Evaluation question power point

Evaluation question "how did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation"



Transcript of Evaluation question power point

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Evaluation question

"how did you use new media technologies in the construction,

research, planning and evaluation"

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"how did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and

evaluation" During my construction, planning, research and evaluation I used a lot of

different media technologies to help create my media products. One of the main media technologies I used during this project would be Google. I used Google a lot in the research and planning stages of the creation of my products. I found that although I had used Google before when I was using it to research different film genres and types of film I was getting too many results that were not related to what I was looking for. This lead to me learning how to use Google advanced search to narrow down this search. This works by typing in key words that must be involved in the articles that it finds. This lead to me more efficiently finding thing relevant to what I was looking for.

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Another very useful media technology that I learnt to use during this project would be “I movie” software. This was useful during the construction phase of creating my trailer. I hadn't used I movie software before this project. This wasn't a problem as I quickly became confident with using it to edit my trailer together. I also found that the I movie software made it very easy to make a professional looking film trailer in a relatively short amount of time.

Although I learnt how to do most things very quickly there were some things that I didn't yet understand, for these things I used I movies link to apple and searched through their tutorial videos, this made it easy to learn how to do different thing with the I movie software.

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Blogger was another useful media technologies I came to use during all of the stages of my production. This was because Blogger is a website and as the name implies allows you to create Blogs. I used Blogger to create a Blog on which I have displayed my entire project. I hadn't used a Blogging site before I started this project. I found it very useful as I could display multiple types of files and content on the Blog with relative ease. It also meant that I could access and work on my Blog from anywhere at anytime. Blogger also allowed me to add content from other websites like scribd, you tube, slide share etc. This meant I could learn how to use a variety of other websites during this project.Blogger also allowed me to keep

an archive of all of my posts that I have uploaded, I found this useful as if I needed to change anything I could easily locate it and change it.

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You tube was also useful at all of the stages of the production. This was because If I ever had a query on anything or how or what something was, I could search it in you tube and sure enough there would be a video that could explain it. This also meant that during the research and planning stages I could easily look t what other people had done in there course work and also what real trailers had done. This meant that I could gain a wide amount of knowledge about conventions used in there trailers and also helped me to think about what I wanted to show and use in my own trailer. You tube was also useful when it came to showing my trailer to a wider audience. This was because I could upload it and then let other people comment and view it on the internet. This was good because it meant I could display my trailer to a large amount of people in a short amount of time.

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I used a apple Mac book to do most of the computer based work. I found this very useful to use because It was compatible with the I movie software. It also had the drag and drop system this meant I could easily sort files and images. The apple Mac books were also useful because they were quite fast at processing things in general. This was another technology I didn't know how to use before I started this project. Learning to use the Mac was originally a bit trail and error but after a while I became better at using this technology.

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Photoshop was another useful technology I used. Photoshop is a software used to edit photos. I found that this was very useful when making my ancillary tasks as Photoshop is the same software the professionals use when making magazine covers and film posters.

This meant that I could create products that looked quite professional and original. When learning to use this software I found that the tutorials built within it allowed me to more easily learn how to use different techniques.

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Some of the other technologies I used during the project are shown below. I didn't use these as much as the others but they were still important during this project.

I found that when uploading files like Microsoft power points and Microsoft word documents it was very useful. This was mainly because it was extremely fast to upload and the system was very user friendly.

I used Sound cloud when uploading my sound track for my trailer. I found this a easy system to use as it wasn't hard to link into my main Blog

I used a JVC camcorder to film my production. I found this was good because I could easily upload my shots from filming onto the Mac book laptops I was working on.