Evaluation t7

Evaluation Evaluation for Task 1 Task 1 was one of the easier tasks out of the 7 I had, it consisted of market and image research for my character and game, the most challenging aspect of the task was finding the right target audience to ask about my game, and who will I be looking to publish my ideas to in the future and what audience is interested in similar game age groups to my game. Evaluation for Task 2 I enjoyed this task as it was all about idea generations, and looking for inspiration that would help get the final product that I wanted to achieve. The task consisted of written and image generations to help my overall product. Evaluation for Task 3 Task 3 was one of the most challenging tasks on the assignment, as it meant adding everything I had together to a current date and presenting it to a good standard, and also describing what the work was and why I chosen to go down the route I had chosen, describing the game itself, and how I was going to pull off the final piece of work and what it was going to be. Evaluation for Task 4 The planning aspect was a key factor, but not the most difficult, it just shown what I was had done on each date approximately and how long it took me to complete each task so I could get onto the next one on schedule. Evaluation for Task 5 The production log was just a brief description of what I had achieved on each day or week of the schedule, it explained my completed work tasks and what tasks remained by the certain date. Evaluation for Task 6 The presentation of the final piece didn’t really turn out to what I expected it to be, I had worked with charcoal before and had enjoyed the work itself, and the



Transcript of Evaluation t7

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Evaluation for Task 1

Task 1 was one of the easier tasks out of the 7 I had, it consisted of market and image research for my character and game, the most challenging aspect of the task was finding the right target audience to ask about my game, and who will I be looking to publish my ideas to in the future and what audience is interested in similar game age groups to my game.

Evaluation for Task 2

I enjoyed this task as it was all about idea generations, and looking for inspiration that would help get the final product that I wanted to achieve. The task consisted of written and image generations to help my overall product.

Evaluation for Task 3

Task 3 was one of the most challenging tasks on the assignment, as it meant adding everything I had together to a current date and presenting it to a good standard, and also describing what the work was and why I chosen to go down the route I had chosen, describing the game itself, and how I was going to pull off the final piece of work and what it was going to be.

Evaluation for Task 4

The planning aspect was a key factor, but not the most difficult, it just shown what I was had done on each date approximately and how long it took me to complete each task so I could get onto the next one on schedule.

Evaluation for Task 5

The production log was just a brief description of what I had achieved on each day or week of the schedule, it explained my completed work tasks and what tasks remained by the certain date.

Evaluation for Task 6

The presentation of the final piece didn’t really turn out to what I expected it to be, I had worked with charcoal before and had enjoyed the work itself, and the final outcome was one of best pieces I had engaged in. But the character charcoal design didn’t turn out the same as I found it extremely difficult to not smudge the charcoal, get the right tones, and get in as much detail as possible with such a material as charcoal. The task was difficult but I’d say worth it overall in the end.

The assignment as a whole

I thought the assignment was challenging, but yet fun and engaging to some degree in certain aspects, I have gained some handy new skills over this short amount of time to complete the assignment, and I am thoroughly impressed with how the assignment came together as a whole.

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During the extension or a 5 week period I completed Tasks 1 – 7.

Here are the descriptions of what I completed and why:

I also looked into character designs, from my main inspiration for the design Hell Boy, and also Crisis and Bleach. I also included alternate designs that I was going to base my design off and use it as inspiration but I decided to use the other images instead, I have included all the images that helped me create the character. I also completed some research into the client to make sure I had a good understanding of their history as a company and to make sure I produced a piece of work that they could graphically relate to given the genre of games they make.

I added more images to show more images that I took my designs from, some of the images weren’t used as much as others, but I had made plans to make alternate designs for the client using some of the other images, I also added images in that were based off my drawings which were used to give me something to go off when designing my character. I removed all of the unnecessary images and work that were completed after the pitch rather than prior to it, The evidence for my pitch is included in the other tasks, and I had not fully finished the pitch and the work at the time of the pitch.

I completed task 4 during the time extension, prior to the extension I only completed one table which I thought was all you had to do, this wasn’t the case and I had to complete another 13 of them during the extension to show which pieces of work I scheduled to complete on which dates.

I had to update task 5 as I had to show the production on what I had completed and when I completed it, prior to the deadline I had not fully explained my work, and having needed an extension, I needed to go back and write up what I had added by the last day. I improved task 6 simply by adding more evidence of work and how I spent my time in the tasks, such as designing weapons and alternate character designs which didn’t make it to the final piece of work.

If you read the above and look at the extension schedule, you can see which work I completed on which dates.

Extension Start