Evaluation question

The preliminary task wasn’t well planned or rehearsed the dialogue was rushed. The final product was well developed with better dialogue

Transcript of Evaluation question

The preliminary task wasn’t well planned or rehearsed the dialogue was rushed. The final product was well developed

with better dialogue

The preliminary task storyboard. The final product initial ideas and


The preliminary task had limited shot types

The final product had different types of shots

We learnt how to use the editing program Adobe premiere pro CS5 so were able to edit and apply additional effects to the task.

Through the preliminary task we learnt how to edit and apply effect on the final product

• We were able to apply the knowledge from the knowledge from the PT effectively e.g. we were able as a group to decide which areas of the product that needed to be edited e.g. scenes that were too long, remove extra scenes that were not need or retake scenes.

• The task help us work as a group e.g. cooperating sharing the workload equally between us. We were able to decide collectively on what scenes needed to be changed or improved, also we learnt how to be a team worker e.g. attend to all lessons and meet after and before college to film the final product.