EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE · Lane to Hawthorne Drive. Under the proposed plans 88m...

Executive Decision Report EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE Decision to be taken by: City Mayor Decision to be taken on: 7 November 2017 Lead director: Andrew L Smith

Transcript of EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE · Lane to Hawthorne Drive. Under the proposed plans 88m...

Page 1: EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE · Lane to Hawthorne Drive. Under the proposed plans 88m of Evington Lane west of The Common is included in the 20mph zone. This section

Executive Decision Report


Decision to be taken by: City Mayor Decision to be taken on: 7 November 2017

Lead director: Andrew L Smith

Page 2: EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE · Lane to Hawthorne Drive. Under the proposed plans 88m of Evington Lane west of The Common is included in the 20mph zone. This section

Useful information Ward affected: Evington Report author: Lorraine Abbott Author contact details: 0116 454 4866 / [email protected] Report version number: v1 (5th October 2017)

1 Summary

1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek the City Mayor’s approval to implement a 20mph Zone in the Evington Village Area.

2 Recommendations

2.1 The City Mayor is recommended to:

a. - approve implementation of the proposed 20mph Zone in the Evington Village Area

b. - approve advertisement of the 20mph Speed Limit Order and traffic calming required to implement the scheme.

3 Supporting information including options considered:

3.1 Background3.1.1 The Evington Village Area is included in the current programme of 20mph

Zones for Leicester and is part of the Council’s strategy to reduce accidents and encourage cycling and walking.

3.2 Scheme Proposal3.2.1 Appendix A shows the proposed 20mph Zone Area.

Appendix B shows the proposed Traffic Calming.

3.3 Consultations3.3.1 Stage 1 consultations have been carried out with Evington Ward Councillors,

Emergency Services, Freight Transport and Road Haulage Associations, and Linden Primary School. Stage 1 consultations also included various internal stakeholders. There was general support for the scheme. Appendix C provides more detail about the Stage 1 consultation results.

3.3.2 Stage 2 consultations have been carried out with frontage properties. Of the 873 properties consulted 282 (32%) responded, of which 238 (84%) are in favour of the proposed 20mph speed limit, and 174 (62%) in favour of the proposed traffic calming. Appendix D provides more detail about the Stage 2 consultation results whilst Appendix E provides a street by street breakdown of responses.

Page 3: EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE · Lane to Hawthorne Drive. Under the proposed plans 88m of Evington Lane west of The Common is included in the 20mph zone. This section

3.3.3 Following further consultation with the Cycling Co-ordinator, traffic calming proposals for Evington Lane have been amended since the Stage 2 consultation. Three speed cushions across the width of the road have been reduced to two, and light segregation proposed along the cycle lanes. This will reduce the risk of conflict between cyclists and other vehicles.

3.4 Project Funding3.4.1 The project is being funded from the Capital Work Programme (Transport

Improvement Works).

3.4.2 The estimated cost of the scheme is £60,000

3.5 Proposed Project ProgrammeApproval from City Mayor:Implementing Traffic Regulation Order:Detailed Design: Traffic Calming Installation: Scheme Completion:

October 2017November 2017 – January 2018November 2017 – January 2018February 2018March 2018 (subject to Traffic Order approval)

4 Details of Scrutiny4.1 The Transport and Climate Change Scrutiny Commission considered the

effectiveness and value for money of 20mph schemes in Leicester. Scrutiny reported their findings in February 2012 and expressed support for the introduction of 20mph zones across the city and concluded that schools should be prioritised alongside accident cluster sites when implementing 20mph speed zones. Ward Members have been engaged in developing the current 20mph programme.

5 Financial, legal and other implications

5.1 Financial implications

5.1.1 The total estimated cost of the proposed scheme is £60,000 and is funded from the Transport Improvement Works budget included in the 2017/18 capital works programmes.

Paresh Radia, Finance

5.2 Legal implications



The council has the power to implement 20mph Speed Limit Orders on roads within the city. The procedure to be used by the Council in making such orders is contained in The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996.

The council also has the power to install road humps in the city subject to consultation being undertaken which includes consulting the chief officer of police and publishing a notice in a newspaper circulating in the area and at appropriate places on the highway.

Page 4: EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE · Lane to Hawthorne Drive. Under the proposed plans 88m of Evington Lane west of The Common is included in the 20mph zone. This section

John McIvor, Principal Lawyer, Legal Services

5.3 Climate Change and Carbon Reduction implications



Any positive effects from the 20mph schemes to address congestion will result in lower emissions and improved air quality.

Furthermore, the City Cycle Action Plan sets out 20mph zones as a strategic priority to meet its target of doubling every day cycling numbers by 2018, and again by 2024. If 20mph zones and traffic calming in the city are successful in reducing congestion and improving road safety, this may have a positive impact on people’s travel choices, leading to substantial numbers of current car trips changing to cycling and walking trips.

Duncan Bell, Senior Environmental Consultant, 37 2249

5.4 Equality Impact Assessment

5.4.1 An Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out. The assessment considered the impact of the scheme to be neutral for the majority of groups, but highlighted a positive impact for disabled and older people and children as these are particularly vulnerable to road traffic accidents.

5.5 Other Implications

5.5.1 No other implications

6 Background information and other papers:● Are our 20mph speed limits effective and do we need more of them? – A

Report of the Transport and Climate Change Commission February 2012. ● Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2025 ● City Mayor and Executive – Public Briefing 14th May 2012. ● City Mayor and Executive – Public Briefing 12th June 2012.

7 Summary of appendices:Appendix A – Proposed 20mph Zone – Evington Village AreaAppendix B – Amended Proposed Traffic Calming – Evington Village AreaAppendix C – Evington Village – Stage 1 Consultation resultsAppendix D – Evington Village - Stage 2 Consultation resultsAppendix E – Evington Village – Stage 2 consultation street by street

8 Is this a private report (If so, please indicated the reasons and state why it is not in the public interest to be dealt with publicly)?No

Page 5: EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE · Lane to Hawthorne Drive. Under the proposed plans 88m of Evington Lane west of The Common is included in the 20mph zone. This section

9 Is this a “key decision”?No

10 If a key decision please explain reasonN/A

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C.1 The consultation outcomes from the Stage 1 Consultation are shown in the following table:-


Local Ward Councillors (Evington)

Councillor Deepak Bajaj No comments submitted

Councillor Sue Hunter No comments submitted

Councillor Ratilal Govind “I welcome the proposed that have been made to the above subject as ward councillor my views is to go head with the proposal”

Leicestershire Emergency Services

Leicestershire Constabulary “Leicestershire Police have no objections to these proposals.”

Fire & Rescue Service No comments submitted

Ambulance Service No comments submitted


Linden Primary School No comments submitted

Freight Transport Association No comments submitted

Road Haulage Association No comments submitted

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D.1 873 letters, plans and response forms were delivered to all properties within the proposed 20mph speed limit for the Evington Village Area, as well as to some nearby properties outside the area. 282 replies were received (including 14 by e-consultation) which represents a 32% response rate.The following tables show the results of these responses

Proposed 20mph Speed Limit Proposed Traffic CalmingIn favour 238 (84%) In favour 174 (62%)Against 40 (14%) Against 98 (35%)Don’t know 4 (2%) Don’t know 9 (3%)No selection 0 No selection 1 (0%)

D.2 This shows considerable public support for the introduction of the 20mph zone, and also for the proposed traffic calming features.A detailed breakdown of responses on a street by street basis, plus e- consultation replies outside the area is shown as Appendix E.

D.3 In addition, nine valid responses from outside of the consultation delivery area were received through consultation on the City Council’s website. 6 (67%) were in favour of the proposed 20mph speed limit and 3 (33%) against. 4 (44%) were in favour of the proposed traffic calming in the area with 5 (56%) against. It is noted that five respondents to the e-consultation live within the local LE5 postal area.

D.4 The main issues raised through the consultation process are summarised below:-

D.5 Evington LaneD.5.1 The original traffic calming proposals for Evington Lane included in the Stage

2 consultation were to space three speed cushions across the width of the road. Following further consultation with the Cycling Coordinator, this has been reconsidered to install only two cushions. It has been recommended to use light segregation installed along the cycle lanes in the run up to the cushions from both approaches (from the signal junction in a westbound direction & from the closest segregation refuge for the eastbound direction).This will reduce the risk of conflicts with cyclists from other vehicles.

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D.5.2 There were several requests to extend the 20mph zone on Evington Lane to Hawthorne Drive.

Under the proposed plans 88m of Evington Lane west of The Common is included in the 20mph zone. This section will be used to reduce vehicle speed on the approach to Main Street, with its busy shopping area. Evington Lane is a secondary distributor road, and extension of the 20mph zone is not considered appropriate.

D.5.3 There was concern about the excessive speed of vehicles on Evington Lane beyond the proposed 20mph zone, and requests for action to be taken, including the use of safety cameras.

This is outside the scope of the proposed 20mph zone. There has been one slight personal injury accident on Evington Lane in the past five years. The site does not fit the criteria for the police mobile speed camera enforcement.

D.5.4 There is a request for a pedestrian crossing to be provided near to the flats opposite Hawthorne Drive, outside the proposed 20mph zone. The elderly residents are struggling to cross Evington Lane due to traffic speed to access the Doctor’s surgery and bus stops.

The local ward councillors have visited the site and support the residents’ proposal for a pedestrian crossing which will be considered separate to the proposed 20mph zone.

D.6 Concern about air pollutionThe public consultation coincided with widespread media stories claiming that speed humps and traffic calming increased air pollution.16 respondents were concerned about increased air pollution associated with traffic calming, particularly on Evington Lane.

As a result of the media concern, an evaluation of our 20mph zone programme was carried out in September 2017. It took into account media concerns attributed to the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the Department for Transport, motoring organisations and RoSPA. In all cases, it was demonstrated that our current approach to 20mph zones and associated traffic calming measures is consistent with guidance released by government, public health, safety and motoring organisations.

D.7 Requests for further traffic calming

12 respondents commented that they would like additional traffic calming on the streets where they live.

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Given the support for the traffic calming scheme as currently proposed, it is considered any expansion to that scheme could jeopardise that existing support. As such, no changes to the current scheme are proposed at the moment. However, additional features could be considered once the current scheme is completed and residents have time to become accustomed to it.

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Properties Responses

Consulted Received Yes No ? Blank Yes No ? Blank

Aldgate Avenue 10 5 3 2 0 0 1 4 0 050% 60% 40% 0% 0% 20% 80% 0% 0%

Blundell Road 47 9 8 1 0 0 7 2 0 019% 89% 11% 0% 0% 78% 22% 0% 0%

Church Road 21 6 6 0 0 0 5 1 0 029% 100% 0% 0% 0% 83% 17% 0% 0%

Cordery Road 102 43 36 6 1 0 20 22 1 042% 84% 14% 2% 0% 47% 51% 2% 0%

Ethel Road 18 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 011% 50% 0% 50% 0% 50% 0% 50% 0%

Evington Lane 63 32 26 5 1 0 15 15 2 051% 81% 16% 3% 0% 47% 47% 6% 0%

Evington Mews 16 8 6 2 0 0 4 4 0 050% 75% 25% 0% 0% 50% 50% 0% 0%

Gifford Close 18 5 3 2 0 0 3 2 0 028% 60% 40% 0% 0% 60% 40% 0% 0%

Gisbourne Court 58 12 11 1 0 0 10 1 0 121% 92% 8% 0% 0% 83% 8% 0% 8%

Grocot Road 12 3 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 025% 100% 0% 0% 0% 67% 33% 0% 0%

Harwin Road 66 12 10 2 0 0 8 2 2 018% 83% 17% 0% 0% 67% 17% 17% 0%

Hawthorne Drive 23 12 11 1 0 0 2 10 0 052% 92% 8% 0% 0% 17% 83% 0% 0%

Headland Road 62 19 17 2 0 0 16 3 0 031% 89% 11% 0% 0% 84% 16% 0% 0%

Hextall Road 71 9 8 1 0 0 7 1 1 013% 89% 11% 0% 0% 78% 11% 11% 0%

High Street 41 11 10 1 0 0 8 2 1 027% 91% 9% 0% 0% 73% 18% 9% 0%

Linden Drive 58 25 21 4 0 0 16 9 0 043% 84% 16% 0% 0% 64% 36% 0% 0%

Main Street 48 12 9 3 0 0 8 4 0 025% 75% 25% 0% 0% 67% 33% 0% 0%

St Denys Road 88 44 41 2 1 0 35 8 1 050% 93% 5% 2% 0% 80% 18% 2% 0%

School Lane 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sidmouth Avenue 12 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 025% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0%

Spencefield Lane 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 025% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0%

The Common 17 8 4 4 0 0 2 6 0 047% 50% 50% 0% 0% 25% 75% 0% 0%

The Dell 6 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 017% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0%

The Hollow 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00%

Unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 873 282 238 40 4 0 174 98 9 132% 84% 14% 1% 0% 62% 35% 3% 0%

E‐Consultation outside area 9 6 3 0 0 4 5 0 067% 33% 0% 0% 44% 56% 0% 0%

20mph Speed Limit? Speed Cushions?

Evington Village ‐ Proposed 20mph Zone

Page 13: EVINGTON VILLAGE AREA PROPOSED 20MPH ZONE · Lane to Hawthorne Drive. Under the proposed plans 88m of Evington Lane west of The Common is included in the 20mph zone. This section


1. DECISION TITLE Proposed 20mph Zone — Evington Village Area


3. DATE OF DECISION 7 November 2017


5. DECISION TAKEN To approve the:-

1. implementation of the proposed 20mph zone in theEvington Village Area.

2. advertisement of the 20mph Speed Limit Orderand traffic calming required to implement thescheme.

6. REASON FOR DECISION To implement a 20mph zone in the Evington VillageArea.


b) If yes, was it published 5 cleardays in advance? y/n

8. OPTIONS CONSIDERED No other applicable options


• 5 Members of a Scrutiny Commission 14 November 2017or any 5 Councillors can ask for thedecision to be called-in.

• Notification of Call-In with reasonsmust be made to the MonitoringOfficer


(City Mayor or where delegated by theCity Mayor, name of Executive Member)

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