Everything started at toni’s ices

Everything started at Toni’s ices…

Transcript of Everything started at toni’s ices

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Everything started at Toni’s ices…

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Mmm so good!!

Rocky and Katy, the two witches, were having an ice-cream…

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When they saw Jo with his friend…

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That night, at the school dance, they asked their friend Marvin to help them…

come here you!

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So Marvin and Jo had a speed fight, but unfortunately Jo won….

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The morning after, they took some poisoned food to give Jo at the school excursion…

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They went on the boats and waited for the poison to act…

I wanna

go home!

I’m not feeling well..

What is going on?!

Its so hot, isn’t it?!

I’m so cold! Brrrr!

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And finally… Jo started to feel sick and fell off the boat…

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They finally cast a spell, and all together they said “apple banana apple” And Jo finally died.

Is there a spell that you can

do that creates real bananas cuz I’m really


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Everyone lived an happy ever after.


the best No you’re
