Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? What software/hardware did you use in the process of producing your media text? RESEARCH: Internet (Google Chrome) Blackboard (resources such as magazine media packs) Microsoft Powerpoint (market research, analysis, survey results) Adobe Premier Pro (editing of interview) Youtube (uploading interview) Survey Monkey (creating survey) Slide Share (transferring powerpoints onto blog) Social Media (sharing survey) Photoshop (preliminary exercise) Microsoft Word (Contents mock up) Blogger (storing all work) PLANNING: Microsoft Powerpoint (Pitch Document/Photography plan) I used coloured pens and paper to create mock-up dummies and then scanned them onto a computer Microsoft word (Reader Profile) Blogger PRODUCTION: Photoshop (editing photographs, construction of cover and contents) Adobe In design (Double page spread) Adobe Bridge (Cover sheet) Photography studio with lighting/camera • Blogger Microsoft Word (construction of double page spread article) EVALUATION: Microsoft Powerpoint • Blogger Microsoft word Slide Share

Transcript of Evaluation: Question 6

Page 1: Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What software/hardware did you use in the process of producing your media text?

RESEARCH:• Internet (Google Chrome)• Blackboard (resources such as magazine media packs)• Microsoft Powerpoint (market research, analysis, survey results)• Adobe Premier Pro (editing of interview)• Youtube (uploading interview)• Survey Monkey (creating survey)• Slide Share (transferring powerpoints onto blog)• Social Media (sharing survey)• Photoshop (preliminary exercise)• Microsoft Word (Contents mock up)• Blogger (storing all work)

PLANNING:• Microsoft Powerpoint (Pitch Document/Photography plan)• I used coloured pens and paper to create mock-up dummies

and then scanned them onto a computer• Microsoft word (Reader Profile)• Blogger

PRODUCTION:• Photoshop (editing photographs, construction of cover and contents)• Adobe In design (Double page spread)• Adobe Bridge (Cover sheet)• Photography studio with lighting/camera• Blogger• Microsoft Word (construction of double page spread article)

EVALUATION:• Microsoft Powerpoint• Blogger• Microsoft word• Slide Share

Page 2: Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the process, there was a lot of technologies that I was already fairly familiar with (e.g Powerpoint, Word, Youtube etc). However, there were some programmes which prior to this task, I had no experience with. After using them for many ways throughout my coursework, there are many things I have learned about different technologies.

When I started the process, I had no experience with blogger or how it worked. I had to learn how to post, change the layout of the blog itself and embed html codes that linked to things such as my survey and powerpoints uploaded to slideshare. The layout of blogger is very different to programmes such as Microsoft word and things such as changing the font took me a while to get used to. I now feel confident with blogger as it has been the basis of my coursework and I have become a lot more confident at using it.

Before the production, I had no experience of photoshop apart from the creation of my preliminary task, so my skills were quite limited. Through the process, I learnt how to edit levels of photos in order to make them look more effective, use the blemish tool to hide any imperfections my model may have, use the selection tool to duplicate layers in order to either have the model over the masthead or duplicate layers of hair in order to make it thicker and voluminous. I also learnt in the final stages of my production to convert the format of my image from a psd (photoshop document) into a JPEG in order to be able to post it onto my blog. In the production of my contents page, I learnt how to use the transformation tool to change the size of an image without altering the proportions and to use the guides in order to help me keep my text in a 3 column layout.

Page 3: Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In Design was also key to my construction process as it was the programme I used to construct my double page spread. This I found more complex than photoshop primarily because I had had no experience prior to starting. The main things that I learnt on in design was to set my layout into 6 columns and link the text boxes so my text flowed through the columns as I typed it instead of having to cut and paste. The other important thing I learned with in design is that to change the colour of the text, for example, you needed the specific CYMK code. To do this you could link the programme up with photoshop and use the colour picker tool to find the CMYK code and transfer this to In design and get an exact colour match. This was key in my construction to find the shade of orange I had chosen as the primary colour for my magazine as it was important that it was consistent throughout.

Using Premier Pro enabled me to edit my interview and upload it to youtube. Before I completed this part, my editing knowledge was very basic. I could add different clips together in order to create one video and was able to trim footage, however I could not alter sound levels, add transitions or edit brightness levels in the picture itself. I learnt how to add in title sequences in order to be able to have my question on the screen so it is easier and clear to understand. I then edited sound levels to mute my voice as I asked the question on the original recording then restore the levels when my subject began to answer. Using premier pro helped me present some of my market research in a more concise yet more exciting way.

Page 4: Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I also developed my photography skills throughout the process. I knew how to work a camera and use flash however that was as far as my knowledge went as I am used to taking pictures on devices such as mobile phones. This process enabled me to select the right mode on the camera (e.g automatic) and be able to get my pictures in focus in order to make them clearer and of better quality. I used studio facilities in order to get the best lighting possible for my cover shot but shooting on location meant it was key I knew how to adjust things such as the flash and zoom in order to get the best quality photograph.

Survey monkey was a site that was new to me however enabled me to collect and analyse research very easily. I learnt how to create a survey and decide whether I wanted to have multiple choice answers or written answers etc.. I then shared it on my social networks (twitter/facebook) in order to collect some responses. Survey monkey then presented my results through statistics and bar charts, enabling me to analyse my results quickly and easily.

Slide share was another site that was a new experience. I learnt how to upload powerpoint presentations onto the website, I did this because you cannot transfer them directly to blogger as they are not saved as JPEGs. I then learnt how to transfer the embed code into the html option on blogger which meant that the powerpoint showed up on my blog, instead of a link that directs you to another site.

Page 5: Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This process has taught me a lot about many different areas of technology which have helped me to construct a media product to the best of my ability. I don’t believe that this task would have been possible without the various types of technology used because technological convergence is key in the media industry is key in order to create the best possible media product. I feel that using my knowledge and the skills that I have gained has enabled me to produce something that I am proud of.