Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1...

Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Z This is a compilation of Hanna Kroeger's time tested advice for health and healing. You will find remedies, recipes, herbs, and vitamins which cover a wide range of health concerns and nutritional needs. These remedies are from a time not so far away, but a world that was much simpler than the one we live in today. During the time of Hanna's creation of these remedies, food allergies and sensitivities were not prominent health concerns because the average diet was not overloaded with highly processed foods, sugars, or animal products. Several remedies suggest you add sugar or honey to an herbal formula to help get it down while others may instruct you to add whey (a dairy ingredient) or even glutinous grains to a remedy. If you are limiting your sugar intake or have a food allergy/sensitivity, it may be best to avoid those remedies. Because of pesticides, food additives, GMOs, and food irradiation, our food is no longer as rich in vitamins and minerals as it once was. When following the remedies in this compilation, please choose organic foods and ingredients that are as clean, raw, and natural as possible; no artificial sweeteners or ingredients should be used in these remedies. Much of the information listed here is general and not as exact as dosages used today. Keep in mind that most recommendations are natural sources and common sense will guide you to using the correct amount. If a remedy calls for carrots, it is assumed the reader will know to add carrots to their diet without being told exactly how many to eat in a day. Hanna would have said, "Do it and don't worry about the details; the benefits will become obvious." Any mention of H-12 is to a specific Master Formula created by Hanna that is available in a liquid or dried herbal blend you can mix yourself. We also carry many of the herbs suggested and are happy to help you find what you are looking for. Good luck and have fun discovering how easy helping yourself can be! Hanna was a master herbalist, master dowser and a medical intuitive. People would line up outside our store every week to see her and she helped thousands of people in her lifetime.

Transcript of Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1...

Page 1: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Z

This is a compilation of Hanna Kroeger's time tested advice for health and healing. You will find remedies, recipes, herbs, and vitamins which cover a wide range of health concerns and nutritional needs.

These remedies are from a time not so far away, but a world that was much simpler than the one we live in today. During the time of Hanna's creation of these remedies, food allergies and sensitivities were not prominent health concerns because the average diet was not overloaded with highly processed foods, sugars, or animal products. Several remedies suggest you add sugar or honey to an herbal formula to help get it down while others may instruct you to add whey (a dairy ingredient) or even glutinous grains to a remedy. If you are limiting your sugar intake or have a food allergy/sensitivity, it

may be best to avoid those remedies.

Because of pesticides, food additives, GMOs, and food irradiation, our food is no longer as rich in vitamins and minerals as it once was. When following the remedies in this compilation, please choose organic foods and ingredients that are as clean, raw, and natural as possible; no artificial sweeteners or ingredients should be used in these remedies.

Much of the information listed here is general and not as exact as dosages used today. Keep in mind that most recommendations are natural sources and common sense will guide you to using the correct amount. If a remedy calls for carrots, it is assumed the reader will know to add carrots to their diet without being told exactly how many to eat in a day. Hanna would have said, "Do it and don't worry about the details; the benefits will become obvious."

Any mention of H-12 is to a specific Master Formula created by Hanna that is available in a liquid or dried herbal blend you can mix yourself. We also carry many of the herbs suggested and are happy to help you find what you are looking for.

Good luck and have fun discovering how easy helping yourself can be!

Hanna was a master herbalist, master dowser and a medical intuitive. People would line up outside our store every week to see her and she helped thousands of people in her lifetime.

Page 2: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily


Home Remedies

Abdomen, Distended without Nausea Nutmeg

Abdominal Tenderness Linden flower tea or H-12 (clickable link) placed on navel.

Acid Dyspepsia Eat a piece of raw potato before every meal.

Acid Indigestion Yarrow tea, ½ cup 2 times daily.

Adrenal Gland Food Take one of the following: 1 tablespoon alfalfa seeds, 2 tablets PABA, or

licorice root tea. Increase protein intake.

Aging Thyme, Lavender, and H-12 keep old age away.

Premature aging is a mineral deficiency. Whey is such a good helper in your kitchen; it has a lot of minerals, will keep your muscles young, your joints moveable and ligaments elastic. When age wants to bend your back take whey (Note: whey is a dairy product).

Allergen Watercress is extremely valuable since it is full of vitamins E, B, and C. It is an anti-

allergen and should be more widely used. Watercress is often used to decorate salads, sandwiches, and sauces. When eaten by itself, give only small portions since it is potent.

Allergic to Wool Magnesium

Allergy Orange rind or peelings are such good allergy relievers. The stuffed up nose and clogged up

air passages open up and healthful sleep can be expected. Sage is also useful for allergies and tastes best on a piece of buttered whole grain bread. Salvia officinalis-Latin for sage means healing or being healthy. Bananas hinder allergies and are for energy and nerves. Take vitamins A, B12, E, and G, pantothenic acid, and L-histidine.

Anemia Eggplant reduces an enlarged spleen and increases red blood corpuscles and hemoglobin.

Eggplant is very good for anemia. 2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses in 1 glass grape juice or 1 glass grape juice and 1 egg yolk or ½ glass red wine, ½ glass water and 2 egg yolk are good for anemia. Build blood by eating spinach, raw is best. Try this remedy with raisins and grapefruit: 2 ounces dark raisins 3 times a day for 1 day. Half a grapefruit 2 times daily the second day. Alternate raisins and grapefruit for 3 weeks to make yourself strong and resistant to disease.

Antibiotic Seeds of an avocado contain antibiotics. Pound the seed and make a tea.

Antiseptic Lemon is nature's most powerful antiseptic. Use it externally on sores, corns, and

dandruff. Gargle with it. Drink plenty of lemon juice when fever hits.

Antispasmodic Caraway is a very well-known spice and is antispasmodic, improves appetite,

subsides gastric distention, takes out phlegm, and is useful for stomach disorders. It mainly works on the stomach.

Appetite, Loss of Vitamins B6 and B12.

Appetite, Loss of (in children) Cranberry juice or sauce.

Arteries 1 dish of yogurt and applesauce daily to keep arteries clean.

Page 3: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Arthritis Eat celery and parsley every day, or juice them; Swiss chard, black cherries, alfalfa seeds,

and peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily for several months (Note: whey is a dairy product). Make a strong tea of pounded avocado seed and apply to skin. Two teaspoons vinegar, 2 teaspoons honey, and 8 ounces water together are a good cleansing remedy for arthritis; take it 3 times daily with meals. Grate 1 each of lemon, orange, and grapefruit then mix with 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar and 2 tablespoons Epsom salts then add to 1 quart water; drink 2 ounces 3 times per day.

Asthma Add 1 quart of sunflower seeds in a ½ gallon water then boil down to 1 quart of water,

strain, and add 1 pint honey; boil this down to a syrup and take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily. Take 2 tablespoons lemon juice before each meal. One teaspoon powdered thyme mixed with honey every hour or 1 teaspoon raw red onion juice mixed with sugar every hour. For asthma without anxiety, take ginger. Wild plum bark and wild cherry bark (clickable link) are also useful remedies for asthma. Boil your own cranberry juice concentrate for asthma: 1 pound cranberries, 1 pint water. Boil until cranberries are soft then keep in the refrigerator; take 1 teaspoon every 2 hours.

Astigmatism (myopic) Lilium tig (Tiger lily) (clickable link) homeopathic.

Athlete's Food Take vitamin A and bathe feet in rosehips tea or lemon juice.

Try simmering 2 tablespoons of spinach seed and onion seed in 1 quart water for a half hour then soak your feet in it.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Almonds are a good brain tonic. Almond oil, only 1 teaspoon daily, will improve your memory.

Alfalfa Seeds are loaded with vitamin C and are a good source of vitamin K.

Alfalfa contains many trace minerals and, when used as a tea, releases pain in the head and limbs. Alfalfa stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. It is a very good mineral supplier and helps make the bowels move.

Allspice is a balm to the liver. It is known to relieve colic and gas.

Boil the crushed fruit and apply on a cloth to aid rheumatism and neuralgia.

Anise is a delicate, feathery spice that has been used medicinally for centuries. In 1500 B.C.,

Egyptians grew great quantities of anise for use in food, drink, and medicine. Early colonists carried anise seeds to North America where it was grown as a medicinal spice. What a blessing anise is. Make a tea for indigestion or flatulent conditions and to soothe the stomach after vomiting. Anise tea is excellent for hiccups and relieving a bloated stomach which can result in headaches. In olden times, this remedy with anise was used to heal kidney stones: Simmer 1 tablespoon of anise in 1 quart of grape juice for a half hour; 7 ounces 3 times a day. Anise oil was also used to relieve jaundice. Anise is a comforting antiseptic tea for colds and coughs and can help with bronchial problems. It is useful for gas and as a diuretic when used with caraway and fennel. Anise has been used to enhance the milk production in nursing mothers.

Page 4: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

It can be added to laxative formulas to prevent cramping of the bowels. It is useful for breaking up mucus and for dry, hard coughs.

Apples are the queen of all fruits and a universal food which means it can be eaten with anything

without causing indigestion. Apples are a tonic for the body and are a stimulant to the liver and digestive system. They have both a laxative effect and a diuretic effect on the body and seem to be beneficial to colds and fever. A mixture of apple juice and olive oil has been used as an antiseptic for cuts and abrasions. The whole apple is a balm to the gallbladder. Dried apple peelings made into a tea are full of silicon and will strengthen muscles, improve other kinds of weaknesses, and are good for fever. Finely grate raw apples to stop a child's diarrhea. Apple juice is excellent and can soften kidney stones and gallstones.

Apple Cider Vinegar can keep mosquitoes from biting you when taken daily.

For parasites take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar every day in 6 to 7 ounces of water; if you travel overseas do this twice daily.

Apricots with their kernels, plus calcium carbonate are the best foods for natural laetrile. You can

also use peach seeds, almonds, or millet. Apricots detoxify the liver and pancreas.

Arrowroot is food for the weak and debilitated. It is easily digestible and creates no gastric upset.

Artichokes tone the liver and bring clear urine while increasing the flow of bile. Artichokes are

thought to help keep arteries clean and smooth and improve weak digestion.

Asparagus is a wonderful diuretic and is known to dissolve kidney stones. It is a cooling and

soothing addition to any diet and contains substances that assist the body in normal cell formation. Asparagus contains a great deal of iodine.

Avocados are a fat and protein supplier; very good for diabetics.

Vitamin (clickable link) Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin which is synthesized in the human and animal body from

carotene. Carotene is called a pro-vitamin and is changed to vitamin A in the healthy walls of the intestinal tract. Vitamin A as such is found in meat products and oils such as: cod liver oil, halibut liver oil, in cream, butter, and egg yolk. Vitamin A is needed for healthy skin, hair, nails, eyes, lungs, mouth, and all membranes of the digestive tract as well as uro-genital organs. Vitamin A is needed for the healthy lubrication of all membranes. If membranes are dry, bacteria, virus, and molds have a better chance to attack them. Want additional home remedies and tips? Take a look at these posts from our blog, blog.hannasherbshop.com Natural Acne Remedies (clickable link) Natural Remedy for Arthritis (clickable link)

Page 5: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily


Home Remedies

Babies, Milk for Mama's milk is best, goat's milk is next best.

Ripe banana and ripe coconut.

Backache Eat chestnut for backache affecting hips and sacrum or if you have to walk stooping.

For backache in children, alfalfa seed and dill seed.

Bee Sting Rub raw onion on it.

Bile, Increase One garden radish or a small bowl of soup before meals will stimulate bile.

Artichoke brings clear urine and increases the flow of bile, tones the liver, keeps arteries smooth and a person free from weak digestion. It is useful for albumin in the urine and for jaundice.

Blackheads Cut a piece of cucumber and rub it over your face or cover your face with cucumber

peelings, the cut side to the skin. Rub fresh strawberries over your face. After washing face, sponge with witch hazel daily; increase vitamin A intake.

Bladder, Infection Uva ursi tea.

Bladder, Pain Marshmallow root tea (clickable link).

Eat 1 pomegranate twice a day or ½ cup juice with ½ cup water.

Bladder, Stones Drink 1 quart of carrot leaf and parsley tea for 3 days, then just 2 cups a day.

Bladder, Trouble Eat 1 pomegranate twice a day or ½ cup juice with ½ cup water.

Pumpkin seed is specific for strengthening the bladder muscle; take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily or more if desired. Eat steamed parsley.

Bladder, Weak Drink parsley tea.

Pumpkin seed is specific for strengthening the bladder muscle; take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily or more if desired. Eat chickpeas.

Bleeding Gums A trusted recipe for bleeding gums and breaking capillaries: wash and cut 6 lemons

into small pieces, cover with 1 ½ quarts water and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and let sit for 25 minutes then strain and set aside to cool. Take 6 ounces 2 times daily for 10 days. In case of bleeding gums, hold juice in your mouth also. Chew papaya seeds 4 times daily and spit out after thoroughly chewing.

Bleeding Tooth After extraction moisten one black tea bag with warm water and apply.

Bloatedness/Bloating Sage and peppermint as a tea.

Take equal parts caraway and fennel and grind the seeds in your blender; add seeds to a pot then cover with water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Allow the tea to cool then strain and drink 1 to 2 cups for adults, ½ cup for children. In children and adults, bring 8 ounces of water to a boil and add 1 teaspoon fennel. Simmer 10 minutes then strain 1 to 2 cups for adults, ½ cup for children.

Blood Builders Egg yolk mixed in Concord grape juice is a terrific blood builder.

Page 6: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Eat 2 apricots 2 times daily or soak them and blend them. Eat 2 to 4 teaspoons blackstrap molasses daily. One part red beet juice and 2 parts dark grape juice; take 2 tablespoons 3 times daily.

Blood Cleanser Drink 6 ounces lemon juice, honey, and water every 2 hours.

Blood Toxins Boil 1 quart cranberry juice with 8 cloves and 1 teaspoon cinnamon; add 1 quart water

and drink this in a day.

Blood Pressure Garlic equalizes blood pressure and makes blood vessels elastic; take 3 to 6 capsules

daily. Make a parsley tea and also add parsley to salads and soups. Boil turnip tops and eat with rice once every day to lower blood pressure. Juice parsley, celery, and garlic and drink 6 ounces 2 times daily. Eat 2 apples daily. Watermelon seeds dilate the blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and improve kidney function.

Blood Pressure (high) Cut 3 oranges and 2 lemons into pieces and boil in 1 quart of water for 15

minutes. Add 2 tablespoons honey and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and drink 6 ounces 3 times daily before meals (not for diabetics).

Blood Pressure (low) Add cayenne pepper to your food.

Mix apricots and dark raisins; eat 2 tablespoons 3 times daily.

Blood Purifier Eat beets, carrots, cranberries, and cucumber.

Blood Thinner Rosemary and red clover. Red clover tea can be made from the leaves or for a

stronger dose, with the seeds.

Body Odor Everything that is green has chlorophyll. Take plenty of green drinks or take

chlorophyll (clickable link) to combat body odor.

Boils Put an onion poultice over a boil to bring it to a head.

Combine 1/3 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg, 1 teaspoon honey, and 4 to 5 ounces hot water. Drink this 3 mornings in a row then skip it for 3 days; repeat this 9 times.

Botulism 2 teaspoons vinegar in 7 ounces water every hour for 4-6 hours.

Bowels, Cleansing of Cover flax seed with water and gently simmer for a half hour then allow to

stand where it will remain hot for 1 to 2 hours longer. Add 2 tablespoons of these flax seeds to 2 cups boiling water and allow it to boil down to 1 cup, add a little sugar to taste or the juice of half a lemon. Drink the whole cupful at bedtime and swallow all the seeds. The mucilage is soothing to the bowels and, in combination with the seeds, often produces a good bowel movement. This remedy is excellent to take about once a week, every 4 days, or more if needed. For bowel movements with gas drink 1 quart of hot water with 1 tablespoon of molasses and the juice of one lemon.

Brain Food Grind 1 pound sunflower seeds, ¼ pound almonds, 1 pound wheat and take 2 heaping

tablespoons a day. Coconut meat is brain food; eat the meat and drink the milk. Cardamom is an eye and brain food. Cut and boil leeks then add to soups and salads. Brain cocktail: 1 cup cooked barley, 1 cup coconut juice, 1 tablespoon lecithin; add honey if desired.

Breath, Shortness of Bring the juice of one red onion to a boil then add honey and simmer for 15

minutes. Take 1 teaspoon every hour or 1 tablespoon raw onion juice and 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Bronchitis Add the juice of 2 lemons and 3 tablespoons honey to 1 pint of flax seed tea; take 1

Page 7: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

teaspoon every half hour until relieved.

Burns Apply cold black tea to burn and take vitamin C and E to speed the healing process.

Egg white slightly beaten and applied to first degree burns will help relieve the pain.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Bananas are loaded with potassium. We need potassium to keep our heart in order, our bones

healthy, and to keep the blood and lymph systems fit. Lack of potassium is known to cause leg cramps, especially at night. Before you take potassium pills, ask yourself how much fruit you are eating. Because of the potassium content, bananas can also balance excess water in the system and are good to relieve waterlogged tissues. Bananas help combat heartburn and are a bulk producer. They are used for colitis, backache, and as a diuretic. Don't eat bananas if you have a cold or cough as they will add to the problems.

Basil was said to have been found growing around Christ's tomb after the resurrection, and some

churches use basil to prepare holy water while others set it around their altars. The Indians swore their oaths upon this herb. Basil is food for the brain. It is an antidepressant and is helpful for nervous exhaustion and mental fatigue. It is known to stimulate the adrenal cortex. Basil is an excellent antiviral spice and is used for colds, flu, chills, nausea, and to prevent vomiting. It is used for indigestion, kidney and bladder troubles, headaches, cramps, and constipation. A tea made of 1 ounce basil simmered in 1 pint of water for 20 minutes with 6 powdered peppercorns will relieve most fevers. Basil is an insect repellent and when applied to the skin is useful to relieve itching.

Barley is a calcium supplier, aid to the colon, and a lymph cleanser.

It is an excellent food for children suffering from diarrhea or other inflammation of the bowels.

Bay Leaves were used in Roman history for prophecy and healing. A wreath of bay leaves became the

mark of excellence for poets and athletes and a symbol of wisdom and glory. It was used against plagues for many centuries. Bay leaf is a digestive aid and stimulates the appetite. Massaging bay leaf oil around sprains and into rheumatic joints can bring relief. It is a natural insect repellent and is used in potpourri to repel insects, as well as for its simple beauty and aroma. When bay leaves are combined with cinnamon, sage, and cloves, and boiled in apple juice they make an excellent natural cold remedy.

Beans Adzuki beans are for kidney troubles and swollen ankles.

Green beans are useful for malfunctions of the pancreas. Red beans build muscles and are a complete protein when served with corn. White beans are for the eyes and liver trouble. Black bean juice is useful for hoarseness and laryngitis.

Beets are food for the spleen and good for anemia, low blood sugar, and stomach ailments.

The lymph system and the spleen greatly benefit from beets. Beets are high in potassium.

Bell Pepper improves digestion by increasing pepsin in the system. It is also useful for the eyes.

Page 8: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Black Pepper is thought to be one of nature's most perfect foods. It kills bacteria and can be used as

a food preservative. It is a digestive aid, relieves gas and constipation, nausea, vertigo, and arthritis. Black pepper is a diuretic and a stimulant. It is loaded with chromium which is needed for the proper functioning of the pancreas and heart. For sinus problems or an infection in the sinuses take 1 teaspoon of honey, sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and eat.

Black Tea is used as a part of everyday life and is also a powerful medicinal herb. The Chinese have

been using this herb for thousands of years to promote good health. It is a stimulant and digestive aid and has been used for diarrhea and food poisoning. A wet tea bag applied to an insect sting has been found to bring quick relief.

Blackberries are food for the pancreas.

Borage has been used throughout history to comfort the heart, dispel depression, and give courage.

This marvelous cooking herb stimulates the adrenal glands and enhances the body's production of adrenaline. The delicate, slightly sweet blue flowers were used by the Old Masters to color the paint used for the Madonna's robe. It has been added to salads for hundreds of years to "make the mind glad." Borage promotes sweating and lactation and can be used for depression, grief, and anxiety. A tea made from the leaves has been found to reduce dry, rasping coughs. The oil extracted from the seeds is available in capsules and is used for menstrual problems, rheumatic disorders, and applied to the skin for eczema and other rashes or dry skin. Borage has been used for irritable bowel syndrome. It is also thought to be helpful when taken as a tincture for stress and as a tonic following steroid therapy.

Buckwheat is for strong muscles, energy, and warmth.

Butternut is food for the liver.

Vitamins B1 or Thiamin is the number one of the B vitamin complex and can be isolated. If the following

symptoms persist, check with your physician to discuss a possible deficiency: fibrillation of the eyes, edema of the eyes, bleeding retina, listlessness, hangover, nausea, constipation, loss of muscles on lower arms and legs, slight paralysis, loss of stomach acidity, lack of urination, painful menstruation, sciatica, unexplainable irritability, nerves on edge.

B2 or Riboflavin is the second of the B vitamin complex and can be isolated. If the following symptoms

persist, check with your physician to discuss a possible deficiency: bright light is bothersome, eyes are reddened/tired easily, burning sensation under eyelids, loss of vision at a distance, lips are painful/fissured, muscle cramps, oily skin and hair, whiteheads, vaginal itching. Riboflavin is a conferment to phosphorous and is needed for proper cell respiration. It regulates sodium-potassium exchange of the cells and is needed for proper adaptability of the eye to light. Riboflavin helps break down and assimilate carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. It is needed for proper assimilation of iron. Riboflavin helps proper development of muscles (muscle tone) and it is a growth factor.

B6 or Pyridoxine is very sensitive to light, but not so much to heat. It is water soluble and is synthesized

by a healthy intestinal flora. B6 influences amino acid metabolism, regulates the proper utilization of

Page 9: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

unsaturated fats, is needed for the proper activity of the central nervous system, and encourages growth of yeast, plants, and animals. B6 is needed for anabolism and catabolism of tissues such as skin, liver, heart, and lungs. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician to discuss a possible deficiency: acne in juveniles, arteriosclerosis, eczema in babies, morning sickness, and motion sickness.

B12 (clickable link) is synthesized in the healthy intestinal tract, however only in small amounts that are

utilized by the intestinal tract and the B12 does not reach the liver or the bloodstream. Scientists tell us that there was a time, many thousands of years ago, when the human body was able to manufacture enough B12 and utilize it. Since this ability is lost, we need to take in B12 with our foods or as food supplements. Since B12 is plentiful in muscle meat and raw milk, vegetarians should make it a point to supplement their diets with B12 and folic acid. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician to discuss possible deficiency: anemia, loss of appetite, lack of concentration, depressed feeling, eczema, exhaustion, loss of mental energy, numbness, pernicious anemia, rosacea, sore mouth, stiffness/shooting pains.

Ready for more healthy tips? Check out these posts from blog.hannasherbshop.com The Warming, Healing, Natural Power of Tea (clickable link) 10 Foods to Promote Longevity (clickable link)


Home Remedies

Calcium Supplier Broccoli has more available calcium than milk or other sources and supplies

calcium to the system. Cauliflower is also a very good calcium supplier.

Canker Sores in Mouth Hold sage tea in the mouth for sores or apply powdered sage against the

sore. Goldenseal powder (clickable link) or raw onion may also be used.

Capillary Fragility Cut 3 lemons into small pieces and add to 1 ½ quarts of water with 3 more lemon

peelings, also cut into small pieces. Boil for 20 minutes then steep for 25 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup, 2 times daily for 2 weeks.

Cataracts Lie down and drop as much fresh coconut juice as the eye can hold with an eye dropper

then apply a hot, wet cloth over the closed eye. Keep the cloth hot for 10 minutes. Boil 2 ounces of bean pods in 1 ½ quarts water for 20 minutes and drink 6 ounces, 3 times a day.

Catarrh One teaspoon horseradish several times a day.

Celiac Disease Bananas are a godsend for those with celiac. Children are so limited by their food

intake, but bananas can correct altered intestinal function.

Cellulite Eggplant has to be sliced and placed in slightly salted water for about 20 minutes or more to

remove the bitterness. The skin is extremely helpful. Peel the eggplant ½ inch thick then boil the peelings until done. Season with kelp or dulse. This is an excellent antidote to tumors or cellulite.

Cholesterol 2 tablespoons cranberry sauce once daily or 1 cups of cranberry juice each day.

Eat alfalfa sprouts to dissolve cholesterol deposits.

Circulation Cardiac Cocktail: 1 tablespoon paprika, 1 tablespoon vinegar. Gradually substitute

Page 10: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

cayenne in place of paprika as soon as you can tolerate it. For serious cases take 1 cup of this in warm water 2 times per day.

Circulation to Uterus Tansy tea.

Colds Boil cloves, cinnamon, sage, and bay leaves in apple juice then remove from heat, strain, and

drink every 2 hours. Kale gives resistance to colds and is rich in vitamins and natural sulfur. Make a soup from raw onions, tamari (or other broth) and eat while sick. Broccoli has natural sulfur which strengthens your resistance to colds. Vitamins A and C, iodine, calcium, and trace minerals from elder flower and peppermint are healing for colds. For resistance to colds or prevention of colds, drink 1 cup of thyme tea daily; add a small handful of dried herb and cover with water, boil, strain, and drink. Grate the skin of a grapefruit very finely and add the juice of half the grapefruit to a cup of hot water; drink daily.

Colitis Use charcoal, creamed papaya, or tea of wild blackberry or red oak bark.

Make a flax seed tea by soaking 1 cup seeds in 4 cups water overnight then bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Do not drain; drink 3 to 4 times a day. Boil carrots until done then blend or mash them for colitis; 6 to 7 ounces of carrot juice 2 times a day is also helpful. Bananas are excellent to eat when colitis has hit.

Colon Inflammation and Irritation Boil a handful of potato peelings in plenty of water. Add 1

tablespoon of flax seed meal to 1 quart of potato peel water and drink 1 cup warm during the day. Do this for 10 to 14 days. Rutabaga is excellent for a weak colon, is food for friendly bacteria, and strengthens the membranes of the colon. Boil potatoes with rutabagas, mash them and eat them with butter and salt.

Complexion (cleared) Drink cucumber juice with water or place slices of cucumber over face

where needed.

Concentration Vitamin B12, folic acid, gotu kola.

Confusion Ginger tea, ½ cup 2 times daily.

Congestion Prepare a foot bath with mustard to draw blood from the head.

For lungs apply a mustard plaster with whole-wheat flour onto the chest.

Conjunctivitis Grate or thinly slice raw potatoes and place over eyes.

Increase B2 intake.

Constipation Soak flax seed overnight and eat or drink.

Soak 1 fig and 3-5 prunes in warm water overnight; drink the juice and eat the fruit the next morning. At bedtime chew an apple very carefully and drink a glass of water with it.

Corns and Calluses For sensitive corns on the feet use homeopathic Ranunculus bulbosus

(buttercup) (clickable link) internally. Grate white cabbage and add to a tub of hot water; soak your feet for 10 to 20 minutes. Soak your feet in warm water for about 15 minutes then cut a small piece of lemon and place the white side of it against the corn. Secure the lemon peel and let it stay there all night; continue for 3 nights or until the corn lifts out.

Cough, Dry Cut onions, boil in apple cider vinegar for 15 minutes and add honey. Take 1 teaspoon

every hour. Boil potato peelings and sweeten with honey; 1 tablespoon several times a day.

Page 11: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Cough, Phlegm Six ounces of ginger tea several times a day.

Cough Syrup Use mashed, boiled, or strained Mullein leaves; add sugar and cook down to a thick

syrup. In 1 cup honey mix 4 drops oil of eucalyptus oil and take 1 teaspoon as needed. Boil 1 pound dates, 1 pound figs, 1 ounce sage, and 4 quarts distilled water for a half hour; strain and boil this syrup down to 1 quart. Take as needed. Mix equal parts honey and lemon juice.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Cabbage has been called the medicine of the poor and is extremely valuable for its healing qualities,

for supplying vitamin U, and for building tissue. It is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and encourages new cell growth. It is helpful for digestive problems and lung problems. Cabbage improves hair, bones, and teeth. It is useful for kidney disorders and has been helpful in hyperacidity and gastric ulcers. It has been used for headaches, aches and pains, and fluid retention. Shredded cabbage is terrific as a poultice for swollen knees, ankles, and elbows. Wrap shredded cabbage in a clean cloth and apply overnight to the swollen area. Repeat this process several nights in a row for best results.

Caraway has a long history of use. It has been found in the remains of Stone Age meals, in Egyptian

tombs, and along the ancient resting places of the Silk Road in Asia. Caraway is very much like anise and, when mixed with anise, is twice as good. It is antispasmodic, improves the appetite, and subsides gastric distention. It is a digestive aid, is used for colic and nervous conditions, and prevents cramping when added to a laxative formula. It helps relieve phlegm and sweetens the breath. To increase mother's milk, take 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds and put in 8 ounces of cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer for a few minutes. Drink several cups a day. To use as a diuretic, take equal parts of caraway, fennel, and anise (about 1 teaspoon of each) and add to 1 pint of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Drink this amount twice a day.

Cardamom is an eye and brain food and should be used much more frequently than we use it. It has

a soothing effect on all membranes, including the stomach and lungs. As a tea used for fever, use equal parts cardamom and cloves. Cardamom is commonly used to treat indigestion and gas. It warms and stimulates the body. Cardamom is used for colic, diarrhea, and headaches.

Cayenne Pepper (clickable link) originated in Central and South America where it was used by the

natives for many diseases, especially diarrhea and cramps. Cayenne was first introduced to the Western culture in 1548, coming from India. It is a superior spice, useful for many conditions. It is a stimulant to the entire body and has been used medicinally to warm the body and alleviate depression, chills, and rheumatism. It stimulates circulation and sweating. When used topically it is a counter-irritant and brings circulation to the area (Do not use on broken skin). Cayenne normalizes circulation and is good for either high or low blood pressure. Cayenne prevents colds and the flu. It improves overall vitality and is not irritating to the system when

Page 12: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

uncooked. Cayenne also aids in the relief of gastric ulcers, depression, chronic fatigue, and prostration. Cayenne can be rubbed on a toothache and used for swelling and inflammation. When cayenne tincture is rubbed on an arthritic joint and wrapped with flannel cloth overnight, the pain is usually gone by morning. When used as a poultice, cayenne helps draw out impurities imbedded in flesh. It stimulates the nervous system and the digestive system. It is antibacterial and has been found to be helpful for sore throats, colds, laryngitis, hoarseness, and chills. For aching feet, sprinkle cayenne in the socks. Hot peppers and radishes contain benzene which is needed for proper functioning of the feet and sinuses. Do not touch the eyes or open sores after touching cayenne pepper or chilies.

Carrots are great for maintaining good health and are one of the foods mentioned with regard to the

life-giving properties of rhodium and iridium. It is a blood builder and contains vitamins A and C. Carrots are good for eyesight, the blood, and lymph system. For canker sores: wrap finely grated carrot in cloth and place against the sore; change every 2 hours.

Celery is both an important food and medicinal spice. It has been used in the spring as a tonic to clear

out the stagnation of winter toxins. It is a mild sedative and is restorative for weak conditions. Celery increases uric acid excretion. It has been used as a kidney cleanser and for the removal of urinary stones. For kidney and bladder troubles, eat celery tops after each meal for 5 weeks. Celery aids in protein digestion, increases appetite, and is useful in mucus conditions. It is used in gastric troubles, colds, and coughs. Celery has been found to be beneficial for respiratory ailments. Eating fresh stalks of celery after childbirth can stimulate milk production. Celery juice is very helpful for joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, and nervous exhaustion. Celery tops, stalks, and seeds are useful for obesity.

Cherry juice is good for people who urinate constantly; a glass of cherry juice 3 or 4 times a day will

relieve this situation. Cherries are useful for gout and cleansing the blood.

Cinnamon (clickable link) use goes back to ancient history. It is said that King Solomon recommended

its use and it was used freely by the Arabs, Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans. This delightful spice has been used throughout history to warm the body. It has a calming effect. Cinnamon is used for fighting viral and infectious diseases. Viruses, bacteria, and fungus cannot live in the presence of cinnamon oil. It is helpful for chills, colds, arthritis, wheezing, and coughing. Cinnamon can be used as an aid to digestive processes and alleviates indigestion, diarrhea, cramps, gas, and colic. It has been used for nausea and vomiting. Cinnamon is warming and energizing to the kidneys. It has been found to be helpful for wheezing and coughing. Certain pains have been known to respond to cinnamon such as lower back pain, abdominal pain, and heart pain. Cinnamon is useful for menopausal difficulties and scanty menses. It is a germicide, blood conditioner, and helps circulation. For children, cinnamon is useful to help them sleep. To remove fallout, radiation, or lead poisoning from the system: Toast one slice of bread very brown, butter it, and sprinkle with cinnamon. You can also add brown sugar or honey to this remedy.

Page 13: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

For colds combine cinnamon, sage, bay leaves, and cloves then boil in apple juice; drink as needed.

Cloves (clickable link) are also called Peruvian Balm. Truly it is a balm if you have bronchial catarrh or

other loud rattles in the chest. If you suffer from mucus in the chest or urine cloves will benefit your condition. Take 1 cup of hot water and add a dash of cloves. If you want to add some honey, that is fine. This recipe will also help relieve nausea and vomiting. If you suffer from eczema with ulceration, drink 3 cups of clove water a day. Cloves are used for chronic cold, abdominal upset, and gastric difficulties. It acts as a breath freshener when chewed. Cloves subside gas and expel worms. Cloves are beneficial to the liver when it is swollen and hard or damaged. Cloves in your tea will heighten your memory and a tea made of equal parts of cloves and cardamom is used for fever. To make oil of cloves, take a handful of cloves, bruise them, pack them into a jar, and cover with olive oil until the jar is full. Strain the oil after one week, save the oil, and add fresh cloves. This can be repeated as often as necessary until the oil is saturated with cloves. Clove concentrate can be made in the following way: bruise a handful of cloves, steep in boiling water, and then simmer for a few minutes. Do not allow the water to be reduced too much or it will be too strong. One teaspoon of this mixture added to 1 cup hot water will make a tea which has a soothing, slightly sedative effect. This tea can be used for depression. It is said that the aroma of clove tea will create a feeling of protection and courage. For a paper cut on the finger, wet the finger and dip it into powdered cloves. The pain quickly disappears because of its anesthetic effect on the skin.

Coconut is a natural diuretic and purifies the blood. It nourishes the prostate gland and the testicles

and removes heat or burning sensations from these organs. It is useful for women to reduce the flow of menses. It is a tonic for the kidneys and is useful for hyperacidity. Pregnant women should drink coconut water (clickable link) in the morning on an empty stomach; it will bring clear urine and greatly nourish the fetus. Coconut oil is excellent for massage and is used for skin disorders such as itching, eczema, and dermatitis. Coconut is food for the brain.

Coriander has been cultivated for over 3,000 years and is mentioned in the Bible where it is

compared to manna. Coriander was brought to Europe by the Romans, who used it as a preservative for meat. The Chinese once believed it gave immortality. Coriander is a digestive tonic and mild sedative. Coriander oil it can be rubbed on painful and rheumatic joints. It is cooling, soothing, and calming to the body. It relieves fever when used as a tea. It is also helpful for gas and indigestion.

Cranberry (clickable link) juice (unsweetened) should be drunk on a regular basis by people suffering

from asthma, as well as kidney and bladder disorders. Cranberries are food for the kidneys and release sudden cramps.

Cucumbers are a delightful vegetable with many medicinal uses. They are good for the skin,

especially the complexion, when used topically or are juiced. Cucumber cools and heals the skin and is a general remedy for it. The natural sodium in cucumbers makes stiff joints more limber and supplies a hormone needed by the

Page 14: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

pancreas for insulin production. Cucumber juice purifies the lymphatic system, cleans the blood, and relieves jaundice; drink 4 to 5 cups of freshly pressed cucumber juice for this cleansing process. Cucumbers cleanse the kidneys and infection from the body.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin C is the most popular vitamin. It is white crystalline powder.

Vitamin C is found in all natural foods, vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, and meat. Every cell of every living organism (plant or animal) is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C in food is easily destroyed by exposure to light, heat, air, and metals. The richest natural source for vitamin C is the acerola cherry; ¼ pound of them has 2,000 mg of vitamin C while the same amount of apples only has 20 mg. It is strange that the lowly potato becomes important for vitamin C. When prepared properly it still maintains a great portion of vitamin C and raw potatoes are excellent suppliers. Smokers need extra doses of vitamin C as each cigarette destroys 25 mg in the body. Nonsmokers subjected to smoke regularly need the same amount. Vitamin C deficiency symptoms are anemia, bleeding membranes in the mouth, bleeding under the skin, brittle bones, changes in heart health, edema, fatigue, loose teeth, loss of concentration, wounds that do not heal, adrenal gland exhaustion, gingivitis, hay fever, infectious diseases, metal poison, pigmentation during pregnancy.

Calcium (clickable link) is the mineral the body has the most of. It is needed for the bones and

cartilage, for proper blood clotting, nerve and muscle functioning, hormone formation, and many other chemical wonders. Calcium balance is the key to mineral balance and it is an important factor in health. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium have to be in harmony with each other at all times. With this foundation other minerals can formulate in a similar trinity pattern. If calcium is too low, your toes and legs cramp at night in a painful way. If phosphorus is too low, calcium crystals deposit in joints and muscle and become painful and stiff, particularly in weather changes. In case our body contains heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, even DDT, formaldehyde, or mercury, the calcium in the system becomes heavily disturbed. Lack of stomach juices and other factors come into play with proper calcium assimilation and digestion. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician to discuss possible deficiency: listlessness, leg cramps at night, soft bones, sores that do not heal, sleeplessness, toes cramp at night, too much salivation, ugly scars, cyst formation, deformities due to soft bones, difficulty in thinking, headache (more often in afternoons), heart palpitations (particularly at night), heart cramps at night.

Ready for more remedies? Check out these two popular posts from our blog blog.hannasherbshop.com

Home Remedy for Cellulite Removal (clickable link) Home Remedies for Constipation (clickable link)

Page 15: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily


Home Remedies

Dandruff Cut white beets and boil in water until water is almost gone; strain and take this water to

moisten the scalp for 2 to 3 weeks. Secure a small amount of pure coconut oil (clickable link); rub this in your hair for a few days and dandruff should disappear. Boil a handful of willow leaves, strain, and keep the liquid; wash your hair and scalp with this every day.

Deodorizer Everything that is green has chlorophyll and can combat body odor; take plenty of green

drinks or buy liquid chlorophyll. Eat parsley after onions or garlic.

Depression Juice 1 pomegranate in the morning, 1 persimmon at noon, and 1 wineglass full of

grapefruit juice in the evening to keep you in good humor.

Detoxifying Diet This Seneca Indian Cleanse lasts 4 days:

On the first day eat only fruits and as many as you want; try apples, berries, watermelon, pears, peaches, cherries, whole citrus fruits, and so forth. No bananas. On the second day drink all the herbal teas you want such as raspberry, hyssop, chamomile, or peppermint; you may sweeten the tea slightly with honey or maple syrup. On the third day eat all the vegetables you want; have them raw, steamed, or both. On the fourth day make a large pot of vegetable broth by boiling cauliflower, cabbage, onion, green pepper, parsley, or whatever you have available. Season with sea salt or vegetable broth cubes; drink only this mineral rich broth all day long. The diet has the following effect: The first day the colon (your wastebasket) is cleansed. The second day you release toxins, salt, and excessive calcium deposits in the muscles, tissues, and organs. The third day the digestive tract is supplied with healthful, mineral rich bulk. On the fourth day the blood, lymph, and inner organs are mineralized.

De-Wormer Figs or pomegranate.

Diaper Rash Ointments made with vitamin A and D are the best remedy. Dry diapers in the sunlight

after washing.

Diarrhea Blackberries as juice or wine, rice gruel, raw grated apples, or hot black tea without sugar.

Take 1 teaspoon arrowroot and make a paste with water; stir into 7 ounces boiling water then add applesauce to taste and eat.

Digestion Flax seed tea is so soothing to an irritated digestive tract because it coats, heals, and

nourishes. Add 2 tablespoons flax seed to 1 quart water and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup every 2 hours. For best results alternate with carrot juice; 1 hour carrot juice, the next hour flax seed tea.

Digestion Improved Alfalfa seed improves digestion when used as a tea after meals. Boil 1

teaspoon alfalfa seed in 1 cup water then turn the heat off; let sit for 3 to 5 minutes then drink.

Digestion Weak Wash zucchini and cut into pieces. Steam or boil with a little water; eat with ground


Digestive Help Arrowroot is very easily digestible, creating no gastric upset, and forms a nourishing

diet. People suffering from bacillary dysentery and gastric upset would find it most suitable. Make a paste by adding a spoonful of arrowroot to cold milk or water, stir well and boil. Add a little lime juice before drinking it.

Page 16: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Digestive Problems Simmer the skins of pears, apples, pineapples, peaches, apricots, and other

fruits you have on hand in plenty of water for 3 to 5 minutes. Drink 7 ounces several times a day.

Digestive Problems in Children Add 2 teaspoons apple concentrate in water before meals.

Distention, Abdominal Without nausea: Nutmeg.

Diuretics Cucumber is a very good diuretic because it contains a hormone needed by the pancreas to

produce insulin. Add 1 teaspoon each of caraway, fennel, and anise to one cup of water, bring to a boil then remove from heat. Allow the mixture to cool then strain and take 2 tablespoons 6 times a day.

Dizziness Rinse mouth with apple cider vinegar.


Dill is widely used in the kitchen in sauces and to season cucumbers, vegetables, and potatoes. Dill also

has many healing properties, particularly the seed. The word "dill" comes from the Saxon word "to lull" because it has tranquilizing effects. Dill is useful for its high natural mineral salt content. To make dill tea: add 1 teaspoon dill seeds to 8 ounces cold water; bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink this tea before or with a meal. Dill tea helps to relieve gas, indigestion, cramps, and colic. It has been used for hiccups, insomnia, and to increase mother's milk. Dill seeds can be chewed to freshen breath. Simmer dill seeds in olive oil and rub this oil on the abdomen to take away pain, ease infection, and relieve liver trouble. The oil is also recommended for painful fissures. To overcome hardened bowel movements, simmer 1 teaspoon dill seed in 1 cup boiling water; strain and eat the hot seeds on bread then drink the remaining tea to improve the digestive process.


Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because the body manufactures vitamin D when the ultra

violet rays of the sun come in contact with the skin. Sources of vitamin D are sunshine, sunflower seeds, egg yolk, and cod liver oil. Deficiency symptoms are known as: lack of vigor interchanging with restlessness, enlarged joints, faulty jaw development, and slowed/delayed growth.


Home Remedies

Ear Noises (Tinnitus) Cut and mash watercress, figs, and mustard then apply as a poultice over the


Earache Rub sassafras oil around the ear, not inside.

Eczema Drink strawberry leaf tea (clickable link).

Energy Vitamins B1, B-complex, lecithin, and pantothenic acid should be added to your daily regimen.

Grapes give energy and blackstrap molasses provides minerals and iron. Drink ½ tablespoon flax seed steeped in ½ pint hot water two times daily.

Environmental Poisons (Fallout) Drink willow leaf tea (clickable link). Toast a slice of bread very

Page 17: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

brown; butter and sprinkle with cinnamon then eat.

Enzyme Supplier Pineapple.

Exhaustion One tablespoon whey powder 2 times daily (Note: whey is a dairy product).

Eyelids For swollen eyelids, primrose in a capsule (follow dosage instructions).

For chronic infection, vitamins A, B-complex, C, and calcium.

Eyes For burning, vitamin B2 and eyebright.

For pinkeye or general eye problems, finely grate or thinly slice raw potatoes and place over the closed eye to release pain and make the redness go away; red potatoes are best. Eye food is ½ cup sunflower seeds daily or 8 ounces of carrot juice 2 times a day.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Egg Yolk mixed in Concord grape juice is an excellent blood builder.

Eggplant is known as a good tonic and also stimulates the appetite. It is food for the spleen: eat 2 to 3

small pieces of cooked eggplant before breakfast on an empty stomach to reduce an enlarged spleen. Eggplant increases red blood cells and improves anemia. It is also known as a good tonic. To remedy cellulite: slice eggplant peelings and soak in lightly salted water for 20 minutes to alleviate the bitter taste then boil, steam, or broil them until soft. Season the peelings with kelp or dulse and eat.

Elderberry Juice is a terrific remedy for sciatica and facial twitching.

Epsom Salts are useful to relieve pain in the hands and feet, especially after a sprain or with arthritis.

Add 1 tablespoon Epsom salts to warm water and soak for 20 minutes to get relief. For facial pimples: make a mask of Epsom salts and water, pat on the afflicted area with cotton before bed, and leave on overnight; continue this until pimples are gone.

Vitamin Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin which is not synthesized in the body and has to be taken in from

outside sources. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and keeps oils from becoming rancid. Vitamin E influences the oxidation process of every cell in our body and enhances the action of vitamin A, making it easier to store in the liver. Vitamin E is stable to heat but is destroyed in freezing processes. Vitamin E deficiency shortens the lifespan of the red blood corpuscles therefore vitamin E deficiency can be found by special blood tests. Women need more vitamin E than men. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician to discuss possible deficiencies: arteriosclerosis, impaired circulation, colitis, degenerative changes in liver/membranes/muscles/skin tissue, exhaustion, general weakness, intestinal ulcers, menstrual trouble, muscle weakness, stomach ulcers.


Home Remedies

Fat Deposits Carrot juice is believed to be the most perfectly balanced juice available. It not only

Page 18: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

readily gives up its energy to the body but, through its vitamin and mineral content, helps the body to release energy from the fat stores. It does not store well and should be made fresh; drink immediately if possible.

Feeling Cold: Seaweed, kelp, or cayenne in hot water. Hot: Motherwort tea.

Feet Aching If hot peppers upset your stomach, sprinkle hot peppers on the soles of your feet and

put on your socks.

Feet Painful Soothe sensitive feet by adding 3 teaspoons of lemon juice to 1 quart of water. Rinse

your feet in this solution 2 times a day to soothe and refresh sensitive skin.

Feet Swollen If swelling occurs in the morning boil 2 ounces of Male Fern root in 3 quarts water for

30 minutes; strain and let cool so you are able to bathe your feet in it. If swelling occurs at night use vinegar water compresses.

Fever Drink a spice tea of equal parts cardamom and cloves.

For fever and flu, make an onion soup to activate vitamin C in the body.

Feverish Feeling Ginger, black pepper, and honey in 1 cup hot water as needed.

Flatulence Equal parts dill, anise, and star anise as a tea.

Flu Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice diluted with water will ease the flu.

Boil lettuce leaves in plenty of water and drink 6 ounces every hour.

Food Poisoning Take 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (no honey) and drink in

small sips. Repeat every hour until all signs of food poisoning are gone.

Forgetfulness Two cups of sage tea each day.

Fungus Natural antibiotics are grapefruit, willow, radish, chlorophyll, and bee pollen.

Take 2 tablespoons of asparagus twice daily or 3 glasses of Concord grape juice.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Fennel (clickable link) is one of the oldest cultivated plants and was highly valued by the Romans. The

warriors used it to maintain good health and the women ate it to prevent obesity. Chewing fennel seeds relieves hunger and eases digestion. Used as a mouthwash, fennel is thought to help gum disorders, laryngitis, and sore throats. Its aromatic influences increase longevity, courage, and purification. To make a fennel tea, simmer 1 teaspoon fennel seeds in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes. This tea is excellent in conditions of cold and flu. When a nursing mother drinks fennel tea, it promotes lactation and can relieve colic in the nursing child. It is helpful in reproductive system difficulties and the tea is an old folk remedy to regulate difficult and irregular menstrual periods. It has a hormonal-like action that reduces the effect of PMS and menopausal symptoms. Use fennel tea up to 3 times a day before and during menstruation. To promote free flow of urine, combine fennel seeds, caraway seeds, and juniper berries as a tea. Fennel in food will help digestion greatly. Too much stomach acidity can be regulated by taking 1 cup of fennel tea. Fennel expels mucus and relieves colic, cramps, bloated condition, gas, and constipation. It is beneficial to the kidneys and spleen and helps in urinary tract problems. Fennel has been used throughout history to improve eyesight. It is good for chronic coughs and other respiratory complaints. It is a circulatory stimulant.

Page 19: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Make the tea, strain, and put in the bath to detoxify the body and release toxic waste. Fennel oil (clickable link) displays the same health-giving properties as the tea.

Fenugreek is one the oldest medicinal plants and is a versatile spice. The Egyptians valued fenugreek

for eating and healing. It is useful for lung congestion and mucus conditions. Fenugreek is helpful in relieving inflamed conditions of the stomach and intestines. It relieves fever, diarrhea, and gas. It is an excellent tonic and rejuvenator. Used as a poultice of hot milk and crushed seeds, fenugreek relieves inflammation, swollen glands, sciatica, and bruises.

Flax (clickable link) has been cultivated since at least 5000 B.C. In 8th century France, Charlemagne

required his subjects to consume the seeds so they would remain healthy. Today, flax is still used as a bulk food in laxatives. It is also helpful for sore throats, bronchitis, hoarseness, and coughs. Flax seed contains a remarkable healing oil which can be used externally or internally. Flax oil is useful for eczema, arthritis, menstrual cramps, and sprains.

Struggle with mood or energy levels? Take a look at these great posts from blog.hannasherbshop.com

How to Overcome Depression Naturally (clickable link) Increase Energy Levels Naturally with Herbs and Oils (clickable link)


Home Remedies

Gallbladder Two teaspoons lemon juice before each meal will strengthen the gallbladder.

Fresh lemon juice in 1 cup of hot water taken first thing in the morning will empty your gallbladder and start the day on a happy schedule. Insufficient bile output can be aided by eating one small radish before each meal. Add 1 heaping teaspoon ground pumpkin seeds to 7 ounces hot water; drink 2 cups a day as needed. Horseradish, raw or dried, will also aid the gallbladder.

Gallstones Add 2 tablespoons grated black radish to 1 tablespoon olive oil 20 minutes before meals

for gallstones. Two day gallstone cleanse: On the first day drink 1 glass of apple juice at 8 am and 2 glasses every two hours until 6 pm., eat no food. On the second day repeat the same process and at bedtime drink 4 ounces of olive oil with hot lemon juice. Expect results the next morning.

Gastric Ulcer The juice of raw cabbage is very useful for gastric ulcers because it contains vitamin U;

take 6 ounces of fresh cabbage juice before meals. Drink 7 ounces of freshly made potato juice between meals. To heal gastric ulcers, eat nothing but cooked carrots for 7 days.

Gastric Upset Make a paste with one teaspoon arrowroot (clickable link) and cold water or milk; stir

well, and boil. Add a little lime juice just before taking and repeat as needed.

Page 20: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Gland Food Avocados, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, yams.

Gland Swelling Eat a salad of watercress with a slice of buttered bread.

Glandular Weakness One cup of sage tea daily.

Goiter One teaspoon agar-agar two times a day; also as a cool compress overnight.

Gout Make a raw onion poultice and apply to afflicted area overnight.

Gout and Stone Remedy Combine 1 quart apple cider and 1 teaspoon hydrangea root (clickable

link); allow to stand for 12 hours then bring to a boil, simmer, and take ½ cup 3 times daily. Eat a small dish of sour cherries every morning for 3 weeks.

Greying of Hair Drink and apply nettle (clickable link) or sage tea (clickable link).

Herbs and Healing Foods

Garlic has been prized by healers for more than 5,000 years and is an extremely important addition to

any diet. Pyramid builders and Roman soldiers on long marches were given a daily ration of garlic. Garlic is so strong an antibiotic that the English purchased tons of it during World War I for use on wounds. It is a world renowned cure-all and home remedy in practically every culture. Garlic quiets the body and can be used as a mild tranquilizer. Garlic contains selenium in a natural form as well as natural antibiotics; it is known as the poor man's penicillin. While garlic only has 1 percent of the impact of penicillin, it is more effective than penicillin with gram-negative bacteria. Garlic sweeps through the body as a natural cleanser and tonic with no side effects. It maintains a healing factor in the bloodstream for up to 10 hours and doesn't destroy the body's friendly bacteria. Garlic has properties which are antifungal, antibiotic, and antiviral. It is a stimulant to the immune system, prevents colds and other illnesses, and is useful for coughs and bronchial congestion. Garlic is an excellent remedy for long-term cardiovascular difficulties; it regulates blood pressure and is used for both high and low blood pressure. You can prepare garlic oil in the following way: Peel and crush ½ pound of garlic cloves, place in a clean jar, and cover with olive oil. Close tightly and shake a few times each day for 3 days, storing in a warm place. Strain the oil and store in a cool place. Garlic is anti-parasitic and helps the body rid itself of worms and other parasites it is also useful for digestive disorders. When used fresh on the skin, garlic has been known to heal acne and other skin problems. Rubbing raw garlic on warts and corns is said to heal them. It promotes sweating and acts like an antihistamine. Rubbing garlic directly on an insect sting relieves the pain. If garlic was not so cheap, we would treasure it as much as pure gold.

Gentian is a fabulous tonic. If your stomach feels full and bloated, ½ cup to 1 cup of gentian tea will do

wonders. It is for colic and bloated conditions. If your head is tender and your eyes hurt, gentian tea will relieve your difficulties. Gentian alleviates fevers, cools the body, and maintains digestive functions during a fever to prevent the stagnation of food. Chewing gentian root has been known to help break the habit of smoking.

Ginger (clickable link) is a blessing to an upset stomach. A pinch of ginger (about ¼ teaspoon) to 6

ounces hot water is sufficient to bring relief. Ginger has long been known for its soothing effect to the stomach and has frequently been added to other herbs to act as a buffer in the stomach. Ginger has been used as a medicine for thousands of years.

Page 21: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

It promotes sweating and reduces nausea and gas. It is an excellent stimulant for both the circulatory system and the immune system. Ginger has been used for digestive disorders, urinary difficulties, travel sickness, and sickness in pregnancy. To make ginger tea: Pour 2 cups hot water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of ginger, cover and allow the tea to steep until cool enough to drink; drink ½ cup to 1 cup at a time. This tea may be flavored with a few cloves or a dash of nutmeg. A hot compress of ginger tea on the stomach will relieve cramping and it is also helpful for stomach flu both as a compress and drink. Ginger tea is also indicated for debility and cramps in the soles of the feet or palms of the hands. When joints feel weak or there is a heavy feeling in the stomach, ginger tea will bring relief. It relieves hoarseness and asthma without anxiety. When the body doesn't digest protein easily and has produced too much acid, a slice of ginger root or pinch of powder in hot water can calm the body and digestive processes. Hot ginger tea stimulates a delayed menstrual period and relieves menstrual cramps. Ginger has been used for relief of arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, muscular aches, and other pains. It is used for loss of appetite, chills, and colds and flu. It is helpful in relieving catarrh, congestion, sore throats, sinusitis, and cough.

Grapefruit is helpful if you have ringing in the ears or other head noises. Try eating a piece of

grapefruit if you have pain in the temporal region.

Grapes are good for anemia and to build the aura.


Home Remedies

Hair, Brittle Wash hair in nettle tea. Nettle tea is also a general hair tonic.

Hay Fever Cut 3 carrots and cover with 1 quart water; boil for 20 minutes and drink 6 ounces every

hour, and 4 ounces of water every half hour OR drink 6 ounces vegetable broth every hour and 4 ounces of water every half hour.

Headache Radiating from one point, 1 cup black tea.

Wet a handkerchief with half vinegar and half water; place over forehead for headache or feverish condition. For headache with nausea take Iris versicolor (blue flag) homeopathic (clickable link).

Heart, General Vitamins E, B-complex, and C, magnesium, calcium, and lecithin. For improved heart

muscle function, rosemary and hawthorn berry tea, 2 or 3 cups daily. For valve improvement and health drink Blue Malva tea (clickable link).

Heartburn Eat a slice of raw potato when you have heartburn.

Heaviness Drink ginger tea for heaviness in the stomach.

Hemorrhoids Eat 3 almonds a day to prevent and eliminate hemorrhoids.

Hiccups Add a few drops of vinegar on 1 teaspoon of sugar and eat or 1 spoonful of vinegar in a glass

of water and drink to cure hiccups. Drink pineapple juice or anise tea slowly to relieve. A never-fail recipe is to juice half an orange into a glass and drink it slowly; if necessary, juice the other

Page 22: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

half as well.

Hoarseness Boil black beans in plenty of water, 1 pound of beans to 1 gallon water. Boil for 1 hour,

strain then drink 6 ounces of the juice 3 to 4 times daily. Eat the beans in another dish or as a soup. Drink ginger tea and gargle often with 1 tablespoon glycerin in hot water.

Hookworm Drink 2 cups of strong thyme tea followed by a dose of Epsom salts a half hour after

drinking the tea.

Hormone, Female Black cohosh in capsules. Eat pumpkin seeds.

Hormone, Male Sarsaparilla, brewer's yeast, and pumpkin seeds.

Blend 2 tablespoons brewer's yeast, 1 teaspoon chia seeds, 1 cup cashews, and 2 cups tomato juice in a blender; men should drink this for power and determination.

Hyperactive Children Two cups thyme tea daily; 1 teaspoon thyme to 1 cup water.

Healing Foods

Honey is the ambrosia of the gods and is different in each area of the country. It is said that, to relieve

allergy symptoms, use honey from your own neighborhood because it can act as an antihistamine. Put honey on sores to help them heal quickly; it is antiseptic and antibacterial. The simple sugars in honey are quickly absorbed in the body and can give you a quick lift when needed. In early history, Olympic athletes ate great quantities of honey before the games in preparation of events. Apple cider vinegar, honey, and water together have been used for thousands of years by many different cultures to balance the body. This combination has been found to be extremely beneficial for people with gout or arthritic pains when taken every morning. It has been known to restore supple movement in the hands and dissolve knots. Honey can be beneficial to respiratory problems and relieve cough and sore throats. For fever, drink hot lemon juice with honey.

Horseradish is given for sinus trouble and for salivary gland difficulties. In the southern Germany,

people gargle with horseradish broth if they have throat problems or hoarseness. When there is a burning or cutting feeling in glands, which is worse at night, try horseradish. Horseradish boiled in apple juice gives copious urine if the kidney is blocked. Horseradish is helpful in digestion and has been used as a pain reliever for the neck and back.


Home Remedies

Indigestion Add the juice of 1 grapefruit, 1 lemon, and 3 oranges with 2 tablespoons milk sugar, and

1 cup of aloe vera to 1 quart water; drink in small sips throughout day. One tablespoon whey in a little water will help digestion (Note: whey is a dairy product). Mix equal parts anise seed, fennel seed, and coriander to make a tea.

Infections Natural antibiotics are garlic, grapefruit, chlorophyll, radish and parsley (clickable link),

willow, and bee pollen. To treat infections, boil cranberries and drink the juice. Add 3 cups of water to 1 cup raw potato juice, drink.

Inflammation Of the eye or eyelid: apply elder flower externally and drink 2 cups elder flower tea

Page 23: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

daily. Apply a raw potato poultice over the closed eye. For inflammation of nerves: apply peppermint lotion and drink peppermint tea (clickable link).

Insect Bites Apply sage tea, yellow onion, raw apple, or vinegar with flax to the bite.

Insect Repellent Rub parsley tea on the skin.

Insomnia Boil whole grain oats in plenty of water, strain and season with water, lemon juice, and

honey. Oats should have the husks on because the healing part is found in the hulls and husks.

Insulin Producer Cucumber contains a hormone needed to produce insulin.

Intestinal Difficulties Cut 2 medium potatoes and boil in 1 quart water, peelings on. Add 4 cups of

the potato water to 3 tablespoons ground flax seed and 6 tablespoons bran; let stand overnight with lemon or orange juice and a small, finely chopped onion. Eat this in the morning. For intestinal catarrh, drink ginger tea. Add the juice of 1 grapefruit, 1 lemon, and 3 oranges with 2 tablespoons milk sugar (clickable link), and 1 cup of aloe vera (clickable link) to 1 quart water; drink in small sips throughout day. For intestinal mucus eat garlic.


Iodine is essential to nutrition and the health of the thyroid. Kelp is iodine with trace minerals.

If the following symptoms persist, speak with your physician about a possible deficiency: always cold feeling, dull and listless appearance, dislike for moisture, dull pains under both shoulder blades, enlarged glands, goiter, dull headaches, heart and chest pressure, little interest in life, mind is slow and dull, movements are slow, puffy face and body, pulse alternates often, swelling in fingers and toes.

Iron allows the blood to hold valuable oxygen and without iron, oxygen cannot be delivered

throughout the body. If the following symptoms persist, speak with your physician about a possible deficiency: anemia, easily fatigued, crying involuntarily, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, dull hearing, fault finding tendency, flattened fingernails, fissured tongue, mentally hard to please, painful breathing, pains in head (stinging), pains in heels, pains in sole of feet, pains in fingertips, pains in shoulder joints, poor equilibrium, sleepless at night, sleepy in daytime.

Headaches and bug bites are annoying, get the remedies to repel them both from blog.hannasherbshop.com

Remedies for Headaches (clickable link) Natural Insect Repellents and Home Remedies for Bites (clickable link)


Home Remedies

Joints To lubricate the joints add 1 teaspoon turmeric, 2 teaspoons almond oil, and 2 tablespoons soy

milk power to 1 cup water; add salt and honey to taste. Heat and serve as a hot drink.

Page 24: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

If joints are weak drink ginger tea. For joint trouble, increase sulfur intake.


Juniper (clickable link) has been used in healing throughout history. In European folk medicine, juniper

was used for dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, tapeworm, and other ills of the poor. Juniper leaves are used for ridding the body of parasites. Juniper berries reduce indigestion, gas, urinary infections, and rid the body of toxins associated with arthritis. The berries are a gentle stimulant and diuretic and impart the smell of violets in the urine. They are extremely beneficial to the kidneys and help to reduce tissue swelling. The tea is used for menstrual cramps or an upset stomach.


Home Remedies

Kidney or Bladder Stones To dissolve bladder or kidney stones:

Drink parsley tea for 3 days with no other food. Take 1 cup of dark grape juice and add ½ teaspoon cream of tartar; take 2 ounces 3 times daily before meals. Boil 2 tablespoons dandelion root in 1 quart apple juice and drink. Boil 5 whole, medium sized beets in 3 quarts water for 1 hour then drink 7 ounces of the water 3 times daily. Drink cucumber juice. Increase intake of asparagus. Drink chamomile and knotgrass tea (clickable link).

Kidney Problems Eat celery tops after each meal for 5 weeks.

Kidney Trouble Drink a 7 ounce blend of ½ cranberry juice, ½ water 3 times a day.

Knees, Swollen Grate cabbage and put it in a cheese cloth; apply to the knee several nights in a row.


Home Remedies

Laryngitis Boil 1 pound of black beans in 1 gallon of water for 1 hour; drink the juice and eat the


Laxative Soak 6 prunes and 6 apricots over night; in the morning eat 3 of each and at night eat 3 of


Leg Trouble For cramps at night increase calcium intake.

Liver Apricots are a splendid remedy to detoxify the liver and the pancreas. Soak 1 pound dried

apricots in pineapple juice overnight; blend this mixture together in the morning and drink 2 days in a row.

Liver Ailments Drink a tea of dandelion root several times a day and try this breakfast: Mix 2

tablespoons ground flax seed, 2 tablespoons whey, 2 peeled and finely grated apples, add honey to

Page 25: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

taste; this blend is healing to the liver and intestine (Note: whey is a dairy product).

Liver Food Dandelion leaves (clickable link).

Lymph Cleanser Boil 3 tablespoons barley in 1 quart water for 30 minutes, strain, and add a little

clove and cinnamon. Drink this in 1 day to clear congestion from the lymphatic system.

Lymphatic System 4 to 5 cups of cucumber juice each day for 1 week purifies the lymphatic

system, blood, and clears the complexion.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Leeks are food for the pancreas and brain. Add steamed or boiled leeks to food to promote weight


Lemon can be used for calluses, corns, or warts: cut the lemon peel and place it on the affected area,

white side down, and secure with a bandage. Leave bandage on overnight and repeat until the area is smooth. Lemons are powerful suppliers of vitamin C and the whites of the peel strengthen tissue and contain bioflavonoids.

Lemon Balm has been used medicinally by the Greeks for thousands of years and was called the

"heart's delight." It has been used throughout history in preparations designed to promote youth. It is believed that Llelyn, Prince of Glamorgan who lived to be 108 years old, drank a tea of lemon balm every morning. It is thought to strengthen the brain, aid depression, and it is used as a sedative. Lemon balm helps indigestion, especially during worry or anxiety. It is antibacterial and antiviral in nature, probably because it contains tannins. It has been used to relieve nausea, flatulence, insomnia, and menstrual pain. Lemon balm appears to deter colds and flu when taken at the onset of the illness. It has also been used for asthma and bronchitis. Steam inhalation of lemon balm tea relieves bronchial catarrh and sore throats. Lemon balm repels insects and is thought to relieve insect bites when applied externally.

Lentils contain protein supplies of the best quality and provide iron.

Lettuce is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E. It stimulates the smooth operation of the digestive tract and

adds needed bulk to the diet. Lettuce water is an excellent remedy for a viral infection: boil a head of lettuce leaves in plenty of water and drink 4 ounces every hour. Apply lettuce water over swollen parts of the body such as ankles, abdomen, and liver.


Home Remedies

Memory An excellent tonic for the brain are almonds, take 6 to 10 a day or 1 teaspoon almond oil

daily. Make a sandwich of sage by thickly buttering a piece of bread and generously sprinkling with sage. Cloves in your tea heighten memory; 4 cloves in any tea mixture. Eat two mustard seeds and 3 prunes daily for increased memory.

Menopause Black Cohosh (clickable link), calcium, and magnesium; follow dosage.

Page 26: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Vitamin D is needed in adequate amounts or a deficiency causes nervousness, irritability, headaches, depression, and arthritic problems during menopause. B-complex in a high potency should be taken 1 to 3 times daily to support the nervous system during menopause. A daily intake of vitamin E has been known to eliminate hot flashes and night sweats.

Mental Alertness Take 1 teaspoon bee pollen (clickable link) daily.

Mental Buoyancy Alfalfa seed tea or alfalfa in a tablet form.

Mental Exhaustion Sage as a tea and Lecithin in capsules (follow dosage).

Mineral Supplier Take alfalfa sprouts, seed tea, or tablets.

Morning Sickness Drink peach leaf tea; it contains trace minerals and B6.

Mosquito Bite Moisten a bar of soap and rub a little on the bite to stop the itching.

Mother's Milk, to Increase Drink fennel seed in barley water and increase intake of alfalfa,

lentils, and blessed thistle. Drink several cups of caraway tea: bring 1 teaspoon caraway seed and 8 ounces water to a boil then reduce heat and simmer for several minutes.

Mouth, Burning Make a tea of poppy seed and hold in your mouth several times a day.

Mouth, Dry Chew cloves.

Mouth Odor Chew juniper berries, caraway seed, or parsley leaves.

Mucus Oranges are mucus cleansers from the stomach, ears, head, and sinuses if taken in the

following manner: 1 glass fresh orange juice, same amount distilled water. Do not mix these; first drink the juice then follow with the water. Do this as often as you would like, 10 times a day or so, and do it 2 days in a row a few times a year.

Muscle Builders The combination of beans and corn makes muscles strong.

Muscle Pain Rub a piece of raw potato on muscles that are aching or in pain. If the aching is

specifically in the shoulder or your muscles jerk, take magnesium.

Muscle Cramps Vitamins B1, B2, and E, and calcium lactate can ease cramps.

Muscle Strength Soak 1 teaspoon chia seeds in 4 ounces of apple juice for 2 to 3 hours and drink

this mixture 3 to 4 times a day. Eat buckwheat as pancakes, in cereal, or as a main dish. To improve muscle function, vitamin E is needed.

Muscle Spasms During the day: magnesium. At night: calcium lactate.

Muscle Weakness Boil a handful of apple peelings for 20 minutes in 1 quart of water; strain and

take 6 ounces daily. Sesame seeds are a complete amino acid supplier and supply osmium, a trace mineral.

Myopic Astigmatism Lillium Tig. (Tiger Lily) homeopathic (clickable link)


Marjoram tea is a mild tonic which aids fever situations. Marjoram has been used for headaches,

gastrointestinal difficulties, and nervous disorders. It can be calming to the respiratory system and assist in relieving migraines and muscle spasms. Add marjoram tea or oil to the bath for relief from rheumatism and tension.

Page 27: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Put a drop of marjoram oil on the pillow to induce sleep. The aromatic influences of marjoram are said to be peace and sleep. To relieve a sore throat, soak a cotton cloth in marjoram tea and wrap it around the throat. Wrap another, larger cloth over it, making it as airtight as possible; leave on for several hours or overnight.

Mustard Seed is such a fast growing plant that in the past it was said you could grow the mustard

greens for the salad while the meat was roasting for dinner. Mustard has been used to draw the blood to the surface of the skin or lungs and to relieve pain and inflammation in rheumatism, arthritis, chills, and congested lungs. Added to a foot bath, mustard warms and deodorizes the feet and relieves a cold. Mustard is a blood purifier and a laxative. Swallow two mustard seeds a day to improve memory.

Myrrh (clickable link) is one of the spices brought to Jesus at His birth by the Three Kings and has been

considered a treasure of the East for thousands of years. Myrrh in lamb's blood was used by Moses on doors to help ward off the plague. In Ancient Egypt, women burned myrrh to get rid of fleas in their homes. Ancient Greeks used myrrh to heal wounds and it is used in chest rubs for congestion and bronchitis. It has been found by the Arabic people to help skin conditions such as athlete's foot, eczema, cracked skin, and wrinkles. It was also used for asthma, coughs, and bronchitis. Myrrh has a particularly unpleasant taste but has been found to be excellent for sore throats and mouth ulcers when used as a gargle. Used as a tincture, it relieves infectious ailments like colds or glandular fever. Myrrh seems to help mouth conditions such as gum infections, gingivitis, sore throats, and mouth ulcers. It may also be beneficial in digestive difficulties such as diarrhea, gas, and indigestion. It is thought to cleanse the prostate system. The whole plant is thought to be a useful tonic.

Myrtle leaves contain Myrtal, an active antiseptic. It is used as a tea for bronchitis, coughing, and

cystitis and helps where there is thick, yellow mucus. "Stitches" (quick and painful throbbing feelings in the left breast) always call for myrtle. Myrtle is a nerve sedative, particularly when people are worse in the morning. Myrtle can be used as a tea for psoriasis or sinusitis and as a compress for bruises.

Mineral Magnesium We have a small amount of magnesium in our body and it is necessary for bones, blood,

and body fluids. Magnesium is needed to utilize carbohydrates properly, to make our own protein from amino acids, to maintain our muscles, and to keep our hormones going. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician for a possible deficiency: aching neck and shoulder muscles, allergy to wool, burning sensation in mouth, bed wetting, chilly after retiring, fear, grief, gas in intestine, inflated intestine, nervous heart palpitation, muscle jerk spasms, restless movements of eyes and fingers, yellowish whites of eyes, sensitivity to noise, sleep with eyes half open, teeth sensitive to cold water, toothache when nothing is wrong, tremors, twitching of body.

Check out these great posts from blog.hannasherbshop.com

Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones (clickable link) Liver Cleansing Home Remedy (clickable link)

Page 28: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily


Home Remedies

Nausea Summer savory as needed. If constant, peach leaf tea as needed.

Nephritis Vitamins A and B2. Drink watermelon seed tea: add 12-15 seeds to 1 cup water; bring to a

boil and allow to cool before drinking. Drink 3 cups daily.

Nerve Food Pineapple juice mixed with prune juice rebuilds exhausted nerves; take 6 ounces 3 times

daily. Two egg yolks mixed with 4 ounces grape juice once or twice daily. Take 1 pint apple juice or apple wine, 1 pint water, and 1 pint milk; heat slowly but not to a boil. When the mixture curdles strain it through a fine cheese cloth and discard the curds. Sweeten this blend with honey if needed and take 2 tablespoons 5 times a day if a person is very weak. Appetite will improve and all signs of illness will disappear. As strength is regained, take 2 cups a day. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and minerals and are especially good for nervous disorders, and to help build up weak kidney or bladder function; eat 4 ounces 2 times a day. Add egg yolk to a 6 ounce glass of cherry juice then stir and drink to feed the nerves.

Nerves Use one of the following remedies to settle the nerves:

Almonds, blanched with grapes. Celery, crisp or tender. Sage, in a bath or as a tea. Lavender (clickable link), in a bath. Barley or oat water added to fruit juice.

Nervous Tension Make a tea of catnip (clickable link) and mint, drink 1 cup as needed.

Neuralgia Heat salt in a frying pan or oven and put in a cloth bag to apply to the pain on the face.

The leaves and root of the white beet are excellent for neuralgia; boil and apply to the pain in a small poultice sack. Mix mullein oil, yarrow oil, chamomile oil, and thyme oil then apply to the affected area. Apply red onion as a poultice. For pain in the lower jaw apply raw plantain juice over the area.

Night Sweats, Profuse Dandelion tea and linden blossom tea as needed.

Noise, Distracted by Increase intake of B-complex, calcium, and magnesium.

Nose For redness: wash with a gentle cleanser and rub strawberries over the red area.

For a dry nose: Put arms in a warm bath and add sage to the water. Boil basil in milk and steep a teaspoon of sage in it, drink 6 ounces a day. Two tablespoons sage boiled in milk, drink several times a day.


Nutmeg is my favorite spice and has been used in China since the 7th century and was introduced to

Europe by the Portuguese in 1512. Nutmeg is my favorite spice. The most help is given when the digestive enzymes of the pancreas cannot reach the duodenum. The outlet is swollen and people complain of a swollen pancreas. When this happens take 6 to 7 ounces of

Page 29: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

hot water and add 1 teaspoon of cloves and a dash of nutmeg. Drink this mixture and immediately the valve opens and there is no trouble. Nutmeg has been found beneficial for boils and pimples. Take 1/3 teaspoon of nutmeg in 4 or 5 ounces of water with 1 teaspoon honey added. Drink this 3 mornings in a row then don't drink it for 3 days; repeat the process 9 times. Nutmeg aids in digestive problems and relieves nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Nutmeg tea inspires sleep and is thought to overcome fatigue.


Home Remedies

Obesity Celery is a low calorie reducing aid; eat the tops and stalks and drink celery seed tea.

Old Age H-12 tincture and primrose flowers are excellent tonics. Sauerkraut keeps old age diseases

away such as stiffness, failing eyesight, wrinkles, and constipation.

Optic Nerves Tomato leaves and peelings should be covered in hot water and allowed to stand for

15 minutes. Drain and set the juice in the refrigerator; 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Oats are found in most kitchens and can be helpful in our quest for health and well-being.

They are known to be a helpful tonic to the entire body and are thought to relieve depression and nervous disorders. Oats are rich in silicon and stimulate sweating. They are helpful to the thyroid and for estrogen deficiency. An effective skin treatment: cover oats in plenty of water, strain and keep the oat water to add to a bath for shingles, eczema, chicken pox, or poison ivy. Feeding oatmeal to children is said to stimulate their appetite. Oatmeal is extremely healing internally.

Okra has many healing properties and is especially useful as a general tonic for the body. It has been

found useful in cases of heavy menstrual bleeding.

Onions have always been known to have antibacterial properties. Since onions easily absorb bacteria,

they can be used in a sickroom to help disinfect it. Onion both is restorative and warms. Onions increase circulation and stimulate the body. If you are sensitive to light, increase your use of red onion. For ear problems such as recurring ear infections or ringing in the ear, cut a yellow onion in half and rub on the back of the ear. For a splinter, rub an onion on the area to bring the splinter to the surface. For hay fever, cough, or oncoming flu, sip red onion soup. To make the soup chop several red onions, include the papery skin, and simmer in water for about 20 minutes. Strain and sip this broth every hour until relief is obtained.

Oranges originally came from China where they have long been used as medicine. If you have a

headache with nausea, try an orange. For hiccups, a never-fail recipe is to juice half an orange into a glass and drink it slowly; if necessary, juice the other half as well.

Page 30: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Oranges are used as a digestive remedy, aiding in the treatment of constipation; try boiled orange peels if you are constipated. Eating oranges helps relieve thick mucus-type coughing and is thought to relieve and prevent colds. It calms the nerves and is useful for depression, insomnia, and shock.

Oregano is a delightful cooking and healing spice and was named by the Greeks who called it oros

ganos which means joy of the mountain. It is wild marjoram. Aristotle reported that tortoises that ate a snake would immediately eat oregano to prevent death, so it was used as an antidote to poison at that time. Oregano has antiviral qualities and may aid the body in balancing metabolism. It is useful as a tea for coughs, stomach, gallbladder problems, and menstrual pains. Oregano has also been used for nervous headaches, irritability, exhaustion, and as a sedative. It is thought to prevent seasickness and can be applied externally for swelling, rheumatism, and a stiff neck. Chewing on an oregano leaf provides temporary relief for a toothache.


Home Remedies

Pancreas Use leeks in soups and salads, steamed or boiled, to stimulate insulin production.

Boil green beans in plenty of water then drink 1 cup of the water daily and 1 cup of the cooked beans daily to strengthen the pancreas.

Pep Drink Add 3 cups pineapple juice, 1 cup water, 1 cup alfalfa sprouts, 10 almonds or 2 cups

pineapple juice, blend until smooth and drink. Two tablespoons each of sunflower seeds and dates can be blended with 8 to 10 ounces water.

Pepsin Supplier Take 2 ounces pineapple juice before meals.

Pimples Combine 1/3 teaspoon nutmeg (fresh ground), 1 teaspoon honey, and a ½ cup hot water and

drink 3 mornings in a row then 3 mornings without; do this 8 to 9 times. Make a brine of Epsom salts and pat on the face with cotton and allow to dry before going to bed; do this until the pimples are dried up.

Pinkeye Place raw, grated potatoes or thin potato slices over the closed eye to release pain and

relieve redness.

Poison Ivy The following remedies can be used to alleviate itching, swelling, and redness:

Wet Epsom salts and apply to the painful area. Wash the affected areas with Fels Naphtha soap and there will be no more troubles. Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy) homeopathic (clickable link). Sassafras tea bath. Tansy tea bath.

Poison Oak Apply a cloth soaked in white oak bark tea to the area.

Pregnancy Peaches are good for pregnant women; it is a complete food for mother and fetus.

Drink peach leaf tea (clickable link) for morning sickness. Pregnant women should take coconut milk regularly in the morning on an empty stomach to bring clear urine and nourish the fetus.

Prostate The fluid of the coconut (coconut milk) is useful in toning the prostate gland.

Page 31: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Protein Meat provides explosive energy, avocado acts as a good fat and protein supplier, lentils supply

protein and iron of the best quality and millet is meat for the vegetarian.

Protein Digestant Celery aids protein digestion, increases appetite, is good in curing mucus, and is

useful for rheumatic pain, gastric trouble, cold, cough, and urinary disorders.

Pyorrhea Make a tea of goldenseal and myrrh; hold the tea in the mouth several times a day.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Parsley was held in high esteem by the Greeks and was used to crown winners of the games. The

Greeks used parsley medicinally, although the Romans were the first known to use it as a food or spice. Parsley is rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antiseptic chlorophyll. Parsley can be chewed raw to freshen breath and promote healthy skin. Eating parsley after garlic or onion will help deodorize the breath and body. Used as a tea, it is a digestive aid and encourages free flow of urine. Parsley can be used as a poultice for insect bites or wounds. For bladder or kidney stones, drink 1 quart of parsley tea a day for 3 days then just 2 cups a day. Another recipe is to drink only parsley tea for 3 days with no other food. Parsley root (clickable link) has been used as a natural diuretic and to benefit kidney conditions. It is a mild laxative. When parsley root is boiled in white wine, it is good for the heart.

Pear can be cut into small pieces and eaten every 15 minutes throughout the day to relieve the kidney

of mucus and the colon of accumulated poisons.

Peppermint (clickable link) is a favorite beverage tea all over the world. It elevates and opens the

sensory system and has been found to be very purifying and stimulating to the mind and body. Peppermint is well known to help indigestion, intestinal spasms, gas, colic, and other similar conditions, particularly in children. Peppermint stimulates the liver and the leaves added to cottage cheese help digestion. Peppermint aids nausea and travel sickness and is helpful for fever and flu. It is analgesic, calming, and good for headaches and migraines. Peppermint is used to soothe sore throats and is antibacterial. For sinus problems drink peppermint tea and apply a large, warm peppermint pack or tea bag to the sinus area for immediate relief. If every scratch becomes a sore applying peppermint tea bags will be helpful. Use peppermint tea as a wash for skin ailments, itching, burns, and bug bites. For vaginal itching, use a very mild tea of peppermint as a douche to bring relief.

Pineapple juice is a good source of vitamin C and can be used as a remedy for hiccups. Pineapple is an

enzyme supplier.

Pomegranate is used to expel tapeworm. If you are constantly hungry or feel nervous inside, a little

pomegranate will stabilize this condition.

Pumpkin is high in beta carotene. It calms an upset stomach and the seeds are used to rid the body of

parasites. Pumpkin seed tea is used for gallbladder troubles. To make the tea: grind 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds and pour 1 cup of hot water over them; allow to steep for a few minutes and drink 2 cups each day. Pumpkin is food for the spleen and pancreas.

Page 32: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily


Phosphorus is the counterbalance of calcium. It is closely associated with calcium and vitamin D in

the body. It makes up about 1% of body weight, most of it in the skeleton. The rest is involved in practically every complex activity of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Phosphorous helps to produce energy, builds new tissue, and maintains good structure. To get enough phosphorus you can rely on meat, fish, vegetables, whole grains, eggs, nuts, and legumes. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician for a possible deficiency: general weakness, loss of muscle tone in the arms and legs, numbness in limbs, paralysis, prone to bronchitis, prone to arthritis, repeated jaundice condition.

Potassium (clickable link) is needed for keeping the chemical balance of the fluids in our cells. In a

healthy body, potassium is mainly found inside the cells while sodium rich fluids bathe the cells from the outside. The electrical exchange between potassium and sodium (one having positively charged ions, the other negatively charged ions) brings the nutrients into the cells and takes the waste products from the cells.

Potassium is needed for proper muscle function, iron balance, and cell nutrition. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician for a possible deficiency: bitter taste in mouth, distention of stomach, distress in pit of stomach, dry throat, eczema on feet and legs, headache in lower back of head, inability to digest sugar, itchy dry skin, kidney function impaired, liver function impaired, low grade infection, muscle weakness, Pyorrhea, swollen ankles, swollen ovaries, swollen testicles, tendency to blisters, water retention, weakness in female organs, weak ligaments.

Ready to learn more? Take a look at these popular posts from blog.hannasherbshop.com Herbs During Pregnancy (clickable link) Natural Poison Ivy Treatment and Itch Relief (clickable link)


Home Remedies

Rejuvenation H-12 tincture.

Restlessness Increase intake of B-complex, B1, B6, and calcium lactate; drink 1 to 2 cups of nettle tea

daily. Use magnesium for restless movements of the eyes and fingers.

Rheumatic Muscles, Rheumatism Increase intake of asparagus and basil to ease rheumatism

pain. Drink the basil as a tea or sprinkle it on an oiled cloth and apply to the aching part. In many cases but not all, an increase in B-complex (clickable link), B15, C, bioflavonoids, folic acid, and calcium eased pain.

Ringworm Rub banana peel on the area.

Rough Skin Eat silicon rich foods such as oats and wheat bran. Eat oatmeal and rub your face and

arms with oat water. Wheat bran makes the skin smooth; make a thin paste of wheat bran and water and apply to the neck, arms, and face.

Page 33: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Herbs and Healing Foods

Radish in small amounts promotes bile flow.

Rhubarb cleanses the colon.

Rosemary has a long history of medicinal and culinary uses and was thought to improve memory. It

was introduced to Europe around the 14th century. Rosemary is an excellent tonic and is thought to promote youthfulness. It is uplifting, energizing, and helpful for headaches and depression. In early times, rosemary was burned in sickrooms to purify the air. During the plague of 1665, it was carried by individuals to sniff occasionally to ward off the disease. John Gerard mentions rosemary as a breath freshener and advises that eating the flower every morning with bread and salt will procure clear sight. Rosemary has shown to be a powerful antioxidant, more so than synthetic antioxidants. It is said to protect the brain from toxins and the effects of aging. Rosemary is known as a blood thinner and strengthens the heart muscles and a weak stomach. It is helpful for colds and flu and is known to help digestive difficulties. Rosemary stimulates circulation and eases pain by increasing the flow of blood where applied. It aids in fat digestion and is used for aching joints and rheumatism. Rosemary has been used to stimulate delayed menses and is restorative to the female system. It has been used for nervous upsets, headaches, exhaustion, and for congestion of the liver. It may encourage the immune system and is thought to improve candida conditions. Having rosemary tea every morning is thought to have restorative qualities and comforts the brain. The tea is an excellent hair rinse, encouraging hair growth, relieving dandruff, and restoring color. It also makes an excellent antiseptic mouthwash and gargle.

Rutabaga feeds the friendly bacteria in the colon and should be eaten once a week.


Home Remedies

Scar Tissue Rub cocoa butter (clickable link) on the scar consistently, 2 times daily.

Shingles Drink 1 ½ quarts celery juice daily as well as peppermint tea.

Make a paste of Epsom salts by adding water to achieve a smooth consistency then apply frequently to the affected parts until relief is felt. Prepare a tea of St. John's Wort (clickable link) and soak a cheesecloth in the tea; wrap cloth over affected area and leave on overnight. Repeat this process until relief is felt.

Shortness of Breath Bring the juice of red onions to a boil, add honey then simmer 15 minutes;

take 1 teaspoon every hour.

Shoulder Pain Dull pains under both shoulder blades calls for iodine (clickable link).

Sinus Eat a piece of fresh horseradish or a small amount of prepared horseradish from a jar.

Add freshly ground black pepper to 1 teaspoon honey and take as needed. Add 1 tablespoon marjoram to 1 tablespoon butter; boil 5 minutes then strain through a cloth and rub on the forehead, nose, cheeks, and nostrils. Sip 12 ounces grape juice 2 times daily for 6 weeks. Hot peppers and radishes contain benzene which is needed for proper functioning of sinuses.

Page 34: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Skin (scaly) Soybean lecithin for red, itchy, and scaly skin can be made into a salve and applied; also

take 2 tablespoons of soybean lecithin by mouth.

Skin Blemishes Make a small paste of baking soda and water and pat on the areas involved; leave

on overnight and repeat process for one week. Do not apply a bandage.

Skin Pigmentation (dirty, oily, yellowish) Increase calcium fluoride intake.

Skin Remedy Cucumber is a strong diuretic and contains a hormone needed by the pancreas to

produce insulin; it is specific to skin troubles. Slippery elm as a poultice is useful for skin ailments like burns, boils, ulcers, and other types.

Sleeplessness Increase intake of magnesium, B-complex, calcium, and catnip. Take iron (clickable

link) supplements to address sleeplessness at night and being sleepy in the daytime. Rubbing dill oil on your forehead and taking 1 teaspoon of anise seed before bed will also ease sleeplessness. A warm cup of milk and 1 teaspoon honey before bed will help you fall asleep.

Sores Honey is healing and disinfecting on sores.

Sore Throat Chew a piece of raw ginger or drink ginger tea until you feel relief.

Spasms, Bladder One cup of uva ursi tea 3 times daily.

Spleen Eggplant reduces an enlarged spleen and increases red blood corpuscles and hemoglobin and

is, therefore, good for anemia. Pumpkin seeds are food for the spleen, chew them very well.

Spleen and Liver Cleanser Combine 2 quarts Concord grape juice, the juice of 6 oranges, and the

juice of 3 lemons in the following way: cut the white of the lemon into small pieces and boil in water for 10 minutes. Strain into the juices then add enough distilled water to make 1 gallon. This is a 1-day supply of your food and drink intake. Just 2 days of this will cleanse your organs.

Splinter A splinter in your finger should be removed at once. If it is too deep, apply a fresh piece of

onion, tomato, or honey to the finger. To remove a splinter, first freeze the area with a piece of ice.

Sprains Ice cold water should be used as a compress and daisy or lavender can be used for extra sore

sprains, also as a compress.

Sties Moisten a black tea bag and place it over the closed eye with a bandage at night.

Stomach The following foods are particularly healing to sick stomachs and ulcers, as well as the pain

and discomfort from stomach distress: carrot, coconut milk, eggplant, flax seed tea, okra, parsnip, and sweet potato. Unsweetened pineapple juice poured over melons develops pepsin which is needed in the stomach for digestion; eat this on an empty stomach. Cardamom has a soothing effect on all membranes of the stomach and lungs. One tablespoon whey 3 times daily will feed stomach glands so they will work well again (Note: whey is a dairy product).

Stomach Flu Use ½ teaspoon ground ginger in 1 cup water and add 1 teaspoon honey, drink hot.

Also, a hot compress of ginger over the stomach will bring relief.

Stomach, Sour Eat raw potato slices.

Stomach Ulcers Cabbage juice (must be fresh) is used for stomach ulcers because of its vitamin U

content. Okra that is cooked and not seasoned heavily will bring comfort to stomach ulcers. Drink marigold and yarrow tea (clickable link) as needed.

Page 35: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Juice 1 potato and add an equal amount of warm water; drink this 3 times a day before each meal. Eat apples, raw and cooked.

Stomachache Cover 2 teaspoons flax seed with 8 ounces boiling water; keep warm for 30 minutes

then drink 1 to 2 cups.

Swelling Boil adzuki beans in plenty of water and eat as a soup or drink the liquid.

Raw cabbage is terrific for poultices over swollen knees or elbows; grate 2 cups very finely and wrap in a cloth and apply overnight, several nights in a row. If swelling is in ankles and legs take a handful of potato peelings, cover with 2 cups of water, and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of this to 1 glass of water. Drink 4 glasses a day for 14 days. Drink cinnamon tea and chew on cinnamon sticks.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Sage (clickable link) means good health, to cure, and to save from its Latin origin of Salvia officinalis.

Both in early Roman culture and American Indian culture, sage has been considered a sacred herb. The American Indians used sage tea to rub down the body and in a bath to reduce fevers. Sage has long been considered an aid to failing memory, especially in the elderly, and has been associated with helping people to live long lives. Make a delicious sandwich by putting sage on buttered bread. Sage is known as food for the brain as well as an antidepressant and allergy reliever. Sage is an excellent tonic, liver stimulant, and improves digestive function. Sage tea helps the body digest proteins and helps the body and nervous system relax. It is antiseptic, anti-fungal, and has estrogenic effects. Sage has an affinity to the mouth and is often used as a mouthwash and gargle to help sore throats, gum disease, and mouth ulcers. It is thought to prevent the graying of hair. Sage tea can be used as an antiseptic by pouring the tea on a pad and applying to the skin to help wounds that are slow healing. It is excellent for reducing secretions in the body, is good for night sweats, vaginal discharge, excessive perspiration, and to slow the flow of milk. It is a uterine stimulant, reduces blood sugar, and promotes the flow of bile. Use sage for glandular weakness and bloated conditions. For varicose veins or ulcers on the legs, apply hot sage compresses, use sage tea on the leg, and take frequent sage foot baths.

Salt can be used for pain when heated in a frying pan, placed in a cloth sack then applied to the painful

area. Always cover the salt sack with a hot water bottle.

Savory is a spice which has a flavor similar to pepper. It stimulates the mental body and adrenal cortex

and is considered an antiseptic that's beneficial to the whole digestive tract. It stimulates the appetite, eases indigestion and flatulence, and can be used as a tonic. It is good for gastric pains of nervous origin. Savory tea has been used as an antiseptic mouthwash and gargle. In Germany, it is used for diarrhea. Savory is antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral.

Sesame Seeds supply osmium, a trace mineral. Sesame seeds are food for the glands and a supplier

of complete amino acids. Eat sesame seeds or prepare a tea to relieve constipation. To make the tea: cover 1 teaspoon sesame seeds with hot water and allow to steep for a few minutes then drink.

Page 36: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Sunflower Seeds are very helpful for eyestrain and sensitivity to light. Even aches and pains

disappear when you nibble about ½ cup of seeds a day. Sunflower seeds are also food for the sinuses and glands.


Silicon is found in all grasses, particularly oatstraw, oats, white onion, radish, calmyrna figs, and grains.

Silicon gives strength to bones, nerves, tissue, mucus membranes, hair, and nails. Silicon gives mental strength. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician to discuss a possible deficiency: itchy eyes, sties on eyelids, ear discharge in children, ulceration of gums, ulceration of tongue, parched lips and fingertips, toothache without cavities, teeth sensitive to cold, tendency to boils, listless, lack of determination.

Sodium is essential for animals and man alike. Animals are known to trot many miles for salt licks and

farmers place them in barns or pastures for their animals. Sodium is in the fluids of the body and is found outside the body cells. Every cell is bathed in a sodium containing fluid. Here in America it is not often that someone suffers from lack of sodium because table salt is readily available. However, summer heat, vomiting, excess perspiration, inability of sodium utilization, as well as adrenal gland exhaustion, can cause sodium deficiencies. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician for a possible deficiency: adrenal gland exhaustion, bloating, breath with foul odor, confusion of mind, constipation, excessive thirst, exhaustion, gas in stomach, hair is falling out, hay fever, indigestion, mental depression, ingesting protein results in gas.

Sulfur is essential in ridding the body of poisonous substances. It is needed for the health of bones,

hair, nails, and the fluids in our joints and vertebrae discs. We do not need much sulfur but we feel it when we do not have enough. If the following symptoms persist, check with your physician to discuss a possible deficiency: desire to massage and knead the muscles of arms and legs, disc trouble, fingernails thin or split, dull hair, joint troubles, prolonged time for regaining strength after illness or being overworked, moodiness, sores that do not heal, toxic conditions, throat is whiter than other parts of the neck, voice gives out easily.

Want more great remedies and tips? Take a look at these posts from blog.hannasherbshop.com

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin (clickable link) The GI Tract, Moods, and Gut Health (clickable link)


Home Remedies

Tapeworm Eat pomegranate.

Tears Excessive: B2 Not enough: B1.

Teeth, Sensitive to Cold Magnesium (clickable link).

Page 37: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Tenderness, Abdominal Linden flower tea or H-12 (clickable link) placed on navel.

Tension Make a tea of carrot seeds and drink a cup every now and then to release tension from

smooth muscles like the intestine.

Tongue If tongue adheres to the roof of the mouth, nutmeg. When the tongue is mapped with red,

scraped patches, dandelion root or leaves. If tongue is deep red, take niacin and B-complex. For tongue fissures or when tongue is purple-red, B2. For a yellow or white tongue, apply mint leaves.

Tonsils For swollen tonsils bake a banana in the skin until very soft and mash with a little fresh cream

or olive oil and apply as a compress; drink grapefruit juice.

Tooth, Bleeding After extraction of a tooth, wet a black tea bag and apply.

Tooth, Loose Hold warm apple cider vinegar in your mouth several times a day. Drink 3 cups parsley

tea daily.

Toothache Soak a black tea bag in hot water and apply to cheek; insert clove oil (clickable link) into

the cavity to relieve the ache.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Thyme (clickable link) is one of the herbs blessed with a large number of therapeutic properties. The

origin of the name thyme may be the Greek word thymon, which means courage with many of the early uses of this spice to enhance that virtue. Roman soldiers bathed in thyme water to improve their vigor and repel insects. Scottish Highlanders drank thyme tea for strength and courage, as well as to prevent nightmares. In early medicine, thyme was so important for its use for female disorders that it was often called "mother". It seems to have an affinity to the uterus and has been used to relieve menstrual pain and restore balance during abnormal absence of menstrual periods. Thyme is antibacterial, anti-parasitic, and antiseptic in nature. It stimulates the production of white blood cells to aid the body in resisting infection and is thought to help the body resist colds and flu. Thyme tea with honey relieves illness resulting from chill such as coughs, colds, flu, sore throats, and postnasal drip. Thyme tea relieves insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, depression and muscular pain. Thyme is a digestive tonic and improves sluggish digestion. It has been used for gastric problems such as colic, indigestion, gas, irritable bowels, and bad breath. Thyme tea is a reliable remedy for relieving phlegm and shortness of breath. It heals wounds quickly and has been found helpful to prevent or stop hair loss.

Tomatoes and tomato juice contain lycopene which protects the body against UV rays. Apply a slice

of tomato to quickly reduce swelling. Stewed tomatoes will cleanse the pancreas when combined with lime and will assist in the digestion of proteins. Stewed tomatoes are also good for the liver. Fresh tomatoes supply vitamin C and green tomatoes in very small quantities stimulate the glands.

Turmeric (clickable link) contains a substance which significantly reduces the long term recurrence of


Page 38: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily


Home Remedy

Urination For pain while urinating, simmer 1 teaspoon marjoram in 8 ounces of water for 10 minutes

then sweeten with brown sugar. Drink as needed.


Home Remedy

Veins, Varicose Spread cottage cheese over a cloth as you would butter a slice of bread then cover

with another cloth. Apply this over aching or unsightly veins all night if possible but at least for several hours. Repeat this every night until the varicose veins are gone. Fill a piece of cheesecloth with cabbage and tie to the painful area and leave on overnight; you may also use lettuce leaves.

Viral Infection Boil a head of leaf lettuce in a large pot of water; drink 4 ounces every hour.

Increase intake of lettuce and basil.

Vision, Dimness Drink carrot juice and Kidney (KDY) Tea (clickable link).

Vision, Objects Look Distorted in Size Add ¼ teaspoon nutmeg to 6 ounces hot water, drink

as needed.

Vitamin C Replacement Cranberry juice is recommended for people whose body is not utilizing

vitamin C properly. The best time to drink it is early afternoon; be sure you are ingesting pure, unsweetened cranberry juice, not cranberry juice cocktail.


Home Remedy

Water Retention Fennel, watermelon seed tea, or parsley tea as needed.

Weak Digestion, Anacardium occidentale (marking nut) homeopathic (clickable link).

Joints, 1 cup ginger tea as needed. Ligaments, potassium and Vitamins E and C. Memory, club moss tea as needed. Muscles, Alchemilla vulgaris (lady's mantle) homeopathic. Stomach, rosemary or sorrel as tea, drink as needed.

Worms In general white figs are useful for de-worming; 3 to 4 figs and fig juice 2 times daily will

paralyze any worm. Cut 3 cloves of garlic and boil in 8 ounces of milk for 5 minutes. Allow liquid to cool and drink before going to bed 10 days in a row. Pomegranate as a juice or eaten raw is a great help to keep worms from the system. Eating ½ cup pumpkin seeds a day, especially before meals on an empty stomach, will strip worms from their protective skins.

Page 39: Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Zand peanut oil are also good. Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily

Healing Foods

Wheat Sprouts improve detoxification of tissues and protect against heavy metal damage in the


Watercress supplies vitamins C and E.

Watermelon should be eaten to cleanse and rejuvenate sluggish kidneys.


Healing Foods

Yams were used in the original contraceptive pills because they contain substances very similar to

progesterone. It appears to be beneficial for menopausal women. Yam has been called colic root for its soothing properties in colic conditions. It is a tonic for the spleen and stomach and has been used for ailments of the kidneys, lungs, and stomach, as well as urinary infections. Yams are food for hormones.

Yogurt keeps the intestine happy and should be eaten daily.

Learn more about how herbs can keep you healthy in these and other posts from blog.hannasherbshop.com

Turmeric's Benefits for the Heart (clickable link) Water Fluoridation (clickable link)


Mineral Zinc is needed in wound healing, trauma after surgery and for keeping the pancreas, prostate, thyroid,

thymus and immune system healthy.