evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/11219/1/1899051001.pdf ·...

1 l", TT" t?w5S i WQMBt&lt ' ' Ajciatjo; :fl!Pp'' ' LET YOUR WAHTS BE KHOWH. - 4 A, Put WANT in the Your AD. .eJ Evening- - B ULLETIN It Will And .. Be Known e Bulletin c .Bulletin WANTS Give the Best Returns on the Money Invested. Vol. YI. No. 1217. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1899. Price 5 Oents. T-- WILL HAVE A SHAM BATTLE IMPROVE THE ARMY RIFLE AT INDEPENDENCE -- PARK ALL AMERICA EXPOSITION POWDER MAGAZINE CHANGE NO JURY IS .YET IN SIGHT ( v . V . j ':'-'- . ?:-- . The previous arrangemonts in regard to the flncampmeut of the National Guard of Hawaii nt Es- mond Grove havo boon changed. It will 1)0 reraombered that it wbb tlio firet intention to send the regiment down, ono battalion at a timo. The Inter nrraugemout is that tho regiment Bhall go down as a whole on tbo 20th returning on tbo morning of the 22d. The. most interesting part of thn whole thing is that it tins beou pructioally settled thataBham bnt-tl- o is to tako nliice. one battalion against tho other. The information received in roaard to this is good ond wliil-- s the men who havo tho oncampm"nt in charge do not deny that there is something in the sham battle rumor, they show a Biugittar incli nation to say as little about the mntter as possible It is certain that tho sham bat- tle will bo a creat drawinc card for the rnonln of Honolulu who -- will undoubtedly flock to Remond Grove iu largo crowds to see the iun. A sham battle is something that is not seen in Honolulu very often. Etch man is to havo thirty rounds of ammunition and there -- will be nine thousand rou,nds fired during the battlo. It has not been decided when tbo battlo will take place but tho most advantage- ous timo would boSiturday night. ! Now Adjutant'! Clerk. The Post Odioa ha lost a valu- able man and theAdjutaut's offioent tho Bnuyalow bus gaiuod ono. Wm. Kenako who has served as a clerk iu thn Post olHco for over a year took h?s uew post on Monday. Ho was always one of the most courteous mou in the employ of the Post Ollioo and only Mt be- cause his present position is a better one. There was a dinner at tbo homo of President and Mrs. Dole last oveuing. Musicians from tlio band were in attoudaiia. Now York, April 20. A special to the Sun from Washington says: General A. It. BuftioBtou, chief of ordnance of the Army, was at the Springfield arsenal today lookiug into the proposed improvements of the Krag Jorgouson rifle, with which all the troops of tho regular Array aro now suppliod. An im- portant change that has .been pro- posed is tho adoption of a patent clip which admits of tho feeding of tho cartridges into the ronga zino of tbo gun in bunches of tivo iuatead of ouo by one, as tho sol dier is now compelled to do. An other proposed ohange is tho adop- tion of a now Bight. Probably the most iraportunt ohange ot all ro-la- tos to an improvement in tho cartridge, whioh will allow six cartridges to tho magazine instead of fivo. The cartridgo now iu use has at tbo head of the shell a small rim, which it is. proposed to do away with and adopt the form of tbo Mauser bullot, wuicn nas a small indentation "just below where tho flange is on the bullot now iu uso iu tho lvrng-Jorgon-se- A Frultl'M Cliaie. At about midnight last night Deputy Marshal Ohillingworth received a mossago from the capt aiu in charge at tho polico station. Ho hurried down and learned that an informant had repirted two boxes of opium at Iwilei, Ohil- lingworth hurried out to tho placo. The hackraan described two very largo boxes. Tho iuformaut had it that tho boxes worn a little smaller and when Ohillingworth got to the placs ho found two boxo3 of liclipo nuts. New Deputy Clrrk. Fred Iaukea loaves tho post-ofllc- o to be fourth dputy clerk of the Circuit Court, First Circuit, in place of A. P. Taylor, rosigned. He is a son of Major 0. P. Iau- kea and a popular young Ha- waiian. Due To-morro- w AT WATERHOPSE'S, aKS-SS-SS- a By the Australia; feS-gggfe- Fresh Salmon, Frozen Oysters, Celery, Rhubarb, Evaporated Fruits, Fresh Cherries, Oranges, Lesraons, Cream Cheese, in foil, Fresh Asparagus, Gruerchagen's Bon Bons. A Fresh Stock of Cereals a rid Smoked Meats, and a general replenishment of our Fancy Grocery Line. YOU'LL FIXTD THEM: .A.T WATERHOUSE'S Department Store WAVERLEY BLOCK, BETHEL STREET Established 1851 Leaders 1800 Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. Improvements Now Baing Hade to Bnlldiog and Grounds. lo be la Better Shape Than Ever la Spies Turoughjul More Light and Air. 13y tho ond of next week Inde- pendence Park will blossom forth again. Mr. Wright, tho owner of tho pavilion, has boon making ira- - provoraunts that will surpriso tue oeonle who saw it previous to its occupancy by the Hick soldiers. In tho brst place the wliolo premises has been cleansed and raado hotter than over. The pavi- lion is being painted both inside and out. The dancing space iu tho hall is a fourth again as largo tho railings behind which were chairs and benches heretofore having been removed. Aftor this it will bo nocossary for those who sit out dances to take chairs in- stead of the unweildy benches. Then again tho musical plat- form has been improved. It is arrancod in a somicirclo so that tho muBioians may face the leader without trouble. Tho lighting and ventilating of the plajo will ba muoh better than before. Thero will bo three times tho light. Mr. Wright in- tends to have forty-si- x 32 caadlo power lights in tho hall. There will also bo throo times as muoh ventilation and people need never again compliin of boat iu the i' plsco. The two dressing rooms willbe twice as laruo and tho dining room w.ll hold fifty more p?ople than before. Tho kitolieu has a fine new ranao. Tho pavilion is not tho ou-l- y part now being improved. Tho algnroba treos immediately sur- rounding tho plsce aro being trimmed so that in tho near future new growth will muko its appearanoo and improve greatly the oiks ot tbo park. Mr. Wright is giving personal attention to the work at Independ- ence Park so that it is an assured fact that tho place will bo fitted up anew iu tho best poBsiblo shape. Aiier in 18, uanoes mai aio nuiu in tbo pavilion will bo twico as enjoyable There is ono more im portant fact that hriB not beon raentionod. A largo lauai for pro inenaders has boon built just to tho rear of tho pavilion and may bo reached by (.imply stepping out the back door. This is one nf the best improvements to tho plsco Heretofore, pro JinindoiB have been forofd to crow I each other on tho front boa d wlk ami lauai. 'I li Orplirum. This ovonin 'will witness tho birth of a now farco entitled "An Elitor's Troubles." Iu this con- nection the author has a vory ex teusivo fund to drnw upon. To euonmpatB the average editorial w.ios in a ono night prfotuiaucH proves Mr. Post to be a past master in the art of "boiling it down." "Tho Photographic Gallery" is another sparkling gum iu which Miss May Ashley and Jim Post will participate. Viol t Dale, Myrtle Uranam, Wl er Pollard, Billy Howard, Matt Keefo nt.d tho balance of the company will contribute uew specialities. Mr. Du Bell will also porforra on tho Spanish rings. Suturdey, 2:30, family matinee. Contract Fur Nuipll. The Intoiior Department has awarded contracts to tho following for supplies for tho Buroau of Bonds and Bridges: uiraiu uuiiiu roeu uo., uuu California Feed Co. Buildiug Material H. Hack- - f. Id & Co. Har lwaro-- E. O. Hall & Son, Hawaiian Hardware Co., Pacific Hardware Co., and T. H. Davies &Oo. Coal and Lumber Allen & Robinson. Commissioner Umsled Well Received by Chamber of Commerce. CommSttee Appointed lo Devise a Plan of Ex hibit and Raise the Necessary Honey. mere was a meeting ot tue Chamber of Commerce this morn- ing, nt which tho special Ixifincss wan relative to the OuiHba Expo sitinn. Those attending woro J B Athorton, president: J G Spen cer, secolury; Consul Gonerol Haywood, F A Suhnofer, TRiiu Walker, J F Hnckfeld, W W Hall, B F Dillingham, J J Egun, II Fooke, T Olivo Divies, H A Pur-male- e, BW Sliinule, E 0 Maofar-lon- n ond J H Fishor. W W Dm sted, Spocial Commissiooor to tho Hawaiian Islands for the Greater America Exposition, was present by appointment. Mr. Umsted, boiug so requested, gave the meeting an outline, of the projoct and the inducements pro- posed to tho Hawaiian Islauds for entering an exhibit. Tho inform ation has beon given in tho papers already. AusweriDg a question, Mr. Umsted said tho Exposition would open July 1 and continue until November 1 this year. It would not bo necessary for Hawaii to hnvo its exhibits iu at the very bpgiuning. Probablp povonty-liv- o percent of thn Hawaiian display would bo foliage, aod, tbo Com raissioner said laughingly, that could bo obtained clnper from California, Colorado anil Florida and credited to tho Hawaiian Isl- auds. Mr. Spencer suggested that th- - Ilmnnnnfl ph.inld lm nlmitrrl rinlil skio up, as in a Now York picture he lus obsbrved tho bananas growioi tho wrong way. Mr. Umsted hoped thoy would ho biggar than somo ho saw at table, in Honolulu, whioh woro on ly about as big as one's linger. The Commissioner is evidently unawaro that some small sized varidiesof Innaua bring an al- most prohibitive price on account of thoir delicate liavor and scar- city. Consul General Haywood in- formed tho meeting that tho Ex position had the hoarty coopera tion of the stute Department. He read a letter of instructions re- - cpivod by him, asking him to holp alt ue could any m veraenc to havo Hawaii represented. Ouiahs, Mr Haywood went on to say, wni the best pi no in tho United State where an exposition could bo held for the benefit of the Hawaiian Islands, they being purely ngri cultural and not manufacturing in their indudry. Omaha was the bsst center for tho dissemination of knowledge regarding agrioul ture in Hawaii. " 1 should not be surprised," the Consul Goueral said, "if you should get there what you bavp so long baen lo iking for a dositablo class of laborers." Mr. Ddliugham suggested the nppointmout of a comiuittn to ro-po- rt a plan of action back to the Chamber, reoommendiug what should and wbatBhou!d not bo ex- hibited. Ho spoke of the meat question in relation to the object ut lutroauoing a durable olass of farmers. With bo much of pas luro land taken up for sugar, to gi'ther with the rapid inoroaso of a meat consuming population, the matter ot Deer supply was import sut. Samuel Parker had two bun drod thou-tau- d aores of pat-tur- lauds on Hawaii under bis control aud be and probably others would be ready to sell land in small farm lots. The American colony ot tarmers in i!iwa district nail been seen by Oolonol Wbyto, and his report of their condition would bo favorable. It was not noces. sary to get a thousand farmers through tho Exposition. If only a half dozen could bo inducod to como, and get land for say a dollar Continued on Pago 8. Improvements to Klnau and Llkclikc Wharves are Antborized. Rock Crushing Plant lo Be Put Up at Auctio- n- Kallht Road Must Yal. Tho Execntivo Council has beon informed by Superintendent Bowell that now iu voices of p )Wder nro being plectl in tin-ue- mngaziuo on the reef and the stock in tho old magnziuo will bo romoved in a day or two. A petition for widening Kinau wharf has been approved, also one for improving the Likulib wharf with a sliding gato and an addi- tional f bed. Tho Executive Couuoil has had to deny a petition for improving the Kalihi road, becnuso other improvements under way would absorb all appropriated funds Tho rond will have to do with or dinary repairs for thn presold. Gear, Lansing & On. and an- other party haviug both tendered a proposition for tho purchase of the Moiliili rock crushing plsut, the outfit will be put up at public auction. Tho Government having now a portablo rock crushing plant has no need of tho one iu Question. The Superintendent of Public works has been authorized to ad- vertise for tenders lo aupply the Honolulu Water Works with seven hundred tons of cnnl. Mrs. J. II Raymond applied to the Government for tho old pow- der raagaziuo land in exchange for land required to widen Union street. Thn Council, baa denied ihe npnhcation. Died UtilUr n Kahuita'a 'I'tvatiifnt. A native boy cillnd at tho Deputy Marshal's ollicu yesterday iiMorrioou for a burial permit for ono Eoali, a native womau, who diod under rather oil cumslnucos on tho night before, Deputy Mart-hs- l Ohillingworth investigated the case nud found that a Kahuna woman, Lilinoo by name, had been in attendance, on the woman up to tho time of her death. A Coroner's Jury com posed of natives was takeu out to tho hnme of the deceased to view tho body and thon n!turnd to tho Police Statiou for the inqups. Tho verdict was death from "lack Another of care' and proper medical at tendance tho sarao being the ro suit cf the advice nud representa- tions of ono Lilinoe, (w), a person representing hersolf as nblo to euro and rostoro to health tho deceased." f All tho witnesses in the csbo testified that Eoali did practice kahuuaism on tho dead woman, poing through nil tho movements aud mumbling prayer like tho Kahunas nf former days. Lilinoe appeared befaro Judge' Wilcox in Ilia Polico Court tin's morning. Duriim the whole time that huo stood b'foro the Judge sho did not say a ward but put on an oxprosiou of great injnry Attorney Kauluknu, who appeared for her, did all tho talking and asked that the oaso bo s-- t for Fri- day and, also, that plea bo re- served until that timo. This wus granted. It is understood that Lilinoo claims to be able to pray people, to death and that sho hw several on nor list for the near future. A Hick Onllclan. Warden Henry of Oahu Jail has notified tlio inanauemeut of Othu plantation thst he would liko to havo a sick Gtlioian U borer romoved from tho hospital at the jail. Tho follow is a suf- ferer from ppil-'ps- and shows no signs of inj better. lie is a contract laborer living on tho Government. Ho was s"nt up from tho plantation for trnatin rd somo time ago. Mr. Henry thi' k that tho d antatluu out-il-l to taxe caro of l.im or Bond him hark to his home. Ho will probably never bo able to work again. :.; t..i-i- Panel of Fifty This Alternoon. Called for Some of the Test Questions on Examina- tion for Cause Great Reserve Power of Rejection. Another panel of fifty jurors is prepared to be drawn from this nfternonu for tho Kahuku murder trial. Vry erroneous repoi Is havo been published about the process of empaueliug the jury. Instead of there haviug been elt-ve- jurors passed some timo yesterday, thero is not a singlo juror yet finally no ceptd. Tho lawyers for the de- fendants havo the power to clean tho box right Out, their challenges being far from exhausted. Each new man called has first to bo examined for canso of rejec tion, and u the court do not ex- cuse him ho is still liable to chal- lenge by Ihu lawyers until the sta- tutory uumber of peremptory challenges has been reached. This, in the present case, is sixty six. The examination for causo is a searching one. If the juror ad mils, when questioned under oath, holding vios against capital pun- ishment, prejudice of race toward the nationality of a defendant, a previously formed opiuiou, or per- sonal interest of nny kind, tho Court excuses him. A peremptory challenge is tho excusing of a juror by couusel without assign- ing any cauto. A verdict was fonud for dofeud-au- ts in Julio Kaili-i- ki vs. Naleilo hua before. Judge Perry. Mill Htnrta Tomorrow. Grinding will tdnrt in tho Onlm Sugar Cornpmy's mill tomoiror. ueports ot uroaks iu tne pum- ping niachiury, olc, nro do-- u uinced as fabrications. A largo-l- y intenstu I gentleman eayj ha will go bail that in thiity dayu from tomorrow tho crop from u thou-an- d nercH w.ll havo been ground. Everything about tho mill is in fine shape. Miss Jnnet Waldorf will nppenr for the latt time in tho Oporrt Hoiiao tomorrow avening iu Gil- bert's clever Hatiii.'iil drain i onti- - tUd "Pygmalion and Galatea." The comedy element in tho piny is of tho oatobiric order, and Win. McYay in tho oharncter Chrysos, thu rijh old Greek, who buys statues, will cause many penis of laughter. Miss Waldorf will play th Grecian statue Galaten, whilo Norval McGrogur will portray tho sculptor Pygmalion. Scats nro uow selling at Wall, Nichols Go's. LizziH Waikulnni died nt her homo in Auwniolimu Monday. Tho mailer was reported at ilia polico Rbiti in nud an investiga tion was requested. Deputy Marshal Oiiillingworth inquired into thu cisu nud found that threo doctors hail been in attendance on the girl. Dec-use- d had beou a sulTerur from typhoid fever. Olaa Susjar Co has a tiolino in today's paper that tho stock will bo ready, for delivery on Monday, May 15, Tlio apportionment 'will bo ouo third of amount Bubscrib od. a ruse cmpc cncAM or tartar powocm IB CREAM mm mmm Highest Honors, World's Fair Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair Avoid IliUltitf I'owilcra containing aluiu. llicynru lnjurlom to heallh J .' . f Jfl

Transcript of evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/11219/1/1899051001.pdf ·...

1l", TT"

t?w5Si WQMBt&lt ' '

Ajciatjo;:fl!Pp'' ' LET YOUR WAHTS BE KHOWH. - 4


PutWANTin the

YourAD. .eJ Evening- - BULLETIN It



Be Known eBulletin c.Bulletin WANTS Give the Best Returns on the Money Invested.

Vol. YI. No. 1217. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1899. Price 5 Oents.



v .

V .

j ':'-'- .


The previous arrangemonts inregard to the flncampmeut of theNational Guard of Hawaii nt Es-

mond Grove havo boon changed.It will 1)0 reraombered that it wbbtlio firet intention to send theregiment down, ono battalion at atimo. The Inter nrraugemout isthat tho regiment Bhall go downas a whole on tbo 20th returningon tbo morning of the 22d.

The. most interesting part of thnwhole thing is that it tins beoupructioally settled thataBham bnt-tl- o

is to tako nliice. one battalionagainst tho other. The informationreceived in roaard to this

is good ond wliil-- s themen who havo tho oncampm"nt incharge do not deny that there issomething in the sham battlerumor, they show a Biugittar inclination to say as little about themntter as possible

It is certain that tho sham bat-tle will bo a creat drawinc cardfor the rnonln of Honolulu who

--will undoubtedly flock to RemondGrove iu largo crowds to see theiun. A sham battle is somethingthat is not seen in Honolulu veryoften.

Etch man is to havo thirtyrounds of ammunition and there

--will be nine thousand rou,nds firedduring the battlo. It has notbeen decided when tbo battlo willtake place but tho most advantage-ous timo would boSiturday night.

! Now Adjutant'! Clerk.The Post Odioa ha lost a valu-

able man and theAdjutaut's offioenttho Bnuyalow bus gaiuod ono.Wm. Kenako who has served as aclerk iu thn Post olHco for over ayear took h?s uew post on Monday.Ho was always one of the mostcourteous mou in the employ ofthe Post Ollioo and only Mt be-

cause his present position is abetter one.

There was a dinner at tbo homoof President and Mrs. Dole lastoveuing. Musicians from tlioband were in attoudaiia.

Now York, April 20. A specialto the Sun from Washington says:General A. It. BuftioBtou, chief ofordnance of the Army, was at theSpringfield arsenal today lookiuginto the proposed improvementsof the Krag Jorgouson rifle, withwhich all the troops of tho regularArray aro now suppliod. An im-

portant change that has .been pro-posed is tho adoption of a patentclip which admits of tho feedingof tho cartridges into the rongazino of tbo gun in bunches of tivoiuatead of ouo by one, as tho soldier is now compelled to do. Another proposed ohange is tho adop-tion of a now Bight. Probably themost iraportunt ohange ot all ro-la- tos

to an improvement in thocartridge, whioh will allow sixcartridges to tho magazine insteadof fivo. The cartridgo now iu usehas at tbo head of the shell a smallrim, which it is. proposed to doaway with and adopt the form oftbo Mauser bullot, wuicn nas asmall indentation "just belowwhere tho flange is on the bullotnow iu uso iu tho lvrng-Jorgon-se-

A Frultl'M Cliaie.

At about midnight last nightDeputy Marshal Ohillingworthreceived a mossago from the captaiu in charge at tho polico station.Ho hurried down and learned thatan informant had repirted twoboxes of opium at Iwilei, Ohil-lingworth hurried out to tho placo.The hackraan described two verylargo boxes. Tho iuformaut hadit that tho boxes worn a littlesmaller and when Ohillingworthgot to the placs ho found twoboxo3 of liclipo nuts.

New Deputy Clrrk.Fred Iaukea loaves tho post-ofllc- o

to be fourth dputy clerk ofthe Circuit Court, First Circuit, inplace of A. P. Taylor, rosigned.He is a son of Major 0. P. Iau-kea and a popular young Ha-waiian.

Due To-morro- w

AT WATERHOPSE'S,aKS-SS-SS- a By the Australia; feS-gggfe-

Fresh Salmon, Frozen Oysters,Celery, Rhubarb,

Evaporated Fruits,Fresh Cherries, Oranges,

Lesraons,Cream Cheese, in foil,

Fresh Asparagus,Gruerchagen's Bon Bons.

A Fresh Stock of Cereals a rid Smoked Meats,and a general replenishment of our

Fancy Grocery Line.




Established 1851 Leaders 1800

Groceries, Crockery, Hardware.

Improvements Now Baing Hade to

Bnlldiog and Grounds.

lo be la Better Shape Than Ever

la Spies Turoughjul More

Light and Air.

13y tho ond of next week Inde-pendence Park will blossom forthagain. Mr. Wright, tho owner oftho pavilion, has boon making ira- -provoraunts that will surpriso tueoeonle who saw it previous to itsoccupancy by the Hick soldiers.

In tho brst place the wliolopremises has been cleansed andraado hotter than over. The pavi-lion is being painted both insideand out. The dancing space iutho hall is a fourth again as largotho railings behind which werechairs and benches heretoforehaving been removed. Aftor thisit will bo nocossary for those whosit out dances to take chairs in-

stead of the unweildy benches.Then again tho musical plat-

form has been improved. It isarrancod in a somicirclo so thattho muBioians may face the leaderwithout trouble.

Tho lighting and ventilatingof the plajo will ba muoh betterthan before. Thero will bo threetimes tho light. Mr. Wright in-

tends to have forty-si- x 32 caadlopower lights in tho hall. Therewill also bo throo times as muohventilation and people need neveragain compliin of boat iu thei'plsco.The two dressing rooms willbe

twice as laruo and tho diningroom w.ll hold fifty more p?oplethan before. Tho kitolieuhas a fine new ranao.

Tho pavilion is not tho ou-l- y

part now being improved. Thoalgnroba treos immediately sur-rounding tho plsce aro beingtrimmed so that in tho nearfuture new growth will muko itsappearanoo and improve greatlythe oiks ot tbo park.

Mr. Wright is giving personalattention to the work at Independ-ence Park so that it is an assuredfact that tho place will bo fitted upanew iu tho best poBsiblo shape.

Aiier in 18, uanoes mai aio nuiuin tbo pavilion will bo twico asenjoyable There is ono more important fact that hriB not beonraentionod. A largo lauai for proinenaders has boon built just totho rear of tho pavilion and maybo reached by (.imply steppingout the back door. This is one nfthe best improvements to tho plscoHeretofore, pro JinindoiB havebeen forofd to crow I each otheron tho front boa d wlk ami lauai.

'I li Orplirum.

This ovonin 'will witness thobirth of a now farco entitled "AnElitor's Troubles." Iu this con-nection the author has a vory exteusivo fund to drnw upon. ToeuonmpatB the average editorialw.ios in a ono night prfotuiaucHproves Mr. Post to be a pastmaster in the art of "boiling itdown."

"Tho Photographic Gallery" isanother sparkling gum iu whichMiss May Ashley and Jim Postwill participate. Viol t Dale,Myrtle Uranam, Wl er Pollard,Billy Howard, Matt Keefo nt.dtho balance of the company willcontribute uew specialities. Mr.Du Bell will also porforra on thoSpanish rings. Suturdey, 2:30,family matinee.

Contract Fur Nuipll.The Intoiior Department has

awarded contracts to tho followingfor supplies for tho Buroau ofBonds and Bridges:

uiraiu uuiiiu roeu uo., uuuCalifornia Feed Co.

Buildiug Material H. Hack- -f. Id & Co.

Har lwaro-- E. O. Hall & Son,Hawaiian Hardware Co., PacificHardware Co., and T. H. Davies&Oo.

Coal and Lumber Allen &


Commissioner Umsled Well Received by

Chamber of Commerce.

CommSttee Appointed lo Devise a Plan of Ex

hibit and Raise the Necessary


mere was a meeting ot tueChamber of Commerce this morn-ing, nt which tho special Ixifincsswan relative to the OuiHba Expositinn. Those attending woro JB Athorton, president: J G Spencer, secolury; Consul GonerolHaywood, F A Suhnofer, TRiiuWalker, J F Hnckfeld, W W Hall,B F Dillingham, J J Egun, IIFooke, T Olivo Divies, H A Pur-male- e,

B W Sliinule, E 0 Maofar-lon- n

ond J H Fishor. W W Dmsted, Spocial Commissiooor to thoHawaiian Islands for the GreaterAmerica Exposition, was presentby appointment.

Mr. Umsted, boiug so requested,gave the meeting an outline, of theprojoct and the inducements pro-posed to tho Hawaiian Islauds forentering an exhibit. Tho information has beon given in tho papersalready. AusweriDg a question,Mr. Umsted said tho Expositionwould open July 1 and continueuntil November 1 this year. Itwould not bo necessary for Hawaiito hnvo its exhibits iu at the verybpgiuning. Probablp povonty-liv- o

percent of thn Hawaiian displaywould bo foliage, aod, tbo Comraissioner said laughingly, thatcould bo obtained clnper fromCalifornia, Colorado anil Floridaand credited to tho Hawaiian Isl-auds.

Mr. Spencer suggested that th- -

Ilmnnnnfl ph.inld lm nlmitrrl rinlilskio up, as in a Now York picturehe lus obsbrved tho bananasgrowioi tho wrong way.

Mr. Umsted hoped thoy wouldho biggar than somo ho saw attable, in Honolulu, whioh woro only about as big as one's linger.

The Commissioner is evidentlyunawaro that some small sizedvaridiesof Innaua bring an al-

most prohibitive price on accountof thoir delicate liavor and scar-city.

Consul General Haywood in-

formed tho meeting that tho Exposition had the hoarty cooperation of the stute Department. Heread a letter of instructions re- -cpivod by him, asking him to holpalt ue could any m veraenc to havoHawaii represented. Ouiahs, MrHaywood went on to say, wni thebest pi no in tho United Statewhere an exposition could bo heldfor the benefit of the HawaiianIslands, they being purely ngricultural and not manufacturing intheir indudry. Omaha was thebsst center for tho disseminationof knowledge regarding agrioulture in Hawaii.

" 1 should not be surprised,"the Consul Goueral said, "if youshould get there what you bavp solong baen lo iking for a dositabloclass of laborers."

Mr. Ddliugham suggested thenppointmout of a comiuittn to ro-po- rt

a plan of action back to theChamber, reoommendiug whatshould and wbatBhou!d not bo ex-

hibited. Ho spoke of the meatquestion in relation to the objectut lutroauoing a durable olass offarmers. With bo much of pasluro land taken up for sugar, togi'ther with the rapid inoroaso ofa meat consuming population, thematter ot Deer supply was importsut. Samuel Parker had two bundrod thou-tau- d aores of pat-tur-

lauds on Hawaii under bis controlaud be and probably others wouldbe ready to sell land in smallfarm lots. The American colonyot tarmers in i!iwa district nailbeen seen by Oolonol Wbyto, andhis report of their condition wouldbo favorable. It was not noces.sary to get a thousand farmersthrough tho Exposition. If onlya half dozen could bo inducod tocomo, and get land for say a dollar

Continued on Pago 8.

Improvements to Klnau and Llkclikc

Wharves are Antborized.

Rock Crushing Plant lo Be Put Up at

Auctio- n- Kallht Road Must


Tho Execntivo Council has beoninformed by SuperintendentBowell that now iu voices ofp )Wder nro being plectl in tin-ue-

mngaziuo on the reef and thestock in tho old magnziuo will boromoved in a day or two.

A petition for widening Kinauwharf has been approved, also onefor improving the Likulib wharfwith a sliding gato and an addi-tional f bed.

Tho Executive Couuoil has hadto deny a petition for improvingthe Kalihi road, becnuso otherimprovements under way wouldabsorb all appropriated fundsTho rond will have to do with ordinary repairs for thn presold.

Gear, Lansing & On. and an-

other party haviug both tendereda proposition for tho purchase ofthe Moiliili rock crushing plsut,the outfit will be put up at publicauction. Tho Government havingnow a portablo rock crushingplant has no need of tho one iuQuestion.

The Superintendent of Publicworks has been authorized to ad-

vertise for tenders lo aupply theHonolulu Water Works withseven hundred tons of cnnl.

Mrs. J. II Raymond applied tothe Government for tho old pow-

der raagaziuo land in exchangefor land required to widen Unionstreet. Thn Council, baa deniedihe npnhcation.

Died UtilUr n Kahuita'a 'I'tvatiifnt.A native boy cillnd at tho

Deputy Marshal's ollicu yesterdayiiMorrioou for a burial permit forono Eoali, a native womau, whodiod under rather oil

cumslnucos on tho night before,Deputy Mart-hs- l Ohillingworthinvestigated the case nud foundthat a Kahuna woman, Lilinoo byname, had been in attendance, onthe woman up to tho time of herdeath. A Coroner's Jury composed of natives was takeu out totho hnme of the deceased to viewtho body and thon n!turnd to thoPolice Statiou for the inqups.Tho verdict was death from "lack


of care' and proper medical attendance tho sarao being the rosuit cf the advice nud representa-tions of ono Lilinoe, (w), a personrepresenting hersolf as nblo toeuro and rostoro to health thodeceased." f

All tho witnesses in the csbotestified that Eoali did practicekahuuaism on tho dead woman,poing through nil thomovements aud mumbling prayerlike tho Kahunas nf former days.

Lilinoe appeared befaro Judge'Wilcox in Ilia Polico Court tin'smorning. Duriim the whole timethat huo stood b'foro the Judgesho did not say a ward but put onan oxprosiou of great injnryAttorney Kauluknu, who appearedfor her, did all tho talking andasked that the oaso bo s-- t for Fri-day and, also, that plea bo re-

served until that timo. This wusgranted.

It is understood that Lilinooclaims to be able to pray people,to death and that sho hw severalon nor list for the near future.

A Hick Onllclan.Warden Henry of Oahu Jail

has notified tlio inanauemeut ofOthu plantation thst he wouldliko to havo a sick Gtlioian Uborer romoved from tho hospitalat the jail. Tho follow is a suf-ferer from ppil-'ps- and shows nosigns of inj better. lie is acontract laborer living on thoGovernment. Ho was s"nt upfrom tho plantation for trnatin rdsomo time ago. Mr. Henry thi' kthat tho d antatluu out-il-l to taxecaro of l.im or Bond him hark tohis home. Ho will probably neverbo able to work again.

:.; t..i-i-

Panel of Fifty

This Alternoon.

Called for

Some of the Test Questions on Examina-

tion for Cause Great Reserve Power

of Rejection.

Another panel of fifty jurors isprepared to be drawn from thisnfternonu for tho Kahuku murdertrial. Vry erroneous repoi Is havobeen published about the processof empaueliug the jury. Insteadof there haviug been elt-ve- jurorspassed some timo yesterday, therois not a singlo juror yet finally noceptd. Tho lawyers for the de-

fendants havo the power to cleantho box right Out, their challengesbeing far from exhausted.

Each new man called has firstto bo examined for canso of rejection, and u the court do not ex-

cuse him ho is still liable to chal-lenge by Ihu lawyers until the sta-tutory uumber of peremptorychallenges has been reached. This,in the present case, is sixty six.

The examination for causo is asearching one. If the juror admils, when questioned under oath,holding vios against capital pun-ishment, prejudice of race towardthe nationality of a defendant, apreviously formed opiuiou, or per-sonal interest of nny kind, thoCourt excuses him. A peremptorychallenge is tho excusing of ajuror by couusel without assign-ing any cauto.

A verdict was fonud for dofeud-au- ts

in Julio Kaili-i- ki vs. Naleilohua before. Judge Perry.

Mill Htnrta Tomorrow.

Grinding will tdnrt in tho OnlmSugar Cornpmy's mill tomoiror.ueports ot uroaks iu tne pum-ping niachiury, olc, nro do-- u

uinced as fabrications. A largo-l- y

intenstu I gentleman eayj hawill go bail that in thiity dayufrom tomorrow tho crop from uthou-an- d nercH w.ll havo beenground. Everything about thomill is in fine shape.

Miss Jnnet Waldorf will nppenrfor the latt time in tho OporrtHoiiao tomorrow avening iu Gil-bert's clever Hatiii.'iil drain i onti- -tUd "Pygmalion and Galatea."The comedy element in tho pinyis of tho oatobiric order, and Win.McYay in tho oharncter Chrysos,thu rijh old Greek, who buysstatues, will cause many penis oflaughter. Miss Waldorf will playth Grecian statue Galaten, whiloNorval McGrogur will portray thosculptor Pygmalion. Scats nrouow selling at Wall, Nichols Go's.

LizziH Waikulnni died nt herhomo in Auwniolimu Monday.Tho mailer was reported at iliapolico Rbiti in nud an investigation was requested. DeputyMarshal Oiiillingworth inquiredinto thu cisu nud found that threodoctors hail been in attendance onthe girl. Dec-use- d had beou asulTerur from typhoid fever.

Olaa Susjar Co has a tiolino intoday's paper that tho stock willbo ready, for delivery on Monday,May 15, Tlio apportionment 'willbo ouo third of amount Bubscribod.

a ruse cmpc cncAM or tartar powocm



Highest Honors, World's FairGold Medal, Midwinter FairAvoid IliUltitf I'owilcra containingaluiu. llicynru lnjurlom to heallh


.' .




HE" 2



i: n..B


uP ;






Fresh Goods by Every Steamer.Telephone 080.

S. J. i

--TyHj,i.jm 'SWI'p.

Grocery and Provision MerchantBlock, Fort Street.Central Fire Station.)

Just Received Smoked Salmon, Smoked Halibut,Spiced Herrings and Seattle Block Butter.


JTTST ARRIVED,A Iirgp Assortment of

Bedroom Sets--A.3STD

Iron BedsteadsCity Furniture Store,

Trloplinno 840. Lovo Building, rHl-5- 30 Fort St.

Fraternal Directory.

HARMONY LOl'GE No. a,I. 0. O. I,

MoeU every Monday ovonlng at 7:30,In Harmony Hall, Kin;? Ktrcot.

J. D. MoVKIUIt, X. Q.K. It. HENDItY, Heorutnry.

All visiting Urotliore vory cordiallyInvited.

MYSTIO LODGE No. 2, K.of P.,Meets every "Wednesday evening at

7:30 o'clock, Castle Hall, Fort street.Visiting brothers cordially Invited toattend.1015 A. E. MURPHY, K. R. B.

HONOLULU OllAl'TER No. 1,B. A. M.,

Moets ovory third Tlinrsdny ovonlng InMasonic Tomplo. All visiting coHijinn-ton- s

cordlnlly Invited.A. P. (1ILFILLAN, H. P.


No 1, K. T.Moots In Masonic Tomplo on the socondThursday ovonlng of o.u-l- i month. AllVisiting Sir Knights courteously Invited.


D. TUCKKR, Recorde r- -

OAHU LODGE No.l, K. of P.Moots ovory Thursday evening at theirCastlo Hall, 420f Port htrect, at 7:30.Mombors of Mystic Lodgo No. 2, r.ndvisiting brothers, cordially invited.

G. E.WA1U), O. C.P. H. K1LBKY,

1019 K. of R. and S.


A. 0 F.,Meets every first ami third Friday, atK. of P. Hall, Port strcot. A cordialmltatlon is extended to visiting broth-

ers. Per ordor C. RV. V. FETTER,

1023 Socrctary.


No. 1, A.-- . & A. S. R.Meets the first Thursday inoach month,at Masonic Toniplo. Sojourning anilviilting brotliors cordially invited to id

all mooting).W. M. PRANK R. AUERUACII.



F. AND A. M.Masonic Temple, N. E. comer Alakta and Hotel Sis.

Statod mootings. first Monday o.iehmonth. Special ineotlngs, when called(will bo notod In tlds spaco).

Mombors Lodgo Io Frogros, Pact doLodgo, and all sojourning brethren cor-dially Invited.

ED. I. SPALDING, W. M.C. R. G. WALLACE. Secretary.


No. I, A.'. & A. S. R.Moots at Masonto Tcinnlo tho fourthThursday In each month. Sojourningand visiting lirothors aro cordially in-

vited to attend all meetings.V.'. M.'. PRANK R. AUERUACII.


L'OOEANIE,No. 124, A. &A. S.Rito.

Statod moctlngs on tho last Monday ofend) month, in its hall, Masonic Tomplo,

C. M. WHITE, W. M.H O. CRAI1BE, Secretary.

GEO. W. DeLONG POST No.45, G. A. R.,

Dopartmont of California and Novada,moots at Harmony Hall, King street,first Thursday ovonlng of ovory month.Sojourning comrades aro cordially in-

vited to attend.L. L. LaPIERRE, P. C.


THISTLE CLUB,Lovo Rlook, Fort stroot. Reading roomopen day ami ovonlng for reading andBoclal Intercourse. Regular mootingFriday, 7:30 p. m. Visiting Scotsmonespecially wolcomo at all tlmos.


Organized 1S07.Wavorloy Block ; entranco on Ilothol

Street. Files of standard magazines andperiodicals; lending library; billiard,pool mid card tables for fmo use of mom-linr- s.

Arrangoinouts for transient visit-ors Entranco feo $1.20; monthly duos,In itdNunt'O, fl. Rooms opou from 8a. m.to 11 p. m. ovory day.

A. V. GEAR, President.JAMP8 RocordingSeo'y.ALLEN II. 8CRIMOEOUR, Pin. Soo'y.


gpp. -- , .,8. - ., ifrfvttt.?rj mpr;nmtmfc , (1

Island Orders Solicited.O. Box 300.




THE "HOFFMAN." corner of Hoteland Nuuanu streets, claims to be the"Banner" resort for gentlemen and holdsthe flag. L. H. Dee, the proprietor, hasattained success In his line, by speciallysupervising everything connected with hisestablishment. He now introduces to hispatrons "Olympla Beer." This brew Isfrom the "Capital Brewing Co." ofOlympla, the capital of the State ofWashington, and was received by the"Garonne." Mr. Schmidt, the leadingspirit of this corporation Is a practicalChemist and Brewer, and after years ofsearch and Investigation located his plantat Olympla, on account of the peculiar vir-tues of the water of the Turn Falls, astream that Is noted for its distinctive quatitles of clearness, coldness and lack ofmineral and decaylngvegetable Impurities.Pure beer can only be made with purewater, and Turn water Is traditional InWashington with the Indians and originalwhite settlers. The "Olympla Draught"is under the special control and agency ofMr. Dee and he Invites his patrons andrlends to a cersonal test and Is willlnc to

abide by their judgment on the merits ofnis latest venture.










Notice,Having returned and established myself at Die

European Shaving Parlor, Merchant street, oppositeJudd ISulldlnc I wish to rail the attention ol my oldcustomers and new ones who wish to favor us lththeir trade.

M A. PIXOTO.Formerly of the.Unlon Barber Shop,

m rj


a aArlington Block, Hotel Stroot.

Joseph Fernandez, Frop'r


It has bcromo vory popular, anil Isbelngusotl by both coxes. A sure euro fortlaudruir, prlcldoy boat, and all skindlsoasos. Sold by all druggists, and atUnion Harbor Shop. Romomher thotrademark, "tho two faces." Bewaroof imitations,

F, PAOnECO,Tel. COO. Solo Proprietor.



Orplioum Thcatro tonight.Cyclouo Cameras nro tho best

and chonpost."Wheels rented; J. J. Richard-

son, Hotel street.American MeeBonRor service.

Musouio Templo.Tolephono 444.David Darton has moved his

oflico from 209J to 223 Merchantsttoet.

lis nnrao should bo "Simplicity."Tho Triburjo is a gentleman'swheel.

Mystio Lodgo, No. 2, K. of P.,meot this ovenincr in Castlo hallnt 7:30.

S. J. Salter, Ornheum block,has just recoived a consignment ofsmoked salmon and halibut, alsospecial horrings and Seattle bat-ter. See ad on pago 2.

Thoeo haviDg furnisbod or un-furnished houses for rent will dowell by placing them in tho handsof Gear, Lansing & Co. Theyhave sovoral applications. Seo adon pngo 8.

Tho annual meeting of thoStrangers' Friend Society will boheld tomorrow (Thursday) morniug, at 10 o'clock, in tho parlors oftho Y. M. 0. A. A full attendanceof members is requested.

For throo hours yesterday after-noon Captain Bergor and his bandboys devoted their onorgies todiscoursing mns;c to cheer thomen of the army transports ontheir way. This afternoon theusual concert in tho Govornmontgrouuds will bo given.

"I would not bo without Cham-berlia- n's

Cough Remedy for itsweight in gold," writes D. J.Jones, of Holland, Va. "My wifeWft9 troubled with a cough fornearly two years. I tried variouspatent remedies, besides numerousprescriptions from physicians, allof which did no good. I was atlast persuaded to try a bottlo ofChamberlian's Oough Remedy,which promptly relieved thecough. Tbo second bottle effecteda complete euro." 50 cent bottlesaro for sale by all dealers. Bon-so- n,

Smith & Co., GeneralAgonts.

iMarch Import! anil Exports).

Washington, April 20. Themonthly summary of imports ofraerclmndipe of tbo Unitod Statesissued by tbb Bureau of Statisticsgivoi tho following figures: Totalimports of mcrchandieo duringMarcii, 8i"Airati,uU(j; increa60. SU- -300,000; total for nino monthsendina March 31, 1899, SC00.027- .-

699; increase, 844,800,000. Out oftbo total imports of merchandisefor March 834,495,050 was freefrom duty. Tho domestio exportsduring March, 1899, amounted to8102.105,985, which is S8,GOO,000loss Man lor March, lbUo.

FarrtToll to Blahop.The Anglican Church Chroni-

cle for May contains, amongst itswell filled departments, the address of Bishop Willis to thedioceso on tbo transfer of juris-diction to tho church in tho Unit-ed States and a reply of St. An-drew's second congregation thereto. "In conclusion," the replysays, "wo would respectfully offeryour lordship our sincere wishesfor prosperity and blessing, inwhatever new place your life maynow bo spent."

New Chair at Princeton.Princeton, (N. J.), April 27.

A friond of Princeton University,whoso namo has not been dis-closed, has ondowed a now chairto tho value of S100.000, to bo called tho professorship of politics.Tlio first inoumbeut will bochosen at the Juno raoeting of tboboard of trustees. '

. m i

Ht. Andrew Cathedral.Tho services for Ascension Day,

Thursday, May 11, will bo as fol-lows: G:30 a. m., Holy Commu-nion; 11:00 a, m., morning prayerand sermon; 4:00 p. m., pufo ahi-ah- i;

7:30 p, ra., evensong and ser-mon.

Aacenslon Kuy or Holy Tliurailay,A polebration of the Holy Com-

munion will take plaoo at St. An-drew's Cathedral tomorrow morn-ing (Thursday), Ascension Day,at 5:30 o'clock.

1 'rrivjvyvmjy1.ytfuuuUr

CHAS. D. WALKER,Designer and Builder ol Hlgh-Gra-

Yachts, Boats and Launches!Works. 69s KINO ST.

P O. Dox 6j. Telephone 700.

Light onthe Stomach--v


All who appreciate Purity andPalatability use it.

For Sale by All Dealers.



Tarm at Hamakua $ 6,ooSOLD.SOLD,SOLD.SOLD.A Lodging House, lease. 5,000WITHDRAWN.173 acres coffee land, Kona 3,0cSOLDLot K acre near town 1,50


is. SOLD.

i. House and Lot, Punahoo 1,001

14. Large Lot and good Paying Business,,., it.oot15. Large Lot, Palama, nearly H acre 4,0016. Lot joi jo.wlth dwelling house.Quarry St t,jx

For further particulars apply to

J. M. VIVAS,G Post Otllcc Lane, - Honolulu

$250 GASH !


APAWAATRACTLOT!75 x i4o. faclnE either on Klne or Beretanla streets. The cheapest lots In thecitv. on the line of the DroDoseJ electriccars. Keauy lor Duiiainc. uo anil seethe lots TO-DA-

Further particulars of

WILL E. FISHERReal Estate AgentAnd Auctioneer,





3,000 Acresin South Konasuitable for Coffee Cultivation.


Peal Estate Agent,

15 ILLa-niTMANT-j St.

Fop Rent.Tho Promises known as

tho " TIVOLI" situated ontho hoach at "Waikiki. 3?ur- -

nished or Unfurnished.

For particulars, apply to


No. 310 Fort St.

Late ol San Tranclsco, has opened

DRESSMAKING ROOMSAt the QUEEN HOTEL COTTAGE. Through longexperience and constant attendance to work at theCoast. Mrs. Woll has acquired the art ol perlectfitting, and also giving lull satisfaction In the latestand modem fashion.


Merchant Tailor534 FORT ST.,

-- Near comer of Chaplain LastGltAnlncand Repairing at Short Notice,

ana in mo pesi potupie manner


TURNERS AND POLISHERS of all kinds of NativeWoods. CALABASHES In stock and to order.

Repairs Effected,



W j$ Tobacconists M

HH s -H o LTU

R rf SiL

Ml W r i y S-- J ' rUl

HH Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets, flfl


DRY GOODS!French, German, English and American.

A Fine Selection of Dress Goods, Zephyrs, etc.Tailors' Goods, a Full Assortment.

Clothing, Underwear, Shawls.


American and European


Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the Vest.

SctyLuiiq's Besj TisCONSISTING Of

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also--

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER,Olvo tliom a trial. Money back If you don't tliom.

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidolity Brand Bacon, Hams,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beof, etc., etc- -

Chas. Husface,212 King stroot, next to tho Arlington.

EISDON IKON WOEKS,San Prancisco, Oal.



And nil Machinery for the comploto oqulpmout of Sugar MilLs

OFFICE, Room 9, Spreckels Block, Honolulu, H. I.

P. O. Box 651.


Corrugated Iron, Cement,Buckets, Tubs, Wire, Bags,

Crockery, Glassware,Fire Bricks, Fire Clay,

Anchors and Chain


Goyne-Mehrt- en Furniture Co., Ltd.J. A. MEIIRTEN, Manager.

Progress Bloolc, Fort & Beretania Sts.Stylish and te Furniture and Upholstery.

Bedroom Sultsj Box Couches, with spring to open sometlilnc new: ChiffonierBookcases, Sideboards: Best.Odorless Peathen, Hair, Moss and flossrand Pillows. Woven Hair Mattresses, Extension Tables, Fancy Tables, Chairs andRockers, Window Shades and Rugs.

A large assortment of Upholstered Goods, Art Ticking, Cords and Gumps: alsoTents for camping out, 9 ft. by 12 ft.We make Awnings to order; large stock of plain and striped Duck just arrived. Woare npw better prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering and Mattress Maklne to orderRepairing and Renovating. First Class Workmanship '

Telephone 928 Progress Block Fort and Bertanla Sts.

J&vMJnt&shtmi&tPA' . . Wti&fc-iai- .ar vj; . , - k.'rf iH'i i.- -. j, V',. irtdk.f; SUP'- ""Hi , tkuStii jiJMt wi,'j-



-- V




P- -f

T? TTKBfWT' --- .- ' '5r T7W- "Tt"'i ' '' '' 'f wn"" t,"



3ig PERFUMES fefeRoger and Gallet,


Gosnell's, in all odors

Toilet Sets, Perfume Bottles,Sachet Powders,

Malle Cologne, Without a Rival.

Benson,Smith &Co.,LtdFORT AND HOTEL STS.finmaammaaamraua


The Germania Life Insurance Co.

Of NEW YORK.ASSETS 525,730,910.18"Legal Reserve to Policy Holders 2,189,498.00Surplus to Policy Holders 2,939,271 . 30Paid to Policy Holders since i860 401425,515.67Claims by death paid to Beneficiary Policy Holders 21,838,904.52Matured Endowments paid to Policy Holders 6,023,051.71Life Annuities paid to Policy Holders 351,669.43Dividends and Surrenders paid to Policy Holders r 12,21 1,890.00

Tho Qormatila lssuos nil tho latost and most liberal forms of Life, Instal-ment, Income Dividond, Endnwmont or Bond Pollcloi.

GEAR, LANSING & CO., General Agents.EMMETT WAY, Manager.

Judd Building, Honolulu.


"Telephone 92. P. O. Box 145H. B. McINTYRB & BRO.,


Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew goods received by every paokot from. I lie Status and Europe.

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER.All ordern ftl'lifully attended in, and aoodf dnllvered

TO ANY PART OF THE CITY FREE.'ftrouoral Agents for tho Sanitarium Brand of Health Eoods.

eluntl Orders Sollulted. SUlafootloii Guaranteed,

East Corner Fort and King Sts:


P. O. Dox ro TurpiiOND 364.

Our GRIPPE Capsules, the thing that cure. 25 cents per box.

BROMO KOLA CURES NERVOUS HEADACHES. The best forSEASICKNESS. Is a true nerve tonic, does not depress.

Fine Cigars and Tobaooo.raia lajgja'aMsiaisiaiSEEES.'is aa'saiHSBia


On tho bark H. C. Alton wo rocolvcd a largo lot of tho Latost Styles



nFlhiL, J TTS





Oalm Lumber


Handsome Vehicles



and Go."

Honolulu Carriage flanufactoryWRIGHT,

"Hello, Building"Hello I""What kind of house can you build for $ 500?""Almost as good as you can get In California.""How can you build them so cheap?""Because we import all our materials direct

from the factory, and employ the best work-men. The best Is the cheapest."

"Where is your business place?""Our Office and Yard is on King street, near

O. R. & L. Co.'s Depot; our Planing Mill corner King and Bethel streets. Telephones 53and 838. P. O. Box 367. We can give youhundreds of first-cla- ss references, among theleading people of these Islands.

ScrofulaSwollen elands, Scrofula Soros, Hip

Dlsoaso, Bolls, Plmplos, Erup-tions Toll tho Story -- DreadfulConsoquonccsof Impuro Blood.

Certainly scrofula, It anything, may bocalled the advertlsomcnt of foul blood.It Is tho acourgo of the world otfensivo,painful, debilitating, stubborn. Outwardapplications do not euro. Emollientsmay palliate, thoy cannot abolish tho evil.Thcro is ono suro way out, and that Is toellmlnato tho taint from tho blood. Forthis purposo Hood's Sarsaparllla is abso-lutely without an equal.

"I havo taken Hood's Sarsaparllla forscrofulous humor and impure blood andam now almost entirely cured of tho erup-tions with which I havo been amlctcd fortho pait year. My face, chest and backwere badly broken out." FltED B, OitD-WA-

Woodstock, Vt.

HOOD S parillaIs tho best In fact the One Truo Mood Purifier.

nro ibo b''t Rfter-llnn- er

UUUU S flllS pin,( m oiecilton. 23c.

Hotels and Restaurants.


Best 5c. CigarTo bo had for tho monoy.


Beaver Lunch RoomsH. J. NOLTE.


$6, $8, $10 and $12Per Month.


EAGLE HOUSENuuanu Street.

Orpheum Cafe,FORT STREET,

:: Near the New Theater

Best Meals in the City I

and served by white employees.

Open day and night.1150 0. T. OOW, Managor.

Waianae Hotel,Watanae, Oahu.



W I All Trains to and tram Honolulu I --Wr I Stop at tin Hotel 1 --S

Albert Toogood, Proprietor.

fflit's Villa ai Ilanlwai

WAIKIKLSelect Bathing Resort


-- Rooms and Board.-- Baths Free to Guests.

J. P. HAYWARD, Manager.

Notice.Persons wishing to obtain board at

Maknwao, Maul, can beat MRS. II. U. RAILKY'S,

Terms. 110 perwnnk.

The Latest In Jewelry J

Hawaiian Moss flpal Jewelry

Neatly Cut, Polishedand Mounted. . .

Best Custom Work Is done both re-

pairing and new work. Pins, Rings,Bracelets, Watchmaking, etc.



Mercantile AgencyQ. H. BERREY, : Manager.

Judd Building.

g-Diff-icult Collections a Specialty.

Honolulu Iron Works Co.Improvod and modern 8UOAR MA

JIUNRRY of evory capacity and desjription made to order. Roller workind RTVCTED PIPES for IrrigationpurposeH a specialty. Particular attonlion paid to JOR WORK, and repairs ox.'cuted at tthorteat notice .


Pukoo, Molokn May 6.Lost Monday, a party consiatioc... Ml..., T... TV..I-.- 1 T tbloikau nnd Alico SilToiy, midMesas. J. M. Knnoakun, Noa W.Aluli, ollicer Iokamn and Jaa. Ko-ula- ,

under Hio puiilanco of MissDudoit, visited Pnkhikai, a mostlovely place in the mountainsback of Wnialua. Faknikai isnoted as tho place whoro Kamoliamohtt-Ai-Lu- nu, a descendant oflarachamoua tbo Grout, was

brought np, and tho latter part ofhis name is obtninod from tbo factthat tbo said Kamehumelm wasfed by bis Kabus (parents) ontaro leaves (luau) alone, for tbokabus did not wish to dive himany fish on account of tbo booes.Tho road of Pakiikni is quite hillyand difficult of ascent, but withgood and reliable aides it couldlie reached easily, although horsesbavo to pas3 ovor steep ridgesmore luau a thousand font high,and a Blight slip of tbo horseshoofs will throw tbo rider downgulches ou cither side of ovor onothousand feet uopp. Tbo widthof the passage in somo places isnot over two foot, bonae nono butreliable animals should bo usedfor tbo trip. Tboeo ridges are noplace for prancing steeds.

At Pakaikai is fouud a largostone lying by the bank of tbostream, in which aro dug fourboles each eight inches in diameter and six inches deep. Tuoy arofinely polishod inside. The holosdug in this large stono aro olaimodto havo boon usod as awa caps(apa awa) for liaiuennmoua-ni-I- u

au. They were chiselled withstono implements by tbo ancientsduring tbo stono age of Hawaiinei, a task which no native of thoproeent pouoration will dare undertako. Near by is another holedug in another rock and muchlarRor nnd decpor than the four,This last ono is said to bo tho kanoa awn, or place wnero awa iscleaned and purified, fit to drink.

The view around JL'ukaikai is extremcly beautiful, and is wellworth a visit oven thnucu the waviB quite hazardous. Another placeof interest visited hy tho snmi)party was tbn biding placo of Motokai-nui-- a Ilinn, a cave just a fewHundred yards back of tboEaluaaha ohuroh, very easyof nBcent, and yet notmuch froquunled by strangers.Mnlokaians claim that to see thisspot you see the wbolo of Molo- -kai, for from this place tbo inlanddonved its name. Molokai-nui-- a

Hina was said to bo n beautifulmBiden and sbo secreted herselfin tbo cave to silently follow outber art or making tapas (paupnu),an art which tbo presout generation is quito ignorant of. A littlebelow thiB cave and a little to thewindward is tbo spot whore therunner and warrior Kaohelo wasslain by bi-- i enemies, warriorsfrom Hawaii Kaohelo is said tobavoheon surrounded by his pursuersnear a gulch at Punoboku, abovoHalawa valley, and m order to es-ai-

death, he jumpsd quito ovortbo guloh, about twenty-thre- e feet,leaving mem oomuci, ami rau torhis home in the mountains bookor namaio. a distance or overtwenty miles; but be was bit witha "maa," a 'small stono throwufrom a sing a la David of Biblical fame, and Kaohelo died fromloss of blood on this spot baok ofEaluaabn churob. When Kao- -heledied his mothor was brutallymutilated and roasted iu an imu(midor ground oven), but wasuever eaten, for the Hawaiianswero never cannibals. Molukai isonly a small island, but is full ofnolublo places which if fully oxplained will bo a sourco of un-ending interest. Tbo gulch overwhich Kaohelo made his recordbreaking loaps is still in existonoatoduy.

A farewell dinnor was given byJudge nnd Mrs. Haiku Maboe attheir homo nt Pukoo to J a Igo Ea-ton and party last Tuesday ovdn-in-

After tbo fine luau tbodining hall was cleared of bvoryimaginnhlo obstaalo and theyoung folks of tbe party enjoyeddancing for over two hours, and ifit wore not for tho faot that theywere to loave for Maui, per Moko-li- i,

that night, tbo dancing wouldhave been prolonged. Tho Yai-he- e

striug baud discoursed swoetmusic for the danco.

Now England Bnkory & CandyCo., Hotel etrcot manufacture afine lino of bread, pastry, wedding cakes, ico creams, sherbetsnnd candies finest in tho cityand prices very low. Tolephono74. J. Oswald Lutted, Mana-ger.

Real Estate and Insurance.


AGENTS FOIL.New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of hartford.ST. GOAR.


Members Stock and Bond Exchange.


Particular attention Riven to purchaM an! sale olHawaiian Suirar Stock.

Loam Negotiated. Eastern anj Foreign Stock,ana uonas.

403 California St.,San Franctaco, Cat. U72


Real Estate Broker,223 MERCHANT ST.

FOR SALE.Twelve Chlnoso Granite Hitching

Posts, $5 each.Troporty in town.


W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALjEsTATECW We will Buy or Soil Real Estntoit

u parts ol tbe group.1ST Wo will Hell Fropertiea on Kcaoon-tbl-



United States Custom Hon so ItrnkorArcountant, Soarchor of THloi andGonoral IltiMnoNa Agont.Toln phono QUO.

OFFICE: No. 15 Knaliuinann at root,Honolulu. Formorly A. llosa's oulco" hTw. west,

Office: 639 King Street.

Telephone 641. 1201


Membei ot Honolulu Stock Exchange,Queen street.

Telephone 7t, P. O. Dox 394

BKUOE CARTWK1GHT,General Manager oi

rho Equitable Life Assurance Society

Oi the United States (or the HawaiianIslands,

Oman: Horehant itreet, Honolnloi


No. 15 Qaecn Street.

Expert Appraisement of Boa)Sstato nnd Furniture.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Brokor.

Member ot tba Honolulu Stock Exchange.

OQloo Quoon streot, 'opposite UnionFood Company.

Telephone soo. P.O. Box m.


Bank Fixtures,OfficePartitions

. ND

Store CountersIn New andElegant Designs

Lewers & Cooke,FORT ST.

Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.

W. G.lrwii.&Go.Limited

forWestern Sagar Rollnery Co. ot Baa

Francisco.Ualdwin Locomotlvo Works oi Phlla

ritlphia.l'ton.. U. H. A.Nswell Unlvors&l Mill Co. (Natlona

Cane8hrcdd')r),N'--7 York, U. B. A.N.Oblandt & Co's Chemical fertilizers.Aloz Oros5 k Hong, high grade fertil

izors for Cane and Coffee.Reeds Steam I'ipe Covoring

A.lsoOffer for Salerarafflno l'alnt Co's PAR Faints nd

Papnrs; Lncol und Linseed oils, rawand boiled.

Indnrf .:. (a cold water paint) in whitsand colors,

rlltor Press Clotbs, Cement, Lime andlirio);i.


IIO rs'OJVTJLU.Commission Merchants,


The Cra Plantation Co.The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd.The Kohala Suear Co.The Walamea Sugar Mill Co.The Koloa AcrUultural Co,The Onomea Sucar Co.The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo.The St.nJ.uJ Oil Co.The Geo. '. Ulabe Steam Pumps.Weston's Centrifugals.

Tna New LnglanJ Life Insurance Co. of Dostos.The A'.xnx lire Ins. Co. ot Hartford, Conn.Tli- - Alliance Assurance Co. of LnnJon.




Agents (or tho California and OrientalSteamship Company.



fifm. G. irwin & Co.(limited).

Fin. G. Irwin, President nnd MnuogerJlatu Qprechels, - - -7. M. QiiTnril, - SMrotary and Treasurer"heo. 0. For.'er, ... Andilot

Stages? IP'ctorsAND

Jommission Agents.aobntb op Trra


BREWER & COMPANY, LIMITED,Qnccn street. Honolulu, ILL

AGENTS FORHiwaltan Agricultural Company, Onomea SuralAtmpany, llonomu Sugar Comiiany, WalluklIninr Company, Wnlhee 3n :r Cornpiny, Makes)t Company, llnlcakala Ranch Company, Ka.

iil Ranch. I'lanters' Line San Francisco'sckcls, Cbas. Brewer h Co.'s Line of Boatoatcketf...Agetita Costou lkaril of Underwriters.

Vstuts Philadelphia Hoard of Underwriter..

us of orrioKRsi0 M Cooko ,PreI(lent; Oeorge H Robertson,laoayor; E F Risbop, Treasurer and See-ttar- y;

Ool. W T Allen, Anditori 0 M Cooke,I watcrhonse, A W Cartor, Directors.


VrTiolcHsle Importers and Jobbers ol

kropean and American Dry Good!

Fort and Oneon HtroeU.



Oor. Fort nntl Queen B treats LTonolahba

t&awA' yoctjttUf

General Writer and Compiler

Reports Prep.ireJ, Statistics and Cata-logues Compiled.

General Business Agent.? Office: iuKlnKSf. P.O. Flaxc-i- .

CITY REPAIR SHOP115 Bethel St., opp.CnHtlo & Cook

TtLLI'IIONE toil.Strictly new iCoS Cleveland Illccles for Rent,Sconl-han- d Illcycles foi sale,P.nfllrtni nrmnntlv an.l thnpnunhtw .mm.i

All work cuarantced.E.JONES,R.CURsT




Evening Bulletin,fubtlshed Every Day, except Suniy, l io KlrR

ureet llonolult.il t fc the



Nubni rlil(ll Itnt.'filPer month, anywhere In Hawaiian Islands... $ .1Per earPer year, postal J.toAmetka.Cnnaia orMexlio tootPer ear, postpalJ, other foreign ccntrles .... M oo

WPajable Invariably In aaVan.t.C

TEttl'HONBI'ost Orricn Dox .718

WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1899.

With tho Imnks shut downagainst tho new plantation stock?,

tho promptness wilh which tli

stock ia taken up shows that thopeople of this torritory krop n lotof money iu family stocking.

Tim law department of the ILn-viii-

Government it to bo con

gratulutcd aly virtue of itn uxhibi-lio- n

of a fair decro of commoueoase iu deuliug with Hit) eluctoral

oath propoaitioa ng it relates to

formor voters of tho llepublio of

llusnii. Tim otlicinl orynu intitmtes thnt the now iuterlinouttdoath is still demanded of citizenswho lmvo not pieiously taken tlm

oath to (he Republic. It ia atill

an open qutstiou what right theExecutive has to demand a nowlym nufactuml oath of any elector.

"With the Chrtmber of Commercefavorably disposed towr.rd tho ex

hibit at tho Omaha Exposition, thebusiness community should now

uni'o to make Bnwaii's exhibit themoit complete that hns ever beenaeon in the United States. Thegreater Omaha exposition is togive special prominenco to tho

new American possessions andHawaii cannot afford ito be out-don- o

by any former possession ofSpain. We have made claims ofAmerican prosress nnd monoy ortime should cot bo"sparo:l in rank-

ing good this claim by the excellent character of Hawaii's exhibit.Let tho peoplo toko hold of thinproposition in true progroa6ivAmerican style.


To tho uninitiated it is surpris-ing tho amount of luck of confi-

dence tho Government laborpolicy inapires. The present planhas ilB excellent points and thebusineaa community will bo dis-

posed to accept it without muchgrumbling, provided it is u policy

that can be depended upon for it

fow month at a time. Now that,tho Executive hai in ado a com-

promise for goodneaa Eake Btick to

it. It is not true that tho major-

ity of the planting interests frartho extension of American laws orbeliovo tho Unitod States cau bowheodlod into saving our oontractlabor systom. Tho sugar agentsof Hawaii are not without comrnon senao or foresight. Whatthey do demand, however, isstability. Dnttor tho immediatewiping out of contract labor audJapanese immigration thanliberal policy for a sonuou andthen a sudden Hop in thoopposite diraction. Qivou

the strict Araericau hws,tho planters will adaptthemselves to circumstances; thoyknow that an American doolaration of law means what it Baysand tho operations iu tho newplantations nnd old plantationswill bo governed accordingly.

Where tho llnwaiian govern-

ment foil down was in giving n

practical guarautee immediatelyaftor annexation that tho laborsystem would not bo disturbed.Laborers wore brought in praoti-cull- y'

without hindrance. Thobusiness men of Hawaii in theirplans for expansion and promotion of now onterprioos governedthorasolvos accordingly only tofind themselves brought up witha round turn after thy had invested tlnir money. The actionof the Hatruiiin govomranut wasneither sensible) nor jus.

- j .

Llnving nowconip to a p mittonivproucliing 11 docision lot theOcnurnmout -- tick to it. A fairik'gri'O of Bttliilily id nil th'it isnaked nuil tho request ia rcaaoimbk.



Although tho numbor of tradeaud manufacturing combinationsii steadily increasing in thoUuitedSlides', it is a notable truism thnttlm failure of Amoricans to gain alarger share of tho busineaa mforeign markets ia duo to theirlack of organization nnd systematio effort.

United 8tateb Consul Wilcoxwriting to tho Stato Departmontfrom Hnukau draws attontion tothis short coming apparont in theOhinoso mnrkots. Notwlthstand.iog our figures show a steady increase in tho exports to thoOriont, Wilcox ia authority for thostnt'tnout thnt tho numbor of Am-eiica-

doing huMnoss in Chinais less todny than thirty years ago.Thero aro men enough but thoylire not ndapting thoir methods totho changed conditions of Chinesetrade. "Tho Amorican businessrepresentatives visit the miniatoraotiil consuls and request thorn togot dates for interviews with theTsnugli Yamon at Fekin, thoviceroys, and other high officialsin tho various provinces of theEmpire-- Thoir plans aro similar,they aro all from the UnitodStates, and thoy request theTsaogli Yemen to 'instruct thoviceroys to gather specimens, tobo sent to tho association thoyrepresent. Of course, each commission informs the officials thathis league is composed of themost prominent and wealthy com-

mercial men of bis country. Thoconsequence is that the Chineseofiicials, by having so many asso-

ciations brought to thoir notice,are confused."

European merchants, whilo pay-

ing due attention to Chinese offkials, deal with tho Chinese

corabino theirforcrs,establish expositions in thelarger morenntilo centers and- -

got tho major portion of thebusiness.

If tho reports of American Conaula amount to anything andthey aro of vast importance notwithstanding tho attempts to dosparago tho capacity of thosemen there ia grcator domandfor organization among AmoricanmorchautB in foreign markets thanat home. Thoy aro now com petiiig against their own nationality.To bring American foreign tradeto tho standard which tho nation'sresources might well command, itis necessary, that Yankeo morchants co.iso bickering amongthomselvoa and most Europeanmerchants as a common coinmercisl onemy.

Nnlillrr llroWnfil,Ono nf the soldiers from tho

Trnusport Seuator was drownedwhilo that steamer was passingout oi tlm channel lest ovouing.Tho man was under tho influenceof liquor at tho tirno. He climb-ed down tho rope that attachedtlm pilot boat to tho transport nndwhen half way down, rolaxed his

iin and foil iuto tho water. Thepilot boat cast off to look for thesoldier but bo uever rose again.It is believed that ho was Btruckby tho propeller. Tho Senatorslowed up to allow tho pilot boatto search for the soluior but assoon us it was fouud that theman could not bo found, sho startod again on her way.

Pollca Drill romorrotr.Tho foot police will bo drilled

by Captain Parker on Palacosquare at G o'clock tomorrowmorning. Tho now, men havobeen carefully drilled and nro nowou about tho samo lovel with theold officers.

The Onliu College grounds willho hrilliantly illuminated noxtMonday night on tho ocoaninn ofthe big combined charity out-of-do-

performanco to bo given bytho Janet Waldorf company. Thostreet car compauy have agreed tohave sufficient ears to handlo theorowd comfoitably.

rNNfBjBBtflWftBMiflTgHS?"lMWMBiBftpyf ' 3jAJEJMiiillBflW!C&aWaJtl&MCIJfcafcaMCMj.-..iAfcatt.aaAA.:.-fcji..-- .

BfLLlTlN: BOSOLtJLU, B. I., MAY 10, 1899. t

j. ii ..in,. iiwwiiM.Hi.i.ii nmamm..nij. ... inn L.iuunMiii'i" ii- m- i

To-dn- y's Honolulu StockExchange Report.

STOCK! CJPIUI ShV. CapitalNAME ......... ..,.,..... . -.- WKBid Aikd


C. Brewer & C0I1.003.00J It.ooo.ooo!

Supr.Am Sug rCo.As jjo.ocxJi, oodAmMll0 p d up 7so.ooaEa Plant n Co a.ooo.ooollamoa I'lan Co t,j,ood 1.7S0 175.000llaw'n Aer. Co' i.ooo.oooj 10,000 1,000,000ii..-- .. c..- - r-- f,ooo(oool 20,000 1,400,000ilonomu Su Co )oo,oocJ 3,000 300,000llonokaa S Co 1.000,000! to.ooo 1,000,000Haiku SilRarCo 5oo,oorf 5,000 500,000Kahuku PI n Co 5,ood 5,000 500,000Klhel PCol ilAn si

M up 1,500,000! OOC0 1 500,000KlpahuluSuCo i6o,oool 1 ,60a l6o,OO0Koloa SugarCo 300,000! ,ooo 300,000Kona SuCo. Ass JM.ooo! ,9onKonaSCopdun 1 80,0c 0 1,800 iPo.oocMaunalel SC A 900,000 9,oon 90,00c" " pd up 100,000) 1,00c; 100,00cOahuS Co. , 9,400,000 94,Oor 9,400,000 5

t.ooo.ooo'i 0,000 1,000,000OokalaSPnCo 500,0001 5,000 500,000Olowilu ComV 150,000 I, Joe 150,00a 'HI'aauhau S I'Cof 5,000,000100,000Pacific Su Mill 500,000 5,000 500000PaUPUnfnCd 750.000 750a 750,00aPepetkeoSuCo 750.0001 7,$oo 750.HioneerAiiii in ti)50,oooi),5on 1,) 50,000!WAtJtiuaAeCoA 9 OOO.OOOj 10,000

i,5oo,oc 15,000 1,500,000WaltnaeComyl jo 3,000 000 300,000Wdlluku Su Co 700,000 7,070 700,00aWnlmanAloSCo 951,000 a. 5 939,000WtmeaMtUCo 115,000 1,950 195,000


Wllif r S S Co 500 000 5,000 500,000500,000 5,000 500,000 160

Haw n hlec Co 50,000 ,$o 95,oooHono. KT&LCo too,'' 00 9,OCO 90,000Mutual Tele Col 150,00013,900 139,000MakahaCon As g.ooot 90

M p'J up I,DOOj 310 31.000OahuRy&LCo 9,000,000 90, OOO ,000,000 150

BoxJt.(law Gov,6per c

HGovPostS.iUOahu Ky&LCoI Ji


to Walilua. nsscssiMe, no; 10 Oalm, 8o; reWalalua, assessable, no; soWalalua, paid up, itj.


Alos. McAnrus appeared in thepnlico court this morning on thocharge of using threatening Iancnao toward Stanley, tho com-

plaining witness. There was awoman in tho case.

The defense did not pnt on anywitnoes and at tho conclusion ofthe case Judge Wilcox called Mc-Ac-

boforo him. Turning toStanley bo told him what hethought of him.

Ho had sat still for abouta half an hour simply boil-ing over. "I am ashamed of thecolor of your skin, sir, and I wantyou to get out of this court roomand keep on going until you getfar nway," taM Judge Wilcox. "Ido not intone! to setllo such cobcsiu thin court." Judge Wilcox wasas argry us tho newspaper men inthe room bad ever seen him.

It is needless to say that Stan-ley went out of tho room ns quickly as possible looking to neitherone side nor tuootlior.

Opportunity Miidc Klhci.To obtain wealth needs, simply, the

to recognize opportunities and takeadvantage of them. Opportunities existeverywhere, but the number of really greatopportunities Is always proportionatelysmall and these are always taken up bytho men who have not only brains butwho act aulcklv and havecourace. Prettvmuch all of the wealthy people of tinscountry were once poor ana mey naveprospered oy taxing advantage 01 opportunitles. In Honolulu todav. are all the evldences of advanced American rustling andenergy. To be much account In the po- -

cession a man has to keep pretty close tothe band wagon, Now-a-day- s a bicycle Ismuch like a revolver was, In the ''wildand wooly west," when wanted it waswanted very badly. You may haveopportunity to ride to wealth. The PacificCycle & Mfg. Co. in the Ehler's blockon Fort Street have very trusty andinexpensive steeds in the Crescent or Re-

mington bicycles. Provide yourself nowas they must close out their present stockat the lowest of prices to make necessaryroom for a car-loa- d of Sterling's now Intransit. When Klhel sugar stock wasfloated, brains and quickness seized theopportunity their bicycles were handy,were used, and they succeeded in gettingin on the ground floor. If you want, nota cheap bicycle, but a high grade bicyclecueap can upon mem.

All SortsAndConditions ofHOSE! - - -




Closing out odd lots at special

prices, regardless of the advance in


Pacific Italiwc Co, Ltd.,

Fort Street.

Clothing !

Clothing !

Clothing !

We are now offerlne Men's. Boys' andChildren's Clothing at the lowestever offered In this city before, and thelargest stock to select from and a guaran-tee of Its superiority.

Vt.t ...III rtn.t i. I4ftf P.n. nml t7irIUU Will IIIIU UUI lia rfOp UIIU I Ulnlshlngsof the same hieh standard andanyininc purcnaseu in emier uquiunciuwill be cheerfully taken back and moneyrciunucu 11 nut AaiiMLtuiy.

Agents for Dr. Deimel's Linen MeshUnderwear, bend lor dialogue.

"The Kash,"9 Hotoi street : : Wayerley Blocl

Wo Make Shirts to Order.Telephone No. 676. No. i, Hotel St.

Indurated Fibre Ware.




Baby's Baths,Bowls, Buggy Palls,Beer Trays, Chamber Palls,Chambers, Dairy Palls,Funnels, Flower Pot Saucers,Handy Dishes, Jardinieres,Kcelers, Measures,Pitchers, Slop Jars,Slop Jar Mats, Slop Urns,Stable Palls,Spittoons, (Three Sizes),Tubs, (All Shes),Wash Basins, Water Palls.

These goods are durable and cheap andare worth your inspection.

See display In our large window.

W. W. Dimond & Co.tLIMITED.

..Von Holt Block, King street.

BSTAgents, Gumey Cleanable Refri-gerators, Detroit Jewel Stoves, (ForCoal and Wood). Standard Blue Stoves,Primus Stoves.


btanipsSets of Old Hawaiian Stamps,

Hawaiian Fans,

Hawaiian Souvenir Cuff Buttons,

Hawaiian Photographic Views,

Hawaiian Curios, &c.



316 FORT STREET.Saturday Sketch Class


D. Howard Hitchcock.STUDIO, MODEL BLOCK.

laii'iw Fnlranre. Pvator. Progrm niock.

Pantographs are largely

used as a source of amuse-

ment by young and old whilethey guide the unskilled handin malting enlarged drawingsfrom smaller pictures by amechanical process. KINGBROS, have them for sale.

10 Hotel street.


Shirt Waists !

The Largest Assortment of Popular Sellers,Made Expressly for Us.Style and Fit Guaranteed.


TDireot Importers.

BE PRUDENTAnd buy a homo and by so doing sccuro

monthly dividends, this is onv advico,

and avo havo soino bargains in RealEstate. However, if you havo thofever and want to speculate in Stocks,wo will give careful attontion to any or-do-rs

placed with us.

L. C.Stock Broker and

315 Fort Street.



Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands

Boon to

ABLES,Real Estate Agent.




"Mary Foster,"




pretty Advertiserscol-


num, preferably GOODadvance. RESULTS

greatest remedy known the treatment of backsshoulders horses DR. POTTIE'S

....Gall SalvePositive cure effected by its use every instance.Send your orders

C. MACFARLANB,Sole Agent for Dr. Pottie's Remedies.


Orphetim Building, Fort Street.

Will open on May first-cla- hotel. German beenspecially Imported, every attention will given to culinary department.tirst-clas- s short-orde- r of fare. Regular dinner at 5:30 p. m. Dining hall

supper rooms; tables; barber shop, and every convenience.A offices to In

COMMISSIONNew consignment just





Cows 20-qt- s, Cow qts, Cow qts.Choice Breeds Chickens, $15 per doz; Ducks, $5 a trio.

A FINE Quick Sales, Small Profits.

STOCK YARDS,Corner Alakea Queen Streete.S.WITHERS, Manager.


First-Cla- ss Resort Every Respect.

25-Ccn- ts Meal In Town.

LOOK & CO.,BcreUnla and

T. MATIMURA, M.D.Consulting Rooms, 427 Nuuanu Street.

RcsUlcnco, 521 Nuuanu Street.

IIouth: to 12 m. and 0 to 8 p. in.Sundays, to p. in. 1212 Out




received by E. a ',,,, ,

mines. ((!


Vol. IN HlLO. No.

Is a

good paper for use

52.50 per GET

In I

The in badand in is



1st as a modern A chef hasnnd be the A

bill Ooxio..Private billiard

few let 1206

4 I 23 and 1 28






HOPI'orl Streets.

0 a.2 0

who its

w f


arar 'J





AS JUST PLAIN Mil port inn.

Aullior or Ihf. AlliraSrrlis In Miik-In- ir

Tour 'f I ho V"rlil.Lynn Boyd Porter, better known

to tho public as tbo author of the" Albntross" uovols is n vicitor inHonolulu and is stopping at"Wright's Villa. Mr. Porter ismaking a tour of tho world inBearch of pleasuro and now ma-terial with which to interest tuidontortnin tho rending public. Heis making tho journey by easystages and will probably romaiuin Hawaii until tho cherry blos-som season of Japan whon lie willproceed to that country.

Mr. Portor is a typical Americ-an, clubman and Bohemian, aninteresting talker on all subjectsexcept tho work of bis own pod,this ho prefers to let spVak for it-

self. Spoaking to agpntleman whoknew him as Albert Rots, ho re-

marked "My namo is Porter, it'stoo hot down here to carry twonames." Mr. Porter is an oldtirno nowspaperinnn, having con-ducted n rmpor in Cambridge,Mass. previous to entering hissuccessful work as writer of HeHon.

Ton dollars rewur I will bo paidfor tho recovery of tho hod vol thesoldier lost over board troni thU.S. transport Senator. Soo NowToday.



The dropIn the crank hanger of


is just right. It's there for

a purpose. It works in har-

mony with a perfect chain,

true sprockets and true bear-

ings. No wonder



D. B. WHITMAN,Tribune Agent.

Tuleiilinno 7 Ifl.


Pacific Heights Notice.Applications will be received at the office of BRUCE

WARING & CO. for the purchase of Lots on

tPACIFIC HBIGHTS,if.Situated on the magnificent hillside between Nuuanu andPauoa Valleys, and commanding a superb marine and scenicview stretching from Diamond Head over Punchbowl to theWaianae range of mountains.

A broad, winding Boulevard giving access to the propertyis now in course of construction, and choice lots of sufficientarea for magnificent homesteads will soon be available.

On the Nuuanu side of the hill is a Pali protecting it fromthe high winds and heavy showers of Nuuanu Valley, ensuringa salubrious climate.

The elevation of the property is from $0 to 7 JO feetabove sea level.

Applications will be numbered and filed, and choice willbe allotted according to the number of the applications.

Only $1,000 for a lot 100 x 200 feet. Terms easy.

BRUCE WARING & CO.,Rooms 7 and 8, Progress Block.


NEW! NEW! NEW!DON'T buy a music box before you see the "Stella."

No projections on tune sheets to break off.

Speed can be regulated to suit any kind of music.


Progress Blook.car Pianos sold on Installments of Sio per month.


Headquarters far Stella, Regina,i01ymp!aMusic Boxes.


vf rmmr ,v t--v "y"fsz$



A largo now JmwI stove forsalocheap. Sen ForSalo column.


Editors and photogrnphrrflshould look in at tbe Orphpuin(hid ovening. Seo ad. on pago 8.

Tho latest arrests are a boy fortruancy and a native for desertinizcontract service with W. H. Gum-ming- s.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Grahamwill leave in the Miowerato mnkoquite an extended trip iu thoUnited Slates and Europo.

A lurgo assignment of officefurnituro has just beon receivedby Henry Waterhouso & Co.,Queen stroeet. Seo ad on pago 8.

Tho annual meeting of tbo Hawaiian Jockey Club will bo boldat tbo Pacific Club at 8 o'clock

Every member is request-ed to bo present.

Tho Government stables piosonta very neat appearance today.Minister Damon called around inthat direction yesterday nud order-ed tho plnco cleaned up.

Tho British American S. 9Lino announco that freight cau becontracted through from any pointin the United Rtutos to tbo Hawaiian Islands. Seo ad on pngo 8.

A reward of S1C0 will be award-ed any person giving informationthat will leadto tho arrest of tbeparty or parties who assanlted thecar driver on Waikiki road lastSunday night. Soo Now Today.

Fred Harrison is prepared tofurnish headstones and monnmontsin Hawaiian etono and marble.Anybody requiring tho same willpleaco place their order at once.Memorial Day is fast approaching.King, near Alakea streets.

E. O. Hall & Son have justlanded a lot of $, Jand 1 inch galvauized water pipe,also a fine lot of canal or R. R.barrows. Per Geo. W. Curtisshortly duo from Now York wewill receive a large assortment ofhardware. Seo ad on pugo 8.

A man in soldier's clothes wsbarrested lust night by CaptainBowers. Whon questioned at theDeputy Marshal's offico bo gavetbe namo of Weisb and eaid thatUp wnn n. fltowAwnv in thn Ohio.Ho had saccoeded incoming alongwith the soldiers and got awaywnen tno transport sailed.


Vancouver (B. 0.), April 25,According to dispatches fromOorea, the world would soon botalking of Russia's tremendousinroads into that country. Rus-sia has won over Lady Ora, thefavorite mistress of the Emperor,who has dreams of ascending thothrone through tho help of Rus-sia. Tho Emperor has leased ex-

clusively to Russia throo whalingports Oulsan, Suugehinoo andOhimpodo in all 7u0 meters inlength and 350 in breadth. Adispatch says that Lady Om hasso enchanted tho Euiporor thathis Oorean mojosty is a puppet inher hands. Ilia Ministers toldhim to bewaro of Russia, and tbeEmperor echoed tint Russia mustnot have a foot of Coreau terri-tory.


Ballenty ne & Eakin



General Inn Agents.







NEW RECORDS by the well-know- n

Hawaiian "Kawalliao Quintette Club"(the most popular native singers In the


Headquarters for Gramophones, Graplia- -

phones, Reglna Music Boxes.


DOLINS, the best in the world.

Music Department of


If you want business property,If you want a home cheap,If you want a lodging house.If you want property that will enhance Invalue, It will pay you to consult

W. E. BIVENS,Fort street, oppo. Pacific Hardware Co.

The Bulletin classifies its nds. Result small advertisers get a squaredeal.



memmmm t mr '&m&M mmmmm

i mtmmmmsmmmmmmFr

Home Bakery

CjQl2FES- -

Only Flrst-Clne- ta AmerlcnuItcatuiirnnt In the City.

Ice Cream ParlorsIn connection.

Bread, Cake, etc., delivered to anypart of the city free.

II mm

Mlffllllll527-52- 9 FORT ST.,


BUSINHS9 LUNCH, 11 a in. till2 p. in 25

DINNIMI, from 5 to 7 p. in 60mo



Office. aoS Merchant itrcct, Cmpt-tl- l block, rearJ. O. Oirtct't office. P. O. Ion 104


Notary Pnblic and TypewriterConveyancer and Searcher of Records.

Campbell's Block, Mnrchant St.Next door to Hawaiian Wine Co.

TELEPHONE 565And we w III call for and deliver, without extra charge, your Bicy-cle Gun, Typewriter, or any article of fine mechanism that needsrepairing.KODAK AND CAMERA REPAIRIANG A SPECIALTY.Our Tennis Racket restrlnglngls only equalled by the factories.

us a call.

A. W. PEARSON, 1 Remember the312 Fort St. iti 'Phone 565.

mm hm m






Give-- 3-


mkti. '&.

GiftsFor All S 8K &

In selecting Girtinjny points are to be considered:

First ol all, where is the largestand bst display to be seen ?

Second, the quality and prices ?

After you have convinced your-

self on these twoipoints the restIs easy.

Stock.We have on display the

largest and greatest variety of

CHOICE GOODS ever offeredin Honolulu. We know our priceare right, because we buy rigifrom the manufacturers, thereb)saving the percentage made b

the middle man.

Cheapestand Best

When you come to our' storewe feel it our duty to familiarizeyou with the goods we carry, and

our time is yours.

Come and inspect our stock.

Goods are all marked In plain





A CompleteAssortment ofLadies', Gents' andChildren's


In all grades the cheap-es- tto the Sanitary,

Diamond and Hermsdorf Dyes







Hollister Drug



' t- -

t !'







Have moved their law offices to theJudd Block, Rooms 308 and 309.




Attorney at Law andiNotary i?ublio.

Kaaluimauu Street.



Bethel St., Honolulu.J. M. KAN BAKU A,

Attonioy and Counsellor atLaw.

Office: In tlio Occldontal Hotel,and Alal.oa Streets, Hono-jfcl- a.


''. C. Aril 1. 1'xocn Johnson.AOHI & JOHNSON,

Attornoys and Oounsolovsat Law.

Offlco No. 10 Wost King street.Tolopnono 884.

F. M. BROOKS,Attornoy-a- t --Invr,

Comer Tort nJ Motel streets,Over FitrdilM'i Shoe Store.



Lawyer.Vai practice In til the Hawaiian nJ Unite! States

ouns.Rooms o-- to, PROGRESS BLOCK,

Cor. Tort anj Berclanla streets.


Wilt practice In all the U. S. FeJtralan4 State Courti.

ProjreM Block, cor. Dcretanla ani Tort streets.cni :: Rooms 5 and 6.



HAS MOVED to the JuddBlock, Fort St.

Surgeons and Physicians.


llawnlinn Hotel.)

Ofllco Hours: 8 to 10 n. m.; 1 to 3jv in.; 7 to 8 p. in. .Sundays: 8 to Umi, Tolophono S10. P.O. Box 601.


Hours: 0 n. in., 3 p. ui., 7-- 8 p.m.Sundays, 12-- 2 p. in.

Tolophono 741. 1107-30- 1

DR. C. L. GARVINOffice: 637 Kino Stkkkt, noar Punch-

bowl, Honolulu, II. I.TELEPHONE No. 443

Hoars: 0 to 11 a. 111. j 1 to 3 p. m.;7 to 8 p. m.


A. C. WALL, D. D. 8.,O. E. WALL, D. D. S.f

DENTISTS.Hew Love's Bnlldlnc, Fort Btreeti



DENTIST.2B-- 14 Progross Block, corner Borotania

nml Fort Stroots, Honolulu.


Dentist.So. 210 notol ntroot. Telophone 505,

HOUIIS: 0 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m.

JOSS WEDLARD,Complexion Specialist.

ELECTRICAL FACIAL MASSAGE, most approvttanhoi. MANICURING. Office Hours, to a. m'

it 5 p. m. VINEYARD STREET, third collectest ot Nuutnu street nai

Not the least beautiful of

wonders nature has lavished

ipon Hawaii is the variety offishes in the surroundingwaters. Some of them gro-

tesque in form and othersmost marvelously colored.KING BROS., have a fine

collection of water colors.

Calumet (g)Baking

() Powder



And content indeed,Who finds food, solace

pleasure,IN A WEED."

Note the followingpopular brands of ourImportedHavana Cigarsdirect from thefactories:

Napoleon the First, Cabatleros size, loo ina box.

Napoleon the First, Camellas size, ioo ina uox.

Afrlcano, Conchas Selectas, jo In a box." Jockey Club, ioo In a box." Delmonlcos, 25 In a box." "DelMontes,

Adellna Pattl, Esplenidos, "" " "Presldentes,

Casandra Uecalla. Uioriosa, 50 In a box.l.'i Travlata Regalia. Nonpareil, 100 In box.Henry Clav, Camellas. 50 In a box.

Puritanas, Finos, 50 In a box.Bock & Co., " " " "H. Upmann. Cosmopolltanos, 50 In a box.Alexander Humboldt, Paclflcos,;o In a box.Alexander Humboldt, Republlcanos, 50 boxR. Fulton, Conchas Especlnls, 50 In a box.

" Recuerdos. 2c In a box.La Inllmldad de Antonino Caruncho, 50 b.La Espanola Elegantes, 25 In a box.

86TAII of which we offer In quantitiesto suit. Special prices to the trade.


Lewis & Go.211 FORT STREET.

Telephone 240

H. MAY & GO.Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., HonoluluTelopbonor 22 P.O. Box 470



108 KING STBEET.G. J. Walleb, : : Managed

Wholesale and Retail


Navy Contractors.BE3T OP MEATS.

FamlUos desiring tendor roasts,Juicy stoaks and chops .shouldcall on tho

Central Meat MarketWo make a specialty of family tradennd sell tho best at reasonable

i 'figures.

H E. GARES, Proprietor.214 Nuuanu St. Telephone 104.


Cor. Queen and Fort Sts.Importers and Wholesalo Dealers in

Hay, Grain, Food,Flour, Meals,Egyptian Oorn, oto.

Our Goods aro Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.Phone 422.





Office and Parlors614&510Fort8t., near Hotel.

Telephone 170.

Real Estate Transaction.Subscribers are lurmaned with from Uv

to six lists per week. Riving an aocnraUrecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re.leasoa, powotg of nttorney, etc, eto., wulor.are placed ou reoord.Subscription Price, f2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,Judd Building, Ilonolulu.

'iltffVV "Vj"IJV "jPtv w?Fwpg v-- wp'



The following olroular letter rolating to tbe Summer SobooiEducational Exhibit has bopu sentout by Edgar Wood, president oftbe Armstrong Institute, and H.S. Towneenil, director of tboSummer Sohool:

The Director of tho SummerSchool, with tboArmstrong Inttitato, wishes tomake an educational exhibit amnrked featuro of tho SummerSobooi of 1899. He thoreforo requests all teachers of publio andprivate scuooia in me HawaiianIslands to contribute to such ex-

hibit in accordance with tbo fol-

lowing plan:1. Though every articlo will be

plftiuly marked with mime of theschool or individual exhibiting it,and in case of work of pupils thoname, age nnd grade of the pupilproducing it, no school or mdivirtual shall mako a separateexhibit.

2. All work of pupils exhibitedshall bo work proparod in theregular progress of tbe school andnot especially for exhibition; andevery teachor offering work ofpupils in that very not pledges bishonor that it has thus beenprepared.

3. It being tho purposo of thisexhibition to show tbo sobools,notna tbey ought to bo, nor ovon attheir boat, but as tbey aro, se-

lected and correctod work will notbe in pUce. Tbo work of wholoclasses is wanted.

4. All exhibits shall be com-bined in accordanco wih tho fol-lowing classification:

Glass 1. Kindergarten and In-fant Education. This class shallinclude all exhibits pertaining tokiniorgarten work and similarwork dono in the first grade,further classified as follows: u. Or-ganization, history, statistics, etc.6. Flans, models, apparatus andfittings, c. Sohool furniture, d.Ourriculums, tirao tabloj, etc. e.Results obtained pupil's work,

Class 2. Elementary Education.This class shall includo all exhi-bits pertaining to the work of thefirst oight grades, further clarif-ied as follows: a. Organization,bistoiy, btatistics, etc. b. Plans,models, apparatus and fittings, c.School houso furniture, model"and appliances for teaching, dCurriculums, time tables, eto. e.Itesults obtained com positions,loiters, written work, examinationpapers, rasps, modols, drawings,paintings, plans of grounds im-proved and gardens cultivated, ar-ticles made, photographs of arti-cles made, eto.

Class 3. Secondary Education.This class shall include all exhi-bits pertaining to work betweentbo ninth and twelfth grades, in-

clusive, furtbor classified na follows: a. Organization, history,statistics, oto. b. Flans, modols,home-ma- de apparatus? etc. c.Sohoolhoueo furniture, models andappliances for teaching, d. Our-riculums, time-- tables, elo. e. Bo-sui- ts

obtained as in class 2.Auy and every thing that will

indicate tbe progress, present condition, methods, or results of edu-cation in tbe'1 Hawaiian Inlandswill find its place in this classification, and ia wanted. Any oneable to contribute to the exhibi-tion in any class or sub class isinvited to do eo.

Dr. Philip Rico, Hilo, Hawaii,will take obarge of any of tbooexhibits loaned to the llilo Cham-ber of Onmmerco for their fair tobe held the last week in Juno, and'will forward them to Honolulu intime for tho general oxbibition inconnection with tho SummerSchool. Teachers on the Islandof Hawaii aro requested to writoMm and with Lira.

All exhibits should be broughtor Bunt to Mr. T. H. Gibson, Ho-nolulu.

The Latt Car.The last cars of tho King street

lino going to Waikiki and Palamapass tho Anchor Saloon. Theoloverost mixologists in tho cityaro thero always to put you upanything you may desire. Dropin and tako a drop before you taketho car. Tho celebrated Seattleboor is to bo had horo on draught.A full line of liquors including thefamous A. A. Jesse Moore Whiskyoto., always on hand. Receivedper Warriraoo, Rainior Bock Boeron draught. Tho Anchor Saloonia hero to plonso its natrons.

Do you like to drink puro whis-ky? Tbon if you do call for"A. A." Josbo Mooro at any of thosaloons. Lovojoy & Co., distribu-tors for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Itepnrls tin Sncrentft.

"I was suffering from indiges-tion and my weight was reducedto one hundred and fifteen ortwonty pounds, I have been tak-ing Hood's Sarsaparilla andHood's Fills and my health hasbeen better tbau for years. Myweight is now about 155 pounds."Mrs. Emily E. Burbank, PineQrovo, California.

Hood's Pills aro non-irritati- ng

and tho only cathartic to tako witbHood's Sarsaparilla.

If yon wnnt a nico rubber tirohock witb a careful drivor ring upClub Stable Hook Stand Tol.M9,and wo guarantoo you will bosatisfied.

L. F. Farloy conducts a largemeroautile business nt LibertyHill, Ga. Ho savB: "One appli-cation ot Ohnmberlian's FainBalm relieved mo of a sovero painin my back. I think it O. K."For Inmo back, rheumatism, nou-ralg- ia,

swellings, sprains, bruises,burns and scalds no other lini-mo- nt

can approach Ohamborlian'sPnin Balm. It is intonded espe-cially for theso dieoases and isfamous for its cures. For sale byall dealers. HenBon, Smith & Co.,General Agonts.


PILIKIAIs the fortune of all those who

change quarters

In Honolulu,Or in any other metropolis. Whenever this change is accompanied byextensive improvements the

Pilikia : is : Endless.We have surmounted it all, how-

ever, and are now ready to attendto the wants of our friends, at 426Fort street, just below Hotel street.


42G Fort Street.


Free! Free!! Free!!!I am now making a specialty of free

sittings to any one desiring my everlasting

Souvenir Photo Buttons

B. LICHTIG,Manufacturer.

At the Tent, Fort street, above DeweyRestaurant.




We turn out the finest wnrkat the most reasonable prices.

souvenir views ol the Islandsin endless variety.

J. J. WILLIAMS,At tbo Old StandOn, Fort Street ::

0. & 0. jUi. GAELIC

Notice is hereby given that theO. & O. S. S. "Gaelic" to havesailed from this port for San Francisco on the 6th inst., will leaveHonolulu on or about the 13th Inst.

H. HACKFELD & CO.,1 213-i- w Agents.

Kona Sugar Co., Limited.A meeting of the stockholders of the

Kona Sugar Co., Limited, will be held atthe office of M. W. McChesney & Sons,on Wednesday, May 17th, 1899, at 11o'clock a. ni.

F. W. McCHESNEY,Secretary.

Honolulu, May 6, 1899. i2ifrjt


JUDD BUILDING.Incorporated Under the Laws

i op tub hawaiian republic.

Capital $400,000

OFFIOEKS AND DIUEOTOR9:Ciiab. M. Cookk, Prosldont.

J. B. Athkhton,C--n. Cookk, Cashier.

P. C. Atukiiton, Secretary.Ilonry Watorhouso,

Tom May,F. W. Macfarlano,

E. D. Tonnoy,JA. McCandloss.

Solicits tho Accounts of Firms, Cor-

porations, Trusts, Individuals, and willcarofully and promptly nltond to allbusiness connected with banking

to It. Soil and purcb.180 ForeignExchnngo, issuo Lottors (if Crodlt.

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IOrdinary and Torm Deposits rocohod,

and Intorost allowed In accordanco withrulos and conditions pi luted In Passbooks, 03l09 of which may bo had uponapplication.

Architects, Contractors and Builders,


AEGHITBOT323 Merchant St,. Honolulu,

Between Fort aud Alakea,Telephone : : : 734

Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS,

Dealers in Lumber and Goal.

ALLEN & ROBINSON,Quoon streot, Honolulu.

J. OTJDERKIRK,Contractor and Builder.House Moving, nl ItVtnJ, ot lltavy Weight,


(Opposite Club Sublet).ReiUenc. Telephone 490. ntW--

H. L. KERR & CO.,

Architects and BuildersRooms ti-i- i,


To My Patrons and the Public.

Having recovered from my re-

cent illnosB, I am apain preparedto do all kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as heretoforo.Thauking you for paBt favors, 1

respectfully solicit a continuanceof the same.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.Tel. 844.

A New Paint Shop.

Having associated with us Mr. JohnIT. Wost, a practical IIouso Painter,Docorator and Wood Pollshor, wo aronow proparod to give osttmatos on allkinds of work In that lino.

Mr. Wost having had a practicalof over, twenty yoars In San

Francisco and othor largo cltlos on thoCoast, wo fool confident that any workentrusted to us will glvo entire satisfac-tion to our patrons.

Peerless Preserving Paint Co.

Artistic Graining


House Painter,Paper Hanger,Grainer, Glazier, andTinter : : :


Next to Pollen Station

....DEALER IN....

Marblo , G rani to. and Hawaiian Stone


Fort Street, opposite Chinese Church.

All kinds of Lcttorlng and Carving.Estimates Furnished. 114(1


Is what you should consider and decidewhen buying Monuments. We will tryand help you out on all these.

The only marble that Is Impervtous toliquids and will not stain is the KENE-SA-

GEORGIA AND ITALIANMARBLE. We are the sole agents forthis marble on the Hawaiian Islands, andwill be glad to show you our samples anddesigns at our office and salesrooms.

We are In position to furnish stone cope-In- g

cheaper than any firm In Honolulu.Be sure and get prices before buying.

Hawaiian Iron Fonco and Ionu-mont- al


Tolophono 002 041 King stroot


Clads 8rnscKELs, Wm. Q. Ihwih.



Kin Francluo Agentt Tarn Nbvada Bum 01Bah Fbakcisoo,


din Fiuncisco Tho Nevada Bank ol BanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London, LtdiSaw York American Exchango National

BankCnituoo Merchant National Bank.Pams Comptolr National d'Escompt de

Parla.Bbolik Drc.dncr BankiHONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA IlongkODg A

Shanghai Banking Corporation,NW Zl ALAND AND AUSTRALIA Bnk Of NOW

Zealand.Victoria aud Vakcouvkb Bank of British

North America.

ransHct a General Biting and Excliaage Business

DcpoUUa Kecclved. Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Isaned. Hills of Exchango boughtand sold. xCollections PnounLY Aocouhtid Fob,

UmKQV & o.


Savings Deposits will bereceived and Interest allowed by thisBank at four and ono-ha- lf per cont.per annum. Tho terms, rules andregulations of tho Hawaiian Postal Sav-ings Bank have boon adopted aa far aaIt Is practicable to apply them, and theCash Itesorvo of $50,000 as required un-d- or

tho Postal Act will bo maintained.Printed coplos of tho Rules and Reg-

ulations may bo obtalnod on application.BISHOP A CO.

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingind Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-ibl- e

in all tho principal citiesf the world.Intorost allowed after July

1,1898, on fixed deposits 3months 3 per cent., 0 months3J per cent., 12 months 4per cent.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets, Dee. 31, 1898, f110,803.38Money loaned on approvod socurtty.A Savings Bank for monthly deposits.Houses built on tho monthly Install-

ment plan.Elghtoonth Sorlos of Stock is now

openedOrticERs: T. P. Lansing, Presldont:

S. O. Rose, C. B. Gray,Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretary.

DinECTorts: T.P.Lansing, S.B.Rose,A. V. Gear, A. W. Koech, J. G. Roth-wel- l,

Ilonry Smith, J. J. MoLoan, J. D.Holt, 0. B. Gray.

For furthor particulars apply toA. V. GEAR, Secretary.

Chamber of Commerce rooms.Ofllco Hours; 12:301:30 p. m.

TIjb VoohamQ Specie Bant;UMITZD.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yen 10,500,000Reserve Fund Yen 7,300,000


BRANCHES AND AGEN0IE8.Kobe, Loudon, Lyons, New York.

Ban Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

Thn TlAnlf litlva nn.l wmalvn. - rmllAA.Hon Bills ot Exchange, Issues' Drafts andLetters of Credit on thn ahnvn RrnnMiaaand Afionclos, aud transacts u goueralUUIIKIIIg UUM1UOHH,

INTEREST ALLOWED-- OnI IxeJ Depotl! for 11 months, 4 ttr cent p. a.

On Flxcl Lvroill lor 6 months, 1 "On rixed LVposll (or ) mos, j '

INTEREST ALI OWEDBy (lie llc4 Office t Yokohama, on Current D.posit. 4 per cent, per annum.On Fixed Deposit lor n months, 6 per cent p, a.

flsw Republic Bniiamg. lifting sl, Honolnlt

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea Halokauwila Bta.

Has a large assortment ol

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Good 8

Oonstantly on hand.Estimates given for houBo wir-

ing and Electrical plants.Marino Wiring a opooialty,


i'4 Iifinawo :tfsWfcki- -



'.?T-"- nip-nM- ! ,m ii nmny twfwqpgpi- -


Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company.'TIME TABLE.

Tho Fino Passongor Stoamera of This Lino Will Arrive at ancLoave Thia Fort as Hereunder.

From San Francisco:AUSTRALIA - May 10MOAN A May 24AUSTRALIA June 7ALAMEDA June 21

In connection with tho Bailing of tho above steamors, the Agontsaro prepared to issuo, to intending passengers, eonpon throughtiokots by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in tboUnitod Statos, and from Now York by any steamship line to allEuropean ports.

For fnrthor particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedGeneral Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co. gs Toyo Kisen Kaisha

. Steamers of the above comp mii Kill call at Honolulu nj leave this port on or about the. dtes below mentioned i,.

For Japan and China:AMERICA MARU May I)CITY Or PEKING May )GAEIIC May 31HON KONG MARU June 8CHINA June 16DORIC. June 34NIPPON MARU July 4RIO 1)13 JANbRtO July nCOPTIC July it

Tor general Information apply to

H. Hackfeld &


WSteamert ot the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO ,between Vancouver, D C.and Sydney. N. S. W., and calling at Victoria. B. C. Honolulu, Suva (Fiji),and Brisbane are DUE AT HONOLULU on or about the dates below stated, vlttFROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B. C.

for Suva, unsoane ana oyaneriAoranel May 11 Anrangf....... August 4Mlowera. . Junao Mlowera. ...September 1

Warrlmoo. ..July 7 Warrlmoo September 99Aorangl October 17Mlowera. ..November 4

Warrlmoo.. December as

WThrough tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and Europe. For Freight andPassage and all general Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davles & Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agents.

Lines of Travel.

O. R. & L. Co.MSi3S3k3

TIME TABLE.From and After January 1, 1800.

TRAINS.STATIONS. Dally Dally(Outward) ax. Sun. Dally ei.Sun. Dally Datlv

AM. AM. AM. P.M. P.MHonolulu 7to 9 'J 10 5 15 5 toPearl City.... 8o 048 1 1 '40 J 47EwaMIII 8 ji 1008 is 00 toj 6.10Walana to 50 4 45Walalua 55 5 40Kahuku... IS 3 0 15

STATIONS. Dally(Inward) ex Sun. Dally Dally Datlv

AM. AM. P.M. P.M.Kahuku 08

Walalua 6.10 SO

Walana. 7 10 3 55EwaMIII 5 so 105 4 3

PeailClty 615 fi at I.JOHonolulu 0" so 835 05 516

P. O. Smith, Gen'l Pass. A TicketAgent.

G. P. Dbwibow, Fuporlntendont.


The stage for Kaneohe, Heela, Wal-kan- o,

Punaluu, Lulo, Kahuku and waypoints, will leave Postofflce, Bethel.street side, at 0 a. m. (Sundays except-ed), calling fr passengers and pack-ages at Lovcjoy A Co'b, No.lONuuanustreet

' aWuStagea will make the return tripfrom Kahuku dally.


Anyone found trespassing on my Plan-

tation at Hanalel, Kauai, after 8 o'clockp. m. will be prosecuted according to law.


n87-2- Hanalel, Kauai.

Notice,The Annual Meeting of the Hawaiian

Jockey Club will be hold on WednesdayEvening, May 10th, 1899, at 8 o'clock,ot the Pacific Club.

J. S. WALKER,ui&2t Secretary'.

Notice.Digging or taking sand from makal side

of Ala Moana Road(Beach Road) Is strictlyprohibited, any person or persons caughtIn the act, will be prosecuted to the full

extent of the Law.W. H. CUMM1NGS,

Road Supervisor, Honolulu.1 200-- 2 W

27ie Evening Bulletin gives ALL

the news for 75 centa a month,



For San Franoisco:AUSTRALIA May 16ALAMEDA May 16AUSTRALIA June 13MARIPOSA June 23

For San Franciscooatuc May itiionkong maru .. . Mai) 16CHINA may a)DORIC JuneNIPPON MARU June toRIO DE JANARIO June 17COPTIC June 17AMrRICA MARU July 4CITY OF PEKING July 14GAELIC July 11

Co., Ltd., Agents.

mm Company

FROM SYDNEY. BRISBANE AND SUVA.victoria and Vancouver (u. I..J.

Mlowera.. . May 10 Mlowera AugustWarrlmoo. .June 7 Warrlmoo. .August 30Aorangl... .July 5 Aorangl. ..September itMlowera.... October s

Warrlmoo. .NovemberAorangl. ...December to

Lines of Travel.




S.S.KlNAUCLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu evory Tuosday at12 o'clock in., touching nt Lahalna,MnnLiea Bay and Makona tho samoday; Mabukona, Kawalbae and

tho following day, arrivingat Illlo Wednesday ovenlng.

Returning will Mil from Illlo ovoryFriday at tl o'clock p. in., touching atJauipahooboo, Mahukoua, Kawalhae,Makona, Maalaoa Ray and Labalua,arriving at Honolulu Saturday night.

Will call at Foholkt, Pun, on thesocond trip of each liionth, arrivingthoro on tho morning of the day ofsal II nc from Illlo to Honolulu.

Ilio popular routo to the Volcano Isvia Illlo. A good carnago road tno on-tl- ro



Will loavo Honolulu Tuosday, at 5o'clock p. m., touching at Kahulul,liana. Hamoa and Klpahulu. Maul. Returning, arrives at Honolulu Sundaymorning.

Will call at Nnu, Kaupo, onco eachmonth.

Thla company rosorves tho right tomake changos In tho tlmo of departureand arrival of Its steamors WITHOUTNOTICE, and It vUll nnt bo rosponslblofor any consoquonces arising thoro-fro-

Consignees must bo at tho landingto recelvo their freight. This companywill not hold itsolt responsible forfreight aftor It has boon landod.

Live stock rocelvod only at ownor'srisk.

This company will not be rosnonslbio for money or valuabloa of passon-gor- a

unless placod In tho caro of pursers.

Passengers are rcquostod to purchasetickets beforo embarking. TIioho fall-ing to do so will bo Bubjoct to an addi-tional chariro of nor cont.

Tho company will not be liablo forloss of, nor Injury to, nor dolay in, thodollvery of baggago or porsonal effectsof tho passongor beyond tho amount of$100 00, unlets tbo value of tho samebe doclarod, at or bofore the issue oftne tlcKot, anu rroignt is paiu tnoroon.

All employees of the Company aroforbidden to recelvo freight without do- -Uvorlne a shipping receipt thorofor intho form proscribed by the Companyand which may be seen by shippersupon application to tho pursers of theCompany's Steamers.

Shippers aro notified that if freight issnippeu witnouc sucti recoipt, it wiu DoBololy at the risk of tho shipper.

0. L. WIGHT, President,S. B. ROSE, Socrotary,

OAPT. J. A.KIKG, Port Supt,

Beor and Wine Dealers,


SAUEMRAUT3 pounds for 2J cents.60-pou- nd casks, $4 per cask.


OST. BREHAM'SHop Boor Depot, No. 11 Konla (formorly

Smith) htroot.


Wine ai Lipr Dealers.Agents for the Dottled Rainier Deer of Seattle.

No. 19 Nuuanu SiTiEirrFoster Block, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands,

P. O. Box i T. Mutual Telephone log.

A close rosomblanco to Boor,From Kentish Hbpi." An admirable itnltntlnn .' T.nn,t,iTimes.




225 Quoen street, Honolulu, H. I,

.ouolliatei Soia Water Co., MKHplanntle,

lorner Allen & Fort Stt., Honolulu


Chinese and Japanese Firms.

HELP! HELP!!Honolulu ClilnesoEmployment Agency.

Office at the Hawaiian ChlneseNews Co 'att No. King street, Honolulu, If. I

Cooks, Walters, Yardmen, Plantation La-borers, and all kinds of employees furnish-ed promptly on short notice.

This Agency fully examines all appli-cants for employment as to their compe-tency before sending them to Its patrons.


Dry Goods Store212 Nuuanu Street,

has opened with an entire new stock of DryGoods, Mnttlngs, Camphor Trunks, allkinds of Japanese and Chinese Silks, SilkHandkerchiefs, Men's and Ladles' Shoes,Men's and Children's Hats.

SING LUNG & CO.Chono Saw. Algr. (1106-i- P. O. Box 10,1


Merchant Tailor323 Nuuanu St.

fine Suitings In English, Scotch andAmerican Goods made to order.

Telephone 008. Postofflco box 088.


FURNITURE DEALER,400 Nuuanu Streot.

Chairs of all kinds, Matting,Cigars, Silk and Chinese Teas.

Seasonable Goods.CHAIRS of all kinds, Matting,

Chinese Grass Llnon In any color,Fancy China Silk Handkerchiefs.

KWONG HINQ CIIONO CO.,Nuuanu abovo King st.

SXK KBS BESTAUaAUTAlakoa, botwoon Morchant and King

streott.A First Class Moal at All Hours,

15 OENTS.BOX. Luncheon Iloomi for Ladies

anu Uenta. dive us a trial.

SHEU LTJtf,305 Nuuanu St , next Exchange Saloon,

Merchant TailorClothing, etc., made to orlcr.

All Suits guarantee! to fit. anj In the Latest Style,

L. CHONG,No. 6 Nuuanu St., below Merchant, Honolulu.

MERCHANT : TAILOR.WSults guaranteed to fit and In latest styles

Clolhlns made to order) Uniforms a specialty.Clothes cleaned and repaired at reasonable rates.


Medalist,Model Block, Fort and Beretanla Sts.

TAKAKI & CO.,Pnnfranfnrc Riiilrtarcuuimuuiuiu. uuiiuu.uj

And HOUSE PAINTERS.115M Nuuanu street, Honolulu, H. I.


Additional, and the latest Shipping News, will befound on the eighth page.


a PoTlDay. Fa ot 5t 5

"S S.3e. c. c.n CD a

In.ni a, in a.m. p.m.Moi.day k 3.20 2.29

Tucwlay o, 4 oo 3.00 8.30 11.00

Wednesday., 10 4.39 3 3' 0.07 11.50

Thursday .... 11, 5 15 4.10 0.38 a.m.

Friday i ...12 .',51 4 50' 10.10 0.47Saturday .... ... 13 0 31 5.45.1(1.40 1.30

Sunday 0 50 11.10 2.21

Now moon on the Dili ut 7:0 a. m.Tho Standard tlmo whistle Bounds nt

12h. Oni. (K (midnight), Greenwichtime, which Is Hi. 30m. p. m. of Ha-waiian Stuudurd time.

JfOVEMKNTS OF STEAMERS.Steamers Jut ahJ sMlllnptnJvani tar th nt l

any are a lotinws.ARRIVE.

Steimers riom tinAllow r a Colonies ...May 10Australia ban I rancKco .. . . May nMlkahala Kauai ..MayuAoriinpl Vancouxer . .. Mav iGaelic Yokohama - May i)Lnua Ainiunai anj unit , , Miy lAmerlctMaru China aniJap.in May ijKlnau .Maul and lltwall May i)Claudlne Maul ..may uMlkahiM Kaua . . .. Miy 14W ti Hall-K- ona and K'au ... ,.,,May 16


Steamers For Duen oera Vancouver May toMlkahala Kautl Mav 11Aorangl Colonies May tsGaelic San I nnrlico Mays)America Maru San I ranclsco May 11Mokolll Molokal May (

lehua Molokaland Lahal , Miv iW. G Hall Kona and Kau Mav i&Claudlnt Maul May 16Klnau Hawaii and Maul May 16


Tho Attdnrloy Bailed for theSound in ballast yesterday after-noon.

The Qnrouno sailed at about G

o'clock last evening. Tho bandwns on tbo wharf to play a faro-wo- ll

concert.Tbo transports Ohio and Sena-

tor did not get away for Manilayesterday until after G o'clock.It is tho intention that tbo twoshall sail along in company alltho way and as their speed isabout tho fame, thoy will not haveany tronblo doing this.

Tho Olaudino with tho J BThomas in tow did not pass Dia-mond Lionel for good until aboutmidnight last night. It seemsthat when approaching near tboMead the tow lino parted. TboThomas began to drift and Olaudino made haste to get anotherlino attached. It was n long timebeforo thinas were in satisfactoryshape again.


From Waimoa, per stmr Kilo-han- o,

May 9 Miss Ensign, W REnsign, F A Jacobs.


For Maui ports, per stmr Olau-dino, May U H P Baldwin, F WBeardslee, A Hocking, It Putman,E W Christie, Lee Ohu, YooOhin,Mrs Freeman, Mrs De Fries, RevS E Kaailua.

For Soattlo, Tacoma, perS S Garonne, May 0 AlanClark, R F Brown, Mr and MrsObaffeo, Mrs J Hoover, Miss SHoover, Mr Wolcott, Miss Polly,Mrs Forry and child, MissSprague, Mrs Wright, MrsHolmes, Mrs Weiriob, A E Wei-rio- h

and threo children, W L Mo-Oab- o,

W 0 Rennoy, Mrs W AMncDonald, Mrs F II Osgood, JRWiegel, R F Brown, WilliamFink, Mr and Mrs McQiunin, MrsR H Bennett, Mrs Thomas, MisdStocking, Mrs Pritchard, E EGaino and wifo, Mrs Richardsonand thrco children.

Nlu"l Coriie Don G001I Work.Washington, April 2G. Genoral

Qreoly, chief signal officer, hasbeeu informed that tho most eff-icient telegraph servioo over UBod

in war timo has been establishedin tho Philippines. A flying linois need to connect the differentoommands and telephono serviceis used at the front. Ovor 1000messages dally aro transmittedbotueun tho officers of GenoralOtis' command.

Sultan Want! American ISxportaj

Constantinople, April 2G. Inordor to develop tho agriculturalresources of thoempiro.tbo Sultanhas consulted with Uuited StatesMinister Straus in regard to se-

curing tho fcorvircs of two Amer-ican agricultural experts, of Mines,Agrioulturo and Forosts,

Orpheum seats can bo bookedby ringing up Tolophono No. 540.



Arrive from San Fran I Depart Tor San Fran- -

uscu m iitiuna, cisco or viaona.Coptic. May 5 daellc Atay 6Australia . Mlowera ..,.. " toAorangl . , Australia " t6America Maru Hongkong Maru " 16City ot Peklns . China " tMoana Alameda " e,Gaelic .... . Doric JuneAustralia .June Warrlmoo " ,r(onekon?Alaru Nippon Maru,,. " 10Mlooera Australia " 1)China Hlode Janeiro, f " itAlameda Mariposa. "Doric Coptic.......... " a.

NOTB Departures (or and arrivals trora the Colonles, or China and Japan, are not Riven In the abovetable, though they can be easily ascertained, as (orelgn mall steamers generally leave Honolulu the dayof arrival. Steamers Aorangl, Warrlmoo and Mlo-wera run between Victoria and the Colonies, AlamedaMariposa, and Moana between San Francisco and theColonies; Nippon Maru, Rio de Janeiro, China,Doric, Coptic, America Maru, Gaelic and HongkongMaru between San (randsco and Japan and China;Australia between San Francisco and Honolulu only.

VESSfcl.? I' PORT.


U S Tugboat Iroquois, Pond, Hilo, Marig.

MERCHANTMEN.(This list does not Inclides coasters ).

Am stmr City of Columbia, Mllnor,Hilo, Dec 11.

Am schr Maria E Smith. Smith. PortTownsend, Feb 13. Allen & Robbinson.

Am sn J D Thomas. Lermond. Neucas- -

tie. Mar 20. Coal to order.13r ok Adderly, Llndfors, Newcastle,

Apr 6. Castle & Cooke.Haw schr Honolulu, Thronagle, New-

castle, Apr 6. 1 1 S N Co.Am sp S P Hitchcock, Hilo, Apr 12. In

balhst to load sujrtr.Am schr Detiance, Blum, Newcastle,

Apr 14. WO Irwin & Co.Am schr Erskine S Phelps, Gralnm,

San Francisco. Apr. 16. H Hackfeld & Co.Am sp Iroquois, Thompson, New York,

Apr 19. T H Davles & Co.Am schr W H Talbot, Benneche, New-

castle, Apr 24. Coal to order.Am schr T S Negus, Manna, San Diego,

Oil, Apr25. II Waterhouse &. Co.Am schr N D Bendlxsen, Olsen, New-

castle, Apr 25. Coal to order.Am bk Fort George, Morse, San Fraiv

cisco, Apr 25. Castle & Cooke.Haw bk Mauna Ala, Smith. San Fran-

cisco. Apr 26. W G Irwin & Co.Am schr Robert Lewers, Goodman, San

Francisco, Apr 27. H Hackfeld & Co.Am sp Aryan. Whlttler, Norfolk, Apr

28. U S Consuf General.Haw bk Himalaya, Dearborn, New-

castle, Apr 28. Castle & Cooke.Am sJir F S Redfield, Blrkholm, Port

Gamble, Apr 30. Lumber to order.Am schr Ottillie Fjord, Segethorst, Eu-

reka, Apr 30. Lumber.Am bktne Geo. O Perkins, Maas, New-

castle, NSW, May 1. Coal to order.Am bk Topgallant. Lunvaldt, Seattle,

May 4. Allen & Robinson.Am bk C D Bryant, Colly, San Fran-

cisco, May 4. H Hackfeld & Co.Am schr Fred E Sander, Svenson, Port

Townsend, Miy 4. Wilder & Co.Am chr Golden Shcre, Rasmussen,

New castle, NSW, Ma 8. Coal to order.Am schr Mary E Foster, Thompson, San

FrancNco, Mav 8. T H Davles & Co.Am bktne W H Dlmond, Nilson, San

Francisco, May 8. W G Irwin & Co.Am bk Andrew Welch, Drew, San

Francisco, May 8. C Brewer & Co.m 9

NeattU User.This over popular Rainier beer

is boooming a honsehold wordand "will you havo a glass ofSeattle" is more ofton hoard thananything olso. Tho OritorionSaloon havo tho boor on tap or inbottles.

California Frnlta.D. G. Camarinos received por

Marirjosa a larco consignment ofCherries, Rhubarb, Cauliflower.Asparagus, Celery, Oranges, etc.,otc.

American Mosscnoor SorviceMasonic Temple. TolophonoM4.

Honolulu Messenger Sorvice do-live- rs

messages and packages.Telephone 878.

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular House, 154 Fort streot,from 81.00 per weok up.

Moobanio's Homo, corner Hotoland Nuuanu etroots, lodging byday, week or month. Tortus: 25and 50 conts por night. SI and$1.25 por week.

Tho use of the ISmgor in mil-lions of homos shows tho unpre-cedented success of those idoalsewing machines. It is convinc-ing proof that tho Singor excelsin all kinds of family sowing andart noedlo work. All our sowingmaohines are of ths st conetruo-tn- n,

beautifully decorated, anda".' mounted on solected woods infiiuily finished cabinuls of artisticdesigns. B. Bergorson, Bgont, 16Bnthol street.

Mr. John Peterson, of Patout-vill- e,

La., was very agreoably sur-prised not long ago. For eighteenmouths ho had boon troubled withdysentery and bad tried throo oftbo best dootors in New Orleans,besidos half a dozen or more pat-ent raedioines, but received verylittle relief. Ohamborlian's Colic,Oholora and Diarrhoea ltomeriy,having boon recommended to him,he gavo it a trial and to his greatsurpriso,tbroodo8osof that remedyeffected a permanent euro. Mr.Win. MoNamara, a woll knownmerchant of the samo plaoo, is wollacqnainted with Mr. Potarson andAttests to tho truth of this Btato-raon- t.

This remedy is for salo bynil dealers. Benson, Smith & Co.,Gonoral Agents.



ITSTetephooe X

The Milwaukee Puncture-Pro- of Tire.


Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery,sole agents mouel 15 Ueebe Bicycles a

I30. Repairs that arc repairs at the .oldreliable 231 King street.

The Club StablesLimited.

O. Bellina, : Manncor.FORT STREET,

Telephone 477Livery, Boarding & Sale StaWei

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnout.Safe Drivers.

VJo aro ospoclnlly cquIpiod to cater kyour tntdo. Tulr dealing nnd good hot--

vlce is wiiat wo tlopontl upon to got It.wo liavo lor salo trtinlly CHrrlngtinc:

DrlvItiK Horxos. nlnclo teamsThoy nro In good condition and will betold on favorablo tonus.

Dr. Ilowat Is always Id attendance'sthe Stables.

Ciub Stables HackstandCor. Union A Hotel Sla.



or Doublo Teams nt a moment's nolleHack Noh. V25, 183, 100, 70, 77.


Your Roof and

GuttersShould be put in thorough repafc

before you are washed out duringthe heavy rains.

I stand ready to do any necessaryrepairs required.

John Noti,75-7-9 KING ST.

Tolophono No. 31.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FirwosfGot and Split (ready (or the Stove).



WHITE AND BLAOK BANDAt Lowest Prices, delivered to any part

the City.ffBiKPMONE) AS

HUSTACE & CO.,SI Qneen fltroet.

MANUEL NUNEB,Manufacturer of

Guitars, Ukuleles,TARO PATCH FIDDLES.

Workmanship tat Material Guaranteed. WpaMssja Specialty,

1180 :: --No. 210X KINO ST.

Jose He Isiito Mos,Comer Klne and Alalcea Sts , Honolulu.


Gruitars, : TJltnlelca,TARO PATCH FIDDLES.

Workmanship and material guaranteed. Rtpatrraaa specially

Notice to Stockholders ofthe Honokaa Sugar


Stockholders in the above comp my aro

requested forthwith to deliver their Certi-ficates of Stock to the Secretary for tl)

purpose of having same In shareof the denomination of $20 each. The Sec-

retary will issue receipts for Certificatesdelivered him which can be held by theowner (or other rarty at interest), untlsucli time as the 520 shires are delivered.No Certificate-- for t :o sh ires will be is-

sued until all Certificates for f 100 sharesare surrendered.

V. LANZ,Secretary Honoltaa Sugar Company.

Dated Honolulu, May 4, 1805.

The StochbooW of the Honokaa StisarCompany, will be closed to transfers fromMay 4 to May 15 Inclusive.

W. LANZ,Secretary Honokaa Sugar Companr

Dated Honolulu, May 4, 1859.1212'IOt

,i. icl MiikiiL .JjkutLm, 'OJJ








Py .r



Real Estate andFinancial Agents....


tS5 a of forand wo wish to

of that with us willuu



A of 3 andand Bath and W. C;

andrents for $40 Size of lot, IS x 1 $ $.

No. 18 q5 x 200, comer nndK'uau streets, ready for building,ne.t to residences nowoccupied.

No. 19 )o x 190, eight fine Residence Lotsfacing on Lunalllo and Klnau streets.1 hese are very choice lots, on line

Rapid Transit. Easyterms.

No. 25100 x 200, on st nearstreet, running through

to Young street. One of the mostdesirable sites In the city.

No. 40132 x 37o,onwith L on side street. Good

gcod view; cheap; must beteen to be

IJirt1 ;fp


Having number requests Puknisiiei)TJxruitNisiiEi) Housks, inform those

desirous renting listing thoir housesinsure immediate applicant.


Choice residence Bed-roo- Parlor Dining Room,Kitchen Pantry, patent good plumbing,Stable, Out-hous- es, Servants' Quarters. Good incomeproperly; monthly.









FOR SALE AT HILO.A BAKERY doing good business, store on principle thorough-V--

fare, cheap rent, long lease, story building, with good livingrooms above, everything complete as regards Bakery, including wagon horses;living rooms furnished. Owner desires to on account of ill htalth, satisfactoryterms can be arranged with a desirable party.

GEAR, LANSING & CO.,Judd Building, Fort Street.

Galvanized Water



0. &Fort DSIinaColumbia



Entire of Program!


Bell,Miss Violet Dale,

Wm. Howard,Miss Myrtle Graham,

Keefe.Post May Ashley,Mr. Walter Pollard.


An Editor's TroublesALSO

Photographic GalleryAlay Ashley anJ Jim

Gmeial K.C. vc.six

soc,can be by up s.

j!?4,T,,? w


IO?AfTfe thetwo






No. 47 In Kaplolanl x ;desirable home, containingbarn, out houses, etc. : fruit andornamental Either sale orwill be leased to desirable tenant.

No. 4975 x 125, on Anapunl street. Cot-tage rooms and Good view,high elevation; cheap.

Nu. 5c 75 x 200, Magazine, and Thurstonand Spencer. Good elevation; faceson streets.

No. si 02 x i?7. Avenueand Kewalo. Nice house of roomsand bath; grounds; fruit

trees; barn and out-buildings.

TO A desirable residence on Mag-

azine (Punchbowl) ; sevenrooms, bath and toilet; barn,chUUenhouse, servants' quarters. Largegrounds, with fruit and ornamentaltrees. Beautiful view harbor.


Rambler Agonts.



Janet Waldorf!Who will appear In

PTfiira mmSeats on sale at Wall, Nichols Co.'s.

OHIN SING GO,100 King Streot

GoBtiaclois aoi BiiltaJoblilnfr promptly attontled to; also all

kinds of Furnlturo on band. 1210-fI-

The market has been nearly bare on this item for some

weeks, but we have now received, per a lot of2, 4 and 1 Inch, which will go so quick that you better

call cat ly if you have any piping to do. By same we

received a lot of or R. R. which also come to a

good market these days of new new roads &c.

"Geo. W. Curtis" is due soon from N. Y. and then we

will be flooded with all sorts of Hardware as she will have thelargest shipment we have ever received from New York.


Cor. and Sts.




J. H,Du


Mi. JYtortand

The Laughable

Thel)y Post.

Admission. andlast rows for Children under n years, 10c.fiesrrved Chairs,

booked rlnjloe Telephone


Parle, 100 200 aowner's

trees. fora

7 bath.

threecorner Wilder

7large and







Canal barrows


fiH tjJm.'MiA


WANTS.VJfj35a1. f Mi ciIm be inutltS at i fault

4 limfiril tnitrlicn; 10 i o4 ii(r.km; jo fl j ' , ?o lull a monlb. 7 Hi It Ibt

ebeafitil mdvtrlUim tvtr offtrtd tbt ptoplt of Honolulu.


COR SALE CHEAP A UrRt new J Stove,' wlih Hot Water Boiler anj attach-ment. Arply to L M. VLTLESLN, at the office ofHawaiian Hardware Co ia-- it

COR SALE -- noVs' CRESCENT WHEEL. In1 ,gooJ conJitlon. Address t, , j. Bulletin office.

"y-J- t .


COR SALE- -A Udv'a Bicycle for sale. 0. II.r UERREV, Emma street. 1(11

rUIET HORSE AND A BUGGY. FOR SALE,r rcasonaoie. Appiv K, uullet'n omce. ttnoMi

OPPORTUNITY FOR DAIRYMENfj the thoroughbred sire of the

W. O Irwin dairy. For further particulars Inquire ofC. W Macfailane. .ni-i- f

POR SALL'-O-ne SHIPMAN ENGINE In perfect1 order. Apply to H. O. Bliit. Tort St. lioylfA nd Pedal Bass REED ORGAN

Suitable for chapel or residence. BergHromMusic Co.. Fort street. too?D EST as cent meat In town. Try II and be con-- J

vlnced. Llnd's Excelsior Restaurant. ionDEARL CITY BOOM will be the neat. V. S. Army

and Navy officers must hava houses on the hill.Two Tine Lots, commanding a splendid land and seaview, nesr the reservoir, will be sold cheap. Address,"Pearl City," Bulletin Office iigj-l- f


WANTED By an American Lady (widow),In store or office where ability and

Interest taken would be appreciated. Address "Ac- -(.' .1.1. aM 4...

SITUATION WANTED--A Competent Drher !

with a private family. Apply'Hulleiln office.' iai6-i-

UANTED-econd-h- and Atlmoni-rilr- h In frond

' order, State price to P. O. Box 595. Ho- -nolulu isio-i-

UANTED By an American lady, thirty years ofvv atre. position as hnuwnr! rpformr. Address Airs. I'.. Bulletin office. m--

XANTED poMentopetshated for 15c. tlhllebarbers) II. JfcFFS, 610H Fort street, orp.

V.IUD siacics tsootf


pUKNISHED ROOMS With or without board. In1 a private family. Punchbowl street, fivn doorsabove Ueretanla street

NICELY rURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with orboard. Best locality: terms moderate.

511 Beretanla street, next City Feed Store, tioo-t-

TO LET.pOR RENT- -A desirable FURNISHED COTTAGE' of s rooms and batti: servants' quarters: stablennd chicken house. Arply to J. II. CUMMINCS, 401Mahikl street, above Wilder Avenue. iait-i-

RENT The store on Queen street lately oc-cupied by Messrs McChesney&Sons, Tor par-

ticulars Inquire of the underslimed.ALLLN & ROBINSON.

May a. i&w. mo-t-f


I OST A Man's Silver Watch, between the Boati lanJlnc, near Queen street, and the Oceanicwharf. A sulttbie reward Is offered for return ofsame to this office. ian--

I OSl-A- pilr of OPERA GLASSES, somewhere- between the Opera House, hotel, and Pensacolt

street. Krcclve reward on retumlnc to WILDLR &CO. tauvtl


Turin, April 27. Tho advocatesand oppout nts of Drpyfus rovisiouheld rival niFotings in Paris thinevening and fought afterward iutho ttfropts. Sevoral persons wereinjured.

Tim Figaro's publication of theevideuoo of Captain Cuicnpt Im- -ford the Court of Cnfisntion hfiB

thrown tho nnti-rov- is on pary into constcrnfjtion. Tho Jiflauaodnil tho anti-Drpyf- papers aroboiling with indignation. Severalof thrtm euppro48 altogether thotestimony of this officer, whoanp'inoipal statoraont was that thtvuilt of Droyfus could only be

shown from tho secretdopier. Tho Ealair denouncosCaptain Cuignet iu unmeaouredterms.

It U rumored that a daughter ofono of tho members of tho Cabinet, (IpBirinc to put an ODd to theHCindal, gave tbo Figaro gratis thoreports ot luo evidence bofoie theCourt of Caasatlou.

The Figaro begins today theevidence before tho unitedchambers of the court. M. PaloIngup, one of tho permanent

of the Foreign Office, in thoooiireo of a loug explanation re-

garding tho ciphor telegrams, expressed the conviction that thedocument continued tho secretdoHsier, purpjrliug to be a tote-gra-

from a foreign agent to bisGovernment indicating tho relations of Dreyfud with Germany,Captnin Cuignet had cited as prov-ing guilt, wan a forgery.


Sir Wllllnm Harriott Oblalm Judjr-ine- nt

Asr'Unal tlia Promoter,New York, April '27. A cablo

to the Sun from London says: SirWilliam T. Marriott, who was alloged by Ernest T. Hooley, thebankrupt to haxe ed

X10U0 to introduce him(Hoolov) into tho Carlton Club,Buod Hooloy'fl truatees in theCourt of tho Queen's Bonoh upona claim for commission iu obtain-ing for Hooley a concession 'tomanufacture Schneider guns inEngland, which concession fellthrough. Hooley denied theclaim, but tho Judge said it wn.ia question of Marriott's wordagainst Hooley's, and tho juryawarded Marriott X5000..

No shop-wor- n goods on the coun-ters of merchants who advertise inThe Bulletin.

- -- sjr- -c- '"""'miBfSHIPPING INTELLIGENCE

For additional Shipping News see seventh page.

Diamond Head Hljrnal 8tatlon, Mav10, 1 p m Weather cloudy, wind (rushN. E

Weather Bureau, Puunltou. May 10Temperature Mornlne inluliuum,

OS; Midday maximum, 81.(Barometer corrected for gravity- - .06 )

Barometer, 0 a in, 3U.07. RisingRainfall, do, 0.08.Humidity at 0 a in 03 percent.Dew Point 03 I

AnnivAT.R.Tuesday, UTay 0.

Stmr Kllohana, Thoinpsnn, fromWuhiK-a- ; 4028 sx Migar to H Hackfold& Co.

Am schr Jeislo Minor, Whitney,A(7 U1IJD I1UIU Jlil t;iii.

Wednesday, May 10.Stmr James Makco, Tullctt, from

Kapaa; 2255 sx sugar to H Hackfcld &Co.

DEPAivrnnHH.Tuesday, May 0.

Stmr Kcaulioti, Moslicr, for liana-maui- u.

Am ship J B Thomas, Lermond, forKahulul to load stiKar.

Am hclir U 8 Hidmos, Johnson, forPort Townscutl In ballast.

Stmr J A Cummins, Scarlc, forOahu ports.

Br iik Addorlv. Lliitlfon. PutrttSoliiid In ballast.

Stmr Iwa, Kaufmann, for Oahuports.

Wednesday, May 10.Am schr Transit, Jorgensun, for

San Kraiiclseo.Htmi Kllohana, Thompson, forKlo-el- e,

Hanapppu. Walmca, Kekalm amiNllhau at .1 p in.

Stmr Walalealc, Green, for Malta-we- ll

at 4 p m.StmrKaual, Bruhn,for Lahalua and

Ktianapall at 4 p m.Stmr James Makco, Tullctt, for

Kupaa at 4 pm.

Purser Fornback will go backon the Waialealo this afternoon.

The Robert Lewers will Bail forSan Francisco on or about Fridaynext.

The Miowera, although duo to-

day, has not yet put in appear-ance.

Kauai steamers report veryrough weather iu the obnunol. ItHa very bad last night.

The Trausit sailed for SinFraucieco this foronoon with acargo of a thousand tons of sugar.

Tho Kilohaua sailing for Kauaiports this afternoon at 3 o'clockwilt take iu Niibau on this trip.

Tho Jamrs Makee catno in fromKapaa this morniug. She reportsrough wither at Kipia as shewan leaving.

Tho Mikabala will bo in fromKauai porta tomorrow morningSlio will sail agin in tho nftor-uoo- n,

returning to port on Suu- -day.

rABBENaEB.8 AlIRrVED.From Kapia, par stmr James

Makee, May 10-- O F Urotte.


Continued from Pago 1.

an acre to raise cattle on, tho re-

sult would be worth the effott andexpenfl".

Mr. Sp-nc- snggestod that thecomiaittie should take the Gnanciul question into consideration.

Ou motion of Mr. Dilliacrbnmit was decided tohaveucommittee,and tho president, overcoming allexcusos, appoiutol R W Sninple,i V Dilliuguum. W V Hall, E OMacfarlane uujl J J Egan.

Mr Suiuglo, an Hawaiian Commissioner to the Trans-Miisiseip- pi

Exposition hold at Omaha lastyear, addroased tho meeting. Hosaid that the exhibit last year whsvery inadequate. Then tho wirhad come ou, and annexation wasstill not accomplished wheu theHixpo nion opened. Wlulo atOmaha hu had received over twothousand letters, many from menhaving money to briag with themto tho islands.

Coffee was Berved to visitorswhich hnd boon supplied by H.Hackfold & Co. Ho was sure thatif tbo peoplo here had nuy g oriproposition to offer they wouldhave tho opportunity at tho coming exposition. Tbo results intourist travel nlone would far out-weigh the espouse iucurred.

As to tlm money question, theGovernment, wuilo recognizingtho merits of the proposition, hadno funds available.

Mr. Mrfcfnrlane, in trying tobog off the committee, said hethought its members should bethoroughly representative of theindustry nnd commerce of thecountry. If there was any sineerily in tho proposition of introduoinu' white labor, tho leadinusucnr men should be on tho committee.

Mr. Shinglo'a romark that, withadequate raeaua furnished, thesuccess nil deponded on the Com-missioner from the Hawaiian Isl-aud-

soemed to meet with generalapproval.

Tennis Tournament Drains Today,

The tennis tournament for thisyear begins at 4:15 o'clock toduyon the grounds of tho Pacific Ten-uis Club. The mixed doubles willbo cotton off tbo list first MineJuliette King and Sam Woods,will bo pittnd against Misa MayHoffman and O H W Norton; MissHester Lemon and Albert Water-hons- o

against Mrs Gunn and DHoward Hitchcock -- will mako upanothor set. The winners in tbofirst contest will nlav Minn Hnrfand Chas Elston nnd tbo winnersof tho second. Minn Dillinolmmand Georco Fuller, tomorrow. Thepiay will Do very exciting as alltho players are in tho best ofform.

m m

The Bulletin, 76c per month.



David Dayton has moved from 207 to

223, Merchant street. I2I7-2-

$10 Reward.f 10 reward will be paid for tho recovery

of the body of the sailor lost overboardfrom the U. S. transport Senator May 9th.

GEO. RUHLEN,i2lo-:- t Quartermaster.

Notice.The certificates of stock In the OLA A

SUGAR CO., LTD., will be ready fordelivery at the office of B. F. Dillinghamon Monday next, May 15th. Subscriberswill receive one-thir- d of the amountapplied for. The balance of the cashdeposited will be refunded on delivery ofstock, less the amount required for revenuestamps. All persons holding temporaryreceipts are requested to call on the abovenamed date, or as soon thereafter as possi-

ble, and receive their certificates of stock.OLA A SUGAR CO., LTD.,

ELMER E. PAXTON, Treasurer.Honolulu, Alay 10, 1899.


$100 REWARD.

Whereas, on Sunday night, May 7, 1899,on the Walklkl Road, near Wright'sVilla, Antone Ratine, tram car driver,whilst driving a tram car belonging to theHawaiian Tramways Co., was violentlyassaulted and grievously Injured by someperson or persons unknown; now, therefore,the above reward will be paid by theundersigned to any person or persons whowill give such evidence qr Information asshall lead to the arrest and conviction ofthe person or persons concerned In thematter. Information may be given to theMarshal or to W. H. Pain, manager of theHawaiian Tramways Co. I2i7iw


I desire to call the attention of the pub-

lic to the great Improvements that arepractically completed In the INDEPEN-DENCE PARK PAVILION. Some ofthese Include: Increasing the VENTILA-TION to three times Its former capacity,and three times the former number ofELECTRIC LIGHTS. The verandahspace has been doubled, the dressing roomenlarged and a large and first class rangeplaced In the cook room. The buildinglias been thoroughly cleaned and paintedInside and out, -- besides many otherchanges for the better.

J. N. WRIGHT.Honolulu, May 10, 1899, I2i7-3- t



Oahu College GroundsMONDAY EVENING,MAY 15th, 8 o'clock.

Janet WaldorfAND COMPANY, IN


Tickets. One Dollar.Now on sale at all leading stores.Reserved seats at Wall, Nichols Co.'s,

Subscribers to the BUL-

LETIN not receiving their pa-

pers promptly will confer afavor by notifying the Just-ness Office, Telephone 236.

'" f "w ""efYHf j

Nenl.ncnil for Larceny, '.Job Hanloy, a vory younr mao,

was this morning sont to j it fora year ou the charge of larceny inthe second degroe. Ho has beenup on the same ohargo soveraltimos daring the past two years 4nnd tbo Court has heretofore linendisposed to dol leniontly withmm. uowover, tuo proseoutioa1Mb becarao tirod of this and recommended a sentence todny.

5 ' r


--33 Queen Street

For Sale.businessIroperty- -

On Alakea Street.PrnnArtv Immun ne tin. nvtmtamU.

on Klfh.iriK strnf. niltnlnlnrr f h rliUn- -

of S. C. Allen. Lot has a frontage of 70.4feet on Richards street, lower boundaryuo.51eer.anu nonnern uounuary or 150.5feet.

Property faces the Executive buildinggrounds and Is a short distance from King TMice 1. ftn exceneni sue lor stores or warenouses.

For further particulars apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,33 Queen Street.


The undersigned offers for sale a valu- -able parcel of Land on the southeastcomer of Beretanla and Miller Sts.

The property has a frontage of 54 feet onBeretanla St. and 93 feet on Miller St. --

Area 4790 sq. ft.There are two cottages on the property

one of which is now rented for f25 permonth.

For further particularsApply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,1176 33 Queen St.




We have just received per the "AndrewWelch" a large consignment of StandingDesks, High Stools and Book-keepe-

Office Furniture. Also have on hand afew Roller-to-p Desks, Revolving Chairs,Bookcases, Letter Files, etc., from our lastshipment, which must be dosed out tomake room for the still larger consign-ment now en route. Call at our wart? '

rooms on Queen street and Inspect ourbargains.

Estimates given on Bank and Office 'Fixtures, Counters, Partitions, GrilleWork, etc., and Fittings complete.

toj Waterloo k iuOffice, Queen Street.


The British-America- n S,S. Line

Freight contracted through from anypoint In th: United States to the Hawai-

ian Islinds In connection with theGreitNorthern, Northern Pacific or CanadianPacific Railways. Monthly service fromSeattle and Tacoma with our New A-- l,

6000 ton steamer, the

"PORT ALBERT"with latent Improvements for a largefreight cirrylng capacity. Strong trafficarrangements with the three NorthernTrans-Continent- lines which enable us.to give the consignees the benefit of rock'

bottom rates on their Eastern shipments.

For further Information, apply to


Queen Street. General Agents.Telephone 3:3. t


will meet Friday evening at 3. Solomon' sQuintette Club will play.