evaluation question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Evaluation Question 4

Transcript of evaluation question 4

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation Question 4

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Tumblr•Tumblr has been the blogging site that we

have chosen to use to post all of our planning, research, and production too.

•It has been a helpful site as we could follow each other and see the research and planning that we were each doing

•The tags are also a great element as it has meant that my blog is much easier to navigate.

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Tumblr•Tumblr has been useful in all stages as

it’s versatility means I was able to upload or embed almost any type of file- I uploaded videos of our focus group in the research stage, embedded scribd files in the planning stage, and Prezis in the evaluation stage.

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Scribd•Scribd allowd me to scan in my hand-

drawn story board into the computer, and embed it into Tumblr as one file

•This made the story board easier to read and navigate than if it had been uploaded in the format of jpegs.

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Survey Monkey•Survey Monkey was a key tool in our

research stage•It allowed us to specifically ask our target

audience what they wanted out of a music video, as we could ask people to take our survey by simply sending an email

•It also gave us clear and easy to read graphs so that analysing our data was made a lot easier

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Google•Google was the search engine that I used

whilst completing this product•It allowed me to find the relevant things

when doing my research•I could simply search for a magazine

advert and I would have hundreds at my fingertips

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Mobile phones•Mobile phones were key when organising

our filming sessions•We were able to contact each other to

arrange the time and place•We could also save the times and dates

into the built-in calendars, helping us organise our time better

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Computers•Without computers we could not have

completed any stage of the process•We used the internet to reasearch things•We used the editing program premier pro to

create our animatic for planning and also to create our final product

•Photoshop was also used to create my ancillary texts

•None of these could have been done without a computer

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Digital Cameras•These allowed us to create a high quality

video•We also used an iPhone 5s camera in

order to get more frames per second so that we could turn that footage into slow motion

•We also used an SLR to film some of our video which allowed us to be more creative and use different techniques such as focus pulls

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Adobe Premier Pro•This program allowed me to use it’s

position and scale tools to fulfil our idea of faces cut into quarters

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Adobe Premier Pro•Premier pro also helped with the

evaluation- we could overlay our voices in order to discuss which conventions we followed or challenged

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Photoshop•I used photoshop in order to create my

ancillary texts•I used the liquify tool in order to blur

Daphne’s eyes on the digipak•I also used the hue and saturation

gradients in order to change the colours of the powder on my advert

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YouTube•YouTube was really helpful in the

research stage as it gave me thousands of music videos at my fingertips, allowing me to find ones from the same genre as mine, and find conventions easily.

•It was also helpful in the production process as we could upload test videos, first cuts, and the final product to YouTube

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Facebook • Facebook helped in the evaluation stage• As our target audience are in the same age range as us,

many of our facebook friends are too, and so we posted a link of our first cut to facebook in order to get feedback before committing to a final product

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Prezi• Prezi was useful in the evaluation stage as it allowed me to

present my thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise way• It was also a great way to include images and text in the

same place, in order to analyse them