Evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 4

Transcript of Evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 4


– For my music video the main hardware I used was my camera and tripod. These were very helpful as I was able to film my video with good quality and the tripod made it easy for me to create a steady shot when I was filming. These two are very important in the construction of a video/photographs.

– I also used a 16GB memory card in my camera so I had a large amount of storage and my recordings were in a safe place and I could easily insert it into the back of my mac, which is also another hardware device I used.

– Another really important object I used throughout my course was my memory stick. This abled me to save my work and take it home.

– I used my ipod to edit short videos for my blog


– The main software I used on my mac was Final Cut Pro. This was an extremely useful software to use to edit my videos as it was simple to use once I figured it out and it abled me to do effects in my video like slow and fast motion, reverse, crop and highlights. Unfortunately this was hard for me to understand at first and took a long time to grasp the software.

– Blogger was also a main software as it was the one I posted my work on, this was a good software to use as it was easy and I was able to post my work in order. It was sometimes very hard to upload my work as I never seem to have good wifi connection.

– I also used imovie on my ipod, which was easy for me as I had used it before. However since my ipod has small keys it was hard to crop my videos to the time I wanted them to be.

– For my ancillary texts I used photoshop, which I had to remind myself about from last year as it was a long time since I had used it, however I picked it up quickly and found it easy enough to edit my photos.

– The main dilemma I had to face was the different weathers when I was filming, as the first day shooting it was extremely cold, the second time it was cold and windy and the third time it was sunny and bright; this meant the brightness was different throughout my video.

– Another issue that went wrong was having to change my video slightly because the tide was in the third time filming, so I didn’t have the same beach to film on.

– While I was editing I found it very hard to match the lyrics to my actress singing as she found it difficult to sing along correctly because she could not hear properly because of the wind, however after filming three times we were able to get them synced.

– I also had trouble finding the effects I wanted, so I ended up changing them for something different.

Issues while filming

Issues with editing

With this shot I especially had some trouble because at any angle I did, the sun would make the photo screen look very dark and give a lot of trouble with seeing it. Unfortunately no matter what I tried it would not work, as putting shade over the phone effected the whole video.

What went well?

– I thought my end product for my music video went well considering all the troubles I had while filming, and the different weathers which effected my filming a lot. Also, I thought the fact it doesn’t follow conventions worked really well with the end product.

– If I had to do something differently I would have created scenes inside so the weather did not effect my video as much, and made it less difficult to edit and fit it all together.

As I said before, the software I used to edit my video was photoshop. This was very useful to insert very quick clips of video (as seen in the photo above) as I was able to zoom in as far as I wanted and cut the video down to the size I wanted. This made my editing very easy.

Also, I was able to crop my videos when things went wrong (there was a tripod in the background in the photo above). I used this a lot to get rid of something I did not like in the shot or to cover up the tripod that I had accidently filmed.