evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1 fn rslt n- o- HONOLTTLTJ, IIAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JULY 23,...

1 fn HONOLTTLTJ, IIAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS rslt n- o- , 1 Susint ss $ar4s. f 1 j I'-- ' " all concerned ana cenamiy ur the party itself to start without a prohibition ball-and-cha- in at the ankles." - - rnfrkTid and other countries Honolulu and San Francisco Mail SerYice La IE YOU ABE IN SEARCH OF T ' J. B. CASTLE, i i 4 Commission Meroliaiit. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, t Honolulu, H. I. .fit H. LOSE, .y Commission Agent. Patentee of Lose's Chemical Com- pound" for Clarifying Cane Jnice; of which supplies are kept on hand. , gT"B.e will attend to any business en- - , trusted to him. ,.nt Sundays, GOODS WHITE OR EM10IIK TIME TABLE or THE 4'' have tried to solve the liquor prob- lem for over 200 years by license, but it has been a failure. Iowa tried to solve it by license till 1855, when she tried a new method, that of prohibition, and so successful and satisfactory has it been to the nt. the 'trade that in i ibsnt St. Oceanic Steamship Co. o t o (SUBJECT TO CHANG.) J. IL DAVIDSON, Attorney and CounsdUr-at-La- w. " OFFICE-MERCHA- NT ST., NO. 42. . Thi Austbaxia ad Zkalandia j v ... mm jnnfl. 1882, the people gave in CHS', s S t : - Office Kaahumanu Street, rt.0Biv- - :. 3 no ' e T TaI AAn AO XTr.l Ttfll 1S2. i fornv nt a .rrniunurv nuiouumcm i s : 1t San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M. t:k . ou v - . . . . - - i - i f P.O. Box 338. 2793-3- m miiuw - i . t ri ai. a. . , A mniAVtTTr nr i - m i T - j v .-- 1 p ow tO tD6 UOnSUl-UUUU- , uiajvituj iln omce iormeny occupieu uy iu.r. v UW ln" no 29.759 votes. Iowa is not "trying i65My ; Rogers)- - Leave Honolulu at 13 M. Tuesdays. The Through Steamers Leste San Fran- cisco and Honolulu Thursdays. Honolulu, H. 1. 104 Eort Street, a solve a problem that has TIT. n DAnin7 ie Ulradv reneatedlv been solved " . riui . , ARRIVE LKATK STEAMER. SAN FRANCISCO. WHERE YOU WILL FIND A NEW AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF HONOLULU. &ribv !n AdTanC ' bat is solving a problem that has 1 ATTORNEY - AT - LAW ' , Mosst Obdeb. everywhere failed except where : - ; Vfltt.... (iiAnli.ililf r: July 2 Mariposa Jane 25 m July 7 June 30 1863 "i ar4 not as Unt4.XctaoWl.d9m.nU. . Julv 21 1 891 . July 30 Aue. 4 EMBROIDERED FLOUNCES For Ladies and Children; Zealandia Australia...... Monowai.- - Zealandia Australia Alameda ...... nerfectly enforced as they might Omci-N- o. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- - A 69-- v lulu, H.I. . Aue. 18 . Aug. 27 UjaAZHWEOO.. t . Vanaeer. Beot. 1 July 14 July 23 July. 28 Aug. 11 Aug. 20 Aug. 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 17 Sept. 22 Oct. 6 Oct. 15 - - I Zealandia Hambiirff and I Anstralia . Sept. 15 j . Hu" " Merchant et., . SeDt. NmnsnoVt Mariposa . . . .. . Honolulu. H. I. Zealandia...... . Kept, 29 j CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary Public. OfBce with L. A. Thurston. 2781-- q . Oct. 13 prohibit more effectually if . "tem- perance man" and others, gave their sympathy instead of their opposition, to the enforcement of the law. We give our sympathy to the enforcement of the laws against murder, burglary, arson, WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; and an immense assmt. of Australia...... Monowai....... . Oct. 22 Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY, F, HORN Practical Ooniectioner, Pastrv Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74. 135G 2651 LEAVE ARRIVE Eancy Striped and Plaid Wash Materials STEAMER. HONOLULU. SAN FRANCISCO. July 7 Ltidvertisementsand sub-jSjffi- S" to sell seduction, ana even vni?? o.nr.nr.n in OH WORKS CO.. Julv 9 receive payments from bung. v ny snouia. we. uouivo uuvuuuw . , our aid to the enforcement of pro- - Steam Engines, . July 21 Aug. 4 Aue. 6 In the Newest Designs; AT REASONABLE PRICES! i5, AnvER Australia...... Monowai....... Zealandia. Australia Alameda ...... Zealandia Australia Mariposa Zealandia Australia...... Mnnnwai it-- . Tlinv teJ dmi al- - u 0l& are the nursery of Bu.. su.r V0"'6"' Bra" feoTASS a1,We and criminal undertak-- i j Aug. 18 Sept. 1 Sept. 3 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 June 30 July 2 July 14 July 28 July 30 Aug. 11 Aug. 25 Aug. 27 Sept. 8 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Oct. 6 Oct. 20 Oct. 22 Nov. 3 Nov. 17 " Nov. 19 2690-3- m ATLAS Assurance Company FOUNDED ISO 8 . '; LONDON. Capital. - $ 6,000,000 $ 9,000,000 Assets, - - W h .iir Ti'llf nt TfAA am a toiriDeJW J'rrr Shortest r..rrv ADVEBTlotts, 5yw. vn iui r tou r - m niiun iri 278 jrter, or oaw - j . np hnt I am also on, tho utice. ; ' Hob, 104 Fort S AAA I M VV a ' ; The Popular Millinery - 2651-- q . Oct. 1 Oct. 13 Oct. 27 Oct. 29 . Nov. 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 26 I . side of that woman who Uvea m a t i v. rQTra the un-- I , . . . . .r at ? MISS D. LAMB, Zealandia Australia Alameda Zealandia Australia Mariposa. "WretChea novel, I worse luuu K paper one year, rnce. mil receive one owed, with her worse than orphan-L-Toceis- ts' guide " as eci babe at her breast, her heart s Stenographer and Type-write- r, fi reward will be paid for blood dripping a way, drop py.grop, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, Australian Mail Service Having been appointed Agenta of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. r H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. 1361 2684-- q i, of any one stealing tne I T am on her side and vote with her near the Postoffice. left tbe omce or SKiber-s- . agamst the liquor shop, wneiaer CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, Shipping arid Commission Merchants, DR. EMERSON. b KTerusemenw suuum i nceuseu. or uuiiucuooua I,':. tin Hov fn insure I T. S."So OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc- - JIB uuuu(j uv uuj vw LOVE'S BAKERY FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Honolulu, July 21, 1891. - - last the next morning, baort Wived np to 10 p. m. LM1AS GAZETTE CO., J H. a. Whitxey, Manager. Ho, td huuhhu street. Office Hours 9 to 11 a. k.( and 2 to 3 p m Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m. mu new nd flna Al tteel iteamiblp um 5Utt)trtiatmtntff.- PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DXALEBS HI ALFRED S. HAETWELL, v. ( h i '2 - il - i a .j: 1 t. 'i it - Is ? i ! - . i ; H Si 'Is' 1? r It 1 i Si - : 1 . if! . '.I 4 ft:: a 'j THE HONOLULU jIj A.MEID A. 99 renelrea responsible for tbe JKopinioM expressed by our GounseUor - at - Law BUILDERS' JLND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTDRAL IMPLEMENTS will be d Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, MSB. BOBT. LOVE, , - ; PropletMi, Every Deiorlptlon of Plain and Fanoy Bread and Crackers, -- FBSSH . Soda Crackers t Saloon Bread Alway on Hand. MILK BBEAD mm at HoneiUin irom oyuuo uu - on or about CO. WORKS Offick in Cartwright BuUding, opposite u Temperance Man boi: I am somewhat sur- - July 30, 1891,' PLANTATION SUPPLIES Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, ;ihe publication of "Tem- - i - 2789 1379-t- f FRANK B. AUERBACH, Agsnt to Take Acknowledgements to Have on Hand and For Sale TUB FOLLOWING An wlllleare for the abve port with malla and Ia," in your issue of this ;,kaQse it is well known HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Jition m Iowa does pro- - -- .1 1 T , A Instruments fob the district 07 KONA, OaHU. ; Office Oahu R. B. & L. Cos Depot, up- - passengerB on w vui For freight or passage, haying SUFKBIOxi ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. (x. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. New 1 Improved Machinery m omj m lowa, dui - A SPECIALTY. Inland. Orders Promptly Attended to, C. BREWEE & COMPANY, . (limited). ; GENERAL MERCANTILE Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. forced. The clipping is --cwa paper, but it is a well For Sydney and Auckland. S: May 11, 1891. 2787-l- m j , LEWERS A COOKE, (Sucosor to Lewen ft Dlokson) Importer and Dealer In Lumber And 11 Kind! of Building Materials. TO BE OFFERED ON Liberal Terms! (1) 13x24in. Cummer Engine. ri fact that the liquor men control politics, but many published in the Union. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, (1) 10x20in. Cummer Engine. p offered large money on Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, ; Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. 32 FOBT BTBEET, Eonolnln. 2T28 COMMISSION AGENTS. The new and fine Al ateel steamship MONOWAI" pions for material pre- - (l)-Pu- tnara Screw Cutting e n; 25: awinff 12ft. bed; most, improvea ; Jithe interests of temper- - . ' 2651 1356-- q JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, ww. by themselves, but . , n w9ft-To-n Vacuum Pan, (li. 1. W -- yp. pweuxaDaie irom tne make), built in sections; complete V cfam and Blake's Direct the pa contributors to list or orncxBS; J . O. Carter. . . .................. .President Geo. H. Robertson reas?rei E. F. Bishop Bee retary Hon. W. F. Allen.... Auditor BNTEKPKISE PLANING MILL v;oa rri . ... Steamship Company, will be Oa the Oceanlo due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about July 30,1891. And will have prompi dlspatcn with mafla an I Importer and Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 2&-3- 1 Qneen Street, Honolnln. 2728 H. HACKFELD & CO., article in ques-ltom- e to be one of these, jjj fo I think so because Willi. HUH B6 w Vacuum Pump, 18x24x24m. (4) 30in. Weston's Centrifugals, ...... (l)-Co- mplete Diffusion Plant for a car of 4 Jong tons cane DIBZOTOBB: PETER HIGH, - " Proprietor. OFFICE -- AJSTD MILL: an party have for some pen trying to repeal the 7 law of lowa, for poli-- assengers xor me uu7u'l' SUP v. KIO having freight or passage, apply to Bon. 0. B.BUaop. B. "aUrhonee 26gi foESfiSrc General Commission Agents ,u: TCfTncinn Plant are the latest fljtt. The article irom! Wm.G. Irwin. Street, Honolulu, IT. J. On Mokea and Richards near Queen Olani Spreckels -- r- ,Q,..r. 6tt..B,n.lnl statements and errors. I majority of the bankers. andmost.mprovea.2, Cae ind have teln successfully used onSpi at factory and given the highest Wm. G. Irwin & Co., ' ' ' Ao-a- rrs. - aestm CASTLE & OOOKE. , HARDWARE, ;E. ROWELL,; t real estate affents CLA08 SPRECKELS & CO., BA-TSTKER- S. C nave given their pub- - satisfaction. Engineer arid surveyor S7Tthat since the Pro- - fiwsft Multiple Effect (H:k Iowa i,a Deen ,r lv0v fJan be easily con- - m Etc HAWAIIAN WLAND8 Sali. Blinds, Screens, Frames, 8ate EOROLULD has urosDered and nectea io ujr - Shipping and Conxion Merchants Doors Room 5, Spreckels' Block. 82-- 7 have C V MultiDle Effects lQiH bffnra I 50x30x30111. 1. .i "TitT i rwora i. 'v, lueiuo; uecicu '7' Pnmn. I6xl412in. WTT.LIAM O. TURNED AND SAWED WORK .. i i Draw Exchange en the principal parte o the world. wnuwoim dDMita oa open account, make IKPOBTKBS AJJD DXALXK8 VS. GENEBAL MERCHANDISE. Elantatlon Agents, frliiZ Wh0m have (D-D- uplex Water J placea more con c 2 L conducting Af l,a;- -l tr a heieht of miUi 5K AX W, 15 ATTOEHBT AHD CODKSKIiliOB ioniKa rr enn are inch. I . . IX. Governor Lar- - pressure wi 'D 7 . "7 x Hoto F-b- lle and Ke- -i awe j TJirw MACHINERY with the latest just .receiyea some a u Vot lira arA now nrepared to do ejections and conduct a general badng and exchange buslnese. '.' . ; I ;;. rnrv.tM hAArinar fntrat received In their Sav " cieciea on the the above Macmnery I but on the. ti.o- - :.10, .nd risht from the m&n- - 2728 Ornci 36 Merchant Street. P.m13K eVer before, and having lately tesari-- . - PirwmSntii where it was . Life, Fire and Marine lnsnrace Agents. 1356 HONOLULU. H. I. 2651-- q ld a! tofifass mechanics, we WU1 make a epec o, BEAVER SALOON, lege Department subject to published rules and regulations. V- --j r. 2gglq lesumony in I uiaciurmg cbw"' lotion. .. A few years i made. - ;:, . - 1 ror Street, Opiate WIW i u through the g3"Having a very large swck oi i.inunvAf it . , 5 uaaai at the lowest Counters, Shelving, Siairs, Etc., Ete. H. J. SOLTB. FBOPBEBTOB. WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, tenais on nanu, yu - hen .id.m,, Possible price, boar Manager ANDEKS0N & LTJNDY, IDentis t s. ; - Flrtt-cla- a. Lunelle. 8TTe4; with Tea, Coffee. (Umlted.) DOCUk T K o UIV1" . . . d From . m. IU 10 p. m. IJXJPrompt attention to all orders. i Bot ... :u: roniD- - kind of Su2ar Machinery on buwi nun . . . v.'RMuliiteeaBpeclalty. a728 icile fa fcU" n , ana 18 not now and at prices to suit the times. Wit. O. Ikwes, - President and Manager Ci-atj- s Sp&icxku, - - Vice-Preside- nt Waltkb M. Giffaed, - - - - and Treasurer Secretary - - - - Thko. C. Pobtkb, - - . - Auditor ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on koW, silver, allum- - TE TC PHONES: It does w it, and THE ROYAJb SALOON, BELL 493. , . inum ana mDuer uoo. .L 1. -.- U wnV nr.iA.1tv. TO 55. ot8n:nr4r. it, or they I -- "-v" v aaai ; - - AL 0ir. Naoana 2724-- 0 Sugar ft6tonarf,CpiiApti pttdax the Hangeent of TG. HE; F. Instruction , m; ,Music.; S. E. ISioIiityre Bro. mouth and throat, we wonm iecuiiiAu our Prophylactic Metal, Plate. .AiJper-ation- s in accordance 1 atest Improvements . in fental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Aoxkts or rax OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. Of San Francisco, Cal. ' Inn . k mean oy . ww roeenw p. : ot iMirous uiiuc ,- -ip. importers AND DJSAi.-- A I Wtti o Ttwiti A Co.. (Limited) has Hotel streeii, xxeguw y- - C Party s.' auonal or MISS SUSAvif. and in " , e - I assumed the assets and liabilities of the ZOt)l i15' for iu- - resume ine iei;ii'"B Refers Lslactinn C?,n" strumental music af ter Sept. .1st. ;;vLEWts:&:;co.v;-:- ; G-roceries- ,- - - i won K ' CAaares3.a v wiU he eiven on itTunff anatil ce of place of. residence ' nrTTTS PAPF.R TR K"EPT ON FILE Wholesale and Retail Grocers, SAST "yuiO. hft l 1 reiurmrum vom'" ; X at E. O. Dakb's , Advketisikq J.L.MEYER,THE PAINTER IVE (JT a call and have WKteflf done promptly and 1. O. Box 387. ; : New GoodsVeceived. J3 taany Ptof to; gan Fincisco, Cal., where contracts for feofTb7 iatisTaeUon guaranteed. ' Fostofflce Bo sc5ir I advextiinz can be made f or 1 1 . Xelephone No. .," , -- ., " I-- 111 FORT STREET. P. O. Bo87 u a K.Idetern: .1 A

Transcript of evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1 fn rslt n- o- HONOLTTLTJ, IIAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JULY 23,...

Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1 fn rslt n- o- HONOLTTLTJ, IIAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS, 1 Susintss $ar4s. f 1 j I'--' "all concerned ana cenamiy ur




, 1 Susint ss $ar4s.f 1

j I'-- ' "

all concerned ana cenamiy urthe party itself to start without aprohibition ball-and-cha- in at theankles." - -

rnfrkTid and other countriesHonolulu and San Francisco Mail SerYiceLa IE YOU ABE IN SEARCH OF


J. B. CASTLE,ii 4

Commission Meroliaiit.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, t Honolulu, H. I.


H. LOSE, .y

Commission Agent.

Patentee of Lose's Chemical Com-

pound" for Clarifying Cane Jnice; ofwhich supplies are kept on hand. ,

gT"B.e will attend to any business en- - ,

trusted to him.


or THE4''

have tried to solve the liquor prob-

lem for over 200 years by license,but it has been a failure. Iowatried to solve it by license till 1855,

when she tried a new method, thatof prohibition, and so successfuland satisfactory has it been to the

nt. the 'trade that in

i ibsnt St.Oceanic Steamship Co.


Attorney and CounsdUr-at-La- w. "OFFICE-MERCHA- NT ST., NO. 42. .

Thi Austbaxia ad Zkalandia jv... mm jnnfl. 1882, the people gave in CHS',s St : -

Office Kaahumanu Street,rt.0Biv- - :. 3 no ' e T TaI AAn AO XTr.l Ttfll 1S2.i fornv nt a .rrniunurv nuiouumcm i s : 1t San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M.t:k . ou v - . . . . - - i - i f P.O. Box 338. 2793-3- mmiiuw - i . t ri ai. a. . , A mniAVtTTr nr i - m i T - j v .--

1 p ow tO tD6 UOnSUl-UUUU- , uiajvituj iln omce iormeny occupieu uy iu.r. v

UW ln"no 29.759 votes. Iowa is not "trying i65My ; Rogers)- -

Leave Honolulu at 13 M. Tuesdays.The Through Steamers Leste San Fran-

cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.Honolulu, H. 1.104 Eort Street,a solve a problem that has TIT. n DAnin7ie Ulradv reneatedlv been solved " . riui . ,


WHERE YOU WILL FIND A NEW AND CHOICEASSORTMENT OF HONOLULU.&ribv !n AdTanC ' bat is solving a problem that has 1 ATTORNEY - AT - LAW

' , Mosst Obdeb. everywhere failed except where : - ; Vfltt.... (iiAnli.ililf r:July 2Mariposa Jane 25 mJuly 7June 30 1863"i ar4 not as Unt4.XctaoWl.d9m.nU. . Julv 21


For Ladies and Children;

ZealandiaAustralia......Monowai.- -

ZealandiaAustraliaAlameda ......

nerfectly enforced as they might Omci-N- o. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono--

A 69-- v lulu, H.I. . Aue. 18. Aug. 27UjaAZHWEOO..

t . Vanaeer. Beot. 1

July 14July 23July. 28Aug. 11Aug. 20Aug. 25Sept. 8Sept. 17Sept. 22Oct. 6Oct. 15

- - I ZealandiaHambiirff and I Anstralia . Sept. 15j . Hu" "

Merchant et.,. SeDt.NmnsnoVt Mariposa . . . . . .

Honolulu. H. I. Zealandia...... . Kept, 29


Typewriter and Notary Public.

OfBce with L. A. Thurston. 2781--q

. Oct. 13

prohibit more effectually if . "tem-perance man" and others, gavetheir sympathy instead of theiropposition, to the enforcement ofthe law. We give our sympathyto the enforcement of the lawsagainst murder, burglary, arson,

WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; and an immense assmt. of Australia......Monowai....... . Oct. 22


F, HORN Practical Ooniectioner,Pastrv Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.

135G 2651


Eancy Striped and Plaid Wash Materials STEAMER. HONOLULU. SAN FRANCISCO.

July 7Ltidvertisementsand sub-jSjffi- S"

to sellseduction, ana even vni?? o.nr.nr.n in OH WORKS CO.. Julv 9

receive payments from bung. v ny snouia. we. uouivo uuvuuuw . ,

our aid to the enforcement of pro- - Steam Engines,. July 21

Aug. 4Aue. 6

In the Newest Designs;


Australia......Monowai.......Zealandia.AustraliaAlameda ......ZealandiaAustraliaMariposaZealandiaAustralia......Mnnnwai

it-- . TlinvteJ dmi al- - u 0l& are the nursery of Bu.. su.r V0"'6"' Bra"feoTASS a1,We and criminal undertak-- i j

Aug. 18Sept. 1Sept. 3Sept. 15Sept. 29

June 30July 2July 14July 28July 30Aug. 11Aug. 25Aug. 27Sept. 8Sept. 22Sept. 24Oct. 6Oct. 20Oct. 22Nov. 3Nov. 17

"Nov. 19

2690-3- m

ATLASAssurance Company


Capital. - $ 6,000,000

$ 9,000,000Assets, - -

W h .iir Ti'llf nt TfAA am a toiriDeJW J'rrr Shortestr..rrv ADVEBTlotts,5yw. vn iui r tou r - m niiun iri 278jrter, or oaw - j .

np hnt I am also on, tho utice. ; ' Hob, 104 Fort SAAA I M V V a ' ; The Popular Millinery

- 2651-- q

. Oct. 1Oct. 13Oct. 27Oct. 29

. Nov. 10Nov. 24Nov. 26

I . side of that woman who Uvea m at i v. rQTra the un-- I , . . . . .r at ? MISS D. LAMB,


"WretChea novel, I worse luuuK paper one year,rnce. mil receive one owed, with her worse than orphan-L-Toceis- ts'

guide " as eci babe at her breast, her heart s Stenographer and Type-write- r,

fi reward will be paid for blood dripping away, drop py.grop,Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,

Australian Mail ServiceHaving been appointed Agenta of the

above Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium. r

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.1361 2684--q

i, of any one stealing tne I T am on her side and vote with her near the Postoffice.left tbe omce or


agamst the liquor shop, wneiaer


Shipping arid Commission Merchants,DR. EMERSON.

b KTerusemenw suuum i nceuseu. or uuiiucuoouaI,':. tin Hov fn insure I T. S."So OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc--JIB uuuu(j uv uuj vw

LOVE'S BAKERYFOR SAN FRANCISCO.Honolulu, July 21, 1891.- -

last the next morning, baortWived np to 10 p. m.LM1AS GAZETTE CO.,J H. a. Whitxey, Manager. Ho, td huuhhu street.Office Hours 9 to 11 a. k.( and 2 to 3

p m Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m.mu new nd flna Al tteel iteamiblpum 5Utt)trtiatmtntff.- PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS.


v. (



'2- il

- i

a .j:1

t.'i it


Is? i

! -

.i ;

H Si







Si- : 1

. if!. '.I


ft::a 'j


renelrea responsible for tbeJKopinioM expressed by our

GounseUor - at - Law BUILDERS' JLND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTDRAL IMPLEMENTSwill be dOf the Oceanic Steamship Company,

MSB. BOBT. LOVE, , - ; PropletMi,

Every Deiorlptlon of Plain and Fanoy

Bread and Crackers,--FBSSH .

Soda Crackers tSaloon Bread

Alway on Hand.


mm at HoneiUin irom oyuuo uu -on or aboutCO.WORKS

Offick in Cartwright BuUding, oppositeu Temperance Manboi: I am somewhat sur- - July 30, 1891,'PLANTATION SUPPLIES

Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,;ihe publication of "Tem- -

i- 2789 1379-t- f


Agsnt to Take Acknowledgements to

Have on Hand and For Sale

TUB FOLLOWING An wlllleare for the abve port with malla andIa," in your issue of this;,kaQse it is well known

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSJition m Iowa does pro- --- .1 1 T ,


Instruments fob the district07 KONA, OaHU.

; Office Oahu R. B. & L. Cos Depot, up- -

passengerB on w vuiFor freight or passage, haying SUFKBIOxi


Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

New 1 Improved Machinerym omj m lowa, dui


Inland. Orders Promptly Attended to,


(limited). ;


Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Merchandise.forced. The clipping is

--cwa paper, but it is a well For Sydney and Auckland.

S: May 11, 1891. 2787-l- m


(Sucosor to Lewen ft Dlokson)

Importer and Dealer In Lumber

And 11 Kind! of Building Materials.


Liberal Terms!(1) 13x24in. Cummer Engine.

ri fact that the liquor mencontrol politics, but many

published in the Union.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

(1) 10x20in. Cummer Engine.p offered large money on Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

; Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.32 FOBT BTBEET, Eonolnln. 2T28COMMISSION AGENTS.The new and fine Al ateel steamship

MONOWAI"pions for material pre-- (l)-Pu- tnara Screw Cutting e n; 25:

awinff 12ft. bed; most, improvea ;

Jithe interests of temper- -.

' 2651 1356--q

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,ww. by themselves, but. , n w9ft-To-n Vacuum Pan, (li. 1. W -- yp.pweuxaDaie irom tne make), built in sections; complete

V cfam and Blake's Directthepa contributors to

list or orncxBS;

J . O. Carter. . . .................. .PresidentGeo. H. Robertson reas?reiE. F. Bishop BeeretaryHon. W. F. Allen.... Auditor


Steamship Company, will beOa the Oceanlodue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

July 30,1891.And will have prompi dlspatcn with mafla an


Importer and Dealer In


No. 2&-3- 1 Qneen Street, Honolnln. 2728


article in ques-ltom- e

to be one of these,jjj fo I think so because

Willi. HUH B6 w

Vacuum Pump, 18x24x24m.

(4) 30in. Weston's Centrifugals, ......(l)-Co- mplete Diffusion Plant for a car

of 4 Jong tons caneDIBZOTOBB:PETER HIGH, - " Proprietor.


an party have for somepen trying to repeal the

7 law of lowa, for poli--assengers xor me uu7u'l' SUP v. KIOhavingfreight or passage,

apply to Bon. 0. B.BUaop. B. "aUrhonee26gifoESfiSrc General Commission Agents

,u: TCfTncinn Plant are the latestfljtt. The article irom!Wm.G. Irwin.Street, Honolulu, IT. J.

On Mokea and Richards near Queen Olani Spreckels-- r- ,Q,..r. 6tt..B,n.lnlstatements and errors.I majority of the bankers.

andmost.mprovea.2,Cae ind have

teln successfully used onSpiat factory and given the highest

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,''' Ao-a- rrs.-aestm


;E. ROWELL,;t real estate affentsCLA08 SPRECKELS & CO.,


C nave given their pub- - satisfaction.Engineer arid surveyorS7Tthat since the Pro- - fiwsft Multiple Effect (H:k

Iowa i,a Deen ,r lv0v fJan be easily con--m Etc HAWAIIAN WLAND8Sali. Blinds, Screens, Frames,8ate EOROLULDhas urosDered and nectea io ujr -Shipping and Conxion MerchantsDoorsRoom 5, Spreckels' Block.

82-- 7have C V MultiDle EffectslQiH bffnra I 50x30x30111.1. .i "TitT i rworai. 'v, lueiuo; uecicu '7'Pnmn. I6xl412in. WTT.LIAM O. TURNED AND SAWED WORK.. i i

Draw Exchange en the principal parte o the


wnuwoim dDMita oa open account, make



Elantatlon Agents,

frliiZ Wh0m have (D-D-uplex WaterJ placea more con c 2L conducting Af l,a;- -l tr a heieht of

miUi 5K AX W,15 ATTOEHBT AHD CODKSKIiliOBioniKa rr ennare inch. I . .IX. Governor Lar- - pressure wi 'D 7 . "7 x Hoto F-b-

lle and Ke- -i awej TJirw MACHINERY with the latest

just .receiyea some a u Vot lira arA now nrepared to do

ejections and conduct a general badng andexchange buslnese. '.' . ; I ;;.

rnrv.tM hAArinar fntrat received In their Sav

" cieciea on the the above MacmneryI but on the. ti.o-- :.10, .nd risht from the m&n- - 2728Ornci 36 Merchant Street. P.m13K eVer before, and having latelytesari-- . - PirwmSntii where it was

. Life, Fire and Marine

lnsnrace Agents.

1356 HONOLULU. H. I. 2651--qld a! tofifass mechanics, we WU1 make a epec o,BEAVER SALOON, lege Department subject to published rules and

regulations. V- --j r. 2gglqlesumony in I uiaciurmg cbw"'lotion. ..A few years i





ror Street, Opiate WIWi u through the g3"Having a very large swck oii.inunvAf it . , 5 uaaai at the lowest

Counters, Shelving, Siairs, Etc., Ete.H. J. SOLTB. FBOPBEBTOB. WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY,tenais on nanu, yu -

hen.id.m,, Possible price, boar Manager ANDEKS0N & LTJNDY,

IDentists. ; -Flrtt-cla- a. Lunelle. 8TTe4; with Tea, Coffee.

(Umlted.)DOCUk T K oUIV1" . . .

d From . m. IU 10 p. m. IJXJPrompt attention to all orders.i Bot ... :u: roniD- - kind of Su2ar Machinery on buwinun . . . v.'RMuliiteeaBpeclalty. a728

icile fafcU"n


ana 18 not now and at prices to suit the times. Wit. O. Ikwes, - President and ManagerCi-atj- s Sp&icxku, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Waltkb M. Giffaed, - - - -and TreasurerSecretary- - - -

Thko. C. Pobtkb, - - . - Auditor

ARTIFICIAL TEETHfrom one to an entire set in-

serted on koW, silver, allum--T E TC PHONES:It doesw it, and THE ROYAJb SALOON,

BELL 493. , . inum ana mDuer uoo..L 1. -.- U wnV nr.iA.1tv. TO55.ot8n:nr4r. it, or they I

-- "-v" vaaai ; - -


0ir. Naoana 2724--0

Sugar ft6tonarf,CpiiAptipttdax the Hangeent of

TG. HE; F.Instruction , m; ,Music.; S. E. ISioIiityre Bro.mouth and throat, we wonm iecuiiiAuour Prophylactic Metal, Plate. .AiJper-ation- s

in accordance1 atest Improvements . in fental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use of


Of San Francisco, Cal. 'Inn . k mean oy. wwroeenw p. : ot iMirous uiiuc ,- -ip.importers AND DJSAi.-- A I Wtti o Ttwiti A Co.. (Limited) has Hotel streeii, xxeguw y- -C Party s.' auonal or MISS SUSAvif. and in " , e - I assumed the assets and liabilities of the ZOt)l

i15' for iu-- resume ine iei;ii'"B RefersLslactinn C?,n" strumental music after Sept..1st.;;vLEWts:&:;co.v;-:- ;

G-roceries- ,-

- - iwon K ' CAaares3.a v wiU he eiven onitTunff anatil ce of place of. residence 'nrTTTS PAPF.R TR K"EPT ON FILEWholesale and Retail Grocers, SAST"yuiO. hft l 1 reiurmrum vom'" ;

X at E. O. Dakb's , Advketisikq J.L.MEYER,THE PAINTERIVE(JT a call and have WKteflfdone promptly and1. O. Box 387. ; :

New GoodsVeceived. J3 taany Ptof to; gan Fincisco, Cal., where contracts for

feofTb7 iatisTaeUon guaranteed. ' Fostofflce Bosc5ir I advextiinz can be made for 1 1 .

Xelephone No. .," , --.,


111 FORT STREET.P. O. Bo87u aK.Idetern: .1


Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1 fn rslt n- o- HONOLTTLTJ, IIAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS, 1 Susintss $ar4s. f 1 j I'--' "all concerned ana cenamiy ur

a" rt to

189 L

Ruffian Soils.to construct a tunnel across the NiagaraIt is scarcely to be wondered atBs Slutljoritg

Hawaiian Hardware Co., Id. ANTS MUSTThat is, If You Use





For Sale at Auction.

I have received instructions to Sell atPublic Auction, at my baiesroom

on Queen Street,




AT KALIHI,About a quarter of a mile beyond the

Karaehameha bchool.Following is a plan of the lots:









109 Fo,t jHOLLISTER & CO.,2651-- q


I 1 'I 3






M .r- -l r--


oI --(

rt 2 t--

;. 00

N U S. - Ot


Fort Street, Honolulu

' .


ice mAfter an importing tt,years, and wniAWM?.

buyinu the"lw..n1bly a fibre-line- d j

"v nou iu uui

4 aiiy of the nqmremesjfrigerator, we hmsomething, made on

and your food in k,than anything yet jnjwhs market.

The Gin

of which this diagram f

struction and circoiat.oo.

in every retwet. as at;who have subBtituted theJ

ers can testifiy.

The EDDY Refrigerators and Ice hests, of which we carryilia,

ways given satisfaction. They are plain, well made and durable.


sold hnndreda . are crenerallv known and appreciated, WehaTeantad

hand from a large iuvulw Jut received from the factory. These are tt

river near the city of Buffalo, at a cost of$10,000,000.

It is announced that the. illness ofSecretary Blaine is not serious, and is inthe natnrfi of nervous nrostration naiiRpdby overwork and worry. He is improv- -n2

R.orwrrta nnm a fmm Arizona that theNavajoe Indians are becoming defiantand threatening to go on the warpath.

An accident which resulted in the kil- -

ling of thirty people and the injury ofoverfiity, was caused by the spreadingof the railroad track near Charleston.Wfit Virginia.

The wonderful natural gas wells ofOhio, which were thought to be inex- -haustable, are failing rapidly and cans- -ing great bnancial loss to manufacturers.

Edward Burgess, the noted designer ofthe yacht Volunteer, died on July 12, oftyphoid fever, at the age of 43 years.

In a wreck on the Colorado MidlandRailroad, at Aspen Junction, on July 12,seven people were 6calded to death in acollision.

The Farmers' Alliance has developedanother crazy scheme, in" which it is

combine to corner the wheat market oflL. TTIaJ CM. - a. l r a illl I

iue umieu oiaies Dy reiusing 10 ecu uuthey get their price. They also pro--pose to stop all dealing: in futures andthe gambling of produce exchanges.Such a move would, if well managed,paralize the business of the country.

A British syndicate has purchased theplant of the Chicago Cold Storage Com-pany and will enlarge it to great propor-tions. The purchase price was $4,500,- -000.

Since the death of the famous MadameBlavotsky, the world of Theosophistshave been looking for a leader. Onehas been found in the person of Wm. O.t..j tv uukc ui lien x vi A.. I

The Hebrews of Baltimore aretakimrftntivetPns to nromot the immigration' I rof Jews from Russia to this country and

dieted that they would succeed in bring- -ing 300,000 of those people to this coun- - .

try during the next two years.A dispatch from New York says : 1? our

Samoan warriors who were brought tothis city under contract by Robert A.

as slaves, will leave New York for Samoa I

Dy way 01 oan rrancisco on xuesuay,Julv 14th. The story of the sufferingsand privations of the little band, originally nine in number, but reduced bydisease and death, has been fully toldManogi, the chief, is ill with consumption in Bellevue Hospital, but he will bestrong enough to start on his long jour- -nev by luesday. After reaching SanFrancisco the party will rest for a day ortwo. lhe steamer will sail from theGolden Gate on trie 23d.

An English syndicate has been organ- -

ized to ouen direct communication forucigiib aim paaaciici uumiiros uevnecu I

Cliicano and Ureat Britain via the creatlakes. The capital subscribed is 5,000,- -

A dispatch. from St. Louis says that


a ' a - 1uneman 01 inai ciiy received an electricshock of 3,000 volts and survived theoiucai, mis is twice LiiB lorce useuioexecute the New York murderers.

Foreign News.Mrs. John Mackav. wife of San Fran

Cisco s Bonanza Kintr. on Julv 4th savethe most magnificent entertainment thathas ever been given by an Americanwas a social success, being attended bv

rmmebfr,e &

ingt S7SSf nK laws Prohibit"

ine Uathoiic world is excited over thefact that $1,000,000 of Peter's PenceFund at Rome has disappeared. It waslost through speculation by administrator Falchi, who has resigned.

unjuiy llth one white woman andforty Indians were killed by an avalanche at the North Pacific cannery, onthe bkeena river m Alaska.

sir Uharles Russell, the eminentLondon barrister, is to come to Sanv rancisco to visit his sister who is theSister Superior of the order of CatholicNuns in this city.

An official dispatch from Santiago,Chili, says: The revolution is station- -

. .n vtr 14 V vk wA 1 M A. rp Aprevail at xarapauo anantofagasta. There is no discipline

among m? reDeilorces. lialmaceda, atthe cost of the State, sent all politicalprisoners on board the steamer Bolivia,bound for Iquique, where they will be at

been discovered to destroy the uovern- -ment sauadron at Valparaiso. All tho I

conspirators were seized excepting one;who hanged himself, a reconnoiteringforce from Coauimbo temnoranlv nonn- -pied Huasco and Vallenar, where food is

President Diaz of Mexico in a recentinterview stared that Mexico would beglad to enter into a treaty of reciprocitywitn me united states to a limited degree.

The Guatemala Government has sentinstructions to its Minister at Washington to arrange for a treaty of reciprocitywuii me united cates.

Shipping.The Columbia River and Puget Sound

T : . : i i.xiavjgauuu voiiipany is DUllding asteamer that is designed to wear the

Sheis 178 feet long, by 20.10 beam and 12depth

1 1

of hold, outsidewv. . .of her. enerines.

wnicu come irom Philadelphia, she willbe entirely Pacific Coast hnilt. andmodeled. The engines are triple expan- -sion 21, 33 and 54-inc- h cylinderscapable of generating 2,100 horae-powe- r,

wuicn will De communicated with a30-inc- h stroke to a propeller 10K feet indiameter, witn a 16 inch pitch. Twenty- -five miles an hnnr ia thp auan .alnn. I

lation of her speed.The scow


.Louisa West went

Ion tne muanat m the bay near Alamedarecently and stuck there five days beforeshe was discovered. The master andcrew nearly starved before being discoverea.

Auction Salt3. -





At my Salesroom, Queen Street, I will sellat ruoiic Auction,

1 B emingtonTypewriterWith Black Walnut Desk.

SSTTerms Cash!

Jas. F. Morgan,2822-- lt AUCTIONEER.

rphe ADVERTISER Is the Leadinejl. Aaiij pr ui iur abiauui,

that the French and Russian governments watch the developmentof events with the keenest interest.

The opposition and radical partyin TTnnrlanrl Vrfh Dtrlfhin nnA wit.h. I


out the houses of Parliament aredoing their utmost to force theMinisters' hand and find out howfar the Government is committed.


Per S. S. Australia, San Francisco,July 14, 1891.

(From our special correspondent.)

( Concluded. V ' --

Interoceanic Canal.A dispatch from Paris,, dated the 2d,

says the inquiry into the management of

Panama Canal affairs promises to bemost comprehensive. De Lesseps hasdeclared that he courts inquiry, but hewill probably get more than . he or hiscolleagues may desire. The soundestfinancial organ in France. EconomisteFrancaise, has denounced the Panamaaffair as " the greatest financial scandalof the nineteenth century," and demandsthe trial of the persons responsible forthe absorption of 1,300.000,000 francsan ath fid from the savings of small cani-- I

. .talists. many of whom have been ruinedand numbers of whom are dead throughdespair. The paper declares that theseries of "agreements," on the faith ofwhich shares of the capital stock wereissued, were fictitious, and that manymillions were squandered in bribing theFrench press to seduce by fallaciousstatements small capitalists to invest,while millions more were appropriatedby members of the Council of Administration. -

H. B. Glaven, whose company, theAmerican Dredeine: Company, did most!of the real work on the Panama ditchwill piobablv be made chief of the construction company now building theNicara sua Canal .

The New York Recorder has the toilowing to say of Warner Miller's returnto JNeW lork: " IhO IlOn. VVamef Wlller returned yesterday from his month'stour to California. J o a reporter ot theRecorder who called upon him he saidthat there is a wonderful interest in thesuccess of the Nicaragua Uanal amongthe business men of the Golden btate,and that they have subscribed largesums in aid of its construction. Thesame condition of affairs,' Mr. Millercontinued. 'I found in Chicago. Menthere appreciate the impulse that theopening of the canal will give to thecommerce of the Mississippi, and theyare anxious to do all in their power toaccelerate its completion

Frank P. Davis, Division Engineer ofthe Canal Company, has filed. his reportcovering work done up to November 8,1890. It is a most sanguine document.

A Remarkable Phenomenon.Scientific men, the Southern Pacific

Railroad Company and the public generally are very much puzzled over a I

phenomenon existing on theT Coloradodesert. In the latter part of June it wasnoticed that the waters of the lake atSalton were steadily rising, notwith(standing there had been no floods orcloudbursts. Since that time the waterhas continued to advance at a rapid rateand all efforts to learn the source of therise have proved fruitless. It was firstsupposed that it was from the Colorado,but it is not, and now the only reasonable theory is that the water comes fromthe Gult of California, and that it is con-verting the desert into an arm of theGulf. This is a reasonable supposition,as the desert is 260 feet below sea levelat the lowest point, and has undoubtedlyin ages past been a part of the uulf. iiiX;;a i, Q ,td Kaan 00t t tr 01,70 t Ha

mvsterv if possible, and renorts are ez--mrtMl dailv . At 'latent amount thlake covered nearly 500 square miles andwas rising at the same rate, about twoinches in twenty-fou- r hours. Should thewaters continue to advance if they comefrom the Guif , the railroad company willhave to change their line of road forsome distance.

San Francisco News.Nelson A. Bradt has just completed a

journey across the continent on abicycle, going from New York to SanFrancisco in eighty-si- x days. His actualtraveling time was sixty-tw- o davs.

J. J. Auberton, the owner of the London Graphic is here on a pleasure trip.

W. U. Taylor won the Coast tennischampionship at San Rafael on the 4th.

The .Examiner has published a pageillustrated article describing a new cavein the Siskiyou mountains just acrossthe Oregon line. The cave is forty-fiv- e

miles from the railway, and from thedescription rivals Mammoth Cave ofr u

The. facers of Hanford are thinking ofestablishing a mule freighting lme toSan Francisco. They cannot afford theexcessive rates charged by the railroadcompany.

The olive growers of the state heldtheir annual convention on the 8th.Many papers were read.

Peter Schneck, an ex-soldi- was ar-rested in Chinatown on the 6th for amurder committed in Indian Territorylast year. He confesses the deed.

Destructive brush fires prevailed inMarin county on Mount Tamalpais earlyin the month. At one time the San Rafaelwater works were threatened. The totaldamage was small.

Col. T. C. Marceau of the Governor'sstaff was married July 9th to the widowof John D. Fiske, the noted Fresnospeculator, who was shot and killed lastyear.

P. N. Lilienthal has been made man-ager of the Anglo-Californi-an bank, viceex-Gover- F. F. Low, resigned.

Mrs. M. J. O'Connor, a wealthy SanRafael widow, was robbed of a packageof diamonds and jewelry in .broad day-light on the 8th. The theft was commit-ted so adroitly that she does not knowhow it was done.

The Chinese are making "a legal fightto be admitted to the City and CountyHospital. ;

American News.A dispatch from Baltimore says that

the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad com-pany has closed a contract with-Fur-nis- s,

the big steamship owner of Eng-land, for three regular lines of steamersfrom Newport News, Va., to Liverpool,London and Glasgow, and for occasionalsteamers to Havre and Antwerp. Theyare to carry the products of the southand west, and there will be ten steam-ers a month. It is believed that the es-tablishment of this line will lead to thatof others from southern ports.

A Canadian company has been formed

patterns, t

f7?We keep reliable goods and sell at reasonable prices.

Monday, July 20.

Every steamer, as well as-- i roccl hn'rurs US some- -

0thiriP"o useful and...often Orna- -

mental ; things which you are,. . . , m rf Anpernaps, in uauy nu

frver IS one OIagate potatothm TViv mve trouble, pre--

, J. , . ravent dyspepsia, anu give w

palatable andpotatoes mat diec r , I hpv are so"ccuumgiwu jcunerior to the old Style Uten- -

sil that VOU Will not De...WlulOUl

one once you have tried It.

You know what it is to havea miserable light dangling un-

der your brake, don't you ?

Well, we offer you a lanternthat does not need another onerr chnw where the llht IS. We

- 0 - - .reier to Uie " Uieiz. vanitigcI nmnc A nertect minature

1 l1 j i- - t.1 .t..ufl,Q"8 LiidL uuu3


twentV feet ahead OI the horseWe ve sold a lot OI them, ana

, "

peopie tell us that they are thevDest mev have ever triedNickel or Tapan as you prefer.The price IS the same. bo IS

the light.How do you do about ice


water : make it in a pitcher or1 --k ITT 11use a cooler r we liKe a

cooler, (if you don't use a fil

ter), because it saves trouble,and the water is . iced at alltimes. The ice lasts longer.

. ,you Know, II Kepi irom ine air.Th;s ,ast ,Qt 0f Coolers renUrA I'nlnrlc crmo In Imita.-- - W VMi 111 V1U WVSAAAV AAA AAtAAM

tion hard woods, shaped like a111 1

small Keg. UUiers are theregular shape, and a decidedornament to any room. They'reall eood in quality and willAast 3. lite time.

have-anoth- er noveltythis week, came just in thenick of time too. ItlTa littlepocketable dark lantern, innickel; throws a good light,and is as pretty as it is usefulfor what it is intended. Themysterious individual whoprowls around at night in hisha

for one tO look about the house, . . --t.Deiore retiring. uirty lootprints are not. desirable any--

v;llcrc' and this lantern is jUStthe thing to enable one to Seeir the dark Comers withouti ?

' t i- -

DeinS een rpiicemen inEngland use them altogether.So do bicyclists. We thinktney are handy to have aboutthe house, if only to use ingoing to the stable occasio-nal . ;

More Ice Chests and Re-

frigerators --best made wheth-er on scientific principles oron a bench. Jiarthenwarelined and nothing about themto become ill smelling, noteven the price. There's noquestion about it, food lastsilonger anaj keeps better in

UfiPm tnan m anY Other refrlg--erator ever brought hereWe're talking about Monroe'

i .m n IT T Mtt Inuvv : bitine one wementlonea tWO weeks ago. Ifyou want a good refrigeratorthis is the one to


biiy, if youm mare not particular, anything

will do.The little filters and candle-

sticks we told you of last weekare going about as rapidly asanything we have offered youlately. Customers seem tothink as we do about them ;everyone says they are a goodthing. What do you say ?


(Opp. Spreckels' Block),


Financb Department.Bureau of Customs, J- -

Honolulu, H. I., July 22,

Importers of Kerosene and other oilsare hereby notified that hereafter theKeeper of oils will deliver oil from thexeKaaKO warenouse irony 4 a. m. io iz m.,and from the O. R. & L. Co. 'a Warehousefrom 1 to 4 p. m., each day except Saturdays and Sundays.

G. E. BOARDMAN,2822-- 3t Deputy Collector.


Be Just and fear not;.Let all the ends thou alm'st at he

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891.


The visit of the Emperor of Ger-

many to England is not only thel x. I 1 r 1 1 1 1

greatest, social even 01 me ume,but is looked upon as of intensepolitical importance.

The recent ent ofthe treaty for the maintenance ofthe Dreibund has given rise to notonly keen curiosity, bat to a genuine anxiety as to the pledgesgiven to tne Duna Dy each contracting party, and especially inEngland, where the dislike to entanglement with continental polltics is universal, is the popularfeeling very keen and popular opin- -

inn tow. nlolnlv nntonnban arrninafj r j j-- Dany pledge which would bindGreat Britain to take part in anycontinental quarrel whatever.

It is not likely then that such astatesman as Lord Salisbury wouldbe likely to enter into any agreement which the Parliament wouldcertainly refuse to accept, andwithout the acceptance of Parlia- -

ment no agreement between sovereigns and ministers could possiblyhave any effect.

It is believed in well informedcircles that the renewed Dreibundincludes three distinct agreements,one between Germany and Austriasimilar to the former defensivetreaty, one between Germany andItaly and a third between Italyand Austria, this latter at allevents for the present has not beenmade public.

It was expected by numbers ofpeople that the Emperor, who isnot largely gifted with reticence,and who has occasionally givenrise to trouble by injudiciousutterances, - might in the speechexpected of him at the Guild-hall in reply to the LordMayor, have spoken words capableof exciting alarm or of arousinghopes or-fear- s according to theinterpretation put upon them bydifferent persons or political par-ties. It was therefore agreed thatthe Emperor should write out thespeech which he intended to make,and that jt be submitted to theQueen for approval and that onlysuch portions of the speech beread as shall have been so ap-

proved.What the Emperor did say, be-

yond thanks for the welcome ex-

tended to himself and the Empress,was to the effect that he wouldalways, as far as it lay in his power,maintain tne historical friendshipexisting between Great Britain andGermany. " My aim," he said, " isabove all, the maintenance of peace,for peace alone can give the confidence necessary to a healthy development of science, art and trade.Only so long as peace remains, arewe at liberty to bestow earnestthought upon the great problemsthe solution of which, in fairnessand equity, I consider the mostprominent duty of our time. I shallalways be found ready to unitewith you, and with other nations,in the common labor for the peaceful progress, friendly intercourse,and the advancement of civilization."

The Emperor was not quite socareful at a naval and military din-

ner given the same evening by theDuke of Cambridge, where he expressedsome " hopes of an alliance

. with England."On the evening of the following

day after witnessing a grand review at Wimbledon, the Emperorproceeded to Lord Salisbury's historical seat, Hatfield House, wherethe English Premier and the Ger

man Foreign Secretary held longnotiferences. the final conferencebeing attended by the Emperor.



irr a'

.a s s

II ' to to

' - "TTTibCIIKINO JS- - "

The lots have been laid out and divided in snch a manner and size as to bringthem within the reach of all who desirea home of their own within convenientdistance irom the business center of thecitv. "

The location and general advantages ofthese lots are unequaled by any propertyof the kind offered in this city for years.

Situated at the mouth of Kahhi valley,at a good elevation, pure air and healthful conditions are assured. .

"All these lots front on Kaili avenue 55feet wide.running through the place connecting King and Beckley streets, andbeing the widest streets in the suburbs ofHonolulu.

The lots are situated at less than 3minutes' walk from the terminus of 'theKing street Tram Cars. .

W ATER-i-Th- e plans are perfected,andit is now the intention . of the Government to lay an 8 inch water main alongthe line of. King street from the foot ofLiliha street to the road passing the Ka--

lihi churches, from which extensionwater is expected to be available within8 months. For the present, water fordomestic purposes can be obtaintd iromKamehameha School premises.

TERMS ONE HALF CASH, Balance in one year at 9 per cent., securedby mortgage.

A large map of the property canbe seen at my Salesroom j Queen street,where all desired information can begiven.

J"as. F. "Morgan,2820-t- d AUCTIONEER.



Mercantile Co. are desirous ofdisposing of therr Store at Fuehuehu, Ko-hal- a,

and will be pleased to hear from anyJ x 1 ruuc uispuseu io matte an oner.

We the undersigned will be glad to furnidi OniT lr 1 1AM loMn X 1 tu.u paiuvuiais xcgaiuiHg me preiuioca aim uuaiiiess.

(Amount of annual business, $00,000.)Signed, JAS. RKNTON,

J NO. HIND, ." .: ROBT. WALLACE.jvonaia, Hawaii, July 10, 191. 2815-2-w

Kedward & Howell Notice.

OIHE UNDERSIGNED BEING FULLYJ-- authorized to settle the.busine s ofKedward & Howell (dissolved), herebygives notice to all persons having claimsagainst said firm, to present them at onceand all persons indebted to said firm tomake immediate payment to the under-sifenp- d,

at his office over Bishop Co 'sW. iy. ALLEN,

Election of Officers.

IT A annrtt rA ii . ir iiwa op c.

hZtZn y,uPany. id., held thisday following persons were electsomcers lor the remainder of the currentJoseph O. Carter :.:Pres. "and

'SW H. Robertson TnSnfSFaxon Bishop..,.. ....... .secretaryE F. BISHOP

- SecVn Brewer & Com pan v.Honolnlq. Jqpe 30r1891. 2804-l- m

Election of Officers.

AT THE ANNUALthe Hanalei Suiar Mill CWany held

xvfi we cuauuig yeari',--President.;.. ....;rr:nhViiJSecretary. .ireasurer...; ''X' li"Vi"erAuditor. ..".' uuerwoa....... ....J. O. Carter

J. O. C A Rtt?oSecretary Hanalei Sumr rA :HonoInlntJnfy20. 1891. S5!.?2;

I Daily v Advertiser 50c. per month.


ated' and Iron Ranges, Stoves and ft



, V - White, Gray and Silver-plate-d.


- ill - ;

mjn nrnsmWLIFT AND FORCE PUfflrS. WAia vu- -


Plumbers'iStock, Water. andlSoil PiPes

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet 1



1356-2651-- q



nvp. w pdtud c v wt o p frnn i NT) with



..A Old


WESTERMAYER'S CABINET PIANOS in E?cUmte.latest improvements and made expressly i"

v ':;V"r ; v- j ; also oir

J. & O. FISCHER'S PIAN03 Cabinet Uprights an


Tht Weekly Gazette and WJ.. AND HAVE THE LARGEST CIKC

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1 fn rslt n- o- HONOLTTLTJ, IIAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS, 1 Susintss $ar4s. f 1 j I'--' "all concerned ana cenamiy ur




Honolulu Arion to night.i L'i ill

XS-- No Steam! No Fire! No Boiler!



4:30tfl- -'!o 2:49 5:35!

3:51 5:45..10:51

V:lt:55 4:55 6:501




27SG-- q


W , LI0S8.

i a r; -

. t

5 S

i? 6.44 6.303 6.43 7.26

6.43 8.17l 6.43 9. 0

6.42 9.44

) 6.4210.256.41 11.13

HnfOU Ti,e above cut is an excellent illustration of our Horizontal Engines which we manufactured in sizes from to 20Prntt,05'e, an1t,ar adapted for Pumping, Electric Lighti.ig, Running Elevators, Harvesting and Thrashing Machines,Mni r 8?8' Va?.d fehof Machinery, Circular, Band and Jig Saws, Hoisting, Mill and Mining Machinery, Coffee

is neededk51"8' Poll8hing ad Fanning Machines, Ventilating Apparatu Emery Wheels, et. ; in fact everywhere power

The Regan Vapor Engines having more than realized the 'anticipations of purchasers, we have now thepleasure to submit Local References.REFERENCE:Mr. Joseph Tinkkr: Honolulu, June 1. 1891.

f,5oi u k fcIf purchased from you one of your 2 Horse-Pow- er Horizontal Rej.n Vapor Engines, and after four months'making fanR i

everv way most satisfactorily. The Engine making 230 Revolutions and running a Rotary Pump with a belt11 13 aenvenng tne water witn great lorce

by the yard man, and he finds no troubleconsider it a very Handy, Safe and Simplechips tn unvnn v tO ww "J w.. v. 4. 1V4UUJ1I) J UUii9 l&OUVUUliJ


be had and ;the Engine can be seen running in full operation at the City Mb. .



Positive PreventativeCALLED


BXTFoT Sale by


The steam tuer Vt. x,n u..placed ander the Hawaiian flag, andbas sailed, probable t- i 44W, WUVIOshe will be engaged as a tow boat.one is a powerful little boat, and C.L Wetmoro is resristered

owner. It seems a long trip for ouui a crait. She only carries three

men, and they have nljuwl mactQ ;her and think she will make aboutnve knots, so you may expect herduring Jnly.

I was up at Riverside last weeVouu IMJU JT. H. Uole. One nf vnnrold-tim- e kamaainas. He has amagnificient orange grove, and ap-pears well satisfied with his venturem California. T alor, mof v, t t--.

ing, late teacher on Kauai, and A.W. Burt, late teacher at Hilo, bothnow located at Rerllanrlfl Thancharmed with the country, but likean wxio uave naa a taste of Hawaii,are occasionally homesick T lthat Messrs. Gav and sinMnifKauai, have made some fine 'investments there, which cannotprove other than profitable.

The people of San Dieco are Rtir- -

nng themselves to get a railroadbuilt to Yuma and to secure theAustralian mail through this port,which is among the possibilities ofthe next few years.

The climate of Southern California is so much like yours that Ibelieve many of your people will en-deavor to capture some of the fruitlands hereabouts now offered forsale.

VV. H. Holmes, formerly of Hawaii, has a fine ervpsum denosit nearRiverside, and a mill for turning outiana piaster, wnicn is coming intodemand as a fertilizer. Captain Geo.W. Willfong is living quietly at Rin-co- n

with his family.The fruit and cereal crops of this

region promise to be large.Ine Chilian steamer Itata is in

charge ,of the Charleston, havingbeen surrendered by the rebels. Theywill probably remain in port sometime.

Many improvements are nromisedfor San Diego for the near future,amongst which are an iron and steelfoundry, a marine hospital, UnitedStates Army post and barracks andsome fortifications. The necessity ofthe latter was felt when the captainof the Itata set the authorities atdefiance and put to sea with theDeputy Marshal on board. ,

m i i j amere are immense quantities oifruit and produce ripening in thisresrion. which the doodIo would beglad to sell to the Hawaiians, but1. 1 l i; mi. j.:Liiere is uu biwauier uuw. iuo umewill doubtless come when sugars willbe shipped direct from your centri- -

iugais to our tames, xnen we winbe able to obtain bananas, taro, poi,etc., fresh for our tables.

ban Diego, July, '91.


Thieves Try an Attorney's andan Insurance Agent's Oifices.We have lost track of the number

of burglaries for the simple fact thatthey are becoming so numerous andsuch a common nightly occurencetnat it is a useless tasK.

Tuesday nicht some evidently notj o w

honestly inclined entered the rear ofattorney W. U. Parke's omce bymeans of breaking a pane of glassand reaching in to open the win-dow. A large leather-covere- d chairwas by the window upon which thethief sterjned on entering, leavingplainly the marks of a shoe heel.After upsetting all he couJd nna un-locked, attention was turned to thehandsome desk, attempts were madeto cut the lock out, failing in thisthe slidinor ton was cut. letting thegreater part of it fall back. Theusual rummaging of papers, etc.,was the result with the finding of akey to an old safe containing onlypapers. A silver watcn was taKenfrom the desk.

From Mr. Parke's office they wentinto the outer office occupied byMr. A. Jaeger, where by climbingover a nartition an entrance waseffected into Mr. Jaeger's privateomce. Un one oi tne aesKs was lei.s$249.65 partly covered with papers.Whether the thief did not find it orwas scared,(as currently reported onthe streets! bv rjolicemen. who, having seen a light in the office, tried toforce the front aoor to eaten tnethiAves ( H is nerhans a matter ofconjecture. The police authoritiesstate tnat two omcers wune uu mourounds took a notion to take a lookin the backyard when they discov- -

erea a wmaow opeu. upu caouhuing the premises the rascals werenot to be found, but must have been

before the policementhere just. .


,11 - 3 2arrived as tne taiiow aroppea iromthe candles used by the thieves, wasnot hardened. According to thatthey must have been "just close to,nor hv for even in this warmclimate, unless in the snn, tallowdrops soon harden.

Besides the watch, nothing wastaken but some of Mr. Jaeger'scigars and & half of a pear.

: .

Supreme Court At .Chambers.BEFORE JUDD, C. J.

Wednesuay, July 22.

--i ,;1 nnA Sntrar Cn. Eiectmeilt.Defendant's plea of abatement filed 21stinst.,

.is tnis aay arguea uu Buumu.

mt x (L C?.o Ami I laTTAl"Hartweii, Anuxsiion rrcifor plaintin ; ttatcn ior ueieuuam.

t n.. V CTInm a minor. JTXII lO i iuitt ik. 4.-- --, - -- ----

j j mtinn rf Hatiift tliram.the mother, that C. Bolte be appointedtrustee ior saia mmj t mo 7stead of UhaT 1 1 ' rn in, uececvi. x

son for petitioner. - r

GERMAN GIRL WANTS A PLACE21- - for titrht noaseworK. appiy

A German girl wants a situation.

A residence on Lunalilo street forsale or lease.

Street cleaners are at work onmany of the streets.

Remington typewriter for sale to-

day by Jas. F. Morgan.

"NTn nnornm was Diesent at thev M .ft.

Board of tteaitn meeting weanes- -

day. '

Thft Sons of St. Georere held anenthusiastic meeting Tuesday evening.

Chnn Hov has aDDointed Mr.rf I. 1- -

Samuel M. Damon of Honolulu hisattorney. -

Government school teachers arecoming into town from other islandsfor vacation.

Honolulu vs. Kamehameha is thebase ball programme for next Saturday afternoon. ,

The frame work of the new Volcano House was all od when thetourists left the other day.

The closing: exercises of St. An- -

drew's Priory in charge of SisterAlbertma will come on this morning.

Hours for delivery of oil from theKakaako and the O. R. & L. Co.'swarehouses are published by" authority.

The boiler and other machineryis being put up in the new electriclight building that is being built onKing street.

Secure your seats for the Athleticexhibition to morrow, evening atMessrs. Ludwigsen & Cron's Jcecream parlors.

Sarah Bernhardt is billed to playin San Francisco in September, soshe will pass through here on herreturn from Australia.

The athletic exhibition to be givento-morro- w evening is receiving considerable attention : and well itshould, as it is worth seeing. .

The phonograph is again to beheard at Ludwigsen & (Jron7s icecream parlors. Several new cylin-ders were received by the Australia.

The Chinese murder trial is stillgoing on before Justice Dole. Mr.li. A. Thurston is associate counselwith Messrs. ' Davidson and Neumann.

Workmen were busy yesterdayfixing the turn in the tramway attne corner 01 Jt ort ana jseretaniastreets. Perhaps it will be smootherto ride over now.

Some most delicious fruits werereceived per Australia on Tuesdayirom uaniornia, ana can do iuuuuat the California Fruit Market orLycurgus's, 87 King st.

A most excellent and healthy summer drink i3 made from tamarind.as almost every one knows, but tofind this tropical luxury in perfec-tion, ffo to Horn and inquire foreither tamarind syrup or preservedtamarinds.

;A native was heard addressing

some of his countrymen Tuesday, atthe Fost Umce. aoout tne ponceforces lie tninks in tne race oi somany robberies being .

' committedwitVinnt thft thieves beiner causrhtshould call for a change in the force.; Dr. Foote. of Kau, Hawaii, hassent', in his resisrnation as Government , physician for that place, totake effect August 1st. Tne uoaraof Health will hardly accept it atless than a month's notice. He refused to resign at the end of lastquarter at the request or tne uoara.

On the 11th of July, Mr. R. K.Baptist of Hilo was presented with atine four-ye-ar oia nuy. ine presen-tation was made by Mr. JosephVieira in the name of the Portuguesebrethren who comprise his parish.This present received by Mr. Baptistwas a most generous offering fromhis people, who though thrifty arenot rich. It will be a very usefulpart of his equipment in the work.

steamer that comesAXliUVUV w v j

in from the other islands brings onei XI

or more live pigs, etc., ior luecuui-irr- r

Irian fn fake nlace at Iolani Col- -

lege next Saturday afternoon. Thesegifts are sent by former pupils andirienas oi me conege. auwooliaoina oar fVlftf tVlPV Will haV6 6at--

. . j 'it i :jables enougn on tne tames io pruvmofor several hundred people. Theclosing exercises of the school willnrecede tne uanquet, wiine amitsiai;sports will ionow.


Prince David Received At aParty Given By Mrs. W. W.Dimond. V

The Cedar Rapids Chat givesquite a complimentary account ofthe recention tendered Prince iiaviahv Mrs. W W. Dimond, of Honolulu, who is visiting friends at CedarRapids, lowa. xne jrrmce wiiue eu

frnm England was theTVTr W. W. WTaterhouse. It

tt.. fViof ATtsa Dimnnd crave anVY tlO liUCU tliiuv au.au. o

i i.: n f V, - rani r1 q n fel r rATin a ruf.ur li 1 1 ill vu iiiiii awoauvuwvof Major and Mrs.Higley, A largenumber attenaea. " xue feuopuwurtroa VioTafoTiefir. of all entertain--1IUO VUtt&UW vvwww ;

mnnta Utr fVia Vinat.ARn ATld her family.and was an elegant affair." Thedescription of the Prince was flatter--



Jr J.ower.For Dyspepsia.

A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove Foun-dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: "Inave used August Flower for Dys-pepsia. It gave me great relief. Irecommend it to all Dyspeptics as a

w --.J t ftvwy gwuremeay.Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer,

Iauzon, lvis, Quebec, writes: "Ihave used August Flower with thebest possible results for Dyspepsia."

C. A. Barrington, Engineer andGeneral Smith, Sydney, Australia,writes: 'August Flower has effecteda complete cure in my case. It act-ed like a miracle."

Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss. .writes:"I consider your August Flower thebest remedy in the world for Dys-pepsia. I was almost dead withthat disease, but used several bottlesof August Flower, and now con-sider myself a well man. I sincerelyrecommend this medicine to suffer-ing humanity the world over."

G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.


TAMARIND SYRUP, a delicious drink in fevers, put upand for Sale bv F. Horv t

the Pioneer Bakery, Candy Factory andIce Cream Parlors, Hotel street, betweenFort and Nauanu streets. 2821-l- w .

PRESERVED TAMARINDS",a Tropical Luxury, can be hadof F. Horn, proprietor of th

Pioneer Bakery, Candy Factory and IceCream Parlors, Hotel street, between Fortand Nuuanu. ' 2821-l- w

Ice House Fruits, Etc,J. LYCURGDS, 87 KING

street, received per S. S.4iuoiiana, 4iJJi ivu U3 , j. callCS,

Cherries, Plums, Grapes, Celerj, Oysters,Fresh Salmon and Flounders, CaliforniaCabbage, Chickens, E,ggs, Rhubarb, Bart- -

let Pears, German Prunes and Greengages.Prices Moderate. -

J. Lycurgus, Proprietor,282l-3- t 87 King street.


has arrived containingIce House Fruits, Peaches,

Cherries, Plums, Apricots, Pears, SicilyLemons, Mexican Limes, Oranges, Grapes,Celery, Fresh Oysters, Salmon, Flounders,also California . White Heart Cabbage,Poultry, Eggs, Rhubarb, Bart.et Pears,German Prunes and Greengages.

California Fruit Market,2821--3t Mutual Tel. 378.




At 3:30 p. M.


Kainehamelia vs. Honolulu


2822-3- t


mHE POWER OF ATTORNEY GIVENJL by the undersigned to Chun Hoy ofHonolulu, Rice Planter, has this day beencancelled and is now of no effect whatever.And further, Mr. Samuel M. Damon ofHonolulu, has been appointed my attorneyat Honolulu, and Islands of Hawaii, in.p'ace of said Chun Hoy,

CHUN HOY,Dated Hongkong, June 9, 1891. 2822-6- t

For Lease or Sale.

RESIDENCE ON LUNALILOstreet, at present occupied by Mr.J. A. Kennedy, containing doubleparlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing and

bath rooms, dining room, pantry andkitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laidout r servants' rooms, stable and chickenhouse in rear of main building. Vacanton August 14th. R. 1, LILLIE,

2822-t- f withTheo H. Davies & Co.

NOTICE.UNDERSIGNED HAVINGTHE a Tannery at lwilei close to the

Slaughter house, informs the public thathe will purchase hides and do all businessconcerning the line of Tannery, and hason hand all kinds of Leather for sale atreasonable prices.

2805-3- m JOAQUfM DA GRELLA.

FOR RENT!THAT NEW BUILDING AT NO.11 Union street. Shop 35 ft. wide

19. ft. Ions, and 12 ft. hi eh. Suitable for any kind of mechanical workshop. Inquire of J. N. Wright or R. JayGreene. - zaiv-- u


X3L the Stockholders of Wm. G. Irwin &Co.. (Limited).' held at their office onTHURSDAY, July 16, 1891, the followingofficers were re-elect- ed to serve during theensuing year, viz:

: Wm. G. Irwin. President and ManagerClaus Spreckels , .Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. Giffard....Treas. and SecretaryTheo. C. Porter......: ..Auditor

W. M. GIFFARD,Secretary Wm. G. Irwin & Co., L'd.

2817-l- w


113 and 115- 1381


lTthTport is given at

hM o Greenwich time, or

dTk Honolulu Observatory

Whistle of the HonoluluTfrioori above the custom

i1 Saa Observatory

fJSwi. of Greenwich



Wednesday. July 22.

e, Chaney, from Kama- -


p Morris from Koolau.


Wednesday. July 22.u,l-p-p Macaulav. for

7cjpai Kilauea and Hanalei.U Oceania Vance, Anderson,

'ilBllO.ye, I0r vaiiu.e aim

for Eeele.

a for Kohala.

..iruivn TIl.IUV.,W UUA -

j, HaRluud, for Waianae andsm.snivthe, for Nawiliwili andatlOaru.u. Hilbus. for Laupahoehoe,lit 4 n m.

forest yueen, Nelson, for San

jxanu for Pohoiki.tiilorris for Koolau.


fcmtaa, per stmr Waialeale,bmith, Misses Suiza,

vi passengers.


toi. per stmr James Makee,la utcomb, and 20 on deck.


M Waialeale arrived nn Wfi.pinfroin Haraakua with 3,504kfortbe bark J. C. Glade.perKaala came off the Marine

ncuuwuay morning.erff.G. Hall will

sning her regular route along

Uj Dirk Japan, from Hong--foff port on Wednesday

female the passage in aboutfrUffln. S:ie brino3 a general

gjwna Vance, Captain Ander-fiHa- st

for Port Townsend,

jr freight cars fnr iho n t? .tr tby the bark J. D. Brewer,

jMie company's depot in onep --.una on Wednesday.

I'tS0n. 41.:. . -- r.in, s morning for

.;' n'us ma cargo of sugar.iron bark Andrew Welch,

mai port tor lqm-Ki8te.a.- ra

Hounslow lefth " 'g we early part of theVJJ tons timi,;..;. 4.

othe--r vessels have

fcaomh some 01 tljem wid sail

pwhat time is it Char- -

C'-n.- ont om me."

Wk ya hTe it

KIen?ied erand overve you taken it to

toV;. '' What havo,,W9Voa ;t to

'iU. r go on

S to8i v

VUim, nr.

Fryp Kettles,


and Ice

oif--t xtra St.

To All Those Contemplating Building !

miniTo on!, "'T"' ui euort- -ifh; . gal,ons,Per. faour. It is run1Z Jr" v"uu . ana i snoumcufimcer, aua meretore recommend these en

Illustrated Catalogues canMarket, Nuuanu street.




GIVEN by theHonolulu Athletic Association,



Friday Evening, Jnly 24th,

Consisting of Exercises on theHORIZONTAL BAR,


Living and Ladder PyramidsAnd Plastic Statuary; representing


Discobolos, Hercules,The Wrestlers, Dying Gaul,

The Gladiator, Etc.

TUMBLINGAnd Numerous Other New Features by

Members, and

Club Swinging and Exercises on the ParallelBars by the Juvenile Class.


Reserved Seats, l Balcony, 75c.; Gal-lery, 50c.

3Cy Box Plan at Ludwigsen &Cron'sIce Cream Parlors, Hotel St. ' 2820--5 1

Royal Hawaiian

OPERA HOUSESaturday Evening, Jnly 25th,


IolantlieFob the Benefit of

MRSvGEAY,Between Acts the Following Program :

Song4' Cherry Ripe " Gertie WhitneyEvangeline".. ......Mr. NemoChangeless . ...... Miss MoGuire

The famous Mocking Bird Song "(with Flute obligato)

Mrs. Ernestine Gray

The Hawaiian Orchestra Will bein Attendance.

jRgBox Plan will open at Williams'Photo Gallery Thursday morning. .

2820-l- w

Just HeceivedPer Bark " CHARLOTTE," a number of

Pianos ! rWra Pianos !

From the Celebrated Factory of


yNow ready for inspection, for saleby


Sole Agents for th8 Hawaiian Islands.2712--q

45 reet above, at tne rate oi 3U gallons peiwhatever in running it. It is doing everyEngine for anyone to run who is not ar

miin nnno MDni.rniiir

Fort Street.26ol-- q


tenIIIml I


I will sell by private contract the housenow occupied by me as above. Tbe houseis fully equipped, well furnished, clean andin good order.

For particulars, apply to me atThrum's Up-To- Book Store.

2812-2-w- W. F. REYNOLDS.

Mikado Bestaurant !

No 62 Hotel Street,OPP. HORN'S BAKERY.

HNewly fitted and refurnished inJapanese handiwork.

CCyEverything clean, and cooked infirst class style.

5y"Give us a trial. 280S-l- m

Tax Notice;

THE DEPUTY TAX ASSESSOR ANDfor the District of Ewa and

Waianae will be at the Ewa Court Housefrom July-- to 24 1891, and at the CourtHouse at Waianae from July 27 to August1, 1891, for the purpose of assessing andcollection of taxes.

All those who own property in the Dis-trict and are at present living out of the8a id District will please return their blanksnot later than July 31st, or no appeal willbe allowed. 8. HOOKANO,Deputy Tax Assessor and Collectorfor Dis-- -

trictof Ewa and Waianae. 280Mm

OEAD THE DAILY ADVERTISERV if you want the latest newi.

I would feel grateful at anytime to have an opportunity to tender for anykind of Building where the plans and specifications are complete ; but I positivelydecline to give an estimate to any parties where the specifications constantly re-

fer to detail dbawesgs hereinafter furnished. Why not do the fair and properthing by the owner and contractor, furnish detail drawings if any are required forthe work, together with the plans and specifications. Otherwise say nothingabout details but leave them for the Contractor's imagination : guess work isgood if you guess right. Kespect fully, '


Oceanic Steamship Company

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.The Al steamship


Will leave Honolala for tbe above port on

Tuesday, : July 28tli.t IS o'clock noon,

tSTFor Freight or Passage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., L'd.2821-6- t AGENTS.


Boston Line of Packets.




Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leavefor this port on Sept. 15, 1891, if suffi-cient inducement offers.

XFor further particulars apply to

2651 1356--q O. BREWER & CO.

Japanese Employment Office

HAS MOVED TO NO. 23 MAUNAKEAMutual Telephone No. 574.

2772-l- m

CO., Lt'ii Tn fhnsfl who need a'thrs?ant Tonicfor any tind of deDUity, e u.i

Clemonia": as ths bet, I pale pvrr. itCce.by Hollistkb ii Co.

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · 1 fn rslt n- o- HONOLTTLTJ, IIAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS, 1 Susintss $ar4s. f 1 j I'--' "all concerned ana cenamiy ur

? i-


Ui l i i ? rHUU1 lMZJtJL3k V '?". I

gjjg r--

fcoerUsniuiu3irucrtistmtnis". ' l - : :- - The following is one of thetra--aRGE ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST'

firm in TUbTVJS 'rtifinna nf a manufactUimff --,v,rn ot a fhirtV VeaTS 1 O Iron U4 LoomVJIUOJJLUW, OWUOUU. J jtylesi r nrehin DrBaldwin. LoGOmolivi!


The Bonolulu Soap CHARTS,t ... i

ond-bi- i Cornet ofsented himself before the desk oithe principal partner and asked lorwork as an errand boy. " r.nel.oo

! f

i :

. ; -nf Fins Suitinffs and Trouserings. :

The undersijrned have jnst mpieted r Books " There's a deal o' running toImltNatltheir HEW STEAM. fcUAr wuwwi done,'! said Mr

be j - - -- . w.h. tailob.. " Hj.

ftti'Sfe H. S. TEEGLOAN & SOiN, MERCHANT TAILORS ja ., .: . 27413roq ! -

Kni rtOTS! Di

The undersigned having been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands and are prepared to supply tnexraaea.

afifectins a broad" Your first qualification wu

Pure Laundry Soap! pair o shoon.mi i n.irA nUU. I : . -

iu . ill


Baldwin Locomotives

From the Works of

TAHITI LEMONADE WOKKS (Jo.Coast of Calif o-n'- ;

South Pacific Ocean.Put up in Boxes of 100 Lbs.,

of 42 and 56 Bars each. one ot tne staus. ,oi wood. i;,rua kw

. j. Coast of Oregon and Van-ouv- es Isl-- I passed before he had saved enougnnn j . . I

- i iu v,fla Then ne' ' . I MANUFACTURERS OFSTEAM LAUNCHES Bi. Icl we guarantee our ouap w money to uuv vuo

Burnham, Parry, WlliiainS a W) and much better than the imported. Western Rout to China. presented himself before Mr. i5ianK


. . - West Coast of America, Panama to 0ne morning, and held out a pack- -

mnaH Penn.. ifrT-Eac-h box IS stamped HONOLU--. Ran Rlas

the y we to be empw'? ,0 t VSUOAB MELL8 and N

Boiler Iron w" PPwt5iS! WLemonade, Soda, Cream Soda,, lu Soap Co. and is Charts of Harbours on Hawaii, Oahu, i have the shoon, sir," be said,

Are now prepar ri? , . n T4.Ailrt anu auai. nn;Dtff- ..1 j:A!nl. WATEB PIPE of SCreceive ordArs tor tnese engine, jj'0l Oaie Oy ail ACtttiiCAO. charts of "Harbor of Honolulu and On!"size and style. Pparl Rivr.' Mr. Blank witn umii

ty recalled the circumstancei&o: SAllSAPARILLA , GINGER ALENorie's andThorn's Navigation.--Wrinkles in Practical Navigation.The Baldwin Locomottvis Wobks are HONOLULU SOAP WORKS CO.,

e ; . Mttf a jw'iitim i -

'Bowditche Navrgation.HYDBAUL10 RlTZTla I

work belnir f T. WSONmmm;w.iinow manuiaciuruiK Dtyio ww.tive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

tuo UUUDO. .

The boy hesitated a moment, anathen went out without a word, bix

Log Books. --

American Nautical Almanacs.AGENTS.2778-3- m months passed before be returneu,

decently clothed in coarse but newa m. blank's interestIA number of which have recently been

f. thRRfl Islands, and we will GoodsNew Store! New ECTAUo, all articles in the SHIP Tftnfiftfi For the first time, he rTXJV a --pTDOT.T.TlSrAKIS. ETCCHANDLERY LINE of. thA hnv attentively. His 'T7 vmt MoIIm.have pleasure in furnishing Plantation

Agents and Managers with particulars of


- !thin bloodless face showed that he

had stinted himself of food formnnl.hfl in order to buy those


Delicious!here but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States. rHKwEAB E. 0. HALL & SON, SSffir Absolutely Pure ! Refreshing !

found to his recret that -- he couldw 1367-- q

CaliforniaBOY'S WAISTS, Etc., neither read nor write.it Tt. in nAOARRftrV that VOU shouldShip Chandlers.

BOY'S & MISSES' HATS,do both before we could employ ,FEED ahome packages,KEROSENE OIL!


Solb Agents for Hawaiian Islands.2651--q


he said. " We have no place for TELEPHONES :

CTMutual 36Q. i



ThA. lad's face errew paler: but, Bell 373.n k,vt, tott nnnafnnt.lv on hand and wit. h rm t. a word of complaint, he .

rat s wmi, i,

Have on Hand and Far

for sale for disappeared, lie now.wenMillinery,Flowers,Feathers Novelties miles into, the country, ana iouna

wnrk in stables near to a night- -

Mutual Tel, 90.P. O. Box 480.

jgr Prompt Retttrns Made on Goods Sold on (mmigsioii.

Life, Fire find Marine

Insurance Agents 1 Fresh every month from thecjPqqp school. At the end of the year hevDC.U KJ pel a presented himself before Mr.Ever Seen in Honolulu, tne very best quality

Blank. r--i -w---Tf-

--mI can read and write," he saia, ' ( B . W ,;

And under, by Hay and Gibneny. '.. .Prices Reasonable!

JNew Goods Eveby Steameb.


Ne England Mutual Life Ins. Co

. or BOSTOK, -Itna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford.


- "Igave him the place," the em- - I :

E. 0. HALL & SON rtrS Auction and Coiiimission House Of all kinds, at the very

jueuverea prompuj to ipjof the city.time, he would take mine, if he


made up his mind to do it. Menrise slowly in Scotch businesshouses,but he is our chief foreman."-- Western Record,

. VSInsurance Company Q. Q Q J)'


' West Cor, Nunarni and King Streets,Honolulu, II. I.,

S. W. LEDEREB, - - - Proprietor.


1366 2708--q


FIRE AND MAKlJWlli, Warehouse. Leleo-Ma- tnj W' 1 121 : Bell TeleDhone 129. I

Uffice with 0. T.Gulick-- MOF SAM FBANCISCO, OALTFOBKIA.

1356 2651-1- ,.

EXTA.U kinds of Second-han- d Fnrnitnre Bought and Sold for Caah. 2735-y- l. Pone 348; Mutaal Tekphoaeli

Mclntyre Block, Fort Street.2709-3m- q




h?r,T,iT,o- - ninta. in HnnliVfttft. at HALF BARRELS AND KITS, OF Steam Book and I

TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of Kins nd Alk St.,

. Honoluln, H. I. r

TELEPHONE Workshop. Mntual 261residence, Mntual, 236.




Xiime and Cement,PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S

the time of delivery ol goods, giving a 0UR QWN IMPORTATION, CON-correctl- ist

of articles, with marks, ad- -xtt

prepared to furnish Plans and Specifications for, and Construct all i

Mis of Buildings, either Brick,! Stone,' Iron or Wood, in a satisfactory iPJJJJfJJJQ ()Jdress, weight, and destination ot eacn daaxl.x jn a.tconsignment. OTBeinff a Practical "Architect myself, I am prepared to make all Plans

The Original Receipt to be signed QnAAiAiiAflnna Am1 PAMnnalln QntiAvinfanil fno aomA--Estimate3 furnished on all classes by, the r Agent of. the Company;

i xnanKiui to an wno nave entrusted ineir worK,io me - nereioiore, x nope w

merit a continuance of their patronage by giving the same my personal supervis--ion and ' assistants, thereby enabling me to guarantee satis--

46 Merchant Stree1,

Is prepared to do all kindi ol (

of pitLmbingandTinsmitmngworK. rirat the Paplicate to be retained oy mm as(lOITIDOlindS aild KOOIinSf c8 workmanship and material gaaran- - autbority for shipping the property.

teed in aU the above branches of my busi-- p r JfQTmQ of gripping receipts can employing competent

;! i




, 1



" 5


1 i

i ; i

cial and Legal Work, core



S FOSTER & Go.Importers & Wholesale Grocers,

ICTALL KLTOS OF JOBBING and REPAIRING promptly attended to.I

. and with dispstcn.uuiuca auu owica x'ibtcu up niiiu JucatijoDo auu- - uiopMiu. :kiid's patest

ucaa " - qq oDtameu rrom our .a gen us, or u. mo- - , L General Freight Office in Honoluln.

JT HjAY CxOOJLIO CTThe above rule will take effecton and after June 15, 1891.

a Pio AasniTtiPTit. W. G". ASHLEY, Or. i W. LINCOLN,Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.

Having Lately Received i"

75"AKD 77 KinO TEEET.Bell Telephone 275. . f2651-q- j

We have inst received per S. 8. Australia, Stock of ill the fmM26 and 28 California St., San Fbancisco.

2686 1360-- y DB. fillers &FERTILIZERS:a nne seiecuon oj. rcw uuuuoj

comprising, oneelegant


A.rch.itect9Flat Papers of every sifl,

Uftuu-.- vnffi,fi-Ro- om 5. Sureckel's Block. 99 FORT ; STREET.

The attention of Ladies is respectfully invited to' our" complete and elegant line, of NEW

.GOODS,. ..- -


RECEIVED.... ..! .

. .


Altorneys - at - Law,HONOLULU, H. I.

S5?-Of-nce over Bishop's Bank.

April 2. 1891. 2730--q

- WIT-H-

Fine white ailA few of fhose fine hand-embroider- ed (Mutual Tel. 208).

SILK and. SATIN SOBEENS, New Designs Modern Buildings.

EBONY FBAMES, Complete ?lans and Specifications for

"Wool Dust,Bone IVIeal,

Fisb. Guano.ALSO

BUCK & OHLANDT'8 Assorted colors and patterns of Crepe very description oi ijuuaingfinn tracts drawn and careful suDerin- - added to &

And lo havineSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete--a te Cups ALLIGrATOE PEAES!New Silks, Kew Sateens, New Gloves,



- . j ,and Saucers. A nne iov oi tendence of construction given when re-

quired.gp' Call and examine plans. '

Iverylarassortmem, j

High Grade Chemical Cane Manure. Manila cigars and Cheroots ggrSend orders to

L TURNER, 0? TB-I-100 in a Box. LADIES', CHILDREN'S; 'and INFANT'S WEAR.Scarf Pins in great variety,

Lily Bulbs.lEGTOur immense - Stock surpasses j in Variety all - former seasons, and low I Pmact M TTD6

Hilo, Hawaii.W. T. TEKAE.

2773 137&-t-f



Cocksfoot, Bye Grass and Clovers. prices cannot be equalled! i, ; ,u j ' :S 1 ll ' . , 2651--q ; l"1VM,i '

2753-3m- tf

O. AFAT,Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods


General MerchandiseOf every description, entirely new,

A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of '

Rattan Cnairs and Tablest

the moBtcelehIk Mob. FromAlso, a smalL selection of JAPANESECOSTUMES.

'J.;.':'L.-.VEYER-REFINED SUGARS,the United State JJJ. vncAii2yCall early and examine this fin

oniyexpcxFairbank Canning Co.' Corned I assortment of New Goods.FOR JULY, 1891

at nisNew Store, 55 and 57 Nuuanu St.,

next to Empire Saloon.Beet 1 and 2 lb. tins. WING W0 CHAN & CO. r

out 8t very e

; 1No. 22 Nuuanu Street. .


Eedward & Howell,'Letter Headi,

Bill Hed


Pianos For Kent.

STThe public are respectfully invitedto call and inspect the choice selection ofNew Goods. 2767-3- m



Contrscti. kl,. ... .

""""1 r ' " ueen Direct cor. 01 la&ea sireet.fvhr muTic dkI-Ken- i ?of Contractors & Builders pt? tTe? stmr--

T . . , THE HAWAIIAN NEWS from San Francisco ; theNo;


.:. ...... ..Eoirt


viSl TTniinlnlil Leae-C(tft- t

company:; i 79--Q , tne marfcet.Brlcfc, Stone and Wooden Bnlldlaf A fine stock of Havana Cigars, Tobacco.

Eatlmatas Given. ' Orders for Groceries promptly filled.f -

rrAJBinn of contents:With Our Readers.Notes from Maui.Budding Oranges.The Banana Industry.Sugar Manufacture.Steam Boilers in Sugar Mills.Life on a Sugar Plantation.Barbadian Overseers.Cheaper Sugar,Germany and the Sugar Bounties.Constituents of Soils.Beet Sugar Inquiries Answered.Tomato Tests.What Kind of Sugar Should We Make?Fruit Culture in Jamaica.Ramie. ; -

List of Officers and Committees of thePlanters' Labor and Supply Company.

Big o is acknowledgedthe 'leading' remedy tot I ' goCasn sales sman pronts. zov-m- q

Gonorrboea Gleet. jobblug: promptly aiMnaea se. IJNIplSf IJEiON ! WORKSSXX).NOTICE.Tne only sate remedy forKtencorrhfleat or Whites.

I nreficrf he it &nd feel76 KING STREET. Stoek,1

RnalneMF, O. Box titMr only by safe in recommending it

TheM$GhemiciuCo. to all sufferers. J. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, :

Bell Telephone No. 9...... 2687-- q

-- . i. J V i v . i. ,

Superintendent.V-- ' - ... i . !

ONClUNHTl.O.fcir A. J. BlvniLU, 1. i DR. WOOD HAS RETURNED ANDhis -- rraetiee at his residence


.4iA Ord1' '.'.ni Sold by DrngfristS.

I on Beretania street, opp. Hawaiian Hotel.

Engineers --and i ieEumce uours to xu a. m. ; l to 3p. M., and 7 to 8 p. M. 2798-2- w


Carpsnfers and Builders,Holli8tir & Co., Wholesale Agents. .

Rxbsoit, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents1365 2711--q .

Office and, Works,SUN NAM SING,

No. 109 JSTuuarxu. Street,"S5 rrn rc3 n n ' iiil ' T Honolulu,TERMS:


all kinds of Buildings,Store and Office Fitting, and Gen-eral Jobbing a specialty.In adver Yearly subscription. ..... . . 2 50

1 -. ."V Isend or leave orders witn k. Howie at - . - . tn Foreien "tising C

PIERCE ,.-..-- 00..... 4 onUentrai House, Aiaxea near Hotel street; I 6Z Rrnnri VhlnmM:u a T-- j . i ji s 1 1 their larpfi and well selected Stock of 1PatentlllurTIl 'ii ui wiui a. .isuiwaiu. ai uuusc au uiuiUK 7" : Back Volumes bound to order.Honolulu Library, opp. Y. M. C. A. hall.

Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machhiery J Stra ErlBnes vT1 '

v v V

Steam Boilera,-Joi- ;

.Tf raveyatora, 'on , , ,;- . Wrought and Cast 1

ELASTIC STDIICO V S?"J3eu xei. ozz, xiuiuai I t t2747-iw-tf u auanese vroocis.ii

itJLgivan th&t we are

ntfnrina tha V



46 Merchant St., Honolulu.Truss in ilieWeria. And infeWater Wheels - and t Gearing, IBar Ircm Etc.This Celebrated Appli- - Snitable for this market, which will beNOTICE.ance has been extenai vej

.sold at lowest prices. : 2702--q'sold for many years and baa vS)Sadieally Cured 'lhou-- J

anl ofcases of Uupturel This ja anBed-ro- crtosT.lilectrio Truss (tne oniy "u- -- Atelkver invented): Has no iroa "JT FEOM; AND., APTEE I'AIJN 1 tLlt Iluinir Al AStle. Can D WOIHSnnnsa about U



- Pelton "Wdtei? lHeei.reanonsible for anvi freight after sjjme has TP VOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOB a r.nT.n SHOE-CLAS-P. RETURN TO Boolbeen landed. Parties to whom freight ii I pointing of any description done, JOL this office and receive reward. 2804-t- f Gazette

rlreL?inrl 5r farther orruss, send 4c. in stamps for rampUlttao.l an

1 r?f DCD thatDr.Piercc'aOenuluElectn'OCrI J L I J L 1 1 Trusses contain aurJPrlT4 flBure iiaotly like that showa at .topMverilsemeui. Beware of inferior iautafcioas


landing to receive .11- - ii. l :Tn:.A. T tcan on ui prtuiuua lauitci, j, i . i i - ' rA ?.their freightWTT.TT?R'a HTWAirnwTT rfi I MEYER only. 7 "130 Fort St. P.

V s liej'PjREPAIRS of all klnda cf JLIAOIItlTERY dene nt REASONABLEend at SHORT NOTICE. 1 . J i 10-271- 6

AS Jk sJ w Ja J W AJa 4H W - 4V W I ru-- 1 uaiiy AQYeruser uuc per ooaui.274S-l- y112-- q 1 Box 387.Honolulu, Sept. 5, 1830.
