Evaluation Question Two


Transcript of Evaluation Question Two



GROUPSEvaluation Question Two – Molly Nunney

The way I have represented my readers of my magazine is through the use of my feature photograph. I used this to represent young white females as confident and strong by having direct eye contact with the camera and by the attitude she gives in the photo. The photo also gives off a sense of intelligence which again is shown as a characteristic of young white female. By having the model wearing glasses it gives a sense of intelligence without having to dress sophisticated and can still keep the stylish edge of a teenage female. Dressing the model in a white stylish top also portrays my targeted audience as pure and innocent but having the darker lipstick colour gives off a sense of mystery. This gives off that young women are represented in the media pure and innocent but can also have a different side that can be seen through the way they choose to present themselves or through other ways such as hobbies, past times and social media.

The way I have represented my target audience in my contents page is through the use of my photographs and by the content of my articles. The way that young white males would be represented in my magazine is cool and calm, by the attitude the model is giving off and the way he seems to be brushing his hand through his hair and brushing something off. The way young white females again are represented are that they are independent, edgy and strong. This is shown through the attitude that comes across through the picture and looking dead on at the camera, slightly smirking without looking nervous or slightly shy. Through the use of text and my third picture on my contents page I represented past times and hobbies of my target audience and what they would be into in their free time. This shows young people being interested in music, gigs and artists lives and how they became who they are and their rise.

Double Page SpreadOn my double page spread I was able to use my photograph and the use of text in my Q and A style article. This allowed me to portray the usual language of a young person and show what they might say to certain scenarios. My photograph that I used for my double page spread represents young people as artistic and fun due the colourful and artsy background that I used in my photo. This also captures the background that my target audience has. By having my model this time without glasses and smiling slightly more at the camera shows a different side to my front cover and contents page. This represents young people as fun and creative, showing they can also have a younger side to their personalities. Through my Q and A style interview I was able to show the way that my target audience may speak or react to certain situations. I was able to capture the idiolect of someone that would be reading my magazine through my article. By mentioning technologies such as YouTube and apps for mobile phones this will attract young people to the magazine and also represents how young people are interest in this type of technology and what they would be drawn too. By using popular names such as Jessie J, Ellie Goulding, Amy Winehouse and Mumford and sons this represents they style of audience and what music they’d be into as they’re buying this magazine with these names featured. Using quite mature language with no colloquial terms but still keeping the answers informal represents the maturity of young readers but still keeping in with the younger feel of the magazine and they way that young males and females choose to present themselves.