Evening Public Ledger. (Philadelphia, PA) 1922-05-04 [p...

TMrt. i tVV i.'ttf'ilMMhfrf Wy; SOfer a'-tri-p Abroad. - a-- i-' ..-- -i, rarnMtntBBia il law last imv. ,tiii ratura hm -- ,. ff iMcr. drrnMJPirP "ffl WHntt arefs coBiB.te S'Sft tint .RwH!t,SSS5!i .; fell, la MIHV Til nt DUB SH LUO M4VI'Bi 'faSS'Mn the chorus' of. Savey thU, Sir .They're (rlvlnf VUlMth0 J8 ' fiSw, and It te W mpHK(i?ff. 20.4 "M Sarah Bally, L bby.Mergnii, 'who m emm, e next - wlntef ..te the mix ,' $ffiv and lets ofetherre golng-t- . ,, . . . vain 11 iw -- - -- - lata ( nf tn unneiDai. 'Darts. &!. (Era-Twi- 1 therleadlna lady,' CTbe ' Ielantbe..',NelM?Bddy, ,who K ..ta such a mc in- - u:Mrriii FVm7. t.'tri h tba Mrt i.Btrepnen Kaad Je Jey w.n.alap.be.prepunent. &?,irAflNT It nice te hear, that Mr-a- na flW Mrt. Meirltt HarriiohjITayler haTe iivm .ail iah inirrriir nirriDuu aejiuri IJr!? He vie born last .Friday. Mrs. rF,fler, web Hester Bears waiaer, ei i'sria -- ...I ia vnrr men ana aitrac- - V.wwu, "- -- -. ... , ... . . .v --- .-, 'tire., Marnwm j.aj i rrikMiAa av 'fii iniir n sMr, Harrison "rjt ..... street; He has one brpther.i " , -J 1 7 ,f a.- - i..Vrn. Several years age, peier ISarrlsen's mnrrlsie, the family Uvea Ohentniit Hill, in a; ntetty house en zSm. tfin 'nn,i ncir thft Charles WUllncs. Mrs, Tayler Is a mjece ' of the WeMr. S. DaviSjPageV i PTT'e lnterestinr te near wnere mi we Ml ''newlyweds'' are pfennlna: te live are married. Sarah Harrt-KV'SSF- .l 'Phil PMpa.'czneet te live1 In f'Sittnut H1U: Mr and.Mre. Barclay 'flleFWden, who are abroad en their j7- - t.tn . vnlnr te live , on the .k WIQUIUI vI'l " " ". Line somewhere, I VBolement. She was Virginia Heck- - BLa!T.. tnm. . Tint Vftv and Herbert $ .Warden have taken a house at Haver-:fr- d, I'her, and the SUnlcy1 Rogers v IT.'-- .d nr.rr dn Olipnuler) are bntld- - urwim "":: "t'i ,ii -- ,!... nv mr nap tile merien uwi w" 1 " ; W'iv. lffrvVftHT.il! nn flinnT. flMn't' they? B",.r. Bfivra. af. ...w - -- - ILrTmL. .tl,.. J. n rl T lrnnw and TOll ?JJknew toe. we'll call her Selly, told me I'll iL.i .k. V.1 irnna nn a Hlinrlnv nfrrP- - 4V neon ride with another girl and two boys. She at In front with pne of the E bera, and he pretended te drive very I'D .. mnH r.rVlpglv. for the benefit of the ft- - girl In beck. Pelly we'll call her, but t"" beforehand he explained carefully, te M tun that what he was about te de was W. ".1.n ..- - 'J ni reume. Pellr screamed and nctpd SMcireddn the approved fashion. Aftcr-i- . ward when the two Rlrls get home and rixtm talking tnings ever enuy b'u, H 'Teu knew, I really wasn't a bit ' wared when hoidreve tat, i jubs jeiicu . became I anew ne expectca ma io. Kf NANCY WYNNE. - II ' SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr nit Arm. Harrison S. Merris, of fi the Annex, Oak iane, announce me en- - g. gagem'nt e; weir mwaer . . - l, arms tvnarien nierna, !. awuu....e 'iM. de Bchaucnece, son of Bareness Meyer pVde Bchauenaee. I vOne rofvtheRwest Interestlilit of the ts"fall weddings will he that ei miss eie n Rehart Sewell. of Ardnaree, Rydal, and ill 1r. TTimrv Rrlnten CeXO. Jr.. Ben Of Mr. and Mrs, Henry rimen -- oxe. qi 109 Seuth Twenty-fir- st street and Haf- - tn.A Daniilvti TirhlpVl will tnlcn nlapft ' crly In Septe'mber. ?tf Ml., rinrniliv Vlrewnlntr Rndarera. " tidughter of Y.w..rf Mrs. William " H. Denner, nf tir. Cnnih Vlirlilapnth ntrnet. hlL re- - turned from a few days' visit wth Miss Kllen B. McMlchael, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. C. Emery McMlchael,. nt.Kneii IW Heuse, Deven. Irtj' Mr. and Mn. Frnncls T. Qewen, of a iw I, lukaaaa. u i ,inn ant mv r.f,'"l?",-"-em- u ..., .......--.- -. .Te. 'ling in jsurepc, nre at preBeni penu- - : Ing some tlme In England. IVtf, .ln UUI1I. fVOllUll .ldk-Ulv- -- .t f T.Lb V nw.,M.. Cln.nlt.nil of S(Moniem!ry avenue, villaneva, will en- - r leriain at a luncneen en Tuesaav, way fk 23. In honor of Misi Priscllla Merris, rfttuaughtcr of Mra Alfred Paul Merris, 5fti of Villanova. whose liinrrtntre te Mr. ': Ivbn Kenten Elsenbrey will take place V en Saturday, May 27. W: ., .. ..-- .. . ,..... - t, mr, ami ,iir. juirca .1. veurain, ei t- I.1I2 PlnA utrppl ivlll nfnrtnlti nl .nn 'Informal Bupper at their summer home ptturenmyn, en jriaay evening, May 111, in honor of their dnuchter. Alias Rosalie UMiensen Vellrath, whose marriage te Mr. jnm newarn uuenier, ia. will taKe ilace en Saturday afternoon. May 20. w' Ucal ""' inciuae ine eimai ffi . Mr. and Mrs. R. Alastalr MeCleud. of rKlJ IJcust street, will Icave the latter r P.arl of tllls week for a visit te New EkVcCI21u,,s fl,Btcr Mis9 na Cowley! k$ r lllurJai wrs A no ismeii. ana Mr. 'V H i. plBC0 at o'clock en Saturday """""" hcm nt inn note! uetnnm. Recently Engaged ..bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 1......................... It ", 'gia..HKgi...Hl ' gagatcV' 'aLjgVSgsB jL, k? .SsbbbWbbbbbbbbbLsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBBBBsaV ' tfi gSBBBBBBBHP1 w gsgsgsgaSaBSBl A Pl'IAfSK'r'' 1 mVi . I'lmte t. Millllph i (lilllips. fil".Mw.Mr. and Mn,. ,,., II. lSir, .'" 17 Nerlli . . Twelfth VDBI. Wllna.A -- ... -. I '. :kn..L:." .t "aavieiii nas per h tlg 'm , "'V V"'" u ., w d. w Airs William X. VsHm. nt' n.llu. St. I Martinet Chestnut Hill, left, !. day l for j a, week's, vleir in vNew Yerk. Mrs. ioaWh.XtelUyV.efiSOt Stfjames place, ha returned-from- , several weeks' stay AtrBt.Marye.i'n., Mr. and. Mrs. Aelityfexpect te leave for Europe early In June where they will spend several months, , , i flmnAml Y.U'fct...t.tr ,. rr.l4 -- JOT...,... - .! t. avtvii waller, tJ, B.-- M c, and Mnt. Waller, et 2600 Seuth Twentieth street, entertained at hfim&ll dinner at fhlt neme en tus-enin- g. lay, The guests Included Mr, ana Mrs; Arthur Dearborn Smith, Mr, nn Mrs, wnner m. jonneen and Mr. anu-mr- wiiiiam .fierce uenegTe, , , A "Jd.KPJPWty'wm be riven at the Oreen Hill Farms Hetel at 3:30 o'clock em hursday afternoon, May' 11, .for the rreaten Retreat, ' IilOutanant and Mra. Warrv ITIpanae entertained at a farewell dinner ,en Monday evenlnr In honor of Majer and Mre. Rebert C7 Brady., of ,3BJ9. Seuth N neteanth atntaL Mtlnp, ntulv lf nn Tuesdax for Camp Meade, Md. He .will iter( ie te Hagerstown, Md., where-M- r 'Brady and their family will join' ... m.v atie4- ,uiy ul uiiv nunin Dr. and Mrs. "William B. Mngelbach Save a reception at 'their home, 4304 avenue, last evening In honor of Dr. and Mrs.' William Cew Bryan and President and Mrs. Frank Ayde-lett- e, of Swarthmorre College. Dr. Bryan Is the, president of Indiana Uni- versity. , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Westing.' of 6L David?, are receiving cengratulai "ii me uirin or a uaugnier, ldrea Semer Westing, en April 25. vw... Westing was, Mlsa Helen Elizabeth Sem- -' ers, of Atlantic City, Cantaln and M . V.nav Ttrmi., IT. a N of Twenty-secon- d and Perter streets, ntertalned at dinner last, night en the U. S. 8. McDougal In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lehfeldt, et Call- - femta and Alaska. This kniati Inrtnileil Miss Evelyn .Stuart,, Wnilama, Ensign Harry Duthrle. Lieutenant Pitman and Isnalan H. F. Dunhar: Cantaln mil Mn Williams will also entertain at dinner en Saturday night In honeij of Mr. and Mrs. O. Wallace Simpsen, et 240 Seuth Seventeenth .street. The Merzbacher Club n? TamnlasTTnl. wrslty held Its annual dinner-danc- e Wednesday evening at tha Arcadia, raft, Among the guests were Mr. land Mrs. A. L. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel rtemm,' Mr. and' Mrs. Jeseph J. Cehen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Harzenataln. Mr., Islder H. Merzbacher, honorary presi- dent; Mr. James J. Regan, Mr. Hareld Bernemnnn. Mr. Jeseph Mahem. , Mr. Jacob Hullt, Mr. Jehn Heran and Mr. J. Ilnet The marriage of Miss Mary J. Merris, daughter of Mr. nnd Mr. Themas J, iiiuiim, mm air, vmcent -- . amitn was HOlemnlzed In tlie Chureh of St. (Edward the Confessor en Saturday morning. The ceremony was performed hv the Rev. Themas S. McCarty, assisted by me iwv, jenn r. iiarKins. Kev. jesepn A. Hayes and Rev. Jehn W. Mundy. The Smith College Club, of Philadel- phia, will give a dance at the Acorn Club en Saturday evening. Miss Ellen Steele Is chairman of the dance com- mittee. The proceeds will, re toward the endowment fund of the college. Mrs. Harry C. Bedert and Mrs. Frank R, Whiteside will be guests of honor at the annual luncheon of the Weman's Club of Wvncete. which will he riven at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club en amy 11. Airs, r leicner Pearson is cnairman. Mrs. Jeseph P. Mumford will be the guest of honor at a reception In cele- bration of her birthday, te he given on xuesaay anernoen. May v; at 4 o'clock, at 'the New 'Century Club by the club memeers. r The Quaker City Ladles Protestant uenenci.ii Association will give an en. tertalnment and dance Friday evening, May 19. In the Grand Fraternity Bulla-In- g, 1626 Arch street. The committee in cnarge inciuae jurs. Kebert Alexan- der, Mrs. William Burke, Miss Cath erine McCarron, Miss Elizabeth Irwlne, Miss May Fletcher, Miss Hazel Farley mm -- uiB3 jane jonnsien. Mrs. J. Jf. Haves, of thn Rlrhellnit. Bread and Snruce streets, entertained at luncheon and bridge recently In honor of Mrs. O. P. Darlington and .urn, a. i-- . iuaue. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Rotan, of the Wellington, have as their guest for a few days Mrs. Jereme Heward, of Cin- cinnati; O. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney H. Bnyersderfer have returned from a trln tn Knrnn. and are occupying apartments at thi ei. jamea Hetel. Mr. and Mrs. Neale MacNelll. of (5161 Columbia avenue, will leave the latter part of next month for Atlantic .City, where they will spend the Bummer at the Hetel Traymore. Mr. nnd Mrs. Matthew F. Maury, of 2310 Pine street, and I their daughter, Miss Catharine O, Maury, will leave the end of this month for Winter Har- eor, Me., where they have taken a cot- tage for the summer., Mrs. Henry S. Greve, of '258 West Tulpehecken street, Oermantewn, will leave en Friday ter a visit te Balti- more te attend the wedding of Miss Helen Eccleston Whltrldge, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Themas Whltrldge, and Mr. Albert Cabell Bruce, also of Bal- timore, which will, take place en Sat-urda- y next. ALONG THE READING Mrs, Resena Bachman, of 'the I,er-r.iln- e Hetel, has joined her son and ilaughter-ln-lnw- , Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bachman. at their home et Rydal, where she. will spend some tlme. Mrs. Rachnmn'p (laughter. Mrs. Merris Jan-tre- has been spending the laat month In Reme, Miss Gertrude Lovejoy, of Spring nvtnue, Neble, has returned te her hemeA after visiting her brother, Mr. Frederick Lovejoy, in New Yerk. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Hoever, of Wynceto. are occupying their new home at Ambler, The Misses Nichelson, of Walnut Ktreet, .lenUlntmyn, nre entertnlnlnR their Bister, Mrs. J. II, Seuthwlck, of California, Mr. and Mrs. Ptuart P. Miller, of Oak Lnne. are receiving cotiKrntulatlenH en the birth of a son, Rebert William Miller, en April 28. OERMANTOWN "Why Smith Ift Home" will be pre. scnted en May 10 and tl by a number of young folks connected with the First Presbyterian Church at the German-tow- n Y. M. C. A. SIIhs Alice Tainnll. of Flft-- l Wrat HanBbcrry street, nnd Miss Mary Pcnny-- liai-itv- or I'jioeiiixviue, Hpcni tlie week- end at Lake Meliawk, N, J, The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Years-le- y Pest, of Oermantewn, will prlve a card nartv and dance en Weilnemlav evenlng at the Oermantewn Beys' Club. Lea Olsenux will entertain thelr mothers at a luncheon en Sunday, May 7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Berg- man, 305 East Walnut lane, Oerman- eown, Cevers will be laid for forty. WEST PHILADELPHIA A lawn fete will he irlven hv tha Guild of the Philadelphia Home for In- curables en Thuredny, May 25, In the afternoon and evening, u will be held en the greundu of the home, at .Forty-eight- h street ami Woedbind avenue. l'Ortlinp-te- l Hilt. crrnnlKilnirv. fellc.il. inelni- - ninl music will lie uinent,- - the special at- - iini'iiuiiH. supper win ne serven nt titblea en the lawn. In the evening there will be n dunce. Among tliose who uie !inV'N llt'HlSKSH TODAVT , iluw uitvn sin you hki tills (nidatien? I.iaill wmsm 'lWW"Hfl!r!r'Wr1ra!W!i- -i igKla.LELl9LBgaBBBgaBBBnPHVVKsa' GMgBjBBMgjMMHSJSHalgJMMja O Jr IggggggKEWu SgVl M T aBBBBBBitk9gaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgBBBFgaBBBBBBBBBBMSy litHgilgilHlgiHH Interested In the dance are Miss Marlen Smith, Mlsa Oale Cele, Miss Marlen Partridge, Mlsa Grace Pilsbry, Mr. Heward" Chandler, Mr. Charles Evans, Mr., Albert. Caldwell and Mr. Frank Davit, ' Mra. R. Du Vatl Whann, of 6825 Springfield avenue, announce the n,rTaK8.meJ,t J2t 'heir daughter, Miss JS,.vA'3,,,w!?lln' l Mr Hareld V. lang, J Wilmington. 1 NORTH PHILADELPHIA The annual May dance and reception nde.r. the .auspleea of the Women's "UxJIL1HT. tha Northeastern HesplUI O'Phladclphla, at Allegheny avenue and Tulip street.- - wlll.be riven this eve ning at Mercantile Hall. The officers Of f T ' V. rarrlngten, president: Mrs. M. Crem mlA. VlCA nrNlltflt Xf rm .TaTivi T7nla vice president; Mlsa Beulah A. Fenl mero, honorary vice president; Miss Anna m. uewney, secretary ; Miss R. M. Snyder, corresponding secretary; Miss Mabel Purdy. treasurer. The commit tee on the dance Includes Mrs. Jehn ijorKe. Mrs. Jacob Kinkier. Mrs. Oeorge 8. Walker. Mrs. Anna M, 'Steelman, Mrs. E. May Jacket, Mrs. Jehn W. Cenner. Miss Anna M. Downey, Miss Sarah J. Perrv. MIm Annan Rntnman. Mrs. M. Wilsen and Miss R. May Snyder. . Mr. nnd Mm. Jehn Thuitliitn unit thelp daughter, Miss Viela Thudlum, of 2014 .West Olrard avenue, will sail en Sat- urday for Europe, where they will re- main for four months, Mr. and Mm Nathan Berg, 'of 161E West Dauphin street, announce ithe be- trothal of their daughter, Miss Florence Berg, te Mr. Eugene M. Landman, of this city. n. t Mrs. Rese G. , Leeb has returned te her apartment at the Hetel Majestic after spending a short time in New Yerk. . X LOGAN Miss Florence Gorchev and Mlsa Ctayre Felnsteln gave a surprise party last Saturday evening In honor of Miss '' Mail 10 for sample of creams. your dealer you, wrjte Chemical Ce. Philadelphia,, Pa. At. -- I,. m Mr.M'Mrs. Harrison & Motte; of tke'Annex, Odk, Lane, whew engagement iy announced today te Mn Rodolphe M. de Schauensee, 'ten of t Bareness Meyer de Schauensee Rese Gelman at her home, 930 Rockland street. . xne guests were Mr. ana mrs. iuurris uurvuuv. vir. Hna iurv. u wi- - man, Mrs. Charles Themas, of Brighten Beach, N. Y.; Mlsa Rose Gelman, Mlas Anna Oltman, Miss Anna Resenbllt, miss nose Huesner. Miss Fannie waia man, Miss Margaret Geldenberr, Mlsa Sadie Cehen. Mlas Florence Maimed. Mlsa I Lillian Wiener, Miss Pauline Brown. Mlsa Lillian s Inflell. MIm Hen rletta Hescb, Mr. Jeseph Margulls, Mr. Geerge Ogens, Dr. Ell Bdelman. Dr. Merris Tabby, Mr. Cehen,, Mr. Aivin aenn, ar. m. Hi, Steinberg, Mr. Albert Segall, Mr. M. Warren, Mr. Ham Geld. Mr. Harry Maller. Mr. Nat Raab, Mr. Dave Knrtun, Mr. Martle Waldman, Mr. Nathan Gorchev, Mr. Victer Felnsteln, Mr. Harry Cehen, Mr, Harry Cehen,. Mr. Heward Lanln and sen Baiter. FRANKFORD A luncheon will be given nn Wednes day next the .Women's Club of Frankierd. An election of officers will take place at this, the annual meet ing, several speakers win address the members as representatives or the in- ternational Frauleln League for Peace and Freedom, these helnsr Mrs. Rehlnsnn. of England; Franklin Baer, of Germany.1 mm miin. ei jvrneuia. Mrs. C. N. Rturtevant Is nrealdent of the Weman's Club; Mrs. C. B. Hesten, ytce presiaeni; Mrs. u. tt, Murray, secretary, and Mrs. Themas Moere, treasurer. YARDLEY Mrs. Algernon S. Cadwallader enter- tained at five hundred on Friday after- noon. There were forty-eigh- t guests. Among them were Mrs. Geerge Atkins, of Langhorne; Mrs. .Philip Cenrad, of Bristel; Mrs. William Knight, of New- town; Miss Ruth Wlldman, of Lang- horne, and Mrs. Leuis Kenderdlne. of Newtown. . On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader entertained sixty guests. The united States table wen at military euchre. Among the guests were nrs. ueuis spring ,ana Mrs. d Merris, of Bristel; Mrs. 8tahley Lee, of Newtown; Mr. Annand Merris, 'SIMPLY WONDERFUL" SAYS RUTH ROLAND Every Smokestack Is a Menace te a woman's complexion unless she uses the' famous F - Lemon Products. ' With them as Ilw5TTTIl U4M -. UrsV ig .vgajfflnSis. MM 1 " jmmUKmW 1 U M .a4aBBBBBBBBBBMllDlI lllli 4H U BBBBBBhaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlli!lli W. fi M v"Hlniiiiw a Hi I VALUE IN SPORT SHOES i Wft The Favored Medels Specially Priced B jgj Russia Calf Oxfords with saddle of BE jffli Camel's Hair shade of Horsehide; and H im Pearl Gray Horsehide with Black Calf B lUfl Saddle. H WM As with our dress pumps, they possess H HJ the unmatchable erijlnaUty and quality gj that ia Winkehnan. 0 8 HOSIERY TO MATCH H I Winkelmait I I StyU in Quality Foetwar Mj 1 1130 Chestnut St ij I At Twelfth Hi MmaiMtlMWSmmskdKmn daily complexion helps she can laugh at soot and grime and dust and feel, and leek, as fresh as a May morning. Today new get these wonderful F-- F Lemen Prod- ucts. You'll never be without them. F-- P Lemen Celd Cream F-- F Lemen Cleansing Cream F-- F Lemen Massage Cream . At All Drug Stores, Department Stere end All Beauty Parler Four Sizes: 50, 65, 85 cents and $1.25 Alse Maker of the Famous F.F LEMON SOAP cents generous of any these If can!t supply Friedrich-Friedric- h Irving Mr. by P aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBe1 w-- bbbbbVIbT' , T"u.in Knew, new puaineps I miaus.ieut inSBW . rt J.. khm T.1U.1. t IBl ataiKri" '1,"r,' Iieraert R.-W- ' ymteaauuii by follewln "Busln.u at l fw"."ri "w '"' "ri ' "TT7 ' ' fe. "'"' Jwn"0 appesrsravsryieay in the ITIl ' " f KuilnMi sna Financial HMttea et,(h pierni bbbbbbI II II tllS SM lgs1 I1ITIS ll III II fnaSlSI ISSlSlll I ! ITIll fall III SSI SI Sgi US IISSlI III U . , 4 KSLLLLHEtaWsBsaBBBBBilHEBi rHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBlr.19HBBiKHl ,,- -t t y.'IgHlill.qg'iaMiiiHSBaiaLJ..,. a ..' .k.TI.. J.... ffmmM muw.L xm.mMmWun inrianiu .. VmlKi.MrAA'T.Vr Kttil HI wimia .iiiuvi. .BaniaBit KewtWn: Wa1m" MAlgvHiati t"i ' 'frja ' W . : i. 4 'IU h. weteseaMMMMasMMMSt r , DtLAVVARB OOONTY Mr,kru.t1UTrr'Uivi. let ,IWt ar, uegan vsrn. innr imuiin ,j ,1,1 lakmrai in .& innr. Urn for California, where she will re main rer several month. . Mr. mhM tm tr- - TUa e tim.iaii have- - returnee,' from a short stay at At- - allUB tiy, ' a. MpIL f. Vi ff Itaa KAn n(n-Ai- In Mlsa Brnrttattt. nt Unmtnn fur fu, r ' day . NORRItTOWN Mr. mm yJri IliMMik lrr4 Milten, Pa., are' vlaltingMr. McDade's papynt Mr,? and MrsTHarry McDade, ui awi vicbuiui nreei. . Mrs: W. Preeten Tyler, who lias 'been the gujst of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nalle, of West Marshall street, has left for Weahlngtbn. D. C, where she will remain for. several weeks before re- turning te her home in Rockferd, 111. Announcement has naan made of tha marriage of Miss Elisabeth O'Connor, of Kehn street, and Mr. Earl Smith, or West i Marshall street, jOn April 79, at the h6me of tha bride. The Rev. Jehn Watehprn, pastor efthe Hawa Avenue Methodist' Church, officiated, The Montatemenr Pmmi Tina Women Voters held its annual spring luncheon en Tuesday at the Hunting- - r asartitM wrirl VJHtJ Heuse of Wenger 1229, Walnut Street HATS By B. Chertak Wenger An assemblage of importations and orig- inal models that represents the latest and best in millinery for the coming season. FUR STORAGE By Morris Wenger Our cold dry-ai- r system is personally super- vised by tjiat estimable furrier, Merris Wenger. Stere your furs at once, as bur space is limited. Order Remodeling and Repairs Now at Lew Summer Prices 1,B," price, Fiber is 16.00. neeclal bright In two-col- 91.50 pair. t.H' w V. Mm' The nr!i. the churefL haa .re turned Trem sMlleMvUte, where Ka &t- - tended1 the tweWlay meeting of Norrlstewn Conferenee et Lutheran Churches. . Mr. and Mn. Caspar Plea, of Audu- bon, N. J., are visiting Mra. Plea' parents, Mr. Mra. Brlnten J, Tinkler, of West Marshall street. " ' " v Y. W. C. A. Carnival Thi Yeung Wemen'a Christian Asse ciatien,' of German town, will glva a eamtval en Friday and Saturday of this week. . There- win ,ta vauasviiie by the membera of the Harknesa Club and a sketch entitled "Lord Ullln'e Daughter," which the following girls will take part: Mlsa Alice Barkum, Mae Nice, Mlea Dorethy Browning, Miss Bertha,- - Ray and Mlas Adeline Le- pes. There will be an orchestra, the membera of Include Haael Bennett, Mlsa Helen Mlsa Ruth Unrleh, Miss Aehlsen, Mlsa Mar- garet Mlsa Helen Fasty. Miss Ruth Marferd, Mlsa Bertha Morrison. Miss Helens LaHerty and Miss Mabel Hallman. Gypsies will tell fortunes and will also give several dances. Mlsa Martina, r.rn.v will be the SOlOllt as sisted by Miss Rese McGovern, .Miss Gladys Jenes, Miss Leretta Skegge, Miss Marie Lang, Miss, Dorethy and Miss Catherine Dewer. Cakes, can- dles, Ice lemonade and dough- nuts will be en which will be In charge, of Mrs. Geerge Werkaner, Mrs. Coming, Our White Are Important come In various Garters are particularly popular. ISO. 8LViU!Sn itse. ate. GEORGE ALLEN, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street-12- 14 Very Dressy Hats for Special Functions The hats you will want for summer te te Garden Parties, Lawn Fetes, or the like, as well as for Indoor occasions when an elaborate dark hat is necessary these .'"?' fln.e black hn,r although tha under and J?,TJlL?tr."iamer of.. T"" ,h, httt a "K"1 summery effect. Tiny flowers edge the unger erim. fcJ12!h5.r hat. ch,001,es a Jade colored braid and greupa about the trench flowers and fruit that blend harmoniously. K,iJlmbelder.ed,,'m,r cloth naB a Georgette crown of Navy Blue and French flowers at one side. Jlf.1 or, ty occasions Is of shining hair cloth and is made utterly lovely by a gorgeous Paradise at the side. Fer National and Embroidery Week, Allen's Offer Real filet lares and Insertions. lBe-fftS- O a yer. Real Irish laces and Insertion, lc-$0.- 78 a yard. enlse lace and Insertion st half new lOe-SB.- a yard. Goed quality Imported cambrle embroidery In strips: 1 Inch wide at 7Se a pleoe. 2 inches wide at SB.00 a plsc A !no',en w! at a&0 and $3.00 a piece. Alse ssVniScyj1"nv,,.dJ!l SSJT. "eiW-ft..8?- ? ftSW Children's dresses;-specls- i at $l.as a ykrd. "uunB- -- u,lSD" I0r Continuation of Sweater Sale $1.95-$9.- 00 Yso7ltneV1inib.SltJJ8,.S0,er,n,f"' toe1 sl" assortment, 11' n'6?. ll.0. new SBJB Silk i ' and f.ew. that werat lYs. it new'&ob; erlr Silk Blouses Reduced te $5.00 lllr.rt1L01iJa5aUr.luf,,, "l,,k Meuse, values J10.00.I16.00, have been B'Ue- - "'aCk- - Gray' Charming Beaded Bags in the Loveliest Celers This M.Eir8&Btal r specSS'at s!m. G0ld aa,n8t Blact background. Tery A White Summer is Viela it s nei gewf te ne a snowy summer of ceuree. but all the riK or the Wi,t?far?,iS.emti,?fri" Prr'ct that White wll the HSpehS&'i. n&rWlSrfeni?. "W" et this, ffiraahWd W. ".'.Ik Je..Vt?ODWUh US,e Parter t0P8' ,X-4- Famous Gorden HS00 Bilk he0 in White. 83.60. Of course we hae many ether colors well. Sashes and Garters Hasnes nave deep and Value at These days Ribbon a LWiiiLiWr the and in Miss which Miss Goldy, Main cream, sale, wear brim bright .Week End Reductions in Toilet Articles ' ?. .JK? wer, "e slue, 69c. Oety's Z.'Orlgan raee ewder, 7Sq a box. T."L."Bnm Talcaw, 65e n bottle. TSrsjssss i5 "".Mrvs". s5 . aae. ' iSSXX? 3SU ,n-- V odors, usually 25c, at 18c. ' flSSrS glES'yja.'g'J?! -- .IHtMet. ..usually 25c. at 4,H'ii atf VP. tirurK Bright Here combinations. iPn!.ef Lace Year Hese combinations, iilL2iw "Vu ,?i mmmm&MmwkkMm ,2Ss;K eath. HeatMira;,; bMSar yT,y ..t" V f .-J- - '.J .a- TWIlMmtt TMAmnm (' mmemst trettfetes. , sea the Seerte Pas of the Pes-tl-e LiMMt !tfr mernina for. the effleUI tiXBi&2tejrm"M HAkB IT A r j .im Ek WrWa'f Cnsfart Sbttt 1742 Germsntawn Art. Fer ths "Whels i ff- -k Family ..$J-- Write far BeeMee O wt we ray rarest rest reraertr JTM MaM t Inexpensive Dinnerware For Everyday Um Attractive Decorations Exceptional Quality 1212 Cheetnat Street Shifters ! Br the sign of the, tin clip be ft known that the uniform of the "Shifters" U laces.-plet- e without proper SILK STOCKINGS WE HAVE THE SPECIAL SHIFTER ' SHADE, $1.45 a pair Cbteaal Stocking Skrm.Smi 117 S. 12th St. " it's HOSIERY we have itr PHllaA-'t- t laKAXMNO TBEATBJES PmECTlON OF IaBM J. J, BHUBEBT m. sAMcunmr, EVES. AT AtlO 5. MAT. SAT. W0J(TBTB(THW1NQ JOLION SHUBvDtVILLE . -- D"r Mat, ut SilS. Ext, at SUA KRANK OHTII IVetents thi; mi:ceni) edition op MADE IN PHILLY A ntCi .MUSICAL KEVUE "'"' EL BRENDEL & FLO BERT A CAST OP PHII.A. FAV0IUTE8 A ...1.1, Oy,VffllKWLlJi.S BEST WALNUl 50c te $1.50 ROBERT EDESON in "HAUNTaED" wrnr HILDA SPONG "Thrill after thrill for who enley being thrlllfd." INQUmgn ADELPHI UST 3 EVs. JIAT toy TOA.VZ MOLNAn'S Comedy of Life "LILIOM" ZlZr JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT w,7h"x &EVALE GALLIENNE Maurice E. Felt ADIreetlen D I N E ChMtnut at 10th. Cen. 11 A.M. te 11 p t UNITED ARTISTS PRODUCTION WHITMAN BENNETT PRESENTS BETTY BLYTHE .'BBSkv IN PERSON Rally at .1, Frem aK.V IbsbbbbW 8 4. 10 P.M. in 20 mln-ut- 'i Ueach'a BBBBBWa' ,Bbb7 of "The fcv: X tens and Nat" BJBJJkMa merrfment On Sarnnlar marninc. MIm entrrtuln the rhlldren ulth nppreprlat" yens. nnd .teri. rhlldren, amnnianltd r"r.'?.t",..wlJ1 h" 'lnlitl from U A. M. si., for 25 tux Im- - lNKMjj:K.--"Tl.i-; HdsAKt" mmm.'f'kf Rnute 1'. in, 33, 49, C3, C5, 05 eiW2 111 BSfNiw Clrcui mifil M laa 1 L reiind-SW- M I IB IBl saBBuavSaaUUaalVsS.aaV7.LsaaaBBW BROADWAY "jy.T?. Broadway Stock Company IN J. HARTLEY MANNUHH' "PEG O' MY HEART" Nent Week Bleck Ce. In "flCANDAT," CROSS KEYSd!. .J5 TONIUHT. SlIS MAE DESMOND 1 "TWIN BEDS"' AYEaa Nt Wk Slwlt Ce. In "Ill'DniKs-- ' EITH'S THEATRE ANATOL FRIEDLAHO CO. rvte sTOgrH(f i - jik. Jff ui im )!. mtmwm h ,. -- ia Bistef.: tifH' v.; IM VEitfe ' - Writ tea v WELSH StTfGJOO nL r.trwta?1 RUDOLPH VI GLORIA, SWi . ln 'zi&mft HTXTKRIl 11J01-8- I'll ANNtVXRSAKT 1 V PIRSTPBESBNTV m? EUiett mwmmwi Limited SnsaaeBMnt Cern i.iV lcf' mviivAi nwu4m;wgv. S3& FIRST TIME AT OUii sttaBsTsTtWIeai i. 7", D.W..M GRIFFITH'' LATEST OREATEST BlOOaWrxS' AtrYT aV aVTW1 JMrruiww OF THE STORM J WlTTt LILLIAN AND DOROTHY r.IHH 'ft; JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT ; STAR OT MLIOM" V ' MONTE BLUE .' nriv jj.uuu UTHGM ., if ( BT USUAL PRICES mWt" DAILT. 85c. BOc EVKNDWIS, '7ie' BaiunUy Matinee. Evening XrSsa V Jf ) BROAD CHESTHtrt ' 11J0. 1:30. 8:80, BUM. 7 JO. B:SS . JACK. HOLT IN NEW PICTURE 'THE GRIM COMEDIA- N- Next Week WALLACE REID ittt "ACROSS THE CONTINENT"- - r PAI Ari7 12TH MARKET r ALAvie ie a. m. te it r.,u. PRISCDLLA DEAN 'Xff ,,TH CHESTNUT Al AKvAUlAie a. m. te n:is at' Wanda 'TOO MUCH nrrnm a ninth Tivi vritiA e a. m. te u.i AIIHRtTV MIINWI "Kb In "HOWTNQ THE WIND" .t f juniper and m GLOBE 11 -- IT 11 ... f-- , - - a-- fc di,.v;.il, su rjAAU Wae,fc' eST.4. DKMPHET-CARPENTTIC- neaWW PICTURES IN CONJUNCTION WmtY YAUDEV1L.UE -- L a. nDOAn I Fa-- . Last Mat;;.. mmwfm BaiaKa-- l RAM II. HARRIS Preeeata.i .& "J 1 THE VAI RYIN R cunat "- - "- - ,r". . 11 V.e.jAklni. . Auther of Jjclaaees"; ?u. i w rj i a kath mat eel lurni Js- - I in His iatmst Sveem rC? FORREST Laat 3 Night at 8 katurdat at a ," RUSSIAN GRAND OPERA 1'HO.M J'KTIIOGP.AD. IrORCOW. ODESSA Tenirjht TSAR'S BEWE JrHa0t.riSae. B0RIS GOUDONOV SJatunla ,rr.tlne. "EfOEN ONEIN" t ' Prlwn r.Oe te I2.B0 GARRICK---re,,UIA- U ,,n'c ;vt ' MAT. HATURDAT 8Ar II. HARRIS Preaante , THE BRASON'fl COMEDT SUCCsatl' ' WELCOME STRAN6ER With GEORGE SIDNEY! '- ;- M0NJAY8 old snow r.neuNns. isth" htst A HUNTING PARK AVE. T rfesMsigJ lOOUOLKLEI IWV R.R.CARS 1500 PEOPLE lyWMAaVELS DOORS OPEN AT I P.M.I PiRrenrtANCcs at 2aap.Mll OflE TICKET ADrllTJTOEVIRYlMIHC AdmUiien: Adults, 75c; Cbildrta. IM'LUDIVO TAX. TICKETS NOW ON "' ".iinr.ii iiiiiiir.Hn WOODSIDE Opens for the Season ,( NnlllHln. IVIa aCl uv. leiHir ..;" 7 ", ,1WI New anil IIn.tn.tl...lLf:..- - i JM Amusement DURBANO'S CONCERT BAND Fireworks Every Friday Evening Announcement EattraenllaukM.V rACC I nun Aimitrr vnili liVAAAllUs PREPARATORY TO OPENING OT LORRAINE ROOF OARDlMf S TheHOLLVWOOOREVBf A MlSbAKOra OP BONO AND DAJ FRATUR1NO S THELMA CARLTI ia "SNAP AND tW.. A'llKVY OV PRr.TTYOleatl UNUUIl THH I'Klt.SONAI.pUil . . (HAHI.i;g JKTEajf EetA,Wei. fag.., tfrU M

Transcript of Evening Public Ledger. (Philadelphia, PA) 1922-05-04 [p...

TMrt. i tVV i.'ttf'ilMMhfrf Wy; SOfer a'-tri-p Abroad. -

a-- i-' ..-- -i, rarnMtntBBia il law last imv. ,tiii ratura hm -- ,.ff iMcr. drrnMJPirP

"ffl WHntt arefs coBiB.te

S'Sft tint .RwH!t,SSS5!i.; fell, la MIHV Til nt DUB SH LUO M4VI'Bi'faSS'Mn the chorus' of. Savey thU,

Sir .They're (rlvlnf VUlMth0 J8' fiSw, and It te W mpHK(i?ff. 20.4"M Sarah Bally, L bby.Mergnii, 'whomemm, e next - wlntef ..te the mix ,'

$ffiv and lets ofetherre golng-t-

. ,, . . .vain 11 iw --- -- -lata ( nf tn unneiDai. 'Darts.&!. (Era-Twi- 1 therleadlna lady,'

CTbe ' Ielantbe..',NelM?Bddy, ,whoK ..ta such a mc in- - u:MrriiiFVm7. t.'tri h tba Mrt i.BtrepnenKaad Je Jey w.n.alap.be.prepunent.

&?,irAflNT It nice te hear, that Mr-a- na

flW Mrt. Meirltt HarriiohjITayler haTeiivm .ail iah inirrriir nirriDuu aejiuriIJr!? He vie born last .Friday. Mrs.rF,fler, web Hester Bears waiaer, eii'sria -- ...I ia vnrr men ana aitrac- -V.wwu, "- -- -.

..., ... ...v --- .-,'tire., Marnwm j.aji rrikMiAa av 'fii iniir n

sMr, Harrison "rjt .....street; He has one brpther.i

" , -J 1 7 ,f a.- -i..Vrn. Several years age, peier

ISarrlsen's mnrrlsie, the family UveaOhentniit Hill, in a; ntetty house en

zSm. tfin 'nn,i ncir thft CharlesWUllncs. Mrs, Tayler Is a mjece'

of theWeMr. S. DaviSjPageV i

PTT'e lnterestinr te near wnere mi weMl ''newlyweds'' are pfennlna: te live

are married. Sarah Harrt-KV'SSF- .l

'Phil PMpa.'czneet te live1 Inf'Sittnut H1U: Mr and.Mre. Barclay'flleFWden, who are abroad en their

j7-- t.tn . vnlnr te live , on the.k WIQUIUI vI'l " " ".

Line somewhere, IVBolement. She was Virginia Heck- -

BLa!T.. tnm. . Tint Vftv and Herbert$ .Warden have taken a house at Haver-:fr- d,

I'her, and the SUnlcy1 Rogersv IT.'-- .d nr.rr dn Olipnuler) are bntld- -

urwim "":: "t'i ,ii --,!...nv mr nap tile merien uwi w"1 " ;W'iv.lffrvVftHT.il! nn flinnT. flMn't' they?B",.r. Bfivra. af. ...w - -- -ILrTmL. .tl,.. J. n rl T lrnnw and TOll

?JJknew toe. we'll call her Selly, told meI'll iL.i .k. V.1 irnna nn a Hlinrlnv nfrrP- -

4V neon ride with another girl and twoboys. She at In front with pne of the

E bera, and he pretended te drive veryI'D .. mnH r.rVlpglv. for the benefit of theft-- girl In beck. Pelly we'll call her, butt"" beforehand he explained carefully, teM tun that what he was about te de wasW. ".1.n ..- -'J ni reume. Pellr screamed and nctpdSMcireddn the approved fashion. Aftcr-i- .

ward when the two Rlrls get home andrixtm talking tnings ever enuy b'u,H 'Teu knew, I really wasn't a bit' wared when hoidreve tat, i jubs jeiicu. became I anew ne expectca ma io.


II '

SOCIAL ACTIVITIESMr nit Arm. Harrison S. Merris, of

fi the Annex, Oak iane, announce me en- -g. gagem'nt e; weir mwaer . . -l, arms tvnarien nierna, !. awuu....e'iM. de Bchaucnece, son of Bareness Meyer

pVde Bchauenaee.

I vOne rofvtheRwest Interestlilit of thets"fall weddings will he that ei miss eie n

Rehart Sewell. of Ardnaree, Rydal, andill 1r. TTimrv Rrlnten CeXO. Jr.. Ben Of

Mr. and Mrs, Henry rimen -- oxe. qi109 Seuth Twenty-fir- st street and Haf--tn.A Daniilvti TirhlpVl will tnlcn nlapft

' crly In Septe'mber.?tf Ml., rinrniliv Vlrewnlntr Rndarera." tidughter ofY.w..rfMrs. William "H. Denner,

nf tir. Cnnih Vlirlilapnth ntrnet. hlL re- -

turned from a few days' visit wth MissKllen B. McMlchael, daughter of .Mr.and Mrs. C. Emery McMlchael,. nt.KneiiIWHeuse, Deven.

Irtj'Mr. and Mn. Frnncls T. Qewen, of


iw I, lukaaaa. u i ,inn ant mvr.f,'"l?",-"-em- u ..., .......--.- -..Te. 'ling in jsurepc, nre at preBeni penu- -

: Ing some tlme In England.IVtf, .ln UUI1I. fVOllUll .ldk-Ulv-

-- .t f T.Lb V nw.,M.. Cln.nlt.nil ofS(Moniem!ry avenue, villaneva, will en- -r leriain at a luncneen en Tuesaav, wayfk 23. In honor of Misi Priscllla Merris,rfttuaughtcr of Mra Alfred Paul Merris,5fti of Villanova. whose liinrrtntre te Mr.': Ivbn Kenten Elsenbrey will take placeV en Saturday, May 27.W: ., .. ..-- .. . ,..... -t, mr, ami ,iir. juirca .1. veurain, ei

t- I.1I2 PlnA utrppl ivlll nfnrtnlti nl .nn'Informal Bupper at their summer home

ptturenmyn, en jriaay evening, May 111,in honor of their dnuchter. Alias RosalieUMiensen Vellrath, whose marriage te Mr.jnm newarn uuenier, ia. will taKe

ilace en Saturday afternoon. May 20.w' Ucal ""' inciuae ine eimai

ffi . Mr. and Mrs. R. Alastalr MeCleud. ofrKlJ IJcust street, will Icave the latterr P.arl of tllls week for a visit te New

EkVcCI21u,,s fl,Btcr Mis9 na Cowley!k$ r lllurJai wrs A no ismeii. ana Mr.

'VH i. plBC0 at o'clock en Saturday

"""""" hcm nt inn note! uetnnm.

Recently Engaged..bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW



' gagatcV' 'aLjgVSgsBjL, k? .SsbbbWbbbbbbbbbLsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI


tfi gSBBBBBBBHP1 w gsgsgsgaSaBSBl

A Pl'IAfSK'r'' 1

mVi . I'lmte t. Millllph i (lilllips.

fil".Mw.Mr. and Mn,. ,,., II.lSir, .'" 17 Nerlli. . TwelfthVDBI. Wllna.A -- ... -. I '.:kn..L:." .t "aavieiii nas perh


'm , "'V V"'" u ., wd.w Airs William X. VsHm. nt' n.llu.St. I Martinet Chestnut Hill, left, !.day l for j a, week's, vleir in vNew Yerk.

Mrs. ioaWh.XtelUyV.efiSOt Stfjamesplace, ha returned-from- , several weeks'stay AtrBt.Marye.i'n., Mr. and. Mrs.Aelityfexpect te leave for Europe earlyIn June where they will spend severalmonths, , , i

flmnAml Y.U'fct...t.tr,. rr.l4 --JOT...,...- .! t. avtvii waller,tJ, B.-- M c, and Mnt. Waller, et 2600Seuth Twentieth street, entertained athfim&ll dinner at fhlt neme en tus-enin- g.

lay, The guests Included Mr,ana Mrs; Arthur Dearborn Smith, Mr,

nn Mrs, wnner m. jonneen and Mr.anu-mr- wiiiiam .fierce uenegTe, ,

, A "Jd.KPJPWty'wm be riven at theOreen Hill Farms Hetel at 3:30 o'clockem hursday afternoon, May' 11, .forthe rreaten Retreat, '

IilOutanant and Mra. Warrv ITIpanaeentertained at a farewell dinner ,enMonday evenlnr In honor of Majer andMre. Rebert C7 Brady., of ,3BJ9. SeuthN neteanth atntaL Mtlnp, ntulv lf nnTuesdax for Camp Meade, Md. He .williter( ie te Hagerstown, Md., where-M- r

'Brady and their family will join'... m.v atie4- ,uiy ul uiiv nuninDr. and Mrs. "William B. Mngelbach

Save a reception at 'their home, 4304avenue, last evening In honor

of Dr. and Mrs.' William Cew Bryanand President and Mrs. Frank Ayde-lett- e,

of Swarthmorre College. Dr.Bryan Is the, president of Indiana Uni-versity. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Westing.' of6L David?, are receiving cengratulai"ii me uirin or a uaugnier, ldreaSemer Westing, en April 25. vw...Westing was, Mlsa Helen Elizabeth Sem- -'ers, of Atlantic City,

Cantaln and M . V.nav Ttrmi.,IT. a N of Twenty-secon- d and Perterstreets, ntertalned at dinner last, nighten the U. S. 8. McDougal In honor ofMr. and Mrs. Harry Lehfeldt, et Call- -femta and Alaska. This kniati InrtnileilMiss Evelyn .Stuart,,Wnilama, EnsignHarry Duthrle. Lieutenant Pitman andIsnalan H. F. Dunhar: Cantaln mil MnWilliams will also entertain at dinneren Saturday night In honeij of Mr. andMrs. O. Wallace Simpsen, et 240 SeuthSeventeenth .street.

The Merzbacher Club n? TamnlasTTnl.wrslty held Its annual dinner-danc- eWednesday evening at tha Arcadia, raft,Among the guests were Mr. land Mrs.A. L. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuelrtemm,' Mr. and' Mrs. Jeseph J. Cehen,Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Harzenataln. Mr.,Islder H. Merzbacher, honorary presi-dent; Mr. James J. Regan, Mr. HareldBernemnnn. Mr. Jeseph Mahem. , Mr.Jacob Hullt, Mr. Jehn Heran and Mr.J. Ilnet

The marriage of Miss Mary J. Merris,daughter of Mr. nnd Mr. Themas J,iiiuiim, mm air, vmcent --. amitn wasHOlemnlzed In tlie Chureh of St. (Edwardthe Confessor en Saturday morning.The ceremony was performed hv theRev. Themas S. McCarty, assisted byme iwv, jenn r. iiarKins. Kev. jesepnA. Hayes and Rev. Jehn W. Mundy.

The Smith College Club, of Philadel-phia, will give a dance at the AcornClub en Saturday evening. Miss EllenSteele Is chairman of the dance com-mittee. The proceeds will, re towardthe endowment fund of the college.

Mrs. Harry C. Bedert and Mrs. FrankR, Whiteside will be guests of honor atthe annual luncheon of the Weman'sClub of Wvncete. which will he rivenat the Huntingdon Valley Country Cluben amy 11. Airs, r leicner Pearson iscnairman.

Mrs. Jeseph P. Mumford will be theguest of honor at a reception In cele-bration of her birthday, te he given onxuesaay anernoen. May v; at 4 o'clock,at 'the New 'Century Club by the clubmemeers.

rThe Quaker City Ladles Protestant

uenenci.ii Association will give an en.tertalnment and dance Friday evening,May 19. In the Grand Fraternity Bulla-In- g,

1626 Arch street. The committeein cnarge inciuae jurs. Kebert Alexan-der, Mrs. William Burke, Miss Catherine McCarron, Miss Elizabeth Irwlne,Miss May Fletcher, Miss Hazel Farleymm --uiB3 jane jonnsien.

Mrs. J. Jf. Haves, of thn Rlrhellnit.Bread and Snruce streets, entertainedat luncheon and bridge recently Inhonor of Mrs. O. P. Darlington and.urn, a. i--

. iuaue.Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Rotan, of theWellington, have as their guest for a

few days Mrs. Jereme Heward, of Cin-cinnati; O.

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney H. Bnyersderferhave returned from a trln tn Knrnn.and are occupying apartments at thiei. jamea Hetel.

Mr. and Mrs. Neale MacNelll. of (5161Columbia avenue, will leave the latterpart of next month for Atlantic .City,where they will spend the Bummer atthe Hetel Traymore.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Matthew F. Maury, of2310 Pine street, and I their daughter,Miss Catharine O, Maury, will leave theend of this month for Winter Har-eor, Me., where they have taken a cot-tage for the summer.,

Mrs. Henry S. Greve, of '258 WestTulpehecken street, Oermantewn, willleave en Friday ter a visit te Balti-more te attend the wedding of MissHelen Eccleston Whltrldge, daughter ofMr, nnd Mrs. Themas Whltrldge, andMr. Albert Cabell Bruce, also of Bal-timore, which will, take place en Sat-urda- y


ALONG THE READINGMrs, Resena Bachman, of 'the I,er-r.iln- e

Hetel, has joined her son andilaughter-ln-lnw- , Mr. and Mrs. FrankH. Bachman. at their home et Rydal,where she. will spend some tlme. Mrs.Rachnmn'p (laughter. Mrs. Merris Jan-tre-

has been spending the laat monthIn Reme,

Miss Gertrude Lovejoy, of Springnvtnue, Neble, has returned te herhemeA after visiting her brother, Mr.Frederick Lovejoy, in New Yerk.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Hoever, ofWynceto. are occupying their new homeat Ambler,

The Misses Nichelson, of WalnutKtreet, .lenUlntmyn, nre entertnlnlnRtheir Bister, Mrs. J. II, Seuthwlck, ofCalifornia,

Mr. and Mrs. Ptuart P. Miller, of OakLnne. are receiving cotiKrntulatlenH enthe birth of a son, Rebert WilliamMiller, en April 28.

OERMANTOWN"Why Smith Ift Home" will be pre.

scnted en May 10 and tl by a numberof young folks connected with the FirstPresbyterian Church at the German-tow- n

Y. M. C. A.

SIIhs Alice Tainnll. of Flft-- l WratHanBbcrry street, nnd Miss Mary Pcnny--liai-itv- or I'jioeiiixviue, Hpcni tlie week-end at Lake Meliawk, N, J,

The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Years-le- y

Pest, of Oermantewn, will prlve acard nartv and dance en Weilnemlavevenlng at the Oermantewn Beys' Club.

Lea Olsenux will entertain thelrmothers at a luncheon en Sunday, May7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Berg-man, 305 East Walnut lane, Oerman-eown, Cevers will be laid for forty.

WEST PHILADELPHIAA lawn fete will he irlven hv tha

Guild of the Philadelphia Home for In-curables en Thuredny, May 25, In theafternoon and evening, u will be helden the greundu of the home, at .Forty-eight- h

street ami Woedbind avenue.l'Ortlinp-te- l Hilt. crrnnlKilnirv. fellc.il. inelni- -ninl music will lie uinent,- - the special at- -iini'iiuiiH. supper win ne serven nttitblea en the lawn. In the evening therewill be n dunce. Among tliose who uie

!inV'N llt'HlSKSH TODAVT, iluw uitvn sin you hki tills (nidatien? I.iaill






Interested In the dance are Miss MarlenSmith, Mlsa Oale Cele, Miss MarlenPartridge, Mlsa Grace Pilsbry, Mr.Heward" Chandler, Mr. Charles Evans,Mr., Albert. Caldwell and Mr. FrankDavit, '

Mra. R. Du Vatl Whann, of6825 Springfield avenue, announce the

n,rTaK8.meJ,t J2t 'heir daughter, MissJS,.vA'3,,,w!?lln' l Mr Hareld V.lang, J Wilmington. 1

NORTH PHILADELPHIAThe annual May dance and reception

nde.r. the .auspleea of the Women's"UxJIL1HT. tha Northeastern HesplUIO'Phladclphla, at Allegheny avenueand Tulip street.- - wlll.be riven this evening at Mercantile Hall. The officersOf f T ' V.rarrlngten, president: Mrs. M. CremmlA. VlCA nrNlltflt Xf rm .TaTivi T7nlavice president; Mlsa Beulah A. Fenlmero, honorary vice president; MissAnna m. uewney, secretary ; Miss R. M.Snyder, corresponding secretary; MissMabel Purdy. treasurer. The committee on the dance Includes Mrs. JehnijorKe. Mrs. Jacob Kinkier. Mrs. Oeorge8. Walker. Mrs. Anna M, 'Steelman,Mrs. E. May Jacket, Mrs. Jehn W.Cenner. Miss Anna M. Downey, MissSarah J. Perrv. MIm Annan Rntnman.Mrs. M. Wilsen and Miss R. MaySnyder. .

Mr. nnd Mm. Jehn Thuitliitn unit thelpdaughter, Miss Viela Thudlum, of 2014.West Olrard avenue, will sail en Sat-urday for Europe, where they will re-main for four months,

Mr. and Mm Nathan Berg, 'of 161EWest Dauphin street, announce ithe be-trothal of their daughter, Miss FlorenceBerg, te Mr. Eugene M. Landman, ofthis city. n.

tMrs. Rese G. , Leeb has returned te

her apartment at the Hetel Majesticafter spending a short time in NewYerk. . X

LOGANMiss Florence Gorchev and Mlsa

Ctayre Felnsteln gave a surprise partylast Saturday evening In honor of Miss


Mail 10 forsample of creams.

your dealer you,wrjte

Chemical Ce.Philadelphia,, Pa.

At. -- I,. m

Mr.M'Mrs.Harrison &

Motte;of tke'Annex,

Odk, Lane,whew


iy announcedtoday te

MnRodolphe M.

de Schauensee,'ten of



de Schauensee

Rese Gelman at her home, 930 Rocklandstreet. . xne guests were Mr. ana mrs.iuurris uurvuuv. vir. Hna iurv. u wi- -man, Mrs. Charles Themas, of BrightenBeach, N. Y.; Mlsa Rose Gelman, MlasAnna Oltman, Miss Anna Resenbllt,miss nose Huesner. Miss Fannie waiaman, Miss Margaret Geldenberr, MlsaSadie Cehen. Mlas Florence Maimed.Mlsa I Lillian Wiener, Miss PaulineBrown. Mlsa Lillian s Inflell. MIm Henrletta Hescb, Mr. Jeseph Margulls, Mr.Geerge Ogens, Dr. Ell Bdelman. Dr.Merris Tabby, Mr. Cehen,, Mr.Aivin aenn, ar. m. Hi, Steinberg, Mr.Albert Segall, Mr. M. Warren, Mr.Ham Geld. Mr. Harry Maller. Mr. NatRaab, Mr. Dave Knrtun, Mr. MartleWaldman, Mr. Nathan Gorchev, Mr.Victer Felnsteln, Mr. Harry Cehen, Mr,Harry Cehen,. Mr. Heward Lanln and

sen Baiter.

FRANKFORDA luncheon will be given nn Wednes

day next the .Women's Club ofFrankierd. An election of officers willtake place at this, the annual meeting, several speakers win address themembers as representatives or the in-ternational Frauleln League for Peaceand Freedom, these helnsr Mrs. Rehlnsnn.of England; Franklin Baer, of Germany.1mm miin. ei jvrneuia. Mrs.C. N. Rturtevant Is nrealdent of theWeman's Club; Mrs. C. B. Hesten, ytcepresiaeni; Mrs. u. tt, Murray, secretary,and Mrs. Themas Moere, treasurer.

YARDLEYMrs. Algernon S. Cadwallader enter-

tained at five hundred on Friday after-noon. There were forty-eigh- t guests.Among them were Mrs. Geerge Atkins,of Langhorne; Mrs. .Philip Cenrad, ofBristel; Mrs. William Knight, of New-town; Miss Ruth Wlldman, of Lang-horne, and Mrs. Leuis Kenderdlne. ofNewtown. . On Saturday evening Mr.and Mrs. Cadwallader entertained sixtyguests. The united States table wenat military euchre. Among the guestswere nrs. ueuis spring ,ana Mrs. d

Merris, of Bristel; Mrs. 8tahleyLee, of Newtown; Mr. Annand Merris,



Is a Menacete a woman's complexionunless she uses the'famous F - LemonProducts. ' With them as

Ilw5TTTIlU4M -. UrsVig .vgajfflnSis. MM


jmmUKmW 1

U M .a4aBBBBBBBBBBMllDlI lllli 4H


M v"Hlniiiiw a Hi

I VALUE IN SPORT SHOES iWft The Favored Medels Specially Priced Bjgj Russia Calf Oxfords with saddle of BEjffli Camel's Hair shade of Horsehide; and Him Pearl Gray Horsehide with Black Calf BlUfl Saddle. HWM As with our dress pumps, they possess HHJ the unmatchable erijlnaUty and qualitygj that ia Winkehnan. 08 HOSIERY TO MATCH HI Winkelmait II StyU in Quality Foetwar Mj1 1130 Chestnut St ijI At Twelfth Hi


daily complexion helps she can laugh at soot andgrime and dust and feel, and leek, as fresh as aMay morning.Today new get these wonderful F-- F Lemen Prod-ucts. You'll never be without them.

F--P Lemen Celd CreamF-- F Lemen Cleansing CreamF-- F Lemen Massage Cream .

At All Drug Stores, DepartmentStere end All Beauty Parler

Four Sizes: 50, 65, 85 cents and $1.25Alse Maker of the Famous F.F LEMON SOAP

cents generousof any these

If can!t supply

Friedrich-Friedric- h






w-- bbbbbVIbT', T"u.in Knew, new puaineps I miaus.ieut inSBW . rt J.. khm T.1U.1. t IBlataiKri" '1,"r,' Iieraert R.-W- ' ymteaauuii by follewln "Busln.u at l fw"."ri "w '"' "ri '

"TT7 ' ' fe. "'"' Jwn"0 appesrsravsryieay in the ITIl ' "f KuilnMi sna Financial HMttea et,(h pierni bbbbbbI

II II tllS SM lgs1 I1ITIS ll III II fnaSlSI ISSlSlll I ! ITIll fall III SSI SI Sgi US IISSlI III U . ,


KSLLLLHEtaWsBsaBBBBBilHEBirHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBlr.19HBBiKHl,,- -t t y.'IgHlill.qg'iaMiiiHSBaiaLJ..,. a ..' .k.TI.. J....

ffmmMmuw.L xm.mMmWun inrianiu ..

VmlKi.MrAA'T.Vr KttilHI

wimia .iiiuvi. .BaniaBitKewtWn: Wa1m" MAlgvHiati

t"i ' 'frja ' W. : i.4 'IU h. weteseaMMMMasMMMSt r

, DtLAVVARB OOONTYMr,kru.t1UTrr'Uivi. let ,IWt

ar, ueganvsrn. innr imuiin,j ,1,1 lakmrai in .& innr.Urn for California, where she will re

main rer several month. .

Mr. mhM tm tr- - TUa e tim.iaiihave-- returnee,' from a short stay at At- -

allUB tiy, ' a.MpIL f. Vi ff Itaa KAn n(n-Ai-

In Mlsa Brnrttattt. nt Unmtnn fur fu,r 'day .

NORRItTOWNMr. mm yJri IliMMik lrr4Milten, Pa., are' vlaltingMr. McDade's

papynt Mr,? and MrsTHarry McDade,ui awi vicbuiui nreei. .

Mrs: W. Preeten Tyler, who lias 'beenthe gujst of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesNalle, of West Marshall street, has leftfor Weahlngtbn. D. C, where she willremain for. several weeks before re-turning te her home in Rockferd, 111.

Announcement has naan made of thamarriage of Miss Elisabeth O'Connor,of Kehn street, and Mr. Earl Smith, orWest i Marshall street, jOn April 79, atthe h6me of tha bride. The Rev. JehnWatehprn, pastor efthe Hawa AvenueMethodist' Church, officiated,

The Montatemenr Pmmi TinaWomen Voters held its annual springluncheon en Tuesday at the Hunting- -


asartitM wrirl


Heuse of Wenger1229, Walnut Street

HATSBy B. Chertak Wenger

An assemblage of importations and orig-inal models that represents the latest andbest in millinery for the coming season.

FUR STORAGEBy Morris Wenger

Our cold dry-ai-r system is personally super-vised by tjiat estimable furrier, MerrisWenger. Stere your furs at once, as burspace is limited.

Order Remodeling and Repairs Nowat Lew Summer Prices





16.00. neeclalbright

In two-col- 91.50 pair.


wV. Mm'

The nr!i.the churefL haa .returned Trem sMlleMvUte, where Ka &t- -tended1 the tweWlay meeting ofNorrlstewn Conferenee et LutheranChurches. .

Mr. and Mn. Caspar Plea, of Audu-bon, N. J., are visiting Mra. Plea'parents, Mr. Mra. Brlnten J,Tinkler, of West Marshall street. "

' "

v Y. W. C. A. CarnivalThi Yeung Wemen'a Christian Asse

ciatien,' of German town, will glva aeamtval en Friday and Saturday ofthis week. . There- win ,ta vauasviiieby the membera of the Harknesa Cluband a sketch entitled "Lord Ullln'eDaughter," which the following girlswill take part: Mlsa Alice Barkum,

Mae Nice, Mlea Dorethy Browning,Miss Bertha,- - Ray and Mlas Adeline Le-pes. There will be an orchestra, themembera of Include HaaelBennett, Mlsa Helen Mlsa RuthUnrleh, Miss Aehlsen, Mlsa Mar-garet Mlsa Helen Fasty. MissRuth Marferd, Mlsa Bertha Morrison.Miss Helens LaHerty and Miss MabelHallman. Gypsies will tell fortunes andwill also give several dances. MlsaMartina, r.rn.v will be the SOlOllt assisted by Miss Rese McGovern, .MissGladys Jenes, Miss Leretta Skegge,Miss Marie Lang, Miss, Dorethyand Miss Catherine Dewer. Cakes, can-dles, Ice lemonade and dough-nuts will be en which will be Incharge, of Mrs. Geerge Werkaner, Mrs.

Coming, Our White

Are Importantcome In various

Garters are particularly popular.

ISO.8LViU!Sn itse. ate.

GEORGE ALLEN, inc.1214 Chestnut Street-12- 14

Very Dressy Hatsfor Special Functions

The hats you will want for summer te te Garden Parties,Lawn Fetes, or the like, as well as for Indoor occasions

when an elaborate dark hat is necessarythese .'"?' fln.e black hn,r although tha under and

J?,TJlL?tr."iamer of.. T"" ,h, httt a "K"1 summery effect. Tinyflowers edge the unger erim.fcJ12!h5.r hat. ch,001,es a Jade colored braid and greupa aboutthe trench flowers and fruit that blend harmoniously.

K,iJlmbelder.ed,,'m,r cloth naB a Georgette crown of NavyBlue and French flowers at one side.Jlf.1 or, ty occasions Is of shining haircloth and is made utterly lovely by a gorgeous Paradise at the side.

Fer National and Embroidery Week,Allen's Offer

Real filet lares and Insertions. lBe-fftS- O a yer.Real Irish laces and Insertion, lc-$0.- 78 a yard.enlse lace and Insertion st half new lOe-SB.- a yard.Goed quality Imported cambrle embroidery In strips:1 Inch wide at 7Se a pleoe.2 inches wide at SB.00 a plsc

A !no',en w! at a&0 and $3.00 a piece.Alse ssVniScyj1"nv,,.dJ!l SSJT. "eiW-ft..8?-

? ftSWChildren's dresses;-specls-

iat $l.as a ykrd. "uunB- -- u,lSD" I0r

Continuation of Sweater Sale$1.95-$9.- 00

Yso7ltneV1inib.SltJJ8,.S0,er,n,f"' toe1 sl" assortment,11' n'6?. ll.0. new SBJBSilk i ' and f.ew.that werat lYs. it new'&ob;


Silk Blouses Reduced te $5.00lllr.rt1L01iJa5aUr.luf,,, "l,,k Meuse, values J10.00.I16.00, have been

B'Ue- - "'aCk- - Gray'

Charming Beaded Bags in the LoveliestCelers This

M.Eir8&Btal rspecSS'at s!m. G0ld aa,n8t Blact background. Tery

A White Summer is


it s nei gewf te ne a snowy summer of ceuree. but all the riKor the Wi,t?far?,iS.emti,?fri" Prr'ct that White wll the

HSpehS&'i. n&rWlSrfeni?. "W" et this,

ffiraahWd W. ".'.Ik Je..Vt?ODWUh US,e Parter t0P8' ,X-4-

Famous Gorden HS00 Bilk he0 in White. 83.60.Of course we hae many ether colors well.

Sashes and GartersHasnes nave deep andValue atThese days Ribbon







which MissGoldy,






.Week End Reductions in Toilet Articles' ?. .JK? wer, "e slue, 69c.Oety's Z.'Orlgan raee ewder, 7Sq a box.

T."L."Bnm Talcaw, 65e n bottle.TSrsjssss i5 "".Mrvs". s5 . aae.' iSSXX? 3SU ,n--

V odors, usually 25c, at 18c.

' flSSrS glES'yja.'g'J?! --.IHtMet. ..usually 25c. at4,H'ii atf










iilL2iw "Vu ,?i


,2Ss;Keath.HeatMira;,;bMSar yT,y

..t" V f .-J- - '.J .a-

TWIlMmtt TMAmnm ('mmemsttrettfetes. , sea the Seerte Pas of the Pes-tl-eLiMMt !tfr mernina for. the effleUI

tiXBi&2tejrm"M HAkB IT Ar j


Ek WrWa'f Cnsfart Sbttt1742 Germsntawn Art.

Fer ths "Whelsi ff- -k Family ..$J--

Write far BeeMee O wtwe ray rarest restreraertr JTM MaM t


For Everyday Um

Attractive DecorationsExceptional Quality

1212 Cheetnat Street

Shifters !Br the sign of the, tin clip

be ft known that the uniformof the "Shifters" U laces.-plet- e

without proper



Cbteaal Stocking Skrm.Smi117 S. 12th St.

" it's HOSIERY we have itr


sAMcunmr, EVES. AT AtlO



SHUBvDtVILLE. -- D"r Mat, ut SilS. Ext, at SUA

KRANK OHTII IVetentsthi; mi:ceni) edition op



A ...1.1, Oy,VffllKWLlJi.S BEST


in "HAUNTaED"wrnr

HILDA SPONG"Thrill after thrill for whoenley being thrlllfd." INQUmgn


TOA.VZ MOLNAn'S Comedy of Life


Maurice E. FeltADIreetlenD I N EChMtnut at 10th. Cen. 11 A.M. te 11 p t



PERSONRally at .1,

Frem aK.V IbsbbbbW 8 4. 10 P.M.in 20 mln-ut- 'i

Ueach'a BBBBBWa' ,Bbb7 of"The fcv: X tens andNat" BJBJJkMa merrfmentOn Sarnnlar marninc. MImentrrtuln the rhlldren ulth nppreprlat"yens. nnd .teri. rhlldren, amnnianltd

r"r.'?.t",..wlJ1 h" 'lnlitl fromU A. M. si., for 25 tux Im- -

lNKMjj:K.--"Tl.i-; HdsAKt"

mmm.'f'kf Rnute 1'. in,33, 49, C3, C5, 05 eiW2 111

BSfNiw Clrcui mifil M laa 1L reiind-SW- M I IB IBl



Broadway Stock CompanyIN J. HARTLEY MANNUHH'

"PEG O' MY HEART"Nent Week Bleck Ce. In "flCANDAT,"



Nt Wk Slwlt Ce. In "Ill'DniKs-- '



sTOgrH(f i - jik.


uiim)!. mtmwmh ,.--ia Bistef.:tifH' v.;

IMVEitfe' - Writ tea v

WELSH StTfGJOOnL r.trwta?1


. ln 'zi&mft


PIRSTPBESBNTV m?EUiettmwmmwiLimited SnsaaeBMnt Cern i.iV

lcf'mviivAi nwu4m;wgv.S3& FIRST TIME AT OUiisttaBsTsTtWIeai i. 7",



AtrYT aV aVTW1




STAR OT MLIOM" V 'MONTE BLUE .'nriv jj.uuu UTHGM ., if (

BT USUAL PRICES mWt"DAILT. 85c. BOc EVKNDWIS, '7ie'BaiunUy Matinee. Evening XrSsa V


11J0. 1:30. 8:80, BUM. 7 JO. B:SS .




PAI Ari7 12TH MARKETrALAvie ie a. m. te it r.,u.PRISCDLLA DEAN 'Xff

,,TH CHESTNUT AlAKvAUlAie a. m. te n:is at'Wanda 'TOO MUCH

nrrnm a ninthTivi vritiA e a. m. te u.iAIIHRtTV MIINWI "Kb

In "HOWTNQ THE WIND" .t fjuniper and mGLOBE 11 --IT 11 ...f-- ,- - a-- fc

di,.v;.il, su rjAAU Wae,fc' eST.4.DKMPHET-CARPENTTIC- neaWW



a.nDOAn I Fa--. Last Mat;;..

mmwfm BaiaKa-- lRAM II. HARRIS Preeeata.i . & "J


THE VAIRYIN R cunat"- - "-- ,r". .11 V.e.jAklni.

.Auther of Jjclaaees";

?u. i w rj i a kath

mat eel lurniJs- - I in His iatmst Sveem rC?

FORREST Laat 3 Night at 8katurdat at a ,"


GARRICK---re,,UIA- U ,,n'c ;vt'MAT. HATURDAT8Ar II. HARRIS Preaante ,



'- ;- M0NJAY8old snow r.neuNns. isth" htstA HUNTING PARK AVE. T


lyWMAaVELSDOORS OPEN AT I P.M.IPiRrenrtANCcs at 2aap.Mll


AdmUiien: Adults, 75c; Cbildrta.IM'LUDIVO TAX. TICKETS NOW ON

"' ".iinr.ii iiiiiiir.Hn

WOODSIDEOpens for the Season ,(NnlllHln. IVIa aCluv. leiHir ..;"

7 ", ,1WINew anil IIn.tn.tl...lLf:..- - i JM



Fireworks Every FridayEvening

Announcement EattraenllaukM.V




ia "SNAP AND tW..A'llKVY OV PRr.TTYOleatl

UNUUIl THH I'Klt.SONAI.pUil. . (HAHI.i;g JKTEajf

EetA,Wei. fag.., tfrU