nnd sleepy;the mouth hns 11 bud taste, especially inin tho morning. A sort of sticky slimocollects about the teeth. The appetite ispoor. There is n feeling like 11 heavyload on tho stomach; sometimes :i fnint

e sensation nt the pit of theRtomnch which food docs not snlisfy.The eyes uro sunken, the hands nnd fc:tbeconio cold mid feel chinimy. After (t

while a cough sets In at llrst diy, butufter a few months It is attended with 11

greenish coloured expectoration. Theadllclcd one feels tired all the while, andsleep does not seem to nll'ord any rest.After a time he becomes nervous, irrita-ble, nnd gloomy, and has evil foie.bodings. There Is 11 giddiness, u soil ofwhirling sensation in tho head whenrising up suddenly. Tho bowels becomecostive; the skin is dry and hot at limes;the blood becomes thick and stagnant;tho whites of tho eyes become tlngulwith yellow, tho urine is scanty nnd high-coloure-

depositing a sediment alterstanding. There Is frequently a spittingup of tho food, sometimes with n sourtaste, nnd sometimes with a sweetishtaste; this is frequently attended withpalpitation of tho heart; the visionbecomes impaired with spots before theeyc3; there is" a feeling ot great prostra-tion and weakness. All oftheso symptoms are in tuin picscnt. It is thoughtthat nearly one-thir- d of our populationhas this disease in some of its variedlorms. It has been found that medicalmen havo mistaken the nature of thisdisease. Some have treated it for a livercomplaint, others for kidney disense, etc.,but none of the various kinds of treat-ment have becu attended with biicccs,because the remedy should uc suciinsloact harmoniously upon each one of thesooigans, and upon the stomach as well;for in Dyspepsia (for this is really whatthe disease is) all of theso organs partakeof this discaso and require a remedythat will net upon nil at tho sanio time.Seigel's Curative Syrup acts like nchamiin this class of complaints, giving almostiinmcdiatcd relief. Tho following lettersfrom chemists of standing In the com.muiiity where they live show in whatestimation the article is bold.

John Archer, Harthlll, near Sheffield:I cau confidently recommend It to all

who may be suffering from liver orstomach complaints, having tho testi-mony of mycustomcrs, who have derivedgreat bcnetlt fiom tho Syrup and Pills.The sale is increasing wonderfully.

Geo. A. Webb, 141, Yoik Street,Belfast:! havo sold a largo quantity,and tho parties hac testified to its beingwhat you represent it.

J. S. Metcalfe, 55, Highgate, Kendal:I have always gieat pleasure in rccom.

mending the Curative Syrup, for I havenever known a case In which it lias notrelieved or cured, and I have hold manyirrosses.

Robt. G. Gould, 27, High Street,Andovcr: I havo always take a greatinteiest in your medlcinci nnd I haverecommended them, as I have founduumeious catcs of cure from their use.

Thomas Chapman, Weit Auckland :

J llnd that tho trade steadily increases.I sell more of your medicines tlian anyother kind.

N. Dm roll, Chin, Salop: All who buyit are pleased, and leoommcnd It.

Jos. lUlkwill, A. P. S., Kingsbridgc:Tho public seem to appreciate their

great value.A. Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-ln-Furncs-

It is needless for mo to saythat your valuable medicines have greathalo in this disti let greater than anyother I know of, giving gtcat satisfaction.

Robt. Lai ue, Mclksham: I can wellleconiniend tho Curative Syrup fromhaving proved its elhcacy for indigestionmyself.

Frlockheim, Arbroath, Foifarshire,Sept. 28, 1882. Dear Sir, Last year I.sent you a letter leeniumcndlnc; MotherSeigel's Syrup. I havo ery muchpleasure in still bearing testimony to thovery satisfactory results of the famedSymp and Pills. Mostpatcnt medicinesdie out with me, but Motlier Scigel hashad a steady sale ever binco I

nnd is still in us great demnndus when I llrst began to bell tho medi.clue. The cuius which havo como undermy notleo uro chielly thoso or livercomplaint and general debility.

A certain minister in my neighbour,hood says It is the only thing wMch hasbenefited him and restored him to hlanormal condition of health after beingunable to preach for u considerablelength of time. I could mention also ngreat many other cases, but bpaco wouldnot allow. A near friend of mine, whois very much addicted to costlveness, orconstipation, llnds that Mother Seigel'sPills tiro tho only pills which suit hiscomplaint. All other pills cause areaction which is very annoying.Motlier Seigel's Pills do not lcavo 11 badnfter-ellec- I have much pleasure incommending again to Hiili'eriiig human,ity Mother Seigel's medicines, whichuro no sham. 11 this letter is of anyheivlce you can publish It.

Yours very truiy.(Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist.

A. J. White, Esq.

15th August, 18S3.

Dear Sir, I wiile to tell you that Mr.Henry Illllier, of Yateshury, Wilts, iu.jorms 1110 that ho suffered from n sovcre-tor-ni

of Indigestion for upwauls of fouryears, and took no end ol doctor's medi.cine without the slightest benellt, anddeclines Motlier Seigel's Syi up which hugot from me has baved his life.

Yours truly,(Signed) N. Webb,

Mr.lWhlte. Chemist, Cnlne.705 ly 3

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Jiecoivcd by every steamor IPOR T STREE T

New MillineryW

1 04 Fort Street,

On Next, October 25th.gALL AEE ITEDfSl


Hay, Grain and


Comer of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTelephone 1 75.

iNlnnd orilei-- Hollelteil, nnd goods delivered promptly.


Executed neatness ami



-- AT-



Chicken Feed.

of Jl Printing



Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,

E. WISEMANCampbcll'H Nciv Bloelc, Mcrclinnl. Sl.rocl,

Telephone, 172. P. 0. 315.

REAL ESTATE T,Employment Agent, Custom House Brokor,

Fire Life Insurance Agent,General Business Agent

The General Business Agent in tho Hawaiian Islnnds.080 ly of Every Kind and Solicited from 'tho Various Islands.



(1. W. SMITH,




.A. -- E TV


onlyOrders Naturo



Depot for Boorioko & Schreck's

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, The Common Sense Nursing Dottles,

And Allaire Woodward & Go's Pharmaceutical Products,










WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Komi, Island of Oahu, at the olUce ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuami street. 181) I

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Ageut to take Acknowledgments

to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Olllce,Honolulu

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

nnd Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the nbovtlanguages made with accuracy and illspatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


201 FORT ST.

GERTZ, fiCHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,?-Iraportc-r

and Dealer m Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.


Shop on King street, In rear of NewOdd Fellow's Hall King street.

Telephone 113. 520 (Jin


Papeu Hanoi'.u, etc.,No. 107 Kixa Stkf.et, Honolulu.

525 Telephone, 111. ly

BROWN & PHILLIPS,Plumbum, Gat) Fitters

anil Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. E37"Houna nnd Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

J.M.OATJL JU HAIIIAKI'.IIM,Loft in A. F. Cookes Now FlrcProof

lluilding, foot of Nuuaiiu Street.Honolulu, 11. 1.

Flagi of all descriptions made andropaircd. ly b


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

Prff HONOLULU IRON WORKS,jfcaMlafi Steam engines, sugar mills, boil-er-

coolers; iron, brasb and lend cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black miiitlung. Job work cxc.cutcd at short notice. 1

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp y


Capital 0,000,000 Rolchsmarks.

npiIE undersigned, having been apJL pointed agent of the nbovu Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the moat Favorable Terms,

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In


070 ly b at Wilder & Co's.


nnd all whom it may concern.

rTf!" Tho undersigned havingffldW?Mmado alterations, additions,OyvSfifcsjnnd Improvements in hisMiM SOAP FACTORY,h now prepared to give

Tho Highest Cash Vnluofor any quantity of

TAXiXOW,And will furnish containers for llio samefree of cost to any ono who may desire.

TIION. W. KAWfilKS,Honolulu Soap Works.

Office Iu Itrlck Building,King Btrcet, Lclco. 483 1)


Commission Aoknts.


(J. .Tones, Jr.. . .President & MnnagcrU. UAllTKIt. Ticasurer ft Secretary

DiurxToiis:Hon.O.H.Btaiior. Hon. II.A.P.Cahtkk

U38 ly

Geo. W. Mncfarlane. II. 11. Macfarlaue.



Suijav Factors,Flrcl'roof Building, 52 Queen sttcel,

Honolulu. II. I.aoi:nts for

The- Wulknpti Sugar Plantation, Maui,Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawuii,The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,nuuiu on gar .uui, .uaui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puiiloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hnwiail,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port--

nhlo Tramway Worki, Leeds,Mirrlees. Watson &Co'n Sugar Machiu

crv. Glascow.Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets.



LYONS St LEVEY,Auctioneers aud General

Commission Merchants,Beaver lllock, Queen St., . . Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estatuand General Merchandise promptly at.tended to.

Sole Agents for Aiuericau and Euro,peau merchandise. 1)18

M. GRINDAUM El CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise mul Commission Merchants,Honolulu. i

M. . GRINBAUM & Co.,Commission Merchants,

121 California street,San Francisco, Cal.

Clam Hi'rcckels. vm. o. Irwin.

WG. IRWIN & COMPANY,Factors and Commission

Ageats, Honolulu. l

AS. OLEcmORN & CO.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers In General Merchan-dise, Queen and Knahumanu sts., Hono.lulu. 73

M. A. GONSALVES & CO.,No. 57 Hotel Sticet. Honolulu.

Importers and Dealers In Dry and Fancyvuuus, xjiium iiuiK, rmioroiuory,

281) Jcc.. &c &c.

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE,Importer aud Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

BROWN is CO.,Wiiolesalo Wino and Spirit

Meichants, No. 14 Merchant stHonolulu. 330

S.N.CBftic. J. D. Athcrton.

CIASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commision

Merchants. Importers nnd Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. i

WING WO TAI & CO.,and General Dealers

iu English. American and Chineso Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. Also, White i: Colored Con.tract Matting, all qualities and prices.

No. 21 Nuuanu street, opposite Mr. C.Afong's. G2:i Oni

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery and Feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fre3h Groceries nndJProvisions received

by every Steamer.P.O. Box 130, Tolcphono 349.

501 0m

AVM. nicOAXDfc.KJS.S,No. 0 Queen stieet. Fish Market,

Dealer iu choicestHeel", V-n- Mutton, t'luh, Ac, &c.

Family nnd Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. LIvo block furnished tovessels nt short notice, nnd Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 310 ly



I''. HORN, Practical Confcetionoi,Pastry Cook and 13nkor.

No. 71 jlotol at. Tclophonn 74.

lOiiHteru IIiM5 .Siifrar KegM,Iu Shooks or Set up, nl.'o

Eastern Pino Barrols forMolasses.

Hoops Iron ?(, J, lin., 2 x MB, x a.2 . 3.10.

For Mule by080 3m b J. II. ItnUNS, Senior.

Wutor Notice.Ofllce Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July It, 1882.

ALL persons having AVnter Privilegesnot i tied that lliulr Water Rates

are payable semi-annuall- in advance,at the oflleo of tho Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon the 1st day of January nnd July ofeach year. OHAS. H. WILSON,

Sup't A ator WorksS. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 201

DR. EMERSON,Resldcnco and consultation roomt

at No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort.Telephone No. HO. 50 2m


Aud Notary Public,Odlco with the Attorney General, AlIIohint Hale, Honolulu. 312 1'


Ofllcc, on Merchant street, (next doorto Dr. Stungcuwnld.) 405 ly

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,nnd Counsellor at Lav.

Money to lend on Mortgagci of Free,holds. Ofllcc, No. 41 Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,and Counvellor at Law.

Notary Public, and Ageut for taking Acknowledgtncnts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 ICnahtimauu btHonolulu. 1


and Notary Public. Real Estate in nnypart of the Kingdom bought, told andleased, on commission. Loans negotinted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette lllock), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 1H0

C.a Beruer,InKAA1IUMANU 8TKi;KT.

General Agent forTho N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(limltMMacneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance &, Co.


Robert I.cworc, O. K. Cooke.T ewers a: Cooke.XJ (succcsiors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lnmbf-- r and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu i

WILDER & CO.,rP,ealcr8 " Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort anil Queen sU.,

Honolulu. J

A Rare Book.r

'The Liquor Problem of all Agcf,"by Dr. Dorchester, of Massachusetts.

Recommend cil by the Rev. Messis.Crtuan and pggel.and ordered byof tho leading gentlemen In the coiu.inunity For sale by J. S. CUTLER,next building cast of Y. M. O. A. room.

Xhc Peoiilo'M Cyclopedia.A Now Era in Cyclopedlsm.

It came into existence as the result ofpublic opinion that tho masses of thepcoplu needed a Cyclopedia betteradapted to their wauls aud means. Ithas the cream of all tho oilier C elope-lia-s

given iu a masterly, scholarly irnn.ner, not meio skeletons, but tho lleihand blood of all tho others. It Iriseighteen thousand topics more thanother Cyclopedias, llvu thousand lllus.trntlons, llfty-tw- o double colored maps,one hundred nnd twcnty.flvo maps amidiagrams. Tho maps are Rail Roadand County maps of the United States.1 ho work is complete and now ready,for dcllveiy, revised and all brouchtdown to 1S81.

Prices 17, $10, $20, $22 GO indllfer-cu- tbindings.

Published by PHILLIPS it HUNT,N.. For sale by J. S. CUTLKlt, nextbuilding cast of Y.M. C."A. Rooms.

JAMES JtUOILUVeterinary Surgeon,Can ho consulted dally at tho oflleo ofDr. Brodic, Fort Street, between thehours of 10 and 12 a. at.

C2T All orders left there or throughTelephone 231, will bo promptly attend,cd to. 813 tf

a. rv.

HOJtSK DOCTORWill cure SIck or

' Lame Horses.

CrScnd orders to Capt Cluney's stablesQueen ft Punchbowl Us. 420 ly A

Telephone No, 3fi(!.

PASTUltAGE.GOOD PASTURE forHorn In Kallhl ValleyHO acres In oao paddockull lenccd, with anabundance of frrah

grass, a living stream of water runningthrough the land. Horses called fornnd delivered at CO cents per head, If sodesired. ReaEonablogood caro taken ofstock but no responsibility from inci-dent. Positively nono but healthy ani-mals taken. Address or enquire of

ALLEN HERHERT,Olllco on Queen street, with HamiltonJohnson. 704 if

A Good Pasture for Hoiws,- . - NEAR TOWN.

Inrpilro toA. A. MONTANO.

.177 Oni




Ilggv.G. II. ROBERTSON,, '.r'a.liTJL Drayman best t,,rm?AHiu town. Ofllcc, Queen st. )15MM

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduVol. VL No.8.m". THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. OPV" litccit Street, piolto West'sCarrlneo Factory.;!cripllon, 50 conts per Month. Ml business






K'l - W1M 1IMIIIMMB I - - - T



BISHOP & Co., UANKEKSHonolulu, Iltiwaltnn Mnnrt-- .

Draw lAclmiiE" mi the

JBtutk ol'C'nlllbruiu. S. rAnd llicir nacnls In


Messrs. N.M. Rothschild A: Sun, London, j

Tlie Commercial 11 ink Co.. of Sydney, ,

Loudon,The Coiiimeirial H.inl. Co., of Sjilm-y- ,

Sydney.The Bank of New Zealand: Auckland,

ChrNtohureli, nnil Wellington.Tilt! Hank of BtilWi Columbia, Vic

lorla, 11. 0. uud Poitlaml, Or.AN11---

Transnct a General Banking HusliiL".'.'

(JOO ly

Till) IAILY KIIL1F.T1can lit; hud 1 oiu

J. M. Oat, .lr., & Co Metchanl st.T. (1. Thrum Mcichant n.And fioin tliu Paper Currier,


Hedge! to neither Sect i:or fatty.Hut established for tho benefit of .ill.

WEDNESDAY. OCT. 2!. 1881.


Oahu Lodge, No. t K. of J'. 7 ::!().

Bethel Prayer Meeting, tit 7 :.'50.

Fort St. Church. Prayer Meetingat7:.'10.

St. Andrew's Catliedral. usualservices, 7:110.


Kejuiar Cash Sale, at Sales Roomof iyo'-.- & Levey at 10 o'cloek.


For many years the press has beenurging the learning of trade byboys. A generation ha" in the mean-

time been growing up. with an in-

creasing disposition to regard pro-

ductive toil as disagreeable. It liasbecome a serious matter of com-

plaint among matcr mechanics andmanufacturers, in the 1'nitcd States,that good boys to learn trades arescarce. One cause of the evil is thetendency of tiic times and of publicinstructors, including the press, to

unduly exalt tho achievements ofthose who have suddenly risen tofame and fortune. Plodding indus-

try has thus been made to appear,in the fervid imagination of youth,as a road to success which only thedull-witte- d, and those devoid ofgenius needed to travel. The situa-

tion is complicated to the philan-

thropic social 'cicnti'-- t by the fuel

that the desire for an easy and gen-

teel livelihood seems to have grownwith the advancement of educationalsystems toward perfect ideals.(Education ha long been held forth

' as the great regulator of society, themost potent preventive of crime.Hut it does not hcem to be fuUillingthat function in anything like fairproportion to its own development.In fact, a very great portion of theprevailing crime in the world y

is of a nature requiring a highdegree of educated cleverness to

perpetiatc. "'A smart rascal." is

the term justly applied to manyeducated depredators of the tightsand property of the individual andthe state. Yet education, in the

, popular seno of schooling, cannotfor this reason lie denominated acause of that species of crime ; il is

only a necessary condition of il. A

true and thorough education of thewhole man from infancy better,froin ancestry would have made itssubject a "smart" benefactor ofhis race.

The same line of reasoning is appli-

cable to an effect of education whichmore nearly concerns our presentsubject that it makes youth feelthemselves above the farm and theworkshop. That such is the casehas been proved in cases of theschools of a country suddenly under-going radical improvement by thesubstitution of an intelligent, metho-dical and scientific system for the

Imp-hazar- d regime oftho boarding-roun- d, tnwso and birch-swingin- g

pedagogue. One of thefirst results of such a revolution inthe educational system of a countryis the production of a surplusof teachers of the subordinategrades and an overwhelmingsupply of store clerks and applicantsfor like, easy positions for which a

i -- very ordinary education qualifies. Itappears as if the improved systemcarried the youngsters forward so

, much mote rapidly than the oldwant of system, that themselves andtheir parents were deluded into thebelief that tho hopefuls were, geniuses

''who'slioukl be hurried out into the


ir.L 'f11

,"W$$)f -- r

iftpf&s&s&syj &KI&

World as quickly as Jiosslbloi lo ' tho smoke, which detaches ifio fllnin-gras- p

the success that they had but ' ous incmbrmiu in the throat andto reach out for.

The further tendency of the ex-

cellent facilities afforded in moderneducational Bystcms is to crowd theprofessions with men who haveunder-estimate- d the conditions oftrue success in them, and whosemotives arc too much of a sordidnature. While il may bo true thatthere is always room nt the lop inthe learned vocations, tho top of thetree is to a largo oxtcnt made lessworthy the expenditure of greatcfTbit to mount to. by the plumsbeing bi ought within reach of cheapand llashy expedients at the bottom.Legal tariffs of remuneration, andthe methods of mendicants andsycophants, are necessary to main-

tain in the world n great propoitionof the classes who undertake thecare of the health, property and mo-ta- ls

of their fellow-being- s. Jl is onaccount of the large number of per-

sons who seek the professions, nottlnough devotion to their high andnoble objects but for the mere emi-

nence iu the world they give, thatthey aie often too sweepingly andunjustly condemned as gigantic im-

postures. The more education is

facilitated, the greater will theseevils become, nnd for the benefit ofthe race, as well as for

the ruling powers of the pro-

fessions will bare to raise thestandards of admittance to theirrank's.

It is not the perfection of educa-

tion, but its incompleteness, that is

so much in the way of the world'ssubstantial work, by hindering thosupply of men for where they arcmost wanted, and encouraging meninto walks of life where they can bemost easily spared. While the rudi-

ments of education taught in tiicmajority of schools in Chris-

tendom arc all right, the onlytechnical education in the majorityof instances is of a mercantile char-

acter, and pupils evincing capacityfor more than the rudiments are mostusually tin ncd into Latin and (J reckgrammars, mathematics, orgcoinctry,often without a thought of theirnatural bent. The rule has been, ifthe child shows talent abovemediocre make him a clergyman, n

lawyer or a doctor. Possibly in theoperation a natural mechanicalgenius may be spoiled, or a greatgeographer, geologist or navigatorlost to ids ago, but our boasted edu-

cational systems have not yet, as arule, comprehended anything higherin youthful education than a smatter-ing of the monastic lore of themiddle ages. If it were not thatnatural selection, oftentimes acciden-tal, led the risiug generation into thelife paths best adapted to them, theworld would be badly off indeedeven with all its educational progress.It is a hopeful sign of the times,however, that technical and indus-

trial education is receiving increas-

ing attention in every civilized coun-

try, not excepting our own. Whilethe experiment is being tried in tho

schools, as a member of one of thegreat educational forces of tiic timethe press we would the urge desira-

bility of boys, and even girls, learn-

ing trades. A good trade by goodmeaning one suited to its possessor'stalents and tastes is better by farthan a fortune; surer than aprofession ; commands more paythan tho so much sought genteel oc-

cupations of commercial life ; affordsscope for the utilization of some ofthe highest branches taught in theschools ; prosents to genius, clever-

ness or industry tho promise of sub-

stantial and sometimes quick re-

wards; proem cs the respect andhonor due to honest labor and per-

severing effort, and is no bar to thehighest political or social prefermentlo which its possessor's culture andqualities entitle him. Lei all whohave the car of the rising generationinstil into il the dignity of labor andtho advantages of mechanical skill,and magnify the importance ofeverybody having a trade.


As diphtheria now tuid then claimsa victim in this country, and is oneof the most terrible of scourges wlicnepidemic, we give a cure discoeredby a French physician : Pour equalparts of turpentine and liquid tarinto a tin pan or cup, and set lire totho mixture. A dense, resinousHinoko arises, which obcttres tho airof the room. The patient inhales

dissolves it. Entire recovery fol-

lows in three days. This treatmentwas recently tried in New York. Thepatient, a little girl, was lying gasp-ing for breath when the, physicianvisited her. First pouting abouttwo tablespoonfuls of liquellcd taron an iron pan, he poured as muchtuipentincover it and set it on fire.Tho rich resinous stnoko which roseto the ceiling was by no means tinpleasant. As it filled the room thechild's breathing became natural,and as the smoke gicw dense she fellasleep.

It is estimated that what the dogsof Iowa consume would feed 100,000person, and the vnlue of sheep theydestroy would support the schoolsof the Stale. Probably the dogs ofHonolulu consume the value of theproposed new waterworks in a year.There seems to be no household herenot poor enough to keep three dogs.

Wheat was cheaper in England atthe beginning of August than il hadbeen for a hundred years. Wheat-raise- rs

must therefore be in likestraits with sugar-raisci- s. In Eng-

land the cheapness of wheat will

have n tendency to bring down pricesof oilier necessaries, establishingsome sort of compensation to theproducer. Here, however, far awayfiom the liases of supply, and withlimited domestic food resources,there is nothing to relieve the de-

pression in our great staple.


Ocroimu 28th.J. E. Wiseman vs. Waller iirash,

assumpsit for S20.fj(J. Case settled.Costs 83.25.

Mrs. E. Doyle vs. Joseph Tracy,assumpsit for 612. Case discontin-

ued. Costs 83.25.See Wo & Co. vs. Kcauloa, dam-

ages 8200. Case discontinued. CostsS2.25.

Anorr a quarter before twelve

o'clock this morning, a team ofhorses attached to a dray load ofbamboo sticks, and in charge of aChinaman, started at full galop fromIlalekauwila street, turned on toKort street and kept on until reach-

ing the corner of Port and Hotelstreets, where in the most daringmanner, W. S. Morehcad, a hackdriver, sprang at one of the horses,got him by the bit and brought themto a standstill right in front of JimDodd's stables, the hydrant postbeing all broken to pieces by thewagon colliding witli it. There wasany amount of private caniages on

Fori street at tho time, but fortu-

nately they all escaped injury.George Fassctt was on the street at i

the time in his brake and owing toits extraordinary dimensions he pro-

bably had as narrow an cscapo asany one. Too much credit cannotbe given to Mor6hend for the cooland easy manner in which lie stoppedthe team.


in Honolulu, the i!t)th day of October,1881, tho follwinf? olllccis were re-

elected for tho term of one year;A. Frank Cooke PresidentW. L. Wilcox Viccl'rcsiileiitF. II. Oat Secictaiy & TreasurerII Watcrhoii'-- AuditorWin. McCandless Director855 lw V. 13. OAT, Secretary


nt 1 p.m. nt the Fish-mark- wharf,

On Saturday, November J ,

Hy order of Henri Fecr, Esq., FrenchConimiiouer and Consul, wo will sellut I'll bile Auction on SATURDAY, Nov.1st, at 1 p. in., nt Fish.markct wharf, forurcount of whom it may concern, the

(InHKOW Clipper ICullt

3Bv' TAWEBA1! (5 lone, copper lined and fastened, nsshe now lies nt the above whurf, also her

OoiitN, Cables,Sails, lllocks, Lines, Nautical Instru-incut-

Chronometer, Medicine Chest, &o.

Tortus Cash at Timo o'f Salo.

855 01 LYONS & LEVEY, Auct'rs.

Oi Satnrflay, Nov. 1, '84,At 1 p.m., at tliu Flsh.innrkct wharf, we

will sell nt Auction for account ofwhom it may concern, tho

Cargo of French Brig TaweraConsisting of a

hiiiiiiity of Iron ItigghiK,Driving Apparatus, &c, &c.

ITCIMHN CllHll,'855 It LYONS fi LEVEY, Aucl'rs


(t'loiil Our Ohm Correspondent.)t'AIIAI.A.

Pahala and surrounding districthave been favored with heavy rainsduring tho last forty-eigh- t hours andthe indications are that we shallhave considerably more.

A number of the recently importedPortuguese arrived in Kan by thePlanter on iier last trip. The greaternumber go to llilea and Naalehu.About forty, cloven being working-me- n,

came lo this place. The differ-

ence in appearance between theseand the Portuguese who have beenhere two or three ycais is striking,the latter taking the palm for looksof prosperity.

Our school-maste- r has been mak-

ing his appearance in court again nsplaintiff and a Portuguese as

It is singular the Hoardof Education docs not do somethingfor our school bore. I understandcomplaints have been made to themas to the way it is conducted, but noaction has been taken.

Rather a painful accident hap-

pened to W. Wyatl two weeks ago.He had climbed on some boxes totake one down, when slipping hefell with his back on the edge ofone, breaking a lib and considerablybruising himself. L'nder tho care offriends ho is slowly recovering.


Australian Gam! Beef

Olt MA.I..M 15V

& Co.853 lw

STOLEN or STRAYED.Al impioiani i'ari;, onMonday last, a Gordon Set-ter, unsw cilng to the nameof " Curo." "Five DollarsReward will lie given to

tho person returning said dog to855 tit 11. J. NOLTE.

COOK.UfAX'J'ill) a situation us Cook by nVt Portuguese who undeistands a

little English. ApplyGONSALVES ita CO.. G7 Hotel St.



(niv sistoi) will carry on the Dress-making Department foi me, and receiveall accounts due, whose receipt for thosame will be vulllcicnl.

MRS. A. MELLIS, 101 Fort StHonolulu, Oct. 28th, 18S-1-. 811 lw


Kl'imls reading and wilting English.Applv to

KINTAJIO JAP.851 4l No. iaSehool st.

G5 1'iTLSs eccl- -

Drain Vines, Fruit Trees,ALLEN HERBERT lias for sale and

now leady to plant at his place inKiillhi,

10,000 M Grill Till!of tho choice table and wine varieties'.

I & 2 year-old- s at 50 cts. each.

Hose of Peru, Black Hamburg,Brown Maroea, Flam Tokay,

Zinfamlole, Grape cuttlings 10 etsEacli or $7.50 per ICO.

Applo Tree-'- , Pear, Pcnclie,Plums, Nectarines, Quince,

Cherries, Almond-Walnut- s.

GRASS SEED.Bed Clover, Timothv, Orchard Grass,

Bed Toji Clover, Ky. Blue Grass,Peiennical Itye, Italian Bye,

Mixed Lawn, Mullet Seed,Alfalfa, Egyptian Corn,

Carrot Seed, Seed Oats,Bailey, Wheat.

All two year-old- s, $1.75 each.Packed nnd delivered on board schooling

nt Honolulu free of charge.

A. HERBERT,853 1 w Ofllco on Queen .Street.




E.&J. BUBKE'S bTOUT, " "


r Kiil- - ill KoivttHt lliiltih.

In loti to suit at

F. A.SCHAEFER&Co.U5'i lw

Adjoining Doihl'e,


The long looked for opening of thisstore will be on Monday, Sept. 10th,with n full stock of


Soda Water,

And Tobaocos.

until'. DON NOLLY, manufacturerof Soda Water, Ginger Beer, Boot Beernnd Spruco Deer, will oiler to the publicon Mommy, cooling nruiKSPiiiiuuui iunuy In tho Hawaiian Islands, 'lmsdrinks mentioned above arc manufac-tured at my Soda Worke , back of RoseCottage. One trial of my Aictlc Sodawill pronounce It the best In the city.My syrups are Imported from London,comprise the choicest of English fruit,namely Gooseberry, Cherry, Pear,Raspberry, Slrnwbeiry, Lemon, RedCurrant, Black Currant and Pine Apple,Sar.saparllla, Ginger, Orange and

Any of these Iruits m

i5 ets pei 01sxs.s.My motto Is, to give a superior article

even if It cost more, nnd thereby ensure81 WhVmv' GINGER BEKR, ROOTBEER ami SPRUCE BEEB, 1 havebeen at a heavy expense experimentingon them, to as to glvo the public drinksthat will be both strengthening andlefreshing In this climate. I guaranteethem strictly VEGETABLE, no MINE-

RALS emplovcd. I use some of thellncst medicinal herbs that glow in the'Slate. Tho public wants a drink withsome nutriment in It, this you 11 nil inmy beers that Miongthen the body aswell as dilulo the blood for purposes ofi more easy How through tho system.They can bif taken by any one ns theyaie absolutely puic. They are the mostenjoyable thirst quenchers over iulro-ducci- l.

I will sell them at priecs to suitone nnd all.Superior Genger Beer, 10c. per bottle.Donnolly's Hoot Beer,Donnolly's Spruce Beer, " " "

Candies for the MillionOn Saturday, at the Fountain. My as-

sortment is of tho finest and purest des-

cription and will bo sold nt the lowestpossible price. Don't forget nnd callearly to insuie a packet of these larocandies for the loved ones at home. Ihavo also an assortment of Bon Bons,Cloves and Nuts of till descriptions.


Smokers' Aiticles a speciality nt thoFountain, nil descriptions of home milforeign Cigars, to suit tho most fnitl-diou-

Best brands of Tobacco andCigarettes. Hoping to get a share ofpublic patronage by supplying a goodarticle, I remain,

Yours respectfully,814 :im BOBEUT DONNOLLY.



AL I70 Hotel Street.

C J. McCAETHY Prop'tor.

Best Manila, Havana and AmericanCigars on Hand.

Fiesh Vanity Fair, Little Bcnutle, GoldIlir, TJireu Kings iiuet tliu Pet

Clgaictte?.Chowing and Smoking Tobacco,

Cut Foil and Plug.The Billiaid Tables of this establish- -

ment havo been ic covered andleveled, which makes them

the best in town.Ginger Ale and Soda Water on Ice.

tST Call nnd sec me. "IBa785

Beaver L Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursThe flncit Brands of Cigars nnd

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.CSTTho only scu-ahl- o resort In tho

Kingdom. 611. J. XOLTE,Proprietor.



Anl Upholsterer,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Mado of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.'

made ot the.' latest designs.

TO LET.SUIT OF FRONT BOOMS, nicelyA furnished. Apply at No. 8 Kuku'i

street. 77(1 tf

Furnisho (1 Rooms.IOB GENTLEMEN ONLY. Apply

MBS. TURNEIt, 82 King Street,nearly opposite tho Windsor Boitaiiraut,

uuu ly ii


that ho Is prepared toundertake contracts for AVell Boring,cheaper than any one else.

Portugucso Street, back of Queen'sHospital. 850 tf


Haw mil rum Pnwmmm uaiu

Ready for Active Work Again.

rpilE Buciiiesi Community nnd myA Patron generally thiougliout the

IliiniU will please tnko notice that Ihave returned from my trio to the Constand with improved facilities for con.ducting my General Olllre Bntlnes. 1

most respectfully solicit In the fiituiethe patronage heietofore c.Mcndcd toine during my business engagement Intho Klnailom for the past live- years.

In addition to my vaiioim depart-ments, I havo liccnnppolnttd foIo Agentfor the St. .To & Hannibal mid tho llui- -Hiigtou mid Quincy Ball Iioade, also,soliciting Agent for the Sun FrunoUcoIlluminating Card Adveitbenieiit Com-pany. Orders for Goods, Wnrc3 andMerchandise of every kind and naturesent to tho Const, and Malefactionguarantied and on the most reasonnbleterms.

In my Real Estate Dep.iitment, 1 lmenlwnvs'on hand clioire pioperty to selland Jloues, Rooms and Ofllccs to leasennd let. I collect ieut, pay ami

taxes, insurance nnd older neces-sary lepalro when required. Landlordsanil Owners will Hint that It will lie totheir advantage lo place their Real Es-tate inteicsts in my hand?, ns I wincarefully attend to this branch of mybusiness to their entire satisfaction.

Custom House Entries executed atihort notice.

Books and Accounts kept and adjust-ed, and Quarterly Bills distributed nndcollected accurately and promptly.

Soliciting Agent for tliu Mutual LifeInsurance Co. of New York, also e

Agent.Don't forget that I do business on

business principles. Give mo a call..J. 13. WI5-UE3.I.A.2- V,

The only recognised General BusinessAgent In the Kingdom.

Offices, 28 Meichant Sticet, Campbell'sFiro Proof Block, Honolulu,

P. O. Box aie .Telephone 172.815 am

Boots Slioes

L. ABLERBEGS to Infoim tho nubile that ho has

JUST RECEIVEDper Mariposa, an elegant assoitnicnt of

Gents', Ladies', and Children's


812 Sin



(opposite Pamheon Stables)


Carriage Msmul'aoturer,Wheelwright ami

General Blacksmith.The Manufactory contains a complete

Caniagc Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Painthhop, nnd Trimming Shop.







Made to Order on most favorable termsnnd all work guaranteed.The C'loMCHt Attention given to re-ln- ir

work or nil IcIikIh.Having been in business on the Island

for a number of years employing iloncbut the most Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only Al Material, 1 can strictlyguarantee all won: leaving my Mnnu-fnetor- y.

Give mo a oall before purchasingolsowhore.

Don't forget the place.128 nnd llio V01Vi gTBEET.

oi'eosiri: noon's waiium.


For Froisht or Charter.jgj$ E BGTNE

"HAZARD.Apply at the

814 llll I'Ai'lvin TJ.v., o..'"..fc..ni UJJS VvU,







Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduVol. VL No.8.m". THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. OPV" litccit Street, piolto West'sCarrlneo Factory.;!cripllon, 50 conts per Month. Ml business

nwrw " TFW "n' Vf -- V "$ ' ipfiwr?-- - ''''--, " - 1', .. f V .... ., , i.l. .- .- . .. ., ...r..I V .. ST?..,..' .,..'.. ,. 11.' . I . , I " . - . 1. .ISSAlRi!WU $jlh $Uifa. ls mXKt t0 ' e1WM' Wo other htriouuts that ho has never; T)nnnln(UI Ir . . . W0I,M Btntc lll--

t It was not lien accounted for. Mr. Kuwolo defend- - Ij 11 1 1 ij I tf N N IjUllllMlWKI)N1'S1)AY. OCT. !!). 18R4. Butldr, tho People's Candidate, who ed him, but His Honor in summing i '

SUN, MOOH AND SEA.All time from noon of y, Oct. 29

li in.Run Sets r ().Sun Pises IS 02.Moon Sets. 13 32.High Tide (hr-e- ) 0 00.High Tldc (small) 11 30.

WISH MI WCATIIMifiom noon or yesterday:

AtTiVKul. TlieiinonictiT Knln.

SIMM 3(1.11 :m.l3 )0 -- 70 7fie I) o. wWind, X.i:. Unlit; Sky, Imzy; ken, smooth.

TELEPHONIC.Dlitiimml Head, Oct. 'J'.), 3 p. M

Light N. K. wind.



Aluincda.... Loaves Honolulu. Nov. 1stMariposa LtavesIIsnolulu, Nov. 13



Stmr City of Sydney.... Nov 1

1011 SAN rilANCISCO.Stmr Zenlandln Nov S3

arrivals.October 20

Sehr Kckauhiohl from IlanalclStmr Planter from Windward PonsStinr Jus Mnkcc from Kauai mid Onlm


StiurMokolil, for Windward PortsSehr Itninbnw, for KoolsuiSehr Hnlcnkala for Fepockeo

VESSELS LEAVINGIlk U ft Bishop for San FrnnclcoSell!" Wahnalu for KoloaSehr Kaulkeaoiili for Koholalcle

VESSELS IN PORT.S S ltordeaux, PhlllpotSteam bk Oeo S Homer, PerryShip. El Dorado, HumphriesPile; Teweia, La GiteuJlark Calbarleti, Hubbardllgtuu Hazard, TlerneyHark Ophelia, ModdielHark Nicholas' Thayer, CrosbyHark Varuna, IngramIlk Paelle Slope, flamesS S Alameda, --MorseHark Martha Davis. E M UensonHktno W H Dlniond, Houdlettliktno Ella, Howe

PASSENCERS.For Kaunl. per IwalanI, Oct 28 V

KmuHcn, F Gay, MUses K and A Cay,It A Macllc. Jr. Max Sehlemmer, SHarrison and P Plchiuoml.

Por Hauiakua, per 0 ft Bishop, Oct 23V H Iliehnrd, J Marsdcn. P S Kay,

W It Lawieneo and J IClha.Prom ICauai, Walanac and Waialua,

per Jas Makco, Oct. 20 M D Monsar-la- t,

Capt Jackson, .1 Llticliardson, I) Dllaldwlu and about 75 deck.

SHIPPING NOTES.In consequence of tho Martha Davis

being unloaded from the after hatch theforward part of the vowel Is lestinu; onthe bottom. Sho w 111 will for HongkongIn about 10 days.

The Caibaricn is docked at tho Kinau'sberth being caulked above water. Shewas on the Marine Hallway two weeks.

The ship El Dorado went on theMarino llallwar this afternoon.

The Oeo S Homer is docked at thecoal wharf.

Tho Nicholas Thayer is in the stream.The Varuna falls for Portland, Or,

'ome time next week.The stmr AV G Hall will sail for Wind-

ward Ports on Monday next at 4 p in.Uktno W II Dhuond, Capt Houdlett,

arrived yesterday, 10 days from SanFrancisco. She brought 20 mules and 2horses for Z S Spalding, 10 homes and130 bogs for Miles Bros.

Uktno Ella, Capt Howe, arrived yes-terday, 10 days from San Francisco witha general cargo. Sho is docked near theFfili-mark-

The bk O It illshop sailsmorning for San Francisco.

Stmr Jas Makec brought 100 bags ofpaddy.


A Gordon setter dog has beenlost. Sco adv.

Paixti'.us commenced work on thotower of the Kaumakapili Church


Mr.ssus. II. Ilackfeld & Co. adver-

tise Australian canned beef. Tt is

u real luxury.

Tin: stmr. Kilauca llou will go on

the Marine Hailway after repairs areeffected to tho Kl Dorado.

Tin! P. M. S.'S. City of Sydney

will bo duo on Saturday from San

Francisco with dates to tho 18th


If wo lived at No. 132 Nutuinu

street, we would trim the trees over-

hanging the sidewalk, and not letpedestrians have to move out on tothe road in passing by.

-Lyons & Levey hold their regular

cash sale morning at 10

o'clock. On Saturday they will sell

tho French brig Tuwera, .full parti-

culars of which wo shall give here-


John Samoa was committed to

the Insane Asylum this morning, by

Judge Blckcrton. Dr. Carpenter

said the man was under tho belief

that he had gods in bed with him,

and it was better for him to be pro-porl- y

taken care of.

-- . '!.. i .i.iltv M0-- ' :,',Ji'i jai.

left by the Kinau for WindwardPorts yesterday, but sotno otherButler.

Tiikiii: were eight drunks in the Po-

lice Court this morning, one of thornlaboring under the uncommon nameof John Bull. He's evidently a bullthat gets full. 818 was added to theGovernment treasury.

Ix Chambers Monday, before theChief Justice, in the matter ofguardianship of John McKcaguo, itwas ordctcd tliat Thos. A. Lloyd,guardian, may execute a mortgageof certain leasehold propeity ntNlti,Kona, Oaliu.

Duiii.no tho late heavy rains, thedirt on the left hand side of the sec-

ond bridge in Xuuanu Valley hasbeen washed away down to the as-

phalting, and if not attended to atonce the timbers will next bo visible.

Dax O'Coxxm., of the1'. 0. A., in his letter about theseIslands, says "that it is a rarething to sec a drunken man on thestreets of Honolulu." The PoliceCourt record will give tho direct lieto such n statement as that.

Tin: St. Cross School at Lahaina.has ceased to exist. This is to beregretted, as this school in time pastlias done good work among youngHawaiian girls, but owing to thepeculiar eccentricities of the teacherin charge, this step lias been deemedadvisable.

Lycax & Co. have received u fine

stock of holiday goods, recentlyselected by Mr. W. G. Won'd

when in San Francisco. No oneknows better than lie docs what isrequired here, so be sure and watchour columns for the announcementof tlte grand opening day.

AVk would call the attention ofthe Koad Supervisor to the state ofthe road leading from King street tothe Insane Asylum. People will gocrazy, and have, of course, to bo sentto thai institution, and it is just aswell for them to have a good road totravel over as not.

Tin: Itev. II. II. Parker will con-

duct the scrvicos at the funeral ofthe late Hon. Mrs. C. U. Bishop.The services will take place at theresidence at 2 o'clock. The Kawai-aha- o

Church Choir will sing a chant,and at the conclusion of the services,an anthem, "Paradise," will he sungby a double quartette of our bestknown amateurs. The services will

bo concluded at the Bo3'nl Mauso-


Titounr.us never come single-hande- d.

It will he remembered that theresidence of Mr. E. C. Uenson inPauoa vallc' was broken into onSunday while he and his wife wereaway at church, money and othertilings being stolen. Yesterday, the)'went out to spend the day and onarriving home found that two hogsand a goat had been stolen. Some-

one must be well posted as to theirmovements.

Tin: following written answer tothe question, "Write an account ofthe Good Samaritan," was given ata late examination in one of thoLondon schools: "A ceitain manwent down from Jcrslam to Jcrikcrand he fold among thawns and thethawns spran'c up and choked him.Whereupon ho gavo tuppins to theboast and said talc care on him andput him on his hone hass. And hepast bye on the bother side."

Cohi'okal George Fassctt, fore-

man of Engine Co. No. 1, has justhad framed two oil paintings of hiscompany. One represents themgoing at full speed to a fire, theother shows them at work on aburning house. They are very natural, though in tho latter a mistakohas boon made by the painter, inso-

much that lie shows a fireman at-

tempting to carry George out of thoburning building, when it should bo

one of its occupants. These fine

paintings aro on view at the Hotel.i -

II. Aha was tried before JudgeBlckcrton this morning for obtain-

ing Sit under false pretences fromKov. II. II. Parker, proprietor ofthe Jutokou newspaper. Tho pris-

oner collected a bill from tho Su-

premo Court and kept tho money tohis own use. There ore numerous

up said the defence was impertinentnnd barefaced. Ho committed the

' prisoner to tho Supremo Court for j

trial at tho January term, on thocharge of being a gross client in thefirst degree.

It was expected that next monthwould bring us those flue vocalists,Miss Annis Montague and Mr. Clias.Turner, but news was received Sun-

day, that they have accepted anotherengagement in tho Colonics to lasttho winter, and on its conclusionwill sail direct for England. Agrand complimentary concert to MissMontague was given October 2nd, atSydney, before a very ci owded au-

dience, and under the patronage ofLord Loftus, the Archbishop ofSydney and the Mayor and May-

oress. Our Hawaiian nightingalereceived a magnificent reception.

A Boston paper says: "A pro-

minent business-firm- , which hasgrown rich in liberally patronizingthe printer, writes the following ou

advertising: "We have formallyyears studied the art of advertising,and it still remains a marvel to usthat there is not a hundred timesmore of it. We never yet knew aman to advertise his wares liberallyand steadily, that it did not pay.Yet there arc thousands of manu-facturers, and tens of thousands ofmen, having articles which theydeclare ought to be in every house-hold in tho country, who advertiseas gingerly and closely as thoughtlicy had at heart no faitli in it atall. How can they expect to gettheir goods anywhere unless someknowledge of the article gets intothe fnmiby newspaper? If wc waittill people learn from their neigh-bors, wc might wait for years beforethe most wonderful and useful in-

vention became known."


Cauintt Photos S3 per doz, cards$1 per doz at Sun Pearl Gallery,corner of King and Fort streets, for-

merly A. A. Montano's. 821! tf

Old Picture and Mirror framesmade over and repaired, at KingBros. 8."j 1 3t

. .

Bkoixxixo on AVcdncsday, theBulletin will be delivered to sub-

scribers along tho Palama Koadwithin forty-fiv- e minutes after goingto press. !)t

Wr. made a visit this morning tothe store house of M. Mclncrny,where those nice harnesses are on.We were much surprised to find howfast the last large invoice of harness-

es had disappeared, there being buta few left. To those contemplatinggetting such ought not to miss thisgrand opportunity. 850 Gt

What is the attraction over there?was the question wc heard severalpersons ask as we passed along Mer-

chant street tliis morning. Tho an-

swer was: there arc a fine new linoof gents' Byciclc or Travelling shirtswhich M. Mclncriny has just lccciv-c- d,

and is now placing them onview in his window. We have seenthem and pronounce them the pret-

tiest designs wc have ever seen.Wc advise our friends to make ancarl) call and select their choice ofcolors. 850 Gt



$5.00 Per Week."It. W. UKANNlS, Prop'tor.

Honolulu, Oct. 20, 1881. 817 tf

LOST.BLACK MAKE, ono car marked,A from II. Hiiokfchl & Co.'s Btoro.

Tho Under will hu suitably rewarded byreturning samu to the above incutionrdplace. 8.V3



DRESSMAKER, bunluoss.having returned'

Feathers Cleaned, Dyed nnd Curled Inall thu neuTht blnulcs.

Corner of Klnjr and Richard Strode.7D5 !)m

OVFIOH TO liKT.SIDE of .1. 13, Wiseman's beau,ONE ollico to rent, with lino olllco

furniture, chandeliers, consultationroom, uso of telephone, &c. To a suit'able party reasonable terms will bogiven. Apply to

J.E.WISEMAN,General Business Agent, Campbell's

815 tf Block, Merchant st.

WiW'foaifata, .&'

jVow Catch, 18W4.

In Fine Order, at Low Prices,FOU SALL BY

E. OP. --A.I.A.IfcES,830 Queen street. 2w


From and after this Date ailBills for Goods purchased at Cash Sales

ftflUST BE PAIDAt the 'AHine oi' Delivery.

E. P. ADAMS. )


Honolulu, Oct. 20th, I8SL 818 lw

QUARTERLY BILLS,Booko and Accounts and Cus-

tom Houso Business prompt-ly, carefully and accuratelyattended to.


Genoral Business Agent, Merchant St.

Telophono 172 P. 0. Box 315.S2il

j. a. palmerTCommission and Custom Houso Broker

and General Business Agent.

Durluy the next fifteen days, I willgive particular attention to the

Collection of Quarterly Bills !

3Iy commissions are moderate', andUusfncs Men and olhm can lie surethat all mutters intrusted to hip w ill be

Promptly AXtMil-- l o.Ofllce In Campbell's Xew Block,815 tf Itoom No. 7, Up-Stal-

Siiillons at MM

(Thoioughbrcd.)By Jnck Malone, he by Lexington.

1st dam, Ivy Leaf, bv Imported Austra-lian; t!ml dam, B.iy Flower, by Leln,r-ton-;

3rd dam, Bay Leaf, by ImportedYorkshire; 4th (bun, Impoited MariaBlack, by Philo da l'utah, etc., etc.

Jiny.iiHi' was bred at tho great Wood-bur- n

Faun, near Lexington, Ky., by thelate It. A. Alexander, nnd was sold toV. L. Pritehard, of Sacramento, C.il.,for 53,001'. Ho stands 15',' hands,weighs 1 ,00"j lbs., and h a bright chest-m- il

color. Daring his racing career hedowned many a favorite, and won nmnva hatful of money for his owners, anilmoved himself one of thu gieatest ofhorses over a distance, nin.-.- t of his racesbeing at two and four miles. He hasalready sired bcveral colts in Californiathat are winners, among which aieLlzzio Dunbar. Young Baa.ir, Sophlu,and another called the Bazaur MinervaColt, he being out of Minerva by Im-ported Leamington, the Birc of Paroleand Iroquois. Lizzie Dunbar greatlydistinguished herself Inst year in herlwo.ycar.old form by defeating one ofthe largest Ileitis ot thatever started in California, among whichweiotho two beautiful fillies broughthero Inst Spring by Mr. Agncw, distaiicofn mile; time, 1.01J-- , the lnstest timo onrecoid for nt tho distance.This year sho hns won Reveral importantevents, aim uns proved ner.sull to Do acrack three-ycar.hl-

JtiiKimr has now been brought backto Honolulu, and will remain here thobalance of Oil' year, and breeders, hori-- c

owners and stock raisers should availthemselves of tho opportunity to obtainIds services while they have the chance.Tei'iiiH, 8-J- Payable at time ofservice.

Tho Imported Clydesdale StallionDonald JDiimie, .Jr., will Maud atthe same timo and place at fj'.Ui for thoseason. Ho was bred in Canada, siredby Impoited Donald Diunie, nnd out ofnil Imported Clydesdale marc. Ho is ahcaulilul dapple grey, ill hands high,and weighs 1,400 lbs.: is very active,ami as line a large horse :u could befound anywhere.

Also, tho lino large Imported Ken-tucky Jack Siim-isou- . This is. oneof tho largoU Jacks that we could llndIn California, and U an animal of Im-mense bone; is. a very sure breeder, nndshould bo liberally patronized, as ho isono of the very bo.t animnls of hiskind. TcrniM, $30 for tho atason.

Tho public nro cordially Invited tocall nnd inspect tho above animals.

MILES BROS.Proprietors.

Mnrshllcld, Sept. IS, IBS I. 818 tt

TO LET.A Lnrgu and CommodiousHOUSE, centrally located,newly nancrcd slid painted.

L'irgo yard, stables, Ac. Possessiongiven immediatttly. Por further par.tlcularsenmiire ot

JNO. S. McGREW,815 Hotel str, bet. Fort and Alakca


8:il tf Soap Works

. NOTICE.rpilE FIRST ANNUAL MEETINGX of tho Paoltlc Navigation Co. will

ho' livid ot tho Company's olllco, Queenstreet, on Wednesday, Oct. an, at 10 a.m.810 2w P. U. OAT, Secretary.


&fc-rf- jft MritK




the New Fort St.,

general public are invited to give us a wall and inspeat,

at our opening, our new and select stock of Dry Goods,

Fancy Goods; Ladies', Children'!1, and Infant's Wear, .

Millinery, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Traveling

Trunks, Valises, Houso Furnishing Goods, and an Klegant

and complete stock of Ladies', Gent's, Misses', Children's,

and IufanU' 6hoee.

8S Se CO.


Stool Plows,


Els., Etc., Etc.




-- OF-



&& in &

li'Wjfca o f Qfhhl i iWi ' r XizJ?? vJzirt ; in v




Gh'and Successful Opening


Opposite Bank Building,



New Holiday Goods


DILLINGHAMImporters Hardware Agricultural Implements,



Grocers -)

Just ltcceived


u I'io.mIi27. (7C2

0. 1). FHKETII. W. C.

Freeth Peacock,ti'.i Street.



General Commission


At Hie liOWCNt ItutCH

a and well selected ofmost Favoriteof







&c., &c,

All Goods Guaranteed.

orders promptly.

Telcphono P. 0. Box SCO,


. 4 AAjftfal





Etc., Elc.

& CO.,KKNNr.DY .V CO.)

- 67 & 69 Hotel Stex S S Alameda,

i UnlrlTTTiii liI III III Vi I II

Ij 1JU1UII1U n.

Bai'aaJHmm:!Particular attention to Tourls h'


Baggage, Parcels, Eto, Deliveredany part of tho City promptly

and caro.

Orders left at llanimer's Harness Shopreceive prompt attention.

Telephone 02.. of Wagons 08 & f.9.847


Per h. n. HOKJDI3AJCJXA splendid collection of 18 carat &

silver Jewelry of the designs,

iVoolcliUMSH vltli Xjoolrcirf,Chains, Studs, Bracelets, Furfcs, Scarf

Pins, Crosses, Ear-ring- Thimbles,Etc., I3t., IClc.

Call and examine this Superior Stotk.


Hull rroj;ruiinneH !

NEW DESIGNS, rccolvcd fromFrancisco, at Tub Daily U jl-lkt- in


iiltou-j- . " VA.UA&&AC - JblUbVi

Fence AVirc and Slsiples, Kerosene n specially.Varnishes,

House Furnishing: Goods, Plated Ware, &c.jawniwi'pwiwwjii.ujixticw-tfv'-'.'i'irtg'-

Smoked Salmon, Smoked Beef, Qormoa, Tinned Mushrooms,

Dutch Horrings in kegs, Cala Rolled Pickled Butter,And Hue of Staple CxrocerloN.

Inland Orders solicited. Telcphono No. 210. P. O. Uox







Marketluri?" clock




and tilled















I' ?




Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduVol. VL No.8.m". THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. OPV" litccit Street, piolto West'sCarrlneo Factory.;!cripllon, 50 conts per Month. Ml business




sy- -



JugnUtjgiUUtin.WEDNESDAY, OCT. 'J!i, 18S1.



The (liciiM' commence-- , .villi n flil.derangement of Hit stomach, but, ifneglected, It in time Involve the wholeframe, cmbiiiciiig the kidneys, liver,pancreas, ami. In lact, tliu enlln glandti-l:i- r

system, anil Ihe iillllelcd (turns out nmiseinblo eilonco until death gherelief from Mill'eiing. The disease Isoften mistaken for other complaints;hut if the leader will inked himself the

' following ijnestlons, lie u ill tie utile todetermine whether lie himself I one ofmulcted : Have, I distress, pain, or dilll-cul- t

v in breathing after eating? Is therea dull, heavy feeling attended by drow-siness? Have the eyes a yellow tinge?Does a llilek, sticky, mucous gatherabout the gums and teeth In the mornlugs, accompanied by ataste V Is tlin tongue eo.ited? Is therep.ilns in tliu side "and luck? Is there afulness about Ihe light side as If tliuliver were eulaiglng? Is thure costivenessV Is there vertigo or dlzzlne.--s whenrising suddenly fiom a horizontal posttion? Are the secretion's from Hie kid-

neys scanty and highly coloured, with adeposit after standing? Doe food ferment, soon after eating, accompanied by

llatulence or a belching of gas from thestomach? Is Iheie frequent palpitationof the heart? These various symptomsmay not be present at one lime, but theytorment the .uH'orer in tiini as the dreadfill disease progiessc.-i-. If the ense beone of long standing, there will tie a dry,hacking cough, attended after a time byexpectoration, tit very advanced stagesthe skin assume- - a dlity brownish ap-

pearance, and the hands and feet arccovered by a cold, sticky perspiration.As the liver and kidneys become moreand more diseased, rheumatic pains a p.pear, and the usual treatment piovcs en- -

- tlrely unavailing against UiN latter ago.nl.ing disorder. Theoriginof tliismala.dy Mndigcstionordyspcpsla.niidasinallquantity of the pioper medicine willremove the dlsea-- o if taken n its iuci.pieney. ll is nuM important that thedisease should lie promptly and pioperlytreated in it-- Urst stages, when a littlemedicine will clVecl a cure and evenwhen it lias obtained a strong hold thecorrect remedy should be perserved in

until every of the disease Isorailieatcd, until the appetite has

and the digestive organs rcMoiedto a healthv condition. The surest andnioit cllcctu.il remedv lor thisdlstiessingcomplaints is "helgcl's Curative Syrup,"a vegetable pieii.iration sold by allChciuistsaiid Medicine Vciiiloihthtougli-ou- t

Hie world, and by the proprictms, A.

J. White I.iniited, 17, Faiingdon Road,London, K. C. Tills Syrup sti ikes at thevery fouiidatioii of the disease, andtlrhes it, loot and branch, out of thesystem.

Market Place, Poeklington, York,October 2nd, 1882.

Sir, Doing a sulloicr Tor years withdyspepsia in all its worst lornis, andalter, spending pounds in medicines, 1

was at last persuaded to try Mother.Seigcl's Curative Syrup, and am thank,fill to say have del ived nioic benefit fromit than any other medicine 1 ever took,and would advise any one suffering fromthe same complaint to give it a trial, theresults they would soon Ibid out forlheniselvi-.- If you like to make use oftill-- , testimonial "yoii'aro quite at libertyto do so.

Yours respectfully,(Signed) 1!. Tunxi:it.J3

SclgelV. Operating Pills' are the bc-- lfamily phy.-t-c that has ever been (lis.covered. "Thev eleahse the bowelsIroiu all iriltatlngsitb-taiices- , mid leavethem in a healthy condition. TlieycuiecoUvcncs.

.St. Mary-strie- l, Pelurhoroiigh,November 2!)th, 1W1. )

Sir, -- It give- - me great plea-uru- to

you of the benefit I have receivedfrom Sciircl'- - Syiup. I have beentroubled tor years with dyspepsia; butafter a few (loses of the Syrup, 1 foundrelief, and alter taking two bottles ofIt I fell quite cured.

lam, Sir, vours truly,Mr. A. d. White. Wii.uam I$m:xt.

Ilensingliain, Wliitehaea,Oet. ICth, 'S2.

Mr. A. .1. White. Dear Sir, I wasfor some time ailiicted with piles, andwas advised to give Mother Seigcl'sSyrup a trial, which I did. I am now-happ-

to state that it has lestored me tocomplete health. I remain, yours re-

spectfully, (Signed)John II. Lioinroor.

15th August. 188!'.

Dear Sir, i write to tell you Hint .Mr.Henry Hillier, of Yalesbiirg, Wilts, In-

forms me that lie suffered from a severeform of indigestion for upwards of fouryears, and took no end ot doctor's medi-cine without the slightest hencilt, anddeclines Mother Seigcl's Syrup which hegot from me has saved his life.

Yours truly,(Signed) N. Wimii,

Mr. White. Chemist, Ualne.

September 8th, 183.').

Dear Sir, 1 llnd the sale of Seigcl'sSyrup steading Increasing. All who havetried it speak very highly of its medi.cinal vlitues; one customer describes Itas a "Godsend to dyspeptic people." 1

always recommend it with conlidence.Faithfully yours,

(Signed) VinckxtA. Wills.Chemist-Dentis- t,

..To. Mr. A.J. White. MerlhyrTydvil.

Pl'cMon, Sept. 21st ltiSX

My Dear Sir, Your Syrup and Pills;' are still very popular with my customers,'.many' baying they are the best family

medicines possibleThe other day a customer camo for two

bottles of Syrup and said "MotherSeigcl" had saved the life of Ids wife,

, nud ho added, "one of these bottles I amsending fifteen miles away to a friendwho is very ill. I have much faith InIt."

The salo keeps up wonderfully, in fact,one would fancy almost that the peoplewere beginning to breakfast, dine, andsup on Mother bcigerN.Syrup.iho demandis so constant ami the satisfaction socreat.I am dear Sir, yours faithfully,

v-- (Signed; W.BowKnii.sp A, tii rjiii. lisj'. wi"y


Tho American Ambassador at Vienna.Mr. Kaason, has lately forwatded to hisGovernment an Interesting account of aremarkable surgical operation latelyperformed bv rroicssor iiiiirotn. oiVienna, which, wonderful to tell, con.!!eil in the icmoval of a portion

of Hip bum, in stomach, imolvlngneatly one-tlilr- nf the .organ ami.strange to say, the patient reeoveied

the only smcesslul operation of thekind ever performed. The disease forwhich this opciotlou was pcrfoimcdwas cancer of the stomach, attended withthe follow lug symptoms: The appetiteis quite poor. There Is a peculiar indes.crib.ilile distress in the Monrich, a feel.Ing that lias been described as a faint"nil iroiir" sensation; a sticky sllmo col.lects about the tooth, especially in thenioinlng, accompanied bvan unpleasanttaste. Food rails to sntlsfy this peculiarfaint sensation; hut, on the contrary, Itappears to aggravate the feeling. Theeyes nrc sunken, tinged with yellow; thehands and feet become cold and stickya cold perspliatlon. The sufferers fedtired all the time, and sleep does notseem to give lest. Aftera time the pa.tleiil becomes nervous and irritable,gloomy, his mind llllcd with evil fore,boilings. When rising suddenly froma recumbent position there is n dizziness,a whistling sensation, and he Is obligedto grasp something firm to keep fromfalling. Tho bowels costive, the skindry and hot at times; tho blood becom-ing thick ami stagnant, and does notcliculate properly. After a time thepatient spits up lood soon after eating,sometimes In a sour and fermented con-

dition, sometimes sweetish to the taste.Oftentimes theic is a palpitation of theheart, and the patient fcais ho may haveheail disease. Towaids the last thepatient is unable to retain any foodwhatever, as the opening in the lutes,tines becomes closed, or nearly so. Al-

though this disease is indeed alarming,siillcrers with tho above named symp-toms should not feel nervous, for ninehundred mid niiicty-nlii- cases out of athousand have no "cancer, but dimplydyspepsia, a disease easily removed iftreated lu a proper manner. The safestand best remedy for the disease isSeigcl's Curative Syrup, a vegetable pre.paralion Hold by ail chemi-t- s and medi-cine U'lidors lli'ioiighoul the world, andby the piopriclois, A. J. White (Limit-ed), 17, Fai rlugdoi). road, London, E. C.ThisSyiup strikes at the veiy founila.tion of tliu disease, and drives it, rootand blanch, out of the system.

St. Marv-strce- t, Peterborough,November, 2!lth, 18S1.

Sir, It gives me great, pleasure to in-

form you of the benefit I have receivedfrom Seigcl's Symp. I have been troub-led for years, with dyspepsia; but aftera few doses of the syrup, I found relief,and after taking two bottles of it I feelquite cured.

I am, Sir, 'yours truly,Mr. A. .1. Wliile. William liienl.

September 8th, 181.Dear Sir, I Had the sale of Seigcl's

Syrup steadily increasing. All who havetried it speak very highly of its niedl.cinal virtues: one customer describes Itas a "God.scml to dyspeptic people." Ialways recommend ft with confluence.

Faithfully yours,(Signed) Vincent A. Wills,

ClieniM-dentist- , Mcrlhyr Tydvll.To Mr. A. .I.White,

Seigcl's Operating Pills arc the bestfamily phvsle that lias ever been

They cleanse the bowels fromall irritating substances, and leave themIn a health condition. They cure

Spanish Town, .lamaiea, West Indies,Oct. 21,1 SS2.Dear Sir, 1 write to inform you that

I have derived great bencilt from"Seigcl's Syrup." I 'or some years I havesullcrcd from liver complaint, with Itsmany and varied concomitant evils, sothat my life was a perpetual misery.Twelve months ago I was induced to trySeigcl's Syrup, and although rathersceptical, having tried so many reputedinfallible remedies, I determined to giveit at least a fair trial. In two or tiirccdays I felt considerably better, and nowat the end of twelve months (havingcontinued taking it) I am glad to saythat I am a dillcreiil being altogether.It is said of certain pens that they "conicas a boon and a blessing to men" and Ihave no icasou to doubt the truthfulnessof the statement. I can truly say, how.ever, that Seigcl's Syrup has come as a"boon and a blessing" to me. I have recommended it to several fcllow-suffcrcr- s

from tills ilistiesslng complaint, andtheir testimony is quite in accordancewith my own. Gratitude for the benefitI have derived from the excellent,

prompts me to furnish youwith tills unsolicited testimonial.

I am dear Sir,Yours ever gratefully,

(Signed) Carey B. Berry,A. .1. White, Ks(. llaptist Missionary.

Preston, Sept. 21st, 188:t.My Dear Sli, Your Syrup and Pills

are still very popular with my customers,many saying Hiey are the best familymedicines possible.

The other day a customer came fortwo bottles of Syrup and said "MotherSeigcl" had saved the life of his wife,anil he added, "one of these Lotties Iam sending llftccn miles away to a friendwho is very ill. I havo much fatli in it."

The sale keeps up wonderfully, In fact,one would fancy almost that the peoplewere beginning to breakfast, dine, andsup on Mother Scigel's Svrtip, the dc.inand is so constant and the satisfactionso great.

1 am, dear Sir, yotus faithfully,(Signed) W. llowkor.

To A. .1. White, Esq.,

Ilcnsinghani, Whitehaven, Oct. 1(1, 1882Mr. A.. I. Wliile. Dear Sir, I was

for some time nllllctcd with piles, andwas advised to give Mother Seigcl'sSyrup a dial, which I did. lain now-happ-

to state that it has restored meto complete health. I remain, yoursrespectfully,

(Signed) John II. Liglitfool.7(Sr ly 11

riEORGE LUCAS," contractor Mand Builder,- - TIfitT " fl "lHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- -

uaue, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Winds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work ihiUh. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting. .

Orders promptly attended to nud workguaranteed. Orders from tho other ls


SPECIAL NOTICE.rpiIE Undersigned 1'ioprlctnr of llio



desires to Inform his patrons and the publie. gencrall that notwithstanding therecent DISASTROUS FIUE, has erected


On a much imTrc Extensive Scale whichIs aow in Fun. OmtATio.v, and whichwl'l lie in complete working oidcr by anEiiily Arrival of new Machinery nndToo'sj and is now again prepaid! '.to



and will always have on hand Ids dell,clous Fresli Made



CREAM CANDIES of great variety oftMARSH-MALLOW- S.

Gum Drops, and Gum FruitBon Bohb

Of nil desciiptlons. All those HomeMade Fresh ami Pure Con feci ions, I sellAt fiO cents PER POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, in all sizes always

on hand and ornamented in tho.most artistic btylc.


always fresh, as also

Home Made Mince Meatfor sale at CO cents per pound.

"Will receive per Consuclo the balanceof my new machinery of the newest do.signs formaiiiifacturing nil descriptionsof plain Candies; thanking tho publicfor previous libeial patronage and so.lielting a continuance of same.

Very respectfully,'F. HORN,

Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook.

riiK oij) stand. 71 Hotel streetP. O. Hox No. 75; Telephone No. 7--

072 ly

WENNER & CO.s tout ntiii:i:t.

Have on hand New Foreign and Home.Mado Jewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And Ornaments of all kinds.Silver and Gold Plato.

Elegant Solid Silver Tea SetsSuitable for Presentation.

r.iiKi'uvliix nnil Xntlvc JewelryA Specialty.

Hepairing in all Its branches.1ST" Sole Ageats for King's Eye Preservers.


Wilson Brothers,

8. . iili Kzmy'A

ri ENERAL HLACKSMITIIS.--A Horse Shoeing a specialty

A first-cla- mini being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.201


(Successor to C. P. Ward.)

All orders for cartage promptlyto, at the lowest rates. Also for

sale:KnkiiuUo Suit,

Flee Wood,White and Itlaclc Hand

in quantities to suit, at lowest prices.CC81y

Charcoal.UAVA WOOD CIIAI'COAL,yn any

VJ quantity, from 1 to 100 bags,FOR SALE BYFrank IEustace,

W Queen Street.


H. Cavcnagh, Propriotor.

.1IKAI.S Sagai aiEAIiWCoolc'd toonl,r3bs5'At all hours.

Oysters, Celery, Salmon, and FruitReceived by every steamer. 001

GEO. E. SHERMAN.No. 8 Maunakiia St.

Trees and Saddles of all kinds mado toorder and repairing Harness, etc., donein short notice. AH orders promptly tittended to. 5D3 ly



Manufacturer.Hook Wading of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Gazette Building . . Merchant street

722 ly

"WIXDiaK'H S. . CO.I.tinlleit.

jteStoamor Kinau,King, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu nneli Tiioxdnv nt4 p.m., touching nt Lnliaiim, Mna-hie- a

Hay, Mnkenti, MiUiiikona, o,

Jituipahoelioo nnd llllo.Returning, will touch at nil tho

ulove portu, arriving at Honolulueach Saturday afternoon.


To the Volcano and Back.

fe&&- - -JlllUMMHIllllU . 1. JU.

THHOUail TICKETS to tliu Volcano,nnd return, can now be had at the ollleoof the ilntcr.lsland 8. N. Co. Touristsleaving Honolulu tier time table of the"PIANTKIt.-wlllb- o landed at Puna.Inn, thenco byltallroad to Pahala, whereHorses and Unities will be in attendance.

lly tills rout. Tourists can make thoround trip in 7 days, giving 4 days tovisit the Volcnno.

TICKETS VOll THE KOUNH TM1Including Horses, Guide, Hoard andlAidglng, $00.

For further particulars enquire at theofllce of the

Iii((i'-lMhui- (i S. X, Co.,Honolulu,

or .T. V. JORDAN, Volcano House.714 tf

Mr l.--nr r i - w.iniiMMi "" """V" w lumuuii,


The Clipper Schooner

WAIMALTT,F. Kibbling, ... - Master,

"Will run rcgulaily to the ports ofKOLOA, HANAPEPK is WAIMEA,KAUAI. For fi eight or passage applyto the Captain on ho.ud, or to the

Pacific Naviuation Co.,732 ihu Cor. Nuiianu & Queen sis.


Jm Schoonor "Waiohu?23i nai iuii iiuan

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For height or passage apply to tho

Captain on board, or toPacific Navkiation Co.,

181 Agents

IE & CO.Have a Largo Stock of the


Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Frcotoany part of the City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual life Insuranco Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

Commissioner of Dcedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700

Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii.

S NOW OPEN for Travelers, whereJL First class accomodation can be hadat all Times. The climate of Honuapois recommended for invalids.

HOUSES AND GUIDESPtovided for tho Volcano.

I2TFor Terms, etc., See CARDS atHotels ami Streets.

.I.W. SMITHIES,.17!! ly Proprietor.




BEVERAGE,According to tliu highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Llliha St.'

P. O. Box, 379. Telephone, 28J.BSyAU orders receive prompt attention.

Quoon Stroot,

Bill Heads


Ball Piograms

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Bool: Work



Conceit Progr'ms

Draft Books

Delivery Books


Hand Bills


C- - BBEWE1 ft GO.

Offer for Salo tho Cargo of tho




Light Express Wagons,Ex Top Carrlagos.

STEAM C OAL.Cumbcilaiul Coal,

Com. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasses Shooks,Rosin, Soap,

Ice Chests, Nos, 2, 3, and 5,Hoe Handles,

Lobsters, lib tns; Beans, 31b',tnsSprueo Plank,

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Axle Grease,Fairbanks Scales, Nos. 7.8.10& 11

Leather Belling,Centrifugal Lining, M Inch;

Comp.lfntls, 1 tg, M4 inch.

MAMMOTH BOOKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fcnco Staples,


Sisal Rope, Assorted,Asli Plunk,

Dump Barrows,Ames' Shovels,

Y. aiETAL SHEATHING10, 18,20, 22, 24 and 20 oz. j

Hair Mattresses !

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Refined Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Screws and Washers.



PE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

jVW 3L.OAV J1W tlic LoavchL !

and don't anybody forget it.

We sell New Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out Innet weight.

Wo nlso havo the moH varied assort,ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any liouso this side of the RockyMountains, such as

Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawsers, Wire Rope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz,Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,Ami 1001 other tilings too numerous

to mention Aleo, agents forIVsrry Duvim' I'niii Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c., &c,All of which we will sell at tho

Lowest Rates.300 ly A. W. I'circe At Co.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copnor and Sheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and motals,

Houso Furnishing Goods,7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.


Letter Headings


Law Reports

Note Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Rece'ts



Visiting Cards



JSm.m. HHKEy Bti'taY'u

amMfr 1H



Business DirectoryAucUonrcrM.

E. P. Adams Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen st

ItluiteiwAhin It. Rascmann.... Gazelle Building

IliinUcix.Bishop &, Co Merchant st

ItiUchcr,W. McCandless Fish Market

Hoot nud HIiooh.L. Adlcr, Nuiiaiiu stOlir. Gcrtz, Fort stTemple of Fashion Fort st

Clothing.Gousalvcs & Co Hotel stTemple of Fashion Fort st

Cnlilnrt .ltnltei'N.W. Miller Hotel stLycnn & Co ....Fort st

CnrrliiKe 3Inl(cr..W. II. Page," Foil stHawaiian Carriage Co Queen st

Oleni'H mill Tolincco.C. McCarthy Aslor Bill lard S aloonNoltcs Beaver Saloon, Foit st

Cider,Fisher's Champagne Cider Lillha st

Cnndy Factory nnil llnkcry.F. Horn Hotel st

CnriienterH and HiiIIiIith.F. AVilhetm,... King stG. Lucas Foil st

Jlry nnd Fnury ooiIn.N. S. Sachs ;....Forl st.1. T. Watcrliousc, Queen stJ. T. Watcrhouse, King stJ.T. Watcrliousc, Fort stB. F. Eiders & Co., Fort stM. A. Gousalvcs & Co Hotel stTemple of Fashion Fort st

DrujiglHtH.Benson, Smith & Co., Fort stHolllster & Co Nuuanu stHollistcr & Co : Fot t st

IIOlltlHlH.M. Grossman, Hotel st

lraynt;e and Curtate.Frank Hustace, Queen stG. Robinson, Quceu st

FuriilNlied Itormn.Mrs. Turner, King st

Fire IiiNiirnneu AceutM.II. Ricmcnschucidcr,..nt Wilder it Co's.C. O. Bcrgcr, Merchant st

dieiit'M FiirnlHlilni; UooiIh.Elders & Co., Fort stN. S. Sachs FortstGousalvcs & Co Hotel stHSTregloan Fort& Hotel sts

(roeerloH mid I'tovIhIoiih.A. S. CIcgliorn & Co., (Jueen stKennedy & Co., Hotel stWolfe Sc Edwards,.. .Fort &, Nuuanu stt

llorxo Shoeing Whops.Wilson Bros., Fort st

Hoy mid Feed Stores.Wolfe & Edwards....King & Nuuanu stsUnion Feed Co., Queen stLaiuc & Co, Fort st

Harness linkerG. E. Siicrman, Kings!

JInriHvure.Dillingham & Co FortstJ.T. Watcrliousc, Queen st

Importers JL Coin.McrelimitN.G. W. Macfarlane & Co., Fort stC. Brewer & Co., Queen st'Lyons & Levey, Queen stM. S. Griubaum & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co Fort stA. S. CIcgliorn & Co., Queen st ,J. T. Watcrhouse Queen stFrecth & Peacock Nuuanu stCastle 5j Cooke, King stWing Wo Tai & Co., Nuuanu stC. O. Bcrgcr, Merchant stHymnn Bros., Merchant st

Labor Agents.W. Auld, Water Works OlllctJ. A. Hassingcr, Interior OillceW.C. Alcana King st

Lumber Dcnlcrs.Lowers & Cooke, Fort stWilder As Co Fortst

Illlliicry and llrcss MaUini:.Mrs. A. M. Mollis, Fort st

Medical.Dr. Emerson Kukul st

Sews leiilern.J. M. Oat Ji. & Co., Mercliant st

IMiiiiilit-i'- s nnil I'nliid'i's.E.C.Rowe,. ... KingstBrown & Phillips, King stJ. Nott, Kaahumauu stMas Kohin Fortst

I'liologrnphors.Williams is Co Fort st

Tuning &. 3ItiHlrnl IiistriiiueiitM.Lycan & Co., Fort st

Itcstatiraiits.Noltcs Beaver Saloon Foit stWindsor Restaurant, King stCasino, Kapiolanl ParkTourist's Retreat,. Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii

'iteal i:H(ntc AcentN.J. E. AVlscmaii Merchant st

Solicitors.A. S. Ilartwcll, over BankJ. M . Davidson Kaiihumanu stA. Rosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting Kaahumanu stJ. Russell . Merchant stS. B. Dole Kanliumanu stF. M. Hatch, Kaahumauu stR. F. Bickerlon Merchant stCecil Brown, ... .Mercliant stJ. M. Monsarrat, Merchant st

Honp Fuctory.T. AV. Rawlins King st, Lelco

Stationers.J-- Oat Jr. & Co., Mcrchnutst

Nnil Itliikvix.J. M.Oat & Co Queen stShip Chandlery.

Pierce & Co Queen stTinsmiths.

J. Nott Kiialiiiiniinu stTailors.

II. S.Tregloan FoitstTravel.

Intcr.Island.S. N. Co EsplanadeWildcr's S. S. Co Fort is Queen stsO. S. S. Co., Fort it Queen stPacific Navigation Co., Queen st

Wood mid Coal Dcalrrs,Frank Hustace, Queen st

Wines nnil Spirits,G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,.Kaahuiniinn stFreeth& Peacock Nuuanu stBrown it Co Merchant st

M'nteh Milkers.Weiiner & Co Fort st

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers In all kinds of

Tho Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at tho Gazelle Uocft, MercliantStreet , i i)V






