Evaluation - Technologies

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What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

http://www.mpsaz.org/edtech/resources/googleapps/forms/images/new_purple_forms_logo.jpgPower Point And Word

I used both Power Point and Word for creating and doing the tasks for this work where both writing and images was needed. I varied which one I was using depending on the amount of images or writing needed. For tasks with more writing I tended to use Word and for tasks where images were needed I used Power Point.

I havent learnt a lot about this technology as I have used both parts of the software before. I did however become a bit quicker at using Power Point when I needed to find things such as the text boxes as previously I did not know where to find these but due to the amount I have had to use then in this work, I now know where they are located.

The advantages of using both of these softwares is that I already knew how to use them, this saved me time as I did not have to learn how to use something completely new. A disadvantage of using this software however is that you have to convert things to PDF and then upload them onto a website to be able to post things on the blog, as the blog can not have documents put on it.

Camera And Photo Studio Equipment

I used the camera and photo studio equipment such as lighting and a green screen for the photos for my magazine. I used the lighting to give a professional feel to the photos as well as to make it easier to see the model and have equal balance of light on both sides of her so there were no shadows. I used the green screen to make it easier to remove the background and change the colour.

I had used a camera before however I was never fully aware of all the other functions on a camera before such as shutter speed. I also had never used professional camera lighting before so I had to learn how to use the lighting and how to decided which lighting setting was the best for the photos which I was trying to create.

A advantage of using the studio equipment is that it helped make creating the magazine easier since the green screen was rather easy to take out of the photos. Another advantage is that the professional lighting gave my images a professional feel. A disadvantage to using and learning about the other camera functions was that it took me a little bit of time to figure out how it all worked and what kind of affect it had on the quality of the images take.

Google Forms

I used Google Forms to create a questionnaire for people to fill in so that I could find out different things about what people would want in a magazine.

I had only ever used Google Forms once before so I had to try and remember how to use it. I had re-learn how to close the form for answers and how to get the results of the questionnaire.

An advantage of using Google Forms was that it allowed me to close the form once I had enough answers. Another advantage is that it actually sorted the results out for me in a way which was easy to see the results. A disadvantage to this is the amount of time it took for me to re-learn and find out where everything was on Google Forms as Id only used it once before and it was a quite a while ago.


Blogger is a blogging site which I used to post all my work to. This meant that all of my work could be found and seen all in one place.

I had never used blogger before, so had no knowledge on how to use it properly. Whilst using Blogger I learnt what embedding things to your blog was and how to embed things to a blog. I also learnt how to put things such as images onto a blog.

An advantage to using blogger is that it meant all of my work was viewable in one place. A disadvantage to using this is that it took me a lot of time to find out about all the features on blogger and how to properly layout a blog.


Prezi is an online software which you can use to create spiderdiagrams. I used this software for parts on my work such as my initial ideas and the forms and conventions evaluation.

I had never used Prezi before. I had to learn how to properly use it and how to add images and get more places to put text in on the software.

An advantage to this software is that because it is all online, you can access your work from anywhere. Another advantage is that the software is completely free for you to use. A disadvantage is that to begin with I found myself getting quite confused with how to use the software and it took quite a bit of time to figure out how to properly use it and to locate where all of the tools were and how to do things such as put images onto the diagram.


I used SlideShare to upload and share powerpoint onto my blog, since you cannot directly put documents onto a blog.

I had never used this software before. I had to learn how to upload things onto the website and then how to get what Id uploaded onto my blog.

An advantage to this software is that it is free to use and doesnt cost you a thing. Another advantage to this is that because it is online you can access it anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. A disadvantage however is that it take a little bit of time to get used to and that it can be rather difficult to use at first.


I used this technology to download different types of fonts to use on my magazine which hadnt be currently installed on the computer.

I had never installed a font before or used this website. I had to learn how to download a font and then how to install it so that it is ready to use.

An advantage of this technology is that is it completely free to use, this is brilliant since there and hundreds of different fonts on there for you to use. Another advantage is that the website gives you different ways of searching for what type of font you want so like Classic or Horror when ends up saving a lot of time. A disadvantage to using something like this is that you do have to learn how to download fonts and how to install them, once you have learnt this however it becomes rather easy to download and install fonts.


I used Photoshop to create all three of the magazine products (Front cover, Contents page, Double page spread) on as well as using this software to edit all of the images so that they look professional.

I had never used Photoshop before so had to learn how to use different things such as the rulers, the spot healing brush tool and the quick selection tool which all made it easier to create more professional looking results and products.

An advantage to using Photoshop is that it is a very professional software, in both how it looks and how it works. Another advantage is that once you learn how everything works it becomes seriously easy to create professional looking edited image and products. A disadvantage to Photoshop is that it is a very expensive software. Another disadvantage is that although once you learn how to use everything it becomes seriously easy, it takes a long time learning how everything works.

The Spot Healing Brush Tool


Quick Selection Tool

Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level


Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master subtitle style


Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level


Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles


Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level


Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Click to edit Master text styles

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level


Click to edit Master title style



Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Click to edit Master text styles


Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles


Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level


Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level
