Evaluation question six

Question Six What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Transcript of Evaluation question six

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Question Six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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The beginningAt the start of media knowledge of technology was average at using the computers, such as uploading single files however my knowledge of how to use Photoshop and InDesign were very limited especially InDesign. The majority of my work was done on an Acer desktop computer, with some of it done on a laptop.

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Photo-shootFor my photo-shoots I used a Nikon D40 camera. In my first photo-shoot I knew how to zoom and take the photo due to my basic understanding. Throughout the duration of my shoots I have learnt select the correct setting for the surroundings allowing me to take the best possible photo. I also use the gridlock feature in my photo-shoots, this places grids onto the screen when taking the photo, so you can easily locate the centre of the shot. This was useful when attempting to align my model centrally. Another feature I learnt during the photo-shoots was to change the aperture, this controls the amount of light entering the camera effecting my photos.

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Text on the magazineAll of my text was copied and pasted into word and spell checked to avoid grammar and spelling errors. I also used synonyms to see if there was a better alternative to the words I already wrote.

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Pictures on the magazine

Once my pictures had been uploaded onto the computer, I opened them up in Photoshop CS6. Before this I have never had any experience of this programme, so it was all new to me. I began by removing the backgrounds from the images using the quick selection tool to do this. But I gradually learnt it would not work this way every time, so I had to use the magic wand tool which allowed me to remove all of the background, also I learn to change the tolerance of the tool so it would increase the amount of background selected or decrease the amount selected. I then used the air brush tool to remove any imperfections from the image. This often happened when removing the background, as it left a bumpy outline. I managed to do this after spending lots of my free time playing around with the software and watching tutorial to understand it.

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InDesignAfter I edited the pictures on Photoshop, I used InDesign to create my double page spread which allowed me in import my edited photos from photo-shop. I have never used this programme before and I really struggled to get to grips with it to start with, but as I spent more and more time in lessons and my frees using it I have improved massively. This software allowed me to create in line text and use a variety of fonts to bring out the quirkiness and house style that appeals to my target audience. I also learnt how to use the kerning tool to remove gaps in between my text, as well as the stretch tool.

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EdublogsBy using the blogging site, ‘Edublogs’ I was able to communicate ideas through to people and measure responses which helped me in the development of my magazine. Using the site to blog all the processes in creating my magazine really helped as I was able to keep up to date with all my work. I was able to post any developments whenever I wanted. It also came with the advantage of being able to look at other blogs. I could create ideas and develop similar designs from others.

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YouTubeYouTube was one of the most important websites I used as I was able to find tutorials on how to use certain features of Photoshop and InDesign that I could not use. One of the tutorials was on how to actually use Photoshop with all of the tools and basics on editing photos-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-u-OYz2qaU

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I have never used Prezi before but I saw it and thought it would be a good way for me answer one of the evaluation question. I am confident in using this type of technology as I found it very easy and simple to use but shows my question in a smart way. I believe this is a fantastic way of creating an excellent power point which great visual effects.

I have also used hyperlinks to the different sites I have used. On the last page I have embedded a video which is to show what I could also do to sell magazines.

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Making an app

I have built my own app for my magazine. I believe this would be a massive advantage over my competitors as none of them have branched out in to this market yet. I have looked at the pricing of the app and i think it would be reasonable to price the app at £1.69.

I thought with technology become better and better, my target audience would be more interested in downloading and buying an app rather than buying the magazine.

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I have decided to also make a QR code. I thought this would be a good idea as people don't actually know what it is until they scan the picture with there smartphones. I believe this would be a good thing to do as i could get the code put on to t-shirts, hats and bags which would create a media hype because people don't know what it is until the scan it. This would help me to sell magazines as it would appeal to my target audience, using technology.

Making my own QR code

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To conclude, thanks to the making of the product, I have learnt how to use some complex techniques about how to use Photoshop and InDesign at a high standard, and where each tool comes in handy. But also through tutorials on YouTube, all these forms of technology are responsible for the three products I have created.