Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1907-09-10 [p...

T- lTUESDAY5EPTEMBEP 4 j Vs r i j f i r rf 7r d z fRLEVEliINGWl R I D 10 9O7 c = 1 vT i 4CA8NIVALKIN- GI To BE ELECTED BY TODAYS VOTE tA Polls Close at A oClock So f Hustle the Ballots for Your Choice NECK AND NICK RACE Econopouly and Payton Are Ahead of All Qhers With I This la th IMtiI1Ot the mlsht- ytraeslotorlhehDrlotj3Ljiarjnff iJfui 111 ooii10titniot tha Coney Island MaiH Grits and Carnival tof tho Oriel I 4 E cal SUUs which begins on Monday and last a TreeR- Tt l ui uat4J M today yotfor ChslrmWlt bIUi band of tho Slardl Grit < Editor I Erenlnir World before that hour to be eountdOt the coupon bal = tot front the Kronlng World rtrlte Inttle nnmeotoii candidate If anfl role before 4 P M The name QtwjnnerII lie aiTnoi- morroTT If the iroteH can be- In oeun tint On the openteff of the Uurt diy of this L IDm4rbb4lectJonbr which the red i era without n i t rpn1torac an ccx or condition ar- eFi 1 ehtir a ICJnjr for the foioTIO 1IIeoterl annual frolo with stQue n of his own choosing John Econopoul- ylida hvlnir 1i76 voteo his neEoet competitor Core JMyton h ylnirlMKli- VotM ot JMTi it it trniln Vt from all directions through his brother l eter D Kconopouly ot tho Brooklyn Home JlQjicry and Hnjdersoa1 Walk tJi Coney Island t< Pleated In Any Event L 11 c 1iave worfcd bard for n the eloctlon- of r my brother John sild Peter D- vho I U known to his friends nji Peer PftrtI eheWIl1 bo elected but > whelberhator not I am greiJa- r U fie wh BTeTiST It ir tTlj8 Orf elur t Ii L Tot Now York have stood by him end J < 11 me Peter D Econopoulyh Just effected jjauw of th6 Henderson property from Ii t Mrery to the beach MO feet de p- trlUrir9 front ig on the Bowery nt- e TOtI offalIA a nltl build an all UISt 10 j rornzitamftted i tjhted Thero wrUTi fl m tlas i j rooms free to rlnlUfcr onranlxatlons a irrt ballroom and a foilorrlnk bath- house and restaurantsNrlth music nil J the tim Potor Dear Uj already out for the oiunu ot the MoWl Qraa for 1SG5Oeonre O Dedimos sent In 6EOO rotes it for EcoTiopouly t j HOW VOTE STANDS FOR KING OF CONEY i ISLANDCARNIVAL John Econopouly- Corse > L1 I Payton < 1liG- t Kit as rtosentftal Jerry Donnelly nU Chief Hull Bar u- JeroFJoin y mnndAkuun 7m Edw V Hlnes- AUnustusj us Phillips ss MsrtJmar Kn han Ueortte a T IlerlnK Jm Po Marino ZIICL Georze W Hall LZtO John l MorrUsy Torkvill 4- Joh L OVutf1U UI II Q lmniiBm h 4 tkI Ben Ilyft Dan K Kelly cub E Brooklyn A P Dntke- IfllMi C1iron- Antno J lrEf fr4 Conti 147 I UILJoJT j laJl- Juidy r Harry Latihaw 7i FrtJ Sehue U laldi1rlL Ai JEO- Etiward A FUUimerrw 1 S- CCapt Clue WofUchles ll > i C Bromley Orn- iltctinJSiferi 1OJ < co 10S3 Monroe n Fliher tit AUirusi Ludeman SS- 3Wllltnm A Norton 8T- JK Van A 17- 1Jo rrinoo tan E K Arthur Lery <7- 3Ikey t lei tt Dr Hoy Onnon Ctt Barney Knoblocn Co Thomas Lanrtry 3- VeUht 1lArt7 ttl c nNJtt L iiti rnif t ID g4eaas ODd OYOCfti tO be cut tbornmtottti 6UI nlh 1VTd- Drooklm Join Seonopooly with thbt rt 6M of U 7ddih of thJ Alitrlat far hli nltlmiU inecMi In the eoattit tar lbs KlncotiuCatulYIlloroUJBO A bundle of 6MO votes were nI- ght girl who 1ton ttM Ice ceam- curtomera ttt EconopoulyiiTVllllannbur- itori Maee Frieda Koehler iiatoiDon fler Ibis Hand Minute Kunze Florence Brooks Alice Olynn Amelia Poor Jfay Drrl- zIde4 lfrexe find eervn hundred ejid- flTle n 7151 UlJonr1 unuld like jrou to KIT thftm to Bconnpoulr u l u- nunr sore C1ttruCU UIIom a Mttle toy eren yes oM and would U- koblm mid kll1rUlbrdl drat eel bcaiu 1 worVM vnr hM Ii ret tt ft coupon MICHAEL CHlClJlCOS > 1 Third avenuerMtnbatuui- Anthony Polakos of the Rodena clsur stand end restaurant C nrIaJ n- dhamthi ftOt IH dJler rejlaurateur IKlOj Chrlo Vore tai JEWAltu Darker aKot P of Newton N iJ3atOri Luskas- No a Broadway Brooklyn 1cfl f the Independence L airuo of the Nineteenth Dfjtrlct Centra arenua Wrcoklyn I COO Anthony Forchee the > fto find fruit vender itn front of the Pulitzer Building COO Michael J Count of Third nvfnne ftnfl One Hundred and Portynlnth street Bronx the twelve yeu oldaon o John Counes the con feet toner Ipeo- OPaytona Friends B- urhrewfJ I11etiJ1I1I1th vote s of wll lfUInre aamples- TWi auocUtian the tart npre- miutlte ot the vtuderfle world aol miyh < I Read the directions ii L u u < l r J And follewthem4 I You cannot expect to get the = < best results from o xroctFmb1bi- il > U Naphtha Soap if you do not use 8 it ia the right way > So when you buya cake of P J G Napktlia Soap- jookat the directions on the > in- side ¬ fthewrapper They are very simple > ki d IJ- C1 > They tell you hov to wash clothes In halt the time end with I gr altheorkitnowt4ke without boiling them jut M t1 JIJ tJ j n T tl1i11- 2ri landing for hours over a tub of hot terT = PQd J Naphtha Soap la for sale In almost every grocery in thifl dty The price is 5 cents a cake llt RGTERGAMBIJE- t fL Fictorint Port Irwy >tcnlhndNy gf B I T- I JO wIll be o allimcU on prM at UWriltfuf Itoonn J JOI Ibis < lvrril nirot fin anjr Kr CKlaloiur 5 1nrnlUcd 65 a UetpunhIfnrrlih hit neek 1lIp 1 fnr at Fi t Agents for ND RAPIDS FURNITURE rinon IIPI isSS SIS3 SL M COMPIE L J Every f- flJv 0 NI S HEDAT Eveniilg Ii t Until p < t WIA- i p oCiock no I J ltIllUlL t n Uil home ciu hlt oltli tolloir slInzooMGoln- I r lour Bull 6 ur Ini uillrl i AII M Ill Oak Ure ilnr C- UJr 10111 French our HifiKiio liirtdns TOG t and Waitmand Iron J tr t tveI hU4I raIIr filr B tJ uuuld upi tArlD rour- WMfh a n am < I Ia < Utd 1abll ILIiI i Uj- tvtndtomv horn i bta tFtIrirriecI Wov LiI1 t citi u wlr Ul IJprtnr- Ulob pf ot hantf 0 CABPirrij- fnrelmxI 1111 010 oft tOt MUrul f some lletllrll t lire < nn lt on > or iowi rainer PJ- lQrnIaI f Ituv H6c < U 8 Liberal Credit System 1 Oak ClrtIlortabll t Iii palucurta1n rra MUluc 1 tin J75 Vfortk 57jU UOU ilJ- 1CO JV nc1lth Tolll 11 I I i Uac lldbord bef- or I W00 5ZOO Pl CC- IJUHiliN 1 It mirror rIp 150 5J500 J225- 524l Oak zcwiIcK Ia KUchin lan 1 U J I i eAltIIIII1I fla 4 ZOO J250- J3000 aoori Kitchen 1 I CuarcLnlcac lAtIIr UOO J A USO llano or Ktlrlc < ra- tor ccuc4 l rik rfl tin 4 Kiiciua- T CIIric 111 ticuci u LU IJIVH 1 lT cp ctIIl HI 11c- clIInC I rt l ilal lrurgrccrnI T f niiar Hcln- nj icag l iieccarn Ilur I1 lau I < w UJlldlj- jtII 1411 MrrlljH otd 1lw11 Oilcloth 1 iI 1116 aI iM t tl cflIM h rc Jcfci7 ttr ullurf- nud rtelI II sI rjU uu cc14 I1lttlt JI11rai v ac 1 > Jl- h J irJ i f1iiff 1 t i J Three Campaigners in the Election ot King oi Coney i j t COrZ t 4- I 7 I J t t k- GVGGi7M nw ctn ymirap npl- rflnbacdlnJf1iU herewith tcc > vou < for ilr Corn pylon or Brooklyn wtio- irlthaul QUMlon It Un mail popular the- atrical mlcorln Am rlca < ll the tettdl Kin ot Conty Iilind tlbrou- IUJ all tilt bli popularity and klndn- mo bur dMcrrci fit trouu 64 JTnrot North America If weh wtrer ponbIW1t11 admiration or ywur food wyrk In ucla nt IS n41 nklncJoU tor r ptnnd You DUI TViinr nxTa or u- tl C MUtKJR PriifawitI- nclo pl a t MIto1 ca hunlrtd an4f1ltyotu fcr Ui bed Mardl lei trarTij Onrttrr Nnr Yofer Cor ia14nr- ot ply ion 1 ATnue Tbritr Brooiclyn Wnp ctJlmto b the crowned Klnf o tatrtari N1 WlthJnt e4 rtmiln blmthJWhrlJI CtlTB JO9IAH frrnONa aiAinnii tttnv This ono coma from the men who tauI the ballotboxes alibI Pay Leo Avenue T lrenrOoliJrn Kindly mftl our candWMt CJaT ton tot lionJay with 100 cte nt xxrtfullj MAIUIUnO- VOM etso cnme for Payton from C C tfJlLlidJrs SohJteff- eKntherlnc i of BqUM dunk Timothy rTranQO rotes tTO- Uko Iho B Iht a I Airency K eery Theatre Wllllim Fisher Who New come F St ylpn Volx ilRiter Charles J Iroot F KcJltUi nvenu- Uorleui II U Auptut ADuell Frank Ferro Vllllam Ucam It A L Putnam avenue Edward C Duriuj Charles Conies and Bronx frlnndai Julian Vf Scott May Valentlnt E T Oelsonr EdTTanl OutiUri45r ft1 L47rGO G- flrchcel John Dalr and othera Votes for Rosenthnl lIsa credit thw< 17 votti to Kllu flccct- iciI the honut anil notlo Iaer or Ibt cut Id anJ obllK A bUtXMON Ircl3 j I LJ Hiil fln1 u oi t tor in- eitramrtl and honorabl friend Ellai- Uul Itun i a 1 ttunlc will nuJ AD uL- Klnx or tb Mirdl Orul- ndovr1 SYLn1 tT1fltt Inclawd find R vntei mi photo W > t ak- KIMhou of luth Udehi and nunwr or- ts Qrpheum TUeatr HrooUxn TUUU1 nr B K IOta for the cii lr KM C Orer- DOit who ha th ut- o all the eaorn at Con y ItUnd W- atatlonrO rc In lh central tMrt of Man hAttn Uurln Ihf Mlntvr and ar worklnc for our Cndr THE CAI1 DlilVKH1 MARDI ORA8- LBAOUK COKKr ISUOD MOTHER WANtS TO- flANSOMHERBOY j j Tells Police to Keep Ql1t1 and Offers to Pay 500 to Kidnappers nj mother of- Tcmamo flyeroM Xf1co of No 1M Ka t Hoiuton- ktrrot who WILI kidJOACCod threwoeb- irobu offered rmufA r tin r turn of the > 1Il1d- 6J w ntto ibMutquattcn yortr Jay and Wd th polio U1atU eI1Mt1 do- decU auit tfln iia l that they could oooomplU- bThoohll < l < i faUxr who Is pro p roiM- ol aaMn roeiylig uDgnd ttn f urine to produce tl > child awl ay- thaKlf o wWka P ot iic- cJ0i M thlnlti ho hlt rhtU The ioi wrrood tQhavl- OlhlnllmortOdow1t11themat1fl MIS M E JJREXEL NOT TO ENTER CONVENT IXXSTXXN i B pt o ou n ixujP- rcxc5c tlo busker has drn out a t mcnt In whloh sh dnl d reports to Uiajlatthat she InUnda tnUrlntr a t- Bboiti Hi gtotf Is eohitelr falni ere ni lattotlon of doles any sijolr t- hineHealth n m i I Never Falls to RESTOREGRAYHAIR to its NATURAL COLOR- No matter how long It has been gray or faded rrorpotesa luxuri ¬ ant growth of Stops- its falling out and positively re ¬ moves Dandruff hair soft and glossy Is raid rMto ny Pc Co N1i- u a SI00 bottles all fmalltl ilIIII1rill1IT pJ H et I m 4 b- J i4a i fr- yI tI m i ir i hi- t t I I TV j U 1- r 17 I Vz- f l Siegel CooperCo 1 = J- t An Extensive and Ela orate Advance- S Jwurg of wr f Millinery I i 1 for thee Coming Fall and Winter r I u TWiU Be Given on- E 1 WedIiesday Sept nb r 11th- I i believe this showing will be a revelation even to those who arc familiar I ffllhpnsl demonstraclods of our power We piomlsc n very strIkln- I exhibition of the very highest forms of millinery art I and excellence commonDense prices Included in the shpwlng wiU bo jr t < More Than 1000 Hats at Prices ow10 q I J1JlorcThalt 500Hats at Prices Irol110io15 1 About 100 Imported Hats Priccclho11l2fitQ5Q Throuehout hs very large and wellvaried Collection the feature of ho test pOI illt choice at the mont moderate price has been kept stcadfMtly in mind In character of design originality effectiveness and becomineness In all that Roes to make up millinery beauty and stylc his collection will be found second to none In this city wherever shown however priced In variety offered 1 t easily stands alone reasonableness of prlc = sJudgc for yourself F MO cowiccrioy wrH A snlSGfj OOPElItm 1 q YE OllStII11T1 tDt- w w Li C 4 + 04 Jo c = RESTAURANT j1j 167TI f1FJJ2O72f jinfrU1U1lfo1ucaJJXTI1AVJ- 9TOaOtS7QEEJ i 7 JlIfj J r 1f i U qll i1 lIQI m 1 t I f- lI 1 t r t I I 11 i t IJ Iltnt F S40 Imported Liindgfes French China- I Piece Dini1eT SetsJlU2 t i i ntth hoot 0 ruE important met explains how this stofe alone cart make such an JSIS conveyed bytthe IILIUIIIflLYeC control the OUtpUt ot- thesejdinner sets in this part the United States Our importations of chna aro enormoua and tho prfcecooceulons we receive on every line we Import re eonc- qaentlyTery r 1 1 geAt r In thccaic ol these jivo hundred tets wrlfch EO OT sale tomorrow we placed OUT order rOT tieri and iothri4 ahirictstoIoflowcverattnouthlefore the recent tdanced price ° n Freriflh China became effecUve thercforeMve can eave yoa 15 on each set over whet iou 4 wonul hareto pity for similar qualities elsewhere We cnrry tiiese jota In open itociis 10- ieces that any time ytm wish to replace a pece you mayjdo so from our stock I The rimajtlfiri n tranhi nA t7t 6i7 i nrndrin = are put on under a goqd relable tflaze and each piece is guaranteed by the Simpson Crawford Co The shapes are entirely new end grAceful ai llhittmted The deslca consists of a dainty pink rote spray intermixed with green leares j vrlth coin gold stipple edecson festoon borderit new feature on tine French ware Actual value of this beautiful set 10 Specially priced nt this store o ily at J t 25 the Set of One Hundred Pieces 18OIocea1n5jjjjO at 5QI SI bend tainted Wall PIaiuctO j- 915 Porcelain 5ct pieces it j KMTCut UUSV cir trirrri7 rSf9- J 6250 10piece Decorated ToHctSetsat 51SO HfdPalntcd 10Jn rnncyChlm Platens 910 French Coffee Percolators 5 Onk Mission OIKI1t 225 f3 Boh Glass Din footed Compotes at 5175 Chaintf flights n Ick ell d at 350 9250 GIlt Portables complete zt 91 French Bnccirat Glas 13 oil rej price r t Fifty 21 DiningKoonTTables at 51475 j to flo- or9AKE Y the I pJort9thefif9 floor and we shall show you us handsome an ex- hibit ¬ I of oom furnlturensyou have seen in mnnYIdayat most liberal reductionsiin many cases from regular pricc As an example we ment- ion ttieec splendid dlninRrroom tables of thoroughly sci orte RoMerTnak The slides are perfectfitting lIntllhe whole prece including mIles ha n nuperiorrubbetl pollihed fmfsb which presents a very handsome nppctrancc Table 1m round top filtc vth deeply moulded erylI111 she pcdcsta1late mountel with curte1c1hcc feet Worth 14751 fully 21 special llnthe <Fifth FloorFurniture Store at v SIS Golden k Extension Tables at 1175 O Leather 5cit nlncChtll at 25 910 Weithere1 OakExtension Tnblcsrar1275 enulncIrtv e 1 101 c h ec2815 952 Golden OakBuiTetrnr54250 tS4G lslh Arm Chairleather 320CO 93850 Golden OAK China Closet at 53275 Golden Oil Cum Ssa JJinintf Chair 51C5 44 Genuine Mali Extension TabJest 9J375 Mission Touch 1m Spanish Lcathcl- 4Rugfs 1 Jc from Our Own Workrooms at Cost- S t JIH LOLID substantial serviceable and withal of attractive appearance fire these st ckR1gs which were inatleb ottr < > nis orkmen IllepriG w put on them for this sale represent merely the cost of the materials excluding coat of labor end all other expenses etc so you can realize what Important bargain Ocy rc1Itre Many of thejilgherprlced com p re ftvnrai Ii i thcirnporetl in wcavc coloring and caring qualities Below are quoted a few sires and prices from the extensive assortment Size Kind dale Price She Kind Sole trleo- S3x99 Slse Kind SalaPrlca- S3xl2 t 6x9 Bruaaeln 8773- fl9 Bruasels < 1350 All Wool Velvet 51775- SaxI2All All Wool VolYot 1150- 78x8 83x106 All Wool Vfclvet llSO Woo Velvet 1875 f t All Wool yeleL1215S3xIOIAII VoolIet1050 135 AllWool Velvet Carpet at 115 a Yard- A radical price revision goes Into effect on these beautiful allwool velvet Clrllt ugfTheynro nil of the new Autumn patterns In rich Oriental colora nntlTlcsisns and are most appropriate hallo r15O wk 91 Granite Inlaid Linoleum OOc eq yd I 5135 In InliTdLlnolcum 9110 so yd 9110 Inlaid Linoleum 89c sq yd 55r Printed Linoleum 3fic sq yd 55 White WoolBlankets u ati450 Rai F- Wivll k 71 I 1- TESAR well in mind that this September Special Sale of Blankets and Comfort A D ables involves merchandise of the most staple characterstandard goods T which can atany season of the year command standard retail prices Hence this offering ii doubly we1comojust now fintjyi beciusc the tnvlnsi are very materlnllilnd aecoodly because Uie tlme tmppTO ehfagTrhttnyouVTiH eetl these nooda8mw en youwIH be tc r- ItlAdtbatYClt1scCurcduch iplaiidldqualities such low prices Of th at 450 there liroZ50p rnlriWnrm fleecy whlto bAn Ior 4 f- ftIIIc1aeedL W1thpink blue and red borders j actual worth JGEO o pair Salo prlco eJ eJ ISO palrWtdtoVoolCalIfornIaB1anketallAlze CottonComfortnble3ailllne covering clean white all wiUtu 4lnoa gllk ribbon bindlni auperior finish cotton filing value J22S etch special nt 75- WhftoCottonF1ceccBIenkctCcorodbOdGr3pOr 200 DownColrjrortHbioiiijrtiredfiii566Ucovei1MKrnn- ulio u 1uD9sc89caad 79c Tidue 560 each special nt 395 1f r n Wednesdays Grocery list of Savings cmyo17ithcjgrentest sorbis1evid n tv11 21OChelsclk i I l LV Kixtic Ilooi- Iiae1 17 7rIt Preerve tAl ru4 tJcuna nol f fOlla tamouo brand wbola biuart uin quaJltr I Granulated PqasCbrn C1foetlllltand para nln 1as r04 ru irunf- Quln V rt omatoes unr itrawtxrrr iand- plnoapcU < Kaokbirnr- Ui I Sugar b aton inon crock j J1ia e4t as crock 1 Ib rluJAIaa1t Tarletlra- and 16 lItClnj tu A07IJ fituut rol tk Ox Toerncliimpioe Cran- rord rissrry 1 c a I to p r CIIUI Cog uxelal rnll- ducarcund iUWbetT7 dOe 19c act 4OC I fUi uOomJOJ C coly trim O jiZ g0t4 tthlt prle wits 41- EtuAr nralsr Ikcan mid family us 4 100 kaiz LmwuThin ptirehaa of oltitr 1C- 1aoII4eOI4pukatre A 1I116AJlLra > joijy- itM IriI CSIta rft ilbanrIftaCIaI14 l Ooiu BOO Tonuto i tccuv 17c ea tint Thtit Toniuta do not ixr doi n rr I ifj lunPeu I T lIlun7oakIUli WatriDIneLot 000ular rat tIIlne The t I anCam for25c Bhrlmp Readr 10 tat iir h x lrla 10AlI1oU wx packet uur aac I731c1NnrhFhtlpacld ln t IQ shrimp ert urcicintir haha I 9a L nUIy L314 cooked 1401 baaLc o = 0 un Safi I 28ell- lieult botdibNi40 llut qlA LT tSge u N Mew hPln tl00 can i 22 C IccIjfuuII jiuri ALal FICF1IU UhnUOZuii art Una I ender blu Cb rrlr lloralI- Huart Jar I Jli 5 c Coi ovnl 8 otloTk amall trjnoh pwj- Cos4 Titra al ot >d > too 0 ornla vrblt fl b S rr 1 a J- packwl KrencbOlln UUltu teAtooe1 tatt led fi- nJ4uahCD6Plnardj New In lh > c g tIlII1I clttuiou iiu- uirt iraftn butttr clout ror cra yru vreor rorf8J rl lur ulin ii trW life ali Kat r Uiln n 8 Jbutt < LhIrraMurccltIavccr icrd Co IMIJU J aIIJ cartODi 45Crgu 7c 0101 C3II1tnIiCoI doa M4O caa- Ululicn i i8c cwYiII4aU Jr > 1 rIOccarlan Ii Kw 0 fuJUn lli U qaarj- balll N nr IAcltau Lobatrr ACOIV bnttiu tho- mj 1ar tlAlk Jlooqutt Toar- nad Itll UaJ itnd i navortaj- Tor 5f Ilrand fineet packer i lIo rJ i cy rrownC- ULM YIL V 05c toutui and J M t law 40 i 1 jtf- NW dot lIi10 bo I 180 rut Ilehllnjr- rM bLccaJiut- iora ntlarEecan iF rsetaohrew tit v quality Iiuo cIuf 1I110k lIIt ef1Teb bury brand uioudr4 Ion iwr ntsjauiK pur- reouiar round Cu- UvaWradad Jt l Anna aim r ° 35c lancr j5c 1 I1Wnd i 33 < wcll rnanitaRlackPp- rICIb ChUI iiauci Melnss U brl lIndtruJllb btxlulai 11411 rua CtIOOltUl I muubran this iruarnl Toinalu Cgtaupijlua l IJnuWiI 5l UIW U1Jrll AI UG tho UNtlIdberI1A I It or HnldMai- 4ofc iIcLJ J r LS 11 1 20 c CtJIi llno bet 1on < bOlIl 17c i tu i- ITcwrrrd icri lU cgLIJ t- ilut rtr li KIKI Bhlptxid ui J I iruDeIinL Clara ValUy VT I ilL 10e direct from a n 4r r- ioullrr or r4 frown lart thla- tklunxl firm vtr r U iwral Btuart braiid tor Itojrai- ItranJ 1IUFt loui tab aM r urLEldelrlcLiy28c truiiiuy vxlra Iott rruJti jcedUIIlb car ptcrultI < fln ° 4 P 411 tlO r Htult IQj Uim In be orchard tr UaVlna Towiler sronu ercrto i tajtona O 2r 9cInC ind DIIi rHin f tac i9 Urand m iuei < 11 If 1 ADIduelll p 11 wt Crpm urn PlnuVI < C lb 130 aIaz rac Toj ifsfeivj fue i 11 Ib Can5 C mtr > ro Jar IcZaUWfl Ilonrld dcaklh IXDO bod25c aeidwlue ccI28c In pur ovrn Uiktrj tUL 1 MInwa Aleka4lC0Ucac Co f fee oh rail hnr 4 arJ Alurlj fanaytotI Ilranl- Cbolo i j UWtI 25 e omtr cUll Etart IIr4 qutlltx- huniur uric 0 C- Ia I ur oil dot l11IC11uJ1CA Qt lrcb Premium llIrkrrrJ1lr 1 Th4flIIG4H flat l tti < errlr1 ChocolaceV- alUr tjU ttty yrttll l > c tIUtrh r tel Unfit 10Hi- Jijlli 1111 lacu 1114 CU14 I tLr iUl 11 fl tt OCX 0IMU lmlon I 111 IJrilrtt l1y kiac 16 pill t i Crawford Co a WI ou lt- aoapt iU I Iol1r l tcka CJJHU1H lc hh 1 tukrr- a a box of O- fjMit Ica f Ilicillad 1 It TtJt y LQC- z b lfb 49c H rli b I- 1 J1- s 0

Transcript of Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1907-09-10 [p...



4 j Vs r i j f ir rf7rd z

fRLEVEliINGWl R I D 10 9O7 c = 1vT





tA Polls Close at A oClock Sof Hustle the Ballots for

Your Choice


Econopouly and Payton Are

Ahead of All Qhers With

I This la th IMtiI1Ot the mlsht-ytraeslotorlhehDrlotj3Ljiarjnff iJfui

111 ooii10titniot tha Coney IslandMaiH Grits and Carnival tof tho Oriel

I4E cal SUUs which begins on Monday

and last a TreeR-

Ttl ui uat4J M todayyotfor ChslrmWlt bIUiband of tho Slardl Grit < EditorI Erenlnir World before that hourto be eountdOt the coupon bal= tot front the Kronlng World rtrlteInttle nnmeotoii candidateIf anfl role before 4 P M The nameQtwjnnerII lie aiTnoi-morroTT If the iroteH can be-


tintOn the openteff of the Uurt diy of this

L IDm4rbb4lectJonbr which the redi era without n

i t rpn1torac an ccx or condition ar-eFi 1 ehtir a ICJnjr for the foioTIO

1IIeoterl annual frolo with stQue nof his own choosing John Econopoul-ylida hvlnir 1i76 voteo his neEoetcompetitor Core JMyton h ylnirlMKli-

VotM ot JMTi it ittrnilnVt from all directions through his brotherl eter D Kconopouly ot tho BrooklynHome JlQjicry and Hnjdersoa1 Walk

tJi Coney Islandt< Pleated In Any Event

L 11c 1iave worfcd bard forn the eloctlon-

ofr my brother John sild Peter D-

vhoI U known to his friends nji PeerPftrtI eheWIl1 bo elected but

> whelberhator not I am greiJa-r U fie wh BTeTiST It ir tTlj8 Orf elurtIi L Tot Now York have stood by him end



Peter D Econopoulyh Just effectedjjauw of th6 Henderson property from

Ii t Mrery to the beach MO feet de p-

trlUrir9 front ig on the Bowery nt-

e TOtI offalIA a nltlbuild an all UISt 10

j rornzitamfttedi tjhted Thero wrUTi fl m tlasi j rooms free to rlnlUfcr onranlxatlons a

irrt ballroom and a foilorrlnk bath-house and restaurantsNrlth music nilJ the tim Potor Dear Uj already outfor the oiunu ot the MoWl Qraa for

1SG5Oeonre O Dedimos sent In 6EOO rotes

it for EcoTiopoulyt




John Econopouly-Corse

> L1I Payton < 1liG-

t Kit as rtosentftalJerry Donnelly nUChief Hull Bar u-

JeroFJoin ymnndAkuun 7m

Edw V Hlnes-AUnustusj

usPhillips ss

MsrtJmar Kn hanUeortte

aT IlerlnK Jm

Po Marino ZIICL

Georze W Hall LZtO

John l MorrUsy Torkvill 4-


lmniiBm h 4 tkIBen Ilyft Dan K Kelly cub



IfllMi C1iron-Antno

J lrEf fr4Conti 147

I UILJoJT j laJl-Juidyr Harry Latihaw 7iFrtJ Sehue U

laldi1rlL Ai JEO-

Etiward A FUUimerrw 1 S-

CCapt Clue WofUchles ll>iC Bromley Orn-iltctinJSiferi

1OJ <

co 10S3

Monroe n Fliher titAUirusi Ludeman SS-

3Wllltnm A Norton 8T-

JK Van A 17-

1Jo rrinoo tan E KArthur Lery <7-

3Ikey tlei ttDr Hoy Onnon Ctt

Barney Knoblocn CoThomas Lanrtry 3-

VeUht1lArt7 ttlcnNJtt L iitirnif tID g4eaas ODd OYOCfti tO be

cut tbornmtottti 6UI nlh 1VTd-Drooklm Join Seonopooly with thbtrt 6M of U 7ddih of thJ Alitrlat farhli nltlmiU inecMi In the eoattit tar lbsKlncotiuCatulYIlloroUJBOA bundle of 6MO votes were nI-ght girl who 1ton ttM Ice ceam-

curtomera ttt EconopoulyiiTVllllannbur-itori Maee Frieda Koehler iiatoiDon

fler Ibis Hand Minute Kunze FlorenceBrooks Alice Olynn Amelia PoorJfay Drrl-

zIde4 lfrexe find eervn hundred ejid-flTle n 7151 UlJonr1 unuld like jrou toKIT thftm to Bconnpoulr u l u-nunr sore C1ttruCU UIIom aMttle toy eren yes oM and would U-koblm mid kll1rUlbrdl drat

eel bcaiu 1 worVM vnr h M Ii ret tt ftcoupon MICHAEL CHlClJlCOS> 1 Third avenuerMtnbatuui-

Anthony Polakos of the Rodena clsurstand end restaurant C nrIaJ n-dhamthi ftOt IHdJler rejlaurateur IKlOj Chrlo Vore

tai JEWAltu Darker aKot Pof Newton N iJ3atOri Luskas-No a Broadway Brooklyn 1cfl f theIndependence Lairuo of the NineteenthDfjtrlct Centra arenua WrcoklynI COO Anthony Forchee the > fto findfruit vender itn front of the PulitzerBuilding COO Michael J Count ofThird nvfnne ftnfl One Hundred andPortynlnth street Bronx the twelveyeu oldaon oJohn Counes the confeet toner Ipeo-

OPaytona Friends B-urhrewfJ I11etiJ1I1I1th vote s

of wll lfUInreaamples-

TWi auocUtian the tart npre-miutlte ot the vtuderfle world aol miyh


I Read the directionsii

Lu u

< l r

J And follewthem4

I You cannot expect to get the= < best results from o xroctFmb1bi-



U Naphtha Soap if you do not use8 it ia the right way

> So when you buya cake of

P J G Napktlia Soap-

jookat the directions on the> in-


fthewrapperThey are very simple >

ki d IJ-C1 > They tell you hov to wash clothes In halt the time end with

I gr altheorkitnowt4ke without boiling them jutM t1 JIJ tJ j n T tl1i11-

2ri landing for hours over a tub of hot terT =

PQdJNaphtha Soap la for sale In almost every

grocery in thifl dty The price is 5 cents a cakellt

RGTERGAMBIJE-t fL Fictorint Port Irwy >tcnlhndNy


I T-

I JO wIll beoallimcU on prM at UWriltfuf Itoonn JJOI Ibis <lvrril nirot fin anjr Kr CKlaloiur 5 1nrnlUcd 65aUetpunhIfnrrlih hit neek 1lIp 1 fnr atFi






0 NI S HEDATEveniilg Ii

t Until p <

t WIA-i p oCiock no

I J ltIllUlL t n Uil home ciu hlt oltli tolloir slInzooMGoln-I r lour Bull 6 ur Ini uillrl i AII M Ill Oak Ure ilnr C-

UJr 10111 French our HifiKiio liirtdns TOG t and Waitmand IronJ trt tveI hU4I raIIr filr B tJ uuuld upi tArlD rour-


a n am < I I a < Utd1abll ILIiI i Uj-

tvtndtomvhorn i bta tFtIrirriecI Wov

LiI1 t citi u wlr Ul IJprtnr-Ulob pf ot hantf 0 CABPirrij-

fnrelmxI1111 010 oft tOt MUrul

f some lletllrll t lire < nn lt on > or iowi rainer PJ-lQrnIaIf Ituv

H6c < U 8 Liberal Credit System 1 Oak ClrtIlortabllt Iii palucurta1n rra MUluc 1 tinJ75 Vfortk 57jU UOU ilJ-

1COJV nc1lth Tolll 11I I i Uac lldbord bef-

orI W00 5ZOO Pl CC-

IJUHiliN1 It mirror rIp 150 5J500 J225-524l

OakzcwiIcK Ia KUchin lan1 U

J I i eAltIIIII1I fla 4 ZOO J250-J3000

aoori Kitchen1I CuarcLnlcac lAtIIr UOO JA USO llano or Ktlrlc < ra-

torccuc4 l rik rfl tin 4 Kiiciua-T CIIric 111 ticuci u LU IJIVH 1 lT cp ctIIl HI 11c-

clIInCIrt l ilal lrurgrccrnI T f niiar Hcln-

njicag l iieccarn Ilur I1 lau I < w UJlldlj-jtII 1411 MrrlljH otd 1lw11 Oilcloth1 iI 1116 aI iM t tl cflIM h rc Jcfci7 ttr ullurf-

nud rtelIII sI rjU uu cc14 I1lttlt JI11rai v ac





irJ i f1iiff 1t i J

Three Campaigners in theElection ot King oi Coney



t COrZ t





J tt k-

GVGGi7Mnw ctn ymirap npl-rflnbacdlnJf1iU herewith tcc > vou <

for ilr Corn pylon or Brooklyn wtio-irlthaul QUMlon It Un mail popular the-atrical mlcorln Am rlca < ll thetettdl Kin ot Conty Iilind tlbrou-IUJ all tilt bli popularity and klndn-mo bur dMcrrci fit trouu 64 JTnrotNorth America If weh wtrer ponbIW1t11admiration or ywur food wyrk In ucla ntIS n41 nklncJoU tor r ptnndYou

DUI TViinr nxTa or u-

tl C MUtKJR PriifawitI-nclo pl a tMIto1 ca hunlrtdan4f1ltyotu fcr Ui bed Mardl leitrarTij Onrttrr Nnr Yofer Cor ia14nr-

ot ply ion 1 ATnue Tbritr BrooiclynWnp ctJlmto b the crowned Klnf o

tatrtari N1 WlthJnte4 rtmilnblmthJWhrlJI CtlTBJO9IAH frrnONa aiAinnii tttnv

This ono coma from the men whotauI the ballotboxes alibI

Pay Leo Avenue T lrenrOoliJrnKindly mftl our candWMt CJaTton tot lionJay with 100 cte ntxxrtfullj MAIUIUnO-VOM etso cnme for Payton from C

C tfJlLlidJrs SohJteff-eKntherlnc


of BqUMdunk Timothy rTranQO rotes tTO-

UkoIho B Iht a I Airency KeeryTheatre Wllllim Fisher Who Newcome F St ylpn Volx ilRiterCharles J Iroot F KcJltUi nvenu-Uorleui II U Auptut ADuellFrank Ferro Vllllam Ucam It A LPutnam avenue Edward C DuriujCharles Conies and Bronx frlnndaiJulian Vf Scott May ValentlntE T Oelsonr EdTTanl OutiUri45r ft1

L47rGO G-

flrchcel John Dalr and otheraVotes for Rosenthnl

lIsa credit thw< 17 votti to Kllu flccct-iciI the honut anil notlo Iaer or Ibtcut Id anJ obllK A bUtXMON

Ircl3 j I LJ Hiil fln1 u oi t tor in-eitramrtl and honorabl friend Ellai-Uul Itun

i a 1 ttunlc will nuJ AD uL-

Klnx or tb Mirdl Orul-


SYLn1 tT1flttInclawd find R vntei mi photo W >t ak-KIMhou of luth Udehi and nunwr or-ts Qrpheum TUeatr HrooUxn TUUU1

nr B K IOta for the cii lrKM C Orer-DOit

who ha th ut-o all the eaorn at Con y ItUnd W-

atatlonrOrc In lh central tMrt of ManhAttn Uurln Ihf Mlntvr and ar worklncfor our CndrTHE CAI1 DlilVKH1 MARDI ORA8-






Tells Police to Keep Ql1t1

and Offers to Pay 500to Kidnappers

nj mother of-Tcmamo

flyeroM Xf1coof No 1M Ka t Hoiuton-

ktrrot who WILI kidJOACCod threwoeb-irobu offered rmufA r tin r

turn of the > 1Il1d-6J w ntto ibMutquattcn yortr Jay

and Wd th polio U1atU eI1Mt1 do-

decUauit tfln iial that they could oooomplU-

bThoohll <l <i faUxr who Is pro p roiM-olaaMn roeiylig uDgnd ttn

furine to produce tl> child awl ay-thaKlf o wWka P ot iic-cJ0i M thlnlti ho hlt rhtU

The ioi wrrood tQhavl-OlhlnllmortOdow1t11themat1fl



B ptooun ixujP-

rcxc5ctlo busker has drn out a tmcnt In whloh sh dnl d reports toUiajlatthat she InUnda tnUrlntr a


Bboiti Hi gtotf Is eohitelrfalni ere ni lattotlon of dolesany sijolr t-






No matter how long It has beengray or faded rrorpotesa luxuri ¬

ant growth of Stops-its falling out and positively re ¬

moves Dandruff hair softand glossy Is raid

rMto ny P c Co N1i-u

aSI00 bottles all fmalltl

ilIIII1rill1IT pJ H



m 4 b-

J i4a i fr-

yI tI m iir ihi-

t t






17 IVz-

f l Siegel CooperCo 1 = J-t An Extensive and Ela orate Advance-

S Jwurg of wr

f Millinery I


1 for thee Coming Fall and Winterr I u TWiU Be Given on-


1 WedIiesday Sept nb r 11th-I

ibelieve this showing will be a revelation even to those who arc familiar

I ffllhpnsl demonstraclods of our power We piomlsc n very strIkln-I exhibition of the very highest forms of millinery artI and excellence commonDense prices Included in the shpwlng wiU bo

jr t < More Than 1000 Hats at Prices ow10 q

I J1JlorcThalt 500Hats at Prices Irol110io151 About 100 Imported Hats Priccclho11l2fitQ5Q

Throuehout hs very large and wellvaried Collection the feature of hotest pOI illt choice at the mont moderate price has been kept stcadfMtly inmind In character of design originality effectiveness and becomineness Inall that Roes to make up millinery beauty and stylc his collection will be foundsecond to none In this city wherever shown however priced In varietyoffered 1 t easily stands alone reasonableness of prlc = sJudgc for yourself

F MO cowiccrioy wrH

A snlSGfj OOPElItm1 q YE OllStII11T1 tDt-



Li C


04 Jo

c =RESTAURANT j1j 167TI f1FJJ2O72f



JlIfjJ r 1f i U

qll i1 lIQIm 1 t




1 t r tI I11 itIJ IltntF

S40 Imported Liindgfes French China-I Piece Dini1eT SetsJlU2 t

i i ntth hoot0 ruE important met explains how this stofe alone cart make such anJSIS conveyed bytthe IILIUIIIflLYeC control the OUtpUt ot-

thesejdinner sets in this part the United States Our importations ofchna aro enormoua and tho prfcecooceulons we receive on every line we Import re eonc-qaentlyTery r 1 1geAt r

In thccaic ol these jivo hundred tets wrlfch EO OT sale tomorrow we placed OUT orderrOT tieri and iothri4ahirictstoIoflowcverattnouthlefore the recent tdanced price °nFreriflh China became effecUve thercforeMve can eave yoa 15 on each set over whet iou


wonul hareto pity for similar qualities elsewhere We cnrry tiiese jota In open itociis 10-


that any time ytm wish to replace a pece you mayjdo so from our stock IThe rimajtlfiri n tranhi nAt7t 6i7i nrndrin=are put on under a goqd relable tflaze and eachpiece is guaranteed by the Simpson Crawford Co

The shapes are entirely new end grAceful ai llhittmted The deslca consists of adainty pink rote spray intermixed with green leares j vrlth coin gold stipple edecson festoonborderit new feature on tine French ware

Actual value of this beautiful set 10 Specially priced nt this store o ily at


t25 the Set of One Hundred Pieces

18OIocea1n5jjjjO at 5QI SI bend tainted Wall PIaiuctO j-

915 Porcelain 5ct pieces it j KMTCut UUSV cir trirrri7 rSf9-J 6250 10piece Decorated ToHctSetsat 51SO HfdPalntcd 10Jn rnncyChlm Platens

910 French Coffee Percolators 5 Onk Mission OIKI1t 225f3 Boh Glass Din footed Compotes at 5175 Chaintf flights n Ick ell d at 350

9250 GIlt Portables complete zt 91 French Bnccirat Glas 13 oil rej price r t

Fifty21 DiningKoonTTables at 51475 jto flo-


the I pJort9thefif9 floor and we shall show you us handsome an ex-


Iof oom furnlturensyou have seen in mnnYIdayat mostliberal reductionsiin many cases from regular pricc As an example we ment-

ion ttieec splendid dlninRrroom tables of thoroughly sci orte RoMerTnakThe slides are perfectfitting lIntllhe whole prece including mIles ha n nuperiorrubbetl

pollihed fmfsb which presents a very handsome nppctrancc Table 1m round top filtc vthdeeply moulded erylI111 she pcdcsta1late mountel with curte1c1hcc feet Worth 14751fully 21 specialllnthe<Fifth FloorFurniture Store at vSIS Golden k Extension Tables at 1175 O Leather 5cit nlncChtll at 25910 Weithere1 OakExtension Tnblcsrar1275 enulncIrtv e 1 101 chec2815952 Golden OakBuiTetrnr54250 tS4G lslhArm Chairleather 320CO93850 Golden OAK China Closet at 53275 Golden Oil Cum Ssa JJinintf Chair 51C5

44 Genuine Mali Extension TabJest 9J375 Mission Touch 1m Spanish Lcathcl-

4Rugfs1 Jc

from Our Own Workrooms at Cost-St JIH

LOLID substantial serviceable and withal of attractive appearance fire thesestckR1gs which were inatleb ottr < > nis orkmen IllepriG wput on them for this sale represent merely the cost of the materials excludingcoat of labor end all other expenses etc so you can realize what Important bargain Ocy rc1ItreMany of thejilgherprlced com p re ftvnrai Ii i thcirnporetl in wcavc coloring and caring qualities

Below are quoted a few sires and prices from the extensive assortmentSize Kind dale Price She Kind Sole trleo-

S3x99Slse Kind SalaPrlca-

S3xl2t 6x9 Bruaaeln 8773-fl9

Bruasels < 1350 All Wool Velvet 51775-SaxI2AllAll Wool VolYot 1150-

78x883x106 All Wool Vfclvet llSO Woo Velvet 1875 f t

All Wool yeleL1215S3xIOIAII VoolIet1050135 AllWool Velvet Carpet at 115 a Yard-

A radical price revision goes Into effect on these beautiful allwool velvet Clrllt ugfTheynro nilof the new Autumn patterns In rich Oriental colora nntlTlcsisns and are most appropriate hallo

r15O wk91 Granite Inlaid Linoleum OOc eq yd

I 5135 In InliTdLlnolcum 9110 so yd9110 Inlaid Linoleum 89c sq yd 55r Printed Linoleum 3fic sq yd

55 White WoolBlanketsu

ati450 RaiF-Wivll

k 71I 1-

TESAR well in mind that this September Special Sale of Blankets and ComfortA D ables involves merchandise of the most staple characterstandard goodsT which can atany season of the year command standard retail prices

Hence this offering ii doubly we1comojust now fintjyi beciusc the tnvlnsi are very materlnllilndaecoodly because Uie tlme tmppTO ehfagTrhttnyouVTiH eetl these nooda8mw en youwIH be tc r-

ItlAdtbatYClt1scCurcduch iplaiidldqualities such low pricesOf th at 450 there liroZ50prnlriWnrm fleecy whlto bAn Ior 4 f-

ftIIIc1aeedL W1thpink blue and red borders j actual worth JGEO o pair Salo prlco eJ eJISO palrWtdtoVoolCalIfornIaB1anketallAlze CottonComfortnble3ailllne covering clean white

all wiUtu 4lnoa gllk ribbon bindlni auperior finish cotton filing value J22S etch special nt 75-

WhftoCottonF1ceccBIenkctCcorodbOdGr3pOr 200 DownColrjrortHbioiiijrtiredfiii566Ucovei1MKrnn-uliou 1uD9sc89caad 79c Tidue 560 each special nt 3951f

r n

Wednesdays Grocery list of Savingscmyo17ithcjgrentest sorbis1evid n tv11 21OChelsclk



l LV Kixtic Ilooi-Iiae117 7rIt Preerve tAl ru4 tJcuna nolf fOlla tamouo brand wbola biuart uin quaJltr I GranulatedPqasCbrn C1foetlllltand para nln 1as r04 ru irunf-


rt omatoes unr itrawtxrrr iand-plnoapcU< Kaokbirnr-

UiI Sugarb aton inon crock j

J1ia e4t as crock 1 Ib rluJAIaa1t Tarletlra-and 16 lItClnj tu

A07IJ fituut rol tk Ox Toerncliimpioe Cran-rord

rissrry 1 c a I to prCIIUI Cog uxelal rnll-

ducarcundiUWbetT7 dOe 19c act 4OC I

fUi uOomJOJC coly trim O jiZ g0t4 tthlt prle wits 41-

EtuAr nralsr Ikcan mid family us 4 100 kaiz LmwuThin ptirehaa of oltitr 1C-1aoII4eOI4pukatreA

1I116AJlLra > joijy-itM

IriI CSItarft ilbanrIftaCIaI14 l Ooiu BOOTonuto i tccuv 17cea tint Thtit Toniuta do not ixr doi n rr I ifjlunPeu I T lIlun7oakIUli WatriDIneLot 000ular rattIIlne The

t I anCam for25c Bhrlmp Readr 10 tat iir h x lrla10AlI1oU wx packet uur aac I731c1NnrhFhtlpacld ln tIQ shrimp ert urcicintir haha I 9a LnUIy L314 cooked 1401 baaLc o = 0un Safi I 28ell-

lieultbotdibNi40 llut qlA LT tSge u N

Mew hPln tl00 can i22 C IccIjfuuII jiuri ALal FICF1IU UhnUOZuiiart Una I ender blu Cb rrlr lloralI-

HuartJar I Jli 5 c Coi ovnl 8 otloTkamall trjnoh pwj-

Cos4 Titra al ot >d > too 0

ornla vrblt fl b S r r 1 a J-packwl

KrencbOlln UUltu teAtooe1 tatt led fi-nJ4uahCD6PlnardjNew In lh > c g tIlII1I clttuiou iiu-

uirtiraftn butttr

clout ror cra yru vreorrorf8J rl lur ulin ii trW life ali Kat r Uiln n 8Jbutt <

LhIrraMurccltIavccr icrd Co IMIJU J aIIJ cartODi 45Crgu 7c0101 C3II1tnIiCoI doa M4O caa-


i i8c cwYiII4aU Jr > 1 rIOccarlan Ii

Kw 0 fuJUn lli U qaarj-


N nr IAcltau LobatrrACOIV bnttiu tho-mj

1ar tlAlk Jlooqutt Toar-nad Itll UaJ

itnd i navortaj-Tor

5f Ilrand fineet packeri lIo rJi cy rrownC-ULM

YILV 05c toutui and J M t law 40 i 1

jtf-NW dot lIi10 bo I 180 rut Ilehllnjr-


iorantlarEecan iFrsetaohrew tit v quality Iiuo cIuf 1I110k lIItef1Tebbury brand uioudr4 Ion iwr ntsjauiK pur-



UvaWradadJt l Annaaim r ° 35c lancr j5c 1

I1Wnd i 33 <wcll

rnanitaRlackPp-rICIbChUI iiauci Melnss U brl lIndtruJllb btxlulai 11411 rua CtIOOltUl Imuubran this iruarnl Toinalu Cgtaupijlua l IJnuWiI 5l

UIW U1Jrll AI UGtho UNtlIdberI1A I It or HnldMai-4ofc

iIcLJ J r LS 11 1 20 cCtJIillno bet 1on <bOlIl 17ci tu i-




ilutrtr li KIKI Bhlptxidui


iruDeIinL Clara ValUy V T I ilL 10e direct from a n 4r r-

ioullrror r4 frown lart thla-tklunxl

firm vtrr Uiwral Btuart braiid tor Itojrai-ItranJ

1IUFtloui tab aM r urLEldelrlcLiy28ctruiiiuyvxlraIottrruJti jcedUIIlb car ptcrultI <

fln °4 P 411 tlO r HtultIQjUim In be orchard tr UaVlna Towilersronuercrtoi tajtona O 2r 9cInC

ind DIIi rHin f tac i9 Urandm iuei < 11


ADIduelll p 11 wtCrpm


< C lb 130 aIazrac

Toj ifsfeivj fue i11Ib Can5 C

mtr > ro Jar IcZaUWfl IlonrlddcaklhIXDO bod25c aeidwlue ccI28c In pur ovrn Uiktrj tUL 1

MInwa Aleka4lC0Ucac Coffee oh rail hnr 4 arJ AlurljfanaytotI Ilranl-Cbolo

i j UWtI 25 e

omtr cUll Etart IIr4 qutlltx-huniur

uric 0C-

IaI ur oil dot l11IC11uJ1CA Qt lrcb Premium llIrkrrrJ1lr1 Th4flIIG4H flat l tti < errlr1 ChocolaceV-alUr

tjU tttyyrttlll> c tIUtrh r tel Unfit 10Hi-Jijlli1111 lacu 1114 CU14

I tLr iUl 11 fl tt OCX0IMU lmlon I 111 IJrilrtt l1y kiac 16 pill t iCrawford Co a WI ou lt-

aoapt iU I Iol1r l tcka CJJHU1H lc hh 1 tukrr-a abox of O-

fjMit Ica f Ilicillad 1 It TtJt y LQC-zb

lfb 49c H rli b I-

