Evaluation Question



This is the evaluation question five, for my AS opening

Transcript of Evaluation Question

Evaluation question

Evaluation questionQuestion five By Harry BagnallHow did you attract/address your audience?Throughout our two minute opening we used various different forms of media in an attempt to appeal and attract our target audience. As our opening is of the horror genre, we conducted some research, as can be seen in previous blog posts, to find out what our target audience would be and concluded that our opening would be geared towards the youth, starting at 18 and ending at 25, we have not target either gender when producing this opening. I will show you how various shots we used where done in an attempt to attract our target audience. Example 1

We started the opening by instantaneously attempting to grab the audiences attention with a news broadcasting reel. This was for multiple done reasons.The second reason was to shock the audience, we wanted it to seem Asif the film had been interrupted for a real broadcast and as we were targeting a young audience the chances are that they wont be regular viewers of the news so they could be suppressed. This was done in an attempt to make the piece seem more genuine and realistic. As if a teenage girl was to go missing it would be on the news.Example 2

We felt by including a picture of a teenage girl on the news would make the piece feel more realistic and engage the audience to another level. With us predicting our demographic of this film to be 50% female we hoped that we would be able to address the female viewership, with unfortunately allot of the teenagers that get abducted in this country being of that gender. Thus allowing the audience to sympathise with the character and actually getting in contact with there own fear.With this being the second shot in our opening, we wanted to continue with the news theme in the hope to furthermore shock the audince. This scene actually takes place after the events of the opening which actually forebodes the events, allowing to build up and create the suspense in the opening two minutes. Attracting the audience Also the way in which the film was shot is also key when looking on how to attract the audience. Only two characters are ever shown in the opening of the film, the two are both dressed in dark clothing suggesting danger which is usually how media conglomerates portray evil through clothing, props and lighting. The male characters face is never clearly shown when is another way in which the audience becomes attracted to the film; they are always wondering who this man is and what he is doing following the girl, we know she is missing however we are unsure if this man is the reason for that.The news reel was added at the beginning as we felt that you always need to be able to understand the works of a film when watching otherwise the underlying meanings become extremely hard to graspExample 3

The antagonist in our opening is wearing:DarkLimitedBlackSuspicious

We always wanted to try and keep the antagonist a secret, mysterious character as in many other films of this genre the antagonist is very rarely shown. We hoped that it would keep the audience guessing to what this man looked like, keeping them engaged till the end.Example 4

When inserting the title sequence we thought it was vital to intertwine them into the actual film, as we felt the way to attract the audience was not to have the screen filled with words but rather let the titles enter the screen naturally, similar to other films of the genre. Whilst editing we wanted the titles font to be worn down and have there own creepy and disturbing film to them, as can be seen above left