Evangelistic Bible Study - Lesson 1 to 8 - Enquirers Workbook

Enquirers Bible Bible Studies for use with Enquirers (Enquirer’s Workbook) Ian McL. Hawley Sandy Citro Greg Craanen

Transcript of Evangelistic Bible Study - Lesson 1 to 8 - Enquirers Workbook

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Enquirers Bible

Bible Studies

for use with Enquirers

(Enquirer’s Workbook)

Ian McL. Hawley Sandy Citro

Greg Craanen

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Table of Content Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

Lesson 1 – Who is Jesus Christ ..................................................................... 2

Lesson 2 – Who is Jesus Christ – His Identity? ............................................. 5

Lesson 3 – Jesus‟ Teaching .......................................................................... 9

Lesson 4 – Jesus‟ Death and Resurrection .................................................. 14

Lesson 5 – Why did Jesus have to die? (God‟s attitude towards Sin and

sinners) ........................................................................................................ 18

Lesson 6 – Why did Jesus have to die? (The reason for Jesus‟ death and

resurrection) ................................................................................................ 22

Lesson 7 – Jesus Christ and You (How can you receive salvation?) ........... 25

Lesson 8 – Jesus Christ and You (Your response) ...................................... 29

Conclusion ................................................................................................... 32

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This study employs a question and answer bible study format to help you dig into the topics and to promote discussion.

Each lesson contains:

Objectives: This is the objective of each lesson to help you to focus and to study each lesson with a clear goal.

Focus: This section provides some aspects to consider before going into the study questions. This section provides some secondary objectives and helps you be open to the Bible regarding the materials discussed in each lesson.

Study Questions: This is the main content of each lesson which discuss about the topic of each lesson.

Additional Questions: If time permits, this section may be covered to provide additional discussion to help you understand more of each lesson topic.

Key Verse: This is the bible verse that may best summarise the content of each lesson. Feel free to discuss, dig deeper and expand on this key verse.

Next Lesson: This section mentions what the next lesson is about.

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Lesson 1 – Who is Jesus Christ

Objectives - This lesson will introduce you to Jesus Christ, the person you will be

studying about for the next 8 lessons. - In this lesson, you will study about the facts around Jesus‟ birth, His

baptism and some of His miracles.

Focus - This lesson also gives you an experience of reading God‟s Word (the

Holy Bible). This may or may not be your first time reading the Bible, but the facilitator will help you read the Bible and dig deeper into studying God‟s Word.

- It is our prayer that you will start to know Jesus as the Son of God who has power over the natural and super-natural worlds, and you may grow in your excitement to learn and know more about Him, and eager to read the Bible in your own time.

Study Questions

His Birth - Matthew 1:18-25 1. True or False? Jesus was conceived by the union of Joseph and


2. How was Jesus conceived? What do you think it means?

3. In verse 23, with what other name was Jesus called?

His Baptism – Matthew 3:1-3, 11-17

4. The main message of John the Baptist is “__________, for the kingdom of heaven is near.

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5. As soon as Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said, “This is _____________, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.”

6. From this portion of the Bible, who do you think Jesus is?

His Miracles

7. Read Matthew 4:23-25. What did Jesus do?

8. Read John 11:17, 38-44. What did Jesus do?

9. Read Luke 8:22-25. What did Jesus do?

10. Read Mark 8:1-9a. What did Jesus do?

11. What do all these miracles mean to you? What do they (His miracles) say about who Jesus is?

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Additional Questions

Read Luke 2:4-15. What was the good news that the Angels brought to the shepherds? What do you think it means?

“Jesus is 100% human and 100% God”. What do you think about this statement?

Key Verses Matthew 3:17 (NIV)

17And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Next Lesson In the next lesson, we will study about various claims about Jesus, both those which were stated by Jesus and those by other people.

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Lesson 2 – Who is Jesus Christ – His Identity?

Objectives - In this lesson, you will learn more about the person of Jesus Christ. - You will have an opportunity to read some portions of the Bible to see

what Jesus said about Himself, and what others said about Him.

Focus - The facilitator may also invite you to say a prayer. This is simply talking

to God in your own words. This may be a bit awkward to start with, but the facilitator will help you. It is our prayer that you will love to talk to God in every circumstance of your life.

- May God through His Bible reveal Himself to you so that you will be able to see who Jesus really was and still is.

Previous Lesson In the previous lesson, we learnt about Jesus‟ birth, baptism and miracles. Is there any particular aspect from the first lesson that you want to ask or clarify or comment?

Study Questions Claims concerning Himself

1. Read Luke 5:18-24. What did He do? What did He say about Himself in regards to our sin (v24)? In verse 24, Jesus said that He, the Son of Man, has ____________ on earth to ___________ sins.

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2. Read John 10:22-30. In verse 27 and 28, Jesus said that for whoever listens to Him and believes, He will give them ______________ and they shall never _______________. Further, in verse 29-30, what did Jesus claim about Himself in regards to God the Father?

3. Read John 6:35-40. What did Jesus claim about Himself? What is God‟s desire for everyone, including you? (v40)

4. Read John 14:6.

Jesus is the _________, the _________ and the _________. We can come to the Father only through ____________ What does the above statement means?

5. Read John 11: 25-26.

Jesus is the _______________ and the ___________ What did Jesus mean?

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Claims made of Him by different people

6. Read John 1:32-34. What did John the Baptist claim about Jesus?

7. Read Mark 1:21-25. What did the evil spirit say about Jesus?

8. What did the Roman Centurion said about Jesus in Matthew 27:54?

9. Read Mark 8:27-30. Who did Peter, one of Jesus‟ disciples, say

Jesus is?

What do you think who Jesus Christ is? Is He mad, bad, or exactly what the Bible claims Him to be?

Additional Questions

Read John 10:7-13. Jesus made several claims concerning Himself:

o Jesus is the _________ that leads to Salvation. o Whoever enters through Him will be ____________ o Jesus has come so that we may have _________ and have it to

the ___________ What do you think the above statements mean?

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Key Verses Mark 8:29 (NIV)

29“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.”

Next Lesson In the next lesson, we will look more into the life of Jesus. In particular, we will study some of His most commonly known teachings.

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Lesson 3 – Jesus’ Teaching

Objectives - In this lesson, you will look at some of Jesus‟ commonly known

teaching. You may or may not have heard them. This is a good opportunity for you to see for yourself from the Bible to gain more understanding on what kind of person Jesus was and what kind of life He wants us to live.

- Some of the teaching may be radical and perhaps impossible to follow. Jesus being God has standards higher that any human standard. This lesson provides you an opportunity to see why He taught such teachings, and His desire for us to learn from His teachings.

Focus - It is our prayer that through this lesson and the study of the Bible, God

will help you understand that His teaching, His authority, His righteousness, and His desire for our lives.

- In this lesson, the facilitator may invite you again to pray as you may have done so in the last lesson. It is also our prayer that you may gain more confidence in talking to God and believe that He hears your prayer and He sees your heart as you begin to seek Him.

Previous Lesson In the previous lesson, we looked deeper at the person of Jesus Christ: His claims concerning Himself and what others said about Him. Is there anything from the last lesson that you want to ask about or comment?

Study Questions

The beatitude (Matthew 5:1-12) 1. Jesus taught the following:

o The poor in spirit are blessed because


o Those who mourn are blessed because


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o Those who are meek are blessed because


o You who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness are blessed

because ________________________________________

o You who are merciful are blessed because


o Peacemakers are blessed because


o If you are persecuted because of righteousness, you are blessed

because _________________________________

o If people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil

against you because of Jesus, you should rejoice and be glad,

because _____________________________________________

2. Which one of the above points you like the most? Why?

3. Which one is the most difficult for you to accept? Why?

4. What do you think Jesus wants for us from His above teaching?

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Love your enemies (Matthew 5:38-45)

5. Despite our honest attempt to treat people such that they have positive feeling about us, unfortunately, there are times when people just don‟t like us and are hostile toward us. What do people usually do when someone hurts them? What do you do when someone hurt you?

6. Jesus in verse 39 suggests that instead of retaliation or “pay back

time”, there is a better way. What did Jesus teach us regarding this “pay back time”?

7. Why do you think Jesus taught to love your enemies and do good to

them? Does it mean we should be defenceless and accept whatever hurting people do to us?

8. Share about the time you did good to someone who hurt you. What happened then? How did you feel? How did the other party feel?

The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:7-12)

9. What did Jesus teach about asking good gifts from God? What do you think it means?

10. The Golden Rule can be found in verse 12: _________ to others what you would have them ________ to you

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Most other religions teach “Do not do to others what you don‟t want others do to you”. How is it different from Jesus‟ teaching? Why is it significant?

11. In light of the above points, why do you think Jesus taught this particular teaching? (What does Jesus want for us by following this particular teaching?)

The Greatest Commandments (Mark 12:28-31)

12. What was the first Greatest Commandment?

13. What was the second Greatest Commandment?

14. What do you personally think about those commandments?

Additional Questions

The parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7) o Talk, share and discuss: “what does this parable mean?” o What or who does the sheep represent? o What or who does the sheep owner represent?

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Key Verses

Mark 12:30 - 31 (NIV)

30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.‟ 31The second is this: „Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Next Lesson In the next lesson, we will look at Jesus‟ death and His resurrection. In the next lesson, we will focus on the facts around His death and resurrection. Then in the following lesson, we will look at why He had to die and what is the significance of His resurrection.

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Lesson 4 – Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

Objectives - In this lesson, you will learn from the Bible about Jesus‟ death and

resurrection. - You may have heard stories and other people‟s opinion about this

subject. This lesson‟s aim is to guide you through different references in the Bible to help you draw your own conclusion from the Bible about facts around Jesus‟ death and resurrection.

Focus - Having gone through the previous three lessons, we hope that you are

more comfortable in opening and reading the Bible. It is our prayer that God through His Holy Spirit will continue to reveal His truth to you, and you will gain more and more confidence in searching for truths from the Bible.

- The facilitator may continue to invite you to say a few words of prayer. It is also our prayer that you gain more confidence in prayer and that you continue to see God‟s answers to your prayers as you seek Him.

Previous Lesson In the previous lesson, we studied some of Jesus‟ commonly known teachings. Is there any question or any comments that you want to share about the previous lesson before we move on with this lesson?

Study Questions

Jesus’ prediction about His death and His resurrection

1. Read Matthew 16:21. What did Jesus say about His death and resurrection?

2. Read Matthew 20:17-19. What did Jesus say about His death and

resurrection? (Cross Ref: Mark 10:32-34, )

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3. What do these facts tell you about Jesus?

Bible references which refer to the fact that Jesus actually died

4. Read the following Bible references. What do they tell you about Jesus‟ death?

a. Matthew 27:57-60 (Cross ref: John 19:38-42)

b. John 19:33-34

c. Mark 15:44-45

Bible’s evidence for Jesus’ resurrection

5. Read the following Bible references, and discuss what they tell you about Jesus‟ resurrection. a. The empty tomb. Mark 16:1-8, Matthew 28:1-7, Luke 24:1-12, and

John 20:1-10.

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b. Testimonies by various people that they saw Jesus subsequent to His resurrection.

Mary Magdalene – Mark 16:9-11 (Cross ref: John 20:11-18)

The other women – Matt 28:9-10

Simon Peter – Luke 24:34, 1 Cor 15:5

Two men on the road to Emmaus – Mark 16:12-23, Luke 24:13-32

Jesus Christ‟s disciples – Mark 16:14, Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19-25, John 20:26-31

Seven disciples by the sea – John 21

The disciples who heard Jesus‟ final words – Mark 16:15-20, Matt 28:16-20, Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:3-12

Over 500 people at one time – 1 Cor 15:6

James – 1 Cor 15:7

Paul – 1 Cor 15:8

6. The change in Jesus Christ‟s disciples.

a. Read John 20:19, John 18:15-17, and Mark 14:43-50. How were Jesus Christ‟s disciples before the resurrection (when Jesus was arrested and about to be crucified)?

b. Read Acts 2:14-41, Acts 3:1-10 and 1 Cor 15:3-4

How were Jesus Christ‟s disciples after the resurrection?

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7. Jesus‟ Ascension after 40 days spent with His disciples.

a. Read Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-52 and Acts 1:9-11. What do those verses tell you about Jesus ascension?

Additional Discussion

The existence of the Christian Church. o From that day onwards, the Church has worshipped on the

resurrection day – Sunday o The observance of the Lord‟s Supper to remember Jesus‟ death

and resurrection.

Key Verses 1 Corinthians 15:3 - 4 (NIV)

3For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance£: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures

Next Lesson In the next lesson, we will study the reason behind Jesus‟ death and the significance of His resurrection (Why did Jesus die and rise from the dead?).

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Lesson 5 – Why did Jesus have to die? (God’s attitude towards Sin and sinners)

Objectives In this lesson, you will learn from the Bible about the contrast between

God‟s attitude towards Sin and God‟s attitude towards sinners.

You will also learn about His character of holiness and love, which will lead you to understand the reason for Jesus‟ death and resurrection.

Focus The previous 4 lessons presented the facts around Jesus‟ life, His

teaching, His death and resurrection. The next 4 lessons will look deeper into the reason why Jesus died and rose again, and will look at how it is significant for your life.

As you go through the next four lessons, we pray that not only will you know more of the essence of Christianity, but you will also open your heart to what you are about to study.

May the Holy Spirit reveal the truth to you, and you will gain more and more confidence in search of the truths from the Bible.

Previous Lesson In the previous lesson we looked at the fact of Jesus‟ death and resurrection. You may still have some doubts and questions regarding what we discussed. Feel free to express them before we start the lesson.

Study Questions

God’s attitude towards sin

1. Read 1 John 3:4, Jeremiah 44:23 and Deuteronomy 9:16. What is sin according to those verses?

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2. In fact Sin is not just doing wrong thing. Read the following verses, and write down the various manifestations of Sin.

a. Galatians 5:19-21.





b. Romans 1:21



c. Matthew 5:27-28



3. According to Deuteronomy 25:16, Psalms 5:4, and Zechariah 8:17,

what is God‟s attitude towards sin?

4. The following verses show why God hates sin. Read the following verses and write down the various reasons why God detests sin so much.

a. Isaiah 6:3, Deuteronomy 32:3-4



b. Deuteronomy 9:16, Psalms 51:4



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c. Genesis 3:16-19, Romans 6:23



God’s attitude towards sinner

5. According to Romans 3:23, who are considered “sinners”? What about some so-called good guys? Are they also sinners? (Read also Psalms 14:3, Romans 7:19-20, Romans 1:18-32)

6. Read the following verses. Write down what some consequences of Sin are according to these verses.

a. John 5:14 ___________________________

b. Isaiah 48:22, Romans 3:12-17


c. John 8:34


d. Isaiah 59:1-2, Romans 6:23, Ezekiel 18:4


e. Matthew 13:50, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, Rev 21:8


7. If God hates sin, does God hates us – sinners – too?

Read the following verses to see what is God‟s attitude towards us “sinners”?

a. Hosea 3:1


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b. 1 John 4:19


c. John 15:13, Romans 5:6-8, 1 John 3:16


d. John 3:16-18, 1 John 4:9-10, 1 John 3:16


e. Luke 15:7


8. To summarise, God‟s attitude expressed in the death and

resurrection of Jesus.

Towards sin – punishment. This punishment is commanded by God‟s holiness.

Towards the sinner – forgiveness. This forgiveness is commanded by God‟s love.

Additional Questions

Why couldn‟t God just „forgive‟ us and let us off the hook and ask us not to do it again.

Key Verses Romans 3:23 (NIV)

23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Next Lesson In the next lesson we will discuss further how God‟s holiness and God‟s love are satisfied in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

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Lesson 6 – Why did Jesus have to die? (The reason for Jesus’ death and resurrection)

Objectives - In this lesson you will discover God‟s solution to the problem of sin

without compromising His love for sinners and the holiness of His own character.

- You will also discover the reason why Jesus had to die and rise again.

Previous Lesson In the previous lesson we learnt about God‟s attitude towards sin and

towards the sinner. Before we move on to look at God‟s solution to the problem of sin, is there any questions, doubts or comments that you may have about the previous lesson?

Study Questions

Jesus died in order to bear the penalty of sinners

1. According to Leviticus 17:11 and Hebrews 9:22, how can forgiveness of sin be granted?

2. Read Leviticus 22:21. In the Old Testament, God demands a perfect

animal for sacrifice, without defect or blemish. Why do you think He demands such sacrifice?

3. In the Old Testament, the people of Israelites were required to obey the law perfectly. However, because they could not keep it perfectly, they have to make regular sacrifices for their shortcomings. They had to do this again and again because an animal is just not able to serve as a perfect atonement for human‟s life.

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However, the good news is that God has prepared a perfect sacrifice for us. Read the following verses and write down what you discover. a. Ephesians 5:2, Romans 3:25



b. Hebrews 4:15



c. Hebrews 10:10-12.



d. 1 Peter 3:18, 1 John 2:2



4. Read Romans 5:8. Why did Jesus want to become the sacrifice to

God for us?

The reason for Jesus’ resurrection

5. Read John 1:1-2, 14 and Romans 1:4 What is the reason for Jesus‟ resurrection according to those verses?

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6. Read also Colossians 1:19-23 and Ephesians 1:19-22. What is the reason for Jesus‟ resurrection according to those verses?

7. In 1 Peter 1:3-5, we can read that “God has given us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” What do you think it means by this living hope? (Read also 1 Corinthians 15:20-23)

Additional Questions Jesus has gone all the way from Heaven to earth to die for us, to atone for our sin. Share in your own words how this particular knowledge has impacted your heart. Share your response or reaction, if there is any, to what you have learnt from this lesson.

Key Verses Romans 5:8 (NIV)

8But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Next Lesson

In the next lesson you will see how this relates to you personally:

(a) We will see how that:

You can receive forgiveness for sins

You can receive eternal life

You can become a follower of Jesus Christ

(b) Jesus‟ words to consider before looking at these possibilities:

His invitation should be accepted – Luke 14:15-24

Before accepting an invitation of Jesus, one should think deeply about it. Luke 14:25-33, i.e., the first place in life must be given to Jesus and this requires, if needed, a willingness to suffer for Christ.

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Lesson 7 – Jesus Christ and You (How can you receive salvation?)

Objectives - In this lesson, you will be presented with God‟s salvation plan through

Jesus Christ. - The aim of this lesson is to provide you with a clear message of God‟s

salvation and a clear instruction as to how you can receive salvation.


- The aim of this lesson is NOT to push you to receive salvation. This lesson serves only to present Jesus and His plan to save you as clear as possible. The decision is totally yours.

- It is our prayer that God will continue to reveal Himself to you in a personal way, that you will be able to know Him personally, and accept Him as your personal saviour and Lord.

Previous Lesson In the previous lesson, we learnt more about the reason for Jesus‟ death and resurrection. Are there any aspects of the previous lesson that you want to ask, or comment, or talk about before we start this lesson?

Study Questions

God has given you a free will. Now, there are two options open before you.

1. Read Romans 6:23. What are the two options open before us?

For those who never receive forgiveness of sin.

2. Read John 8:24. What would happen to us if we do not believe that Jesus is God and Saviour?

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3. In Matthew 13:50, Jesus told the parable of the net. According to this parable, what will happen to the wicked at the end of the age?

4. Similarly in Revelation 21:8, what will be the home for the wicked in the next life?

For those who receive salvation through Jesus Christ.

5. Read John 14:6 and Romans 4:10-12. How can we be saved?

6. Read Matt 11:28-29 and Col 2:13-14. What does Jesus offer to do to/in our lives? What do you think Jesus meant by “weary and burdened” soul?

7. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, what will we become when we are in Christ?

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8. Read each of the following verses. What are the results of this new life (as mentioned in each of these verses)?

a. John 10:10 and Col 2:10.




b. John 14:27 and Eph 2:13-14




c. Romans 8:14-15




How can you receive salvation?

9. This is an act of faith on your part. a. Romans 10:17 – This faith can take place after you have heard

about Jesus Christ. b. Heb 11:6 – Faith expresses itself in following God‟s will in

addition to believing in God. c. The devils even believe in God – James 2:19. However they

do not follow God‟s will.

10. Faith expresses itself in a number of ways a. You must confess your sins to God – Rom 3:23, 1 John 1:9 b. You must repent of that sin, i.e., turn from that sin to Jesus –

Luke 13:3, Acts 26:17-20 c. You must receive Jesus, i.e. , commit your life to Him – John

3:16, John 1:12 d. Lastly, you must in faith, confess that Jesus is the new Lord of

your life – Romans 10:9

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11. You can do each of these things now by praying to God. Remember what they are:

a. Confessing that you are a sinner. b. Repentance from sin c. Accepting Jesus d. Confessing Jesus as your Lord

Key Verses 1 John 5:11 - 12 (NIV)

11And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Next Lesson In the next lesson we will look deeper at the work of Jesus Christ and the salvation that He has made available through His death and resurrection.

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Bible Studies for use with Enquirers 29

I. McL. Hawley, S. Citro, and G. Craanen 28/10/2008

Lesson 8 – Jesus Christ and You (Your response)

Objectives - In this lesson, you will be presented again with God‟s salvation plan

through Jesus Christ. - The aim of this lesson is to reinform you to the clear message of God‟s

salvation and clear instruction as to how you can receive salvation.


- Like lesson 7, the aim of this lesson is NOT to push you to receive salvation. This lesson serves only to present Jesus and His plan to save you as clear as possible. The decision is totally yours.

- It is our prayer that God will continue to reveal Himself to you in a personal way, that you will be able to know Him personally, and accept Him as your personal saviour and Lord.

Previous Lesson In the previous lesson, you were presented with God‟s salvation plan for us through Jesus Christ. Is there any thing that you want to ask or comment before going on to this lesson‟s study?


Jesus Christ’s invitation to you.

1. Jesus told the Parable of the Lost Son in Luke 15:11-24. a. In this parable, who does the father represent?

b. In this parable, who does the younger son represent?

c. What did the younger son do to deserve his father‟s forgiveness?

Page 34: Evangelistic Bible Study - Lesson 1 to 8 - Enquirers Workbook

30 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

28/10/2008 I. McL. Hawley, S. Citro, and G. Craanen

2. Read Titus 3:3-7.

Why does God want to save us? How does He save us?

3. Jesus told the Parable of the Great Banquet in Luke 14:15-24.

The master in the parable depicts Jesus inviting people into His banquet. But the people made excuses for not accepting the invitation.

In the previous lesson, you have learnt the invitation that Jesus offers with regards to salvation. In order to receive salvation, we have to accept His invitation. If you have not accepted His invitation, is there any particular reason why you have not done so?


Page 35: Evangelistic Bible Study - Lesson 1 to 8 - Enquirers Workbook

Bible Studies for use with Enquirers 31

I. McL. Hawley, S. Citro, and G. Craanen 28/10/2008

Key Verses John 3:16 (NIV)

16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Page 36: Evangelistic Bible Study - Lesson 1 to 8 - Enquirers Workbook

32 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

28/10/2008 I. McL. Hawley, S. Citro, and G. Craanen


In the past eight lessons, you have learnt and studied about the life and the work of Jesus Christ. You have read about His power over nature, and His power to do miracles. You have learnt about His hatred toward sin and His love towards sinners. You have studied about His death and His resurrection, and their significance to God‟s salvation plan. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, be assured that that is the best decision in your life. As you began your journey walking and growing in the Lord, we hope that you will continue to learn from His Word and will continue to fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ to grow together and to encourage each other in love and unity. It is our prayer that God, through His Holy Spirit will continue to strengthen you in your walk with Christ through the good and tough times. It is also our prayer that you will let the people that you love – your friends, family members, colleagues – that have not known about Jesus about this new relationship that you have with Jesus. May you make God famous in all you do! If, however, you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, be assured that you have made the right decision to know and learn about Jesus. With this knowledge in your mind, my prayer is that someday, through some occasion or some circumstance in your life, God will touch your life and the knowledge you now have in your mind will become a conviction in your heart that Jesus is the way to God. We hope that you continue to seek Him personally in your daily life, and we trust that God will honour your journey and will reward your with a true and fresh revelation about Himself one day. Finally, it has been our privilege to journey with you in learning about Jesus. We trust that His Word that has been spoken and shared to you will not return void. As Jesus said in Luke 8:18 - “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” – It is our prayer that He will indeed find faith on the earth – in our hearts – yours and mine. Amen