Evluation question 2

Evaluation By Bethany Jones

Transcript of Evluation question 2

Evaluation By Bethany Jones

How does you media product represent

particular social groups?

The Genre

0 A lot of people assume that people in the indie genre enjoy showing off because they like to dress differently to stand out.

0 However I wanted to avoid that element and focus on how the artist use to their advantage to express their music.

0 I wouldn’t mention these elements because I wanted to keep the magazine positive as they have a lot of up beat artists, like Ellie Glouding.

0 I wanted to show the creative side of the indie genre and this shown through the types of colours I have used and the way in which I have presented things.

THE LOOK 0 I wanted my magazine to appeal to a particular

genre of people. My magazine is based around the whole culture of indie/pop music, therefore my magazine will appeal to people who are into bands such as ‘The 1975’ or ‘kodaline’, with these bands come a solid fan base, with a particular style and taste, these were the social groups I was trying to appeal to.

0 If you look at what the model is wearing, all of what she is wearing is black, this makes a statement that she wants to stand out, also it matches the kind of bands she in a magazine with.

0 People who are into this kind of style like to stand out, so as you can see, she is wearing one item of colour, her lips. This makes her pop on the page more because it’s the first thing people look at.

The Look

0 I took a lot of inspiration from “RollingStone” magazine for my front cover because this magazine also appeals to the audience that I wanted to. If you note the expression on Adele’s face, I have tried to mirror the same expression on my models face.

0 This is to ensure that I reach out to the right social graphic. 0 The expression on the models face suggests she has a quirky, cool, look about her. The

direct eye contact with the audience allows the audience to feel like they are being personally addressed by the artist.

0 Also notice, the way adeles’ hair has been styled, its wild and wavy, mariah’s is also like this in order to show the kind of style the magazine wants to give out which is clean but fun.

The Artist0 I think I have

displayed my artist has a typical female, however I feel I have made the way she dresses alternative as indie music often like to say a lot through what they wear. For example the hat, only certain people would be confident enough to wear it, therefore suggesting that she is a confident person.

She looks quite innocent considering she is covered up and not being reveling, this makes my magazine seem age approaite because she is not objectified.

I don’t think it made a difference using a female compared to a male model, the indie genre is full of male bands therefore using a solo female singer makes my magazine seem different and stand out.

The Artist0 There are more male artists than

female in the indie genre, so take Florence for example, she has to be seen as different, take the blue eye shadow. T compared this to Mariah lips, and asked myself how she could look different from the crowd, the red lips allow her to stand out from the rest.

0 The look on both faces, suggest a slight sexual expression, however the look in their eyes imply determination which is what the article leads to in my magazine.

0 Also, it implies a sense of power, as they are both on their own, and photographed either close up or middle shot up, suggesting they aren’t scared of who they are, which is what indie music is about.

The Contents Page0 My contents page represents my genre in many

ways, firstly I have taken photographs that represent artists in the genre.

0 If you look to the right, you can see how I have edited the photos, because indie pop is creative I wanted the photos to be creative.

0 The fact my artist is looking down sets the tone, for example it shows that he is moody, then I wanted the photo to look vintage (as the hat my cover artist wears is quite vintage) therefore I blacked out one half and faded it slightly.

0 I then created a strip of colour, which adds to the effect, also it’s the only element that people can see clearly which makes it stand out to other photos.

0 Also, it looks as if the photo has been taken from a film, he kind you would use in the 1950s.

The Contents Page

0 As I mentioned before, a lot of the indie pop genre is about the style and what the artist is wearing.

0 Therefore this was a really important aspect for me to get across to the readers. Notice my male model, he’s wearing black skinny jeans, a white t- shirt, a coat and a red bandana.

0 This style invites you to not be afraid to stand out, notice that there is always one element that stands out.

Style: For example, what the model is wearing is actually quite simply, but that one element makes him stand out, this contrasts with the music and what the genre is about.

Also, his hair, is quite quirky, it makes him appear different, because most people just have flat hair. Again adding to his style.

Furthermore, it allows social groups to look at this and think this is a cool way to look and style themselves on this image.

The Contents Page0 On the cover was a very serious determind artist. But

on the contents page, I wanted her to appear more fun and lively.

0 That is why I decided to change the outfit for the dugrees and a shirt, its quirky because the shirt is around the models waist implying she wants to look a bit different, also it shows that she is care free.

0 The fact she is looking over one shoulder suggests she was just caught having fun, also it implies she’s edgy by having her back to the camera but because she has her head turned it makes her appear inviting.

0 Her hair, is representative of the genre, the high lighted ends, implies she is with the trends, also it relates to the teenage social groups, because it was such a big trend therefore appealing to an audience.

The Article0 I really wanted my article to

be different in style from the rest of the magazine.

0 The whole, polaroid images are really popular at the moment, for example artists are using them in videos, and young people are wanting them to put on their walls. I chose this effect because it makes it seem personal, as if she herself has given the magazine those photos, also it makes for a fun effect.

0 The style makes the article appear vintage, which adds to the indie genre effect.

0 Also, it gave me a lot of room to be creative, I tried out lots of different effects on the photos.

The coloured image in 4 boxes is one of my most favoured because it allows the images to be noticed on the page.

I wanted the model in all different poses so each photo gave out a different tone, some of them she is looking down to imply she is moody, others she’s covering her mouth to show an endearment.

Finally, I added some text at the bottom of some photos, in order to add a personal touch and make it seem she herself had signed the photos.

The Language 0 My target audience was

teenagers, therefore I wanted to talk like one so they are able to relate to the artist, also the artist is a teenager therefore she is going to speak like a teenager.

0 I used words like “insane” and “like” because they are the kind of phrases and fillers teenagers use.

0 Her manner in which she is talking is very clam, she isn’t at all up herself or thinking she is better than anyone.

I wanted her to seem well mannered as most teenagers are when put in certain situation. But I also wanted her to seem bubbly and happy, therefore she answers most questions with a rehorical question, or a phrases like “its been insane”.

I think she’s shown to be quite indepent for a teen but also confident a kind of role model.