Evidence Building and Synthesis Research Effective Health...

Evidence Building and Synthesis Research Effective Health Care Research Consortium Annual Report Implementation Year 1: 15 May 2011 to 14 May 2012

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Evidence Building and Synthesis Research

Effective Health Care Research Consortium

Annual Report

Implementation Year 1: 15 May 2011 to 14 May 2012

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Background information

Title of RPC: Effective Health Care Research Consortium

Reference number: PO 5242

Period covered: Implementation Year 1: April 2011 to March 2012

Name of lead institution and RPC Director:

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) Paul Garner (Professor)

Report Date 28 June 2012

Achievements across the consortium1

On decision making

The Consortium aims to increase the number of evidence-informed decisions by international and national decision makers. Within the context of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, we have had a number of examples of clear demand from policy makers for our products, which we have generally delivered in a timely manner for particular windows of decision making. In WHO, Guideline development depends on both an up to date systematic review (of which Cochrane is often ideal) combined with Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation GRADE tables – a formal method of assessing the evidence within the guideline. Successes include:

Artesunate versus quinine for severe malaria (Cochrane Review): rapid update with new African trial in children; providing WHO Guidelines Panel with the GRADE tables; drafting of wording of guideline update used by the panel to update the Global Malaria Treatment Guidelines to recommend artesunate in children as well as adults [requested by WHO].

Review team: UK.

Oral iron supplements for children in malaria-endemic areas (Cochrane Review): Author team presented the review to the NUGAG panel. Recommendations about iron supplementation changed. Review updated and GRADE tables used by WHO [WHO contract].

Review team: The Gambia, Israel.

Fluoroquinolones for treating typhoid and paratyphoid fever (Cochrane Review): Essential Drugs Committee used a report of the draft update analysis in decisions about gatifloxacin [update contracted by WHO].

Review team: Nigeria, Pakistan, UK.

Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in children living in areas with seasonal transmission (Cochrane review): WHO Malaria Policy Committee used the GRADE analysis in their recommendation of this intervention [update requested by WHO].

Review team: Nigeria, UK.

Vaccines for preventing rotavirus diarrhea: doses (commissioned systematic review): WHO/GAVI Panel used this review to decide against a booster dose in their deliberations (recommendations not yet published). Contract to Enhance Reviews Ltd.

1 Report for Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group is April 2010 to May 2012, as the work continued despite the gap in funding; report for partners is December 2010 to May 2012 as no funds and no activity in the gap period.

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Nutritional supplements for people being treated for active tuberculosis (Cochrane Review): used by WHO Guidelines Panel making recommendations about nutritional supplements in tuberculosis. Author (David Sinclair) is a member of the Guidelines Panel.

Review team: India, South Africa, UK.

Other important reviews

Worth noting because of the topic, the methods, the results, or the teams preparing them.

Exploring the evidence relating Health and Conflict: interventions and outcomes: Cross government report published in 2010, released in 2011: addresses an important policy question.

Quality of private and public ambulatory health care in low- and middle-income countries: this analysis compared quality, and was important for highlighting that quality of care, rather than just access, coverage or cost, was important in this debate. Published in PLOS Medicine with about 6000 views and 800 PDF downloads to date.

Rapid diagnostic tests for Plasmodium falciparum malaria (Cochrane Diagnostic Test Accuracy Review): large analysis of 80 studies, important analysis using novel methods.

Artemisinin-based combination (ACT) therapy for treating uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax malaria (Cochrane Review): important review showing ACTS generally work well with Plasmodium vivax.

Developments using multi-media and social networking

• In India, the Consortium has engaged in using multi-media and social networking within their communities, including Face book (447 members) and the country-wide Cochrane Students’ Journal Club, a student led, interactive learning initiative with 84 members.

• In China, Cochrane Review results are discussed regularly by a well known blogger in Shanghai, Dr Linan Chen (two of the blog posts have attracted over 20,000 hits each).

• In countries in Africa, younger staff are gaining experience in blogging, using the medium to promote specific events.

• In the UK, we are piloting short videos of interviews with existing authors about evidence-based practice and Cochrane Review results, to engage potential new authors.

Influencing the Cochrane Collaboration

• We developed a method of classifying reviews to indicate to the reader when a review was up to date, when it is waiting to be updated, and when the review topic was ’historical‘. This is likely to be adapted across The Cochrane Collaboration. Details available on request.

• With the Norwegian Knowledge Centre, we have developed more accurate ways of writing abstracts, using language around uncertainty based on the formal Summary of Findings in each review. This is potentially a very important development to increase clarity and transparency. Details available on request.

Working with DFID

A DFID senior health adviser requested a one week coaching course in the principles and practice of research synthesis. Delivered by staff in Liverpool, this drew on the experiences of the entire Consortium. The adviser was able to question the evidence base for an emerging decision to prevent the use of injectable contraceptives in people with HIV and his intervention, demonstrating the recommendation was not well grounded, lead to its withdrawal (Malcolm McNeil, pers. com.).

We intend to use this, combined with the one-week course used with the Public Health Foundation of India in Delhi (Garner and Tharyan) as a basis for course we roll out across the Consortium, perhaps to be named the McNeil Course in Evidence Based Decision Making.

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Gender equity impacts

We established a framework for gender monitoring (Annex 3).

RPC Lead Partner Manager and Deputy Manager in South Africa are female; in China, the two Associate Directors are women; in India, there were more new female authors than male; and three female editors were appointed across the consortium compared to two men. In addition there were two individuals who have worked with us for over 10 years who have received external recognition of their technical and scientific capacity.

Qian Xu has been a partner since the late 1990’s, when she carried out some ground breaking work appointed as full member to HRP STAC in WHO (Shanghai partner, and collaborator since 1997).

Angela Oto’Ayo made Health Commissioner of Cross River State, Nigeria (Cochrane author, member of the Nigeria branch since 2000).

Patricia Graves has been appointed to the Malaria Policy Committee in The World Health Organization, which is the highest technical body advising on malaria.

Sarah Donegan, statistician: received Bill Silverman prize which was awarded for a PhD publication.

Selected partner highlights


Lead: South Africa Cochrane Centre/Stellenbosch Centre for Evidence Based Policy

• Belgian Red Cross asked Jimmy Volmink to lead the development of evidence-based guidelines (see http://afam.redcross.be).

• Won competitive bid from WHO to prepare a review in community based use of ACTs.

• Established “Evidence Assessments” in response to requests from stakeholders, with positive feedback: Western Cape Chief Director of Health Strategy and Planning, said they will “play an important role in influencing direction…”.

• First GRADE workshop run.

• Establishing the Centre for Evidence-Based Policy at the University of Stellenbosch.

• Identifying a clear communication strategy, starting projects designed to influence decision making, and experimenting with multimedia and blogs.

• Demonstrating evidence of national demand, for example with the Provincial Health TB project, where the centre was requested by the Provincial TB Director to prepare summaries of the effects of GeneXpert and sputum induction.

• Established new partnership with the Centre for the Development of Best Practices in Health (CDBPH, Cameroon).

• Highly effective management of partners in Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon and Ethiopia.


Lead: South Asian Cochrane Centre

• The Centre’s national influence has led the Indian Council of Medical Research to invite systematic review proposals for funding.

• Initiated contact with the National Planning Commission of India and provided feedback on the National Five Year Plan.

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• Formed alliance with the Centre for Innovation in Public Systems in Hyderbad to improve medical education across the country, and to work with States in embedding evidence in decision making. Meeting with State Commissioners held.

• High level of training and capacity building – over 15 programmes with nearly 500 people participating over the period.

• Formation of the South Asian Toxicology Group to pursue evidence-based policy and research in poisoning.

• Appointment of senior administrator had dramatically reduced the burden on the Director.


Lead: Chongqing Medical University

• Established link to an existing blogging project, the Health Information Blog, with one paper attracting over 5000 readers, and many posts.

• Feasibility study of translating abstracts from traditional into simplified Chinese – field work completed.

Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group & Liverpool Co-Ordination Team

• Appointed four new editors (from India, South Africa, The Gambia and USA).

• Several high impact reviews completed (see opening section).

• Editors meeting in September 2011.

• Strategic plan drafted and priority reviews identified.

• Ghana essential medicines project completed.

Effective Health and Organization of Care Group

• DECIDE framework for going from evidence to policy.

• Oslo “developing country satellite” established.

• SURE guidelines for policy briefs: Oslo provided support to seven African teams preparing policy briefs on priority topics. New initiative developed with Chile: PDQ reviews (“pretty darn quick”): www.PDQ-Evidence.org

• Established priority list of EPOC topics.

• Organizing a conference in ‘Evidence-Informed Policy making in LMICs’ in Addis Ababa 27-30 August 2012.

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Lessons learnt

The partner contracting system is pragmatic and useful

In the inception phase, partners developed work plans with milestones and budgets for years 1-2. They report against indicators they specify in the contract every six months. This has allowed the Director to step in six months into the contract with one partner missing their targets, indicating they were likely to miss the agreed outputs at the end of Year 1 and the consequences of this (20% of budget withheld for Year 1, and Year 2 to be renegotiated). This has allowed remedial action to be instituted.

We considered outputs based financing and this is just not feasible.

The rate-limiting factor on most of the work is reduced technical support capacity

Cochrane Review methods are advancing all the time, and expectations are high. The rate-limiting factor on most of the review work currently is higher level advice, support and mentorship. The Director is already busy, and the loss of lecturer staff with the new programme has increased his work load. The advanced fellowship scheme (Annex 4) to increase Lead Partner and Partner support capacity, and one new lecturer post may provide longer term solutions; we are also using contractors to carry out some of the review work, but that too needs supervision.

Substantive strategy and management posts need underpinning scientific knowledge and skills

With our small team, the post of Chief Operating Officer had no understanding of the science, which meant there was very little this post could add to an already well-organised programme. The lesson learnt is that the assumption this post would help us achieve our outcomes was wrong, and in fact it has delayed Year 1 planning and progress, with concomitant increase in the Director’s workload. We need now to recruit technical staff in to help advance the science with partners, and play catch-up with our plans and commitments. We anticipate it will be well into year 3 before this happens.

Obtain stakeholder views before you push!

We developed a DFID Research Newsfeed – a quarterly HTML email summarizing recently published systematic reviews and trials relevant to DFID’s work with hypertext links through to the reviews (a “push” product). Feedback from advisers was lukewarm – they were already overburdened with email.

Logic models are useful in Cochrane Reviews

In three reviews in the editorial process, we have constructed logic models to help understand the intervention’s mechanism, and relate this to the outcomes measured in the review. It is proving extremely helpful. Two of these reviews will be published later this year:

• Deworming drugs for soil-transmitted intestinal worms in children: effects on nutritional indicators, haemoglobin and school performance.

• Primaquine for reducing Plasmodium falciparum transmission.

Advocacy combined with training worked in increasing number of developing country editors

In 2008 we recognised our contribution to increasing the number of Cochrane authors from low- and middle-income countries, but that few were editors. This represents a more senior role, with engagement in review group editorial strategy, yet there was only one woman editor from the whole of Africa, for example, across all 52 review groups. The Consortium ran a multipronged approach, advocating co-ordinating editors consider this, and asking them to nominate people in Africa for editor training. The Lead Partner in Cape Town hosted a three day Editor’s Training Workshop - the first ever in the Cochrane Collaboration. In the period reported, a total of five new editors from low- and middle-income countries have been appointed across review groups (two women, three men).

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Outputs against log frame

IMPACT: More effective health care based on application of reliable research summaries

Indicator Indicator Target Comment Quantity

OUTCOME: Increased number of evidence-informed decisions by intermediary organisations and networks and national decision makers, that benefit the poor, including women

1 New or amended policies or guidelines influenced by Consortium products

1 global Oral iron supplements for children in malaria areas (WHO guideline formed but not published yet)


1 national Better Medicines for Children – training and products commissioned by WHO for Ghana (UK)


2 Major funding decisions by bilateral or multilateral agencies influenced by Consortium output

1 Rotavirus (Rotarix) vaccine-booster abandoned (through a commissioned review)

WHO optimise guidelines for MCH task shifting influenced by our reviews

Indirect: injectable contraceptives and risk taking in HIV questioned (through training Malcolm McNeil)


OUTPUT 1: High quality, up to date Cochrane or related systematic reviews relevant to improving health outcomes in the poor

12 Number of systematic reviews relevant to the content and delivery of poverty-related health programmes: new Cochrane Reviews

10 15

See Productions section: 1.1a New Cochrane reviews


2 Number of systematic reviews relevant to the content and delivery of poverty-related health programmes: updated Cochrane Reviews

5 9

See Productions section: 1.1b Updated Cochrane reviews


3 Number of systematic reviews relevant to the content and delivery of poverty-related health programmes: qualitative reviews, scoping reviews, overviews

2 Quality of the private sector: PLOS Medicine

Conflict and health scoping review: Government report


OUTPUT 2: Accessible products for knowledge uptake

1 Number of “push” products (summary series)

Maintained (4)

Evidence Update for Africa Health

Chinese Journal of Evidence Based Medicine

SUPPORT summaries

International Journal of Epidemiology


New (1) Evidence Assessment series (South Africa)

Health prescriptions in MCH (China)


2 Number of reviews, training or synthetic technical products commissioned by national decision makers or intermediary organizations or networks (“pull” products)

New (2) Better Medicines for Children – training and products commissioned by WHO for Ghana (UK)

TB Province Project on new diagnostic technologies (South Africa)


3 Stakeholder satisfaction - To be measured in a survey in Year 2 or 3 -

2 We outperformed because we report on six months before the RPC started, and because production was running during the inception period with reviews that were already in progress.

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OUTPUT 3: RPC partner institutions and researchers in the South have increased competence for research

1 Number of institutions with a developed strategy and code of conduct to promote research integrity

None expected for Year 1

Programme still under development -

2 Number of new Cochrane editors appointed or new authors completing reviews from Southern Institutions 3

New editors (1)

Total is 54





New first authors (8)5

Total is 14















Number of Partners with multiplier funding at least matching DFID investment

None expected in year 1

- -

3 EPOC excluded as separate fellowship programme. 4 We outperformed probably as a result of the RPC Editor Training and Advocacy Initiative in 2010. 5 The log frame states authors, but we have reported only on first authors, publishing their first Cochrane review.

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Section 1: Publications

1.1a New Cochrane reviews6

Month & Year

Title Full citation7 Total authors

Women authors 8

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network partner)

Feb 2012

Advance misoprostol distribution for preventing and treating postpartum haemorrhage*

Oladapo OT, Fawole B, Blum J, Abalos E. Advance misoprostol distribution for preventing and treating postpartum haemorrhage. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 2. Art.No.:CD009336.DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009336.pub2

3 1

Feb 2012

Intramuscular versus intravenous prophylactic oxytocin for the third stage of labour*

Oladapo OT, Okusanya BO, Abalos E. Intramuscular versus intravenous prophylactic oxytocin for the third stage of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009332. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009332.pub2.

3 0

Jul 2011

Interventions for improving coverage of child immunization in low- and middle-income countries*

Oyo-Ita A, Nwachukwu CE, Oringanje C, Meremikwu MM. Interventions for improving coverage of child immunization in low- and middle-income countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD008145. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD008145.pub2.

4 2

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Feb 2012

Pycnogenol® (extract of French maritime pine bark) for the treatment of chronic disorders® for the treatment of chronic disorders

Schoonees A, Visser J, Musekiwa A, Volmink J. Pycnogenol® (extract of French maritime pine bark) for the treatment of chronic disorders® for the treatment of chronic disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD008294. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008294.pub4

4 2

Jan 2012

Material incentives and enablers in the management of tuberculosis*

Lutge EE, Wiysonge CS, Knight SE, Volmink J. Material incentives and enablers in the management of tuberculosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012 Issue 1; Art. No.: CD007952. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007952.pub2

4 1

Jan 2012

Prophylactic phototherapy for preventing jaundice in preterm or low birth weight infants*

Okwundu CI, Okoromah CA, Shah PS. Prophylactic phototherapy for preventing jaundice in preterm or low birth weight infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012 Issue 1. Art. No.: CD007966.. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007966.pub2

3 1

Jan 2012

Topical treatments for HIV-related oral ulcers*

Kuteyi T, Okwundu CI. Topical treatments for HIV-related oral ulcers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012 Issue 1. Art. No.: CD007975. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007975.pub2

2 0

Nov 2011

Methods for obtaining unpublished data

Young T, Hopewell S. Methods for obtaining unpublished data. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 11. Art. No.: MR000027. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.MR000027.pub2

2 2

Oct Intermittent preventive treatment regimens for malaria

Mathanga DP, Uthman OA, Chinkhumba J. Intermittent preventive treatment regimens for malaria in HIV-positive

3 0

6 * = New Cochrane reviews “counted” in the log frame. 7 Shaded Cochrane Reviews are the particularly important reviews. 8 SC = Seeking clarification of gender.

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2011 in HIV-positive pregnant women*

pregnant women. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD006689. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006689.pub2.


India (Network Lead)

Nov 2011

The effects of anaesthetic agents on cortical mapping during neurosurgical procedures involving eloquent areas of the brain

Adhikary SD, Thiruvenkatarajan V, Babu KS, Tharyan P. The effects of anaesthetic agents on cortical mapping during neurosurgical procedures involving eloquent areas of the brain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 11. Art. No.:CD006679. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006679.pub2.

3 0

UK: CIDG (Consortium lead office, Liverpool)

Apr 2010

Indoor residual spraying for preventing malaria*

Pluess B, Tanser FC, Lengeler C, Sharp BL. Indoor residual spraying for preventing malaria. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD006657. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006657.pub2.

4 1

May 2010

Vaccines for preventing rotavirus diarrhoea: vaccines in use

Soares-Weiser K, Goldberg E, Tamimi G, Leibovici L, Pitan F. Rotavirus vaccine for preventing diarrhoea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD002848. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002848.pub2.

5 2

June 2010

Interventions to improve disposal of human excreta for preventing diarrhoea*

Clasen TF, Bostoen K, Schmidt WP, Boisson S, Fung ICH, Jenkins MW, Scott B, Sugden S, Cairncross S. Interventions to improve disposal of human excreta for preventing diarrhoea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD007180. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007180.pub2.

9 3

Aug 2010

Chemotherapy for second-stage Human African trypanosomiasis*

Lutje V, Seixas J, Kennedy A. Chemotherapy for second-stage Human African trypanosomiasis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD006201. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006201.pub2

3 1

Aug 2010

Outreach strategies for expanding health insurance coverage in children

Meng Q, Yuan B, Jia L, Wang J, Garner P. Outreach strategies for expanding health insurance coverage in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD008194. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008194.pub2.

5 2

Nov 2010

Probiotics for treating persistent diarrhoea in children

Bernaola Aponte G, Bada Mancilla CA, Carreazo Pariasca NY, Rojas Galarza RA. Probiotics for treating persistent diarrhoea in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD007401. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007401.pub2.

4 SC

Feb 2011

Azithromycin for treating uncomplicated malaria*

van Eijk AM, Terlouw DJ. Azithromycin for treating uncomplicated malaria. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD006688. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006688.pub2

2 2

Mar 2011

Oral vaccines for preventing cholera*

Sinclair D, Abba K, Zaman K, Qadri F, Graves PM. Oral vaccines for preventing cholera. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD008603. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008603.pub2.

5 3

Jul 2011 Artemisinin-based combination therapy for treating uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax malaria*

Sinclair D, Gogtay N, Brand F, Olliaro PL. Artemisinin-based combination therapy for treating uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax malaria. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD008492. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008492.pub2.

4 2

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Jul 2011 Rapid diagnostic tests for diagnosing uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in endemic countries*

Abba K, Deeks JJ, Olliaro PL, Naing CM, Jackson SM, Takwoingi Y, Donegan S, Garner P. Rapid diagnostic tests for diagnosing uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in endemic countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD008122. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008122.pub2.

8 5

Jul 2011 Early versus delayed refeeding for children with acute diarrhoea

Gregorio GV, Dans LF, Silvestre MA. Early versus Delayed Refeeding for Children with Acute Diarrhoea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD007296. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007296.pub2.

3 3

Sep 2011

Active case finding in contacts of people with tuberculosis

Fox GJ, Dobler CC, Marks GB. Active case finding in contacts of people with tuberculosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 9. Art. No.: CD008477. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008477.pub2.

3 1

UK: Effective Professional Practice and Organization of Care Group

Jul 2011 Managerial supervision to improve primary health care in low- and middle-income countries*

Bosch-Capblanch X, Liaqat S, Garner P. Managerial supervision to improve primary health care in low- and middle-income countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 9. Art. No.: CD006413. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006413.pub2.

2 2

1.1b Updated Cochrane reviews9

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network partner)

Jan 2012

Fluoroquinolones for treating typhoid and paratyphoid fever (enteric fever)**

Effa EE, Lassi ZS, Critchley JA, Garner P, Sinclair D, Olliaro PL, Bhutta ZA. Fluoroquinolones for treating typhoid and paratyphoid fever (enteric fever). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD004530. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD004530.pub4.

7 2

Mar 2012

Honey for acute cough in children Oduwole O, Meremikwu MM, Oyo-Ita A, Udoh EE. Honey for acute cough in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD007094. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007094.pub3.

4 2

Apr 2011

Mannitol and other osmotic diuretics as adjuncts for treating cerebral malaria**

Okoromah CAN, Afolabi BB, Wall ECB. Mannitol and other osmotic diuretics as adjuncts for treating cerebral malaria. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD004615. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004615.pub3.

3 3

Feb 2012

Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in children living in areas with seasonal transmission**

Meremikwu MM, Donegan S, Sinclair D, Esu E, Oringanje C. Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in children living in areas with seasonal transmission. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003756. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003756.pub4.

5 1

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Jul 2011 Strategies for integrating primary health services in low- and middle-income countries at the point of delivery**

Dudley L, Garner P. Strategies for integrating primary health services in low- and middle-income countries at the point of delivery. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD003318. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003318.pub3

2 1

9 ** = Updated Cochrane reviews “counted” in the log frame

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Dec 2011

Oral rehydration salt solution for treating cholera: ≤ 270 mOsm/L solutions vs ≥ 310 mOsm/L solutions**

Musekiwa A, Volmink J. Oral rehydration salt solution for treating cholera: ≤ 270 mOsm/L solutions vs ≥ 310 mOsm/L solutions. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD003754. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003754.pub3

2 0

Oct 2011

Oral iron supplements for children in malaria-endemic areas**

Okebe JU, Yahav D, Shbita R, Paul M. Oral iron supplements for children in malaria-endemic areas. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD006589. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006589.pub3.

4 3

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

Nov 2010

Probiotics for treating acute infectious diarrhoea**

Allen SJ, Martinez EG, Gregorio GV, Dans LF. Probiotics for treating acute infectious diarrhoea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD003048. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003048.pub3.

4 1

Mar 2011

Artesunate versus quinine for treating severe malaria**

Sinclair D, Donegan S, Lalloo DG. Artesunate versus quinine for treating severe malaria. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD005967. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005967.pub3.

3 1

May 2011

Oral zinc for treating diarrhoea in children

Lazzerini M, Ronfani L. Oral zinc for treating diarrhoea in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD005436. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005436.pub2.

2 1

Aug 2011

Drugs for treating paracoccidioidomycosis

da Mota Menezes V, Soares BGO, Fontes CJF. Drugs for treating paracoccidioidomycosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD004967. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004967.pub2.

3 0

Nov 2011

Nutritional supplements for people being treated for active tuberculosis

Sinclair D, Abba K, Grobler L, Sudarsanam TD. Nutritional supplements for people being treated for active tuberculosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD006086. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006086.pub3.

4 2

Feb 2012

Vaccines for preventing rotavirus diarrhoea: vaccines in use**

Soares-Weiser K, MacLehose H, Bergman H, Ben-Aharon I, Nagpal S, Goldberg E, et al. Vaccines for preventing rotavirus diarrhoea: vaccines in use. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD008521. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008521.pub2.

8 SC

Feb 2012

Vaccines for preventing plague Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Pratt M. Vaccines for preventing plague. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1998, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD000976. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD000976.

3 1

1.2 Other systematic reviews

Month & Year

Title Full citation Total authors

Women authors

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Aug 2011

Left-behind children’s Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review

Zhang F, Liu Q, Zhao Y, Sun MH, Wang H. Left-behind children’s Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review. Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine 2011;11(8):849-57

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Dec 2011

Factors Related to Left-behind Children’s Mental Health: A Systematic Review

Liu Q, Sun MH, Zhao Y, Zhang F,Wang H. Factors Related to Left-behind Children’s Mental Health: A Systematic Review. Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine 2011;11(12):1355-61

5 3

Mar 2011

Expanding health insurance coverage in vulnerable groups: a systematic review of options

Meng Q, Yuan B, Jia L, Wang J, Yu B, Gao J, et al. Expanding health insurance coverage in vulnerable groups: a systematic review of options. Health Policy and Planning 2011; 26(2): 93-104.

7 3

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

July 2010

Ribavirin for Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever: systematic review and meta-analysis

Karla Soares-Weiser, Sherine Thomas, Gail T G, Paul Garner. Ribavirin for Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Infectious Diseases 2010; 10:207. doi:10.1186/1471-2334-10-207

4 3

Sep 2010

Expanding health insurance coverage in vulnerable groups: a systematic

Meng Q, Yuan B, Jia L, Wang J, Yu B, Gao J, Garner P. Expanding health insurance coverage in vulnerable groups: a systematic. Health Policy and Planning 2011; 26:93–104

7 2

Oct 2010

Early-life determinants of overweight and obesity: a review of systematic reviews

Monasta L, Batty GD, Cattaneo A, Lutje V, Ronfani L, Van Lenthe FJ, Brug J. Early-life determinants of overweight and obesity: a review of systematic reviews. Obesity Reviews 2010; 11:695-708. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00735.x

7 SC

Dec 2010

Priorities for tuberculosis research: a systematic review

Rylance J, Pai M, Lienhardt C, Garner P. Priorities for tuberculosis research: a systematic review. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2010; 10(12): 886-92.

4 0

2010 Study exploring the evidence relating Health and Conflict: interventions and outcomes

Gordon S, Baker A, Duten A,Garner P. Study exploring the evidence relating Health and Conflict: interventions and outcomes. Commissioned by the UK Cross Government Group on Health and Conflict. London: 2010

4 2




Quality of Private and Public Ambulatory Health Care in Low and Middle Income Countries: Systematic Review of Comparative Studies

Berendes S, Heywood P, Oliver S, Garner P. Quality of Private and Public Ambulatory Health Care in Low and Middle Income Countries: Systematic Review of Comparative Studies. PLoS Med 2011; 8(4): e1000433.

4 2

1.3 Other peer reviewed publications

Month & Year

Title Full citation Total authors

Women authors

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

Mar 2011

Congenital Malaria in Calabar, Nigeria: The Molecular Perspective

Oduwole OA, Ejezie GC, Odey FA, Oringanje CM, Nwakanma D, Bello S, et al. Congenital Malaria in Calabar, Nigeria: The Molecular Perspective. Aerican Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine 2011; 84(3):386–89 ndoi:10.4269/ajtmh.2011.10-0253

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Sep 2011

Vector abundance and species composition of Anopheles mosquito in Calabar, Nigeria

Oringanje C, Alaribe AAA, Oduola AO, Oduwole OA, Adeogun AO, Meremikwu MM, et al. Vector abundance and species composition of Anopheles mosquito in Calabar, Nigeria. Short Research Communications. Vector Borne Diseases 2011;48:171–3



Oct 2011

Haemodialysis in an emerging centre in a developing country: a two year review and predictors of mortality

Ekrikpo UE, Udo AI, Ikpeme EE, Effa EE. Haemodialysis in an emerging centre in a developing country: a two year review and predictors of mortality. BMC Nephrology 2011;12:50

4 2

Mar 2012

Social determinants of alcohol use among drivers in Calabar

Bello S, Fatiregun A, Ndifon WO, Oyo-Ita A, Ikpeme B. Social determinants of alcohol use among drivers in Calabar. Nigerian Medical Journal 2011; 52:244-9



Feb 2012

Determinants of insecticide-treated net ownership and utilization among pregnant women in Nigeria

Ankomah A, Adebayo SB, Arogundade ED, Anyanti J, Nwokolo E, Ladipo Oet al. Determinants of insecticide-treated net ownership and utilization among pregnant women in Nigeria. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:105 DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-12-105

7 2

2012 Factors Affecting the Uptake of Anti-Malarial Drugs by Children in Public Primary Health Facilities in Cross River State, Nigeria

Ezedinachi E, Odey F, Ameh S, Oduwole O, Esu E, Ejemot-Nwadiaro R, et al. Factors Affecting the Uptake of Anti-Malarial Drugs by Children in Public Primary Health Facilities in Cross River State, Nigeria. The Open Epidemiology Journal 2012;5:14-9

16 3

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Mar 2012

Cohort studies around the world: Methodologies, research questions and integration to address the emerging global epidemic of chronic diseases

Nair H, Shu XO, Volmink J, Romieu I, Spiegelman D. Cohort studies around the world: Methodologies, research questions and integration to address the emerging global epidemic of chronic diseases. Public Health 2012 Mar; 126(3):202-5

5 SC

Mar 2012

Validation study of cause of death statistics in Cape Town, South Africa, found poor agreement

Burger EH, Groenewald P, Bradshaw D, Ward AM, Yudkin PL, Volmink J. Validation study of cause of death statistics in Cape Town, South Africa, found poor agreement. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2012; 65(3):309-16.

6 4

Jan 2012

Clinical practice guidelines within the Southern African Development Community: a descriptive study of the quality of guideline development and concordance with best evidence for five priority diseases.

Kredo T, Gerritsen A, van Heerden J, Conway S, Siegfried N. Clinical practice guidelines within the Southern African Development Community: a descriptive study of the quality of guideline development and concordance with best evidence for five priority diseases. Health Research Policy and Systems 2012; 10:1.

5 3

Aug 2011

Growing Everyday: The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry.

Abrams A, Siegfried N. Growing everyday: The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 2011 Aug 2(4):172-0. doi: 10.1111/j.1756-5391.2011.01139.x

2 2

Aug 2011

The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry, a regional registry for Africa

Abrams A. The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry, a regional registry for Africa. Pan African Medical Journal 2011,9:42

1 1

July 2011

Evidence-Based African first aid guidelines and training materials


Van de Velde S, De Buck E, Vandekerckhove P, Volmink J. Evidence-Based African first aid guidelines and training materials. PLoS Med 2011 8(7): e1001059. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001059

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CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

May 2011

Patient medical costs for tuberculosis treatment and impact on adherence in China: a systematic review

Long Q, Smith H, Zhang T, Tang S, Garner P. Patient medical costs for tuberculosis treatment and impact on adherence in China: a systematic review. BMC Public Health 2011(11):393

5 3

Apr 2012

CASP8 -652 6N del polymorphism and cancer risk: A meta-analysis of 30 case-control studies in 50 112 subjects

Zhang F, Yang Y, Guo C, Wang Y.CASP8 -652 6N del polymorphism and cancer risk: A meta-analysis of 30 case-control studies in 50 112 subjects. Mutagenesis 2012 [epub ahead of print] doi:10.1093/mutage/ges019

4 2

Apr 2012

Option for diabetic patients with multi-vessel coronary disease: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) or Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) A meta-analysis

Zhang F, Yang Y, Hu D, Lei H, Wang Y. Option for diabetic patients with multi-vessel coronary disease: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) or Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) A meta-analysis. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2012 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.diabres.2012.03.020

5 1

Mar 2012

Association of ADIPOQ gene polymorphisms and coronary artery disease risk: A m eta-analysis based on 12 465 subjects

Yang Y, Zhang F, Ding R, Wang Y, Lei H, Hu D. Association of ADIPOQ gene polymorphisms and coronary artery disease risk: A meta-analysis based on 12 465 subjects. Thrombosis Research 2012; 130(1):58-64

6 1

Dec 2011

Awareness and knowledge of schistosomiasis infection and prevention in the "Three Gorges Dam" reservior area: A cross-sectional study on local residents and health personnel

Zeng H, Yang X, Meng S, Wang H, Tang X, Tang W, et al. Awareness and knowledge of schistosomiasis infection and prevention in the "Three Gorges Dam" reservior area: A cross-sectional study on local residents and health personnel. Acta Tropica 2011;120(3):238-44

9 5

Dec 2011

Maternal socio-economic indices for prenatal care research in rural China

Nwaru BI, Klemetti R, Kun H, Hong W, Yuan S, Wu Z, et al. Maternal socio-economic indices for prenatal care research in rural China. The European Journal of Public Health 2011. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckr182

7 4

Dec 2011

A survey of current status of knowledge, attitude and practice of 228 puerperae concerning infant and young children feeding in Chongqing

Zhang Y, Guan YL, Zhao Y, Liu DM, Li TY. A survey of current status of knowledge, attitude and practice of 228 puerperae concerning infant and young children feeding in Chongqing. Chongqing Medicine 2011;40(36):100-2

5 3

Jan 2012

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Adolescent Students with Different Nutritional Status in Chongqing and Analysis of Related Symptoms

Shao Ji-xiao, Wang Hong, Gao Qi-feng. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among adolescent students with different nutritional status in Chongqing and analysis of related symptoms. Chinese General Practice 2012;15(1C):252-5

3 1

Feb 2012

Relationship between Undergraduate Students’ Sub-health and Social Supports

ZOU Yu-feng, ZHANG Liang, WANG Cheng-jin, WANG Hong. Relationship between undergraduate students’ sub-health and social supports. Chinese General Practice 2012;15(2A):430-3

4 1

Feb 2012

Studying on the symptoms and risk behaviors of sub-health among college students in Chongqing

ZHANG Liang, SHAO Ji-xiao, WANG Cheng-jin, WANG Hong. Studying on the symptoms and risk behaviors of sub-health among college students in Chongqing. Chinese Health Service Management 2012;29(2):145-8

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May 2011

Study on Sub-Health of Adolescents in Chongqing

Shao J, Wang H, Li L, Xu H. Study on Sub-Health of Adolescents in Chongqing. Modern Preventive Medicine 2011; 38(9):1667-9

4 2

June 2011

Study of Mental Health in Medical Graduate Students

Li J, Li J, Wang H, Shao J, Yang J. Study of Mental Health in Medical Graduate Students. Modern Preventive Medicine 2011;38(11):2082-84

5 4

Sep 2011

Evaluation of the Multidimensional Sub-health Questionnaire of Adolescents

Wang H, Li L, Xu H, Fang Q, Liu Q. Evaluation of the Multidimensional Sub-health Questionnaire of Adolescents. Chinese General Practice 2011;14(9A):2933-6

5 2

Sep 2011

Analysis on the quality of life of people born in famine years(1959-1961) in Chongqing city and its influencing factors

Yang J, Wang H, Zhao Y. Analysis on the quality of life of people born in famine years (1959-1961) in Chongqing city and its influencing factors. Journal of Hygiene Research 2011;40(5):611-4

3 1

Oct 2011

Analysis Of The Current Situation Of AIDS Prevention Knowledge And The Reproductive Health Status Of The Medical Students

Wang L, Mu L, Liang H, et al. Analysis Of The Current Situation Of AIDS Prevention Knowledge And The Reproductive Health Status Of The Medical Students. Chinese General Practice 2011;14(4A):1126-9

5 3

May 2011

Survey on 309 homosexual men’s knowledge, attitude and practice of AIDS in one city proper in 2009

Mu L, Huang A, Peng H et al. Survey on 309 homosexual men’s knowledge, attitude and practice of AIDS in one city proper in 2009. National Journal of Andrology 2011;17(5):401-5

7 3

Jun 2011

The change of urinary iodine of different salt concentration among the target population in the intervention trial

Song Yin yin, MU Li-hong, LI Ge, et al. The change of urinary iodine of different salt concentration among the target population in the intervention trial. Chinese J of Epidemiology 2011;32(6):576-8

9 5

May 2012

Analysis on urinary iodine frequency in the population-based intervention study

SongYin-yin, MU Li-hong, LI Ge et al. Analysis on urinary iodine frequency in the population-based intervention study. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 2012; 33(5):492-5

6 3


India (Network Lead)

June 2011

Pilot randomized trial of nutritional supplementation in patients with tuberculosis and HIV-tuberculosis coinfection receiving directly observed short-course chemotherapy for tuberculosis

Sudarsanam TD, John J, Kang G, Mahendri V, Gerrior J, Franciosa M, Gopal S, John KR, Wanke CA, Muliyil J. Pilot randomized trial of nutritional supplementation in patients with tuberculosis and HIV-tuberculosis coinfection receiving directly observed short-course chemotherapy for tuberculosis. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2011; 16(6):699-706

9 3

Aug 2011

Grade the evidence before using research results in clinical practice

Tharyan P. Grade the evidence before using research results in clinical practice. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2011;8(1); 44-6

1 0

Aug 2012

Evidence Based Medicine: Can the evidence be trusted?

Tharyan P. Evidence Based Medicine: Can the evidence be trusted? Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2011;8(4):201-7

1 0

Oct 2011

Lessons from the 2004 Asian tsunami: Epidemiological and nosological debates in the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder in non-Western post-disaster communities

Rajkumar AP, Mohan TSP, Tharyan P. Lessons from the 2004 Asian tsunami: Epidemiological and nosological debates in the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder in non-Western post-disaster communities. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2011. Oct 13. [Epub ahead of print] DOI:

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Oct 2011

One health national programme across species on zoonoses: a call to the developing world

Asokan GV, Vanitha A, Tharyan P. One health national programme across species on zoonoses: a call to the developing world. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology, North America 2011; 1: 8293

Available at: http://www.infectionecologyandepidemiology.net/index.php/iee/article/view/8293

3 1

Nov 2011

Editorial policies aimed at improving the validity and transparency of published research

Sathyanarayana Rao, TS, Tharyan P. Editorial policies aimed at improving the validity and transparency of published research. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2011;53(3):183-6

2 0

Oct 2011

Increasing compliance with protective eyewear to reduce ocular injuries in stone-quarry workers in Tamil Nadu, India: A pragmatic, cluster randomised trial of a single education session versus an enhanced education package delivered over six months

Adams JSK, Raju R, Solomon V, Samuel P, Datta AK, Rose JS, Tharyan P. Increasing compliance with protective eyewear to reduce ocular injuries in stone-quarry workers in Tamil Nadu, India: A pragmatic, cluster randomised trial of a single education session versus an enhanced education package delivered over six months. Injury 2011 [epub ahead of print]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.injury.2011.10.001

6 1

Jan 2012

Finding and using evidence that you can trust

Tharyan P. Finding and using evidence that you can trust. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2012;9(1):27-32

1 0

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

Nov 2010

Indirect Comparisons: A Review of Reporting and Methodological Quality

Donegan S, Williamson P, Gamble C, Tudor-Smith C. Indirect Comparisons: A Review of Reporting and Methodological Quality. PLoS ONE 2010, 5(11): e11054. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011054

4 4

Dec 2010

Priorities for tuberculosis research: a systematic review

Rylance J, Pai M, Lienhardt C, Garner P. Priorities for tuberculosis research: a systematic review. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2010;10(12):886-92 DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(10)70201-2

4 4

2011 Do existing research summaries on health systems match immunisation managers' needs in middle- and low-income countries? Analysis of GAVI health systems strengthening support

Bosch-Capblanch X, Kelly M, Garner P. Do existing research summaries on health systems match immunisation managers' needs in middle- and low-income countries? Analysis of GAVI health systems strengthening support. BMC Public Health 2011;11(1):449

3 1

2011 A Head-to-Head Comparison of Four Artemisinin-Based Combinations for Treating Uncomplicated Malaria in African Children: A Randomized Trial

The Four Artemisinin-Based Combinations Study Group. A Head-to-Head Comparison of Four Artemisinin-Based Combinations for Treating Uncomplicated Malaria in African Children: A Randomized Trial. PLoS Med 2011; 8(11): e1001119


Mar 2011

Randomized controlled trials of malaria intervention trials in Africa, 1948 to 2007: a descriptive analysis

Lutje V, Gerritsen A Siegfried N. Randomized controlled trials of malaria intervention trials in Africa, 1948 to 2007: a descriptive analysis. Malaria Journal 2011;10:61 doi:10.1186/1475-2875-10-61

3 3

Mar 2012

Support for children identified with acute flaccid paralysis under the Global Polio Eradication Programme in Uttar Pradesh,

Yotsu RR, Abba K, Smith H, Das A. Support for children identified with acute flaccid paralysis under the Global Polio Eradication Programme in Uttar

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India: a qualitative study Pradesh, India: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:229 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-229

Apr 2012

Including mixed method research in systematic reviews: examples from qualitative syntheses in TB and malaria control

Atkins S, Launiala A, Kagaha A, Smith H. Including mixed method research in systematic reviews: examples from qualitative syntheses in TB and malaria control. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2012, 12:62

4 3

1.4 Publications in press or submitted including Cochrane protocols

Month & Year

Title Full citation Total authors

Women authors

AFRICA: Cameroon (Network Partner)

Mar 2012

Motivational interviewing for improving outcomes in youth living with HIV

Mbuagbaw LCE, Ye C, Thabane L. Motivational interviewing for improving outcomes in youth living with HIV. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD009748. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD009748

3 0

May 2012

Hepatitis B Vaccination for reducing Morbidity and Mortality in PLWHA

Okwen MP, Mbuagbaw LCE, Reid S, Njei B. Hepatitis B vaccination for reducing morbidity and mortality in persons with HIV infection (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD009886. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009886

4 1

AFRICA: Kenya (Network Partner)

Nov 2011 to date

Supporting Dr Nyachieo to complete review titled “Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for assisted reproductive technology”

Nyachieo A, Clarke J, Moridi I, Mahdian M. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for assisted reproductive technology (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD007618. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007618

4 3

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

2012 Diagnostic accuracy of Histidine-Rich Protein 2 based rapid diagnostic test and microscopy in the diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Akpabuyo, South-Eastern Nigeria

Ezedinachi ENU, Odey FA, Oduwole OA, Esu EB, Oyo-ita AA, Ejemot-Nwadiaro R, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of Histidine-Rich Protein 2 based rapid diagnostic test and microscopy in the diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Akpabuyo, South-Eastern Nigeria. Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine

11 4

2012 Interventions to improve vaginal health for reducing the risk of HIV acquisition

Akudo Nwagbara B, Effa EE, Abubakar D, Osagie OE. Interventions to improve vaginal health for reducing the risk of HIV acquisition (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD009869. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009869.

3 1

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Oct 2011 Weight loss interventions for chronic asthma

Adeniyi FB, Young T. Weight loss interventions for chronic asthma (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD009339. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009339

2 2

July 2011 Antispasmodics for labour Rohwer AC, Young T. Antispasmodics for labour (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 7. Art.No:CD009243. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009243

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Mar 2011

Ready-to-use therapeutic food for treating undernutrition in children from 6 months to 5 years of age

Schoonees A, Lombard M, Nel E, Volmink J. Ready-to-use therapeutic food for treating undernutrition in children from 6 months to 5 years of age (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009000. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009000

4 2

Dec 2011 Home or community programmes for treating malaria

Okwundu CI, Nagpal S, Musekiwa A. Home or community programmes for treating malaria (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD009527. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009527

3 1

Apr 2012 Interleukin-2 as an adjunct to antiretroviral therapy for reducing morbidity and mortality in patients with HIV infection

Onwumeh J, Okwundu CI. Interleukin-2 as an adjunct to antiretroviral therapy for reducing morbidity and mortality in patients with HIV infection (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD009818. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009818

2 1

Mar 2009

Intramuscular versus intravenous anti-D for preventing Rhesus alloimmunization during pregnancy

Okwundu CI, Afolabi BB. Intramuscular versus intravenous anti-D for preventing Rhesus alloimmunization during pregnancy (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD007885. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007885

2 1

Jan 2012 Optimal timing for discontinuation of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis in adult patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for HIV infection

Mbabazi E, Uthman OA, Young T. Optimal timing for discontinuation of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis in adult patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for HIV infection (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD009556. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009556

3 2

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

2012 Growth Monitoring plus health and nutrition promotion for children in low and middle income countries

Liu Q, Long Q, Garner P. Growth Monitoring plus health and nutrition promotion for children in low and middle income countries (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (submitted May 2012)

3 2

2012 Intensive versus conventional dose remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)

Zhou S, Lou S, Deng J, Liu Q. Intensive versus conventional dose remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (submitted May 2012)

4 2

2012 Association between type 2 diabetes and rs10811661 polymorphism upstream of CDKN2A/B: a meta analysis

Li H, Tang X, Liu Q, Wang Y. Association between type 2 diabetes and rs10811661 polymorphism upstream of CDKN2A/B: a meta-analysis. Acta Diabetol 2012. DOI 10.1007/s00592-012-0400-7 (accepted)

4 3

2012 Association between TGF-β1-509C/T polymorphism and endometriosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Zhang F, Yang Y, Wang Y. Association between TGF-β1-509C/T polymorphism and endometriosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (accepted)

3 1

2012 Lack of an association between TSC gene Arg904Gln polymorphisms and essential hypertension risk based on a meta-analysis

Zhang F, Yang Y, Hu D, Lei H, Wang Y. Lack of an association between TSC gene Arg904Gln polymorphisms and essential hypertension risk based on a meta-analysis. Genetics and Molecular Research (accepted)

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India (Network Lead)

May 2011

Non-specialist health worker interventions for mental health care in low- and middle- income countries

Van Ginneken N, Tharyan P, Lewin S, Rao GN, Romeo R, Patel V. Non-specialist health worker interventions for mental health care in low- and middle- income countries. (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD009149. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009149

6 1

May 2011

Interventions for treating femoral shaft fractures in children and adolescents

Madhuri V, Gahukamble AD, Dutt V, Tharyan P. Interventions for treating femoral shaft fractures in children and adolescents (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD009076. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009076.

4 1

June 2011

Minimally invasive versus open surgery for reversal of tubal sterilization

George K, Kamath MS, Tharyan P. Minimally invasive versus open surgery for reversal of tubal sterilization (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD009174. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009174.

3 0

Oct 2011 Lumbar sympathectomy versus prostanoids for critical limb ischaemia due to non-reconstructable peripheral arterial disease

Sen I, Agarwal S, Tharyan P. Lumbar sympathectomy versus prostanoids for critical limb ischaemia due to non-reconstructable peripheral arterial disease (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD009366. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009366.

3 1

Apr 2012 Atomoxetine for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents

Kallapiran GK, Mammen P, Tharyan P, Russell P. Atomoxetine for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 4. Art. No.: CD009804. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009804.

4 1

Oct 2011 Non-myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation versus standardstem cell transplantation for haematological malignancies [Protocol] (Cochrane Haematological Malignancies Group)

Sharma A, Chandra S, Fedorowicz Z, Aravindakshan R. Non-myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation versus standard stem cell transplantation for haematological malignancies (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD009342. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009342.

4 1

Nov 2011 Laser therapy for dentinal hypersensitivity

Deng Y, Mahdian M, George AT, Blake B, Huang D, Shi Z. Laser therapy for dentinal hypersensitivity (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD009434. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009434.

6 1

2012 in press

Good Psychiatric Practice: A primer for psychiatric trainees and professionals. Psychiatry in India: Training and Training Centers

Tharyan P. Good Psychiatric Practice: A primer for psychiatric trainees and professionals. Psychiatry in India: Training and Training Centers. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2012 (supplement: in press)

1 1

2012 epub ahead of print

Reporting of methods was better in the Clinical Trials Registry- India than in Indian Journal publications

Tharyan P, George A, Kirubakaran R, Barnabas JP. Reporting of methods was better in the Clinical Trials Registry- India than in Indian Journal publications. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2012 (in press [Epub ahead of print])

3 0

2012 epub ahead of print

Criminals in the citadel and deceit all along the watchtower: irresponsibility, fraud, and complicity in international health research

Tharyan P. Criminals in the citadel and deceit all along the watchtower: irresponsibility, fraud, and complicity in international health research. Mens Sana Monographs 2012 (http://www.msmonographs.org/aheadofprint.asp)

1 0

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UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

June 2010

Artemisinin-based combination therapy for uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in children with HIV

Humphreys EH, Nageswaran A, Rutherford GW. Artemisinin-based combination therapy for uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in children with HIV (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD008556. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008556.

3 2

June 2010

Interventions for visceral leishmaniasis

Alvar J, González U, Pinart M, Kalita S, Herrero M, Vélez ID, Sundar S. Interventions for visceral leishmaniasis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD008561. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008561.

7 SC

Aug 2010 Antimicrobial drugs for treating cholera

Leibovici-Kalter Y, Paul M, Salam MA. Antimicrobial drugs for treating cholera (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD008625. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008625.

3 1

Oct 2010 Preventive measures for leishmaniasis

González U, Pinart M, Firooz A, Enk C, Mendoza N, Vélez ID, Alvar J. Preventive measures for leishmaniasis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD008736. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008736.

7 SC

Nov 2010 Mass drug administration for malaria

Poirot E, Hwang J, Kachur SP, Slutsker L, Skarbinski J. Mass drug administration for malaria (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD008846. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008846.

5 SC

Nov 2010 Vitamin D supplementation for preventing infections in children less than five years of age

Yakoob MY, Bhutta ZA. Vitamin D supplementation for preventing infections in children less than five years of age (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD008824. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008824.

2 0

Dec 2010 Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Typhoid and Paratyphoid (Enteric) Fever

Wijedoru L, Donegan S, Parry C. Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Typhoid and Paratyphoid (Enteric) Fever (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD008892. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008892.

3 1

Jan 2011 Mosquito larval source management for controlling malaria

Thwing J, Fillinger U, Gimnig J, Newman R, Lindsay S. Mosquito larval source management for controlling malaria (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD008923. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008923.

5 2

Feb 2011 Rapid Diagnostic Tests versus clinical diagnosis for treating malaria

Odaga J, Lokong JA. Rapid Diagnostic Tests versus clinical diagnosis for treating malaria (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD008998. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008998.

2 0

Feb 2011 Surgical interventions for treating multidrug and extensively-drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis

Marrone M, Venkataramanan V, Goodman M, Mase S. Surgical interventions for treating multidrug and extensively-drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009010. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009010.

4 0

Mar 2011

Vaccines for preventing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) diarrhoea

Ahmed T, Bhuiyan TR, Zaman K, Qadri F. Vaccines for preventing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) diarrhoea (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD009029. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009029.

4 0

June Rapid diagnostic tests for Boelaert M, Chappuis F, Menten J, van Griensven J, Sunyoto T, 6 SC

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2011 visceral leishmaniasis Rijal S. Rapid diagnostic tests for visceral leishmaniasis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD009135. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009135.

Oct 2011 Interventions for treating head lice

van der Wouden JC, Klootwijk T, Le Cleach L, Do G, Vander Stichele R, Knuistingh Neven A, Eekhof JAH. Interventions for treating head lice (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD009321. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009321

7 SC

Oct 2011 Racecadotril for acute diarrhoea in children

Liang Y, Zhang L, Zeng L, Wen J. Racecadotril for acute diarrhoea in children (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD009359. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009359.

3 SC

Dec 2011 Home or community programmes for treating malaria

Okwundu CI, Nagpal S, Musekiwa A. Home or community programmes for treating malaria (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD009527. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009527.

3 1

Jan 2012 Combined and alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen therapy for fever in children

Wong T, Johnson DW, Ganshorn H, Maconochie IK, Hartling L, Stang AS. Combined and alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen therapy for fever in children (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD009572. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009572.

6 4

Jan 2012 Paediatric formulations of Artemisinin-Combination Therapies for treating uncomplicated malaria in children

Bélard S, Kurth F, Ramharter M. Paediatric Formulations of Artemisinin-Combination Therapies for Treating Uncomplicated Malaria in Children (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD009568. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009568.

3 SC

Jan 2012 Xpert MTB/RIF test for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance

Sohn H, Pai M, Dendukuri N, Kloda LA, Boehme CC, Steingart KR. Xpert MTB/RIF test for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD009593. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009593.

6 SC

Feb 2012 Fluid resuscitation for children with severe febrile illness and septic shock in resource-limited settings

von Saint André A, Pavlinac PB, Jacob ST, Zimmerman J, Walson JL. Fluid resuscitation for children with severe febrile illness and septic shock in resource-limited settings (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009655. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009655.

5 SC

Feb 2012 Rapid screening and diagnostic tests for human schistosomiasis in endemic areas

Ochodo EA, Spek B, Reitsma JB, Van Lieshout L, Polman K, Lamberton P, Bossuyt PMM, Leeflang MM. Rapid screening and diagnostic tests for human schistosomiasis in endemic areas (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009579. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009579.

8 SC

June 2012

A Household recognition and response to child diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of qualitative research

Colvin C, Smith H, Swartz A, Ahs J, de Heer J, Opiyo N, Kim J, Marraccini T, George. A Household recognition and response to child diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of qualitative research (submitted PLoS Med)

9 6

UK: Other publications

May 2012

Demand-side financing for maternal health care in South Asia: an overview

Jehan K, Sidney K, Smith H, de Costa A. Demand-side financing for maternal health care in South Asia: an overview. Reproductive Health Matters (accepted, will be published in May 2012 issue)

4 4

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1.5 Books

Month & Year

Title Full citation Total authors

Women authors

CHINA: Chongqing (Network lead)

Aug 2011

Children's environmental health

Li TY, Dai YH. Children's environmental health. Chongqing University Press; 2011, August: Page 166. ISBN: 9787562457060

23 17

1.6 Book chapters

Month & Year

Title of chapter Full citation Total authors (chapter)

Women authors (chapter)


India (Network Lead)

2012 in press

Ethical Issues in Psychiatry. Tharyan P. Ethical Issues in Psychiatry. Chapter 36. In: Bhugra D, & Chaturvedi S.(eds). Handbook of Psychiatry: A South Asian Perspective. Byword Viva Publications (in press)

1 0

Section 2: Editorial Data

2.1 New authors publishing a Cochrane review within reporting period10

Name of new author Gender Institution

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Anel Schoonees*** Female Stellenbosch University

SOUTH ASIA: India (Network Lead)

Dr Kalpana Sridharan*** Female Child and Adolescent Care Centre, Chennai

Dr Anupam Mishra*** Female King George Medical University, Lucknow

Dr K Srinivasa Babu Male Christian Medical College, Vellore Tamil Nadu

Dr Praveen Kumar*** Male Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, 16012 Chandigarh

Mr Narasimman Swaminathan Male Father Muller Medical College, 575002 Mangalore, Karnataka

Amita Ray*** Female Father Muller Medical College,575002 Mangalore, India

Mr Sujoy Ray Male Kasturba Medical College, 576104 Manipal, Karnataka

Dr Aneesh Thomas George Male Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu

10 *** = First authors, publishing their first Cochrane review (referred to in log frame).

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Nitya Gogtay Female KEM Hospital, Mumbai

Siddartha Gogia*** Male Max Hospital, Gurgaon

Adhikary Sanjib D*** Male Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu

Thiruvenkatarajan V Male Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu

Roshni Mohan Female Madras Medical College, Chennai

Paneerselvan D Male Madras Medical College, Chennai

Kiran Ejaz Male Manipal University

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

Bianca Pluess*** Female Public Health and Epidemiology, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland

Vittoria Lutje*** Female Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK

Bernaola Aponte*** Male Suárez Angamos Hospital, Peru

van Eijk*** Female Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK

Gregory Fox*** Male Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney, Australia

Don Mathanga*** Male Malaria Alert Center, College of Medicine, University of Malawi, Malawi

Elizabeth Lutge*** Female Health Systems Trust, South Africa

2.2 New Cochrane Editors appointed this year

Date appointed

Name of new Editor Gender Institution

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Sep 2012 Olalekan Uthman (Infectious Diseases Group)

Male Stellenbosch University

Sep 2012 Taryn Young (Sexually Transmitted Infections Review Group)

Female Stellenbosch University and SA Cochrane Centre

Apr 2010 Joseph Okebe (Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group)

Male Medical Research Council Laboratories, Fajara, Banjul, Gambia


India (Network Lead)

Sep 2011 Thambu David Sudarsanam (Infectious Diseases Group)

Male CMC, Vellore

Jan 2012 Suneeta Mittal (Pregnancy and Childbirth Group)

Female All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

Apr 2011 Karen Steingart Female Dept. of Health Services, University of

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(Infectious Diseases Group) Washington, USA

Section 3: Other Products

3.1 Summary product from/of review (push)

Month & Year

Title of product Who is the product aimed at? Where is the product published?

AFRICA: Cameroon (Network Partner)

Evidence Assessments of SR series

Individual titles below:

Decision makers, Researchers, Providers

On going

Aug 2011 Interventions to improve control of blood pressure in people with hypertension

Nov 2011 Lay health workers in primary and community health care for maternal and child health and the management of infectious diseases

Feb 2012 Tailored interventions to overcome identified barriers to change: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes

May 2012 Continuing education meeting and workshops: effects on professional and health care outcomes

French Translations of abstracts

Individual titles below:

Decision makers, Researchers, Providers, Public

CDBPH Website

June 2011 Increased police patrols for preventing alcohol-impaired driving

Augmentation des patrouilles de police pour diminuer la conduite en état d’ivresse - Revue systématique

July 2011 Oral vaccines for preventing cholera

Vaccins oraux pour la prévention du Choléra - Revue systématique

Aug 2011 Interventions for increasing the proportion of health professionals practicing in rural and other underserved areas

Interventions visant à accroître la proportion de professionnels de santé exerçant dans les zones rurales et les zones défavorisées - Revue systématique

Sep 2011 Loperamide therapy for acute diarrhea in children: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Traitement de la diarrhée aiguë par le lopéramide chez les enfants : Revue systématique et méta-analyse

Oct 2011 Managerial supervision to improve primary health care in low- and middle-income countries

La supervision managériale pour l’amélioration des soins de santé primaires dans les pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires

Nov 2011 Strategies for integrating primary health services in low- and middle-income countries at the point of delivery

Stratégies pour l’intégration des services des soins de santé primaires dans les pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires au point de délivrance des soins

Dec 2011 Interventions to reduce emigration of health care professionals from low- and middle-income countries

Interventions pour réduire l’émigration du personnel de santé des pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires

Jan 2012 Community-based health insurance in low-income countries: a systematic review of the evidence

Les mutuelles de santé dans les pays à faible revenu : une revue systématique des preuves

Feb 2012 Integrating prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) programmes with other health services for preventing HIV infection and improving HIV outcomes in developing countries

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L’intégration des programmes de prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant (PTME) aux autres services pour l’amélioration des résultats dans les pays en développement

Mar 2012 Alternative versus standard packages of antenatal care for low-risk pregnancy

Programme standard de visites prénatales comparé aux programmes alternatifs pour les grossesses à faible risque

2011-12 27 French Translations of abstracts Decision makers, Researchers, Providers, Public

Translated and to be published by the French Cochrane Centre

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

May 2012 Efficacy of antibiotics for the common cold

General Public and healthcare providers

Nigerian chronicle article – see Annex 2 – Africa: Nigeria (1)

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Mar 2012 Technical summary: Zani B, Kredo T. Antiretroviral therapy for prevention of HIV transmission in HIV discordant couples – a Cochrane Systematic Review. SACEMA. March 2012

SACEMA Quarterly is an online magazine produced by SACEMA. The aim is to provide articles reviewing developments in quantitative epidemiology. The intention of the magazine is to present this work in a way that it is accessible to the interested health professional and policy-maker.

South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis


Mar 2012 Summary article of the Probiotics for treating acute infectious diarrhoea

Decision makers, Researchers, Providers

International Journal of Epidemiology


Ongoing SUPPORT summaries

See individual completed SUPPORT summary titles below:

Decision makers on health systems arrangements

Being peer reviewed – lead by Andy Oxman. Final summaries will be available on the SUPPORT Collaboration website www.support-collaboration.org/summaries.htm

Okwundu CI. Can clinical governance deliver quality improvement in general practice and primary care? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. April 2011.

Okwundu CI. Which interventions increase the recruitment and retention of health workers practicing in underserved areas? A SUPPORT summary of systematic reviews. April 2011.

Okwundu CI. Which interventions improve the management of dual practice in health care settings? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. April 2011.

Okwundu CI, Young T. Impact of home-based management of malaria on health outcomes in Africa. A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. April 2011.

Young T. Problem based learning in continuing medical education. A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. May 2011

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Evidence-Based Health Policy-Making Column, Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine

Individual titles below:

May 2011 The Essentials and Categories of Healthcare Risk Research in China

June 2011 Is Systematic Review an Effective Tool for Evidence-Based Health System Research in Developing Countries

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July 2011 An Investigation on the Rural Residents’ Occupational Satisfaction, Health Policy Order and Target Population of Henan Province

Aug 2011 Left-behind children’s Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review

Sep 2011 Analysis on Status of Clinical Guidelines and Evaluation on Evidence-Based Guidelines of Children in China

Oct 2011 Analysis on Needs, Demands and Utilization of Health Services of Urban and Rural Residents in Chongqing

Nov 2011 Promoting Construction and Development of Three-Tier Guidance

System of Balanced Essential Public Health Service in Sichuan Province

Dec 2011 Factors Related to Left-behind Children’s Mental Health: A Systematic Review

Jan 2012 Investigation on the Rural Residents’ Payment Will for Disease Control and Its Influencing Factors in Henan Province

Feb 2012 Effects of Introduction of Cost Sharing in Health Insurance Schemes: A Systematic Review

Mar 2012 Research on Development and Application of Health Decision Support System in the US;

Developing Overall Design, Multi-Sectoral Joint Medical Safety and Quality Management Systems: The Experience and Enlightenment from the Medical Risk Management System of New South Wales of Australia;

International Experiences of Health Decision Support System Development

Apr 2012 Development of UK Health Decision Support System and Its Enlightenments to China;

Development of Australian Health Decision Support System and Its Enlightenments to China;

Evidence-Based Research on US Healthcare Service Performance Evaluation and Its Enlightenments to China

May 2012 Chinese Version of Evidence Update (including 10 articles)

http://www.chinaehcn.org/view.asp?lm=86&cid=145&id=751, May 2012


India (Network Lead)


Plain Language summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on below topics:

Details of meeting

Sep 2011 Plain Language summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on Public Health

National Conference on Health Professions Education (NCHPE 2011), CMC, Vellore

Oct 2011 Plain Language Summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on Vector borne diseases

XI Symposium on Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases,

Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals, Jablapur, Madhya Pradesh, India

Dec 2011 Plain Language summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on Rheumatology

27th Annual Conference of the INDIAN RHEUMATOLOGY ASSOCIATION (IRACON 2011), CMC, Vellore

Jan 2012 Plain Language summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on HIV/AIDS

International Science Symposium on HIV and Infectious Diseases, Chennai

Feb 2012 Plain Language summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on Public Health

56th Annual National Conference of the Indian Public Health Association, (IPHACON 2012), Kochi

Feb 2012 Plain Language summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on Public Health

1st International Conference on Research and Education in Health Professions Education, (ICON-RIPE 2012), Belgaum

Mar 2012 Plain Language summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on Oncology

26th ICON meet, Bangalore

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Apr 2012 Plain Language summaries of Cochrane Systematic Reviews on Public Health

Workshop on “Role of medical colleges in strengthening primary, secondary and tertiary care: Experience of CMC Vellore” CMC, Vellore

All of the above given as printed material, which was a compilation of the SASIANCC.

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

June 2010 – May 2012

17 Evidence Updates published http://www.liv.ac.uk/evidence/evidence.htm

3.2 Summary product from/of review commissioned (pull)

Month & Year

Title of product Who has commissioned the product?

Where is the product published?

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Nov 2011 Evidence summaries on injuries

Individual completed evidence summary titles below:

Provincial Department of Health, Injuries task team, Western Cape and Stellenbosch University Injuries initiative

Presented at meetings by Dr T Young, disseminated via Centre for Evidence based Health care website www.sun.ac.za/cebhc

Pienaar E. Alcohol and drug screening of occupational drivers for preventing injury. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Uthman O. Area-wide traffic calming for preventing traffic related injuries. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Uthman O. Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Nicol L. Interventions for increasing pedestrian and cyclist visibility for the prevention of death and injuries. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Nicol L. Interventions for promoting booster seat use in four to eight year olds travelling in motor vehicles. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Zani B. Speed cameras for the prevention of road traffic injuries and deaths. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Rohwer A. Street lighting for preventing road traffic injuries. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Schoonees A. Vision screening of older drivers for preventing road traffic injuries and fatalities. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Okebe J. Motorcycle rider training for the prevention of road traffic crashes.

Mbuagbaw L. Non-legislative interventions for the promotion of cycle helmet wearing by children. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Abrams A. Bicycle helmet legislation for the uptake of helmet use and prevention of head injuries. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Rohwer A. Kangaroo mother care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birthweight infants. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

Okwundu C. Oral vaccines for preventing cholera. Evidence Assessment - Summary of a systematic review

May 2012 Summary of the evidence: Adeniyi FB, Garner P, Young TN GeneXpert MTB/RIF for TB diagnosis in children

Western Cape Provincial Technical task team which is part of the Paediatric Policy advisory group in the Western Cape. This group’s purpose is to “support the HIV and AIDS / STI / TB (HAST) directorate in making informed decisions, based

The product has been presented to the group who commissioned it. Not available on website currently.

May 2012 Rapid response review: Adeniyi FB, Garner P, Young TN Induced sputum for increasing the yield in microbiological

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diagnosis of Tuberculosis in children on available evidence and within the public health sector, with respect to clinical guidelines emanating from the HAST directorate”

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Apr 2012 100 Cochrane abstracts and Plain Language Summaries have been translated into Simplified Chinese

Cochrane Collaboration They are to be published in Cochrane Library

CHINA: Fudan (Network Partner)

Feb 2012 Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young People in China- Literature and project review 2007-2012

In writing process


India (Network Lead)

Apr 2012 Interventions for acute organophosphate poisoning

Toxicology Special Interest Group (TOXSIG), CMC, Vellore


Apr 2012 Primary prevention of Pesticide related poisonings

TOXSIG, CMC, Vellore http://www.cochrane-sacn.org/toxicology/files/Summary%20of%20evidence%20-%20Prevention%20of%20pesticide%20poisoning.pdf

Apr 2012 Interventions for snake bites: An overview of current research evidence from South Asia

TOXSIG, CMC, Vellore http://www.cochrane-sacn.org/toxicology/files/Summary%20of%20evidence-%20Snake%20envenomation.pdf

Apr 2012 Evidence for treatment of Plant Poisoning

TOXSIG, CMC, Vellore http://www.cochrane-sacn.org/toxicology/files/Summary%20of%20evidence%20-%20Plant%20poisoning.pdf

3.3 Reports and working papers

Month & Year

Title Who is the report/paper for?

AFRICA: Cameroon (Network Partner)

25 Nov 2011

Capacity building for members of civil society and journalists in Yaoundé Internal use Partners and funders

2 Dec 2011

Capacity building for members of civil society and journalists in Douala Internal use Partners and funders

13 Apr 2012

Meeting with EBM stakeholders Internal use Partners and funders

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Ongoing Social Media/Multi-Media working group: Concept Document This is a document for use within

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the Consortium on how social and multi-media can be used to promote dissemination of Consortium products

May 2012 Rohwer A, Young T, Dudley L, Mukinda F, Cameron N, Willems B, Mehtar S, Marais F, van Heerden B. Document review of undergraduate MBChB curriculum to inform enhancement of public health (PH) evidence based health care (EBHC), health systems and services research (HSSR) and infection prevention and control (IPC) training at undergraduate level

This report is one component in the curriculum assessment of the undergraduate medical curriculum at Stellenbosch University Faculty of Health Sciences to inform curriculum enhancement

May 2012 Rohwer A, Young T, van Schalkwyk S. Evaluation of a web-based module on evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the postgraduate Family Medicine (MMed) programme at Stellenbosch University

This report will be informing curriculum enhancement of specialist in training at Stellenbosch University Faculty of Health Sciences.

Ongoing Rohwer A, Young T. E-learning versus face-to-face learning of evidence-based health care (EBHC) in postgraduate health care professionals: A systematic review.

Title registered with The Campbell Collaboration and protocol in development

Ongoing Young T, Rohwer A. Overview of the effects teaching EBHC in undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare programmes

Overview of systematic reviews. Ongoing

CHINA: Chongqing (Network lead)

Oct 2011 to May 2012

Report on the Baseline of Chongqing of Western Area Health Initiative (WAHI) WHO, China Ministry of Health

Nov 2011 Report on Index System and Assessment Method of Appropriate Health Technology Assessment

Ministry of Health


India (Network Lead)

May 2012 Report of the workshop on role of medical colleges in strengthening primary, secondary and tertiary care: Experience of CMC Vellore


Health Policy makers and senior Health Administrators of India

May 2012 Report of the workshop on Formulating a research agenda for treatment - Pesticide, plant poisonings and snake envenomation


Researchers, policy makers, consumers and Industry Representatives

June 2011 Nucleic Acid Amplification screening of blood donors in CMC Vellore: Report of the Health Technology Assessment Group for NAT screening of blood donors

Health administrators, clinicians, policy makers

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead Office, Liverpool)

May 2012 Final Report: Systematic review of qualitative evidence from sub-Saharan Africa on household recognition and response to child malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea. Colvin C, Smith H, Swartz A, de Heer J, Marraccini T, Opiyo N, Ahs J, Kim J, George A. Nov 2011. Contract no. 43113551. Funded by Knowledge Management Unit, Health Section, UNICEF

Health Policy makers

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3.4 In-house publications – to include newsletters

Month & Year

Title Who is the publication aimed at?

Where is the product published?

AFRICA: Cameroon(Network Partner)

2011-12 Lightings-Eclairage Decision makers, Researchers, Providers, Public

CDBPH Website

Posters in Yaounde Central Hospital

Printed hard copies (to be distributed and posted)

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

July 2011, Oct 2011, Jan 2012, Apr 2012

Cochrane Nigeria Info Sheet Health Professionals and Policy Makers


AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

July 2011, Dec 2011

SACC newsletter Cochrane contributors, the public, policy makers, all Cochrane entities

MRC web site and printed hard copies (1122 copies distributed via email and post to contacts in 37 different countries, mainly Africa)

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Oct 2011 to May 2012

CEHCN news(including 8 articles) Researchers, medical students, clinicians


CHINA: Fudan (Network Partner)

Sep 2011 Health prescription: Optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding

General, primary health care providers

50 disseminated in Caohejing Community Health center, Xuhui District, Shanghai,; 50 disseminated in Xinzhuang Community Health center, Minhang District, Shanghai; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau

Oct 2011 Health prescription: Interventions for emergency contraception

Women in reproductive ages, clinicians

50 disseminated in Caohejing Community Health center, Xuhui District, Shanghai,; 50 disseminated in Xinzhuang Community Health center, Minhang District, Shanghai; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau

Jan 2012 Health prescription: Immersion in water in labour and birth

General, clinicians 50 disseminated in Shanghai Changning Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital; 50 in Shanghai Red House Hospital- affiliated hospital of Fudan University; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province

Jan 2012 Health prescription: Skin patch and vaginal ring versus combined oral contraceptives for contraception

Women in reproductive ages, clinicians

50 disseminated in Caohejing Community Health center, Xuhui District, Shanghai,; 50 disseminated in Xinzhuang Community Health center, Minhang District, Shanghai; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau

Jan 2012 Health prescription: Midwife-led versus other models of care for

Clinicians, health 50 disseminated in Shanghai Changning Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital; 50 in Shanghai Red

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childbearing women management, general House Hospital- affiliated hospital of Fudan University; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province

Jan2012 Health prescription: Uterine massage for preventing postpartum haemorrhage

Clinicians 50 disseminated in Shanghai Changning Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital; 50 in Shanghai Red House Hospital- affiliated hospital of Fudan University; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province

Feb 2012 Health prescription: Continuous support for women during childbirth

Clinicians 50 disseminated in Shanghai Changning Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital; 50 in Shanghai Red House Hospital- affiliated hospital of Fudan University; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province

Feb 2012 Health prescription: Treatments for suppression of lactation

General, primary health care providers

50 disseminated in Caohejing Community Health center, Xuhui District, Shanghai,; 50 disseminated in Xinzhuang Community Health center, Minhang District, Shanghai; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province

Mar 2012 Health prescription: Episiotomy for vaginal birth

Clinicians 50 disseminated in Shanghai Changning Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital; 50 in Shanghai Red House Hospital- affiliated hospital of Fudan University; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province

Mar 2012 Health prescription: Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for preventing hypertensive disorders and related problems

Women in reproductive ages, clinicians

50 disseminated in Caohejing Community Health center, Xuhui District, Shanghai,; 50 disseminated in Xinzhuang Community Health center, Minhang District, Shanghai; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province

Apr 2012 Health prescription: Progestogen for preventing miscarriage

Clinicians 50 disseminated in Shanghai Changning Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital; 50 in Shanghai Red House Hospital- affiliated hospital of Fudan University; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province

Apr 2012 Health prescription: Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling for prenatal diagnosis

Clinicians 50 disseminated in Shanghai Changning Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital; 50 in Shanghai Red House Hospital- affiliated hospital of Fudan University; 200 sent to Pinghu Maternal and Child Health Institute, Zhejiang Province; and 200 sent to Nanhai Health of Bureau, Guangdong Province


India (Network Lead)

May 2012 SASIANCC Newsletter Stakeholders of the SASIANCC


Mar 2012 SASIANCC Newsletter Stakeholders of the SASIANCC


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Oct 2011 SASIANCC Newsletter Stakeholders of the SASIANCC


Sep 2011 SASIANCC Newsletter (29th Sept.) Stakeholders of the SASIANCC


Sep 2011 SASIANCC Newsletter (22nd Sept) Stakeholders of the SASIANCC


Sep 2011 SASIANCC Newsletter (10th Sept) Stakeholders of the SASIANCC


UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

May 2010 to Feb 2011

EHCRC Newsletters (8 in total) CIDG authors and editors, EHCRC partners, DFID, other RPCs


3.5 In-house published PRODUCTS – toolkits, CD-ROM’s, videos, podcasts and other multi-media outputs

Month & Year

Title of product Who is the product aimed at?

Where is the product published?

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Feb 2012 Podcast - Pycnogenol® for the treatment of chronic disorders

Clinicians, policy makers, researchers and consumers

The Cochrane Library website

Nov 2011 Podcast - Methods for obtaining unpublished data

Clinicians, policy makers, researchers and consumers

The Cochrane Library website

2011 African First AID Materials – podcast on their site and youtube

Clinician practicing first aid in Africa, policy makers devising policy in Africa on first aid



CHINA: Fudan (Network Partner)

Apr 2011 Health information blog: Optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding

General, researchers, clinicians


May 2011 Health information blog: Interventions for emergency contraception

General, researchers, clinicians


June 2011 Health information blog: Immersion in water in labour and birth

General, researchers, clinicians


Sep 2011 Health information blog: Skin patch and vaginal ring versus combined oral contraceptives for contraception

General, researchers, clinicians


Oct 2011 Health information blog: Midwife-led versus other models of care for childbearing women

Researchers, clinicians, health management, health policy maker


Nov 2011 Health information blog: Uterine Clinicians, researchers http://chenglinan.blog.sohu.com/191451758.html

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massage for preventing postpartum haemorrhage

Dec 2011 Health information blog: Continuous support for women during childbirth

General, researchers, clinicians


Jan 2012 Health information blog: Treatments for suppression of lactation

General, researchers, clinicians


Jan 2012 Health information blog: Episiotomy for vaginal birth

General, researchers, clinicians


Feb 2012 Health information blog: Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for preventing hypertensive disorders and related problems

General, researchers, clinicians


Mar 2012 Health information blog: Progestogen for preventing miscarriage

Clinicians, researchers http://chenglinan.blog.sohu.com/206964870.html

Apr 2012 Health information blog: Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling for prenatal diagnosis

Clinicians, researchers http://chenglinan.blog.sohu.com/212055381.html


India (Network Lead)

Mar 2012 Special Interview: Prof. Santosh Rath: (Dr. Santosh is a prominent hand surgeon and orthopeadician from Bhubaneshwar, Odisha)

Clinicians specifically Orthopeadicians and those who work with leprosy patients


May 2012 Vox Pop: Ms. Risahmawati, Jakarta on SASIANCC workshop (Language: Indonesian. Ms. Risahmawati is from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah, State Islamic University, Jakarta)

Clinicians and health systems researchers


May 2012 Vox Pop: Ms. Farhana Sharmin from Bangladesh on Protocol Development Workshop of Feb, 2012 (Language: Bangla. FARHANA SHARMIN is a Junior Scientist, Centre for Woman and Child Health, Bangladesh)

Clinicians and researchers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvMI_KsQqCY

May 2012 How relevant are SASIANCC training workshops to public health officials? (Dr. M V Kapadia, Medical Officer, National Vector Borne Disease Control Program, Gujarat)

Public Health professionals and Health Administrators


May 2012 AIIMS clinician stresses the need for EBM (Dr. Rajeshwari Subramaniam, Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesia, All India Institute of

Clinicians http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbXo4CyCDPE

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Medical Sciences, New Delhi)

Apr 2012 Aneesh George in conversation with Samson Oli and Semunegus Mehrete (Public Health Officials from Ethiopia) - Part I of II

Public Health professionals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=041w39cJ2RQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gvCh6MDOkU&feature=relmfu

May 2012 Listeners' guide to conference presentations by Prof. Jonathan Craig

Healthcare Professionals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ27mXuJue8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCegFpuoITk

May 2012 Feedback by the workshop participant – I

Policy makers, clinicians and other healthcare professionals, researchers and consumers.


May 2012 Feedback by the workshop participant – II

Policy makers, clinicians and other healthcare professionals, researchers and consumers.


May 2012 Feedback by the workshop participant – III

Policy makers, clinicians and other healthcare professionals, researchers and consumers.


May 2012 Videos of 15 presentations of 27th April 2012

“Formulating a research agenda for treatment: A workshop on pesticide and plant poisonings and snake envenomations”

Policy makers, researchers and public health professionals


May 2012 Videos of 13 presentations of 28th April 2012

“Formulating a research agenda for treatment: A workshop on pesticide and plant poisonings and snake envenomations”

Policy makers, researchers and public health professionals


May 2012 PPT presentations of 27th and 28th April 2012

“Formulating a research agenda for treatment: A workshop on pesticide and plant poisonings and snake envenomations”

Policy makers, researchers and public health professionals


May 2012 Presentations and videos of the 9th and 10th April 2012 workshop.

“Role of medical colleges in strengthening primary, secondary and tertiary care: Experience of CMC Vellore”

Policy makers, researchers and public health professionals


UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

July to Nov 2011

Video interview series of key people involved in the Consortium about evidence-based health, Cochrane reviews etc. 4 videos in series

Researchers, clinicians, general


Cochrane Summaries website (various pages)

EHCRC website

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3.6 In-house published WEB 2.0 initiatives – social networking forums, discussions forums

Month & Year

Title Who is the initiative aimed at?


AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

Apr 2012 Nigerian branch facebook @CochraneNigeria Branch Sacc

Researchers, medical professionals, media practitioners, medical and nursing students


Apr 2012 Twitter: @cochranenigeria Researchers, medical professionals, media practitioners, medical and nursing students


AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Started Jan 2011, ongoing

Ethics in African paediatric trials discussion forum…

Researchers, ethicists, regulators

To be determined – negotiations ongoing between WHO-PMRN and the globalhealthreviewers.org as to most appropriate place to host the discussion forum

Oct 2011 EDCPT Forum 2012 – numerous blogs

EDCTP stakeholders, Forum attendees, EU funding partners


May 2012 Blog on Evidence into Health Policy

Researchers, academics and policymakers


CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Started Mar 2012, ongoing

CEHCN Weibo page Researchers, medical students, clinicians, general


Started Feb 2012, ongoing

QQ Chatting Group Team members http://qun.qq.com/air/#212337816/share


India (Network Lead)

2010 SASIANCC’s Facebook group The SASIANCC has a Facebook site that is used to provide information about activities and important summaries to all stakeholders. It has 447 members to-date


Jan 2012 SASIANCC’s Facebook page The SASIANCC Facebook page advertises our events, showcases our achievements and so on. It is aimed at all Facebook users and is more easily searched than a Facebook group. The Facebook page has received 50 likes so far


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Oct 2011 SASIANCC Director’s Blog It’s for all those are interested in evidence-informed healthcare. The blog site Evidence-Informed Musings has received 2268 page views to-date


Mar 2012 SASIANCC Communications Officer’s Blog

The blog functions as a voice of the South Asian Cochrane Network and Centre to promote Evidence-based Medicine among consumers. The blog site has received more than 750 page views to-date


Sep 2011 SASIANCC’s Twitter page It aims to put out short messages about our day-to-day activities to all Twitter users. The Twitter account has 57 followers


2011 SASIANCC’s LinkedIn page It aims to connect with professionals in the field of EBM. It has 66 members


2010 The Cochrane Student Journal Club

The SASIANCC supports the Cochrane Students Journal Club has 84 members and has had 25,214 page views since it was started


3.7 Policy briefs

Month & Year

Title Who is the brief for?

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Being finalised

Dudley L, Young T, Okwundu C, Wiysonge C. Continuity of Care for chronic diseases: Evidence-informed Policy brief

Policymakers working in the field of chronic diseases


India (Network Lead)

Apr 2012 Interventions for acute organophosphate poisoning These were primarily prepared for the participants of the workshop that was organised by us on April 27 and 28, 2012. However, these summaries have very wide reach to all the scientific communities, policy makers, consumers, media and other stakeholders working in the field of clinical toxicology. We have already uploaded these in our website so it can reach to maximum in free of cost

Apr 2012 Primary prevention of Pesticide related poisonings

Apr 2012 Interventions for snake bites: An overview of current research evidence from South Asia

Apr2012 Evidence for treatment of Plant Poisoning

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3.8 Targeted product for DFID use

Month & Year

Type of product Who is the product aimed at?

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

Feb 2012 Research Newsfeed DFID in-country offices/advisers http://www.liv.ac.uk/evidence/newsletters/dfid1.htm

Section 4: Other Outputs

4.1 New policy or guideline influenced by Consortium products

Month & Year

Title Who is it for? What product influenced policy or guideline?

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Dec 2011 The tenth five-year plan of “Constructing life-long health system, health Chongqing demonstration”

Beibei District Participated in the policy planning

4.2 Amended policy or guideline influenced by Consortium products

Month & Year

Title Who is it for? What product influenced policy or guideline?

- No details for current year - -

4.3 Major funding decisions by bi-lateral or multi-lateral agencies influenced by Consortium products

Month & Year

Title Which bi-lateral or multi-lateral agency was influenced?

What product influenced the major funding decision?


India (Network Lead)

May 2012 Grant application for snakebite management, UK-India

Bangore University, UK is offering it through TOXSIG, however, the main funding agency would be the Medical Research Council of UK

Our evidence summaries and workshop recommendations primarily attracted many

Mar 2012 Call for project proposals for conducting systematic reviews in maternal and child health

Indian Council for Medical Research: Dr Tharyan was invited to chair the selection committee and frame procedures and guidelines

Our systematic reviews and our influence on evidence informed health care

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Section 5: Grants

5.1 Multiplier funding

Start/end date of grant

Title Name of funding body Total of grant awarded (please state currency)

How will the funding be used?

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

2011–2012 - Federal Ministry of Education

£22,130 Emolument to Branch Research and Technical staff who give of their time to author support, training, preparation of reviews and editorial support to Review Groups within the Cochrane Collaboration

2011–2012 - Federal Ministry of Health £7,068 Emolument to Branch Research and Technical staff who give of their time to author support, training, preparation of reviews and editorial support to Review Groups within the Cochrane Collaboration

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Apr 2011–Mar 2012

Home- or community based treatment of malaria with artemisinin-based combination therapies in malaria endemic areas

Grants programme on Evidence Synthesis on Strategies for Implementing Interventions for Achieving MDGs 4, 5, or 6, World Health Organization (WHO)

US$ 35,228 (£22,676)

The CEBHC was successful in obtaining a grant from WHO for the conduct of a systematic review on home management of Malaria

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Mar–May 2012

Investigation and Impact Evaluation of Project Promoting non-smoking Environment (Zhao Y)

China CDC, Chongqing Health Education Institute

¥40,000 (£4,066)

Investigation, data analysis, report writing

June–Dec 2011

Impact Evaluation on Smoking Control Advertising (Zhao Y)

Pulmonary Health Union Program

¥30,000 (£3,050)

Investigation, data analysis, report writing

May–Nov 2011

Pilot Study of Implementing “Day of Experiencing Popularization of Science on Health” in Medical Colleges (Zhao Y)

China Science Association Program of Enhancing Capabilities on Science Pauperization in Postgraduates

¥20,000 (£2,033)

Investigation, data analysis, report writing

May 2011–Dec 2012

Study of Investigation on Sub-health Risk Behaviours and Intervention of Peer Education in Rural Left-behind Middle School Students

Chongqing Educational Commission Program on Science Technology in 2011

¥10,000 (£1,016)

Investigation, data analysis, report writing

Jan 2012– Exploration and Application of

Sub-project of Scientific ¥960,000 Systematic review, Investigation,

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Dec 2014 Technology on Prevention and Control of Major Diseases in Students and Its Standards --- Application of Proper Technology in Model Demonstration Region (Base in Chongqing)

Research on Health (£97, 592) data analysis, report writing

Sep 2011–Nov 2011

Study on Index System and Assessment Method of Appropriate Health Technology Assessment(Wang RH)

Ministry of Health ¥100,000 (£10,165)

Systematic Review, data analysis, report writing

July 2011–July 2012

Study on Training Model of Administrative Staff of Health Education on HIV Prevention in Schools in Chongqing (He JL)

Chongqing Educational Commission

¥80,000 (£8,132)

Investigation, data analysis, report writing

July 2011–July 2012

Exploration of Propaganda Materials on Health Education of HIV Prevention in Adolescent in Chongqing and Its Application Assessment (Zhong ZH)

Chongqing Educational Commission

¥80,000 (£8,132)

Investigation, report writing


India (Network lead)

1 Aug 2007–31 July 2012

Centre for Evidence Based Medicine

Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi

INR 1,67,40,000/- (£193,407)

This project is operational since last four years. The funds received during this year would be used for further strengthening evidence-based medicine through SASIANCC

Section 6: Publicity

6.1 Press Releases

Day, month and year

Title Distribution Attachment, URL

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

19 Apr 2012

World kidney day 2012: kidneys for life

Electronic and print media Newspaper article – see Annex 2 – Africa: Nigeria (2)


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1 May 2012 Caffeine as an analgesic adjuvant for acute pain in adults

Electronic and print media Yes

1 May 2012 Centralisation of services for gynaecological cancer

Electronic and print media No

1 May 2012 Mobile phone text messaging for promoting adherence to antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV infection

Electronic and print media No

1 May 2012 Pain management for women in labour: an overview of systematic reviews

Electronic and print media No

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Aug 2011 New Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care launched at Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University

Media in South Africa Release included see Annex 2 – Africa: South Africa (1)


India (Network Lead)

21 Jan 2012

Press Release from SAsianCC, CMC, Vellore on 21st January 2012

Fifteen selected national, international and regional press.

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

14 Apr 2010

Malaria: Poor Data on Key Mosquito Control Tool a Threat to Effective Malaria Prevention

Wiley media list (worldwide)


12 May 2010

Vaccination Reduces Burden of Childhood Rotavirus Disease

Wiley media list (worldwide)


10 June 2010

LSTM named WHO Collaborating Centre

LSTM Media list (worldwide)


10 Nov 2010

Probiotics Shorten Diarrhoea Episodes

Wiley media list (worldwide)


15 Mar 2011

Oral Vaccine Could Prevent Half of Cholera Cases, But Less Effective in Kids

HBNS media list (worldwide)


16 Mar 2011

Newer Antimalarials More Effective Than Quinine Against Severe Malaria

Wiley media list (worldwide)


6 July 2011 Simple Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria Work Well

Wiley media list (worldwide)


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6.2 Publicity coverage in local, regional, national and international media

Day, month and year

Title What media? (print, TV, radio, mobile phones, websites and magazines)

Attachment, URL

AFRICA: Cameroon (Network Partner)

6 Dec 2011 OSC impressions: Health Evidence Collection & Usage

Cameroon Link website http://cameroonlink.blogspot.ca/2011/12/health-evidence-collection-usage.html

8-9 Dec 2011

OSC impressions:

1. Dr. Lawrence Mbuagbaw on web sourcing

2. Development of health decision process

3. Dr. Robert Marie Mba on health data usag 4- Development of Best Health Practices

The Cameroon Link of Spreaker Website

A community radio to educate local populations on health issues

(sharing the ongoing Commonwealth of Learning initiative through Community Radios in Cameroon)


1. http://www.spreaker.com/user/camlink99/development_of_best_health_practices

2. http://www.spreaker.com/user/camlink99/development_of_health_decision_process

3. http://www.spreaker.com/user/camlink99/dr_robert_marie_mba_on_health_data_usag

4. http://www.spreaker.com/user/camlink99/development_of_best_health_practices

5 Jan 2012 OSC impressions:

« Le journaliste doit avoir un sens critique vis-à-vis des jugements d’experts avec lesquels il est souvent emmené à travailler»

A newspaper website

“La nouvelle expression”


2011 The Policy dialogue process in Cameroon

WHO Website http://www.who.int/alliance-hpsr/en/

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

2 Apr 2012 Media chat Cross river State radio & T.V. news bulletin at 7pm


4 Apr 2012 Media Chat NTA Calabar News @7pm (Television)


5 Apr 2012 Media Chat Galaxy TV (private T.V. station based in Ibadan, western Nigeria)

Prime time news @ 10pm TV OR RADIO


9 May 2012 Cochrane Collaboration: Expanding the Frontiers of Best Evidence for Health Care

Nigerian Chronicle Newspaper

Newspaper article – see Annex 2 – Africa: Nigeria (3)

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

16 Feb 2011

Zinc reduces the burden of the common cold

Print and website

Business Day


17 Feb 2011

Zinc reduces the burden of the common cold


News Time


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17 Feb 2011

Zinc reduces the burden of common cold


SA Daily News 24


17 Feb 2011

Zinc reduces the burden of common cold


News Updates South Africa


18 Feb 2011

Zinc reduces the burden of common cold




21 Feb 2011

Zinc reduces the burden of common cold


Business in Africa


22 Feb 2011

Zinc reduces the burden of common cold




19 Jan 2011 Drug used to treat heavy periods will stop trauma patients bleeding to death


Silver Surfers Website


20 Jan 2011 Statins: Benefits Questionable in Low-Risk Patients


Silver Surfers Website


20 Jan 2011 Statins: Benefits Questionable in Low-Risk Patients




1 Feb 2011 Statins: Benefits Questionable in Low-Risk Patients




6 July 2011 Cutting Down on Salt Doesn’t Reduce Your Chance of Dying


Times Live


7 July 2011 Cutting Down on Salt Doesn’t Reduce Your Chance of Dying


Business Day


8 July 2011 Cutting Down on Salt Doesn’t Reduce Your Chance of Dying


Business Day


8 July 2011 Cutting Down on Salt Doesn’t Reduce Your Chance of Dying

Howzit Msn http://news.za.msn.com/health-department-says-review-of-salt-in-food-is-a-%e2%80%98red-herring%e2%80%99

13 July 2011

Cutting Down on Salt Doesn’t Reduce Your Chance of Dying


IOL – Independent Online


6 July 2011 Botulinum Toxin Does Not Cure Common Forms of Neck Pain

Newsnook http://www.newsnook.co.za/ArticleComment.aspx?id=246179

10 Aug 2011

No Strong Evidence to Support Aspirin Use for IVF

Newsnook http://www.newsnook.co.za/ArticleComment.aspx?id=343658

12 Aug 2011

No Strong Evidence to Support Aspirin Use for IVF


Calora Baby


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17 Aug 2011

No Strong Evidence to Support Aspirin Use for IVF


Health 24


16 Aug 2011

Music Reduces Anxiety in Cancer Patients


Times Live


17 Aug 2011

Music Reduces Anxiety in Cancer Patients


IOL – Independent Online


9 Sep 2011 Virtual Reality May Help Adults Recover from Stroke




9 Sep 2011 Virtual Reality May Help Adults Recover from Stroke

News Point South Africa http://newspoint.co.za/story/411/1207-virtual-reality-therapy-treatment-stroke-patients

8 Dec 2011 Evidence Shows How Childhood Obesity Can be Prevented


IOL – Independent Online


Aug 2011 CEBHC establishment - See Annex 2 – Africa: South Africa (2)

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

1 Mar 2012 Bread tastes light, is it no harm to eat more? Salt intake would exceed standard when you eat five breads everyday

Chongqing Evening News http://www.cq.xinhuanet.com/2012-03/01/c_111588141.htm

21 Feb 2012

Children grow fast in Spring. The Education Commission promotes nutritious diet

Chongqing Morning News http://www.cqcb.com/cbnews/gngjnews/2012-02-21/613214.html

22 Feb 2012

Suggestions on diet recipes for middle and primary schools



India (Network Lead)

15 May 2012

Cochrane for Dummies: by Anna Joseph, a laywoman-turned-Cochrane enthusiast

Internet http://www.cochrane.org/news/blog/cochrane-dummies-anna-joseph-laywoman-turned-cochrane-enthusiast

25 Apr 2012

Workshop to throw light on pesticide and plant poisonings

Newspaper http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/article3351619.ece

24 Jan 2012 Craig’s visit a morale booster for CMC

Newspaper http://www.arunachaltimes.in/jan12%2024.html#Craig

4 Dec 2011 Drug firms have hijacked medical research

Newspaper http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-karnataka/article2686276.ece

3 Dec 2011 Workshop on evidence-based medicine held at FMMC

Internet media http://mangaloretoday.com/mt/index.php?action=mn&type=4534

20 Dec 2011

Dr Prathap Tharyan - a Lateral View at Health, Healthcare and Related Matters

Internet media http://mangalorean.com/browsearticles.php?arttype=Opinion&articleid=1884

3 Dec 2011 Drug Companies Hijacking Research Internet media http://www.daijiworld.com/news/news_disp.a

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- Prof Tharyan sp?n_id=123683

May 2011 Cochrane colleague Prathap Tharyan writes about India's purchase of a national provision for The Cochrane Library in The Hindu

Website http://www.cochrane.org/in-the-news/cochrane-colleague-prathap-tharyan-writes-about-indias-purchase-national-provision-cochr

Apr 2011 Important, trustworthy public health research evidence

Newspaper http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/article1773437.ece

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

14 Apr 2010

Malaria: Poor Data on Key Mosquito Control Tool a Threat to Effective Malaria Prevention

Print and online

37 media hits


12 May 2010

Vaccination Reduces Burden of Childhood Rotavirus Disease

Print and online

43 Media Hits


10 June 2010

LSTM named WHO Collaborating Centre

Print and online

8 Media Hits

+ Tweeting

10 Nov 2010

Probiotics Shorten Diarrhoea Episodes

Print and online

108 Media Hits

15 Mar 2011

Oral Vaccine Could Prevent Half of Cholera Cases, But Less Effective in Kids

Print and online

Number of hits not available

16 Mar 2011

Newer Antimalarials More Effective Than Quinine Against Severe Malaria

Print and online

48 Media Hits

6 July 2011 Simple Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria Work Well

Print and online

37 Media Hits


6.3 Website links

Month & Year

What websites carry a link to your website? URL

AFRICA: Cameroon (Network Partner)

2011 Effective Health Care Research Consortium http://www.liv.ac.uk/evidence/partners_cameroon.htm (under construction)

2011 World Health Organization http://www.who.int/rpc/evipnet/policybrief/en/index3.html

“Recent publications from Centre for the Development of Best Practices in Health”

2011 Evidence Informed Policy Network http://www.who.int/rpc/evipnet/africa/en/index.html

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2011 Médecins du Cameroun (NGO) http://www.medcamer.org/liens-utiles/

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

Current Effective Health Care Research Consortium http://www.liv.ac.uk/evidence/partners_nigeria.htm

Current Cochrane Collaboration http://www.cochrane.org/contact/centres

Current Site Stats http://www.site-stats.info/Search/cochrane%20centret/

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Apr 2012 WHO Better Medicines for Children and The Pediatric Regulatory Network for continued promotion of the Child Strategy



India (Network lead)

Cochrane Students’ Journal Club http://csjconline.informer.org.in/

Effective Healthcare Research Consortium http://www.liv.ac.uk/evidence/

The Cochrane Collaboration http://www.cochrane.org/contact/country

ebookbrowse http://goo.gl/3BDyM

Communityhealth.in http://goo.gl/5DkJU

Section 7: Events, Training, Meetings

7.1 International conference papers/posters

Month & Year

Title of paper/poster Name and location of conference

AFRICA South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

31 August 2011

Kredo T. Alignment and Agreement: current status of clinical practice guidelines in SADC

G.I.N. conference, Seoul, Korea

20-22 June 2011

Kredo T. Accessing evidence-based resources: introduction to The Cochrane Collaboration

2011 HIV/AIDS Twinning Centres Partners Meeting - Health and Social Services Professions Education, Johannesburg

9-12 Oct 2011

Abrams A. The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry: Growth and capacity building

European and Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership 6th Forum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

26-30 Sep 2011

Abrams A. The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry: Year two, an update for AVAREF

African Vaccines and Regulatory Forum Meeting, Maputo, Mozambique

30 Aug 2011

Abrams A. The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry Global Information Systems Mapping Component: a first

Presentation to the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership Hague Office, Cape Town

24-26 Oct 2011

Abrams A. The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry – an open access resource

BMJ Open Access Africa Conference. Kumasi, Ghana

19-22 Oct 2011

Rohwer A, Young T. Building capacity in EBHC. What is happening in the African region

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain

19-22 Oct Abrams A, Pienaar E. Threading the needle we found in 19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain

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2011 the haystack – identifying ongoing trials with the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry

19-22 Oct 2011

Schoonees A, Young T, Volmink J. Are claims made in advertisements of nutritional supplements in South African women’s magazines supported by research evidence

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain

19-22 Oct 2011

Abrams A. Filled gaps? Data after a year of the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry efforts to increase understanding and awareness of the child-focused clinical trial landscape

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain

19-22 Oct 2011

Kredo T, Gerristen A, van Heerden J, Conway S, Siegfried N. Alignment and Agreement: current status of clinical practice guidelines in SADC

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain

9-12 Oct 2011

Nwachukwu C, Mbuagbaw L, Meremikwu M, Young T. Capacity building for research synthesis and conduct of Cochrane systematic reviews in Africa

European and developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership 6th Forum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

7-10 June 2011

Svensson E, van der Walt J-S, Barnes K, Cohen K, Kredo T, Sinxadi P, Karlsson M, Denti P. Mega-model of nevirapine population pharmacokinetics

Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE) Conference, Athens, Greece

7-10 June 2011

van der Walt J-S , Kredo T, Wiesner L, Maartens G, Cohen K, Smith P, Karlsson MO, Barnes KI. The effect of nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy on the population pharmacokinetics of artemether and dihydroartemisinin in HIV-infected adults

Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE) Conference, Athens, Greece

24 Nov 2011

Rohwer A, Young T. EBHC curriculum development: Where are we?

CEBHA: 1st annual EBHC Symposium, Kampala, Uganda

24 Nov 2011

Okwundu C. GRADE: What is the hype about?

CEBHA: 1st annual EBHC Symposium, Kampala, Uganda

24 June 2011

Young T. What is Evidence-based Health Care and why do we need it?

Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia

28 Nov 2011

Young T. Evidence-based Research Practice

AfriNEAD 3rd Symposium, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Apr 2012 Census of centenarians’ lifestyle in Chongqing, China Dubai, World Congress of Cardiology 2012 Poster Presentations e159,P717


India (Network Lead)

19-22 Oct 2011

Igniting minds: Use of Cochrane resources as educational tools for training medical students in developing countries

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain


19-22 Oct 2011

Credence: creation of reliable evidence in developing countries by continuous enabling

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain http://2011.colloquium.cochrane.org/abstracts/a4o2-credence-creation-reliable-evidence-developing-countries-continuous-enabling

19-22 Oct 2011

From novice to expert to mentor: Increasing participation in the Cochrane Collaboration in low and middle income

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain


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countries programme/pre-and-post-colloquium-events

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

19-22 Oct 2011

Sarah Donegan, Paula Williamson, Umberto D’Alessandro, Catrin Tudur-Smith. Exploring treatment by covariate interactions in mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis: individual patient-level covariates versus aggregate trial-level covariates

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain

19-22 Oct 2011

Anne-Marie Stephani, David Sinclair, Paul Garner. Helping readers understand review update status: pilot of a simple system

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain

19-22 Oct 2011

Vittoria Lutje, Annette Gerritsen, Nandi Siegfried. Methodological quality of malaria RCTs conducted in Africa

19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain

7.2 Other conference papers/posters including proceedings

Month and year

Title of paper/poster Name and location of conference

AFRICA: Kenya (Network Partner)

Nov 2011 Systematic reviews: an evidence resource for the family physician

Kenya Association of Family Physicians Annual scientific conference, Nairobi

Feb 2012 Evidence-based practice: where is the evidence Kenya Obstetrical and Gynecological Society’s annual scientific conference, Nairobi

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

11-15 Mar 2012

Priority Setting for Systematic Reviews in Nigeria Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria Annual Conference, Calabar, Cross River State

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

26 Oct 2011

Abrams A. Navigating ethics issues at the intersection between bio-medical and qualitative research

Panel on methodologies in child-related qualitative research. University of Cape Town, Postgraduate Research Day

19-20 Oct 2011

Abrams A. The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (www.pactr.org) – monitoring child-health related trial activity

MRC Research Day, Cape Town

19-20 Oct 2011

Abrams A. Adolescent trial experiences – A pilot study MRC Research Day, Cape Town

7-10 June 2011

de Waal R, Workman L, Norman J, Kredo T, Smith P, Blockman M, Cohen K. Therapeutic drug monitoring of antiretrovirals – initial experience in South Africa

SA AIDS Conference, Durban

2-4 Mar 2011

Kredo T. Artemether-lumefantrine and antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients: pharmacokinetic and safety study

Annual ACT Consortium Meeting, Peninsula Hotel, Cape Town

5 Sep 2011 Abrams A. Something is not happening here: Cross-disciplinary issues in qualitative research at a biomedical setting

Anthropology, Southern Africa Conference, Stellenbosch

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17 Aug 2011

Rohwer A, Young T. Situational analysis of EBHC activities in Africa

Stellenbosch University Academic Year Day, Cape Town

17 Aug 2011

Ferreira A, Young T, Mathews C, Zunza M. Partner notification for STDs

Stellenbosch University Academic Year Day, Cape Town

20 May 2011

Rohwer A, Young T. Antispasmodics for labour (systematic review)

Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Colloquium for Master’s Graduates

20 May 2011

Schoonees A, Visser J, Musekiwa A, Volmink J. Pycnogenol for the treatment of chronic disorders (systematic review)

Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Colloquium for Master’s Graduates

17 Aug 2011

Schoonees A, Visser J, Musekiwa A, Volmink J. Pycnogenol for the treatment of chronic disorders (systematic review)

Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Health Sciences Academic year day

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

Apr 2012 Recommended diet for boarding school of rural students in Southwest area

Beijing, China CDC

Dec 2011 Study on relationship between puberty development time phase and obesity of children in Chongqing city

Beijing, The 9th Chinese Preventive Medicine Association child and adolescent health branch conference


India (Network Lead)

July 2011 Tharyan P. Finding research that you can trust Regional symposium on Evidence in health care: from research to policy: University of Malaya. Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sep 2011 Tharyan P. Evaluating Therapy- The role of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

Regional Symposium on Rational Antibiotic Use. CMC Vellore

Oct 2011 Tharyan P. Controversies in research- the use of placebos. Symposium on ethics in research and Good Clinical practice. CMC Vellore

Oct 2011 Tharyan P. Research misconduct and misrepresentation: Two reasons why evidence cannot often be trusted to reliably inform health decisions

Fifth Annual Conference of the Association of Physiologists of Tamil Nadu (APTCON 2011). CMC Vellore

Oct 2011 Tharyan P. Evidence-Based Ethics Symposium on ethics in research and Good Clinical practice. CMC Vellore

Oct 2011 Tharyan P. Scientific Integrity and Research Misconduct Symposium on ethics in research and Good Clinical practice. CMC Vellore

Oct 2011 Tharyan P. Systematic Reviews and meta-analysis Clinical Trials symposium, Community Health Training Centre, CMC Vellore

Oct 2011 Tharyan P. Cochrane Systematic Reviews and the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of vaccines

The Second Advanced Vaccinology Course In India (Ind-Vac 2011). CMC Vellore

Nov 2011 Tharyan P. Why most research cannot be trusted and what we can do about it

Plenary presentation at the WHO-AFMC symposium on Epidemiology, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra

Dec 2011 Tharyan P. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis in Rheumatology

27th Annual Conference of the Indian Rheumatology Association (IRACON 2011). CMC, Vellore

Dec 2011 Tharyan P. Moving from Evidence to Practice. An XXIII National Conference & Silver Jubilee Celebration of the Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology. NIMHANS

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evidence-informed approach Convention Centre, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Dec 2011 Tharyan P. Evidence Based Medicine One World Health

Jan 2012 Tharyan P. Finding and using evidence that you can trust Annual National Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society: International Convention Centre, Kochi, Kerala

Feb 2012 Tharyan P. The evidence footprint revisited- Symposium on Secondary Research. National University of Singapore

Feb 2012 Tharyan P. Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Medicine Update 2012; Delhi Chapter of the Association of Physicians of India. India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Feb 2012 “ Evidence Based Medicine and The Cochrane Collaboration” by Dr. Aneesh Thomas George and Dr. Manu E Mathew

56th Annual National Conference of the Indian Public Health Association (IPHACON 2012), Kochi, India

Mar 2012 Tharyan P. The Cochrane Collaboration, Systematic Reviews, and Meta-analysis

Annual National Conference of the Indian Association of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR 2012). Convention Centre, WW Canyon Resort, Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Mar 2012 Tharyan P. Finding and Using Evidence you can trust Presented at the TN Orthopaedic Association Sponsored Symposium on Research Methodology, Madras Medical College, Chennai

6 Apr 2012 Tharyan P. Evidence Based Trauma care: Can we trust the evidence?

Plenary presentation at the 2nd National Conference of AOTrauma India. Radisson Blu Resort Mammalapuram, Chennai

7.3 Training and capacity building events run by Consortium partners

Day, month and year

Name and type of event (workshop, meeting)

Location of event

Key people attending

Number of participants

Women participants

Was this event commissioned? If so, by whom?

AFRICA: Cameroon (Network Partner)

24-25 Nov 2011

Capacity building workshop on the research and use of evidence in decision making in public health

Yaounde Media, Dialogue structures,

Community /patients association, Civil society members

20 6 No

2-3 Dec 2011

Capacity building workshop on the research and use of evidence in decision making in public health

Douala Media, Dialogue structures,

Community/ patients association, Civil society members

22 7 No

AFRICA: Kenya (Network Partner)

26-27 Apr 2012

Question Formulation Workshop

Nairobi Potential systematic review authors

10 5 Research Director, Aga Khan University East African

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AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

18 Mar 2011

Cochrane Title Registration Workshop

Calabar, Nigeria

Health Professionals

3 1 No

5-6 Dec 2011

Introduction to Cochrane Systematic Reviews Workshop

Calabar Medical Doctors 12 5 No

20 Jan 2012 Meeting with Network of Consumers

Calabar Consumers 14 7 No

23 Mar 2012

EBM Awareness Workshop

Abuja Health Care Practitioners

44 18111 No

30-31 Mar 2012

Research Synthesis/Cochrane Systematic Review Workshop

Abuja Health Care Practitioners

18 9 No

3 Apr 2012 Media Chat (Meeting) Calabar Media Practitioners

18 2 No

10-11 Apr 2012

EBM and Systematic Review Workshop. (Continuing Professional Development)

Port Harcourt Medical doctors 32 13 No

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Sep 2011 GRADE workshop Cape Town, South Africa

Cochrane authors 17 11 n/a

May 2011 Cochrane Protocol Development Workshop

Cape Town, South Afrca

Cochrane authors 7 5 n/a

Jan 2011 Two-day systematic reviews and meta-analysis follow-up workshop in Cameroon – developing questions for a systematic review

Yaounde, Cameroon

Researchers 17 6 n/a

Jan 2011 Two-day introduction to systematic reviews and meta-analysis workshop in Cameroon

Yaounde, Cameroon

Researchers 15 Not confirmed


Mar & June 2011

Rapid evidence assessment training workshop for the Programme to Support Pro-Poor Policy Development (PSPPD) in the Presidency, South Africa.

Pretoria, South Africa

Policymakers and researchers

40 Not confirmed

Workshop arranged by PSPPD Unit and Dr T Young invited to co-facilitate

22 Aug 2011

EBHC Symposium

Cape Town, South Africa

Researchers, policymakers, lecturers, NGOs

70 40 No

3-4 & 15-16 Aug 2011

Supported and facilitated two 2-day

2 in Durban, 1 in Cape Town,

Researchers 26 Not confirmed

Workshop in Durban was on

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systematic review workshops to enhance capacity to use systematic reviews

South Africa request from HEARD, Durban (Alan Whiteside)

23 Jan 2012 Literature and Systematic reviews. 1 day workshop to Mphil Mental Health students.

Cape Town, South Africa

Researchers, mental health practitioners

14 7 On request from Crick Lund, coordinator Mphil Mental Health

Ongoing Evidence based Health care (EBHC) teaching sessions

Cape Town, South Africa

Undergraduate health science students and postgraduate students

See details below

See details below

The CEBHC is promoting the integration of EBHC teaching in undergraduate medical curricula and to postgraduate students. Related to this – staff of the CEBHC teach various sessions on EBHC


• Evidence-based medicine. Lectures to MB,ChB 5th year students of Stellenbosch University. 1-2 February 2012 – 177 students, 50% female

• Overview of EBHC and phrasing questions. Teaching session to final year medical students at Rural Clinical School, Stellenbosch University. Worcester, 15 February 2012 – 21 students, 13 female

• Evidence-based nutrition. Lecture to 3rd year Dietetic students of Stellenbosch University. 28 February 2012 – 27 students, all female


• Grading quality of evidence. Lecture to MSc Clinical Epidemiology programme. Cape Town. 26th May 2011

• What are systematic reviews and where can we find them? Lecture to MSc Clinical Epidemiology programme. Cape Town. 28th July 2011

• Selecting studies. Lecture to MSc Clinical Epidemiology programme. Cape Town. 28th July 2011

• Collecting and managing data. Lecture to MSc Clinical Epidemiology programme. Cape Town. 29th July 2011

• Interpreting results and drawing conclusions. Lecture to MSc Clinical Epidemiology programme. Cape Town. 26th August 2011

• Systematic reviews. MSc in Rehabilitation, Stellenbosch University, 15 February 2012

• Research Methodology, MSc in Rehabilitation, Stellenbosch University, 20-21 February 2012

• Systematic reviews. Pre-doctoral short course. Department Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. 21 February 2012

• Quantitative Research Methodology. Pre-doctoral short course. Department Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. 23 February 2012

CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

8 June 2011 EBM in Public Health (Wang Y)

Weifang Medical College in Shandong Province

Young teachers and postgraduates

80 56 Weifang Medical College

8 July 2011 New Progress in EBM (Wang Y)

Chongqing Medical

Postgraduates 60 38 International Summer School

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University for Medical Postgraduates by HUST-CQMU-Charité

5 Nov 2011 EBM and Public Health Research (Wang Y)

Chongqing Medical University

Young teachers and postgraduates

210 73 School of Public Health and Management of Chongqing Medical University

2 Jan 2012 EBM and Clinical Medical Research (Wang Y)

Chongqing Medical University

Clinical doctors and postgraduates

42 30 Affiliated Hospitals of Chongqing Medical University

1 Aug 2011 EBM and Systematic Review (Liu Q)

Chongqing Medical University

Clinical doctors and postgraduates

22 10 First Affiliated Hospitals of Chongqing Medical University

11 Nov 2011

EBM and Systematic Review (Liu Q)

Chongqing Medical University

Clinical doctors and postgraduates

40 22 Second Affiliated Hospitals of Chongqing Medical University

18 Nov 2011

EBM and Systematic Review (Liu Q)

Chongqing Medical University

Medical postgraduates

40 20 School of Public Health and Management of Chongqing Medical University

10 Nov 2011

How to choose a research topic and to write a paper(Liu Q)

Chongqing Medical University

Young teachers and postgraduates

105 65 School of Public Health and Management of Chongqing Medical University

15 Mar 2012

How to conduct a Systematic Review(Liu Q)

Chongqing Medical University

Young teachers and postgraduates

35 20 School of Public Health and Management of Chongqing Medical University

13 Apr 2012

Key Knowledge on Proper Nutrition for Model Canteens (Zhao Y)

Yuzhong District Food and Drug Administration in Chongqing

Canteen staff 100 15 Yuzhong District Food and Drug Administration in Chongqing

10 Apr 2012

Intervention Model of Family Health Education (Zhao Y)

Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University

General medical practitioners in Community Department of Common Paediatric Diseases Prevention and

45 45 Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University

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1 Mar 2012 How to choose a topic in scientific research?(Zhao Y)

Maternal and Child Health Centre in Shapingba District in Chongqing

Medical staff 25 20 Maternal and Child Health Centre in Shapingba District in Chongqing

30 Mar 2012

Implementation and Evaluation of Health Education in Community (Zhao Y)

Lan Jian Restaurant

Community Health education staff from Chongqing Health Bureau and Health Education Institute

400 324 Chongqing Health Bureau, Institute of Health Education

14 Jan 2012 Proper Nutrition and Healthy Growth (Zhao Y)

Yu Cai Middle School

Seven and Eight Grade students

60 45 Yu Cai Middle School

13 Jan 2012 Common Misunderstanding in Nutrition (Zhao Y)

First Elementary School in Campus City

Staff from educational departments

80 60 Chongqing Educational Commission

29 Oct 2011 Life Skill Training and Peer Education (Zhao Y)

Academic Centre of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University

Secretaries of the Youth League Committee in colleges and universities

60 35 First Affiliated Hospital of Chognqing Medical University

Nov 2011 Training on Capacity Building (Zhao Y)

Chronic Institute of Chongqing CDC

Member of the Chronic Institute

25 20 Chronic Institute of Chongqing CDC

3 Dec 2011 Chongqing “City Training Plan” in 2011 – Training for Health Education Teachers in Elementary and Middle Schools – Prevention and Control of Common Infectious Diseases in Schools (Wang H)

Chongqing Normal University

Health Education Teachers in Elementary and Middle Schools

110 60 Chongqing Educational Commission

9 Mar 2012 Training of Profession for School Health Care Givers in Yuzhong District in Chongqing (How to write a review?) (Wang H)

Health Care Institute for Elementary and Middle Schools in Yuzhong District in Chongqing

School Health Care Givers

55 30 Healthcare Institute of primary and Middle School, Yuzhong Disctrict, Chongqing

Oct-Nov 2011

Standardization Program for Clinical Doctors in First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (Tang XJ)

Academic Centre in the First Affiliated Hospital

Clinical doctors and postgraduates

200 80 Health Bureau

Dec 2011 Evidence-based School of Basic Faculty and 50 30 School of Basic

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Medicine and Systematic Review(Zhang Y)

Medicine, CQMU

postgraduates Medicine, CQMU


India (Network Lead)

30 May-3 June 2011

Protocol Development Workshop for a Cochrane Systematic Review

CMC, Vellore Healthcare professionals, Researchers, faculty of medical and nursing colleges and students

41 12 CMC, Vellore

4-8 July 2011

Developing a Protocol for Cochrane Systematic Review

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Healthcare professionals, researchers, faculty of medical colleges and students

51 16 CMC, Vellore and University of Malaya

5 Sep 2011 The Cochrane Library Workshop

National Institute of Pathology, Delhi

Researchers and Scientists mainly from the ICMR institutions

33 13 ICMR

16 Sep 2011

The Cochrane Library Workshop

National Institute for Research In Tuberculosis, Chennai

Researchers and Scientists mainly from the ICMR institutions

65 14 ICMR

31 Oct-5 Nov 2011

Cochrane Review Completion and Review Update Workshop

CMC, Vellore

Healthcare professionals and students

8 2 CMC, Vellore

27 Nov 2011

Evidence-Informed Healthcare: An introductory workshop

ICDDR, Bangladesh

Healthcare professionals and students

32 13 CMC, Vellore and Bangladesh Medical Research Council

2-3 Dec 2011

Evidence-Informed Healthcare: An introductory workshop

Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka.

Healthcare professionals, Researchers, faculty of medical college and students

105 42 CMC, Vellore

9-13 Jan 2012

Workshop on using systematic reviews in evidence informed healthcare and health policy

CMC, Vellore Healthcare professionals, Researchers, faculty of medical and nursing colleges and students

16 6 CMC, Vellore

20 Jan 2012 National workshop on understanding Cochrane systematic reviews and meta- Analysis (with a special focus on nephrology)

CMC, Vellore Healthcare professionals, Researchers, faculty of medical and nursing colleges and students

12 3 CMC, Vellore

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21 Jan 2012 Workshop on Diagnostic Test accuracy

CMC, Vellore Healthcare professionals, Researchers, faculty of medical college and students

33 11 CMC, Vellore

30 Jan 2012 Protocol development for research and for systematic reviews: Workshop on Research Methodology & Bio-Statistics;

The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai

Healthcare professionals, Researchers, faculty of medical college and students

28 14 The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai

13-17 Feb 2012

Workshop on Developing a Protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review

CMC, Vellore Healthcare professionals, Researchers, faculty of medical and nursing colleges and students

37 15 CMC, Vellore

26-30 Mar 2012

Workshop on Using Systematic Reviews in Evidence Informed Healthcare and Health Policy

CMC, Vellore Healthcare professionals, Researchers, faculty of medical and nursing colleges and students

13 8 CMC, Vellore

9-10 Apr 2012

Workshop on “Role of medical colleges in strengthening primary, secondary and tertiary care: Experience of CMC Vellore”

CMC, Vellore Policy makers and senior Health Administrators

55 10 CMC, Vellore; Centre for Innovations in Policies and Systems, Hyderabad

27-28 Apr 2012

Formulating a Research Agenda for treatment: Workshop on Pesticide and plant poisonings and snake envenomations

CMC, Vellore Scientists, Researchers, Government, Consumer, media and Industry representatives.

52 16 CMC, Vellore & The Toxig Group

30 Apr–4 May 2012

Workshop on Using Systematic Reviews in EBM and Health Policy

CMC, Vellore Healthcare professionals, Researchers and students

11 3 CMC, Vellore

The SASIANCC also conducted ten Dissemination Workshops during the reporting period which are given below.

Day, month and year

Name and type of event (workshop, meeting)

Location of event

Key people attending

Number of participants

Women participants

Was this event commissioned? If so, by whom?

16-17 Sep 2011

National Conference on Health Professions Education (NCHPE 2011)

CMC, Vellore Teachers and students from Medical Colleges across South Asia

185 approx. 60 approx. CMC, Vellore

15 -17 Oct 2011

XI Symposium on Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases

RMRCT, Jabalpur

Scientists, Senior Health Administrators as well as medical

300 approx. 100 approx. Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals,

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and PhD students Jabalpur

7 Oct 2011 Fifth Annual State Conference of the Association of Physiologists of Tamil Nadu (APTCON-2011);

CMC, Vellore Teachers and PG students of Physiology from the medical colleges of Tamil Nadu

160 approx. 65 approx. CMC, Vellore

16–19 Nov 2011

32nd Annual Conference of the Medical Physicists of India (AMPICON)

CMC, Vellore Faculty members and PG students of Radiology from Medical Colleges across India

250 approx. 70 approx. CMC, Vellore

1-4 Dec 2011

27th Annual Conference of the INDIAN RHEUMATOLOGY ASSOCIATION (IRACON 2011)

CMC, Vellore Teachers and PG students of Rheumatology from Medical Colleges across India

220 approx. 100 approx. CMC, Vellore

20-22 Jan 2012

International Science Symposium on HIV and Infectious Diseases

Chennai Scientists, researchers, media, activists, administrators and other healthcare professional

400 approx. 185 approx. The Symposium Secretariat, International Science Symposium on HIV & Infectious Diseases 2012, YRG Centre for AIDS Research and Education, Chennai

10-12 Feb 2012

56th Annual National Conference of the Indian Public Health Association

(IPHACON 2012)

Kochi Public Health professionals

600 approx. 250 approx. Indian Public Health Association

17-19 Feb 2012

1st International Conference on Research and Education in Health Professions Education

(ICON-RIPE 2012)

Belgaum Teachers and students from Medical Colleges across India

160 approx. 90 approx. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum

23-25 Mar 2012

26th ICON meet Bangalore

Oncologists from different parts of India

175 approx. 50 approx. ICON Trust

9-10 Apr 2012

Workshop on “Role of medical colleges in strengthening primary, secondary and tertiary care: Experience of CMC Vellore”

CMC, Vellore Policy makers and senior Health Administrators

55 10 CMC, Vellore and CIPS, Hyderabad

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7.4 Stakeholder meetings linked to decision making (i.e. guidelines/ committees) attended by Consortium staff

Day, month and year

Name and type of meeting Location Number of participants

Women participants

Single meeting or regular? How regular?

AFRICA: Cameroon (Network Partner)

7 May 2012 Policy Dialogue :

Optimizing the utilization of antenatal services in Cameroon

Yaounde 21 13 Single

31 Jan 2012 Policy Dialogue :

Retaining human resources for health in remote areas in Cameroon

Yaounde 11 3 Single

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

June 2011 “Cross River State stakeholders meeting on community directed approach to prevention and treatment of common childhood diseases” (CIET)

Calabar Honorable Commissioner for Health; Director of Public Health, PH Coordinators from selected LGAs, some health 57rofessional, a representative of WHO.

About 15 Single meeting.

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Oct 2011 DoH technical team to director general health – review opportunities for collaboration

Pretoria, South Africa 5 3 Single

May 2012 HAST meeting within Western Cape Province

Cape Town, South Africa 15 10 Single

Ongoing since 2011

Primary Care guideline committee (PALSA Plus, Primary Care 101 guidelines)

Cape Town, South Africa 5 5 Intermittent, planning research project

Ongoing since 2011

Western Cape Provincial Transversal Management System – Healthy Lifestyle working group (more information below)

Cape Town, South Africa 11 8 Regular – every 2-3 months

Within the Western Cape the CEBHC contribute to the Healthy lifestyle workgroup, one of four workgroups working towards informing Strategic objective 4 (SO4), which aims to promote wellness, of the Western Cape Provincial Transversal Management System (PTMS). We work with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and key stakeholders from the University of the Western Cape, University of Cape Town and other sectors.

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CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

11 Apr 2012

Ministry of Health and China CDC– Experts Consultation Meeting on Health Surveillance and Planning in Three Gorges Areas

Chongqing 1 0 Single

28 July 2011

Symposium of Asking for Advices from Evaluation Expert Group on Preparing New Plan (2011-2012) on Maternal and Child Development in Chongqing

Chongqing Women’s Federation

1 0 Single

11 Aug 2011

Ministry of Health –Health technology assessment research symposium

Chengdu 4 1 Single


India (Network Lead)

14 Sep 2011

Discussion on WHO’s Country Cooperation Strategy

WHO country office, New Delhi 34 15 Single

19-20 Sep 2011

Cochrane Schizophrenia

Editors group meeting

Nottingham, UK 12 5 Single

22-23 Sep 2011

Meeting with the Director and staff at the EHCRC Headquarters

LSTM, Liverpool, UK 6 4 Single

26 Sep 2011

1st Evidence Aid conference Oxford University, UK 57 23 Single

19–22 Oct 2011

19th Cochrane Colloquium Madrid, Spain 1230 Annual event

26 Oct 2011 Planning and monitoring of Clinical Toxicology activities

CMC, Vellore 10 5 At least once in a month

23 Nov 2011

Institutional Review Board CMC, Vellore 12 5 Quarterly

20 Dec 2011

Assessing the capacity building needs of the NIRT staff on evidence informed healthcare

National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT), Chennai

21 7 Single

26 Dec 2011

Review of the ICMR-funded projects

ICMR, New Delhi 36 12 Annual

2 Jan 2012 Assessing the capacity building needs of the NIE staff on evidence informed healthcare

National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE), Chennai

8 1 Single

15 Jan 2012 Discussion with the CEO, Belgian Red Cross – Flanders on developing

Chennai 2 0 Single

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manual for South Asia

28 Jan 2012 Discussion with consumer activists

SASIANCC, CMC, Vellore 10 2 Single

8-10 Feb 2012

Developing an Equity-Extension for PRISMA

Bellagio, Italy 20 10 Single

14 Feb 2012

Review of the Ayusort Guidelines

Bangalore 22 10 To be followed up

7 Mar 2012 Meeting with the Director, CIPS, ASCI, Hyderabad

SASIANCC, CMC, Vellore 13 3 Single

21 Mar 2012

Preparatory meeting for the workshop on role of medical colleges in strengthening primary, secondary and tertiary care: Experience of CMC Vellore

CMC, Vellore 22 7 Weekly for one month

18-23 Mar 2012

Consultative meeting on dissemination of PRISMA equity guidelines

Bangkok, Thailand 26 8 Single

2 Apr 2012 Partnership building on evidence-informed policy making.

SCTIMST, Trivandrum 12 3 Single

16–21 Apr 2012

Review Completion exercise

Colombo, Sri Lanka 6 2 Single

3 May 2012 Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRI) Steering Group meeting

ICMR, New Delhi 14 06 Single

7.5 Prizes, expert panels, external recognition and staff development

Day, month and year

Name of recipient or participant

What? Where? Gender

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Oct 2011 Amber Abrams (recipient)

2nd Prize, Oral Presentation, MRC research day

Cape Town, South Africa Female

Aug 2011 Anel Schoonees (recipient)

Best young researcher and Best presentation in the Nutrition session of the Academic year day, Stellenbosch University

Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa


Mar 2012 Anel Schoonees (recipient)

MSc in Clinical Epidemiology (cum laude)

Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa


2011 Anke Rohwer (participant)

- Information Communication Technology for Teaching in Higher Education

- Teaching and learning in Higher Education

Cape Town, South Africa Female

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- Assessment in Higher Education

- Project management for research team

- Grant writing

- Conference and poster presentation skills

- Getting your manuscripts published- GRADE

Dec 2011 Tonya Esterhuizen (participant)

Online meta-analysis course Online course Female

2011 Taryn Young (participant) - Teaching EBHC, Oxford

- Media communications

Oxford, UK

Cape Town, South Africa


2011 Traci Naidoo (participant) - Financial and contractual compliance of international research grants

- Project management

Cape Town, South Africa Female

2011 Anel Schoonees (participant)

- Science Journalism Workshop

- Grant writing

- Conference and poster presentation skills

- Getting your manuscripts published


Cape Town, South Africa Female

2011 Charles Okwundu (participant)

GRADE Berlin, Germany Male

2011 Babalwa Zani (participant)

- Grant Proposal writing

- Clinical Trials


- Clinical guidelines

- Teaching EBM

Cape Town, South Africa Female

2011/ 2012 Amber Abrams (participant)

- Biostatistics


Cape Town, South Africa Female

2011/ 2012 Elizabeth Pienaar (participant)


- Internet research course

Cape Town, South Africa

Pretoria, South Africa


2011/ 2012 Tamara Kredo (participant)


- Clinical trials

- Teaching EBHC

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Oxford, United Kingdom


CHINA: Chongqing (Network Lead)

2 Oct 2012 Zhao Y (recipient) The Science and Technology Progress Prize of Ministry of Education, second prize (2011-275): The effect of Vitamin A and its related factors on children’s

Beijing Male

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growth and development and intervention study


India (Network Lead)

12 May 2012

Prathap Tharyan RM Tiwari Research Orator for 2012: awarded by the Foundation of Head and Neck Oncology

Ahmedabad, India Male

12 Apr 2012 Prathap Tharyan Appointed Chair of the Expert Panel for Evidence-Informed Healthcare in Child and Maternal Health

ICMR, New Delhi Male

18 Apr 2012 Prathap Tharyan Appointed to the Expert Panel to determine the burden of tuberculosis in India

ICMR, New Delhi Male

28 Mar 2012

Prathap Tharyan Appointed resource person for the Guidelines development panel to develop evidence-informed guidelines for head and neck cancer in India that is contextualised for equity and economic issues

Ahmedabad, India Male

28 Nov 2011 Ajay K. Tripathy Gold Medal and Certificate as the best outgoing student of Post Graduate Diploma in Health Economics, Policy and Financial Management (PGDHEPFM) course

CMC, Vellore Male

UK: CIDG (Consortium Lead office, Liverpool)

20 Oct 2011 Sarah Donegan (and co-authors: Catrin Tudur-Smith, Paula Williamson, Carrol Gamble)

Bill Silverman prize was awarded for a PhD publication: Donegan S, Williamson P, Gamble C, Tudur-Smith C (2010) Indirect Comparisons: A Review of Reporting and Methodological Quality. PLoS ONE 5(11): e11054. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011054

‘The Bill Silverman Prize acknowledges explicitly the value of criticism of The Cochrane Collaboration, with a view to helping to improve its work, and thus achieve its aim of helping people make well-informed decisions about health care by providing the best possible evidence on the effects of healthcare interventions.’


Madrid, Spain Female

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7.6 Events or policies that indicate improved research governance

Month & Year

What event or policy?

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

Oct 2011 African partners meeting: In October 2011 we hosted an African partners meeting. This brought together partners from Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria, The Gambia, Uganda and South Africa as well as lead Consortium partners from Liverpool, UK. The central aim of this second meeting was to take stock of what we have achieved thus far and to plan together on how best to implement the various work packages in an effective and efficient way.


India (Network Lead)

July 2011 Adoption of Nucleic Acid Amplification tests to screen Blood donors by the Council and administration of CMC Vellore on the basis of an HTA report prepared by the SASIANCC; that resolved a long-standing controversy and impasse at CMC

Mar 2012 Visit to CMC Vellore Blood Bank by representatives of the Health Secretary of Gujarat to understand the decision to adopt Nucleic Acid Amplification tests to screen blood donors at CMC Vellore

Apr 2012 Formulating a Research Agenda for treatment: Workshop on Pesticide and plant poisonings and snake envenomation.

Apr 2012 Call by the ICMR for proposals to undertake funded systematic reviews in Maternal and child health

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Apr 2012 Participants of the April 9th and 10th 2012 workshop with the Directors of CMC, CIPS and SASIANCC

Apr 2012 A senior officer, Dr. Sarita Bhalla, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India and the Director, SASIANCC are jointly presiding over a technical session during the Toxicology workshop.

Section 8: Monitoring and Evaluation

8.1 Do you have any letters, reports, quotes or other information that shows that people find the work of the Consortium useful?

Month & Year

What information do you have? Attachment, URL

AFRICA: Cameron (Network Partner)

Dec 2011 OSC impressions http://cameroonlink.blogspot.ca/2011/12/health-evidence-collection-usage.html

Dec 2011 OSC impressions http://www.spreaker.com/page#!/show/the_camlink_douala_show

Dec 2011 OSC impressions http://uk.youtube.com/camlink99'

Jan 2012 OSC impressions http://www.lanouvelleexpression.info/special/6386.html

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Dec 2011 Report of the 2 training sessions

Monitoring and evaluation


« Ateliers de renforcement des capacités de la société civile_JSN_HG.docx »

Apr 2012 Report of the EBM leader meeting “Résumé rapport - Réunion avec les points focaux EBM.doc»

(To be translated into English)

May 2012 Situation analysis for EBM sites Ongoing

AFRICA: Kenya (Network Partner)

Apr 2012 Post Question formulation workshop survey Workshop evaluation

See Annex 2 – Africa: Kenya (1)

AFRICA: Nigeria (Network Partner)

May 2012 Newspaper article http://businessdayonline.com/NG/index.php/component/content/article/126-health/37038-antibiotics-not-suitable-for-treating-common-cold-research

Apr 2012 Acknowledgement of training support received by Authors in their Published Review Protocol.

http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD009793/pdf Page 8

AFRICA: South Africa (Network Lead & Partner)

www.pactr.org has survey’s from users that we collect annually in August

See Annex 2 – Africa: South Africa (3)


India (Network Lead)

May 2012 Acknowledgement from the Director, CMC, Vellore mentioning SASIANCC’s vital role in organising the workshop on 9th and 10th April 2012 that involved the policy makers and senior health administrators.

One document is given below. (Many documents in this category would be put in additional report)

See Annex 2 – South Asia: India (1)

2012 We received few emails from different key players which are attached in the additional report.

Most of them are given in the additional report

2011 and 2012

Feedback received from the EHCRC, LSTM are also the additional proof in this regard. They are related with the following.

• Half yearly report • Communication strategy document

(Developing partner communication and influence strategy)

• Priority setting document • Risk Register • Monthly Teleconferences

On partner correspondence file

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