Event & Entertainment Contracting

Event & Entertainment Contracting Syracuse University The Office of Student Activities Kevin Taschereau Assistant Director Student Activities Syracuse University PRESENTED BY: Matthew Scherr Program Coordinator Student Activities Syracuse University


For the moderately experienced activities board advisers who are involved in the creation or negotiation of event and entertainment contracts. Based on current trends in risk management and industry best practices, this session presents a core curriculum of event contracting to help individuals brush up on their knowledge or gain a substantial foothold in the often daunting task of executing a contract from an institution's perspective.

Transcript of Event & Entertainment Contracting

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Event & Entertainment ContractingSyracuse University

The Office of Student Activities

Kevin TaschereauAssistant DirectorStudent ActivitiesSyracuse University


Matthew ScherrProgram CoordinatorStudent ActivitiesSyracuse University

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• Participants will be able to articulate the key definitions associated with the event and entertainment contracting process as outlined.

• Participants will know when and how to correctly utilize the provided Standard Documents and will be able to differentiate between the appropriate usages of the Standard House Rider and Standard Contract.

• Participants will demonstrate the minimum standards of contracting acceptable by Syracuse University for event and entertainment contracting (including knowledge of the eight areas of concern in third party contracts, the process of contract execution, and the construction of the Complete Contract).

• Participants will be able to identify the criteria for the requirement of insurance (specifically utilizing the levels one and two questionnaire) and will be able to articulate the correct usage of Syracuse University’s TULIP (Tenant User Liability Insurance Program) in high and low risk activities.

• Participants will be able to demonstrate the proper usage of the Standard Offer Sheet (specifically modification of the sheet for specific uses) and will be able to describe special considerations when utilizing third party offers.

Learning Outcomes:

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Let’s look at the basics…

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What’s an Offer?

Formal, non-contractual, written request for a party to perform

May also be referred to as a “bid”

Not always required

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What’s a Contract?

A legally binding, formal obligation between two or more parties

Usually involves an agreement to pay a specific sum of money in exchange for a performance or specific service

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Underlined words in this presentation reference words

that can be found in the definitions handout

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• Research Performers

• Contact Agency

• Submit Bid

Offer• Review • Edit• Approval

Edit• Prepare for

Routing• Submit• Sign


The Three Phases of the Contracting Process



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1. Research your performers

2. Draw up your offer letter

3. Send the offer to the artist/agency

4. Wait to hear back




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1. Review the contract and make any edits as needed.

2. Create the Complete Contract by attaching any riders or house documents that you want to be included

3. Send to the artist/agency for their review and approval




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1. Once returned, complete the Standard Contract Routing Form

2. Send the contract to the appropriate signatory for counter-signing

3. When you receive it back, make copies of the contract for the parties involved

4. Advance the performance and prepare for the event



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The Standard Documents:

1. Standard Offer Sheet

2. Standard Contract

3. Standard House Rider

4. Standard Contract Routing Form

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Phase I: Offer

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When do you need an offer?

• When working through an agency.

• When a price is not explicitly set or it can be reasonably assumed as negotiable.

• When you’re asked for one.

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What happens when they have their own offer sheet?

• Insist on using the Standard Offer Sheet

• If they still require you to use their offer sheet:

• Make edits to their sheet

• When it is in agreement with the Standard Offer Sheet you may submit it to the artist/agency.

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Who can make an offer?

“Syracuse University students are authorized to inquire about a possible campus performance by an

artist” (pg. 17, RSO Handbook)


Only authorized employees are allowed to submit an offer on behalf of the University, and only in the capacity of their job responsibilities.

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USE CAUTION!Use caution when discussing potential performances over the phone or email.

You can be held financially liable for contracts and agreements that are both

written AND VERBAL in some states.

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The Standard Offer Sheet:

I. Engagement Information

II. Additional Terms and Conditions

III. Authorization

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I. WHO?a) …is the offer going to?b) …is sending the offer?c) …is the offer for?

II. WHAT?a) …is the billing?





ho, What, W

hen, Where and W


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I. WHO?a) …is the offer going to?b) …is sending the offer?c) …is the offer for?

II. WHAT?a) …is the billing?b) …are the terms?

(how much are you paying and what’s included?)





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hen, Where and W


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What are terms?

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I. WHO?a) …is the offer going to?b) …is sending the offer?c) …is the offer for?

II. WHAT?a) …is the billing?b) …are the terms?

(how much are you paying and what’s included?)

III. WHEN?a) …is the engagement?b) …are tickets going on sale?

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IV. WHERE?a) …is the engagement?

• Name of Venue• Address• Website

V. WHY?a) …should they accept this offer?

• Venue Capacity• Entrance Requirements• Age of Entrance• Ticket Pricing and Special Pricing• Production Specifics





ho, What, W

hen, Where and W


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II. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:Upfront information is the best practice

• No Deposits• Safety Clauses• Merchandise Rates• Ticket Sales • Additional Acts• Hospitality Limitations• Insurance and Liability Requirements• Radius Clause…

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on’t book another show!

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III. AUTHORIZATION:The right to send the offer and how long it’s on the table

• Purchaser & Signatory

• Expiration Date

• Rights to Offer

• Non-binding Language

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Final Considerations:

If it doesn’t apply…don’t include it.

Everything highlighted should be edited or modified before submission.

If the agency or artist insists on using their own offer sheet, make the necessary changes for it to be in compliance with the Standard

Offer Sheet.

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Phase II: Edit

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The Standard Contract:

I. The Opening

II. Insurance & Liability

III. Event Specific Clauses

IV. Execution

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The Standard Contract

I. The Opening:

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The Standard Contract

II. Insurance & Liability:2. Each party shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law defend, indemnify and hold each

other, as well as their respective agents, representatives, principals, employees, trustees, officers and directors, harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses, causes of action, suits, judgments, and claims by or on behalf of any person, firm, corporation, entity or governmental authority if caused by the negligent or intentional act or omission of the indemnifying party, its agents, representatives, principals, employees, trustees, officers or directors.

a. Producer shall procure and maintain, at their own expense, Commercial General Liability Insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate to cover their responsibility referred to in Paragraph 2 above.

b. The liability policy shall name Syracuse University as an additional insured with respect to the event. Coverage shall be on a primary and non-contributory basis ahead of any other insurance carried by the Purchaser.

3. The Producer shall file with the Purchaser, certificates evidencing the required insurance that names Syracuse University as an additional insured and indicates the insurance is primary and non-contributory with respect to the event.

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Is insurance required?Level One Questions:1. Is this a well known performer or artist?2. Is the expected attendance over 1,000?3. Will the event require a pat down and/or a barricade?4. Is the performer incorporated?

Level Two Questions:5. Are protests normal with the performer or artist?6. Is the topic of the performance controversial?7. Are combative actions such as crowd surfing or mosh

pits normal with this performance?

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Is insurance required?If you answer “no” to the Level 1 questions:

– You will most likely not need to require insurance

If you answer “yes” to a Level 1 question but “no” to the Level 2 questions:

– You will most likely want insurance, but it isn’t required

If you answer “yes” to a Level 2 question:– You will want to require insurance

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TULIP(Tenant User Liability Insurance Program)

• Better known as events coverage• If the performer doesn’t have or can’t provide

insurance• Covers both High and Low Risk Activities:

Such as: sports, weddings, seminars and concerts• Cost is associated with the level of risk• Doesn’t cover hang gliding…

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The Standard Contract

III. Production Specific Clauses:

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The Standard Contract

IV. Contract Execution:

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Working with 3rd Party Contracts

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The 8 Areas of Concern in Third Party Contracts:

1. Indemnification2. Liability and Insurance3. Force Majeure4. Severability5. Scaling & Sales6. Jurisdiction7. Authority8. Exhibits

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The 8 Areas of Concern in Third Party Contracts:

1. Indemnification


in·dem·ni·ty noun \in-ˈdem-nə-tē\

: a promise to pay for the cost of possible damage, loss, or injury

: a payment made to someone because of damage, loss, or injury

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The 8 Areas of Concern in Third Party Contracts:

2. Insurance


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The 8 Areas of Concern in Third Party Contracts:

3. Force Majeure

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The 8 Areas of Concern in Third Party Contracts:

4. Severability

1st Method of Artist Cancellation:

2nd Method of Artist Cancellation:

3rd Method of Artist Cancellation:

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The 8 Areas of Concern in Third Party Contracts:

5. Scaling & SalesPayment by ticket sales:

Limitations on Free Tickets and Price

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The Third Party Contract Areas of Concern:

6. Jurisdiction


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The Third Party Contract Areas of Concern:

7. Authority

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The Third Party Contract Areas of Concern:

8. Exhibits

The Types of Exhibits:

Hospitality RidersProduction Riders

Tech Riders and Input ListsLighting, Rigging and Stage Plots

The Standard House Rider

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Hospitality Riders

THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR• Cigarettes• Alcohol• Fireworks• Candles/Lighters/Incense• Brand Names• Awkward Requests• Random Requests• Things you don’t know


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Production Riders

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House/Venue Rider(s)

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Marks you may see when editing event or entertainment contracts:Instruction: Example: Margin:

Inserting Text to notHe said “be or to be”

Removing Text This is some other wording

Keep Removed Text This is some other wording STET

Initial Mark X ______ ______

^ ^

___ _______________

___ _______________

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X _____KPT _____RLF

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The Minimal Standard of Contracting:

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The Minimal Standards of Contracting:

1. The Complete Contract will be read through thoroughly.

2. There are no modifications to the Standard Document’s insurance language.

3. Syracuse University is referenced as the contracting party on all documents.

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The Minimal Standards of Contracting:

4. Insurance and indemnification language has been removed from all third party contracts and exhibits.

5. No one is assigned personal liability.

6. The Comptroller’s name is under every signature line.

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The Minimal Standards of Contracting:

7. All edits have signature marks with the appropriate number of lines.

8. Everything is legible with all edits preferably typed.

9. Everything is consistent across the Complete Contract.

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The Minimal Standards of Contracting:

10. Control is always assigned to the House Rider.

11. Jurisdiction is always assign to Onondaga County, in the State of New York.

12. All income tax language is removed.

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Constructing the Complete Contract:Standard Contract Routing Form

Agency Cover LetterThird Party Contract Standard House Rider

Standard Contract

Other Exhibits:Hospitality Rider

Tech RiderPlots

Appropriate Tax Form

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Phase III: Execute

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Who can sign my contact?

Here at Syracuse University, the signatory and executor is

Rebecca L. Foote, Comptroller(Make sure you spell it correctly!)

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Contract Routing within Syracuse University:

1. Fill out contact information.2. Provide the name of the

other parties and a brief description of the purpose/reason for the contract.

3. Certify that all items have been completed.

4. Attached the needed paperwork for processing.

5. Sign, date and submit.

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The Process of Execution:

The other Party has signed and Initialed the edits

Fill out and attach a Standard Contract Routing Form

3rd Party Contracts or Standard Contracts

with Edits

Standard Contracts without Edits

Send to the Risk Management Office

Send to the Comptroller’s Office

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For more information:

Please visit the Risk Management Office’s website at:


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Any questions?