Evaluation task 1 final


Transcript of Evaluation task 1 final

Page 1: Evaluation task 1 final
Page 2: Evaluation task 1 final

Our scenes at the beginning when our male character is washing his hands is extremely similar to the scene in Aviator where Leonardo DiCaprio is washing his hands. This scene shows both characters in the different pieces washing away some sort of guilt which, in our piece, helps to build tension as the audience wonders what the cause of the guilt is.

When our female actor walks through the trees towards the bench it is extremely similar to a scene in Skins when Effy is walking through the woods. In both pieces it helps to build suspense and also almost helps the audience to sympathise with the character as you get the impression that the characters are slightly vulnerable.

Page 3: Evaluation task 1 final

Our title is practically exactly the same as popular war movie Black Hawk Down. The title helps to convey the end of the suspense and the start of the mystery, as the film begins. In both pieces the title is extremely powerful which gives a strong impression to the audience, encouraging them to continue watching.

The quick cuts we use as the suspense is building before the hanging is similar to the quick cuts used in Psycho to help build the suspense before the girl is stabbed in the shower. This is effective in both pieces as it builds tension before the shocking final shot. It also helps to make the final shot more powerful.In our final shot the our female character

steps off the bench as she hangs herself. When she hangs herself we have put a similar sound in, of the breaking of her neck, to the sound used in the hanging sequence in True Grit. This enhanced sound makes the shot more shocking and powerful, in both pieces.